A Guide To Apartment Owners Association
A Guide To Apartment Owners Association
A Guide To Apartment Owners Association
Come March - the typical fiscal year end, most Apartment Complexes in India get busy with
their annual elections - to elect a new Management Committee of the Apartment Owners'
Association or the RWA - Resident Welfare Association.
But many of us Apartment Owners / Apartment Residents have often resurfacing questions
on what exactly is the definition of an Apartment Owners' Association? What is its purpose?
Its powers? Its duties? Its alignment with the legislation?
Here is an attempt at compiling answers to the above questions . This is in relevance to
Apartment Owners' Associations in Karnataka. For other states in India, information is most
The terms Association and Society in this post are used interchangeably.
How is an Apartment Owners' Association (referred to as the 'Association'
hereafter) formed in Bangalore?
The Association is formed by 7 or more owners in the Apartment Complex approaching the
Registrar of Societies together and make an application that:
1. Says that they desire to form themselves in to a society under Karnataka Societies
Registration Act 1960.
The General Body (GB): All members of the association form the General Body - this is
the supreme authority of the Association. The GB may alter, rescind, add, or amend the
bye-laws, with the approval and consent of at least 1\3 members voting in general body. All
members of the association are bound by the bye-laws. The decision of the GB is binding on
all members.
The Management Committee (MC): A board of members elected by and from the GB,
that represents the Association before all government and other official or non official bodies
in all matters concerning the building and other rights and interests of the members. The
MC is typically composed of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer (together
known as the Executive Committee) and 8 other members. The period of office of the
elected members is typically 12 months. Such members are eligible for re-election for
another term. The work of the MC is reviewed by the GB at the annual general body
meeting or any other meeting.
As a member, what are my duties and rights?
Duties: Attend all General Body meetings, pay the dues decided by the General Body in a
timely manner, abide by the Bye-Laws.
Rights: Vote in the elections - each member, irrespective of the apartment type & size has
a single vote at Annual General Body Meeting or in any other official meeting, elections, of
the association. Should a member have ownership of more than one apartment, the number
of votes shall be in proportion to the number of apartments owned. The member has a right
to authorize a proxy to vote in his absence.
Each member of the association has the right to inspect all records, books of accounts of the
association with 3 days prior notice to the Management Committee.
What are the duties of the Management Committee?
Organize, social, cultural and recreational facilities and amenities for the resident,
supervise the same and maintain or organize the maintenance of all common areas
and amenities thereof.
Assign the responsibilities for carrying out day to day administration of building and
affairs of association to the employees appointed for such purpose
Represent the members of the Association, in the matter relating to the building or
arising in relation to it, with the aim of protecting their rights and interest
Encourage and promote religious, cultural and educational activities and promote
charitable feelings amongst members.
Join hand with any other association for common and mutual benefits.
Open and maintain one or more bank Accounts of the association in the name of the
association with any nationalized bank as decided by the committee.
Ensure that the income monies received by the association are applied in promoting
the objectives of the association and are not available for distribution on any account
amongst the members.
Keep in custody of all original documents connected to the land and building, licences
issued by any authorities in relation of the said building or land
What are the duties and powers of the President, Secretary and Treasurer?
The president presides over all the committee meetings and has general control over
all the affairs of the association. He/she is the person who can sue with the consent
of the general body or defend any legal action against the association on behalf of
the association, after taking appropriate legal advice.
All legal proceedings are instituted and continued or defended by the president.
He/she signs all documents and papers and vakalats relating thereto in the name
and on behalf of the association.
In the absence of the president, for any reason whatsoever, the committee may
authorize the secretary or the treasurer to sign all such documents, papers etc for
and on behalf of the association.
The secretary is responsible for the executive administration of the association subject to
the control of the committee.
The treasure has custody of all properties of the association including the funds of
the association.
He\she is empowered to operate the bank accounts of the association jointly, but not
severally, with president, or secretary. Any such account operation is only for
bonafide and authorized purpose of the association
The treasurer maintains a petty cash account for meeting the immediate petty