Tutorial - Reliability
Tutorial - Reliability
Tutorial - Reliability
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PTW - Reliability
This tutorial describes the basic concepts required to operate the PTW Reliability module efficiently.
Table of Contents
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The Load Point Reliability includes the following indices for each load and motor in the system:
Failure Rate ?
Annual Outage Time
Annual Availability%
The Protection Zone Reliability includes the following IEEE indices for each protection zone in the system:
system average interruption frequency index (interruptions/customer-year)
system average interruption duration index (hours/customer-yr.)
customer average interruption frequency index (hours/customer-interruption)
average service availability index
average service unavailability index
expected energy not supplied index (kWh/year
average energy not supplied (kWh/customer-year)
total damage cost in k$ per year due to failures
The Utility System Evaluation includes the following aspects of the utility portion of the system:
equipment costs
switching and lockout complexity
probability of failure and mean time to repair
process that must be shutdown for maintenance and expansion
capacity to isolate from supply line faults
capacity to recover from equipment and bus faults
capacity to recover from breaker failures
o Evaluation
overall system evaluation
To calculate the load point reliability and protection zone reliability indices, you need to collect
information such as equipment failure rate, restoration time. For utility and distribution systems evaluation,
you need to know the system configurations, equipment costs, and whether spare equipments are available
or not, and most importantly, the costs of power outage.
To predict the system reliability at a future time, the program estimates the failure rate and restoration time
at the year of evaluation based on historical data. Enter the historical failure rate and restoration time in the
Customer Reliability Data library and Year Installed for the components of interests in the Component
Editor, and Evaluation Year in the study setup. The program will come up with a mathematical
representation of failure rate and restoration time as a function of (Year Evaluate Year Installed). The
predicted failure rate and restoration time at the evaluation year will be used in the calculation of reliability
indices and cost evaluations.
Installed Cost
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2. Select the Reliability Data sub-view of Utility UTIL-0001 from the Component Editor, press the Library
button and double click the Utility IEEE Single circuit from the Customer Reliability Data library.
The permanent failure rate and restoration time will be displayed from the library. Alternatively, you can
type in custom values directly.
3. Select the Reliability Data sub-view of Transformer, XF2-0001 from the Component Editor, press the
Library button and double click the Transformer (IEEE)-601-15000V from the Customer Reliability Data
library. The Permanent Failure Rate and Repair Time will be filled in from the library. Alternatively, you
can type in the values directly. Enter the Replace Time, Equipment Cost, and the Year Installed as shown.
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4. Select the Reliability Data sub-view of XF2-0002 from the Component Editor, press the Library button
and double click the Transformer, 300 KVA 10 MVA, ERM RAM from the customer reliability data
library. The Permanent Failure Rate and Repair Time will be filled in from the library. Alternatively, you
can type in the values instead of using the library data.
Enter the Replace Time, Equipment Cost, and enter the Year Installed as shown.
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5. Select the Reliability Data sub-view of Cable CBL-0001 from the Component Editor, press the Library
button to bring up the custom reliability data library and double click the Cable, 600V Tray-ERM RAM
from the library. The permanent failure rate and repair time will be filled in from the library.
The cable has another permanent failure rate and restoration time for each termination of each phase. In the
following example, the permanent failure rate is 0.004 and the cable termination (each end) data is entered
as 0.0001 f/yr. For example, if the cable is 3 phase with 5 conductors per phase, the total permanent failure
rate of the cable would be (0.004 + 3 * 2 * 0.0001).
The switching time is used to simulate a disconnect switch. It is assumed that there is a disconnect switch
for each branch. When there is a fault somewhere in the zone, the main protection device for the zone will
trip, then the disconnect switch will open to isolate the fault. After that, the main protection device will
close to restore power for the rest of the zone. The switching time represents the total time it takes for
these actions to take place. For branches where no disconnect mechanism is present, enter a switching time
equal to the repair time.
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6. Select the Reliability Data sub-view of LOAD-0001 from the Component Editor, press the Library
button for Customer Damage Function (CDF) and double click the Type2, Industrial from the library. A
table listing the cost related to each failure duration will be filled in from the CDF library. Move to the
reliability data section and press the library button to select Heater, Electric, General from the Custom
Reliability Data library, enter the number of customers as 1.
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7. Select the Reliability Data sub-view of Protective Device PD-0001 from the Component Editor, press
the Library button for Custom Reliability Data and double click the Fuse, 5-15kV-PREP from the library.
The Permanent Failure Rate and Repair Time will be filled in from the library. Enter the Equipment Cost
and Year Installed.
There are six protective devices in this project. The data for all six devices follows:
Select each protective device and enter the reliability data for each. This completes the data entry portion
of the tutorial. The next section will outline the study setup options.
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Once you start the Reliability Analysis module, the following study manager appears with a default study
named Study1. You can rename it to a more descriptive name.
Selecting each different folder/icon on the left hand side will bring up its corresponding context on the right
hand side. For example, selecting the root of the tree will show a list all major aspects of study results for
all studies in this project, selecting the Study folder will show major results in the current study only,
selecting Reliability Analysis under the study will lists all reliability related indices, and selecting Cost
Evaluation under the study will lists all cost related evaluation results. Since we havent run the study yet,
there are no results listed under the Load Point Indices Results or IEEE Indices Results folders.
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Disconnect Switches
Disconnect switches allows restoration of all load points between the supply point and the point of
isolation before the repair process has been completed. The option assumes that you have a
disconnect switch that can isolate each problem area and can re-energize the unaffected areas.
Additional control can be achieved by setting the repair and switching times appropriately for each
Fuse Settings
Fuses allow disconnection of its load point until the failure is repaired. Thus will not affect or
cause the disconnection of any other load point. The Failure Probability of fuse is the chance of
fuse not being able to operate successfully. If the failure probability is 0.1, the fuses operates
successfully 9 out of 10 times when required. The Isolation Time of fuse is the time it takes for all
failures to be isolated.
Alternative Supply
In the event of a system failure, the normally open tie-breaker can be closed in order to recover
loads that have been disconnected.
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Age Factor
The Customer Reliability Data library allows you to enter the historical data for failure rate and
restoration time for each year in the past. A curve fitting program is used to define a mathematical
representation for failure rate and restoration time as a function relative to the year installed. If the
Include Age Multiplying Factor is checked, the Evaluation Year field can be entered
and the Reliability Analysis program will use the evaluation year and year installed to adjust the
failure rates and repair times. See Reliability Data Library for more information.
Evaluation Year
Enter a current or future year you want to calculate reliability and related costs.
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The Load Point Reliability includes the following indices for each load and motor in the system.
Definitions for the indices follow. Most of them come from the IEEE Standard 493-1997 Gold Book Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems:
The mean exposure time between consecutive failures of a component. It can be
estimated by dividing the exposure time by the number of failures in that period, provided that a
sufficient number of failures have occurred in that period. MTBF = MTTF + MTTR
Failure Rate
The mean number of failures of a component per unit exposure time. Usually
exposure time is expressed in years and failure rate is given in failures per year.
Annual Outage Time: Total hours per year when a component or system is not available to
properly perform its intended function due to some event directly associated with that component
or system.
The mean-time to repair or replace a failed component. It can be estimated by
dividing the summation of repair times by the number of repairs, and, therefore, it is practically
the average repair time.
The long-term average fraction of time that a component or system is in service
and satisfactorily performing its intended function.
Annual Availability%
Total damage cost in thousands of dollars (k$) per year due to failures.
(1 - Annual Outage Time / 8760) * 100, 8760 I the total hours per year.
c(r): cost which depending on the outage time ($/kW), this can be obtained from Customer damage
function (CDF) of each load.
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The IEEE Protection Zone Reliability includes the following indices for each protection zone in the system.
Since the only protection zone in the Tutorial project that has loads in it is PD-0004, it is the only one listed
here. Any other protection zones will have zero results for all indices since there are no loads within the
zones. Whereas many of the IEEE indices refer to the number of customers affected as would be typical
for a Utility network, for industrial or commercial systems a customer can represent a Process, Building, or
Area. Whereas utility costs are associated by lost customer revenue, commercial and industrial losses may
be even more dramatic through loss of product, lost worker productivity or lost sales.
o System Average Interruption Frequency Index, SAIFI (interruptions/customer-yr.)
where ? i is the failure rate and Ni is the number of customers of load point i.
where Ui is the annual outage time and Ni is the number of customers of load point i.
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c(r): cost which depending on the outage time ($/kW), this can be obtained from Customer
damage function(CDF) of each load.
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Each type of default weighting factor emphasizes different aspects that affect the decision. The default
weighting factors come from Tables 1, 3 and 7 of John E. Propst and Daniel R. Doans paper.
Adjust the Value and Weights % for each aspect that affects the system evaluation, based on the
particular needs of your business or system. The total system value is 140 in the configuration. This is a
relative value to be compared with other proposed configurations.
You can customize Value and Weights % in each default configuration by modifying them and
choosing Save As Template.
To compare the simple configuration you selected with a more complex one, rename the study study1 we
just created to Single SRC-TX by clicking on the study name (two single clicks), or by using the
Rename feature from the menu item. Then Copy the study and select the root of the tree to Paste the
study. The copy and paste functions are available from the Right Mouse menu and also from the Edit
menu. Notice that you are not allowed to paste a study under another study, you must paste with the main
Root (Reliability Analysis) selected. Rename the study you just copied to Dual SRC-TX, Ring Bus.
You should see two different study folders displayed as follows:
Utility System Installed Cost - Dual Source, Dual Transformer with Ring Bus
Select the Dual Source, Dual Transformer with Ring Bus utility system configuration for the new study,
and overwrite the old evaluation data.
You can see that the total utility system cost changed from $880,000 for the single source, single
transformer case to $ 2,670,000 for the dual source, dual transformer with ring bus case.
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Once again, select the Reliability Dominated Weighting as the default weighting factors for the new
study and press OK.
Utility System Evaluation - Dual Source, Dual Transformer with Ring Bus
Proceed to the Utility System Evaluation folder under the Dual SRC-TX, Ring Bus study to adjust the
Value and Weights% for each aspect that affect the system value.
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The Distribution System Installed Cost folder will show all equipments/devices in this project with the cost
of each (including whether there is a spare or not) reading from the components you entered in the project
database. If you choose to let the program automatically synchronize the data, the distribution installed
cost list becomes read only. Any changes made to project (add/destroy components, or change cost data
from component editor) will be updated to the distribution installed cost list automatically.
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Proceed to the Distribution System Evaluation folder under study Single SRC-TX. Select the
Reliability Dominated Weighting as the default Value and Weights%.
The following distribution system evaluation results will appear. Again, you can customize the distribution
installed cost list or the distribution system evaluation Value and Weights % in each default configuration
by making your modifications and choosing Save As Template.
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Distribution System Installed Cost - Dual Supply Radial with Tie Breaker
For the purpose of comparison, select Dual Supply Radial with Tie Breaker as the distribution system
configuration for the Dual SRC-TX, Ring Bus study folder, and choose the Reliability Dominated
Weighting option.
You will get the following distribution system evaluation results. Comparison of the two distribution
system configurations Single Radial and Dual Supply Radial with Tie Breaker show that the installed
cost jumps from k$2310 to k$3088, and the overall system evaluation value improved from 128 to 268.
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Al l library related features you have learned from other library types apply here. These include copy,
paste with in the same library or between different libraries, etc.
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A typical custom damage function library follows. Each row in the table represents failure duration and its
associated cost per kW for not being able to supply power to the load. The table shows for longer failure
durations, cost may increase. For example, in some process facilities, the costs from a short loss of power
may be minimal, but a for longer power losses the lost product costs could be extremely large.
The advantage of having such a user definable library allows you to model your plant accurately. You can
select the same library for all loads with the same characteristic. If you need to modify or update your
damage function, you can simply change the library without changing any of the loads.
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Total Failure Rate = Failure Rate * Multiplying Factor * Failure Rate Aging Factor
The repair time aging factor equation is defined as:
Repair Time Aging Factor = C5X5 + C4X4 + C3X3 + C2X2 + C1X1 + C0
The total repair time is calculated as:
Total Repair Time = Failure Rate * Multiplying Factor * Repair Time Aging Factor
The parameters C5, C4, C3, C2, C1, C0 are disabled because they are calculated from historical data entered
on the Failure Rate Aging Factor page, and Repair Time Aging Factor page. If no historical data are
entered on the 2nd and 3rd pages, these parameters will be enabled for the user to enter.
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