January 21, 2015 Builder

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I look forward to hearing Bill Johnson, Missionary and

Pastor of Reach the Nations Church, Clarkston, Ga., this Sunday.

Bill will be with us on Saturday for Cross Cultural Training and
then will challenge us in both services on Sunday Morning. Many
have indicated an interest in doing missions and Pastor Bill will give
us insight on how we can best be used of the Lord. I encourage you
to attend the Cross Cultural training and, of course, be in worship on
The most wonderful aspect of the Cross Cultural Training
and the working with Refugees is that we will be able to easily
translate that work here. What we learn can be used to reach this
community for Jesus. That is exciting! So, whether you are
interested in Refugee ministries or not, you can benefit from
attending the Cross Cultural training at 2 pm Saturday in the
Fellowship Hall.
I heard Evangelist R.V. Brown speak at the Bainbridge
High School Football banquet recently. Brother Brown did a
powerful job of proclaiming the Gospel and challenging all those
present. One of his points was that we cannot all be A students
but we can be C students. C what God can do with you if you
surrender to Him. C what you can accomplish with a little
determination and a lot of hard work. C the great things God has
in store for you when you come to Him. He challenged us to be the
best we can but know that even if we are C students God can still
use us.
I cant wait to C what God is going to do at First Baptist
this Sunday. I look forward to seeing you then.

Sunday January 18, 2015

Budget Receipts
Budget Needs To Date
Budget Receipts YTD
Receipts Over Budget By
Bible Study
January 28
Beef Enchilada Casserole
Black Beans and Rice

Sunday, January 25
Contemporary Service
9:00 AM
Bible Study
10:00 AM
Morning Worship
11:00 AM
Preschool Committee
3:45 PM
Childrens Committee
4:30 PM
5:30 PM
Evening Worship
6:30 PM
Monday, January 26
Saints Alive Rehearsal
10:30 AM
Tuesday, January 27
Youth Prayer Breakfast
6:30 AM
Mens Prayer Breakfast
7:00 AM
Wednesday, January 28
Womens Meeting - Library 5:30 PM
Graded Choirs
5:45 PM
640 Worship
6:00 PM
Family Supper
6:00 PM
Mission Friends/GAs/RAs 7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Chancel Choir
7:45 PM
Thursday, December 28
BCM @ College
7:00 PM
January 30-February 1
Clarkston Mission Trip

January 25
Ron & Beth Gilliard, Patsy Henry, Janone Doss, Charley Rayfield,
Tresa Rayfield and Debbie Shepard.
Calling all ladies of 1st Baptist
There will be a meeting on Wednesday, January 28 at 5:30 in the
church library to discuss the Tables of Love and any other women's
ministries on your mind. Please bring your ideas and any information
God wants you to share with us to the meeting.
If you are unable to attend on this day, please email your suggestions
to Delrose Betts.

First Baptist


January 21, 2015


Pastor Rev. Paul Medley

Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Minister of Youth & Students Rev. Jeff Baxley
Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer


The Saints Alive Choir will be joining with the Chancel Choir
this Sunday morning to share Surrender Medley. We need
all of you to meet us in the Choir Room at 10:40 AM this Sunday, January 25 for our final rehearsal before we sing in the
11:00 AM service. NO ROBES SUNDAY. We will all be
wearing our regular Sunday clothes. See you there.
p.s. Thanks for singing last Sunday night. You were a blessing!


Single Seniors...time on your hands? Join us for a ride on the
Mexican Train. Never ridden before? No problem, we'll
show you how. Train departs each 2nd and 4th Thursday at
6:30 PM beginning Jan. 22nd from the Fellowship Hall.

We have a vacancy in the roster of ringers in our Handbell
Choir. If you are a music reader, youre already on your way
to being a qualified bell ringer. Join us on Wednesday nights
at 7:00 PM in our rehearsal room, located in the Sanctuary
balcony. Take the elevator up and listen for the beautiful music and youve found us. We are working on 5 pieces to be
shared at the Winter Ring, a festival which will be held at the
First United Methodist Church in Bainbridge the weekend of
February 20-21. The festival concludes with a concert that is
open to the public that Saturday afternoon, February 21.
Check us out to see if a ministry with bells is in your future.
Rev. Lynn Roberts shares at another great Valentines themed
gathering of our SENIORS!

Clarkston Mission Trip

We are planning a trip to Clarkston, GA on January 30-February 1, to
assist refugees with their income tax returns. Online training through
the IRS VITA program is now available! Although some familiarity
with taxes is helpful, it is not a requirement. We already have 5
individuals interested, but there is more room for you! Total cost for
participation has yet to be finalized, however, you will be responsible
for your meals and some accommodation fees. Do NOT let cost be a
factor. If you feel led to go, you will be included. Please pray and let
me know by FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 if this may be an area where
you are able to serve.

Cross Cultural Training

Saturday, January 24 2-4 pm Fellowship Hall
If you are interested in serving in our mission to Clarkston, GA to
work with refugees in the next year, you will need to attend this
training. Pastor Bill Johnson, one of our North American Mission
Board missionaries who pastors Reach the Nations Church in
Clarkston, will lead our time together. No pre-registration required.

Clean Up Day!
Join us as we clean up the Preschool Hallway on Saturday, February 7
beginning at 9 am. We will disinfect toys, scrub down tables, chair
and play areas and create an inventory of new items needed. Hope to
see you there!

Strength to Stand
37 Adults and students spent the past weekend in Pigeon Forge, TN
at the Strength to Stand student conference. This was a tremendous
weekend for our students to be away from the routine and focus
together on the Word of God. Thank you so much to every adult
that helped with this weekend and Billy Poppell and Dwayne Kelly
for chauffeuring us around!!
Super SNAC
Sunday night February 1st will be our monthly SNAC. This will be
a great night. We will meet together starting at 5:00 at Gene and
Claire Dunlaps home to have a time of fellowship, Bible Study,
food, and football. This event will be our kickoff event for the
spring semester Sunday night programming.
Disciple Now Weekend
Disciple Now weekend is just around the corner. The dates are
February 13-15. If you are available to help in any way during this
weekend please let myself or a member of the youth committee
know as soon as possible. We need families to open their homes to
small groups, drivers, meals, and we need folks to pray. This is
going to be a great weekend and I can not wait to see what God is
going to do in the lives of the students in this county during this

AWANA is collecting TRAVEL ITEMS

The AWANAs are collecting travel size toiletry items for the Baptist
Friendship House in New Orleans, LA. Please drop any donation off
at the church office. We will collect until mid-February.
What's Happening:
January 25 AWANA Crazy Hat/Hair Night
February 7 Clean Up Day!

Wednesday Night Meal for January 28 is team7: Beth Briggs,

Carla Smith, Kelley Harrell, Angie Presnal, Randa Barr

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