Titanium Impeller Welding MKTG RevB

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Liburdi Technical Publications

Titanium Impeller Welding

The last time you were cruising along at
35,000 feet, relaxing with a good book or a
cold drink, did you give even a moments
thought to the technologies that govern the
repair of the myriad metal parts in todays
sophisticated jet engines? Did you even
realize such parts are regularly repaired and
refurbished rather than replaced? Odds are
good, you didnt.
Modern turbine engines are subjected to
severe operating conditions.
components are exposed to thermal,
corrosive, abrasive, and other damaging
influences, which cause them to crack, pit,
erode, and otherwise degrade. Turbine and
compressor blades are among the most
commonly repaired of these parts and can
be restored multiple times to significantly
extend their useful life.
Like most turbine components impellers
function in a highly abrasive environment.
Landing on dirt runways or field operations
where sand environments are located pose a
significant challenge in the repair and
overhaul of turbine engines. Foreign
particles injected into an engine cause
gradual erosion and eventual breakdown of
these parts. The parts that exhibit this type
of decay in the turbine engine are located in
the compressor section of the engines.
These parts are predominantly in the gas
path flow and are comprised of rotating
Blades, Vanes, Impellers and their
Stators. Most of the wear occurs at the top
of each blade and at the leading edge,
resulting in decreased
efficiency. This type of defect can be


repaired by removing the damaged region

followed by deposition of new material.
Majority of turbine impellers are repaired
using old fashioned manual GTAW
techniques. Although manual repair is
inefficient (some impellers require as many
as 12 hours in hands of a skilled welder) no
automated solutions were available to
replace it. The reason for this void is
complexity of the part itself. In order to
successfully weld a single blade, full
including motion, scanning and welding is
Although there are many
companies that specialize in each of these
technologies, very few integrators can
supply a system that effectively combines
all three. The ability to perform 3D
restoration of parts is a unique and complex
achievement. Rapid prototyping has been
achieved in the past by laser and powder
systems, however, the need to have no
interpretable defects such as porosity or
inclusions in critical rotating hardware is
difficult for powder feed systems.

Liburdi Technical Publications

Over the past three years Liburdi

developing an automated welding system
capable of performing such repairs. As a
result of this work a system was developed
capable of performing a full impeller repair
(blade contour as well as leading and
trailing edges) with next to no operator

ray quality welds. The laser power and

wire feed functions are fully synchronized
with each other and with the motion
system. This capability enables production
of welds with near-net-shape geometry
(i.e. the width of the deposit varies with
width of each blade). The primary benefit is
reduction of blending requirements and
increased deposition efficiency.


Since 1979, the Liburdi Group, based in
Hamilton, Ontario and Charlotte, North
Carolina, have provided highly-specialized
technologies, systems, and services for
Having pioneered the
development of metallurgical processes
required for analysis and refurbishment of
aero and industrial gas turbine components,
they have become a global leader in turbine
technologies within those industries.
Against this backdrop, Liburdi has designed
a unique patent-pending blade repair
process using laser and filler wire for metal
According to Automation
Group Senior Engineer, Janusz Bialach,
who has worked on the design and test
phases of the process for the past year, Our
new wire process is a faster, cleaner repair
method, which brings a whole new level of
control and metallurgical quality to
impeller blade refurbishment..
The system is based on laser and wire
technology developed by Liburdi (US
patent 6,727,459). The technique utilizes a
continuous wave Nd:YAG laser combined
with precision wire feeder. Combination of
these two elements produces repeatable, Xwww.liburdi.com

Due to complexity of the impeller geometry
six axis of motion are required to achieve
the necessary weld path. This is driven by
the need to implement three dimensional
motion and to achieve a build-up that
matches the ever-changing blade contour.
All six axes are fully coordinated, resulting
in smooth, repeatable motion.
New software was developed for this
application that allows the operator to
program the surface weld speed. The
federate for each axis so that the surface
weld speed remains constant, independent
of the R,T positioner motion with respect
to the X,Y,Z weld head motion.

Liburdi Technical Publications

After several thousand hours in a jet engine
and few repair cycles, no two blades are the
same. Even within a single part there can
be substantial difference in geometry and
thickness of each blade. This variation
requires the welding process to be self
Liburdi scanning technology is an integral
part of the impeller welding system. The
scanner provides feedback for the process
control software. Before welding, each
blade is scanned to capture its actual
geometry and thickness variation. This
information is used for several purposes.
First, it inspects the condition of the
impeller. If the blade thinning is excessive,
for example, the part is rejected. Second,
the scanning data is used for weld path
The software captures
deviations from nominal geometry and
performs full 3D motion compensation.
Third, the data is used to generate welding
Due to variation in blade width no single
set of parameters can be used to weld these
parts. As the blade width increased, for
example, the wire feed rate and the laser
power need to increase as well in order to
maintain uniform buildup height.
The system is capable of repairing the blade
contour as well as leading and trailing
edges. The rotary/tilt positioner provides
enough articulation to perform all three
welds in one setup.




The tooling requirements are minimal. In

most cases a simple fixture is used to locate
the part on the positioner face plate. In
some cases, where the impeller geometry
and extent of the repair combine to produce
excessive platform distortion, a restraining
fixture might be required.
The process does not require vacuum or
argon chambers. All of the welding is done
with local shielding only (even on titanium
This speeds up loading and
unloading of the parts.
The cycle time is a function of impeller
geometry. The buildup height per pass is
limited by the blade thickness. It is not
feasible, for example, to produce a 0.060
buildup on a 0.020 blade section in one
pass. The buildup height typically ranges
from 0.040 to 0.060 per pass. Typical
welding speed is approximately 5 inches per
Considering an average impeller with 15
blades, 0.080 of cut-back, average blade
width of 0.040 and blade length of 3.5 the

Liburdi Technical Publications

cycle time would break down as follows

(contour weld only):

seals, vanes, blisks and many other engine



A 6 axis CNC precision motion platform

with rotation/tilt positioner is the best
match for this application. The accuracy of
the system is critical to the repeatability of
the repairs and ultimate yield of the system
in production.

45 sec

= 45 sec


45 sec x 2 passes

= 90 sec


07 sec x 2 passes

= 14 sec


08 sec x 2 passes

= 16 sec


05 sec x 3 times

= 15 sec

180 sec x 15 blades = 45 min

The impeller welding system is based on a

LAWS platform and by no means is it
limited to welding impellers. It has enough
flexibility to weld compressor blades, air

Each of the above platforms can fitted with

a Class I laser enclosure. LAWS 4000 and

Liburdi Technical Publications

5000 enclosures have access doors designed

for heavy component loading using
overhead crane.
The laser source used with the laser and
wire process is a 1kW continuous wave
Nd:YAG laser. This power source is
capable of welding almost all impeller
Other power ranges are also
available. GSI Lumonics JK series lasers
are the preferred power sources but other
lasers can be integrated upon customer
The wire feeder is one of the most
important components. The system is
equipped with a low backlash, precision
wire feeder with encoder feedback for
precise metering of the wire into the molten
The wire feed system provides the accuracy
and repeatability necessary to yield high
quality welds with minimal distortion of the
Quality of welds with no
interpretable porosity is the key for highly
critical parts. With the high efficiency
performance turbine engines of today
OEMs are concerned with the effects of
porosity in weld repairs of .002 inches.

pneumatically loaded chamber disengages

the head, minimizing the damage to the
system. Upon activation the device also
shuts down the laser and stops all system
Weld monitoring enables the operator to
display a live image of the weld right on the
control screen. The image is magnified and
it allows the operator to see exactly what is
happening at the weld. If required, the
video can be stored in digital format and
transferred to a CD for future reference.
The system can also be equipped with a
wire diameter inspection unit which
monitors the size of the wire. If the wire
size deviates from a predefined, acceptable
range, the device notifies the operator
allowing him to take corrective action.

The system uses an external power meter

for calibration purposes.
The device
enables to capture all system losses and
allows for calibration of actual laser
power. The meter is fully integrated with
the software so that the system self

The combination of the appropriate

software, hardware and process know how,
offer the potential customer the ability to

The break-away device provides a link

between the welding head and the rest of
the system. In case of a collision, a

restore hardware that traditionally would

be scrapped or stock piled in a room for
future considerations.


Liburdi Technical Publications

Compressor geometries that require 3D

restorations due to wear are ideal for the
Laser and wire process. The laser offers a
very stable power source and the wire offers
the same stability in a fusion process where
metallurgical defects are not tolerable due
to mechanical limitations in the design of
the parts.
Impellers that traditionally take 6 to 12
hours to weld manually now require only 2
4 hours to repair. The cost savings are
advantageous for R&O and OEMs alike.
The ability to modulate the laser enhances
the near net shape and results in minimized
heat input.
Both critical factors in
producing high quality weld deposits.


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