Activity Guide
Activity Guide
Activity Guide
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a grant
from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Welcome to UPI
On days when there is not an activity, there will be a demonstration or in-class problem in which there will be
graded student participation, So Dont Plan On Missing Any Classes. The exams will cover lab/practicum as well
as lecture. The lab and lecture experience are very closely tied in the University Physics sequence.
While many contributed to this manual, (special thanks to Mark Jorgensen!) please direct comments to Dr.
Gay Stewart. She is to blame for any errors. She also doesnt like late night phone calls, so now might be a good
time to get a couple of phone numbers from your lab partners for that rare occasion when you wait until late to
start your homework (of course I realize that most of the time you are all going to have good study habits and
do it in time to ask questions in class).
UPI was designed with the intention that you will go to office hours when you need help! Please remember
this useful resource, as homework is very important.
A short word from the authors of this lab manual: Many students find their first physics course difficult; most
students find that physics challenges their thinking skills in new ways. Research has shown that students who
learn to think about physics in terms of concepts, as well as mathematics, have a more complete and practical
understanding of the material. The non-mathematical Pre-Lab questions included with each activity are intended
to probe your thinking about the essential issues in each activity. We hope that careful consideration of these
questions before each lab session will help make the activities more productive for you. Your answers should be
your own work, but you are encouraged to discuss them with your instructor, classmates, lab partners, and your
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity - Measurements
Activity - Freefall
10 Activity - Freebody
21 Activity - Demo
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a grant
from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 1
Understanding Motion
Starting next time, there will be questions you must answer BEFORE you come to class, so be ready!
We begin by examining types of graphs of motion and deciding what aspect of motion each type represents.
You will also translate between graphical and verbal descriptions of motion.
On the computer desktop, double click on DataStudio.
A window will appear when the program opens. Click on Open Activity and open the DataStudio Activity
named: Act1-1.
The computer is now set to make the first type of graph of your motion. Note that for now the labels on
the axes of the graph are generic: x and y. You can make a graph by having another group member click the
Start button for you and then you move toward and away from the detector. You need to be facing the detector,
so you can see the graph you produce as you walk. Each person should make at least one graph.
Hint: Your data will be better if you are at least 40 cm from the detector.
Draw-1.1:Reproduce the graphs on the axes below.
Predict-1.2:Do this one by yourself! What do you think the y-value on the graph represents? The x-value?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Analysis-1.4:If you were to pick single words to use as labels for each axis, what would they be? Why?
Check with your TA before you go on. Be prepared to share your results in a class discussion
Whose labels are right? It is the meaning, what the words and labels are intended to represent, which is important.
If we can agree on the meaning, then any labels or words can be deemed right because we have agreed to use
them. It is the meanings, the understandings, which are really important. Since the textbook will be a major
reference for us, and since physicists in general mean some pretty specific thing with certain words, we will use
the words the physicists use. You will see that often in this class. I will try to be very careful when introducing
a common word that has a specific meaning in physics, and if you ever arent clear, never, ever be afraid to ask!
Find out what labels the average physicist uses on this type of graph by opening the DataStudio workbook named
Act1-2. Dont do anything with it yet, except look at the labels on the graph.
Draw-1.5:Using what you have seen so far, on the axes below...
1. Draw what you think the graph will look like for a steady, slow motion, away from the detector. Label this
line turtles away.
2. Draw what you think the graph will look like for a steady, fast motion, away from the detector. Label this
line hares away.
3. Draw what you think the graph will look like for a steady, slow motion, toward the detector. Label this line
turtle to.
4. Draw what you think the graph will look like for a steady, fast motion, toward the detector. Label this line
hare to.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Position (m)
Time (seconds)
Analysis-1.6:(Answer by yourself) Explain why you think the graphs will look like this.
Analysis-1.7:What is the primary difference between the lines for faster and slower motions on a position-time
Analysis-1.8:What is the primary difference between the lines for motions toward and away on a position-time
Compare with Prediction-1.9:Compare with your lab partners. If they have different predictions, draw them in
with additional lines, labeling these lines as appropriate and indicate who made each prediction. In the space
below, write their reasoning behind their predictions.
Have each member of the group move slowly and steadily away from the detector while facing the detector and
the computer screen. Note the ways in which these graphs do and do not match the predictions you and your
group have made.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Using a dashed line sketch the typical graph which results from this motion on the axes above. Label this
line slow me away.
Next, have each member of the group move faster than before, but still steadily away from the detector,
while facing the detector and the computer screen. Label this dashed line fast me away.
Next, have each member of the group move slowly and steadily toward the detector, while facing the
detector and the computer screen. Label this dashed line slow me to.
Next, have each member of the group move faster and steadily toward the detector, while facing the detector
and the computer screen. Label this dashed line fast me to.
Analysis-1.11:What appears to be the difference between slower and faster motions on these position-time graphs?
Does this agree with your prediction? If so, you do not have to rewrite your answer.
Compare with Prediction-1.12:If there were predictions that did not match the actual graphs, discuss with your
group and see if you can come up with something which might explain the discrepancy. Record the ideas your
group considers below as you discuss this issue.
Check with your TA before you go on. Be prepared to share your results in a class discussion.
Check with your TA before you go on. Be prepared to share your results in a class discussion.
Lets continue to examine our own ideas about motion, but with a new type of graph. To understand what aspects
of motion are illustrated in this second type of graph, we will use our own experiences moving as we make these
new graphs.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Open the DataStudio workbook named Act1-4. This computer is now set to make a different kind of graph
of your motion. Note that for now the labels on the axes of the graph are again generic: x and y.
Observe-1.15:Each group member should make some motions in front of the detector. Make these motions calm
and steady, but do them at different speeds. Record your results on the axes below.
Analysis-1.16:(By yourself) How would you describe what is being represented on the x-axis and the y-axis of this
graph? Please indicate why it makes sense to you to use these particular labels.
Compare with Prediction-1.17:Compare notes with your lab partners. Were their descriptions different than yours?
If so, record them. Can you come to a group consensus as to the descriptions for what is being represented on
the x- and y-axes? Record this information below.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Check with your TA before you go on. Be prepared to share your results in a class discussion.
Find out what the average physicist thinks are appropriate labels by opening the DataStudio workbook named
Act1-5. Again, just look at the labels on the graph. Dont DO anything with it until you make your predictions.
Draw-1.18:Using what you have seen so far, on the axes below...
1. Draw what you think the graph will look like for a steady slow motion, away from the detector. Label this
line turtles away.
2. Draw what you think the graph will look like for a steady fast motion, away from the detector. Label this
line hares away.
3. Draw what you think the graph will look like for a steady slow motion, toward the detector. Label this line
turtles to.
4. Draw what you think the graph will look like for a steady fast motion, toward the detector. Label this line
hares to.
Velocity (m/s)
Time (seconds)
Predict-1.19:In the space below, explain why you think the graphs will look like this.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Now have each member of the group move slowly and steadily away from the detector while facing the
detector and the computer screen. Note the ways in which these graphs do and do not match the predictions
you and your group have made. Using a dashed line sketch the typical graph which results from this motion
on the axes above. Label this line slow me away.
Next, have each member of the group move faster than before, but still steadily away from the detector,
while facing the detector and the computer screen. Label this dashed line fast me away.
Next, have each member of the group move slowly and steadily toward the detector, while facing the
detector and the computer screen. Label this dashed line slow me to.
Next, have each member of the group move faster and steadily toward the detector, while facing the detector
and computer screen. Label this dashed line fast me to.
Analysis-1.21:What appears to be the difference between slower and faster motions on these velocity-time graphs?
Does this agree with your prediction? If so, you do not have to rewrite your answer.
Analysis-1.22:What appears to be the difference between toward and away motions on these velocity-time graphs?
Does this agree with your prediction? If so, you do not have to rewrite your answer.
Compare with Prediction-1.23:If there were predictions that did not match the actual graphs, discuss with your
group and see if you can come up with something which might explain the discrepancy. Record the ideas your
group considers below as you discuss this issue.
Analysis-1.24:What do you think is the essential difference between the lines for these steady motions away from
the detector on the position-time graph and the lines on the velocity-time graph?
Check with your TA before you go on. Be prepared to share your results in a class discussion.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Answer the following questions yourself and then discuss your answers with your lab partners. Write down any
new ideas you get from your partners.
Analysis-1.26:Carefully describe the motion in the graph you matched, in words.
Work it backwards
For the following described motion, draw both a position-time and velocity-time graph in the space below:
1. Standing still at the 0.6 meter position for 1 second.
2. Walking away from the detector slowly and steadily for 3 seconds.
3. Standing still for 1 second.
4. Walking toward the detector somewhat faster and steadily.
5. Stopping just before the 0.6 meter position.
On the graphs below:
Draw-1.27:Draw the position-time graph of the motion.
Draw-1.28:Draw the velocity-time graph of the motion.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Position (meters)
Time (seconds)
velocity (m/s)
Time (seconds)
Check with your TA before you leave. Be prepared to share your results in a class discussion.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 2
1. What are some measurements you make every day? What devices do you measure with? What units do
you use?
3. What are the metric system (SI) units for length, mass, and time?
Instructor Initials:
To learn techniques for collecting and analyzing data by measuring fundamental values, assessing errors, and
graphing data.
Meter stick
small ruler
vernier caliper
triple-beam balance
two stopwatches
set of four cylinders
small ball, photogate timer
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Using a 30cm ruler, measure the length of this Activity Guide from its top edge to its bottom edge and record
the value in centimeters. Include as many decimal places as accuracy permits.
Measure-2.1:Length =
More than likely, the edge of your Guide did not line up exactly with a millimeter marking on the ruler. You could
round to the nearest millimeter, but then you lose the information that the length is slightly more or less than
this estimate. You could guess to the nearest 10
millimeter, but then your data is not entirely accurate. Whats
an ethical scientist/engineer/accountant to do?
Our best strategy is to guess to the nearest 21 millimeter, but then specify an error margin within which the true
value is CERTAIN to lie. For example, if you measured the length to lie between 27.8cm and 27.9cm, you might
record the length as 27.85 0.05cm. That is, the real length could be anywhere between 27.8cm and 27.9cm,
but because your ruler and eyesight both have limits, you really dont know!
In general, the error margin is equal to the smallest division on the measuring instrument. In this case,
the ruler is divided into millimeters, so the error margin is 0.5mm (= 0.05cm) such that the plus-to-minus
spread is 1mm. Even if the length looks like exactly 27.9cm, you should record it as 0.05cm - its probably a
bit off the mark, even if your eyes cant tell.
With your new powers of error analysis, measure again the length of your Activity Guide along with the width
(left to right distance) and height (thickness), recording each with appropriate margins of error in Table 1.
Length Error Margin
NOTE:When you add measurements together (suppose the length were longer than the ruler so that you had
to measure it in two parts), you must add together the error margins as well. Thus, the error margin might be
0.1cm even though the ruler is divided into millimeters.
This uncertainty in measurement due to the limits of the measuring device is called random error. If you
were to make the same measurement many times, your results would vary slightly with each measurement, both
above and below the true value, but would always stay within the margin of error. Algebraically, we write a
measured quantity such as length as l + l where l is called the uncertainty and represents the plus-or-minus
margin of error. ( is a lowercase Greek letter delta. Consider l to be a single unit, just like x in calculus.)
We call length a fundamental quantity because we can measure it directly using an instrument, in this case a
ruler. Mass and time are other examples, and well deal with them shortly.
Derived Quantities
Many important quantities in science and engineering cannot be measured directly, but must be calculated from
the measured fundamental quantities. These are called derived quantities. A familiar example is area. We
dont have instruments that measure area directly. Rather, we measure the fundamental quantities of length and
width (which are both really lengths) and then determine an area from these. For example, we find the area of a
rectangle by multiplying together the length and width:
A = l w (1)
Troubles arise when we attempt to quantify our uncertainty, however, because we dont have a measuring device
with a smallest division of area. Uncertainties in derived quantities must be calculated from uncertainties in
fundamental quantities.
As an example, lets derive the uncertainty in the area of the Activity Guide cover. NO NUMBERS YET!
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Analysis-2.2:First, rewrite Equation (1) to include the uncertainties (so that l becomes l + l and so on). Name
this equation (2).
Analysis-2.3:Multiply out the terms on the right-hand side. Name this equation (3).
Analysis-2.4:Next, subtract Equation (1) from Equation (3) so that you have an equation for A only. Name this
equation (4).
Analysis-2.5:Now, l and w are both very small, so their product is very, very small! To simplify matters, lets
just cross that term out of our equation, so that the uncertainty in area is given simply by:
Analysis-2.6:Using Equation (1) and Equation (5), calculate the area and uncertainty in the area for the cover of
your Activity Guide. Be sure to include appropriate units.
We could likewise derive an equation for the uncertainty in the volume of the Guide. This is done for you in
Appendix A.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Relative Error
Analysis-2.7:When you measured your Activity Guide, one of the measurements was less accurate than the other
two (length, width, or height.) Which one was it and why?
Relative error is a measure of the seriousness of an error in the measurement of some physical quantity.
Relative Error = (Uncertainty)/ (True Value of the Quantity)
For example, the relative error in the measured length is given by l/l.
Calculate-2.8:Calculate the relative error for your values of length, width, and height and make sure your calculations agree with your answer to the previous question. (Use only the positive value of your plus-or-minus error
margin for the uncertainty.)
We can calculate the relative error in a derived quantity from the relative error in the fundamental quantities.
Lets use the area of the Activity Guide cover again.
Analysis-2.9:First, write down Equation (5), then divide both sides by the area, A. Name this equation (6).
Analysis-2.10:The left side is as we want it. On the right, substitute Equation (1) for the area. Name this equation
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
That is, the relative error in the area (A/A) is equal to the sum of the relative error in length plus the relative
error in width.
Observe-2.12:Using Equation (8), calculate the relative error in your measurement of the area.
In many cases the first-order formulae above give an error that is too large (remember that we made an approximation to reach Equation (5)). A more sophisticated and correct way to propagate errors is to add uncertainties
(or fractional uncertainties) in quadrature, which is discussed in Appendix A. This becomes extremely important
in more advanced lab experiences, but in this class we are just introducing the concept.
Graphical Analysis
Since relative error is often significant, scientists must use sophisticated methods of data analysis to improve their
measurements. In this section, well use one such technique and some detective work to determine the density of
an unknown material.
The four cylinders at your lab station are made of the same substance and have equal diameters, but varying lengths. Using the triple-beam balance, measure the mass, m, of each cylinder and record these values in
Table 2 in units of grams. Be mindful of the uncertainties, but do not record them.
Table 2
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 3
Cylinder 4
Ask your lab instructor to demonstrate proper use of the vernier caliper. Measure the lengths, l, of the
cylinders using the caliper and record them above (use centimeters.)
Analysis-2.13:How does the uncertainty in a measurement taken with a vernier caliper compare to that of a ruler?
Measure-2.14:Measure the diameter of one of the cylinders with the vernier caliper and record it below.
Diameter of Cylinders:
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Analysis-2.15:Next, write an equation for the volume of a cylinder in terms of the diameter d and the length l.
Name this equation (9).
Calculate-2.16:Use Equation (9) to calculate the volume of each cylinder, and record these values in Table 2,
along with the proper units. Include a sample calculation below, starting with the equation for volume and clearly
showing all steps taken to reach your answer.
NOTE: To calculate the uncertainty in the volume of the cylinder, you must consider the case of multiplying your
measurement by a constant and raising it to a power. These details are presented in Appendix A.
The density (lowercase Greek letter rho) of a material is the ratio of its mass, m, to its volume, V . Algebraically we write:
Calculate the density for each cylinder and record these in Table 2. Be sure to use proper units.
Calculate-2.17:Show a sample calculation below:
A simple method of data analysis is to take several measurements and average the results.
Calculate-2.18:Calculate the average of your four density measurements in the space below.
A better method is to plot our data graphically and then determine a line of best fit about which the data points
tend to cluster. Ordinarily we use computers to find such a line, but today well use pencils and rulers so that we
understand exactly what goes on in the process. We also do this because it is a handy trick for quick estimates.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
The human brain is amazingly good at finding patterns. You will usually not be more than 2% off the best a
computer can do if you draw your graph carefully.
The simplest graph to draw is that of a straight line, so lets see if we can find a linear relationship amongst our
data. The general equation of a line is
y = mx + b
where x is the independent variable, y is the dependent variable, m is the slope of the line, and b is the yintercept. Note that m represents the constant value by which the independent variable is multiplied, whereas b
is the constant value added to the independent variable.
Solve-2.19:Beginning with Equation (10), solve for mass.
We now have an equation for mass as a function of length. Comparing this to the equation y = mx + b (in which
y is a function of x), what should a graph of m vs. l look like? Which variables correspond to: y? x? m? b?
Record your four corresponding pairs of x and y in the chart below.
Plot these four (x,y) points on the graph below. Let the bottom left corner be the origin (0,0) and scale the
x- and y-axes so that your points are spread as far apart as possible. (For example, maybe every line will represent
a centimeter, or maybe every other line.) Always label your x- and y-axes with appropriate units!
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Using a clear ruler, place one edge so that it runs from this y-intercept through the middle of your data points: the
points should be spaced about equally on either side, but your ruler does not necessarily have to touch any point.
Trace a smooth line along the edge of the ruler. Its very important that you do not play connect-the-dots!
Next well find the slope of the best-fit line. Pick two points on your graph where the line passes exactly
through intersecting gridlines, and draw an X at each spot. The two points should be spaced as far apart as
possible. If no convenient intersection exists, choose a point where your line crosses halfway between two gridlines:
anyplace where you can accurately read off the (x,y) coordinate. Do not use one of your data points for this part.
The slope of a line is defined as the rise over the run, or for two points (x1 ,y1 ) and (x2 ,y2 ):
slope =
y2 y1
x2 x1
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Calculate-2.22:Using your two chosen points and Equation (14), calculate the slope of your best-fit line. Remember
to include units!
Solve-2.23:Remember Equation (13) where we said that one part corresponds to the slope? Now you know its
value, so you should be able to solve for the density. Give it a try!
Yellow Brass
|T heoretical| |Experimental|
T heoretical
Calculate-2.25:Calculate the percent deviation between the value of density you measured from your graph and
the theoretical value given in the density table.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Calculate-2.26:Now calculate the percent deviation between your average measured density (calculated earlier in
the lab) and the theoretical value from the density table.
1. Which method produces the lowest percent deviation? How could we get better results with these methods?
2. What does a best-fit line do for your data set? Does it add error to our measurements since we trade actual
data points for values we didnt actually measure?
3. Imagine that every time we measured the mass of a rod, our results were off by the same amount. For
example, maybe the mass balance wasnt level starting out, and so each measurement was 10g higher than
it should be. What effect would this have on your graph?
We call such an error systematic. Unlike random error, which fluctuates high and low within some range, systematic
error always affects the measurements in the same way. A common example is friction, since it acts to slow down
moving objects. Although systematic error is basically beyond our control, we should always be aware of its effects
(for example, it could change your choice of y-intercept) and try to reduce the error when possible by improving
on the method used in the experiment.
Part 1
Using a stopwatch, have two people in your group record the time it takes another group member to drop a ball
to the floor from three different heights. Start at about 50cm and go to as high as you can reach. Take the
measurement at each height several times for consistency before you record a value in Table 3.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Table 3
Height 1
Height 2
Height 3
Time 1
Time 2
Analysis-2.27:Is this a good experimental method for determining the amount of time for an object to fall through
some distance? Why or why not?
Analysis-2.28:How would you improve upon this method or the equipment used?
Part 2
A photogate timer is a device that utilizes the duration of an interrupted light beam or a broken electrical
connection to measure a time interval. Set the photogate timer in the gate mode and measure the amount of
time it takes to flick your finger through the beam of light. Now measure the thickness of your finger with the
vernier caliper. Since velocity is defined as the change in length for a change in time, you can take the thickness
of your finger as the change in length and the time that it interrupted the light beam as the change in time, to
calculate how fast you flicked your finger through the photogate.
Measure-2.29:Finger Thickness:
Time Measurement:
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
We will use this principle and this new piece of equipment to improve on Section III of this activity when we do
Activity 3. We will then be able to get a better understanding of the relationship between distance and time for
a falling object.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 3
1. What causes objects to accelerate in freefall? Is this constant? What does this tell us about the acceleration
of objects in freefall?
2. Two identical objects are dropped towards the earth, one from a height h, and the other from a height 2h.
Neglecting air resistance, will there be any difference in their final velocities? (Hint: Is the velocity of an
object in freefall constant or changing?)
3. Two spherical objects are dropped from the same height, but one is twice as massive as the other. Neglecting
air resistance, will there be any difference in their final velocities? (Hint: Is mass included in the equation
of motion for objects in free fall?)
Instructor Initials:
To analyze equivalent motions of objects in free-fall and determine the acceleration due to gravity using graphical
Vernier Caliper
Two different-sized steel balls
Teflon Cylinder
Photogate Timer
Freefall Apparatus
Graduated Plastic Cylinder
Lab Pole Clamp and Long Lab Pole
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Plastic Ruler
If an object is moving in a straight line and undergoes equivalent incremental changes in velocity, over equal
intervals of time, that object is moving with uniformly accelerated motion. In this experiment that constant
acceleration is caused by gravity, which will act upon three different freely falling objects, namely, a large steel
ball, a small steel ball, and a Teflon cylinder. The acceleration of these objects, g, is called the acceleration due
to gravity and has the value:
g 9.8 2
When an object is moving with a constant acceleration, you are able to use basic kinematics to evaluate this
motion. The kinematics equation for finding position as a function of time for an object undergoing constant
acceleration is:
x(t) = x0 + v0 t + at2 (1)
The kinematics equation for finding velocity as a function of time is v(t) = v0 + at, which can be solved for t to
. If you use x(t) x0 = x, and substitute x and eliminate t by substituting our relationship
yield t = v(t)v
in terms of v and a into equation 1, you get a handy relation, the velocity as a function of position:
v 2 (x) = v02 + 2ax (2)
If all motion is in the y direction, considered positive downward, the object starts from rest at the origin, and the
acceleration is due to gravity, these equations reduce to:
1 2
v 2 = 2gy
Clearly, neither of these indicates a linear relationship between the two variables, but they do share the common
position term, y. You will use this common term to link the equivalent motions of these freely falling objects
together by first taking data and independently graphing these two relationships. You will then use these graphs to
produce a third graph. Correctly producing these graphs will serve several purposes. First, they will experimentally
verify the validity of the kinematics equations that you have been working with in your homework. In addition,
they will indicate your understanding of the relationship between two variables when plotted on a graph. Finally,
they will demonstrate your ability to produce graphs and use them as an experimental tool.
At your station you will find a photogate timer with remote freefall equipment consisting of an electronic release
mechanism and a landing pad. These activate the photogate, which displays the elapsed time for the steel ball to
fall through the distance between the release mechanism and the landing pad. When the steel ball is loaded in the
release mechanism, it completes a circuit between two contacts. Upon release, this circuit is broken, activating
the timer. When the ball hits the landing pad, the timer stops.
Set the photogates timer to the GATE mode setting with the precision set to 0.1ms. The time readings will be
given to a 0.1 millisecond decimal place of precision, but remember that the reading is in seconds!
Set up the freefall equipment so that you can take measurements of time of fall for the given falling distances.
Measure the distance between the bottom of the ball when it is loaded and the landing pad. Start at a distance
of 1.2 m and lower the holder in 10-15 cm increments to obtain 5 data points for each ball.
The landing pad should be placed on the floor over the range of the maximum fall distance to the distance
where the clamp holding the apparatus and the lab table begin to interfere. For falling distances less than this,
readjust your setup by moving the landing pad to the lab tabletop, then continue with your measurements. To
save time, it is better to first release one size ball followed by the other for each distance than to run through the
series of distances for one and then redo it for the other.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
To begin taking your measurements, load the ball in the release mechanism. Perform several trial runs to
insure that the landing pad is correctly positioned so it stops the timer when the ball hits it. Press the RESET
button between each run. Complete Table 1 below by recording the distance and time measurements for each ball.
Table 1: Time vs. Distance
Distance (m)
The average velocity, v, of an object in motion can be expressed as the distance s that it travels divided by the
time interval t to travel through that distance. Symbolically, this statement can be written as follows:
v =
The instantaneous velocity, v, of this body is defined as the limit of this ratio as the time interval approaches
zero. This idea will be used to find the instantaneous velocity of the cylinder after falling through the same
distances as the balls. The photogate timer along with the Vernier caliper is used to determine these velocities.
In this part of the lab you will clamp the plastic tube to the stand and drop the Teflon cylinder through it.
This measurement will show how long the cylinder breaks the beam of light of the photogate timer, and gives the
time interval t for the cylinder to pass through the photogate. Using this time interval and the length of the
cylinder s, you can calculate the instantaneous velocity, to a pretty good measure of certainty, at that place in
its fall. Again, the photogate should be in the GATE mode with a 0.1ms precision setting. All remote equipment
should be disconnected. Make sure that the plastic tube is aligned as vertically as possible to eliminate frictional
effects between the cylinder and the tube. Measure the length of the Teflon cylinder using the Vernier caliper
and record it below. Place the photogate detector so it spans the clear part of the tube at the same range of
positions that you used for the balls. Use different distances in this same range and record these in Table 2 below.
Calculate the velocity at each position in the fall using Eq. 5.
Analysis-3.2: Why is the length of the cylinder used to calculate its velocity? (Hint: Think about what time
interval the photogate timer is measuring.)
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Distance (m)
Velocity (m/s)
Analysis-3.3:Are the velocities calculated for Table 2 truly instantaneous velocities? Why or why not?
You will first plot the time for the two steel balls to fall through the measured distances as a time vs. position
Solve-3.4:Rearrange Eq. 3 to express time as a function of distance.
Next you will plot the velocities of the cylinder after falling through these same measured distances as a velocity
vs. position graph.
Analysis-3.6:Record Eq. 4 expressing velocity as a function of distance.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Plot time vs. distance (not distance vs. time) from Table 1, on Graph 1 below. Use a different symbol to indicate
whether the data point represents the large or the small ball (i.e. circle, triangle, square, etc.) Plot velocity vs.
distance from Table 2, on Graph 2. Be sure that you scale the graphs appropriately for the data. Dont forget
to label your axes, including units. The x-axis for both graphs should be labeled and scaled identically since
they represent the common position term for both sets of data. Then draw smooth best-fit curves that would
represent continuous functions on your graphs. DO NOT PLAY CONNECT-THE-DOTS! You need to use these
best-fit curves in Part D.
After you draw the graphs, answer the following questions:
Analysis-3.8:List the greatest sources of error in your measurements. Indicate if they are random or systematic.
Compare with Prediction-3.9:Do the graphs produce the relationships you predicted? Why or why not?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Table 1
Table 2
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Analysis-3.10:Does there appear to be any significant difference between the two data sets on Graph 1?
Analysis-3.11:What does this indicate about objects in freefall? Do heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects?
Time (s)
Velocity (m/s)
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Observe-3.14:What type of relationship would you predict for a plot of velocity vs. time?
Plot velocity on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. Again, be sure to scale the graph appropriately for the data,
including labels and units. Use the clear plastic ruler to draw a best-fit line. DO NOT SIMPLY SKETCH THIS
LINE OR PLAY CONNECT-THE-DOTS! Use the grid of your graph to select two places where your best-fit line
passes neatly through an intersection of a horizontal and vertical line and circle them. These will be the points
that you use to calculate the slope of your line. DO NOT USE TWO DATA POINTS FROM THE TABLE! (See
Appendix B: Graphical Analysis)
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Compare with Prediction-3.17:Do a percent deviation analysis to compare your experimental value of g to the
known value.
Analysis-3.18:What are some of the sources of error in your procedure and analysis and how do they affect your
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 4
Inclined Plane
1. What does a graph of the equation y = ax + b (where a and b are constants) look like? What sort of a
relation is there between y and x?
2. What does a graph of the equation y = ax2 + bx + c (where a, b, and c are constants) look like? What
sort of a relation is there between y and x?
Instructor Initials:
To experimentally determine the value for g via Galileos method, improved with modern computer measurements.
PASCO track
dynamic cart
computer with PASCO DataStudio software
digital computer-interface box
motion sensor
vernier caliper
meter stick
In the last activity, we improved upon the time measurement techniques of Activity 2 by replacing stopwatches
with more sophisticated technology-photogates-and thereby eliminated human reaction time as a random error.
During Galileos time, even a stopwatch would have been a luxury. In order to analyze the motion of objects under
the influence of gravity, he slowed the falling objects by rolling them down an inclined plane. Galileo observed
that for any given angle of incline, the ratio of the distance an object travels to the square of the time required
to travel is a constant, or:
x = at2 (1)
Furthermore, the constant of proportionality, the acceleration, varies as the sine of the angle of incline:
a = g sin
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Note that for a given angle the acceleration is constant, so all constant-acceleration equations apply to objects
traveling down an inclined plane.
In this activity you will improve upon Galileos method by using motion sensors to plot position and velocity
as a function of time for several angles of incline. You can then calculate acceleration since
x(t) = x0 + v0 t + at2
v = v0 + at (4)
for constant acceleration. Finally, you will use the DataStudio plots and Excel (See online Excel Tutorial) to find
g as the slope of acceleration vs. sin .
Set Up Track
At your station, you will find a track, dynamic cart, and several shims to place under the supports at one end of
the track in order to elevate it. You will first need to make sure that the track is level so the only contribution to
the angle of incline is due to the thickness of the shim that you place under the support. An additional systematic
error would be introduced as a result of the track not initially being level. Small adjustments to any or each of
the track feet may be necessary to level the track. Carefully wipe off the track, and make sure the cart rolls freely
on it.
Set Up DataStudio
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Now we learn to calibrate! You have to tell the computer when the cart is 1.0 meter away from the motion sensor.
Hold the cart so that the flag, which is reflecting the signal back to the motion sensor, is at a distance of 1.0m
from the sensor (at 98.5cm as read on the track). Click on the CALIBRATE button. Check the value that is
displayed for the SPEED OF SOUND.
Observe-4.2:What value is indicated on your display?
It should read right around 342-343 m/s (this accounts for humidity, etc. from the accepted value at 345m/s).
If your value is drastically different, you may need to adjust the angle at which the motion sensor is sending out
its signal. You do this by adjusting the dial on the side of the motion sensor. BE CAREFUL to make very small
corrections or the signal will miss the flag on the cart altogether. Any time you make an adjustment in your
settings or equipment, you need to recalibrate the 1.0m distance. Adjust the trigger rate to observe an object
2.5m away. Click on the OK button when the settings look good.
Next drag the graph icon from the left Display Menu up to Position and again to Velocity in the Data
Menu above. This will open a position vs. time graph and a velocity vs. time graph.
At your station you have several slotted masses of varying thickness that you can use as shims to place under
the support of the track. Use a vernier caliper to measure the thickness of the various shims that you use. The
distance between the supports of the track L can either be determined from the scaled measure on the track or by
measuring this distance with a meter stick. Make sure it is greater than 1 meter. This value will remain constant
since the distance between the supports never changes. This becomes the hypotenuse of the triangle that you will
use to determine the angle of incline. The shim(s) thickness, h, is the side opposite the angle we are interested
in. With these two pieces of information, the angle can be determined from the trigonometric definition:
sin =
Record Data
1. Measure the length L between the supports and the thickness of shim(s), h, that you will use and record these
in Table A.
Distance between supports : L =
Repeat the following steps for 5 different shim thicknesses.
2. Calculate the sine of and record this in Table A. This will be the x value for the graph that you produce
using Excel.
3. Record the motion of the cart at this shim thickness, h, using DataStudio as in Activity 1. Make good use
of the Magnifier and Auto scale buttons to view your data, then draw a box with your mouse around a nice,
smooth section of the x vs. t graph. Click the Fit Menu button and select Polynomial Fit.
Observe-4.3:In the equation displayed in the Statistics area, which constant (a1 , a2 , or a3 ) represents the acceleration and how is it related? What do the other constants represent?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
4. Now draw a box around a smooth region of your v vs. t graph and select Linear Fit from the Fit Menu.
Observe-4.4:In the equation displayed in the Statistics area, which constant (a1 or a2 ) represents the acceleration
and how is it related? What does the other constant represent?
5. Record the accelerations from the two graphs in Table A. These will be the y values for the graphs that
you produce using Excel.
Table A
Shim Thickness h
Acceleration x vs. t
Acceleration v vs. t
6. Using these x and y values, produce a graph in Excel of acceleration vs. sin for your x vs.t values and
a similar graph for your v vs. t values. (See online Excel tutorial if you need help.) Right-click on a data
point and select Add Trendline Linear. Next, choose the Options tab and check Display equation on
chart. Be sure to include a printout of the Excel graphs that you produce along with this activity by stapling
a printout to this page. One printout per group is fine; just put everyones name on it. Record the values
of the slopes from your trendlines.
a from x vs. t: Slope = gexp =
a from v vs. t: Slope = gexp =
7. Do a percent deviation analysis between the experimental value of g determined from the slope of the line
and the accepted value of 9.81 sm2 for each of your graphs.
Compare-4.5:How close were your measured accelerations to each other? Which was closest to the theoretical
value? Is this surprising?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Analysis-4.7:When we graphed acceleration vs. sin , we did not force the y-intercept through zero, even though
an angle of zero should correspond to zero acceleration. What type of error does this suggest, and what could be
the cause of this error?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 5
Collisions and Inertia
1. Imagine rolling two identical billiard balls towards each other at the same speed so that they collide head-on.
Describe their motion after the collision.
2. Now imagine rolling a bowling ball and a billiard ball towards each other at the same speed. What would
happen after this collision? Why is it different from before?
3. The momentum for a gun and its bullet are the same immediately after a gun is fired (why?), but their
energies are not. Which has more energy, the bullet or the recoiling gun?
Instructor Initials:
To observe how collisions affect the motion of objects; to experimentally determine the inertia of an object; and
to introduce the conservation of linear momentum as a fundamental law of nature.
Air track
Two carts with accessories kit
Two photogates
Triple-beam balance
Part 1: Inertia
A collision is an interaction between two objects that occurs during a very short time interval-so short that the
interaction with anything outside the system is negligible compared to the interaction between the two objects.
In this activity we will investigate the effects of collisions by observing the motion of two carts before and
after a collision. An objects motion is highly dependent upon its inertia: its tendency to resist any change in
velocity. We shall observe experimentally that during a collision, the ratio of the inertias of the colliding objects
equals the negative of the inverse ratio of their changes in velocity:
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
1. Turn on the air supply and place a glider on the track. If the glider moves steadily in one direction then the
track is not level. Adjust the two screws that act as feet until the glider no longer moves or just oscillates
2. Mount a rubber band bumper on one end of each glider and a blade bumper on the other end. Put a black
flag on top of each glider; add a skull-and-crossbones design in masking tape if you must. Attach a rubber
band bumper and a blade bumper to the ends of the air track. You can find everything in your air track
accessory kit.
3. Find the inertia of each glider and record it below. Label the glider on the left as Cart 1 and the one on
the right as Cart 2 using a small piece of masking tape. (You may also make up your own names for them,
as long as they are not overtly obscene.) Measure the length of one flag and record it below.
4. Position the two photogates about 70 cm apart, roughly centered on the track. With the air supply on,
play around with your gliders to get a feel for the action. Each gliders flag should pass easily through the
photogates, and both carts should rebound smoothly from each other and from the ends of the track. You
may need to rotate the bumpers so that collisions take place only between rubber bands and blades.
5. Turn on the photogates and put them in Gate mode. Turn on the memory and set the resolution to 1
ms. Well call the left one Photogate 1 and the right one Photogate 2; you may christen them as you will.
Analysis-5.1:In this mode, a photogate will record the time duration for which its beam is blocked. How can you
use this information to determine the speed of a passing cart?
IMPORTANT: Define a sign convention now for your gliders velocities. You will probably want positive to the
right and negative to the left. Keep track of which direction the motion is in!
Inertia of Cart 1 plus accessories (kg)
m1 =
m2 =
x =
For each of the following collisions make a Before diagram and an After diagram. Show each cart with a
velocity arrow to indicate its direction of motion. Also draw a momentum arrow for each of the carts indicating
the direction and approximate value of the momentum.
1. Stationary Collision
Draw-5.2:m1 = m2 , v2i = 0
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
1. Place Cart 2 between the photogates. Place Cart 1 about 20 cm to the left of Photogate 1.
2. Give Cart 1 an initial velocity towards Cart 2. Allow them to collide so that Cart 2 is set in motion.
3. Cart 2 should pass through Photogate 2, followed by Cart 1. Stop both gliders before they rebound back
through Photogate 2. Since they have the same mass, Cart 1 may stop after colliding with Cart 2; in this
case, Cart 1s final velocity is 0 m/s.
4. In Data Table 1, record the time on Photogate 1 as t1i , the time for Cart 1 to pass through (before the
collision.) Record the time on Photogate 2 as t2f , the time for Cart 2 to pass through (after the collision.)
5. Flip the memory switch to Read on Photogate 2. The new reading is the time for both Cart 1 and Cart 2
to pass through Photogate 2. Subtract t2f from this reading and record the result as t1f in Data Table
1. This is the time for Cart 1 to pass through Photogate 2 (after the collision.)
6. Using the length of the flags and the times for the gliders to pass through the photogates, calculate the
velocities for both gliders before and after the collision. Record all of your data in Data Table 1.
Data Table 1
Calculate v1 = v1f v2f , and the ratios v
value for v1 < 0 as it should be? Check signs if not!
Results Table 1
v1 = v1f v1i v2 = v2f v2i
2. Rear-End Collision
v2 /v2 m1 /m2
100 =
m1 /m2
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Results Table 2
v1 = v1f v1i v2 = v2f v2i
3. Head-On Collision
m2 .
v2 /v2 m1 /m2
100 =
m1 /m2
2. Place Cart 1 to the left of Photogate 1 and Cart 2 to the right of Photogate 2.
3. Let one student give Cart 1 a small push to the right while another student gives Cart 2 a small push to
the left. Both gliders should pass through their respective photogates before colliding.
4. Allow the gliders to bounce off of each other and pass back through their respective photogates.
5. The time periods shown by the photogates are t1i and t2i , respectively. Record these values in Data
Table 3.
6. Flip the memory switch on each photogate to Read so that it displays the total time for both crossings.
Subtract each initial time to obtain each final time.
7. Calculate the initial and final velocities as before.
Data Table 3
Results Table 3
v1 = v1f v1i v2 = v2f v2i
m2 .
v2 /v2 m1 /m2
100 =
m1 /m2
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Using our observations about the relationship between inertia and changes in velocity during a collision, we can
determine the value of an unknown inertia experimentally by colliding it with a known inertia.
Let m1 be a known inertia and m2 be unknown.
Solve-5.8:Solve Equation (1) for m2 in terms of m1 and the changes in velocity.
Take two masses from the box of accessories and hang one on each side of Cart 2 so that its inertia is now
unknown. Pick one of the above types of collisions and repeat it with Cart 1 and the new Cart 2. Record your
data in Data Table 4.
Data Table 4
Calculate v1 = v1f v1i and v2 = v2f v2i and record the values in Results Table 4. Next, calculate the
ratio v
v2 . Finally, calculate the inertia m2 from your equation above.
Results Table 4
v1 = v1f v1i v2 = v2f v2i
Calculate-5.9:Calculate m2 :
Equation (1) hides one of the most important laws in the universe. A bit of massaging will show a more familiar
Solve-5.12:Rearrange Equation (1) so that variables of Cart 1 are on the left, those of Cart 2 on the right.
Solve-5.15:Finally, rearrange the equation so that initial terms are on the left, final terms are on the right. Write
it in this box, label it Equation (2), and treasure it always!
Equation (2) is called the law of conservation of linear momentum. Physicists define the product of inertia
and velocity as an objects linear momentum: p~ = m~v . Then, Equation (2) becomes:
p~1i + p~2i = p~2i + p~2f
The total momentum of all carts involved in the collision is therefore conserved: the total momentum after the
collision equals the total momentum before the collision, at least when all other interactions such as friction can
be ignored.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Lets test this very bold statement. Using your velocity data from before, calculate the momentum of each
cart before and after each collision and record the values in Results Table 5. Make sure that you use the
correct sign for the velocity (since momentum is also a vector quantity.) Now calculate the total initial momentum, the total final momentum, and the difference between these total momenta for each collision to see if
the values are the same.
pf p~i |
pf p~i |
pf p~i |
pf p~i |
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 6
Momentum and Energy
1. Suppose you make a video tape of two billiard balls colliding and then bouncing apart. Would the video
look any different if you played it backwards? Why or why not?
2. Now suppose you make a video of two automobiles colliding head-on. Would the video look any different
if you played it backwards? Why or why not?
Instructor Initials:
Explore the conservation of kinetic energy in collisions.
Air track
Two motion sensors
Two photogates
Two carts with accessories kit
Triple-beam balance
In the last activity, all collisions were elastic. Elastic collisions between two objects are those in which relative
speed is conserved, i.e., the relative speed of the two carts before a collision is equal to the relative speed after
the collision. The relative speed is the magnitude of the relative velocity, which is defined as:
~vrel = ~v1 ~v2
To see this, look again at your data for any of the collisions from the last exercise and compare the relative
velocities of the two carts before the collision with those after. You should find the following:
~vrel,i = ~vrel,f
~v1i ~v2i = (~v1f ~v2f )
and therefore,
|~vrel,i | = |~vrel,f |
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Another way to characterize collisions between two carts is with the coefficient of restitution, e, defined as the
ratio of the relative speeds before and after the collision:
|~vrel,f |
|~vrel,i |
mv 2
Finally, well test whether kinetic energy is conserved in various kinds of collisions.
1. Use the initial and final velocities of the carts from the data tables in Activity 5 to complete Table A for
your best collision. Find the relative velocities of the carts both before and after the collisions and solve for
the coefficient of restitution.
Table A (velocities in m/s)
Circle One
Stat. m1 = m2
R. E. m1 = m2
H.O. m1 = m2
m2 unknown
Analysis-6.1:Was your collision truly perfectly elastic? What might have kept this from being a perfectly elastic
2. Now test to see if the kinetic energy of the system is conserved for your most elastic collision. Complete
Table B.
Table B (kinetic energy in kg m2 /s2 , also known as Joules, J)
Circle One
Stat. m1 = m2
R. E. m1 = m2
H.O. m1 = m2
m2 unknown
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Analysis-6.3:How do the results of Table B compare to the results of Table A? Can you draw the same conclusions
about the same collision?
Now you will recreate the collisions of Activity 5, but this time your two carts will stick together instead of
bouncing apart.
1. Begin by leveling the air track like last time. Place a rubber band bumper on each end.
2. Reclaim your trusty vessels, Cart 1 (left) and Cart 2 (right). Place a needle accessory on the right end of
Cart 1 and a wax plug accessory on the left end of Cart 2. Place a blade bumper on the two free ends and
a black flag on the tops.
3. Determine the inertia of each cart using a balance and record it below. Record the length of the flag again,
4. Put each photogate into Gate mode, and turn the memory switch for each photogate to the On
position. Begin with Cart 2 at rest between the photogates and Cart 1 to the left of Photogate 1. Give Cart
1 a small push to the right. It will stick to Cart 2 and both will move off together. Photogate 1 displays
t1i , the time for Cart 1 to pass through. Photogate 2 displays tf , the time during which only Cart 2
passed through (so remember to use only one flag length to calculate the common final velocity.) Fill in
Data Table 1 and Results Table 1 for this collision.
5. Add two 50g masses to Cart 1 and repeat step 4.
6. Remove the additional masses. Leave the memory switch for each photogate to the On position and each
photogate in Gate mode. Position both carts to the left of Photogate 1. Launch Cart 2 to the right with
a small initial velocity and let it pass through Photogate 1. Launch Cart 1 with a larger velocity so that they
collide between the photogates. Stop both carts once they exit Photogate 2. Photogate 1 displays t2i .
Flip the switch to Read and subtract t2i from this new value to obtain t1i . Photogate 2 displays tf ,
the time for the first of the attached carts to pass through. Complete the tables for this collision.
Leave both memory switches in the On position, and keep Gate mode. Place Cart 1 to the left of Photogate
1 and Cart 2 to the right of Photogate 2. Launch the carts towards each other simultaneously so that they
collide between the photogates and move together back through one gate (either is fine.) The readings on the
photogates give t1i and t2i . Turn the switch to Read on whichever photogate the combined carts passed
through. Subtract the initial reading from its new display to determine tf . This time will be the combined time
for both flags to pass through, so use 2 flag lengths to calculate common final velocities. Fill in the tables below.
Inertia of Cart 1 plus accessories (kg)
m1 =
m2 =
x =
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Data Table 1
Station. m1 = m2
Station. m1 > m2
R.E. m1 = m2
H.O. m1 = m2
Station. m1 = m2
Station. m1 > m2
R.E. m1 = m2
H.O. m1 = m2
Now lets test for conservation of momentum and kinetic energy. From the data in Results Table 1, calculate
and fill in the quantities in Results Table 2. Careful with the signs!
K1i = 12 m1 v1i
K2i = 21 m2 v2i
|Kf Ki |
Compare-6.4:Compare the differences in momentum to the differences in kinetic energy. Does one seem significantly larger than the other?
Compare -6.5:Now compare the differences in momentum to a typical value of momentum from your data. Is
linear momentum conserved? If not, for which type of collision do the results seem to be off the most? Discuss
why this might be the case.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Compare-6.6:Compare the differences in kinetic energy to a typical value of kinetic energy from your data. Is the
kinetic energy of the system conserved for totally inelastic collisions? If not, what happens to it?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 7
Explosive Collisions
Pre-Lab Questions
1. If the carts start at rest, what should be the final momentum of the system for an explosion in order to be
able to say that momentum is conserved?
Instructor Initials:
To verify that momentum is conserved in explosive collisions.
PASCO dynamics system with a 2.2 m track
2 carts
one with plunger attachment
2 photogates
m1 =
m2 =
Table A
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
m1 (kg)
m2 (kg)
v1f (m/s)
v2f (m/s)
Analysis-7.1:Do your results indicate that momentum is conserved within the considerations of any experimental
error? And, what are those sources of error?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 8
Group Problems 1
This activity features two problems that you will work with your lab group.
Problem 8.1
You are playing with carts in lab. While your lab instructor isnt looking, you carefully attach a spring-loaded
plunger on the end of a 0.25kg cart and push it at a velocity of +20 ms relative to the earth. It collides with
a 0.5kg cart traveling at +10 ms relative to the earth. The collision triggers the plunger, causing an explosive
collision between them. If you know that the systems kinetic energy is increased by 25% in the collision in the
earths frame of reference, what are the final velocities of the carts in this reference frame?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Problem 8.2
You and your friends are playing soccer. Your friend kicks a soccer ball at 8 ms toward you. Instead of kicking it
like normal, you decide to kick a slightly larger ball at it to make it reverse directions. They hit head on with a
coefficient of restitution of 0.9.
a. If the soccer ball has an inertia of 600g, how fast would the larger 750g ball have to be traveling to exactly
reverse the soccer balls velocity?
b. What is the relative velocity of the two objects?
c. What percentage of the original kinetic energy is convertible to some other form?
d. What are the final velocities of both of the balls immediately after the collision?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
a. First, define away from you to be positive. Then our initial velocity for the soccer ball is vsi = 8 ms . We
want the final velocity to be exactly reverse, or v2s = +8 ms . Now, use conservation of momentum:
ml vli + ms vsi = ml vlf + ms vsf
(0.75kg)(vli ) + (0.6kg)(8
) = (0.75kg)(0.8 0.9vli ) + (0.6kg)(+8 )
kg m
vli = +7.16
(1.425kg)vli = 10.2
vrel,i = +7.16
(8 ) = 15.16
m1 v1i + m2 v2i
= 0.57
m1 + m 2
So Kcm = 12 M vcm
= 0.22J. Convertible energy is given by Ksys Kcm = 38.18J. That is, 99.4%.
d. From the relation in part (a), we can find the final velocity of the large ball:
vlf = 0.8
0.9(+7.16 ) = 5.6
And we already knew the final velocity of the soccer ball is +8 s .
= 0.8
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 9
Conservation of Energy
1. Suppose you are holding a book of mass m and you carry it across the room at a constant height h above
the floor. What is the change in the gravitational potential energy of the book (if your system consists of
earth and book)?
2. Now suppose that you drop the book from rest at a height h above the floor. What is its maximum velocity
v just before it reaches the floor (in terms of h and g)?
3. How would this velocity change if the book were twice as massive?
Instructor Initials:
To investigate conservation of mechanical energy, and make an experimental determination of the acceleration
due to gravity.
A rigid support
Lightweight string
Hanging mass
Photogate timer
Vernier caliper
Meter stick
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
A hanging mass lifted against gravity can effectively demonstrate the conservation of mechanical energy. By doing
work on the mass to lift it to some height h against gravity, you put energy into the system. The work done is
defined as the change in energy of a system. The mass now possesses gravitational potential energy by virtue of
its position in the gravitational field of the earth. The potential energy is equal to the work that was done to
raise the mass against gravity through this distance h, or U = mgh.
When the mass is released, the energy of the system (which consists of the earth plus the mass) is transferred
from gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy by virtue of the objects motion,
and has the value given by K = 12 mv 2 . As the mass falls from point B to point A, it loses potential energy and
gains kinetic energy. At any point in its motion, the total energy is a constant and can be expresses as the sum
of the potential and kinetic energies.
Etotal = U + K = Constant
There is a continuous interchange from potential to kinetic to potential energy, and so forth, when the mass is
allowed to continue swinging.
At point B, potential energy is at a maximum and K = 0. At point A, kinetic energy is a maximum and
U = 0. Both of these maximum values are equal to the total mechanical energy of the system and are therefore
equal to each other. This can be expressed as:
Etotal = Umax = Kmax = Constant
mgh =
mv 2
Solving for v 2 :
v 2 = 2gh
It is interesting to note that the mass cancels out. This expression represents a linear relationship for a v 2 vs. h
graph. When v 2 is plotted on the y-axis and h is plotted on the x-axis, the slope of the line is given by:
slope = 2g.
Since the value for h is somewhat difficult to measure, it can be more easily determined by measuring the length
of the string L and the angle that the bob is displaced from its equilibrium position. True to the diagram, the
expression L h is equivalent to the cosine component of the length. Therefore we can express this as:
L cos = L h
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
h = L(1 cos )
The instantaneous velocity that the bob has while passing through its equilibrium position can be determined by
measuring the time it takes to pass through a photogate timer. Using the diameter as the change in distance for
this time interval, the velocity of the bob is given by:
1. Make a pendulum using a hanging mass and a length of string by suspending it from a suitable support.
The support should be sufficiently rigid so that it causes no additional motion when the mass is released.
2. Measure the length of the pendulum from the support to the center of mass of the bob.
3. Place the photogate timer at the equilibrium position and set the mode to GATE.
4. Measure the diameter of the bob.
5. Use the protractor to measure the angles of displacement, record the time is takes the pendulum to pass
through its equilibrium position. Pull back the pendulum bob in 10-degree increments from 10 to 70 degrees
and record these times in Table 1.
6. From your data, calculate v 2 and h. Use graphical analysis to test the linearity of the relationship. Plot v 2
vs. h and draw a best-fit line. Determine the slope and solve for g.
7. Compare your results with the known value for g by finding the percent error.
Diameter of Cylinder (d):
Length of Pendulum (L):
Table 1
h = L(1 cos )
t (s)
v (m2 /s2 )
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
v 2 vs. h
Percent Deviation:
Analysis-9.1:What experimental errors influence the determination of g in this experiment?
Analysis-9.2:Discuss how your results would be affected if the support were to vibrate with the motion of the
swinging mass (but not move so much that it changes the location of the pivot.)
Analysis-9.3:Discuss the energy transformations that occur during one complete oscillation of the pendulum.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 10
To learn how to draw free-body diagrams using the computer program Freebody and to lable forces according
to convention.
Freebody computer program
Free-body diagrams allow us to separate an object from a system of interacting objects to anaylize the forces
on it. Use the following procedure to draw free-body diagrams:
1. Draw a circle or rectangle to symbolize the object you want to analyze. The shape of the object doesnt
matter, so make sure it is small and simple. We are only interested in the motion of the object!
2. List, not draw, all the items in the objects environment that exert contact forces on the object. Drawing
the items will only confuse the forces exerted on the object with those exerted by it.
3. Identify all the forces exerted on the object. Consider the gravitational force and contact forces exerted by
each item you listed in step 2.
4. Draw an arrow to represent each force identified in step 3. The arrow should point in the direction the force
is exerted and be drawn to the relative length of magnitude. Once you have drawn the forces, lable them
by the following convention:
Type identifies what kind of force it is (c for contact, g for gravitational force, etc.). By identifies the
object exerting the force. On identifies the object subjected to the force, that is, the object represented
by the circle or rectangle in step 1.
5. Verify that your forces are exerted on, not by, the object.
6. Draw a small arrow next to the object to represent acceleration if you know the direction. Check that the
vector sum of the force vectors points in the direction of this acceleration. If the object is in equilibrium,
write a = 0 and make sure the vector sum is zero as well. If your forces dont add up for the given
acceleration, make sure you drew the right forces in step 4.
Freebody - Exercise 1
We will be skipping around through the Exercises, so make sure you follow your activity guide so youre doing the
right ones.
Double-click on the Freebody icon on the Desktop. Click or press return on the opening window. In the
next window, click in the top circle and go on to read the instructions for the program.
Once you finish the instructions, you will immediately be taken to Excersice 1. Following the directions, complete
the exercise then answer the following questions.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Name-10.2:Using the force-naming convention described in the introduction, name the forces you drew for the
rock on a string. Say in words what the notation means (ex. A contact/gravitational force on (object) by (other
object)) .
Freebody engages you in a dialogue about each force you draw. If your analysis of the system is incorrect, it leads
you to reason out the correct answer without just telling you.
Analysis-10.4:Describe any problems you had in naming forces and how the dialogue directed you to the correct
Freebody Exercise 8
Click Exercises on the Menu bar of the window and then click on Choose an Exercise. Select Exercise 8 and
hit Enter. Complete Exercise 8 then answer the following questions.
Draw-10.5:Redraw your force diagram below.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Name-10.6:Using the force-naming convention described in the introduction, name the forces you drew for the
rock. Say in words what the notation means (ex. A contact/gravitational force on (object) by (other object)) .
Analysis-10.8:Describe any problems you had in naming forces and how the dialogue directed you to the correct
Freebody Exercise 3
Click Exercises on the Menu bar of the window and then click on Choose an Exercise. Select Exercise 3 and
hit Enter. Complete Exercise 3 then answer the following questions.
Draw-10.9:Redraw your force diagram below.
Name-10.10:Using the force-naming convention described in the introduction, name the forces you drew for the
box. Say in words what the notation means (ex. A contact/gravitational force on (object) by (other object)) .
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Analysis-10.12:Describe any problems you had in naming forces and how the dialogue directed you to the correct
Freebody Exercise 6
Click Exercises on the Menu bar of the window and then click on Choose an Exercise. Select Exercise 6 and
hit Enter. Complete Exercise 6 then answer the following questions.
Draw-10.13:Redraw your force diagram below.
Name-10.14:Using the force-naming convention described in the introduction, name the forces you drew for the
box. Say in words what the notation means (ex. A contact/gravitational force on (object) by (other object)) .
Analysis-10.16:Describe any problems you had in naming forces and how the dialogue directed you to the correct
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
1. Did the Freebody dialogues help correct any problems you had with determining forces as you went through
the exercises? Explain.
3. How do you determine if there is a net force on an object? Give examples of wordings from the exercises
that help you determine what the net forces on the objects should be.
Group Problem
b How much kinetic energy was converted to other forms of energy (broken bones, etc.)?
c Draw free body diagrams for each super hero, showing the force exerted on them by the other hero when
they collide in the air. Make sure your two diagrams are to the same scale.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 11
Atwoods Machine
1. Why do dropped objects accelerate toward the earth?
3. Imagine holding one end of a rope while a large rock is suspended from the other end. What force would
you need to apply to the rope so that the rock does not move (neglect the mass of the rope)? Draw a
diagram and include all the forces present.
4. If an Atwoods machine is constructed with the masses on each side of the pulley equal, what will happen
when the masses are released?
5. In our model of the Atwoods machine we ignore the friction of the pulley as well as its inertia. Why can
we do this and how would it affect the results if we did not?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Instructor Initials:
To explore Newtons 2nd law of motion by developing a mathematical model of the Atwood Machine and comparing
your model to experimental observations.
Table Clamp
Short Lab pole
Right Angle Clamp
Super Pulley on a Rod
2 Mass Hangers
Assorted Masses
The Atwood machine was one of the early methods used to measure the acceleration due to gravity at the surface
of the earth. The Atwood machine consists of two objects connected by a string that passes over a pulley, and a
very sturdy support system. In our analysis, we will simplify things by ignoring the inertia of the string and the
pulley. The two objects have a relatively large inertia with a very small difference between them.
We will use mass hangers for our objects. Place 200 grams on one of the hangers (call this one mass hanger
1) and 220 grams on the other hanger (call this mass hanger 2). Position both mass hangers at the same height.
Release them and observe their motion.
Switch the 20g mass to mass hanger 1. Again start both mass hangers from the same height, and release
Draw-11.1:Draw free body diagrams for each of the two objects from your observations. Make your forces
approximately to scale to each other.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Calculate-11.2:Applying Newtons 2nd law of motion, write an equation for the sum of the forces on each object
in terms of the forces acting on it. Hint: Think carefully about the directions of each force. Be sure to define all
of your variables.
Calculate-11.3:Write a single equation for the acceleration of the objects, assuming that the string does not
Calculate-11.4:Assuming 200g on mass hanger 1 and 210g on mass hanger 2, calculate a predicted acceleration
of the objects using your equations.
Use the following procedure to measure the acceleration of your Atwoods machine.
1. Place 200g on mass hanger 1 and 210g on mass hanger 2.
2. Start with mass hanger 2 a distance of 30cm below the pulley.
3. Release both hangers from rest and observe the distance that mass hanger 2 travels before you have to stop
mass hanger 1 to save the pulley. Measure this distance, y, using the meter stick, and record all measured
values in the space provided.
4. Reposition the mass hangers. Using two stopwatches, record two times for mass 2 to transverse the distance
measured in step 3. Repeat five times and record the average time.
5. Calculate the acceleration of the masses.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Compare with Prediction-11.5:Compare the measured acceleration with the predicted acceleration.
Using the extra masses at your lab station, measure the acceleration of the Atwood machine for 5 different combinations of masses. Be sure that the difference in the inertias of the objects is much smaller than the sum of
their inertias. Record all data in Data Table 1.
Table 1
m2 m1
m1 +m2
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 12
Collision - Impulse and Momentum
1. What is necessary in order to change the momentum of an isolated system?
2. Imagine an astronaut floating in space. Is it possible for her to travel forward by pushing herself? Why or
why not?
Instructor Initials:
To measure the change in momentum during an elastic collision and compare it to the integral of the force over
the time of the collision.
Science Workshop Interface
50 Newton force sensor
motion sensor
collision cart (with magnets)
force sensor bracket and bumpers
2.2 meter track
adjustable feet
We will do this as a demo, come ready! From your previous activities you must now be familiar with the sight
of carts on a track colliding with each other, sometimes bouncing off each other. You may remember that for
the part of the motion before and after the collision, the carts had a constant velocity. The dramatic changes in
velocity, that is, the acceleration, took place only during the periods when the carts came very close to each other.
We can thus be certain that when the carts are not very close to each other, they exert no force on each other.
But when they collide with each other, there is a large force of interaction between them. This force depends
very strongly on time, and acts for a very short duration. The exact form of this force can be quite complicated.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
But even without knowing the details we can still learn a lot about the effects of the force.
Recall that Newtons second law states that the time rate of change of momentum of an object is equal to
the force acting on the object. So if F is the force experienced by one of the carts:
F~ =
Z p~f
F dt =
p = p~f p~i
That is, the total change in momentum will equal the time integral of the force. This change in momentum is
called an impulse.
The word impulse is mostly used in the context of a large momentum transfer occurring in a short time, such as
when a baseball bat hits the ball, or when a hammer drives a nail into the wall. The impulse may be thought of
as an injection of momentum.
To evaluate the left-hand side of the last equation above, we need to know how the force F varies with time.
Fortunately, in our experiment the computer evaluates this integral for us. We will compare these two ways to
calculate the change of momentum of an object that hits a barrier.
We use a motion sensor to plot the motion of a cart before and after its collision with a bumper which is itself
mounted on a force sensor. The force sensor measures the force that the cart exerts on the bumper during the
Computer Setup
1. Connect the stereo phone plug of the motion sensor to Digital Channels 1 and 2 on the interface. Doubleclick on Motion Sensor in the left Sensors Menu.
2. Connect the DIN plug of the force sensor to Analog Channel A on the interface. Double-click on Force
Sensor in the left Sensors Menu.
3. You should find a screen that looks like this:
4. Choose the following Sampling Options: Double-click on the Force Sensor icon connected to the ScienceWorkshop interface and choose Sample Rate Fast at 500 Hz as shown below.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
1. You need to calibrate the motion sensor and the force sensor. Calibrate the motion sensor as in previous
labs. Then double-click on the force sensor icon to open up the force sensor window that looks like this:
2. You will see that the window shows the default calibration values (50 Newtons corresponding to 8 volts, 50 Newtons corresponding to -8 volts). The force sensor treats a pull as negative, and a push as positive.
We must now calibrate the sensor for its High Value and its Low Value.
3. Place the force sensor on a horizontal surface. Press the tare button on the side of the force sensor to zero
the sensor. Type 0 as the High Value (since there is no force on the hook), and click the Take Reading
4. For the Low Value type in -2. Replace the magnetic bumper with a hook at the sensitive end of the force
sensor. Connect a force spring scale to the hook and pull it out to 2N. Click the Take Reading button for
Low Value. Disregard the number for voltage. Make sure the Sensitivity is on low and click OK to return
to the Experiment Setup window.
Equipment Setup
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
3. Place the motion sensor at the other end of the track. Always release the cart from the same spot on the
4. Measure the mass of the cart, and record the value in the Data section.
5. Replace the detachable hook on the force sensor with the magnetic bumper from the force sensor bracket
and bumpers set.
Data Recording
1. When you are ready to record data, press the tare button on the side of the force sensor. Do this before
EVERY run. Bad data for your force graph usually means that the force sensor needs recalibration.
2. Place the cart at least 40cm away from the motion sensor.
3. Click the Start button to begin recording data, (or have your lab partner click the button) and release the
cart at the same time. The cart should roll towards the motion sensor while the sensor records its position.
4. Click the Stop button, after the cart has rebounded from the collision with the force sensors magnetic
bumper. You will see Run 1 appear in the Data List in the DataStudio window. Click Graph from the
Displays menu directly below and drag to Run 1 under Force to produce a Force vs. Time graph.
5. Repeat the data recording process a second and a third time.
Analyzing Data
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Mass of Cart
Impulse from force Graph
Velocity before collision
Velocity after collision
Momentum before collision
Momentum after collision
Change in Momentum from velocity graph
Observe-12.2:What could possibly cause the change in momentum to be different from the measured impulse?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 13
Work-Energy Theorem: W = E
1. Suppose a hockey puck of mass m is at rest on the ice. A surly Canadian hits the puck and sends it sailing
across the ice at velocity v. According to the Work-Energy theorem, how much work did the players stick
do on the puck?
2. Suppose the referee lifts the puck from rest on the ice and holds it (at rest) at eye-level (height h) to
examine it. Consider your system to consist of the puck only.
(a) How much work did the referee do on the puck?
Instructor Initials:
To measure the work done on a body, and to compare it to its change in kinetic energy.
Science Workshop Interface
50 Newton force sensor
Smart Pulley
Table clamp
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Cart (with mass bar)
Mass hanger and mass set
1.2 meter track
When an object of mass m experiences a net force Fnet over a distance d parallel to the force, the work done on
it is:
W = Fnet d
If the objects vertical position is changed, its gravitational potential energy changes. However, if the object
remains on the same horizontal level, only the kinetic energy of the object is affected. The change in the kinetic
energy is equal to the work done:
W = KE = KEf KEi =
mv 2 mv 2
2 1 2 2
where W is the work, vi the initial velocity, and vf the final velocity.
In this activity, a constant force is applied to a cart, with the help of a string suspended over a pulley with a
known mass at its end. The force sensor measures the force, and the Smart Pulley measures the motion of the
cart as it is pulled. DataStudio displays the force applied, the distance and the speed of the object. The program
integrates the area under the force versus distance curve and thus determines the work done. The final kinetic
energy is calculated, and compared with the work done.
Computer Setup
1. Connect the Smart Pulleys stereo phone plug to Digital Channel 1 on the interface. Connect the DIN plug
of the force sensor to Analog Channel A on the interface. Open DataStudio. Double-click on the Smart
Pulley and the Force Sensor icons in the Sensors menu on the left.
2. Double-click on the Smart Pulley icon that appears below the picture of the ScienceWorkshop interface.
Under the Measurement tab, scroll down and click in the box next to Position, Ch1 (m) as shown in
the figure below. Velocity will already be checked. This will allow you to take both velocity and position
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
3. In the same window, double-click on the Force Sensor icon. Under the general tab, change the sample
rate to Fast force changes and 1000 Hz.
4. You will need to open a graph display of Force (Newtons) versus Distance (m). Drag a graph to the force
icon in the data menu to produce a Force versus Time graph. To change the x-axis to position in meters,
click on the position icon in the same data menu and drag it to the x-axis of the Force vs. Time graph that
is already open. When you see a dashed box outlining the x-axis, let go of the mouse button and you will
now have Force vs. Position graph. A new icon will appear in the data menu below Force, Position, and
Velocity for this graph.
5. You will also need a table display of speed (m/sec) and kinetic energy at different points in time. Drag the
table icon from the Displays menu and drop it on the smart pulley velocity icon in the data menu. Use the
calculator option to add the kinetic energy to the table as described in the analyzing data section.
Equipment Setup
1. Measure the mass of the cart, and that of the force sensor (in kilograms), and record the sum of the two
values in the Data Table.
2. Use a #0 Philips head screwdriver to mount the force sensor onto the accessory tray of the cart.
3. Place the cart on the middle of the track. Check that the track is level, by adjusting the feet, so that the
cart does not roll one way or the other.
4. Cut out a piece of string that is about 10 centimeters longer than the distance from the Smart Pulley to
the floor. Connect one end of the string to the sensors hook. Place the string in the pulley groove.
5. Attach mass hanger to the other end of the string. The mass hanger should be suspended just a little above
the floor when the end of the cart is against the end-stop.
Sensor Calibration
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
4. For the High Value calibration, press the tare button on the side of the force sensor to zero the sensor.
Since there is no object on the sensor hook, type 0 N as the High Value. Click the Take Reading button
for High Value.
5. For the Low Value calibration, type in -2N. Hook the force spring scale onto the force sensor hook and pull
until it reads 2 N. Click the Take Reading button for Low Value. Make sure the force sensor is on the
low sensitivity mode. Click OK to return to the Experiment Setup window.
Data Recording
1. Pull the cart away from the Smart Pulley so that the object at the end of the string (mass hanger) is just
below the Smart Pulley.
2. Turn the pulley so that the beam of the Smart Pulley photogate is not blocked (the light-emitting diode
(LED) on the top of the photogate is not lit).
3. Click the START button to begin recording data.
4. Release the cart so that it can move towards the Smart Pulley.
5. Click the STOP button to end data recording just before the cart reaches the end stop. You will see Run
# 1 appear in the Data List in the Experiment Setup window.
6. Click on the Table display to make it active. Click the button on the top menu bar of the display. The
bottom part of the Table will display Min (Minimum), Max (maximum), Mean, and Std. Dev (standard
deviation). (If one of these values does not appear, click the down arrow next to the button and click to
check the one that does not appear).
7. Record the value of the max (or vf ) of the Velocity (m/sec) for Run # 1 in the Data Table.
Analyzing Data
1. Calculate the kinetic energy of the cart. Click the Calculate button (next to the time display) to open
the Experimental Calculator:
2. In the formula area, type 0.5 and type an asterisk, *, for multiplication.
3. Type the value for the mass of the system (consisting of cart, sensor, mass and hanger), type an asterisk
again, type a v, and then type 2 (which means to square the speed).
4. Now we need to define our variable v as velocity. Click the down arrow under Variables and click Data
Measurement. You will be asked to choose a data source; click on Velocity and then OK.
5. Click the Properties button. Under the Y variable tab, type Kinetic Energy in the Variable Name
box. Type J in the Units area and click ok.
6. Click Accept on the calculator menu and close the window. Your equation appears in the left Data menu.
Drag the Table icon to the run you want to consider to view a table of your Kinetic Energy values.
7. Click the button to view max, min, mean, and standard deviation values.
8. Record the Max (maximum) value for KE(J) in the Data Section.
IMPORTANT: If your cart did not start from rest, also record the minimum values for velocity and kinetic energy,
and calculate the change in kinetic energy for the table below.
10. Click the Graph to make it active. Click the button to open the Statistics box in the graph. Click the
Autoscale button, leftmost on the graphs menu bar, to rescale the graph to fit the data.
11. Click the down arrow next to the button. Select Area from the menu. The DataStudio program integrates
the area between the X-axis and the curve of force versus position (distance). Its OK if this value is negative
(Remember how the force sensor was calibrated).
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
12. Record the value of the area under the curve (the integration value) of Force (Newtons) versus Position
(m) as the Work (Newton-m) in the Data section.
Data Table
Mass of Cart and Sensor (kg)
vf (maximum) (m/s)
vi (minimum) (m/s)
KE (maximum) (J)
KE (minimum) (J)
KE (max - min) (J)
Work (Newton-m)
Analysis-13.1:What is the percent difference between the change in kinetic energy and the work done?
Observe-13.2:What are the possible reasons for any difference? Would you expect to measure the change in
energy to be greater or less than the work?
Measure the mass of the carts mass bar. Add the bar to the accessory tray of the cart. Repeat the data recording
and analysis. Compare the change in kinetic energy and the work done.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 14
Projectile Motion
1. Imagine throwing a ball away from you at an angle. In words, describe the motion of the ball.
2. Sketch a picture showing the path of the ball. Include all the forces acting on the ball while in flight.
3. Sketch the position of the ball in the horizontal direction as a function of time.
4. Sketch the position of the ball in the vertical direction as a function of time.
5. Sketch the velocity of the ball in the horizontal direction as a function of time.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
6. Sketch the velocity of the ball in the vertical direction as a function of time.
7. What relates the horizontal motion to the vertical motion and why?
Instructor Initials:
First determine the initial velocity of a ball that is shot horizontally out of a projectile launcher. Second, verify
the angle of projection that will produce a maximum range. Third, predict and verify the range that a ball will
travel when launched at a set angle.
Plastic Ball
Carbon Paper
Spring-loaded Projectile Launcher
White Paper
Masking Tape
Any object thrown straight up into the air, straight out from some height, or up and out at any angle in between,
undergoes projectile motion. In every case, the object has some nonzero initial velocity component(s) upon
release. It is then acted upon by gravity, which accelerates it vertically downward. In this activity you will explore
the behavior of two of these types of projectile motion.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
For this part of the activity you will determine the angle of projection that results in the maximum range of flight.
1. Clamp the launcher to the stool and practice firing the launcher using the medium range setting.
2. Using the protractor on the side of the launcher, have one person in your group fire the projectile launcher
at 10 degree increments from 15 to 55 degrees, and another determine the point at which the ball lands.
3. Measure these distances and record them in the table below.
Angle of Projection ( )
Before you can predict the range of motion that the ball will travel when fired at some angle, you need to first
determine the initial velocity that it has upon release from the launcher. The time that it takes the ball to hit the
floor is the same whether it is projected horizontally out or dropped. From the first activity you discovered how
difficult it is to measure this with just a stopwatch. So instead of trying to take this time measurement, we can
use our kinematics equations to produce an equation that is not dependent upon the time of flight. First we will
start with the kinematics equation for the vertical component of the motion.
y =
1 2
2 y
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Since the amount of time that it takes to travel in the x direction is the same amount of time that it takes to
travel in the y direction (tx = ty = t) and vx = x
tx , then t = vx . This results is an expression for time that can
be substituted into Eq. 1:
1 x2
y = g( 2 )
As the ball travels through the distance x, there are no horizontal forces acting so vx remains a constant
(vx = vx0 ). You now have an equation with only one unknown, vx .
1. Fire the ball straight out using the medium range setting on the launcher.
2. Place carbon paper over white paper and tape them to the floor in the location that the ball landed. (Tape
only one corner so you can check under the carbon paper to see if the ball leaves a mark.)
3. Fire the ball five times so that it hits the carbon paper each time.
4. Indicate the spot that would represent an average location for all five marks.
5. Measure the distance from this spot to the horizontal release position. This is your x value.
x =
6. Measure the vertical distance that the ball falls.
y =
This initial velocity that you determined is a constant for the equipment that you are using. It can be thought of
as the muzzle velocity (v0 ) of the launcher. Since it is a property of the equipment, it will always have the same
value for that setting, no matter what angle you fire it at.
If you fire the projectile launcher at some angle , you can analyze its horizontal and vertical motion independently
of each other.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Draw-14.6:Using trigonometry, determine the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity. Draw a
diagram showing the muzzle velocity as a vector and its components. Show you work.
The time of flight can be determined from the following kinematics equation:
y = y0 + v0y t + gt2
At the end of its flight, the ball hits the floor, so y = 0. And since y0 and vy0 are now known, this becomes a
quadratic equation that can be solved using algebraic methods.
Solve-14.7:Choose a and solve for the following: =
vy0 =
y0 =
Since you are finding the solution of a quadratic equation, you will have two solutions. Use the positive solution
for your value of time.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Analysis-14.8:What does this equation tell you about the path of travel for an object projected up and out at an
Having solved for t, the range can now be predicted by: x = vx0 t.
Solve-14.10:Solve for x:
So far, you have determined the muzzle velocity, solved for the time of flight, and predicted the range that the
ball will travel when fired.
1. Fire the projectile Launcher 5 times at your chosen angle.
2. Measure the average range of flight.
Compare this to your predicted value. Record your values in the table below.
Range (m)
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Calculate-14.11:Do a percent error analysis to compare the range that you predicted to the range that you
Now consider what would happen if you change some aspect of the initial conditions. (Note: These are completely
new calculations). You will get a range of answers that depends on the value of the other variable. Do not do
this numerically.
Analysis-14.13:By what amount will the range change if the initial velocity is doubled?
Analysis-14.14:By what amount will the range change if the lab stool is twice as high?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 15
Friction - Group Problems
This activity features some problems about friction you will do together with your lab group. But dont forget to
do the pre-lab questions before you come to lab!
1. Consider a block sitting on a table. If you start pulling on it with a force of 3N but it remains stationary,
what keeps it from moving?
2. What is the strength and direction of the frictional force described in Question 1? Classify it as either static
or kinetic.
3. Imagine driving down a highway at a constant velocity. What happens if you take your foot off the gas?
What force causes this change in your motion?
4. In what direction is the net force acting if you are speeding up in your car? What force causes this
5. In what direction is the net force acting if you are slowing down? What force causes this acceleration?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Instructor Initials:
Problem 1
You push a 2kg block against a spring with spring constant k = 50 m
on a horizontal table top. The spring is
compressed to 0.25m away from its relaxed length, and then the block is released. If the horizontal table top has
a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.15, how much further past the end of the spring does the block go before
coming to rest?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Problem 2
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Lab Assignment 1
Uniform Circular Motion
1. Suppose a spring hanging vertically is stretched 1cm when an object of mass 0.1kg is hung from its end.
What are the forces acting on the hanging object? What are the magnitudes of these forces? What is the net
force on the object?
Instructor Initials:
Second Law for a centripetal force, and to learn how to translate this observation and analysis into a formal lab
Electrically driven variable-speed rotator
speed governor head
weighing stand
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Spring Calibration
Calibrate the spring by removing the governor head from the rotator and hanging it from the weighing stand.
Take one of the bent wire hooks and hang the apparatus from the horizontal rod of the weighing stand so that
the knurled nut is at the top. There is a hook attached to one end of the frame for this purpose. Find the mass of
the other bent wire hook and hang it from the eyehook on the underside of the rotating mass (m) in the apparatus.
The best way to determine the position of the knurled nut is to line up the bottom of the nut with the bottom
measuring line indicated on the frame using a straight piece of a note card.
Now find the mass of the large mass hanger and hang it from the bottom of the rotating mass. Add masses to the
hanger until the rotating mass m sufficiently contacts the pivot arm or pointer P so that it points at the indicator I. Record the mass added to the hanger in Table 1. Repeat this process for 4 more positions of the knurled nut.
The indicator marks the center of the rotation axis. Each time that you have the pivot arm pointing at the
indicator, the rotating mass has extended out to the desired constant radius. Measure this distance, r, using the
vernier caliper from the center of the indicator to the center of the rotating mass. There is a line on the rotating
mass marking its center and a white line on the apparatus frame marking the center of the indicator.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Calculate the combined mass of the hanger, hanging masses, and the rotating mass (you will find this value
stamped on the bottom of it). Record it in Table 1.
Table 1
Mass of hanger=
Radius =
Weight of Combined Mass (N)
Calculate-1.1:Calculate the Weight of the combined mass and record in Table 1. Place a sample calculation here.
To the right, draw a free body diagram of the rotating mass while
it is hanging on the weighing stand. Be sure to label all of the
Place the governor head in the variable speed rotator. Turn on the rotator and adjust the speed until the pointer
(P ) is just aligned with the indicator. To change the rotation speed, adjust the point of contact of the friction
disk with the driving disk. When too fast, the pointer will lift all the way up. When too slow, pointer will fall
back down. The trick is to keep adjusting so that the pointer spends as much time above as below the center point.
Engage the counter and measure the time it takes
peat, but allow the hundreds digit to roll over twice.
angular velocity is constant. If the two agree within
again until you feel confident in your measurement.
the hundreds digit of the counter to roll over once. ReThe second time should, of course, be twice the first if the
10%, you can use them in your analysis. Otherwise, count
Take a weighted average of the two trials then repeat this
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
process for 5 knurled nut positions that are different than the ones you used to calibrate the spring force, but are
between the ones for which you calibrated the spring. Record the measurements in Table 2.
Calculate the period of one revolution. Then, divide 2 by the period to get the angular velocity, = 2
T ,
in rad/sec. Now calculate the linear speed, v, and v 2 of the rotating mass for each spin cycle using v = r.
Record the results in Table 2.
Position of
Knurled Nut
T, Period of one
revolution (s)
, Angular
2 2
Velocity (s-1 ) v (m/s) v (m /s )
100 rev.
200 rev.
In the space to the right, draw a free body diagram of the rotating
mass while it is undergoing uniform circular motion. Be sure to
label all of the forces and indicate the direction of acceleration.
Use Excel to plot the weight, in Newtons, of the combined mass versus the position of the knurled nut. Use a
best-fit regression line to find the equation relating the weight force and the position of the knurled nut. Show
the equation of your linear fit on your plot. Use this equation to calculate the corresponding weight force, FW ,
for the knurled nut positions you used in Table 2. Using the values for v 2 , calculate the centripetal force, Fcp ,
that the rotating mass experiences.
Knurled nut position
FW (N)
v 2 (m2 /s2 )
Fcp (N)
Make a graph of FW versus Fcp . What would you expect the slope to be? Why? What does this tell you
about FW and Fcp ? Include your reasoning in your lab report.
Make a plot of FW versus v 2 . Consider using (0,0) as your first data point. This just means that zero velocity requires zero force and will weight the slope in the right direction. Use a best-fit regression line to find the
slope. What does the slope of the graph represent? Do a percent error analysis of the slope.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Be careful not to leave the lab before you are reasonably confident that the data you have taken makes sense. As
always, your lab instructor is there to help.
Write a formal lab report, in your own words, that discusses theory, data, graphs, analysis, and conclusions
that can be drawn from the process of performing this lab. Include sample calculations. Discuss possible sources
of error and their effects on your results. Help for writing lab reports is on the course web-site.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 16
Rotational Motion
1. A disk and a ring, both of mass M and radius R, are placed atop the same incline and allowed to roll down.
Give an expression for the kinetic energy of the disk at the bottom of the incline in terms of its mass (M ),
radius (R), and velocity (vdisk ). How does this kinetic energy compare to the kinetic energy of the ring at
the bottom of the incline?
2. A block, also of mass M , is placed atop an incline with the same slope and height as the one above.
Assuming this incline is frictionless, give an expression for the kinetic energy of the block at the bottom of
the incline in terms of its mass (M ) and its velocity (vblock ). How does this kinetic energy compare to the
kinetic energy of the ring and disk at the bottom of the incline?
3. How do the velocities of the disk, ring, and block compare at the bottom of the incline? Which one reaches
bottom first? (Hint: Think about how much of the kinetic energy of each object is associated with the
translational velocity of the object.) Why?
Instructor Initials:
To determine the moment of inertia of a rotating object by applying conservation of energy to a system having
both translation and rotational kinetic energy, and to compare the experimental value with that predicted by
theory using graphical methods and Excel.
Rotating Turntable
Disk and Ring
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Meter stick
Mass Hanger with (4) 20g Masses
In this activity we will determine the moment of inertia, I, of objects undergoing rotational motion using conservation of energy methods. Moment of inertia is a property of a rotating body that depends both upon the
mass of the object and the orientation of that mass with respect to the axis of rotation. We will be using a disk
(I = 12 M R2 ) and a ring (I = M R2 ). Each will be placed on a turntable that rotates on a spindle of radius r as
shown in the diagram below. Initially, the system has only potential energy. When the hanging mass is released
potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.
Analysis-16.1:Where is the kinetic energy?
The large mass M setting on the turntable rotates at the same rotational speed as the spindle about which the
string is wound. The tension in the string provides a torque resulting in a change in rotational velocity. This can
easily be determined since the tangential velocity of the spindle at any time is the same as the velocity of the
falling mass. You will measure this distance h, and the time t for the mass to fall through this distance, and use
these values to determine the tangential velocity of the spindle.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Analysis-16.3:Using your knowledge of kinematics, write an equation for the average velocity of the falling mass
in terms of the characteristics of the system:
The average velocity can also be calculated in the same manner that any average is calculated:
v =
v1 + v 2
Solve-16.4:Set these two equations equal to each other, and solve for the final velocity (Equation 2).
Assuming the string doesnt slip or stretch, we now have the final tangential velocity of the spindle and can use
this to express its final rotational kinetic energy since
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Analysis-16.5:Write a conservation of energy formula equating the potential energy to the kinetic energies (Equation 4):
Calculate-16.6:Substituting in equation (3) for and factoring out the v2 gives Equation 5:
Calculate-16.7:But since m << M , we can essentially ignore the term to simplify the problem and rearrange the
expression so we have v2 as a function of the falling mass m. This gives us the relationship (Equation 6):
Using the slope of the plot of v2 vs. m, we can then solve for the moment of inertia I and compare this
experimental value to that calculated directly from the mass and radius of the object.
Disk: I = 12 M R2
Ring: I = M R2
Set up the equipment according to the diagram with the disk on the turntable. Loop the end of the string around
the pin on the spindle and suspend the mass holder over the pulley. Make sure that the tensional force of the
string is being applied perpendicular to the radius of the spindle. Wind the string around the spindle until the
hanging mass is elevated to some measured distance h. Use the stopwatch to find the time it takes the hanging
mass to fall through this distance h. Record 5 time readings for 5 different hanging masses by adding 20 grams
to the mass holder each time. Be sure to keep h constant for each run. Repeat this procedure for the ring.
Height, h:
Radius of spindle, r:
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Time t (seconds)
vf =
vf2 (m/s)2
Plot vf2 vs. m and use the slope (and equation 6) to determine the moment of inertia for the disk.
Solve-16.8:Solve for I and circle your result. This is your experimental value.
Analysis-16.9: Which radius did you use above (disk or spindle) to calculate I? Why?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Calculate-16.10:Using equation (7), calculate the moment of inertia of the disk. This is your theoretical value.
Analysis-16.11:Which radius did you use above (disk or spindle) to calculate I? Why?
Calculate-16.12:Do a percent deviation analysis to compare your experimental value with your theoretical value.
Time t (seconds)
Height, h:
Radius of spindle, r:
vf =
vf2 (m/s)2
Plot vf2 vs. m and use the slope (and equation 6) to determine the moment of inertia for the ring.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Solve-16.13:Solve for I and circle your result. This is your experimental value.
Calculate-16.14:Using equation (8), calculate the moment of inertia of the ring. This is your theoretical value.
Calculate-16.15:Do a percent deviation analysis to compare your experimental value with your theoretical value.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
1. What maximum kinetic energy does the disk acquire? What fraction of the initial potential energy of the
system is this?
2. What is the maximum kinetic energy of the falling mass? What fraction of the initial potential energy of
the system is this?
3. How does this value compare to the kinetic energy of the disk? Does it justify ignoring this term to simplify
the analysis?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 17
Statics and Torque
1. A seesaw, 5m long, has a pivot point at its center. A 35kg child sits on one end of the board. If the board
is to be balanced what weight should be placed on the other end? What force does the pivot apply to the
2. Two pylons hold up a 67, 000kg bridge, 30m long. Pylon A is 8m from one end of the bridge and pylon B
is 12m from the other end. A 2000kg Dump Truck sits directly in the middle of the bridge and a 800kg car
is 5m from pylon A toward the middle of the bridge.
a. Draw an extended free body diagram and label all of the forces.
3. (For part 2) Why dont we put door handles in the center of the door?
Instructor Initials:
To demonstrate static equilibrium.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Triple Beam Balance
4 Meterstick Mass Hangers
Balance Stand
3 Mass Hangers with Assorted Masses
Mass 1:
Location of Mass 2:
Mass 2:
Compare-17.3:How does this compare the to expected mass given by your lab instructor?
Pivot position is located at 60cm: Fill in the missing information using the data provided by the Lab Instructor.
The information should be located on the chalkboard at the front of the room.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Location of Mass 1:
Mass 1:
Location of Mass 2:
Mass 2:
Compare-17.6:How does this compare the to expected mass given by your lab instructor?
Force Table
Graph Paper
3 Mass Hangers with Assorted Masses
Two Steel Discs
Plastic Ruler
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Radius, r (m)
Mass (kg)
F (N)
Torque (N m)
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 18
Group Problems 2
Work the following problems about gravitation with your lab partners.
Question 1
A spy satellite is placed in circular geosynchronous orbit, meaning it orbits the Earth at the same rate the Earth
spins on its axis so it can survey a specific piece of land 24 hours a day. How far above the surface of the earth
is the satellite in orbit?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Question 2
You are launching your roommates pet monkey into space (the animal just really gets on your nerves). Of course,
you provide it with a pressure suit, breathing apparatus, and a generous supply of bananas for the trip. What is
the minimum speed you need to launch the monkey so that it breaks free of Earths gravity?
Question 3
Consider a black hole of 10 solar masses. Within what minimum distance could a light ray approach this object
and still have a chance to escape?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Question 4
Astronomers detect a large asteroid thats far away but still heading toward earth at 754 ms . A straight trajectory
would bring it within 3.3 108 m of the Earth (about the orbit of the moon). However, the Earths gravitational
attraction will pull it closer towards the Earth. Is there cause for alarm?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 19
The Simple Pendulum
1. At what position does a pendulum have its maximum kinetic energy?
4. If a 3kg bowling ball were suspended from a 5m piece of fishing line, what will be the period of oscillation?
5. If that same 3kg bowling ball were now suspended from a 5m cable with a mass of 2kg, would the period
be different? Why?
To investigate both the oscillatory motion of a simple pendulum and make an experimental determination of the
acceleration due to gravity.
Simple pendulum consisting of a rigid support
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Lightweight string
Two masses
Photogate timer
Meter stick
1. Make a simple pendulum using a mass and a length of string by suspending it from a suitable support.
The support should be sufficiently rigid so that it causes no additional motion during the oscillation of the
2. Measure the initial length of the pendulum from the support to the center of mass of the hanging mass.
3. Place the photogate timer at the equilibrium position and set the mode to PENDULUM.
4. Give the mass a small angular displacement of no more than 10 degrees and record the time of one period
of oscillation in Table 1.
5. Take a series of 5 more observations, shortening the length of the string each time by 10cm, and record
your data in Data Table 1. Careful! As you shorten the length, be sure to adjust the distance that you pull
the mass back in order to maintain less than a 10-degree angular displacement.
L (cm)
T (s)
Square of Period
T 2 (s2 )
6. Repeat this procedure using the other mass and record the data in Data Table 2.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
L (cm)
T (s)
Square of Period
T 2 (s2 )
The equation for the period of a pendulum for small angles of displacement:
T = 2
After squaring both sides:
T2 =
4 2
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Large Mass
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Small Mass
Solve for g from the slopes of both graphs. These are your experimental values.
Observe-19.4:Large Mass:
Observe-19.5:Small Mass:
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Compare your results for each with the known value for g by finding the percent deviation.
Calculate-19.6:Large Mass percent deviation:
1. Compare the slopes of the two graphs. What do your results suggest about the effect of mass on the period
of oscillation?
2. According to the equation, how does the amplitude influence the period?
3. By what factor is the period of a simple pendulum altered when its length is doubled?
4. A so-called seconds pendulum is one that passes through its equilibrium position once a second.
a What is the period of such a pendulum?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
5. Which pendulum would you have expected to have the least error? Why?
6. What experimental errors influence the determination of g in this experiment? Be sure to classify each as
random or systematic.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 20
Mass-Spring Systems
1. Why does a spring resist a pull or a push?
2. A spring holds up a small mass vertically. What happens if you double the mass?
3. A spring holding up a small mass vertically is given a gentle downward tug, and then released. What
happens? This is done again, but with twice as much mass. How does this compare to the first example?
4. A spring is suspended vertically, and masses of 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 grams are attached to it, and
a measurement of spring stretch taken each time. Sketch the shape of the graph of weight vs. stretch.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Instructor Initials:
To observe the oscillatory motion of a spring/mass system and determine the spring constants of several springs
using Hookes Law and graphical methods on Excel.
Rigid support
Various springs
Mass holder with a wide range of masses
Triple-beam balance
Meter stick
In the last activity you studied the behavior of the simple pendulum as an oscillating system. In this activity
you will analyze the simple harmonic motion of various mass-spring systems and use both Hookes Law and the
relationship between the period and mass to determine the spring constant for various springs.
When a spring is displaced from equilibrium by some amount x0 , the spring exerts a force given by Hookes
F = kx
The minus sign indicates that the force points in the direction opposite to the displacement. When the spring is
released, it produces a restoring force that accelerates the mass back toward the equilibrium position. Because
the object has inertia, the mass continues through its equilibrium position and extends or compresses the spring
through the same amount of displacement x0 . It is now in simple harmonic motion.
Analysis-20.1:At what position in the motion(s) will the mass be moving with the greatest speed?
Observe-20.2:At what position(s) in the motion will the mass be moving with the least speed?
The spring constant, k, (often presented in units of N/m) represents the amount of force needed, theoretically, to
stretch the spring one meter (or the stiffness of the spring). In this activity, you will be determining the spring
constant for several different springs. In order to eliminate frictional effects, we will use a vertical system where
only conservative forces act on the system.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
First, you will determine the spring constant for each spring using Hookes Law as given by Eq. 1 above. Attach
one of the springs to the stand and place enough mass on the holder so the spring undergoes some small amount
of extension. Record the amount of mass and the length of the slightly extended spring in Table A. These are
your initial values. Next, add enough mass to give it some greater amount of extension but not so much that
you come anywhere close to overstretching the spring. The amount of mass necessary to accomplish this will
vary from spring to spring depending on its stiffness. Record this mass and length as your final values. Take the
difference of the initial and final values of mass. Multiplying this difference in mass by the gravitational force to
) gives the amount of force needed to extend it through the net displacement (the difference
mass ratio (9.8 kg
between the initial and final values of the length of the spring). Solve for k for each spring. Consider this your
theoretical value.
Spring Initial
Color Mass
mf mi F = mg
m (kg) (N)
x = Lf Li
Observe-20.3:Place a small mass on the end of one of the springs hanging from the support. Displace it upward
a small distance and release it. Describe the motion you observe.
The equation below is a mathematical model for the period of an oscillating spring.
T = 2
You will now determine the spring constant for the oscillating mass-spring system using the expression given by
Eq. 2. If we square both sides and rearrange it, it can take on the form:
T2 =
4 2
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
We can solve for k from the slope of the best-fit line. Consider this the experimental value that you will
compare to the value determined using Hookes Law. Both are experimental values, we just pretended the first
was theoretical, remember.
For each spring choose 4 different appropriate mass values that you can use to set the spring into SHM and
measure each corresponding value of the period. You will do this by using the stopwatch to measure the amount
of time it takes the spring to go through 10 oscillations and then dividing this value by ten to find the time it takes
for one oscillation. Record these values in TABLE B. You will also need to find the mass of each spring. One-third
of the mass of the spring needs to be added to the amount of the oscillating mass when we are considering a
vertically suspended system (Note: the justification for this step requires calculus beyond what is required for this
course). Again, record these values in the table below.
Open Excel on the computer at your station and plot T 2 vs. m for each spring. Enter the value of the slope from
the equation of the best-fit line in Table B and solve for k. NOTE: You do not need to print out your graphs.
Just record the value for the slope. Find the percent error between the values for k that you determined using
the two different methods.
Table B.1
Spring Color:
Time for 10
Period (T)
Total Mass
mh + 13 ms
kexp =
4 2
Calculate-20.4:Percent Deviation:
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Table B.2
Spring Color:
Time for 10
Period (T)
Total Mass
mh + 13 ms
kexp =
4 2
kexp =
4 2
kexp =
4 2
Calculate-20.5:Percent Deviation:
Table B.3
Spring Color:
Time for 10
Period (T)
Total Mass
mh + 13 ms
Calculate-20.6:Percent Deviation:
Table B.4
Spring Color:
Time for 10
Period (T)
Total Mass
mh + 13 ms
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Calculate-20.7:Percent Deviation:
Table B.5
Spring Color:
Time for 10
Period (T)
Total Mass
mh + 13 ms
kexp =
4 2
Calculate-20.8:Percent Deviation:
1. If a uniform spring is cut in half, what is the spring constant of each half? Justify your answer.
2. How would the frequency using a half-spring differ from that using the same mass and the entire spring?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
3. For a vertical system, how does the mass of the spring change the characteristics of the system?
4. If the amplitude of an object in SHM is doubled, how would it affect the energy and maximum speed?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 21
We will be doing a demo for today and have group problems for next time, but be sure to do the questions before
class for the demo!
1. How is wavespeed related to wavelength and frequency?
4. What are two ways to decrease the speed of a wave (you can change the medium here, but how)?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 22
Group Problems 3
Work the following problems together with your lab partners.
Question 1
A 9kg object is suspended from the ceiling by a strong spring, which then undergoes simple harmonic motion with
a period of 0.4s. The block is brought to rest, and the equilibrium length of the spring with the block attached
is measured. By how much this length reduced when the block is removed?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Question 2
A spring is mounted to a vertical wall such that an object attached to the end of the spring is free to slide on
a very smooth horizontal surface. When we pull on the free end of the spring with a force of 5N, it causes a
displacement of 1cm. Next, we attach a 2.5kg object to the relaxed spring and push it toward the wall a distance
of 4cm, then release it.
a. Find the force constant of the spring.
b. Find the period and frequency of the motion.
c. Find the maximum velocity the object will experience.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Question 3
Given two pulses of equal amplitude but one inverted with respect to the other propagating toward each other on
a string,
a. Sketch the displacement curve as a function of time for the midpoint of the string.
b. When two waves overlap, how is the resulting velocity of a point between the overlapping waves related to
the velocities of the corresponding points on the individual waves?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Question 4
You are given two strings of different densities tied together like in the demo last lab. You shake the first string
up and down once, causing a wave pulse.
a. What happens in the limit that the inertia of the second string goes to zero?
b. What happens in the limit that the inertia of the second string goes to infinity?
c. What happens in the limit that the inertia of the second string becomes identical to that of the first string?
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Question 5
You are given two strings of different densities tied together like in the demo in lab last time. You shake the first
string up and down once, causing one complete wave pulse. The wavelength is 25cm and at t = 0, the leading
edge of the wave is 25 cm from the join of the two strings. In string 2 the wave will have twice the wavelength.
In the first string, the wave travels at a speed of 2.0 ms .
a. How do the periods of the waves on string 1 and string 2 compare?
b. What is the speed of the wave in string 2?
c. Which string is heavier? Justify your answer.
d. Draw the wave at t = 0.
e. Draw the wave at t = 2s.
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 23
Survey extra credit
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 24
Free points
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 25
Post test
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 26
Missed a nongraded lab without permission
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.
Activity 27
Honors Project
John and Gay Stewart, The University of Arkansas, Department of Physics. Supported in part by a
grant from the National Science Foundation as part of the PhysTEC project.