CV Plus Bibliography of Dr. Baadiyow
CV Plus Bibliography of Dr. Baadiyow
CV Plus Bibliography of Dr. Baadiyow
Dr. Abdurahman became a presidential candidate in the 2012 race and made
great effort to bring together all political groups to form national unity
government. However, this project was foiled by the current regime. To
further reconciliation and national unity among all Somalis, he announced a
new political party under the name of "National Unity Party" in the beginning
of 2014. The major focus of the party is to create an environment for
political dialogue and further national reconciliation among war-torn Somalis.
The party had already established its branches in most of the regions in the
country and is in the process of opening chapters in the Somali Diaspora. It is
expected that Somalia will move away from clan power sharing known as 4.5
formula to popular democratic elections by 2016 and the party is preparing
to effectively participate in that election. For more on the party, visit its
website (
Besides political career and civil society activism, Dr. Abdurahman is also a
scholar who contributed in the Somali studies. He formed a new historical
perspective known as "Comprehensive Historical Perspective". This
perspective criticizes other three major perspectives on the study of Somali
history such as Anthropological, Marxist and revisionist. He participated in
many academic conferences and published a number of academic papers,
book chapters and numerous articles in Arabic, Somali and English
Note: This bibliography puts forth only academic thesis, book chapters,
academic papers, articles and some published interviews. Other works in
Arabic and Somali languages are not included here.
1. Academic Thesis
Abdullahi, Abdurahman. Tribalism, Nationalism and Islam: The crisis of the
political Loyalties in Somalia". MA thesis, Islamic Institute, McGill University,
1992. Available from:
Abdullahi, Abdurahman. "The Islamic movement in Somalia: a historical
evolution with a case study of the Islah Movement (1950- 2000)." A PhD
thesis submitted to McGill University, 2011. Available from:
2. Book Chapters
Abdullahi, Abdurahman. Triba lis m and Is la m: The bas ics of
Som a li nes s . Muddle Suzanne Liluis, ed. Variations on the theme of
Somaliness. Finland: Centre of Continuing Education, Abo University,
3. Academic Papers
Abdullahi, Abdurahman. Political Islam in Somalia. Middle Eastern
Affairs Journal. 1:3 (1993): 44-55.
Abdu lla hi, Abdura hma n. N on- Sta te Acto rs in the Fa ile d Sta te of
Som a lia : Surve y of the C ivil Socie ty Orga niza tions in Soma lia
dur ing g the C ivil Wa r. Darasaat Ifriqiyayyah. 31 (2004): 57-87.
Abdullahi, Abdurahman. Penetrating Cultural Frontiers in Somalia:
History of Wome ns Po li tica l Pa rtici pa tion during fou r De ca de s
( 19 59- 200 0) . African Renaissance 4:1 (2007): 36-54.
Abdullahi, Abdurahman. Women and Traditional Democracy in Somalia:
Winning Strategies for Political Ascendancy. African Renaissance 4: 3&4
(2007): 23-32.
4. Some Articles:
Abdurahman Abdullahi. "The Application of Sharia Laws in Somalia". Available
Abdurahman Abdullahi. 'Are we still blaming Tribalism? Available from:
5. Interviews
Wardheernews. "Comprehensive Interview with Dr. Abdurahman Baadiyow",
Apr 16, 2013. Available from: