Examination of Conscience
Examination of Conscience
Examination of Conscience
Mortal Sins*
* Three things are necessary for a sin to be mortal: 1. Serious matter (things listed on
this sheet-pagina); 2. Knowledge or firm belief that the act is seriously wrong prior to
committing the act; 3. Full consent of the will.
All three of these conditions must be present simultaneously for a sin to be mortal.
This means that if you did not know the act was seriously wrong, then you are not
guilty of having committed a mortal sin. If you did not will the act, e.g., if you were
forced or if it was in a dream, you are not guilty of having committed a mortal sin. All
mortal sins committed since your last confession must be confessed by both type and
number, i.e., the title of the sin and how many times it was done. If there is a mortal
sin from the past that was forgotten and has not been confessed, it should be
confessed at your next confession. It is not necessary to confess venial sins, but it is a
good and pious practice.
1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
- Involvement in occult practices, e.g., witchcraft, ouija boards, sances (secion
espiritista), palm reading, tarot cards, hypnotism, divination, astrology, black magic,
sorcery(brujeria), etc.
- Involvement in or adherence to New Age or Eastern philosophies, atheism or
- Apostasy (leaving the Church)
- Adherence to a schismatic group
- Putting faith in superstition, e.g., horoscopes, good luck charms, etc.
- Joining the Masons or other secret society
- Receiving Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin
- Receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation or Matrimony while in the state of mortal
- Willful participation in illicit (non-emergency) "General Absolution" services
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
- Using God's name intentionally as a curse (juramento, maldicion)
- Seriously wishing evil upon another
- Serious slander (calumnia, difamacion) or insult of a sacred person or object
- Making an oath in a secret society
- Telling a lie or withholding (retener) a serious sin in confession
- Blasphemy (words of hatred, reproach or defiance toward God; speaking ill of God)
- Perjury (lying under oath)
- Swearing false oaths
8. You shall not bear(llevar) false witness (testigo, testimonio) against your neighbor.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
- Using the Lord's name lightly, in surprise or in anger (habitual, not thinking)
- Cursing thoughtlessly (desconsideradamente)
- Using the names of Mary, a Saint, the Pope or other sacred persons irreverently
- Using vulgar or inappropriate language
- Telling bad jokes about sacred persons or objects
- Failure to teach children adequately about God and the spiritual life
- Lack (carencia, falta) of gratitude toward parents
- Nagging (ragaara, criticar) spouse or children
- Treating adult children like minors
- Meddling (entrometerese) in the affairs of married children
- Too lax with rules, boundaries (limite) and discipline
- Too strict with rules, boundaries and discipline
- Breaking just civil laws without serious reason
- Being ashamed (avergonzado) embarrassed about parents
8. You shall not bear (llevar, dar, producer) false witness against your neighbor.
- Lying
- Gossiping (chismear, murmurar)
- Spreading rumors or tale (historia) bearing
- Talking behind another's back
- Being negative, critical or uncharitable in thought regarding others
- Making rash (precipitados) judgments
- Being unjustly suspicious
- Failure to seek (buscar) to restore the good name of another whom you have injured
through speech
- Cheating (estafar, engaar) in games, school work, etc.
- Speaking unkindly to or about others
- Exaggerating the truth
- Bragging (presumir) or boasting (alardear, jactancia)
- Flattery (halagos)
- Complaining (protestar), whining (lloriquear) or attention seeking
3. Confess all mortal sins committed since your last confession by kind and number.
You may also confess any venial sins.
4. At the end of your confession say these or similar words: For these and all the sins
of my life I am sorry.
5. The Priest may ask questions for clarification or give you some counsel on a point
from your confession.
8. The Priest will give you absolution. (The words necessary for forgiveness are I
absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
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