Productivity of Butt Fusion

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Calculation of Installation Projects

with PE Piping
The Productivity at Heating Element Butt Welding
The article investigates the complexity and possible approaches for the determination of the productivity, respectively the
time expenditure for a welding project. Using the accumulated experience of the welding machine manufacturer WIDOS
GmbH, reference values for typical pipe dimensions will be stated. In addition, the article will also contain practical advice
on how to increase the productivity at welding for professional users.

Previous Surveys and Results
A recently published research project of the SKZ, Wrzburg
(Germany) introduces a methodology which enables the
temporal logging of welding processes [2, 3]. The scope
of the investigation was limited to welding processes performed in the laboratory and was only applied to a few
pipe dimensions. Practice-related influences as they occur
directly on the site were not taken into consideration in the
research at hand.
The comprehensive findings out of the SKZ research report
in terms of the information relevant for the heating element butt welding of PE pipes are included in this survey.
One of the first significant finding was the establishment
that the deployment of two welding machines doubles the
productivity, respectively that there is a disproportionate
increase, see Table 1.
On one hand, the heating element butt welding of PE pipes
is a standardised procedure featuring precise process times,
and on the other hand, the times required on the site may
differ considerably. One example: Due to additional required
time for the assembly of a protective tent for welding in
the event of bad weather.
It is also a known fact that the cooling time represents
a particular great proportion of the total welding time.
During this phase, the butt welding machine presses the
two pipes on to each other, whilst the respective heating
Table 1: Maximum number of PE pipe heating element butt welding processes
performed in the laboratory per day according to the SKZ research report [3]
d 110mm

d 160mm

d 250mm

One Welding Machine

d 63mm




Two Welding Machines





Table 2: Maximum number of welding processes according to the survey of

the SKZ [3]
Fluctuation Margin
Average Number of possible
Welding Processes


d 63mm
20 25

d 110mm
12 25

d 160mm
8 20

d 250mm
5 15





element and the planer remain inactive and so-to-speak

wait for the next welding process to commence. The thicker
the walls of the PE pipes are, the longer will also be the
cooling time and consequently the influence of the same
upon the productivity.
A further section of the SKZ research project is directed
at an inquiry focused on personnel involved in the respective practice, e.g. the respectively responsible personnel at
the water and gas providing organisations. An established
questionnaire investigated the maximum number of welding
processes possible per day with a butt welding machine.
The result of the average values resembles the number of
welding processes as established in the laboratory. The fluctuation margin is however very considerable, see Table 2.
What makes the issue even more complex is the fact that
the welding parameter specifications for the heating element butt welding of PE pipes differ globally. For examples,
see Table 3. The same vary in regard to the welding time,
cooling time, and the joining pressure.
The existence of different climatic zones as such alone (high
or low ambient temperatures) represents a hindrance to
generally technically reproduce this fact.
At almost identical polyethylene types, there should actually only be one parameter set (temperature, pressure, and
time) that specifies the best, respectively ideal welding
seam quality, i.e. which results in the connection with the
highest long-term stability.
Currently, the minimum service life assumed for PE pipes
(PE 100 or PE 80) is situated at 100 years [11]. This service
life should naturally also apply for the respective welded
connections. At least for the welding parameters according
to DVS 2207-1, this service life has been already verified [8].
The objective behind all efforts directed at the increase of
the productivity must also be to maintain the high service
life of the overall piping system [7].
A harmonisation, i.e. the establishment of globally valid
welding parameter specifications is bound to happen, if the
target is generally set on achieving long-term high welding
seam stability. The prerequisite for this would be a technical
comparison of the welding seams subject to the various
parameter specifications and the selection of the optimum.
Table 4 depicts an example for productivity values of a pipe



manufacturer from the USA. In comparison to the research

results of the SKZ, significantly more welding processes per
day are possible there.


A Process subject to many influential factors
In the Figure 1 significant influential factors are presented
in form of a fishbone diagram. Some of the influential factors are quantifiable (e.g. standardised process times), others
are only partially quantifiable (e.g. at stationary or mobile
welding), and some not quantifiable at all (e.g. handling
capabilities, diligence). In addition to this, it is necessary
to also take into account that these factors also interact.
Next to the already mentioned cooling period, the nowadays
available great spectrum of welding machine configurations
also assumes an important role. Smaller welding machines
for pipes up to a diameter of approximately 250mm can
be moved without additional auxiliary equipment, if the
welding is not required to be performed under difficult
site conditions, e.g. in deep or narrow excavation pits. At
medium-sized or large machines, various differing methods
are often deployed to move from welding location A to B.
To traverse longer distances, e.g. for work in the open field,
it is increasingly becoming more popular to use welding
machines equipped with wheels, an undercarriage, or caterpillars. The integration of all required accessories in one
machine right up to the capability to operate completely
autonomously may increase the productivity, but also however elevates the machine costs.
The Table 5 depicts the most important currently available welding machine concepts. This serves to select the
respectively most suited machine concept for the required
On a project-related basis, customised solutions are also
constructed in special cases. Figure 2 depicts, as an example, a welding system mounted in a container with mounted
wheels during mobile deployment.
The experience gathered on construction sites has revealed
that the productivity increases in the course of the building
project. The reason for this can only be the optimisation of

Figure 1: Significant influential factors upon the period required for the
butt welding of a PE pipe line in form of a fishbone diagram

Figure 2: Mobile welding container constructed on project-specific basis

Table 4: Maximum possible number of heating element butt welding

operations of PE pipe per day (8 10h) according to statements of a pipe
manufacturer in the USA [4]

Fluctuation Margin

d 20mm d 90mm
30 60

d 110mm d 200mm
24 48

d 250mm d 450mm
12 24

Table 3: Examples for varying specifications, respectively standards for the heating element butt welding of PE pipe [1], [5], [6]
Short Designation
DVS 2207-Part1
(September 2005)

Country / Distribution
is also globally deployed in many European,
South American and Asian countries

Special Parameters
0,15N/mm Joining Pressure

ASTM F2620 06

Mainly deployed in the USA, but also in South
America and other countries

60 - 90PSI
(0,41 - 0,62N/mm) Joining

Heating Element Temperature

220C for PE100

Comprehensive surveys regarding the long-term stability were
established [8], [9], [10]

Heating Element Temperature

400 - 450F (204 - 232C)
ISO 21307:2009


International /
is also valid as ISO-standard and therefore internationally, but however not deployed to the same
extent as the DVS-Directive or ASTM-Standard
depicted above

Three methods are available.

Joining Pressure
Heating Element Temperature
200C - 245C



Table 5: Overview of the various concepts of modern butt welding machines

Sonstige Bilder: egeplast international GmbH und WIDOS GmbH


Manual operation
Light base frame, heating element and planer
Dimensions are small and handy. If required, the fourth clamping
ring can be removed in order to downsize the machine
Accessories or auxiliary materials for the handling are not
required at construction site conditions

Manual special machine for limited spaces, e.g. narrow pits

Only two clamping rings
Small hydraulic cylinders and therefore primarily suited for thinwalled pipes
Angular welding up to 15 is possible

Half-automatic (CNC-controlled).
Other features are identical to manual machine.

Base frame, heating element and planer are moved using an

external lifting device (e.g. an excavator shovel)

The integrated crane facilitates the handling at the welding

Heating element and the planer are mounted fixed to the base
frame and, depending on the system, are either pivoted or
traversed on linear basis
The complete machine is moved to the place of deployment with
a tractor

All-terrain capability
The welding machine can be dismounted from the caterpillars
Heating element and the planer are fixed screw-connected to the
base frame and, depending on the system, are either pivoted or
traversed on linear basis
Autonomous operation as a power generator is mounted on



Preferably one or two operators?

The productivity at butt welding is influenced by the number of operators involved as many process steps must be
performed manually. The question, if either one or two
operators are required to operate a butt welding machine is
often raised. For reasons of occupational safety, an experienced team of two men is usually deployed on construction
sites. Depending on the country, this is sometimes even
required by law. According to the experience of WIDOS,
the following number of operators is generally required.
One Operator:
Manual welding machines for pipes up to a diameter
of approximately 160mm.
Half-automatic (CNC-) welding machines for pipes up
to a diameter of approximately 250mm.
All welding machines equipped with a fixed mounted/integrated planer and heating element, as well as
with fully hydraulic actuation via an operating panel.
Two Operators:
Welding machines for pipes with a diameter from
approximately 315mm to approximately 500mm.
Welding machines equipped with an integrated crane
(hydraulic crane or lifting device) for pipes with a
diameter approximately 630mm.

element at the start of the operation and the respective

time required for handling. This also includes the welding
preparation, the clamping and the alignment of the pipes,
the unclamping of the pipes, the transport to the next welding operation from pipe end to pipe end. These times are
based on values gained through experience. It is assumed

Figure 3: Sketch of the welding station

Ludwig Pfeiffer Hoch und Tiefbau GmbH & Co. KG)

the process paths on the site, as the welding parameters

represent a consistent section, the required times of which
can not be reduced. At complex major construction sites,
the planning of a rough layout sketch of the construction
site infrastructure is indispensable. This is the only way
to ensure that the clockwork of the building project
engages properly. The set-up planning for the complex
measure butt welding is usually performed spontaneously
by the welder directly at the site as soon as he arrives. This
leaves sufficient room for possible process optimisation
measures. The task of the executive responsible at the construction site should be to plan for the welding sequences in
the forefront and at least to establish and have at hand an
according layout sketch (Figure 3). Any experience gained
in previous building projects is naturally considered in the

Sum of defined Welding Times and the Handling
The productivity of the butt welding in terms of this article is
determined as the number of welding operations /8h (working day). This corresponds to the methodology of the SKZ
Productivity of Butt Welding =

Number of Welding Operations

8h (Working day)

The welding sequence and the welding parameters are

based on the german DVS-Directive 2207 Part 1 (September
2005). In order to determine the time required for a welding
operation, the sequence is subdivided into sub-processes.
Subsequently added to the defined welding times according to DVS 2207-1 are the heating period of the heating


Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2: Examples for positive site conditions



that suited transport means are at hand and, if necessary,

a further person, e.g. a helper for carrying or a respective
driver is available. The traversing of material to the work station, the transport of the machines to the site, the set-up of
the work station (protective tent, etc.), digging or bedding
work for the pipes, the dismantling of the work station or
the securing of the same for the night, and other required
activities are not considered and must, depending on the
individual case, be added to the welding time.
The Table 6 depicts an exemplary procedure using a PE
pipe SDR11 with a diameter of 110mm.
In this article, to serve as examples, pipe dimensions and
SDR categories which are often deployed were selected. It
is relatively simple to deduct the productivity for other SDR
categories from these, as the significant influential factor
in relation to the pipe wall thickness is the cooling time.

Figure 5: Deployment of two welder teams to meet a higher demand of
welding operations
Table 6: Sub-division of butt welding operations into sub-processes

Time in min, Example with diameter 110mm, SDR11, also see the
SKZ-survey [3]

Welding machine already at site, heating

element still not heated up.
Heating Process


Handling (Clamping, Planing, Cleaning)



Warming Up




Joining Pressure Build-Up




Unclamping of pipe, transport of machine

to the next welding operation

End of First Welding Operation

Intermediate Sum 46,32 min

Handling (Clamping, Planing, Cleaning)


End of Second Welding Operation

Intermediate Sum 72,64 min

End of Final Welding Operation


480 min (= 8h)

Key Performance Indicators for positive Construction Site Conditions

Special cases or heavy duty conditions on the construction
site can neither be calculated nor evaluated on an utilisable
accurate basis. For this reason, it is assumed that the conditions on the site are satisfactory. In regard to some essential
items, this would mean for welding operations that the
welding operators are trained and dispose of experience.
The working area or the pit is easy to access. The pipes are
of straight length and good quality. It is also assumed for the
welding work that there is good weather, i.e. the conditions
are dry, there is an ambient temperature of approximately
20C, and the wind is calm. Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2
show examples for positive site conditions.
The results, see Table 7, apply to WIDOS butt welding
machines in their basic version, i.e. without wheels or an
own drive system. If mobile WIDOS welding machines are
used, the number of welding operations can be raised.
As depicted in the Section Approach, the same is a combination of calculation, the summing up of process periods and values gained through experience. A validation
of individual cases directly on the site has not yet been
performed. The stated values can however be applied by
welding enterprises as a guideline for the evaluation of their
own productivity. Should there be any major deviations,
the respective welding sequences can internally be audited
and subsequently the individual operational steps can be
optimised. In terms of lean process improvement, this could
possibly be utilised to detect inefficiencies.
As the most significant result within the scope of the productivity improvement, it was confirmed, as already established by the SKZ, that the deployment of two welding
machines generates at least a duplication of the number of
welding operations per day at the same number of deployed
operators. The only exception to this phenomena applies
to the welding of smaller pipe diameters, e.g. in the range
of 50mm.
If three welding machines are deployed, the respective



Table 7: Productivity under positive site conditions (examples)

made of PE 100
in mm


One Welding Machine

Two Welding Machines

Three Welding Machines











































Number of Welding Operations / 8h (working day) at positive site conditions and good

A third welding machine with only one operator is usually not useful, as
the cooling time is not sufficient to perform 2 welding operations during
the same (preparations until the start of the cooling phase).
In many cases, the cooling period accords to the required welding time
(preparations until the start of the cooling phase). It is therefore assumed

finding was that there is no significant improvement of

productivity as of a diameter of 630mm. The expenditure
for the provision of a third welding machine is no longer
justified by the created value due to improved productivity.
For this reason, if a higher welding performance per day
is required, it is more sensible to deploy a further welder
team (two operators) with one or two machines (Figure 5).
Advice for the Improvement of Productivity
Advice No. 1: The deployment of two welding machines
significantly elevates the productivity.
Advice No. 2: In the open country, welding machines on
wheel or caterpillars are advantageous in terms of transport
Advice No. 3: The deployment of a welding concept that
is suited for the respective conditions at the construction
site. It is possible at WIDOS standard welding machines, for
example, to remove the forth clamping ring, which makes
the machine lighter, smaller, and easier to handle in situations where there is only limited space available.
Advice No. 4: As the base frame of the welding machine
stands idle during the cooling phase (it presses two pipes
together), a further base frame can be operated with one
heating element / planer. Next to the more economic
deployment of equipment as such, a further advantage is
the reduction of the energy consumption by almost fifty
Advice No. 5: The deployment of premium quality welding
machines contributes to prevent breakdowns on the site.
Advice No. 6: Premium quality pipes facilitate the compensation of misalignment and can therefore contribute
to save time. In particular at jacketed pipes, ovality and



that the operation on the first and subsequently second welding machine
is performed in a smooth sequence. A third welding machine can no
longer be operated by two operators.
Welded following the DVS-Directive, as the wall thickness is >70mm.

conical incursions of the pipe ends occur less frequently in

comparison to standard PE pipes. An additional processing
of the pipe ends, respectively cutting the same at the site
prior to welding is consequently not necessary.
Advice No. 7: The utilisation of professional equipment
and accessories, e.g. height-adjustable roller stands. These
do not only reduce the required force to traverse the pipes
but also often enable and facilitate to process very long
pipe sections. They also facilitate the compensation of misalignment and contribute to the quality of the joint as they
feature minimum misalignment. Special saws for plastic
piping, such as chain-guided orbital circular saws or crosscut saws shorten the preparation period.


There are many practical options for the user to utilise the
potential for productivity improvement.
There are however also the cooling periods as defined by
the german DVS-Directive. These are laid out for universal function, respectively so that they are sufficient for
both low and high ambient temperatures. The obvious
fact that a welding seam cools down faster at low ambient temperatures is not included in the consideration. At
welding operations for special cases which are performed
under workshop conditions, the reduction of the cooling
period by up to 50% is permissible according to the DVS
Directive 2207-1, if the wall thickness is 15 mm, and the
joint connection is only exposed to minor stress after the
welding process. The reduction of the cooling periods on
the building site is not permitted but frequently the subject
matter of many discussions. Investigations which refer to
individual cases have been conducted [7]. In particular in



connection with the existence of varying welding standards

worldwide, the requirement for further and more accurate
investigations is certain.
The manufacturers of butt welding machines are furthermore required to reduce the handling periods by providing
for innovative technology, respectively automation solutions. This, of course at consistent welding seam quality.
The upcoming developments within the welding machine
sector will remain an interesting issue.

[1] DVS-Taschenbuch
Band 68/IV, 14. Auflage, 2011, Verlag fr Schweien
und verwandte Verfahren DVS Media GmbH, Dsseldorf
DVS pamphlet, DVS Technical Codes on Plastics Joining Technologies:
English Edition Volume 3, 2nd edition, 2011, Verlag fr Schweien
und verwandte Verfahren DVS-Verlag GmbH, Dsseldorf
[2] M. Hoffmann, B. Baudrit, O. Stbs, P. Heidemeyer, M. Bastian, SKZ
Das Kunststoff-Zentrum, Wrzburg: konomische und kologische
Bewertungen beim Schweien von Kunststoffrohre, Economic and
ecological assessments with regard to the welding of plastic pipes,
Joining Plastics 3-4 / 2012, DVS Media GmbH, Dsseldorf
[3] B. Baudrit, O. Stbs, kologisch-konomische Bewertung
und Verfahrensoptimierung von Fgeverfahren am Beispiel
von Kunststoffrohrsystemen. Abschlussbericht ber ein
Forschungsprojekt, gefrdert unter dem Az: 27249/2 21/2 von
der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt. SKZ Das KunststoffZentrum, SKZ - KFE gGmbH. Wrzburg, Dezember 2012
[4] ISCO Fusion Manual, 2007, ISCO Industries LLC, USA, http://www.
metric.pdf (Internet download 19.11.2012)
[5] American National Standard ASTM F2620 06, Standard Practice
for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings, ASTM
International,, West Conshohocken (USA), 2006
[6] INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 21307:2009(E), Plastics pipes
and fittings Butt fusion jointing procedures for polyethylene
(PE) pipes and fittings used in the construction of gas and water
distribution systems,, Genf (Schweiz), 2009
[7] H. Hesse, egeplast Werner Strumann GmbH & Co.KG,
Greven; J. Grieser, Hessel Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, Roetgen;
U. Egen, Rothenberger Werkzeuge Produktions GmbH,
Kelkheim, Wirtschaftliches Optimierungspotential beim


Heizelementstumpfschweien von Schutzmantelrohren aus

spannungsrissbestndigem Polyethylen, Economic Optimisation
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[8] J. Grieser, HESSEL Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, berprfung
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Checking of the required long-term tensile welding factor and the
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[9] J. Hessel, HESSEL Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, Langzeitverhalten von
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3R international, Vulkan-Verlag GmbH Essen
[10] J. Hessel, HESSEL Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Das Langzeitverhalten
von Schweiverbindungen an Halbzeugen aus Polyethylen Eine
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[11] J. Hessel, HESSEL Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, 100 Jahre Nutzungsdauer
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3R international, Vulkan-Verlag GmbH, Essen

Egeplast Werner Strumann GmbH & Co.
KG, Greven (Germany)
Tel. +49 2575 9710-252


WIDOS Wilhelm Dommer Soehne GmbH,
Ditzingen (Germany)
Tel. +49 171 4234466


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