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Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32


Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32
Chad Richard Bresson
Introduction The Hobbit series just finished on the silver screen. We followed Bilbo Baggins on his
adventure to the Lonely Mountain with a band of dwarves. Just a few years ago we were
watching his cousin, Frodo Baggins on his adventures in the Tolkien trilogy, Lord of the
Rings. Frodo, a humble, unassuming Hobbit, is the hero of Lord of the Rings.
Frodo Baggins is making his way up the Mount of Doom. The climax of the entire Lord of
the Rings trilogy is about to unfold. With Frodo is his best friend, a friend who would die
for him -- Samwise. Frodos task is to rid the nations from the Ring; it is a Ring that corrupts
whoever wears it. And it is a Ring, if it gets into the hands of the evil Sauron, spells doom
for the entire earth.
Frodos mission is nearly complete. It hasnt been easy. There have been missteps and
dangers along the way. If Frodo accomplishes what he set out to do, the great evil that is
borne by the Ring will have been vanquished. But Frodo and Samwise are not alone.
Lurking around the Mount of Doom is a pitiful creature, a despicable creature, a creature
who is a deadly enemy for Frodo and the entire Middle Earth -- simply because he too was
once a Hobbit. Frodo has what Gollum wants. Gollum has an insatiable desire for The
Ring, the One Ring that brings him enormous power but at the same time has been slowly
destroying him. Gollum knows the Ring will eventually kill him. Gollum wants it anyway.
It is an evil irony: Gollum is willing to kill in order to get what will kill him. Frodo, on the
other hand, has been able to avoid Gollums fate. He has not as yet succumbed to the
enormous and deadly temptation of the Ring.
The trip up the Mount of Doom is the final mission in Frodos quest to destroy the Ring in
the fires of the Mount of Doom. In the end... it is the fatal irony that plays itself out. Frodo
finally succumbs to the temptation. But Gollum attacks Frodo and ends up with the Ring.
In his delight of capturing the elusive Ring, Gollum falls into the fires of the Mount of Doom
with his hands and his heart tightly wrapped around the very Ring he knew would kill him.
Gollum and the Ring are destroyed. All those who inhabit Middle Earth, including Frodo
and Samwise, are saved.

Wrestling Jacob
Our present attention this morning is on Jacob, a man who has been on a quest. This quest
has been for the blessings of the covenant, a quest that has been all about Jacob. From the
very outset it is obvious that Jacob believes the blessings of the covenant can be obtained by
sheer willpower and masterful cunning. The motto for his pursuit can be summed up with
words that flow out of the best of human invention: just do it.
Jacob has lived up to his given name, the one who grasps. His entire life has been marked
by wrestling... Jacob was born holding Esaus heel. He wrestled with Esau over a birthright
and blessing, the outcome of which meant obtaining the legacy of the covenant blessings
first promised to Grandpa Abraham and his dad, Isaac. Most recently, Jacob has been
wrestling with Laban, securing for himself in the process much material wealth. Jacob was
known as a conniver, getting what he wanted through wit, cunning, and deception... all in
his own strength for his own glory. If there was ever a picture of someone who believed and
lived as if God existed solely to bless his efforts, it was Jacob.

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32


And yes, Jacobs wrestling even extended to him trying to take on the covenanting God of
Abraham and Isaac. Jacob is the kind of man who, in the wake of heaven -- and Coram deo
before the face of God no less, dared bargain with God with his own benefit in mind
(Genesis 28:20-22). At Bethel, with angels ascending and descending the ladder from
heaven, Jacob wrestled with God over the terms of his covenantal blessing, and even his
material wealth. Jacob is a world-class wrestler. He will wrestle anyone, anytime,
anywhere, over anything... including a potential wife. Jacob wrestles because Jacob wants
to control his own destiny. Jacob wrestles because Jacob is perpetually climbing the stairway
to heaven. This wrestling of Jacob speaks to his self-reliance. Jacob trusts himself to get the
job done.
But all of this wrestling leaves us with a serious question: can the covenant be obtained
through force? Will Jacob join Abraham and Isaac in the line of covenantal blessing by
human ingenuity and constantly pursuing the upper hand and maintaining the advantage?
Can Jacob wrestle the covenant from God?
At Bethel, Jacob seemed to think so.
Our text this morning is found in Genesis 32. Many years have passed since Bethel. Jacob
is parting ways with Laban; Laban has enriched Jacob. Jacob seemingly has it all. Yet he
still lacks the life lived within, the experience of the covenantal blessing. He is outside of
the land, a land that is his by birthright, and he is away from his father.

Heavens Intrusion
Our text this morning is Genesis 32. We are going to open with Genesis 31 in a second.
beginning with verse 11... this is what Gods Word proclaims to us:
Then the Angel of God spoke to me in a dream, saying, Jacob. And I said, Here
I am. 12 And He said, Lift your eyes now and see, all the rams which leap on the
flocks are streaked, speckled, and gray-spotted; for I have seen all that Laban is doing
to you. 13 I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you made
a vow to Me. Now arise, get out of this land, and return to the land of your family.
...18 And he carried away all his livestock and all his possessions which he had
gained, his acquired livestock which he had gained in Padan Aram, to go to his father
Isaac in the land of Canaan.

Now down to chapter 32, verse 1


So Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him. 2 When Jacob saw them,
he said, This is Gods camp. And he called the name of that place Mahanaim.
Chapter 32 opens with Jacob outside of the land of covenantal blessing. But now he is
making his exit, having been once again visited by angels.
Much has transpired since the last visit from angels at Bethel. Jacob has married Leah and
Reach. He has twelve sons. Jacob has become rich. He has a lot of livestock. He now flees
from Laban because Laban no longer likes him. But in returning to his homeland, where
Isaac and Rebekah live Jacob is not left to his own devices. Heaven intervenes as Jacob
fled home. Just like it was when he saw the angels and the ladder so many years ago at
Bethel, here in Chapter 31 and 32 there is an intrusion from heaven once again telling Jacob
to go home. And thus, Jacobs exodus from a foreign land is commenced, carrying away
all of his livestock and all of his possessions, and heading back to the Promised Land.

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32


Bethel has already begun to intrude *again* into Jacobs life (Gen. 31:13 and 32:1-2). Jacob
may have been faithless in bargaining with the Lord of the Ladder, but the Lord of the Ladder
has not been unfaithful since. The supplanter is no longer the orchestrator of his lifes
events and he knows it.
Jacob is on the brink of Canaans land, and once again he is confronted by angels. Just as
angels ushered Jacob out of the land at Bethel, angels, much like Eden, guard the gateway
back into the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and most recently, Jacob. The language of
chapter 32 verse 2 is striking. Here Jacob acknowledges this is Gods camp, which is
identical language to his Bethel experience in chapter 28, where we find him acknowledging
this is Gods house. While there is no conversation between the angels and Jacob, this
unexpected meeting with angels is obviously jolting Jacobs memory back to Bethel.
But unlike Bethel, these angels have no message for Jacob. These angels are silent. If Jacob
is going to hear from God again, it must come from some other source.

Jacobs Self-Reliance
Before Jacob can enter the Promised Land, though, this matter of Jacobs self-reliance must
be resolved. While much has changed in the interim between Bethel and Genesis 32, not
*enough* has changed. Jacobs entry into the Promised Land necessarily means that Jacob
will meet his brother for the first time in years.
Jacob now has two responses that are chronicled in the following verses. Jacobs first
responds to the silence with messengers sent to Esau. The first messengers tell Esau of
Jacobs greatness. It is a proclamation.
Verse 3:
Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother in the land of Seir, the country
of Edom, 4 instructing them, Thus you shall say to my lord Esau: Thus says your
servant Jacob, I have sojourned with Laban and stayed until now. 5 I have oxen,
donkeys, flocks, male servants, and female servants. I have sent to tell my lord, in
order that I may find favor in your sight.
6 And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to your brother Esau, and
he is coming to meet you, and there are four hundred men with him. 7 Then Jacob
was greatly afraid and distressed. He divided the people who were with him, and the
flocks and herds and camels, into two camps, 8 thinking, If Esau comes to the one
camp and attacks it, then the camp that is left will escape.
Already, in these early verses of chapter 32, Jacob is conniving and manipulating the
situation in fear of what might happen. Jacob is still self-reliant. Jacob thinks he can fix this.
While the angels from heaven apparently have no divine message for Jacob, in an interesting
twist on the same word in Genesis 32:3, Jacob sends his own messengers to Esau. It is hard
not to notice the penitence here. Always the one seeking an advantage and pursuing the
upper hand, this is the first instance in which we find Jacob actually admitting his inferiority.
He wants Esau to extend his favor.
The angels from God have been silent, but the messengers returning from Esau have
unwelcome news. Entry into the Promised Land is not without difficulty, at least as Jacob
perceives it. Esau has 400 men. Jacobs response is what has been natural to him for many
years: more cunning and wit. But again, its also hard not to notice what the decades have

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32


done to Jacobs demeanor. As we read here of Jacobs appeal to God in verse 9, Jacobs
self-reliance is seemingly non-existent:

Jacobs appeal
Then Jacob said, O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, the
LORD who said to me, Return to your country and to your family, and I will deal
well with you: 10 I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth
which You have shown Your servant;

Verse 11:

Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear

Jacob is in the midst of a partial confession here. The conniving, cunning, crafty, and
deceptive Jacob... the one who seemed eternally self-reliant, if not self-absorbed, is afraid.
In his fear, Jacob reminds God of the Abrahamic promises made to him in the land of Laban.
These words here first came from the lips of God at Bethel, I am the LORD God of
Abraham your father and the God of Isaac.
Yet Jacob is not the man he was. Its here we begin to see a theme that permeates this text:
a growing faith still struggling with a bent to manipulate. Years of hard living at the expense
of Laban have stripped Jacob of much of his former pretense. It is clear that his
transformation has already begun. Jacob acknowledges that he is not worthy of Gods
covenant love, a love that has loved Jacob even as he has been unlovely.
And Jacob knows this is no ordinary love. This is the second mention in scripture of the
formulaic steadfast love and faithfulness that describes Gods covenantal favor toward His
people. Jacob may have left the land of the covenant in fear of his brother years ago, but it
was not Esau pursuing Jacob. God had been pursuing Jacob. Jacob thought he was striking
a bargain with God at Bethel, when he said, If God will be with me, I will come back to
Bethel. The reality is that God had kept his original promise regardless of any so-called
bargain: I AM with you and will keep you.
Headed into the Promised Land and faced with the unknown of meeting his brother again,
Jacob reaches out to God in apparent affirmation of Abrahams covenant. In the wake of
the silence of the angels at Mahanaim who told him nothing, Jacob initiates this interaction
with the covenant God of Abraham and his father Isaac.
But even here, the trust and faith is not complete. Jacob is invoking Gods favor in his own
But you said, I will surely do you good, and make your offspring as the sand of
the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.

If we were to compare the last part of verse 9 and the first part of verse 12 with Gods
original statement to Jacob at Beth-el back in chapter 29, we would notice that nowhere did
God promise to treat him well. In fact, it wasnt God who had given that kind of promise,
but it was Jacob in his bargain with God who had brought up material provisions as part of
the bargain. Its almost as if Jacob was presuming his self-centered and materialistic view
of the covenant *onto* God. Jacob is still speaking as if God owes him.
Jacob is probably hoping for a more sure word than the one he had been given in being
told to go back to his homeland. But God is silent. If Jacob had been expecting all Bethel to
break loose, especially in the wake of Mahanaim, his expectations were ingloriously unmet.

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32


There has been an intrusion from heaven the angels have met him at the gateway to his
homeland. But the heavens have not parted; there has been no ladder, and there has been no
glorious Lord of the ladder to talk to. The silence between Mahanaim and Peniel is
Where is God? Heaven has been inbreaking into Jacobs life again, but it is not accompanied
by Gods Word. What of Gods promises? What of Gods presence? Has Jacob squandered
away the covenantal capital of Beth-El? Jacob is afraid. Jacob has invoked the covenantal
promises of the patriarchs and there is nothing but deafening silence. Surely Jacobs faith is
being tested. What role, if any, will self-reliance play in his securing of the Promised Land
and his returning to his father Isaac?

Jacobs atonement
So the angels have met Jacob at the entrance of the promised land, and they are silent. Jacob
Jacobs first responds to the silence with messengers sent to Esau with a proclamation of
Jacobs greatness. Now in verses 13-20, we have his second response to the silence. This
second response is atonement for Esaus appeasement.
So he stayed there that night, and from what he had with him he took a present for
his brother Esau, 14 two hundred female goats and twenty male goats, two hundred
ewes and twenty rams, 15 thirty milking camels and their calves, forty cows and ten
bulls, twenty female donkeys and ten male donkeys. 16 These he handed over to his
servants, every drove by itself, and said to his servants, Pass on ahead of me and put
a space between drove and drove. 17 He instructed the first, When Esau my brother
meets you and asks you, To whom do you belong? Where are you going? And whose
are these ahead of you? 18 then you shall say, They belong to your servant Jacob.
They are a present sent to my lord Esau. And moreover, he is behind us. 19 He
likewise instructed the second and the third and all who followed the droves, You
shall say the same thing to Esau when you find him, 20 and you shall say, Moreover,
your servant Jacob is behind us. For he thought, I may appease him with the
present that goes ahead of me, and afterward I shall see his face. Perhaps he will
accept me.
The first messengers tell of Jacobs greatness. Now here in verses 13-20, the messengers are
are to show Esau Jacobs greatness. Tell and show. Just as it seems that Jacob has
wholeheartedly embraced full dependence on the God of the Covenant, he sets about to more
conniving. Jacob is wrestling what he perceives to be a hostile Esau. He is contending with
an image. Jacob seemingly is returning the material blessing that he had stolen from Esau.
And not coincidentally, he is overly concerned about seeing Esaus face and whether Esaus
face will be favorable toward him. Its almost as if favor from God that Jacob has requested
is riding on Esaus countenance. Does Jacob believe that he can buy off Gods favor by
making restitution with his brother? If Jacob had any such designs, those plans in the
following are not only challenged, but summarily destroyed.
We must note, again, that Jacob is not completely faithless here. In the midst of the
manipulation we see faith beginning to express itself. Note the language of verse 21:

So the present went on over before him, but he himself lodged that night in the

Jacob lodges in the camp. Whose camp is this? Verse 2. This is Gods camp. Jacob has
already noticed the inbreaking and intrusion of heaven, though it has been quite unexpected

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32


and in not a desired fashion. Jacob has declared this Gods camp; Mahanaim. Another
Beth-el, where he said this is Gods house. So Jacob lodges, Jacob dwells where he
believes God is dwelling, if only for a moment. Gods silence is killing Jacob. Jacob lodges
in the hope that God will speak, and that if he is to hear it, he better be in the place where
God is dwelling.

Heavens descent
Jacob expects another divine encounter. Jacob expects a Ladder. But God has something
else in mind for Jacob. The Lord of the Ladder does descend into the silence, but in a most
unexpected way. Jacob expects glory; he expects assurance. What he gets is mystery,
vulnerability, and darkness. It is no coincidence that what transpires here in this passage is
at night. God is about to resolve once and for all the self-centered bargain made by Jacob at
Bethel. In that resolution, God is going to deal with Jacobs self-absorbed conniving. Before
Jacob can enter the Promised Land, before he can reconcile with his brother, and before he
can return to Bethel, Jacobs transformation must be complete. He cannot take selfsufficiency into the land. His self-reliant striving must be brought to an end; his self-rule will
be brought into submission to another; his self-serving resolve must be broken.
We begin now in verse 22-24a.

And he arose that night and took his two wives, his two female servants, and his
eleven sons, and crossed over the ford of Jabbok. 23 He took them, sent them over the
brook, and sent over what he had. 24 Then Jacob was left alone;
Alone. Alone. Remember last week Abraham is put to sleep and there is nothing but dark
and a sense of terror and forboding. Jacob faces crisis. Jacob reaches out to God and theres
nothing but silence. And now hes alone. Jacob is expecting a ladder. But this time there is
no gateway to heaven. The ford at Jabbok is a gateway to land. Indeed, this divine meeting
has no angelic glory with the LORD of hosts standing in the gateway to heaven. This
gateway is utterly different. This one has an earthy feel. For Jacob, there is no sleep as he
had at Bethel. There is only insomnia and loneliness. Jacobs entourage is nowhere to be
found. He is as alone as he was the night of Beth-el.

Jacobs ascent
Verse 24b:
and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day.
OK, that was unexpected. This is no bright, earth-shattering heavens gate. This is the
blackness of night. Jacob is no longer alone. Jacob indeed has a meeting, but a meeting not
of his doing. What is this? This is the sweat of a wrestling match with a mysterious manfigure whose identity is not cloaked in glory but humanitys darkness. Faced with the
mundane rather than glorious greatness, Jacob resorts to his old ways. Hes the wrestler.
Hes wrestled Esau. He wrestled his father. He wrestled with Laban. And now, the stranger
who meets Jacob at the gateway to the Promised Land is just another man to be wrestled
with and conquered.
Verse 25:

Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of
his hip; and the socket of Jacobs hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him.

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32


Jacob resorts to wrestling and, true to form, Jacob prevails in his wrestling. Despite being
maimed by his opponent with an apparent power that is not of this world, Jacob seemingly
wins. If this has been a test of resolve, a test of internal fortitude, a test of his own ability to
get things done, certainly Jacob has passed the test. He is ready to move on to the Promised
Land and claim what is his. After all he has been through, Jacobs self-reliance seems
vindicated. Or has it been? Things arent what they seem.

Jacobs daybreak
Verse 26:

And He said, Let Me go, for the day breaks.

Let me Go. Thats an odd way to speak of wrestling. In fact, it isnt a way to speak of
wrestling. The change in language reflects a change in direction. Funny thing about night
giving way to day: the light exposes reality for what it is. As dawn breaks, the truth dawns
on Jacob and his world is flipped on its head. Something has changed. The wrestling of
verse 25 has become not letting go in verse 26. Such a change is not incidental. In fact,
it is momentous, a defining moment in redemptive history. Jacob had been *striving with*
this mysterious man.. well call him The Man-Mysterium. Jacob pursued the upper hand
looking to gain advantage. But something has changed. The striving is no more. Jacob now
only clings. Jacob cant, no Jacob wont let go. The one who was born with a bent to grasp
everything for his own benefit is now hanging on for dear life.
What has changed? The day breaks. The day breaks. This is a most unexpected intrusion.
When there was nothing but darkness, God said, let there be light... and God called the light
day. Jacobs insomniac night, spent in sweaty darkness, striving with and attempting to
grasp and control the Man-Mysterium has been broken by the day. The day breaks and Jacob
no longer seeks the advantage. Jacob is no longer trying to get the best of his fellow wrestler.
Why would daybreak have such a life-changing impact on Jacob? Because day brings
light. Day brings clarity. Jacob can now see, if he didnt suspect it already, this mysterious
man-figure is no mere man. And Jacob knows it.
In the book of Hosea, Hosea mentions this event and he tells us that Jacob wrestled with
THE angel, the angel of the Lord who frequently appears throughout the Old Testament as
God in human form. This Angel of the Lord is the most common manifestation of the Second
Person of the Godhead.
So again why would daybreak be life-altering for Jacob? What has been made clear? The
daybreak brings light to Jacobs eyes that see this is none other than the Lord of the
Ladder with whom he has been wrestling! This is the Son of man whose glory transcends
and transverses heaven and earth (see John 1:51). The Lord of hosts has come to earth, and
in an unexpected manner, the all-glorious concedes defeat in humanity. Despite having the
power to maim Jacobs strength and reduce him to nothing, the mysterious man allows Jacob
to seemingly prevail. Jacob seemingly has bested the Lord of the Ladder. Jacob seemingly
has beaten the one with whom he arrogantly bargained at Bethel. But it is not Jacob who is
the ultimate victor. It is not a good thing to wrestle with God and win.

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32


Jacobs desperation
Verse 26b:
But he (Jacob) said, I will not let You go unless You bless me!
Jacob has moved from pursuing a position of advantage and power to a desperate clinging.
Jacob recognizes that he is the one in need of favor, divine favor. Jacob is now speaking
from a changed heart. The conniving is nowhere to be found; Jacob is no longer attempting
to manipulate God. These lips of Jacob are expressing transformed motivation. The prospect
of the mysterious Divine-Man-Figure leaving the scene without blessing Jacob is more than
a now broken and contrite Jacob can bear. For the one who is "undone" when face to face
with the Holy, a departure without blessing is unthinkable.

Jacobs transformation
Jacob's transformation is complete. This is the end of Jacob. There will be no more
wrestling. Only clinging. The divine intrusion into Jacobs life, via submission of the
Mysterious Man in conflict, moves Jacob from wrestling to clinging. The divine touch on
his life-emanating groin has not merely robbed him of physical strength. Jacobs knowledge
of the holy exhausts him of his willpower. Jacob realizes it is only by grace that he has only
been maimed. This Man-Mysterium could have taken his life; instead, Jacob has been
graciously given life and life more abundantly.
No longer is Jacob attempting to impose his will on God. He is no longer reminding the
covenanting God of promised blessing. He is no longer imposing material gain onto the
covenant. Gone is the cocksure attitude that would bargain Coram deo with the Lord of the
Ladder. Now Jacob is clinging to the Lord of the Ladder for blessing, even if it costs
him his life. It is the clinging of the spiritually bankrupt at the end of himself crying
out the only hope he has: Bless me or I die.
Jacobs new eyes recognize that the wrestling man is both antagonist and Savior. The Lord
of hosts has humbled himself; in conceding defeat, he wins Jacob's salvation. And Jacob's
desperation of faith is that of Job's: "though he slay me, I will still hope in Him".
Jacob clings to and cries out to the only Person who can save him.

Man-Mysteriums blessing
The covenant-making God who keeps all of his promises now notes Jacobs favored status.
Verse 27:
So He said to him, What is your name? He said, Jacob. 28 And He said, Your
name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God
and with men, and have prevailed. 29 Then Jacob asked, saying, Tell me Your name,
I pray. And He said, Why is it that you ask about My name? And He blessed him

The Man-Mysterium first responds to Jacobs plea with a question in a manner

reminiscent of the Son of Man who invariably would ask a question in these kinds of
situations. The question here is meant to illicit a confession from Jacob (compare the
confession of Legion in Mark 5:9): what is your name? With the mouth confession is made,
and a repentant Jacob speaks a one-word confession that summarizes life long selfgratification and self-sufficiency: "Jacob".

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32


At the end of himself, Jacob confesses who he is to the One who already knows. Jacob
acknowledges in one word to the Lord of the ladder that his life has been the life of the
supplanter, a usurper, even to the point of naively believing that the covenant promises could
be secured through betrayal and deception. The deceiver has foolishly assumed that God
could be bargained with... and worse, that Gods favor could be bought. Jacob is a sinner, a
fool who has lived life in the wisdom of man. But now clinging to Man-Mysterium, Jacob
confesses his only hope of life lies in the One to whom he clings.
The second response from the Man-Mysterium is to change Jacobs name. In the Son of
Man who stood at the top of the ladder at Bethel (John 1:51), Jacob receives grace and life.
This life-giving Son of Man gives Jacob a new name, and with the new name, a new identity.
Jacob will no longer be known as a conniver, but as one who, in desperation, held on to the
Lord of the Ladder at the risk of his life. Jacob is no longer known as a supplanter, but as
one who clings to the covenant God because it is only in Him that any covenant blessing
will be found.
And that brings us to the third response from the Man-Mysterium. This response is what
Jacob had been pursuing his whole life.
And He blessed him there.
And He blessed him there.
Jacob now knows that the covenant blessings cannot be obtained through material means.
One cannot weasel his way into the blessings. They cannot be manipulated. They cannot be
clutched by pursuing an advantage over men. One cannot buy his way in to an inheritance
that is forever for a people who will be as numerous as the stars in the heavens (Genesis 12).
This is the end of the line for one who slaughtered a lamb and then donned the skins himself
in order to steal the covenant blessing. There will be no more bargaining with God over
material gain. Jacob now understands what grandpa Abraham understood: and Abraham
believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness.
The covenant blessings can be had only by faith alone in the One alone who can grant those
blessings by grace alone. Jacob now knows that the kind of faith through which the covenant
blessings come is completely void of self-reliance. This faith understands that the true
meaning of Beth-el is not material gain... it is not in what the Lord of the Ladder will do for
him, but in the grand covenant promise that God will dwell with him and keep him... that
the purpose of the ladder isnt to rise up to God, but is God descending to the covenant
recipient so that relationship and fellowship might take place. That faith clings to the
covenanting Lord of the Ladder even if it means death. The insomnia of an entire life
wrestled with God finds its rest in the Lord of the Ladders blessing.

Jacobs response
Jacob has one response, the only response, to such a blessing.
So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: For I have seen God face to face,
and my life is preserved.

Jacob had been desiring to see his brothers face, hoping to see a countenance of favor
extended. But he gets much more than he bargained for. Favor with God does not come
through favor with men. In fact, Jacob learns that it is true favor with men is only possible
through Gods favor graciously granted to a recipient of mercy. The significance of entry
into the Promised Land, for Jacob, is not about seeking the face of men, but about seeing the
face of God.

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32

- 10

And the full weight of that reality is not lost on Jacob. Jacob does not have the Sinai
experience in which God has emphatically stated that no one may look on him and live. He
does not see the veil erected between the inner sanctum of Gods dwelling with His people
on earth and the rest of their sacrificial worship. Like Adam, who walked in the cool of the
garden with his Creator, Jacob has been in the presence of the Lord of Hosts who stood at
the top of the ladder in the throne room of heaven so many years ago. Twice, Jacob has been
to the gate of heaven. And twice, he has lived to tell about it. Jacob still lives because the
covenanting God of Israel is a gracious and merciful God. Instead of the destruction and
damnation that Jacob deserves, he has been given abundant life by the Lord of the Ladder,
the Source of life.

The New Day

And finally, verse 31:

Just as he crossed over Penuel the sun rose on him, and he limped on his hip.

For Jacob, the one who has seen God face to face and lived, this is a new day. Daybreak
gives way to the full sight of the sun. The last time the sun went down, Jacob was conniving
to get into the Promised Land. By the time the sun comes up, he has a new name, a new
identity, a new destiny. The rhythm of redemptive history, the darkness that must give way
to light, has finally become Jacobs own story. The sun comes up and Jacob is no longer
Jacob, but Israel. This is a new day and the beginnings of a new people. Every time Jacob
limps he will be reminded of the new day, the new name, the new identity that is only found
in the Lord of the Ladder.
And what of the Man-mysterium? As the night fades, so too does this Man who wrestled
with Jacob. The Man-mysterium fades into the daybreak not to be seen again. The fullness
of time has not yet come. Even though a new day has dawned for Jacob, redemptive history
still remains cloaked in darkness.

Christ, The Man-mysterium no more

That darkness lasted for hundreds of years, until a glorious intrusion of light on a Bethlehem
hillside. There the host of angels have once again intruded into the night, with a grand
proclamation of good news. The Angel of the Lord has descended in humility to take on
human form permanently.
The Lord of the Ladder, Jesus Christ, took on flesh to secure not only Jacobs final salvation
and covenant destiny, but ours as well. Jacobs destiny is our destiny in Christ.
There is an allusion to this story in the New Testament, even as Paul is addressing those true
descendents of the man who wrestled with God and lived to tell about it. Romans 11:26-27:
And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The Deliverer will come out of
Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; 27 For this is My covenant with
them, When I take away their sins.

This is one of the only times that Paul uses Jacobs original name. Through the prophet
Isaiah, whom Paul is quoting here, Paul understands the redemptive implications of what
happened that night. This night at the ford of Jabbok, the Lord of the ladder both turned away
ungodliness from Jacob and the forgiveness or taking away of Jacobs sins. Like Abram,
more is at stake for Jacob in the covenant than simply entry into the land of promise or the
promise of material blessing.

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32

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Eternal inheritance was at stake for Jacob that night. In the Jacob who clings to the Manmysterium at the risk of his life, Paul sees the positive and negative blessings of the covenant
being applied to the covenant recipient. Jacob clings in faith. In Christ, the Redeemer who
descended the Ladder from Zion, Jacobs sins were taken away. Ungodliness is turned away
in imputed righteousness. And in that moment, Paul sees not merely Jacobs ethnic
descendants, but the church who has had her sins taken away and has had her ungodliness
replaced with a godliness that comes from the Redeemer to whom she clings.

The implications for us are huge. Gollum is a creature with whom we have empathy
because we know we are too often just like him. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes,
and the pride of life are sooooo seductive. We know the fruit is deadly poison. And yet we
pursue it, catch it, and grasp it to our destruction anyway. We spend a lot of time wrapping
our hearts around those things which, in the evil irony, have as their aim our downfall. We
cling, we hold onto, we grasp that which will kill us. There are some things we just will
not let go.
We are the connivers. We live for the triumph of the moment in pursuing advantage over
others. We live by a theology of glory as if Gods kingdom on earth can be secured by
force, by human effort, and by human ingenuity. Yet just as God will not allow us to
continue in our ways, in his grace and mercy he will confront us as the Lord of the ladder to
rid us of our self-dependence and self-reliance at Peniel.
There will be a Peniel event in our lives because the Man Mysterium doesnt simply
disappear into the night. While darkness eventually set over Israel, over the course of
redemptive history, Israel's descendents gave rise to the Son of Man Incarnate, the new Israel
in whom heaven and earth meet. The Lord of the Ladder shed his mystery and descended
the ladder at night, surrounded by the angels of glory. The Lord of those hosts took upon
himself flesh forever.
The Man-Mysterium has been revealed for the ages to be the Image of God, Jesus Christ.
In humility and suffering he conceded defeat, and in that defeat won salvation for his people.
His defeat, albeit short-lived, is our victory. Our striving, our wrestling with God as people
who want to do things our way has been brought to its end at the cross in the Son of Mans
death. Our Peniel confrontation has its grounds in the cross. It is at the cross we find our
covenant blessing. It is in the death of the cross that we die to any advantage we would seek
over others. It is in the cross where we find our identities for the new day that has dawned
over us.
Thus, a new day dawns for the church. Christ, both Son of Man and New Israel, gives
grace and life to the spiritually bankrupt. Israel is now a name and identity forever borne by
those who would cling to the Son of Man at the expense of their own lives. With a new
name and new identity, we have been brought into the new creation, an abundant life that
flows with milk and honey from the kings table.
Are we trying to maneuver our way into Gods pleasure? Are we living as though everything
depends on us? Are we trying to manufacture blessing by making sure that we have it
Oh, may we see ourselves at the river of Jabbok. May we cling to the one no longer the
Man-Mysterium but the Lord of the Ladder, Jesus Christ. It is at the river of Jabbok, it is at
the cross we must cling to Christ for the salvation of our souls. It is only in him that we find
our conniving, our supplanting, our pursuit of the advantage over others forgiven forever.
And it is only in the Lord of the Ladder we find that righteousness necessary to see God and
live to tell about it.

Title: The Gospel in Genesis: The End of Jacob

Text: Genesis 32

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We cling to so many things that cannot save us. We hang on to so many things that cannot
give us rest for our souls. Even as we are tempted to hang on to those things this week, may
we see the beauty and the wonder of the Lord of the Ladder and cling to him.
Blessed are those at the end of themselves who prefer death to letting go of the Son of
Man. As we cling to our only Hope of life, may our desperate plea forever be: bless us
or we die.

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