Visit Odisha: & Primary Proposal

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Primary Proposal

Visit Odisha

Please note that this proposal is preliminary in its approach and we would like to understand your business goals better
before we can provide a more detailed project plan.

Primary Proposal


Top Priorities for Your Website

Write more content
Build more backlinks pointing to your website
Extend the registration of your domain
Promote your website on Social Media
Be more consistent with your keywords
Fix Character Encoding
Add proper Robots.txt file

On Page Site Audit

The on page site audit is intended to understand
how well the site is `visible to search engines, a
key step in making them searchable to end users.
We have the below observations:

Primary Proposal

Suggested Recommendation

We may want to modify the meta- descriptions to make them target global
destinations and users. At this point, they are India and price centric to some

Primary Proposal

degree (which may be totally by design, of course). We may also want to make the
copy more succinct and persuasive than it currently is to ensure a better click
Many of the images are missing alt tags which are a missed opportunity to target

additional `search strings and with it an expanded user base.

The site lacks a basic analytics program which could help track sources of traffic,

visitor flow and better ways to target and convert the same.
Website has W3C validation errors. It is important to use valid mark-ups that

minimize errors. Syntax errors can make it difficult for search engines to index such
Website lacks content and also it is not based around any specific keyword
strategy Mapping back relevant page content to specific `search phrases can
allow us to target specific user segments.

Suggested Keywords
Choosing the right keywords is the cornerstone of any successful online campaign.
Different organizations prefer different keywords depending on their associated traffic,
associated profitability, and ease of prospect conversion as well as other organizational

Primary Proposal
Please find below our first level keyword recommendations from which you can make a
selection. Please note that this is not the final list. We will review this list after we have
had an opportunity to understand your business better.


Competitio Global


Suggested projects Roadmap for First 6 Months

Project Objective: To increase organic search traffic to website through improved
ranking for chosen keywords using SEO strategies backed by baseline social media

Primary Proposal
Phase 1 ( 3 -6 weeks): Quick Win Efforts which include SEO compliance and baseline
social media efforts. This phase essentially creates a solid foundation for all future efforts
and is focussed on tackling all possible `low hanging fruit that will allow us to kick start
traffic and build your confidence in our program.

Keyword Analysis and Recommendation Report: We will implement our 5

step keyword research process to identify and recommend the most valuable
keywords that can give you the best ROI in the short ( 3 months) and long terms
( 6 months upwards).This will allow you to optimize your spends in the best
possible manner over the next few months.

On page optimization: We will address all on page SEO health metrics and
`errors that are preventing search engines from `seeing and `indexing your
existing site content. We will also provide recommendations on some `easy fixes
to improve the overall usability of the website from a user perspective. This alone
helps increase the traffic by as much as 30% for established sites.

Off page Optimization: We will also initiate the off page link building and
submission activities, the exact number of which will depend on time taken on the
on page optimization.

Phase 2 ( Month 2 onwards): This phase will focus on showing a measurable

improvement in rankings / traffic and involves investment in both on and off page SEO
activities to improve ranks for chosen keywords, the results of which will be visible in
Month 3 or earlier. Key activities are as below but the pace is usually determined by the
budget commitment per month:

Content Generation: Out team of writers will be creating web optimized,

keyword rich articles and other web content for SEO as part of our efforts towards
achieving the traffic goals both through search and referral. Good persuasive
content is the cornerstone of any digital strategy and continues to help the brand
even if SEO spends decrease.

Primary Proposal
Our in- house team of writers can also produce and provide other branded
content like blogs, website content, mailers, press release ,e-books to
promote your brand if needed.

Link Generation: We will start submission and promotion activities to all relevant
for all blogs, article bases and directories which in turn will build links and authority
for your site. While we have a central database, our in-house research team further
qualifies and adds to this database in line with your industry and other specific

Tentative Project Plan

While the final combination and number of activities will be tweaked from time to time
basis client inputs and results achieved a tentative project plan is provided below for

Success Metrics

Performance on agreed metrics which could be traffic, keyword ranks or certain

Gradual but clear increase in Alexa Rank, backlinks, indexed pages, PR, website

traffic and all other website health metrics which will feed into ranking / visibility.
Completion of all activities as communicated in the final project plan.

Communication and Reports

Monthly report no later than the 5rd working day of every new month.
Email support in regular working hours.
Phone /Chat support will be specified at the time of budget agreement.

Primary Proposal

Methodologies and Process

Our Methodologies
Are you interested in generating lots of visitors to your website? Most probably you are.
But, how do you ensure the relevancy of those visitors for your business? More
important, do you ensure that the visitors take the desired action (making a purchase or
filling a form or some other action)?
Do you know why a large number of Online Marketing initiatives fail today? As depicted
below, due to disconnect between Online Marketing and Marketing: the two teams dont
work in synchronization.

Business Strategy
Services or Brands)


However, we relate to Online Marketing in a holistic way. In other words, as highlighted

below, we treat Online Marketing as an integral part of our customers core marketing

Primary Proposal
We start with a complete and thorough understanding of our customers marketing
strategy and then apply our expertise in Online Marketing to lay out an optimal roadmap
for their business.

(Products, Services or Brands)

Online Marketing

Our unique methodology ensures that our customers get the best possible returns on
their Online Marketing investments.

Our Methodology Process

Primary Proposal
1. We start with the most important part of project i.e. the Plan. Our Methodology
starts with Creation of Monthly Plan in Weekly Break-ups with Dates & Milestones.
It helps in tracking the work status on any point of time.

Primary Proposal

Note: timescales may vary dependent on individual campaign requirements and speed of client sign
offs. SEO strategies are ongoing and further developments and plans will be developed with your
account manager to further increase rankings, traffic, keyword exposure, and returns. This will be
discussed on renewal of your SEO project.

2. Once we are finished with the plan, we follow the following optimization process:


Purpose of the Website

Desired Goals
Actions for Visitors
Targeted Market
Targeted Region
Strengths of the
Website (How to
utilize/ highlight)
Weakness of the
Website (to remove)

Website Current
Performance (Visitors,
countries, top
performaing pages,
sources etc)
Website Current Status
(backlinks, indexed
pages, PageRank,
Alexa rankings etc)
Keywords Current
Status/ Positions (What
are the current
rankings of the site
with targeted

Site Analysis &


Technical Analysis
Site Architecture
Site Design
Site Navigation
Content Analysis
Domain Analysis
Source Code Analysis
Coding Language
Internal & External Link
SEO Elements Analysis
Removal of Canonical

Primary Proposal

On-Page Optimization
Title & Meta Optimization
Image Name, Alt Tags and Title
Anchor Tags & Anchor Title Tags
Header Tags Implementation
Bread Crumb Optimization
URL Parameters Optimization
Content Optimization
Page & File Size Analysis
Website File and Folder Name
Keyword Density Optimization

Keywords Research &

Review Existing Keywords
New/ More Keywords Analysis/
Analysis Competitions
Assess Traffic Potential
Create a Final list of Targeted
Distribution of Keywords as per
Targeted Page
Establish Landing Page Strategy

Primary Proposal
O ff -Page O ptim ization
D irectories and Search En gines
Su bm issio ns
G oogle, Yahoo & B ing Local
Su bm issio ns
Article an d Press Releases
Su bm issio ns
Job Postings
So cial B ookm arkin g S ubm ission s
Blog Subm ission s
Blog Com m enting
R SS Subm issions
G uest B log Posting
Foru m s Po sting and C om m entin g
Ph oto & Video Sharing Sites
Su bm issio ns
Free Classifieds Subm ission s
Indu stry Specific Resource
C enters Subm ission s
Profile C reation on B u siness
N etw orkin g

Analytics &
Perform ance Tracking
In stallation of A na lytics C ode
In stallation of G oo gle Webm aster
M on th ly Website Perform ance
M on th ly Keyw ord Perform ance
M on th ly Su bm ission Reporting:
Search E ngines Subm issio n
D irectories Su bm ission
Articles Su bm ission Reports
Press Releases Subm ission
Blog Subm ission Reports
So cial B ookm arkin g
Su bm ission Reports
Events Subm ission Reports
O n-G oing Perform ance an alysis
& Strategy adju stm ent

Quality Analysis
Cross Check and Verify All the Changes Done
Assure all the Planned work is happening on Time

Primary Proposal

How To Get the Site Ranked

Create Unique Content Onsite and OffSite

Create Interesting Blogs for Your Site.
Keep Your Site Updated With Fresh Jobs and New Content
Create PPTs

SEO Optimization Services Also Includes:

Forum Marketing This is popularly known as forming. We help you in becoming an integral
part of the most active forums on the internet. We select the forums that are relevant to your
industry or niche and your target market.
Blog Marketing Weblogs or blogs have become active, involved communities on the net.
Blog marketing is now an effective way to build your online identity and create brand
awareness. We target lively, high-quality, relevant blogs.
Article Writing and Article Submissions Article writing and submission is a tried-andtested tool that establishes your expertise and creates online brand value for your business.
We provide you with well-written and well-researched articles that can help you create that
much-desired online brand.
Online Press Release Writing and Distribution Press release writing is another powerful
tool that can help boost your exposure online. The press release should be engaging and have
that "creative punch". We help you create attention-grabbing press releases and distribute
them to various news portals.

Primary Proposal

About Cyber Futuristics India Pvt Ltd

We are a digital media provider that offers strategy consultation and execution
Cyber Futuristic India Pvt Ltd is a world in itself that encompasses several top-notch services
under its blanket. Established in the year 2000, the company offers state-of-the-art data center,
managed outsourcing, and cloud storage solutions across the globe. An eagle eye approach, and
comprehensive business model has added several awards into its success bucket, such as Rajasthan
State Award for Export Excellence, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), State Award for
Excellence in IT Industry Sector, and NSIC-CRISIL Performance and Credit Rating for Small Scale
Cyber Futuristic India Pvt Ltd owns Tier III datacenters, located in Noida and Jaipur. Powered by
Microsoft certified professionals and tech whizzes, it offers fanatical support to its clients.

A Decade-old trailblazer in IT and IT-enabled services sector

Diversified Presence in Application Development, BPO, Web
Development, Web Marketing, Web Hosting, E-Tutoring

ISO-9001:2008 Certified Operations

Microsoft Gold Certified & Microsoft Small Business Specialist
State-of-art Global Delivery Centers in Noida & Jaipur 800
seater BPO in strategic SEZ and IT Park locations Global
Customer base exceeding 9000 spanning 10 countries

Primary Proposal
Awarded "Best IT/ITeS Company Award" in Rajasthan

Primary Proposal

Why Internet Marketing With Us?

We offer best in class Internet Marketing Services. Right mix of complete digital marketing package
is offered to grow your business, which includes: SEO, SMO, SEM, Affiliate, and Paid Marketing.
Our motto is to track, build and leverage digital and online spaces for brands. Below are the major
pointers that we broadly cover, and which differentiate us from others.

Complete Web Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Google Analytics Certified Professional

Google Adwords Certified Professional

Bing Accredited Company

We employ a team of SEO & SMO experts

Best Content Developers Team

Hidden SEO technique that guarantees performance

Site Rankings & Online Visibility

Our belt of services can be categorized as:

Content Management

PPC: Pay per click is one of the most effective forms of marketing to reach your target customers.
Your account will be
managed by our PPC experts, which ensure dexterous campaign
management. You can start your paid campaign to enhance business visibility and conversions. Our

Primary Proposal
services are designed to leverage robust automation and bid management that is crucial to your
business growth.
Competitive Analysis
PPC Strategy Development
Keyword Research & Shortlisting
AD Campaign Development
Landing page Development
Conversion Rate Measurement
Tracking and Reporting

SMO: Our qualified social media experts add value to your website. SMO covers the following
Tagging and social bookmarking
Creation of social media pages on all the popular platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn,
Twitter, Tumbler, etc.

Boost posting of comments, opinions on your wall

Regular posts related to your product/services

Create blogs
Forum participation
SEO: Search Engine Optimization helps improving rankings on the search engines, such as
Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Our services are designed to increase websites traffic, brand promotion,
and generate leads.
On Page Optimization
Off Page Optimization

Primary Proposal
Link building
Competitor Analysis

Content Management: We offer customized content management solutions. Right from your
specific business requirements to designing, we offer comprehensive content solutions to all
the business domains.

Our Internet Marketing Services are cost-efficient, result-oriented, and a real business

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