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[jeongseok ] standard sequence(s),

[jeongseokdeul ] standard sequences.

This is a work in progress, compiled from

many online and offline sources by Marcel
unauer, with help from Kim Byung-moon
). There are still many things that
cant be right.
For example, some terms
have multiple, partially conflicting, meanings,
and there are several terms for the same
Please send additions, corrections
and comments to
Check terminology.pdf regularly for updates.
There are four sections: The first section,
Baduk Terms, provides english translations
for words and phrases often found in Korean
baduk books. The second section, Baduk Book
Guide, provides translations for titles of Korean baduk books. The third section, Player
Names, lists the names of korean (as well as
other) players along with their romanizations.
The fourth section, Example Phrases provides
useful phrases to use on baduk servers or when
speaking with your Korean baduk friends.
Entries are sorted according to hangeul alphabetical order. Pronunciation for the hangeul
terms is given according to the Revised Romanization, which was officially introduced by South
Korean authorities in 2000.
Note that [eo] is pronounced like the aw in
thaw ;
[ae] like the a in bat;
[j ] like the
dg in edge;
[ch] like the aspirated ch in chop;
[eu] like the u in pull, but without the lip
rounding. Before
[i ],
[s] (but not
is pronouned sh. Double consonants are voiceless, not aspirated and more explosive than their
single counterparts.



c E

Making nouns from verbs For many korean

verbs you can take the dictionary form (the
one ending in - [da]) and replace the with - [gi ], thereby using the verb as a
noun. For example,
to trade (verb);
[baggwochigi ] the
trading (noun).


Plural marker [deul ] is the particle for

forming a plural. Only necessary if you
explicitly dont mean the singular; normally, a noun can be singular and plural, depending on the context. Examples:
[dol ] stone(s),
[doldeul ] stones;
[chaek ] book(s),
[chaekdeul ] books;

[dol ] is an originally korean word for
[seok ] also means stone, but is
of chinese origin. Hence
[jeongseok ]
correct stone(s). Also
[badukdol ] go
stone (jap. ishi ).


Baduk Terms

[il dan] 1-dan (jap. shodan)

1 [il seon maneulmo] diagonal move

on the first line (jap. tanuki no hara)

[samsam] 3-3 point

[ga] territory (jap. kakuteiji )

t0 [gareugi ] through (jap. deru)

[gabyeoun] light; stones with light, flex-

ible shape which can easily be looked after,

or stones which have served their purpose
and can be discarded without ill effects (jap.
karui )


moyang] light shape

(jap. karui katachi )

[gabyeoum] light (jap. karui )

[gabyeopda] light
| [gailsu] repair; internal reinforcement
(jap. teire)

@|  [gajiwara

jeongseok ] Kajiwara


 [gaksaeng] compromise
|X0 [gallichigi ] divide; separation; wedge;

Language Notes

Baduk Terminology v0.15

Baduk Terminology v0.15


a wedging move which has room for expansion (e.g., a two-space extension) in either
direction (jap. wariuchi )

 [gallim] divided
 [gamgak ] intuition
 [gangsu] strong play
 [gangyo] forcing move (jap. kikashi )
 [gangta] heavy blow
p [geobukdeung] tortoise shell; turtles
back; shape made by the capture of 2 stones
(jap. kame no ko)

t 0 p

Baduk Terminology v0.15

t [geonneogada]

go [pass] over;


across; cross (over)

t [geonneoda]



(jap. watari )

t [geonneottwoda] jump ahead

tM [geonneomutchim] jump-attachment
(jap. tobi tsuke)

tt [geonneobutchida] attach across the

knights move; jump-attach

t [geonneobutchim]

across a knights move (jap. tsuke-koshi )

) [gongbang] fight (jap. tatakai )

0 [gongbae] neutral point (jap. dame)
0T0 [gongbaeme-ugi ] shortage of liberties (jap. damezumari )

0T [gongbaeme-um] shortage of liberties

(jap. damezumari )

[gwa] and; with. Two-shape particle -@/-;

- is used after a consonant
 [gwasu] overplay (jap. uchisugi )
[gwagye] affect
PX [gyohwan] exchange
m [guksu] national hand (a big title)
s [guthida] enclose
s [guthim] corner enclosure (jap. shimari );

xL [georeum] step
xX [geolchida] approach; snuggle
xh [geolchim] corner approach (jap. kakari )
[geomta] analyse a game
X [gyeoljeonghada] conclude
T [gyeolko] jap. yume
[gyeonggwado] preceding moves diagram
[gyeongu] circumstances; a situation; a
case; an instance; an occasion; a time; a
moment (t = in this case)
[gyega] counting the score
[gyesok ] continuation
[gogeup] advanced level
[gomok ] 4-5 point (jap. takamoku)
 [gomok jeongseok ] 4-5 point pattern

|  [gungoreul

[gomin] agony
|X [gobayasiryu] Kobayashi opening
[goksagung] bent four shape, is usually

p [geungeo] base, root

pX [geungeoeuiyocheo] base point
0T [geumgiseohwa] Four Great Accom-

(jap. takamoku joseki )

alive except in the corner (jap.



[gollan] difficulty; trouble; suffering; distress; hardship; embarassment

[gonma] baseless group of stones;


group; pursued stones

[gonggyeok ] attack (jap. seme)

X [gonggyeokhada] attacking



} [gubsu] vital point (jap. kyuusho)

[gungdo] eye space; capacity for territory
(jap. futokoro)

neolhida] enlarging

the eye space

[gwi ] corner (jap. sumi; kado)

[gwiga] returning home; homecoming
[gwigoksa] bent four in the corner
8 [gwimitmeori ] sideburn
 [gwisamsu] three liberties in the corner;
tombstone squeeze; fatal in three moves
(jap. sumi no sante)


[geup] student level (jap. kyu)

[geupso] vital point (jap. kyusho)
\ [geophan got] urgent area
0 [gida] crawl (jap. hai )
0 0 [gidaegi ] leaning attack, lean
motare, motareru, yoko-tsuke? )

0 p [gidaejo] Qidaizhao


0| 0

Baduk Terminology v0.15

0 [gido] way of baduk

0 [gibo] game record (jap. kifu)
0 [gibon] basic; basis
0 L [gibun joeum] good feeling
0 [gibun] feeling; sensation; a frame of mind;

0 [gisa] go player
01 [giseong] Go Saint (a big title) (jap. kisei )
08 [gise] fighting spirit
0 [giso] jap. godokoro
0 [gieodeulda] crawl (jap. hai )
0 [giweon] baduk house; baduk club (?)
0 [gipung] style of play
4 [ginseungbu] a strategy for white in no-

komi games in which he lets the opponent

take good points but as compensation takes
territory, aiming to outlast the opponent
(jap. amashi )

J@ [gipeun] deep

clamp, a move which

pincers and attaches (jap. hasami tsuke)

H [ggyeoanda] hug
,0 [ggoburiga] bend (jap. magari )
, [ggoburida] turn; filled triangle
, [ggoburim] bend around; filled triangle
(jap. magari, magari tsuke)

< [ggomsu] tricky play

Ct( [ggomnolipae] a flower-viewing ko, i.e.
one side has everything to lose, while the
other stakes almost nothing; one-sided ko;
picnic ko (jap. hanami ko)

C [ggotsagung] flower four

ItL [ggwakieum] solid connection

J [ggeunda] cut; cut off (jap. kiri )

J [ggeuneo jabda] cut-and-kill
J0 [ggeuneonohgi ] a cut inside the enemy
territory, normally it will imply a sacrifice
(jap. kirikomi )

J0 [ggeunojabgi ] a combination of capture and other damage (jap. kamitori )

L0 [ggeulgi ] pull back (n.) (jap. hiki )

L [ggeulda] draw back; pull back
]0 [ggeunnaegi ] endgame; finish

] [ggeunnaeda] end (with); close; bring to

an end; finish

| [ggiuda] wedge; insert (jap. warikomi )

| [ggium] insert (jap. warikomi )
|#0 [ggiweoneohgi ] move between two enemy stones (jap. warikomi )

|t0 [ggiweobutchigi ] clamp

0 [nagagi ] a move which pushes between

two enemy stones, either into a one-point

jump or a knights move (jap. de)

0 [nagagi ] through
J [nagaggeunda]

a sequence of two
moves which push and cut (jap. degiri )

X [nabbeuda] be bad;

\ [nabbeun mat] bad taste [in mouth];

bad potential (jap. aji waru)

h [nabbeum] bad; wrong; it is bad

X [nakhasan] a parachute; a chute
[nanga] rotten axe (jap. ranka)
| t0 [narilja geonneogi ] knights

| xh [narilja

I0 [ggwakitta] solid connection of a one-

| s [narilja

J L [ggeunum] cut off (jap. kiri )

J0 [ggeungoneulgi ] cut and extend (jap.

| 0 [narilja

katatsugi )

kirinobi )

wrong; evil (jap.

warui )


point jump (jap. botsugi )



geolchim] knights ap-


guthim] knights enclosure; the 3-4 and 5-3 points (jap. kogeima
shimari )
neobgi ] knights move
bridge-underneath maek; connects seemingly isolated stones (jap. keima watari )

Baduk Terminology v0.15

| [narilja dallim] knights slide

| [narilja ddwim] knights jump
| D [narilja miggeureojim] monkey jump (jap. saru suberi )

| [narilja butchim] knight-shape attachment, efficient way to cut a knightjump shape (jap. keima tsuke)

| [narilja sseuium] knights cap

| [narilja yeongyeol ] knights connection

| [narilja]

knight jump; knights move

(jap. keima); lit. sun, because the
knights move reminds one of the chinese
symbol for sun;

|tL [nariljaieum] knight-shape connection (jap. keima tsugi )

@ [nacheum] low
$0 [naeryeoseogi ]

$ [naeryoseoda] descend (jap. sagari )

$, [naeryoseom] descending downwards
(jap. sagari )

0 [neomgi ] bridge; connecting underneath or

along the edge of the board (jap. watari )

 [neomda] bridge;

connecting underneath
or along the edge of the board (jap. watari )



watari )

$x [nekan] jap. yongen

$x [nekanbollim] four

point extension

(jap. yongen biraki )

x [norida] jap. suru

x [norim] a noun form of x literally

meaning (look and) aim intensely. However, it often denotes hidden agenda behind a move and actual benefit of a
is a move with hidden


x [norim] a peeping move which threatens

to cut (jap. suru, nozoki )

[nopda] high (jap. taka)

00 [nohgoddagi ] being forced to add the

extra stones necessary to remove a captured

group from the board (jap. semedori )

0 [nohgoddada] compulsory capture

t [nureuda] to push; press; stretch?
 [nun] eye, eye space (jap. me, manako)
 [nun] handicap; [the difference in] points

(used with a numeral: jap. san-moku

means a 3 stone handicap) (jap. moku)

 xh [nunmokja

knights move approach to the 3-4 stone
(jap. ogeima kakari )

 s [nunmokja guthim] large knights

corner enclosure; the 3-4 and 6-3 points
(jap. ogeima shimari )

 ]0 [nunmokja ggeunnaegi ] monkey

a descending move
while finishing the shape (jap. ori kiri )


x [norim] aim; purpose (jap. nerai )

x [norim] lurk (for making an attack)


 [nunmokja dallim] large knights

slide (jap. saru-suberi )

 [nunmokja ddwim] large knights cap

 D| [nunmoka miggeurajim] large
knights slide; monkey jump (jap.
suberi )


 [nunmokja sseuium] a move which

combines the large knight jump with a
cover. (jap. ogeima kake) For example,
if Black has a stone on the 3-4 point and
White has a stone on the 5-4 point, then a
white move at 4-7 is a large knights press.

 [nunmokja] large knights move; large

knight jump (jap. ogeima); lit. eye, because the large knights move reminds one
of the chinese symbol for eye;

  [nunsatae jeongseok ] Avalanche

pattern (jap. nadare) ( = avalanche,
 = eye, snow)
t [nyuseu] news
X [neuseunhada] 1. (be) loose; slack;
lax. 2. (be) relaxed; slack; easygoing (jap.
yurumi as in jap. yurumi shicho = loose

0 [neulgi ] solid extension (jap. nobi )

[neulda] to stretch; to extend (jap. nobi )

Baduk Terminology v0.15

P0 [neureodugi ] extension which finishes

the shape (jap. nobikiri )

, [neureoseom] an extension from a single

stone (jap. narabi )


[daegungsogung] big eye vs small eye

[daema] group; a loosely connected set of
blocks of the same colour; block; connected
stones of the same colour

[neureojin chuk ] loose ladder (jap.

$  [daebungseolhyeong

( [neureojin

[daesa] big slant (name of a pattern) (jap.

 [dagaseoda] to come close to; to ap-

 [daesajeongseok ] Great Slant pattern

yurumi shicho)

pae] one-step pae; one

move approach pae (jap. itte ko, itte yose

proach (jap. tsume); to make it narrow

(jap. sebameru)

, [dagaseom]

jeongseok ]

Large Avalanche pattern


(jap. taisha)

E [daechaek ] a measure; a countermeasure;

a counterplan; a countermove

approach (jap.



X [dachida] to hurt oneself; to get [be] hurt

[injured]; to get wounded; to sustain [suffer]

an injury; to be damaged

[dan] master level (jap. dan)

 [dandansu] a method to capture where

stones are sacrificed to destroy the enemys

eye shape (and use shortage of liberties to
prevent connection) (jap. bata bata tesuji;
oiotoshi )

 [dansu] fatal (jap. atari )

 [danjeom] defect; weak point
( [danpae] direct pae
[dallida] slide
  [daegak poseok ] diagonal opening
  [daegakseon poseok ] cross opening;
diagonal opening (jap. tasuki fuseki )

 T [daegakseon hwajeom] diagonal 44-points jap. tasuki hoshi

 [daegakjeom] jap. tasuki basho

m pt [daeguk jogeon] the conditions

which two players play each other, i.e., the
handicap (jap. teai )

m [daeguk

jongnyo] the end of the

endgame, i.e. no profitable moves left

m  [daeguk

jungdan] suspending play

during a game (it was Whites privilege to
suspend play on his move) (jap. uchikake)

m [daeguk ] match; game; X to play a

game (jap. taikyoku)

X [deonjida] to resign
d [deom] compensation; advantage (jap. komi )
[do] diagram (as in 1 = diagram 1)
[dojang] a drill hall; a gymnasium; a gym
Q [dol badukpan] stone board
[dol ] stone
0 [dolgarigi ] stone choice; choosing for
colors (jap. erabu; nigiri )

t [doldori ] a method to capture where

stones are sacrificed to destroy the enemys

eye shape (and use shortage of liberties to
prevent connection) (jap. bata bata tesuji;
oiotoshi )

D pP [doreul geoduda] to resign

D X [doreul deonjida] to resign
8 [dongmunseodam] the moon

and a
mud turtle; an immense difference (jap.
tsuki to suppon)

 [donghyeong] 1.

the same shape. 2. the

same type [pattern] ;a similar type

 [donghyeongbanbok ] super pae

J [dweggeunda] counter-cut
 [dwedansu] counter-dansu
0 [dweddanaem] snapback; recapture
(jap. uttegaeshi )

0 [dweddada] counter-capture
DX0 [dwebaddachigi ]
attachment (jap. tsuke kaeshi )



Baduk Terminology v0.15

 [dwebutchim] counter-attachment (jap.

tsuke kaeshi )

 [dwejeojim] counter bend; staircase; a

bend on top of an enemy bend (jap. nidan
bane; hane kaeshi; uwahane)

 [dwehyeopgong] counter-pincer
+ [dwetbakhyeong] carpenters square
P [dunun] two separate eyes or eye spaces
P8 [dujeommeori ] hit on two stones head
(jap. ni me no atami )

Px xh [dukan






[dukan ddwim] two-point jump (jap.

nikken tobi )

Px [dukan beollim] two-space extension

(jap. nikken biraki )

Px [dukan] two-space
P0 [duteoum] thickness (jap. atsumi )
PA [duteomda] thick; of positional advan-

tage; thickness (jap. atsumi ). However, it

sometimes describes solid defensive moves
to maintain superiority and conclude a winning game.

[dwitmat] potential (jap. aji )

8 [dwitmun] open back door
8 [dwitmunyeollim] open at

0 [] break out [through] (jap. deru)

[ddwida] jump (jap. tobi )
, [ddwieoggoburim] jap. tobimagari
[ddwieonagada] jump outside (jap.
tobidashi )

[ddwieodeulda] jump inside (jap.


bikomi )

[ddwim] jump (jap. tobi )

, [ddeundol ] floating stones; rootless

| [reul ] drect object marker in a sentence
[maneulmo] diagonal move (jap.


sumi )


diagonal attachment (jap. kosumi tsuke) (kake tsugi?)

[magda] to block (osae)

L [mageum] a block (osae)
D( [manneyonpae] ten thousand year pae
(jap. mannen ko)

q [manjok ] satisfied; satisfaction; content

[mat] potential (lit. taste) (jap. aji )
0 [matbogi ] fork; mirror (jap. miai )
D ` [maseul obsaeda] erase potential
(jap. aji keshi )

the edge

(jap. susoaki )

[deul ] plural (z.B. = human, =


, [deulddeundol ] jap. ukiishi

0 [deuryeodabogi ] a peep; (threatening a cut on the next move) (jap. nozoki )

[deuryeodaboda] to peep (moving so

as to threaten a cut on the next move) (jap.

nozoki )

 [deuryeodabom] threat (jap. nozoki )

0 [ddanaeda] capture; pick out (jap. nuki )
0 [ddanaendol ] captured stone
0 [ddanaem] pick out (jap. nuki )
[] break out [through] (jap. deru)

h [manghamda] be ruined; fall; perish

J [] to crosscut (jap. kiri chigai )
JL [] a crosscut (jap. kiri chigai )
Q [matbaduk ] first move in alternate unhandicapped game (jap. tagai sen)

Q [matbaduk ] non-handicap baduk, even


0 [] paired moves; A or B; fork (jap. miai )

[] knot
T6 [] rabbity six
T! [] flower six (jap. hana roku)
() [] good style; skillful; key move (jap.
suji; tesuji )

8 [] head


Baduk Terminology v0.15

8 [] a preface; a foreword; an introduction;

I\ [mungchin

9X [] throw in;

D [miggeureojida] slide
D [miggeureojim] slide (jap. suberi )
m [minijungguksik ] mini-Chinese

a preamble

cram (jap. horikomi;

uchikaku; kuwaseru). A move involving the
sacrifice of a stone to force the opponents
stones to take a bad shape (most often preventing him from connecting at the right

x [] jap. Meijin; a big title

s [] diagonal enclosure
[] diagonal attach (jap. kosumi tsuke)
[] shape; also that which is still only the

shape of a territory, that is, a framework,

sphere of influence (jap. moyo)

0 [] being in good shape;

good in


D \ [] stylish move

[] cap (jap. boshi )
[] to cap (jap. boshi )
) [] to cap (jap. boshi )
[] drive
Dl0 [] a method to capture where stones

are sacrificed to destroy the enemys eye

shape (and use shortage of liberties to prevent connection) (jap. bata bata tesuji;
oiotoshi )

Dl0 [] connect-and-die (jap. oiotoshi )

 [] excellent move (jap. myoshu)
4 [] heavy
4 [] jap. tozen
4t0 [] retract (jap. matta; yari naoshi )
4() [] unreasonable; overplay
4 [] a void game (due to repeated board

4 [] drawn game (jap. jigo)

4E [muchaek ] resourcelessness; (a) lack of policy (plan)

8 [munje] problem; question

< [mureobom] a move which tests the opponents plans (jap. yosu miru)

moyang] overconcentrated shape (jap. korigatachi )


[misaeng] unsettled
[misaengma] a group of stones that is
not yet alive

X [] lukewarm
a [miheum] insufficient
0 [] creep (jap. hairu)
0 [] push (peep?) (jap. oshi )
[] push (jap. oshi )
t0 [] avalanche
,|0 [] straight up (jap. masugu)
 [] underneath attachment
e [] outside (jap. soto)
e, [] jap. soto magari
X0 [] the exchange, the trading [nomen]
(jap. furikawari )

X [] to trade,

to exchange [infinitive]

(jap. furikawari )

Q [] pebble board game, Go (jap. igo)

Q [] stone (jap. ishi )
Q [] board (jap. goban)
xQ [] correct move
 [] half-eye
t [] on the board
 [banbok ] repetition; reiteration X repeat; reiterate; do over again

  [] almost seonsu
 [] half-point game
 [] half a point
Y [] illegal move (taking back a move, suicide, exceeding allotted time etc.)

( [] half-point pae


Baduk Terminology v0.15

 [] pace
) [] method
) [] defense
) [] sense of direction
- [] diagonal jump; large diagonal jump;
elephants move (jap. hazama tobi; okosumi )

0 [] belly attachment
0 [] distribution
1 [] white (jap. shiro; })
1 [] white group
1 [] white stone
1 [] white to play
[] give up; sacrifice;

[] block
 [] sealed move
[] bulge
[] dividing into parts;

cutting in halves

(jap. wakare)


a method of analysis in which one

changes the order of moves in a sequence
and removes superfluous stones in order to
evaluate the basic structure (jap. tewari )

[] resign; win by resignation; win without counting (jap. toryo)

discard (jap.


 [] bump; to thrust against an enemy stone

(jap. butsukari; tsuki atari )

 [] lightning four
[] 1. be profitable.

2. expand; extend;
spread; open; widen; stretch; lay out; arrange (jap. hiraki )

[] expand; extend; spread; extension (jap.

hiraki )

[] unsatisfactory, dissatisfied
J [] attach and cut
L [] attach and pullback
[] attach and stretch
[] attach and block
[] attach and stretch
J0 [] attach and cut (jap.

tsuke giri;

tsuke kiri )

0 [] attach and block, used in 4-4-point

pattern to take the corner (jap. tsuke nobi;

tsuke osae)

0 [] 4-4-point pattern where you

attach against the knights move approach

and extend when the opponent bends (jap.
tsuke nobi joseki )

[] law; rule; method

[] wall
[] side
[] metamorphosis;

t []

T [byeonhwa] variation
 [] repair (jap. teire)
X [] strengthen
XX [] reserve
0 [] inflated shape (jap. furoshiki )
E [] common; average?
 [] proper move (jap. honte)
x) [] jap. Honinbo; a big title
[] blockade; blocking (jap. fusa)

[] to attach inside (jap. tsuke)

D@ [bigim] dual life (jap. seki )
D@ [bigimsu] move that makes dual life
D ]0 [bima ggeunnaegi ] monkey slide
D [bima] monkey jump (jap. saru suberi )
D8 [bise] inferior
E [bik ] draw; dual life; stale move (jap. seki )
E [biksu] move that makes dual life
H [bingwi ] empty corner

transformation (exchange of territory and influence)

attachment or contact play (jap.


[] a jump and an attachment (jap.




Baduk Terminology v0.15

H [] empty triangle (jap. aki sankaku)

H [] loose ladder (jap. yurumi shicho)
u0 [] punctured tire; star capture (jap.
ponnuki )

uL []

punctured tire; star capture (jap.

ponnuki )

0 [] extend (jap. nobi )

[sa] dead
[sasal ] killing
 [saseok ] dead stones sacrificed stone; prisoner; sacrifice (jap. suteishi )


egy/plan/play (jap. suteishi )


t [saibeo] cyber
\ [sahwal ] life and

life-and-death prob-

lem (jap. tsumego)

\ [] life and death special

 [sakkam] reduction
X [sakkamhada] reduce; reducing (jap.
keshi ; erase; deflate

[sandol ] live; alive)

D [saraita] alive;

settled; living (jap.

ikiru, chin. huoqi )

[] life; existence
[] live; alive
( [] three-step pae
 [samsam jeongseok ] 3-3 pattern
h [samsam chimtu] 3-3 intrude
[samsam] 3-3 point
1 [samyeonseon] three star formation
(jap. sanrensei )

( [sampae] triple-ko
 [] farmers hat (jap. jin gasa)
 [] pyramid four (jap. yonmoku nakade)
 [] farmers hat; conical hat (jap. jin

[prefatory] remarks

[seon] line

[seonsangseon] black-and-even game

 [seonsu] initiative (jap. sente)
1 t [seonggong ida] succeed
1 [seongjeom] 4-4 point (jap. hoshi )
8 [segye] world; Q8 (Baduk World) is
the name of a magazine

death problem (lit.

dead, alive?) (jap. tsumego)

\8 [sahwalmunje]

[sang] top
[] advanced level (jap. jo kyu)
[sangyong] commonly used
 [seoda] stand (jap. tachi )
` [seoron] an introduction; introductory

8% [seryeok ] influence;

thickness (jap.


sumi; seiryoku)

8%X  [] balance in power

8x [] three-space extension;

three space

jump (jap. sankan tobi )

8x [] three-space extension; three space

jump (jap. sankan tobi )

 [] 3-4 point pattern

[] 3-4 point (jap. komoku)
$  [] Small Avalanche pattern
[] the inside; the interior; the inner part
0 [] quick game
% [] speed
 [] bad move; crude play; a move that

makes the previous bad move a benefit; a move that the player have no
good plan/action afterwards, basically selfhurting move

 [] trick play (jap. hamete)

| [] play elsewhere; omit (jap. tenuki )
[] play elsewhere (jap. tenuki )
[sonsil ] loss
t [] damage; injury; harm; loss; (self)damaging play?

t( [] pae threat which loses points (jap.



Baduk Terminology v0.15

t( [] loss leader pae threat

 [] move
0 [] sequence dissection
0 [] liberty increase
 [] a means; a measure; a way; a method; a

 [] hand talk
H [] the last meaningful point in the opening or in the endgame (jap. tedomari )

q [] shortage of liberties (jap.


mari )

D [] defence (jap. shubi )

DX [] defence; keep (jap. mamori )
 [] capturing race (jap. semeai )
 [] fight for liberties, race to capture (se-


< [seupido] speed

 [] all-or-nothing move; do-or-die move;
(aggressive) movement to change the unfavorable situation (jap. shobute)

) [] winning move
 [] new opening; new opening theory;

based on 4-4 points stressing centre. Pioneered by Go Seigen and Kitani Minoru
(jap. shin fuseki )

[] development of the game

[] profit; material gain
[] profit; territory towards edge usually
formed by 3rd or 4th line (jap. ji )

 [] territory (jap. kakuteiji )

 \ [siljeon sahwal ] real game life and

 [] (right) order of play; timing; sequence

  [siljeon jeongseok ] real game pattern

 [siljeon] actual game (jap. jissen, chin.

 [] match consisting of a set number of

X [siljeoneui


(jap. tejun)

games (jap. bango)

X  [] sequential magic

)$ [] playing out of order
)$ [] wrong move order
 [] settle
 [] solution; settle; coping with; making the

best out of; saving; to control a situation.

It means managing orderly a chaotic situation or taking care of a bad situation.

 [] capturing race (jap. semeai )

}0 [] reading
 [] the last meaningful point in the opening or in the endgame (jap. tedomari )

 [] shorten the number of liberties

EX [] opening strategy for black based
on three 3-4-points (jap. Shusaku fuseki )

 [] honest; serious
 Q [] Sunjang baduk
X( [] rotation pae


jinhaeng] real game


E [silchaek ] mistake; error

( [silpae] failure; wrong answer;


(jap. shippai )

( [silpae] lose (jap. make)

 [ssbareum] swift; light (jap. sabaki )
[ssaum] fight (jap. tatakai )
[] bamboo joint (jap. takefu; narabi )
) \ [ssangbang chweseon] best for both

) [ssangbang] both sides; both parties

 [] iron pillar; two stones in a straight line
(jap. tetchu)

[] cover; oppress (jap. kake)

[] cover; oppress (jap. kake)
D [] contact underneath (jap.



D [] bend underneath (jap. shita hane)

E [] bad move (jap. akushu)


Baduk Terminology v0.15

HX [] settle
H 0 [] internal liberty
H [] inside; inward (jap. uchi )
H, [] jap. uchimagari
H [] jap. uchisuke
H [] eye shape
} [] some; a little; a bit; a few; somewhat;
slightly; kind [sort] of

} [] a vulnerable point [spot]; a weak point

[spot, side]; a defect; a weakness; ones
Achilles heel

}\ [] jap. yowai
( , ) [] double- (jap. ryo-)
xh [] double approach; double snuggles
(jap. ryo kakari )

 [] wings formation
 [] double attack; double dansu
 [] double seonsu (jap. ryo sente)
 [] double bend (jap. nidan bane)
( E [] double pae dual life
( [] double pae
8l [] double tigers connection
8l [] double tigers mouth
T [] two-star formation
[] shallow
h [] shoulder (jap. kata)
h0 [] shoulder hit (jap. kata tsuki )
hL [] shoulder hit (jap. kata tsuki )
10 [] castle game
]0 [] reverse seonsu endgame
 [] reverse seonsu endgame
[] connection (jap. tsugi )
X [] connect
0Q [] doubles baduk (jap. rengo)


 [] a method to capture where stones are

sacrificed to destroy the enemys eye shape

(and use shortage of liberties to prevent
connection) (jap. bata bata tesuji; oiotoshi )

 [] continuous dansu
1 [] star formation
8 [] inferior
[] thin (jap. usui )
@ [] jap. usu aji
L [] thin; skinny (jap. usumi; usui )
 [] side attachment
$T [] flower five; rabitty five
$x [oreunzzok ] right (directional)
$  [] Go Seigen pattern
% [] false eye (jap. kakame)
, [] net; fork?; trap? (jap. geta)
9 [] cramped; unsatisfactory
9 [] worse off embarrassingly unsatisfac-

tory; depending context, it could mean of

poverty. It illustrates reaping little return from your investment or a situation
wherein your stones are alive without influence or material gain, hence, living embarrassingly in poverty

@ [wa] and; with. Two-shape particle -@/-;

-@ is used after a vowel
D) [] relaxed move; poor move
x8 [] one-way street
x [] 3-5 point (jap. mokuhazushi; sotomoku)
x [] jap. sotomoku joseki
| [wenzzok ] left (directional)
 [] key stone; pivotal stones at very impor-

tant position, should not be given up (jap.

kaname ishi; yoseki; taneishi )

, [] jap. yoten

[] right (directional)
[] right edge (jap. uhen)
8 [] humiliating; painful

Baduk Terminology v0.15

8 [] superior (either material advantage or

positional superiority)

X [] jap. uchuryu
X [] cosmic style
 [] bad shape
 [] stupid shape (jap. gukei )
t [] awaken
x [] jap. soin
0 [wigi ] another name for baduk
\, [] jap. ue magari
\ [] jap. ue tsuke
 [] upper attachment
 [] dangerous
 [] thrust (jap. tsuppari )
4 [] eye vs no eye; have house, no house;
one group of stones not having an eye, while
the opponents has one eye (jap. me ari me
nashi )

Q i [yureop

konggeureiseu] European Go Congress

[yureop] Europe
[] advantage
X (8 ) [] lead; good
[yuhaeng] fashion; vogue; style; craze;
fad; rage; popularity X be in fashion

[vogue]; be popular; be widely liked; prevail

!\ [] six die eight live

Q [] counter move
Q [] a move which tests the opponents
plans (jap. yosumi )

Q [] prove
Q [] applied
Q\ [] applied life and death
Q [] dumpling
Q [] overconcentrated shape (jap.
achi )


t( [] two-step pae
t [] jap. ton tesuji
t1 [] two star framework (jap. nirensei )
tL [] connection (jap. tsugi )
t [] after this; henceforth; in the future;
hereafter; from now [this time, today] on

x [] technique to deal with weak groups (jap.

shinogi )

x07 [inteonet] Internet

| [] capture first
| [] first step
| [] key move; winning move
|X [] first class
|X [] first class intuition?
|) [] one-way street (jap. ippon michi )
| 0 [ilbon giweon] Nihon Ki-in
| [ilbon] Japan
| [] stand (jap. tachi )
l [] diagonal attachment
l [] diagonal move (kosumi);

mouth, because the knights move
reminds one of the chinese symbol for

8 [] introduction (jap. nyu mon)

\ [] jap. tsugi no itte
[] link
; [] local (internal) pae threat


soba ko)

() []

stale move; a move which fills

ones own liberties, or has the potential to
do so, auto-atari move, self-killing move.
move (jap.
damezumari )


th0 [] shoulder hit (jap. katatsuki )

t [] double bend (jap. nidan bane)

[] self-dansu
@() [] small scaled move (jap. chisai )
@ [] Small Avalanche pattern
 [] strategy
[] capture



Baduk Terminology v0.15

[] capturing (jap. tori )

[] kill; take; capture (jap. toru)
@ [] captured stones
[] sacrificed stone; prisoner;


(jap. suteishi )

8 [] net?;

cover or press?; lock?



[] eternal life
 [jeowi ] a low position [rank]; a low degree
m [] resistance
 [] extension (jap. tenkai )
 ,\ [] difficult to see the future?

 [] strategy
,0 [] combative mood; fighting mood
 [] a model; a type; a pattern; a specimen;
screening; selection; choice

 [] disconnect
 ( [jeoldae paegam] absolute pae threat
(jap. zettaikozai )

 [jeoldae] absolute jap. zettai

 [jeom] point
 [] dead heat (close competition) (jap.
seri ai )

Q [jeopbaduk ] handicap baduk (jap.



 [jeongdap] correct answer

 [jeongsagong] square four
 [jeongseok ] formula; pattern;

 J [] bend and cut

 | [] bend and wedge
 [] bend and connect
 [] bend and kill
 [] bend (jap. hane)
 E [] dual life with a bend
 [] quick turn; bend (jap. hane)
2 m  [] Part 2 - Mini Chinese opening

p t [] squeeze
p [] to strangle (jap. shime tsuke); e.g.,

to sacrifice stones to be able to strangle an

opponents groups by squeezing it

p [joim] fasten (jap. shime tsuke)

p [joim] squeeze (jap. shibori )
m [jongguk ] the end of the game (not the

 [jongban] closing stage

@() [joeun (su)] good move (jap. suki te)
L [joeum] good
 [] symmetrical shape
8 [] plan; order; request; demand; wish
@() [] dead (stones)
L [jugeum] death
D [junbi ] preparation(s); (preliminary) arrangements; readiness


move (jap. joseki )

t [jeongseokihu] after the pattern

 [jeongseon] a strategy and a style for white
in games without compensation where one
is always taking territory, even not defending some weak groups, but forcing the opponent to attack the weak groups; complete
opposite of the attacking style, which builds
thickness. jap. amashi

 [jeongsu] proper move (jap. honte)

t [jeonghae] correct answer (jap. seikai )

 [junseonsu] almost seonsu

m0 [jungguk giweon] Zhongguo


(baduk institute in Beijing)

mX [junggungnyo] Chinese opening

m  [jungguksik poseok ] Chinese opening

 [junggeup] intermediate level (jap.



X [jungdanhada]






jeonryeok ] middle game


Baduk Terminology v0.15

 [jungban] middle game (jap. chuban)

 [jungbon] overconcentration
Y [jungang] center; middle (of the board)
i [] important
X [] jap. yosu
[] defence; keep (jap. mamori )
[] defence; keep (jap. mamori )
[] straight four
[] straight three
[jib] 1. house (jap. me); profit. 2. territory;


[] first (as in first steps)

 [] elementary level (jap. sho kyu)
 [] opening (jap. choban)
}t [] overtime counting; second reading
(jap. byoyomi )


continuous dansu; connect-and-die

(jap. oiotoshi )

jap. ji ; points in territory (jap. kakuteiji )

$ [] left
\ [chweseon] best; best plan
[chuk ] ladder (jap. shicho)
8 [chukmeori ] ladder breaker (jap. shicho


<\ [chukeuro jabhida] captured in

tion for cutting (tsuki-dashi)

[chungbun] enough; sufficient

X [chibadda] bump; butt; butting (jap.

[jib] handicap; [the difference in] points; (jap.

t0 [] pierce
t0 [] thrusting against; pushing in prepara t [] thrust (jap.

warikomi, squeeze into;

a move made between opponents stones in
order to separate them and/or to connect
ones own stones.

atari )


butsukari )

XL [chibadeum] butting; bump; to thrust

against an enemy stone (jap. batsukari; butsukari; tsukiatari )

 [] choke
(@ [] order; sequence; arrangement; precedence; QtX (@ = black to move
) [] place a stone on the board; to move; a

X [chisu] the conditions on which two play-

) [] illegal point

)0 [] pass
)$ [] mistake
8 [] reference
80 [] technique to deal with weak groups (jap.

X [chijung] placement (jap. oki )

X [chijungsu] a move that goes at oppo-

move (jap. te)

shinogi )

E [] book
T< [chaempieon] champion
| [] dipping knights move
[] jap. yurumi
[] 10-10 point; zenith (jap. tengen)
( [] super pae; almighty pae
[] iron pillar (jap. tetchu)

ers play each other, i.e., the handicap (jap.

teai )

XX [chiuchida] lean; incline [to, toward];

slant [forward]; be biased; be partial [to];

be prejudiced; be unfair

nents vital point; semi-forcing move, not

absolutely seonsu?

XX [chijunghada] play inside; centering;

a putting or a placement (jap. oki )

h [chimib] invasion (jap. uchikomi )

hX [chimibhada] invade; invading (jap.

h, [chimtu] infiltration; penetration; permeation; saturation; osmosis

h,X [chimtuhada] invade, invading

T [] nose attachment
l [keuda] (be) big; large; great; grand; spacious; extensive; broad; vast


p X

Baduk Terminology v0.15

p [] big point (jap. oba)

p() [] large move (jap. okina)
p  [] Large Avalanche pattern
| [keum] large; on a large scale
 [] avoiding death skillfully; overcome;
breakthrough (jap. shinogi )

X []

break through; overcome; (jap.

shinogi )

t, [taijem] Tygem (korean baduk server)

t [taiteul ] title
[] probe
[talchul ] escape; extrication; X es-

cape [from] ;get away from; get out of; extricate oneself from; free [liberate] oneself;
flee; bail out

1 [] jaw attack
L [teseuteu] test
Xt [] pillbox enclosure: two 3-5-points and
the 5-5-point (jap. tochika)

t [teureining] training
t [] training
[] gouge out
0 [] to wave (jap. aoru)
8X [] break an eye
Y [] comb six, rectangular six
 [] square four
( t [] pae elimination (jap. ko kaisho)
( [] jap. ko
( [paegam] ko threat (jap. ko date)
( [paesseum] ko threat (jap. ko date)
() [ppaechag] losing move, defeat move (jap.

(t [paehaeso] pae elimination

; [paetgam] pae threat
 [pyeonseonsu] unilateral

h [pyeonham]


1 h

easily settled ( ,
White settles himself easily)

 [pyeonhusu] unilateral husu endgame

 [pyeoseon] describing stone usually hard to
move, or has no purpose because it is isolated or disconnected

t [podosongi

clumsy shape (jap. omoi katachi )


t [podosong]

dumpling; a lump of
stones (lit.: a bunch of grapes) (jap. dango)

 [poseok ] opening (jap. fuseki )

\ [peuro] pro; professional
D [piryeon] certainly
X [ha] bottom
X [habyeon] lower edge, bottom edge (jap.
kahen; shita hen)

Xt|t [hairaiteu] highlight

\m 0 [hanguk giweon] Korean Baduk Association

\m [hanguk ] Korea
\ ( [hansu neureojin pae] one-step

pae, one move approach pae (jap. itte ko;

itte yose ko)

\x xh [hankan

geolchim] one-space ap-


\x 0 [] one-point jump (jap. ikken tobi )

\x [] one-space jump, (jap. ikken tobi )
\x [] one-space extension
\x( ) [] one-point jump (jap. ikken tobi )
\x [] one-space
h() [hamjeom (su)] trap; trick play
h, k [] trap; fall into a trap
hX [] escape the trap or trick play
[haengma] the flow of the stones, way of
the moving horse (t = travel, = horse)
[hyangsomok ] facing 3-4 points formation

X [heosulhada] 1. be shabby; worn-out;

humble; poor. 2. be careless; negligent;



Baduk Terminology v0.15

[hyeondae] modern (the company name

Hyundai is a strange representation of
this word)

 [hyeopgong] a pincer; an attack on both

flanks (jap. hasami ); X to pincer; to
attack on both flanks

overall situation;
positional judgement; judge the board situation

even; equal;
match; even split; equal [position]


8l [hogu

yeongyeol ] diagonal connection; hanging connection; tigers connection

8l [hogu] tigers mouth

8ltL [hoguieum] hanging connection (jap.
kaketsugi )

8 [horibyeong] cranes nest

8  [hoseon poseok ] even game opening
(jap. tagai sen no fuseki )

X [hwansaeng]


rebirth; revival; reincarnation (of a previously dead group)

be born again; come back to life; revive; be

\\ [hwallo] liberty; life line (jap. dame; katsuro)

\X [hwalbalhada] (be) lively;

 [hyeong] shape?
8 [hyeongsepandan]
8 [ho] territory
8 [hogak ] balanced;


[hoseon] even game (alternating black and

white); also the first move in alternate, unhandicapped match (jap. tagai sen)

8p [hojo]

favourable, satisfactory, everything is fine, a favorable turn, a favorable

trend. It is often used to denote a series
of good moves setting a favorable momentum.

<10 Q [heunseongyeongi baduk ] mixed

doubles baduk

brisk; active; quick; open; free; vivacious; vigorous;

sprightly; be full of life

\ [hwalyong] forcing move; use, utilize

t [hwedori ] a method to capture where

stones are sacrificed to destroy the enemys

eye shape (and use shortage of liberties to
prevent connection) (jap. bata bata tesuji;
oiotoshi )

t [hwedori ]

spin around;

thrust (jap.

atari atari )

 [huban] endgame
T [hubimsu] an invasion of an opponents
territory that makes the opponents territory dead or a dual life

[husok ] following; succeeding

 [husoksudan] a following

(move). It most often means a move
strategically complementing the previous
move(s) and sometimes a following measure to finish or make the best out of a situation created by the previous move(s).

 [husoksudan] continuation (not neccessarily correct).




 [husu] forced to answer (jap. gote)

X  [husueui seonsu] husu play with
seonsu followup (jap. gote no sente)

Tm [hwaguk ] game of peace

T  [hwajeom jeongseok ] 4-4 point pat-

 [hujeolsu] cutback
 [hujeolsu] under the stones (jap. ishi no

T [hwajeom]

IQ [hyungnae baduk ] mimic baduk (I

Ux [hwakin] certain
U [hwakjeongga] decided territory
X [hwangyeok ] capturing back (jap.

Q [heug] black (jap. kuro; )

Q [heugdema] black group
Q [heugma] black stone(s)
Q [heugseon] black to play


flower point, star point, 4-4

point (jap. hoshi )


kaeshi )

X [hwangyeok ] snapback (jap. utte gaeshi )


imitation; mimicry; mock)


Baduk Terminology v0.15

Baduk Book Guide

80  [isibil segiyuhaeng jeongseok ]


Fashionable Jeongseok in the 21st Century

80  [isibil


segiyuhaeng poseok ]
Fashionable Poseok in the 21st Century

[obunmaek ] 5 Minute Maek

Q [goseuteu baduk ] Ghost Baduk =

Hikaru no Go?

80  0


t Q ( [eorini baduk suryeonjang]

Children Baduk Camp

0` [wigibalyangron] Igo Hatsuyoron

  [jeonsulsajeon] Strategy Dictionary
 X 0 [jeongseokeui maek maseuteo] Maek in Jeongseok Master

 t 0 [jeongseok ihu maseuteo] After the Jeongseok Master

 [gonggyeokgwan tagae] Attack and

X [jeongseokeui

xX [gonggyeok nohau] Attack Know-

pX  [jo chi-hun siljeon jeongseok ]

[gwanjabo] Guanzi Pu (Kanzufu)

0 [gigyeongjungmyo] Gokyo Shumyo
0\ [gibon sahwal ] Basic Life and Death
0 [gicho poseok ] Basic Poseok
m p [daeguksu jo nam-cheol ] The

pQ [jo



Great Cho Nam-cheol

 \ [donghyeongbanbok siljeonsahwal ] Same Shape Repetition Real Game




Millennium Haengma

maek ]




Cho Chikun Real Game Joseki

hun-hyeon siljeon baduk ]

Cho Hun-hyeon Real Game Baduk (series)

[zogjibge maek ] Selected Correct Tip

for Jeongseok?

 \ [chogeub sahwal ] Life and Death for


50 [choban osibsu] First 50 Moves

\  [chwesin
yuhaeng] Brand New Jeongseok; Fashionable Jeongseok

8 0 [chukgwa

jangmun maseuteo] Ladder and Net Master

QxL [baduk cheotgeoreum] First Steps in

h,@  0 [chimtuwa saggam maseu-


h,@ X Ll [chimtuwa


Dictionary of

Fighting on the Sides

 t [soksu keullinik ] Bad Move Clinic

 0 [susangjeon maseuteo] Capturing Race Master

<Q [seupideu baduk ] Speed Baduk

[sirijeu] Series
\ [siljeon sahwal ] Real Game Life and


jeongseok ]




 [siljeon poseok ] Real Game Opening

 [siljeon haengma] Real Game
Haengma (=




teo] Invasion and Reduction Master

tekeunik ] Invasion and Reduction Technique

% [paweosongnyeog


Power Speed Haengma

( 0 [pae maseuteo] Pae Master

(| Lt Qt [paereul almyeon

bo] If You Know Pae, You See Baduk


jeongseok ] Opening

and Joseki

\  [peuro

siljeon maek ] Pro Real

D  [pilsu

jeongseok ]

Game Tesuij



0 [haengmabeob
Haengma Rule Master


 ]0 @0

Baduk Terminology v0.15

 ]0  [hyeondae

sajeon] Modern Endgame Dictionary

 `  [hyeondae sahwal sajeon] Modern Life and Death Dictionary


Modern Joseki Dictionary


jeongseok ]




Modern Middlegame Dictionary


   [hyeondae poseok sajeon] Modern Opening Dictionary

 h  [hyeondae

sajeon] Modern Trick Play Dictionary


Modern Haengma Dictionary


0 [hyeonhyeongigyeong] Gengen Gokyo

T 0 [hwajeomgwa samsam
maseuteo] 4-4 and 3-3 Master

Player Names
Often, the prevalent romanization is not in the
Revised Romanization; therefore, the most common romanization is still used, but the Revised
Romanization is given as well to make pronounciation more consistent throughout this guide.
For example,
is most often romanized as
Cho Hun-hyeon, so that is what I have used here.
However, the Revised Romanization is [Jo Hunhyeon], so I have added that as well to enable the
reader to pronounce the name correctly within
the pronounciation guidelines given at the beginning. I have not, however, gone as far as to
include all sorts of weird romanizations such as
Cho Hun-hyun and the like.


@| [Gajiwara] Kajiwara
 [Gang Man-u] Kang Man-u
l [Gang Seung-heui ] Kang Seung-heui
l [Gang Ju-gu] Kang Chu-ku
1 [Gang Ji-seong] Kang Chi-seong
 [Gang Cheol-min] Kang Cheol-min
 [Gang Hun] Kang Hun

| [Gobayasi ] Kobayashi
[Go Jae-bong] Ko Chae-pong
l [Go Jae-heui ] Ko Chae-heui
l [Gu Ri ] Gu Li
 [] Kwon Kap-yong
[] Kwon Kyeong-eon
$ [] Kwon O-min
[] Kwon Hyo-chin
@ [] Kim Kang-keun
@ [] Kim Kwang-sik (Kin Keoshoku)
@0 [] Kim Ki-heon
@U [] Kim Teok-kyu
@t [] Kim Tong-myeon
@ [] Kim Tong-yeop
@ [] Kim Man-su
@X [] Kim Myeong-hwan
@l [] Kim Min-heui
@e [] Kim Seok-heung
@1 [] Kim Seong-rae
@1 [] Kim Seong-ryong
@1 [] Kim Seong-hun
@ [] Kim Su-yeong
@ [] Kim Su-chang
@ [] Kim Seung-chun
@ [] Kim Yeong-sam
@X [] Kim Yeong-hwan
@ [] Kim Weon
@$ [] Kim Yun-tae
@x [] Kim In
@|X [] Kim Il-hwan
@l [] Kim Chae-ku
@ [] Kim Chong-su
@ [] Kim Chong-chun
@0 [] Kim Chwa-ki



Baduk Terminology v0.15

@8 [] Kim Chu-ho
@  [] Kim Chun-yeong
@, [] Kim Chan-u
@ [] Kim Cheol-chung
@ [] Kim Tae-hyang
@Y [] Kim Hak-su
@ [] Kim Hyeoe-min
@ [] Kim Hyo-kon
@ [] Kim Hyo-cheong
@l [] Kim Heui-chung
[] Na Chong-hun
X [] Nam Chi-hyeong
xX [] No Yeong-ha
x X [] No Chun-hwan
tt [] Rui Naiwei (Ye Nae-ui)
[] Mok Myeong-keun
 [] Mok Chin-seok
8 [] Mun Yong-chik
 [] Pak Pyeong-kyu
 [] Pak Sang-ton
1 [] Pak Sang-su
8 [] Pak Seung-mun
 [] Pak Seung-cheol
, [] Pak Yeong-chan
 [] Pak Yeong-hun
 [] Pak Chong-yeol
@ [] Pak Chi-eun
 [] Pak Chi-hun
 [] Pak Chi-yeol
1  [] Paek Tae-hyeon
1e [] Paek Heung-su
 [] Seo Neung-uk
4 [] Seo Mu-sang
  [] Seo Pong-su


[] Song Tae-kon
EX [] Shusaku
[] Sim Chong-sik
H [] An Kwan-uk
H [] An Tal-hun
H8 [] An Yeong-kil
Hp [] An Cho-yeong
t [] Yang Keon
m [] Yang Sang-kuk
8 [] Yang Chae-ho
 [] Yeom Cheong-hun
, [] Yeom Chan-su
 [] Ye Nae-ui (Rui Naiwei)
$ [] O Kyu-cheol
$ [O Cheong-won] Go Seigen;

% [] Ok Teuk-chin
1 [] Weon Seong-chin
t [] Yu Keon-chae
[] Yu Kyeong-min
8 [] Yu Pyeong-ho
 [] Yu Chae-hyeong
= [] Yu Chang-hyeok
$0 [] Yun Ki-hyeon
$1 [] Yun Seong-hyeon
$ [] Yun Yeong-min
$ [] Yun Yeong-seon
$- [] Yun Chong-seop
$ [] Yun Hyeok
$ [] Yun Hyeon-seok
t| [] Yi Kang-il
t [] Yi Kwan-cheol
t0- [] Yi Ki-seop
t [] Yi Tong-kyu


t [] Yi Min-chin
t [] Yi Pong-keun
t [] Yi Sang-cheol
t [] Yi Sang-hun
t1 [] Yi Seong-chae
t8 [] Yi Se-tol
t [] Yi Yeong-sin
t [] Yi Yong-su
t, [] Yi Yong-chan
t [] Yi Cheong-u
t [] Yi Cheong-weon
t Y [] Yi Chun-hak
t [] Yi Chi-hyeon
t=8 [] Yi Chang-ho
t [] Yi Hyeon-uk
t\ [] Yi Hyeong-ro
tM, [] Yi Hong-ryeol
tl1 [] Yi Heui-seong
[] Im Seon-keun
 [] Im Sun-taek
= [] Im Chang-sik
P [] Chang Tu-chin
\ [] Chang Myeong-han
 [] Chang Su-yeong
 [Jang Jeong-pyeong] Chang
pyeong (Zhang Zhengping)

Baduk Terminology v0.15


[Jeou Heoyang] Zhou Heyang

 [] Cheon Yeong-seon
 [] Cheong Tae-sang
 [] Cheong Tong-sik
 [] Cheong Su-hyeon
 [] Cheong Hyeon-san
p [Jo Nam-cheol ] Cho Nam-cheol
p  [Jo Dae-hyeon] Cho Tae-hyeon


p [Jo Yeong-suk ] Cho Yeong-suk

p\ [Jo Han-seung] Cho Han-seung
p [Jo Hye-yeon] Cho Hye-yeon
p [Jo Hun-hyeon] Cho Hun-hyeon
( [Cha Min-su] Cha Min-su (Jimmy Cha)
( [Cha Su-gweon] Cha Su-kweon
p [Cheon Pung-jo] Cheon Pung-cho
\ [Chwe Gyu-byeong] Choe Kyu-pyeong
\ [Chwe Myeong-hun] Choe Myeong-hun
\8 [Chwe Mun-yong] Choe Mun-yong
\= [Chwe Chang-won] Choe Chang-weon
\\ [Chwe Cheol-han] Choe Cheol-han
i [Kong Byeong-ju] Kong Pyeong-Chu
X, [Ha Chan-seok ] Ha Chan-seok
X8 [] Ha Ho-cheong
\ [] Han Sang-yeol
\ [] Han Chong-chin
\ [Han Cheol-gyun] Han Cheol-kyun
\t [] Han Hae-weon
[] Heo Chang-heui
 [] Hyeon Mi-chin
MCxD [] Hong Kkoch-no-eul
M [] Hong Chang-sik
M [] Hong Chong-hyeon
M [] Hong Tae-seon
i [] Hwang Yeom (Huang Yan)
i [] Hwang Weon-chun


Baduk Terminology v0.15

Example Phrases
This section provides useful phrases to use on
baduk servers or when speaking with your korean baduk friends. It also contains phrases you
might come across in korean baduk magazines.


What is your rank? How strong are you?


What geup (rank) do you play?

x07 3 .

On the Internet I play as 3 geup (kyu).

\m 0

I am a Korean Baduk Association 6 dan.

0 6 .

At the baduk club I am about 6 geup (kyu).

Have a good game.

(It was a) good game.

\ T ` 

Do you have time for one more?

Q ^ I<t

When I sit in front of the baduk board. . .

 Q i

51st European Go Congress

 1T0 8 $

9th Samsung Cup World Open Baduk Championship


Toyota-Densu Cup

\  3, d 6,

,  8T

D 6


Time limit is 3 hours each, compensation 6.5

points, June 2004 in Ulsan, at the Hyundai hotel

Yt )Y H QD
0 .

I am a student and would like to learn baduk

over the summer holidays.

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