University of California Press Society For The Study of Social Problems
University of California Press Society For The Study of Social Problems
University of California Press Society For The Study of Social Problems
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In Discipline and Punish (1977), Michel Foucault established that the schools role as an
institution of social control has existed since public schooling began. In recent decades, however, there has been a notable intensification of formal controls in schools (Beger 2002; Skiba
2000). The discipline and punishment of students has become particularly harsha trend
that mirrors the mounting punitiveness in the criminal justice system. And, as with falling
crime rates, rates of student delinquency, student drug use, violent school victimization, and
school-related deaths have actually declined since the early 1990s, despite perceived increases
(Beger 2002; Brooks, Schiraldi, and Ziedenberg 1999; Devoe et al. 2005; Dinkes, Cataldi, and
Lin-Kelly 2007).
While there is a range of possible responses to student misbehavior used by teachers
and school administrators, some increasingly restrictive school practices are being utilized,
including more teacher referrals to the principal, more exclusion from class time, and more
detentions, suspensions, and expulsions (Gottfredson and Gottfredson 2001).1 Many of the
1. References to misbehavior include any student violation of school rules (such as talking back to teachers or not
submitting homework), which may or may not also include behaviors that are against the law, such as destruction of
school property or drug use. Law violation, in addition to being categorized as misbehavior, is also considered delinquent.
In the past, schools have dealt with the majority of all in-school misbehaviors internally. But, recently, schools have
responded to certain misbehaviors, like fighting or graffiti, by calling police (Hirschfield 2008).
An earlier version of this article was presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, Missouri. The authors would like to extend a special thanks to Denise and Gary Gottfredson for kindly
sharing their National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools data for use in this study. They would also like to
express gratitude to the editor and five anonymous reviewers for their very thoughtful comments on this research; their
recommendations and generous assistance have greatly improved this article. Direct correspondence to: Kelly Welch,
800 Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA 19085. E-mail:
Social Problems, Vol. 57, Issue 1, pp. 2548, ISSN 0037-7791, electronic ISSN 1533-8533. 2010 by Society for the Study of
Social Problems, Inc. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content
through the University of California Presss Rights and Permissions website at
DOI: 10.1525/sp.2010.57.1.25.
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more punitive practices, like suspension and expulsion, are the direct result of the implementation of zero tolerance policies, which generally refer to federally mandated suspensions for
bringing guns to school, but can also include mandatory consequences for a variety of other
misbehaviors identified by individual institutions (Skiba 2000; Skiba and Peterson 1999).2
Regardless of this ever-escalating severity, school boards, school administrators, and parents
have continued to call for even harsher student treatment (Robbins 2008). It is not clear, however, what is driving this pattern of expanding school punitiveness.
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decreases in school violence. This suggests that popular anxiety cannot totally account for
disciplinary trends, many of which did not even address violence.
Increased school accountability for the academic performance of students is another
explanation that has been offered; instead of requiring better teaching and learning, many
schools may have increased their suspensions and expulsions to facilitate the removal of those
students responsible for failing test scores (Bryk et al. 1998; Fuentes 2003). However, by transferring authority away from school officials via the implementation of zero tolerance punishments, underperforming students would not necessarily be targeted for exclusion.
Some argue that concerns about possible litigation for using nonmandatory exclusionary school punishments have led to the involvement of third parties to handle more severe
instances of misbehavior (Arum 2003; Toby 1998). However, Hirschfield (2008) argues this
does not adequately explain why harsher practices are used in urban schools, when affluent students in suburban schools presumably have more access to legal remedies (Arum
The final explanation pertains to broad support for getting tough in a variety of American institutions, including schools that developed a crime-control approach to education. This
governing through crime orientation (Simon 2006), however, does not address the changing nature of discipline that is not a result of federal or state initiatives because much discipline
continues to originate with individual teachers and principals, suggesting that school punitiveness is not merely a byproduct of government mandates (Gottfredson et al. 2000).3
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schools (Hilarski 2004). Thus, it seems that the salience of crime and delinquency may also be
manifested in school punishment.
Studies show that certain student socio-demographic qualities are related to harsh school
discipline. Student economic disadvantage, generally operationalized as whether a student
receives free or reduced-price lunches, is one of the most consistent predictors of harsh school
discipline throughout the last several decades (Brantlinger 1991; McCarthy and Hoge 1987;
Nichols 2004; Skiba et al. 2002). As expected, statistics indicate that poorer students are, in
fact, more likely to be targeted by harsh school practices (Brantlinger 1991; Singer 1996; Skiba
et al. 2002; Skiba, Peterson, and Williams 1997; Wu et al. 1982), while wealthier students
more often receive mild or moderate consequences (Skiba et al. 2002). Similarly, students
whose fathers do not have full-time jobs have been more likely to be suspended (Wu et al.
1982). Student gender is another factor identified as consequential for disciplinary responses:
Male students receive harsher punishments (Artiles 2003; Gregory 1995; Noguera 1995a;
Skiba et al. 2002).
Additionally, various school characteristics have been found to affect the social control
of students. School urbanicity is one feature associated with increased student punishment,
which some have speculated may, in part, be due to student race or socioeconomic status and
levels or types of crime both inside and outside of urban schools (DeVoe et al. 2005; Massachusetts Advocacy Center 1986; Skiba 2000; Wu et al. 1982). Research also shows that
discipline policies are more likely to effectively improve student behavior and accountability
in schools with strong principal leadership (Di Lullo 2004; Lasley and Wayson 1982); good
leadership includes support of teachers, consistent supervision and use of feedback, high visibility and presence, and effective planning and problem-solving (Gottfredson et al. 2000).
Conversely, poor principal leadership is associated with greater use of punitive discipline (Wu
et al. 1982). Discipline training is also related to the quality of a schools disciplinary response,
such that more training is associated with more use of discipline (Gottfredson et al. 2000; Wu
et al. 1982).
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for findings about the effects of student race on discipline is that it is actually socioeconomic
status that influences school punitiveness, and that any associations with race are partially,
if not completely, spurious (Brantlinger 1991; Nichols 2004; Skiba and Peterson 1999; Watts
and Erevelles 2004). However, results from multivariate tests of these explanations show that
they are either insufficient or inaccurate; even while controlling for effects of misbehavior, attitudes, academic performance, parental attention, school organization, and economic disadvantage and poverty, black students receive harsher school punishments (Gregory and Weinstein 2008; McCarthy and Hoge 1987; Skiba and Peterson 1999; Skiba et al. 2002; Vavrus and
Cole 2002).
Racial Threat
While the findings about the factors associated with increased formal control of students
in schools are important, there may be other ways to account for greater school punitiveness. No research to date has assessed the possibility that macro-level racial threat is behind
the punitive trend in school discipline. Racial threat is different from individual student race
that has predicted school punitiveness in prior research. Rooted in the conflict perspective,
the racial threat hypothesis suggests that as the proportion of blacks increases in relation to
whites, intensified measures of control will proliferate in response to the perceived growing
threat derived from closer proximity to minorities. Hubert Blalock (1967) argued that, at the
macro-social level, the presumed threat to the white majority by blacks was both economic
and political, a concept he termed power threat. Research testing this perspective corroborates
that perceived racial competition, a byproduct of a greater number of blacks and the subsequent concerns about limited financial resources (Taylor 1998) and political capital (Jacobs
and Carmichael 2002), leads to the imposition of punitive social controls in order to maintain
dominance of the majority.
Studies of this effect eventually came to include the presumption of black crime as one potential source of threat, an influence identified as social threat (Liska 1992) and, more recently
due to its substantially crime-specific nature, racial threat (Baumer, Messner, and Rosenfeld
2003; Crawford, Chiricos, and Kleck 1998).4 Racial composition of placethe most common
proxy for racial threatis related to rates of arrest (Mosher 2001), resources and size of both
law enforcement (Chamlin 1989) and corrections (Jacobs and Helms 1999), rates of incarceration (Jacobs and Kleban 2003), and executions (Tolnay, Beck, and Massey 1992). The effect
of racial composition on social control also appears to be mediated by micro-level perceptions
of racial threat, such that widespread associations made between blacks and dangerous predatory criminality are consequential for public support for harsh criminal policies (Chiricos,
Welch, and Gertz 2004) and crime reduction expenditures (Barkan and Cohn 2005).
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the non-South (Chiricos et al. 2004) and Northeast (King 2007). Effects of racial composition
also manifest differently over time (Behrens, Uggen, and Manza 2003). Moreover, effects of
racial threat may depend on the type of crime control assessed, such as the implementation of
habitual offender statutes (Crow and Johnson 2008) and sentencing adjudication (Bontrager
et al. 2005) only for drug offenses.
Some of the results of contextual analyses may be surprising, because racial threat appears to be more influential in situations where one might expect less punitive measures to be
implemented (Stolzenberg et al. 2004). However, it makes sense that greater effects of racial
threat are likely when the effects of other influences on social control are less dominant. For
example, Ted Chiricos and colleagues (2004) found that perceived racial threat increases punitiveness only when crime salience and racial prejudice are lower. Despite some inconsistent
findings, most likely resulting from certain methodological limitations (Parker, Stults, and
Rice 2005), there is relatively strong support for the racial threat perspective in both contextual and noncontextual analyses. Yet, no research has explored its potential implications for
punitive school punishments.
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discipline is not already likely to be high. Therefore, the final two hypotheses this study will
test are that racial composition of students is more influential on discipline in schools with (6) a
smaller percentage of poor students and (7) a lesser prevalence of delinquency and drug use.
The data for this study come from the National Study of Delinquency Prevention in
Schools (Gottfredson et al. 2000). A probability sample of 1,287 public, private, and Catholic
schools was originally selected, of which 848 (66.3 percent) responded to the 1997 Phase One
Principal Questionnaire. Of these 848 schools, 635 (74.9 percent) responded to the 1998 Phase
Two Principal Questionnaire, which asked different questions from those asked in the first
survey. Student and teacher questionnaires were also administered in 1998, although only in
the secondary schools. Data reported by the U.S. Department of Education (National Center
for Education Statistics 2003, 2007) show that serious disciplinary action peaked during these
years. Of the 558 secondary schools involved in phase two, 310 (55.6 percent) participated in
the student survey and 403 (72.2 percent) participated in the teacher survey. When correlations between school and community characteristics and survey participation were examined,
schools located in small towns or rural areas were significantly more likely to have participated.
In addition, schools were less likely to have participated if they are located in urban areas, communities that have more female-headed households with children, and communities where
more households receive public assistance. The response rates and nonrandom attrition from
the study may, therefore, make this a conservative test of racial threat.5
Certain categories of schools are excluded from these analyses. The sample is limited to
public schools because disciplinary policies and norms vary widely from private and religious
schools; assessing these types of institutions would require separate analyses. In addition,
since previous research on discipline and punishment focuses nearly exclusively on public
schools, this study fits better within established theoretical frameworks (Kupchik and Monahan 2006). Alternative schools for disruptive youth are also excluded, because they include a
large number of outliers on several of the studys variables of interest. Further, it is limited to
secondary schools, because the student and teacher surveys from which many of the control
variables are taken were only administered in middle and high schools. Thus, the final sample
for this research includes 294 public, nonalternative middle and high schools, which represents the population to which this studys findings are generalizable.
Items and scales composed from the principal, teacher, and student questionnaires are
described below and descriptive statistics are provided in Table 1. Individual items included in
each scale are detailed in the Appendix. Scales other than those used to measure disciplinary
5. It is unlikely, however, that the basic results of this study would change had more of these schools been included. Exploratory analyses of potential biases introduced by the limited response rates examined participating schools
that were located in similar communities as the majority of nonparticipating schools. These schools were more likely to
have a greater percentage of black students and more punitive disciplinary responses than other schools. Therefore, it
seems likely that the inclusion of the nonparticipating schools would have resulted in actually intensifying the relationships reported in this study. Of course, it is possible that the relationships of interest are not linear in the region of the
distribution in which nonparticipating schools fall, or that some characteristic might alter the relationships established.
However, the linear relationship between community characteristics and nonparticipation, racial composition of the
student body, and the punitiveness of the disciplinary measures seems to indicate that, if anything, the results presented
here will provide conservative estimates of the relationships.
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Table 1 Descriptive Statistics for Study Variables
Disciplinary response
Punitive disciplinary response
Zero tolerance
Extreme punitive disciplinary response
Mild disciplinary response
Restitutive disciplinary response
Racial threat
Percent black students
Control variables
Percent students free/reduced lunch
Percent Hispanic students
Percent male students
Principal leadership
Administrative leadership
Discipline training
Student delinquency and drug use
Perceived lack of safety
Teacher victimization
Concentrated disadvantage
responses are taken from the final report of the National Study of Delinquency Prevention in
Schools, and were developed and copyrighted by Gary Gottfredson (Gottfredson et al. 2000).
Dependent Variable. Five degrees of disciplinary response are operationalized using 22
questions from the Phase Two Principal Questionnaire that asks about possible responses to
student misconduct that may be used by school administrators. Three of these scales pertain
to punitive school responses. Extreme punitive disciplinary response is a four-item scale that
includes court action against the student or parent, expulsion from school, calling or notifying
the police, and charging the student with a crime; possible responses to items are not used,
used, and used often. Zero tolerance is a five-item scale representing whether schools
have an automatic suspension policy for possession of tobacco, alcohol, other drugs, a knife,
or a gun; possible responses to items are yes and no. Punitive disciplinary response is
a five-item scale that includes suspension from school, in-school suspension, after-school
detention, short-term withdrawal of a privilege (e.g., field access, participation in athletics),
and long-term withdrawal of a privilege; possible responses to items are not used, used,
and used often.
The other two scales of disciplinary response are more restorative in nature. Mild disciplinary response is a five-item scale that includes sending students to the school counselor,
conferences with students parents/guardians, oral reprimands, notifying parents/guardians
about student behavior, and conferences with students; possible responses to items are not
used, used, and used often. Finally, restitutive disciplinary response is a three-item scale
that includes restitution (requiring a student to repay the school or victim for damages or
harm done), community service, and work duties; possible responses to items are not used,
used, and used often. For all scales, a schools score is the mean of the principals responses
to each item.6
6. A varimax-rotated factor analysis was run using all 22 disciplinary response items, resulting in a five-factor solution illustrating these five scales. Analyses indicate this solution accounts for 56.17 percent of the variance in disciplinary
response. Detailed results of this factor analysis are available upon request.
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Effects of student crime and delinquency are controlled by the inclusion of student delinquency and drug use, a 28-item scale from the student survey inquiring about the number
of different crimes committed by the student and the variety of different drugs used by
the student during the 12 months prior to the survey; possible responses were yes and
no.9 A schools score on this scale is the mean across respondents of the proportion of
items endorsed.
Because various measures of crime salience have also been found to predict punitive
discipline in schools, these analyses include two separate measures of it. Perceived lack of
safety is an eight-item scale, which asks teachers how safe they perceive various places in the
school to be. Possible responses for these items were very unsafe, fairly unsafe, average,
fairly safe, and very safe; the scale is coded so that higher values indicate higher levels
of perceived lack of safety. A schools score on this scale is the mean across teachers of their
responses to each item. Teacher victimization is measured by a nine-item scale assessing the
types and amount of victimization experienced by teachers during the 12 months prior to the
survey. A schools score on this scale is the mean across respondents of the proportion of items
to which teachers responded yes.
Finally, characteristics of the surrounding community that may influence punitive responses were measured at the school level using 1990 Census data and school districting
information (Brantlinger 1991; DeVoe et al. 2005; Simonsen 1998; Skiba et al. 1997). Because
influential socioeconomic factors may come from surrounding communities (Welsh, Stokes,
and Greene 2000), this study controls for the poverty, disorganization, and urbanicity of the
census tract in which each school is located.10 Concentrated disadvantage, predicted to increase harsh discipline, is a factor scale that includes the following markers: welfare (average
household public assistance income), female-headed households (ratio of single females with
children under 18 to married couples with children under 18), median income (proportion
of households with income below $27,499), poverty (ratio of persons below the 1.24 poverty
level to persons above), divorce rate (ratio of persons over 15 years who are married to those
who are separated, divorced, or have a spouse absent), and unemployment (proportion of
unemployed males/females in the labor force). Urbanicity, also associated with increased punitiveness in schools, is included as a factor score incorporating the following markers: population size (total population), urban level (city level type), and urbanicity (the proportion of
people living within an urban area). These two scales were created using results from varimax
factor analyses conducted by Simonsen (1998).
Analytic Strategy
The distributional characteristics of these measures were examined first. Both concentrated
disadvantage and urbanicity were trimmed to address three extreme outliers and resulting
skewness.11 Then, five ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models were estimated to test
this studys first five hypotheses. For these models, each of the disciplinary response outcomes
9. It is plausible that disciplinary punitiveness is related more to student deviance occurring specifically on school
grounds, rather than general student deviance. To examine this possibility, a more specific school delinquency scale was
created that contained only the five deviance items that occurred within the school building, which asked whether a student had committed the following acts during the 12 months prior to the survey: damaged or destroyed school property,
hit or threatened to hit a teacher or other adult at school, hit or threatened to hit other students, stolen or tried to steal
something at school (from classroom, locker, cafeteria, library, etc.), and gone to school when drunk or high on some
drugs. Each regression model was run once with the larger student delinquency and drug use scale and again with this
more specific school delinquency scale. The findings for these two models were similar in both significance and strength.
Results of these analyses are available from the authors upon request.
10. Characteristics of communities in which schools are located have more impact on school crime and disorder
than characteristics of the communities in which the schools students live (Welsh et al. 2000).
11. These variables were trimmed by capping the values of the three outliers to three standard deviations above
the variable mean (Wilcox 2004).
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was regressed on percent black students and all control variables.12 For all equations, tolerance
values and variance inflation factors (VIFs) were examined in order to test for multicollinearity. No tolerance values were smaller than .1, and only 5 of 60 VIFs were larger than 2.5, with
the largest of these being 2.943. Thus, multicollinearity is not an apparent problem (Freund
and Littell, 2000). Tests also indicate there is no presence of heteroskedasticity. Due to the directional nature of the hypotheses (positive for the first three and negative for the fourth and
fifth), one-tailed t-values are used to determine statistical significance (Henkel 1976).
To test the final two hypotheses that the effects of racial threat on school punitiveness
vary according to levels of student poverty and student delinquency and drug use, interaction
terms were created by multiplying percent students free/reduced lunch and student delinquency and drug use with percent black students. The five dependent measures of disciplinary response were then regressed on them separately, along with the control variables, to
determine if either interaction term was statistically significant. Each variable comprising the
product terms was mean centered (Cronbach 1987). 13 No violations of regression assumptions
were detected in these models: For each model, only the interaction terms tolerance values
were smaller than .1 (ranging from .092 to .098) and only the VIFs associated with the interaction terms and the individual variables that made up these terms were larger than 2.5. These
values are to be expected when using multiplicative interaction terms (Cortina 1993). Again,
one-tailed t-values were used to determine statistical significance.
Finally, to examine the specific effects of the statistically significant interactions, the sample was split at the 50th percentile for each of the conditioning variables used in the product
terms (e.g., greater versus smaller percentage of free/reduced lunch and more versus less delinquency/drug use) and the disciplinary outcome variable was regressed on the percent black
students and the control variables. T-tests were conducted using the unstandardized coefficients and standard errors to test whether the coefficients for percent black students were significantly different in the two equations (t = (b1 b2)/(standard error12 + standard error22)1/2).
Table 2 presents the results of the OLS regression estimates for the three indicators of
punitive school responses. As predicted in Hypothesis 1, percent black students is significantly and positively related to punitive disciplinary response (b = .007, p < .001), illustrating
that schools with a greater percentage of black students are more likely to use harsh forms
of punishment, such as suspensions, in-school suspensions, and detentions. Not only is this
measure of racial composition statistically significant in this model, it is the strongest predictor
of punitive disciplinary response, with a beta of .404. This is especially notable in light of the
lack of statistical significance of the student delinquency and drug use variable. The only other
significant predictor is greater principal leadership. The R-squared for this equation suggests
that the model explains about one-fifth of the variance in punitive discipline (.205).
12. Some research suggests the possibility of a curvilinear effect of racial threat, in which the racial composition
of a school is positively related to punitiveness up to a certain point and then negatively related to punitiveness after
this point is reached (Hagan, Shedd, and Payne 2005). To examine this idea, a squared percent black students variable
was added to each model while retaining the regular percent black students variable. The squared percent black students
variable was not significant for any of the disciplinary response outcomes, thus not supporting the idea of a curvilinear
effect of racial threat.
13. While some argue that mean centering minimizes the potential effects of multicollinearity in interaction models (Cronbach 1987), it has been a questionable approach to managing this problem (Echambadi and Hess 2007). It is
generally agreed, however, that mean centering is useful for facilitating interpretation of results. In additional tests for
multicollinearity, we found that the independent variables in these models, particularly for the product terms, are stable
and not sensitive to simultaneous inclusion (Jaccard and Turrisi 2003).
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Table 2 OLS Regression Results for Punitive Disciplinary Response Indicators
Punitive Disciplinary
Percent black students
Percent students free/
reduced lunch
Percent Hispanic
Percent male students
Principal leadership
Admin. leadership
Discipline training
Student delinquency
and drug use
Perceived lack of safety
Teacher victimization
Model summary
Adjusted R-squared
F statistic
Zero Tolerancea
.003 -.042
.068 .083
.178 -.033
.075 .172
.469 .039
.099 -.132
.490 -.019
.054 .033
.103 .116
.526 -.108
.056 .178
.027 -.044
Extreme Punitive
Disciplinary Responsea
.003*** .002 .276
.001 -.162
1.909*** .407
Dependent variable
*p < .05 **p < .01 ***p < .001 (one-tailed tests)
In support of Hypotheses 2 and 3, percent black students is significantly and positively related to both the implementation of zero tolerance (b = .003, p < .001) and the use of extreme
punitive disciplinary response (b = .003, p < .05). Schools with a greater percentage of black
students are more likely to respond even more harshly to misbehavior, such as automatically
suspending students for various violations, expelling students, or even calling the police and
charging students with crimes. Again, the focal independent measure of racial composition
is the most powerful predictor of each of these punitive approaches to discipline (with standardized betas of .276 and .221, respectively). In fact, it is the only significant predictor of the
degree to which schools execute zero tolerance policies. Discipline training is significantly and
positively related to extreme punitive disciplinary response (b = .133, p < .05), demonstrating
that schools in which the adults in the school receive more training in the discipline policies
are more likely to respond very harshly to misbehavior.
Table 3 presents the results of the OLS regression estimates for the two indicators of restorative disciplinary response, which are predicted to negatively relate to greater minority
student composition. The results of the test of Hypothesis 4 reveal that percent black students
is significantly and negatively related to mild disciplinary response (b = -.008, p < .001) and is
also the strongest predictor of it (beta = -.397). As predicted, schools with a larger percentage
of black students are less likely to use milder forms of punishment, such as counselor visits or
oral reprimands, while schools with relatively fewer black students are more likely to respond
to misbehavior in this manner. The percent students receiving free/reduced lunch and administrative leadership are also significantly and negatively related to mild disciplinary response
(b = -.002 and b = -.433, p < .05, respectively), suggesting that schools with a greater percentage of low-income students and in which teachers have a poor perception of their principals
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Model summary
Adjusted R-squared
F statistic
Dependent variable
*p < .05 **p < .01 ***p < .001 (one-tailed tests)
leadership efficacy are less likely to use these mild forms of discipline. Finally, both principal
leadership and concentrated disadvantage are significantly and positively related to mild disciplinary response (b = .284, p < .001, and b =. 133, p <.05, respectively), indicating that schools
in poorer, more socially disorganized areas and those with principals perceiving themselves to
be effective leaders are more likely to use mild student sanctions.
Finally, as Hypothesis 5 anticipated, percent black students is significantly and negatively
related to restitutive disciplinary response (b = -.004, p < .05). This signifies that schools with
greater percentages of black students are less likely to facilitate practices such as restitution
and community service in response to misbehavior, while schools with smaller percentages of
black students are more supportive of this type of restorative response. Principal leadership,
administrative leadership, and urbanicity are all significantly and positively related to restitutive disciplinary response (b = .206, p < .01; b = .680, p < .001; and b = .057, p < .05, respectively), illustrating that urban schools in which both the principal and the teachers believe
that administrators are effective leaders are more likely to use these practices.
The next set of analyses examined potential conditioning effects of racial threat by regressing the five disciplinary response scales on interactions between percent black students and two
contextual variables: percent students receiving free/reduced lunch and student delinquency
and drug use. Hypotheses 6 and 7 predicted that there would be significant moderated relationships between these variables, such that a higher percent of black students would have
a greater effect on harsh disciplinary responses in schools with a lower percentage of poorer
students and with a lower amount of student delinquency and drug use.
As can be seen in Table 4, most of the interactions are not statistically significant. In fact,
the only significant result observed is the effect that the interaction between percent black
students and student delinquency and drug use has on extreme punitive disciplinary response
(b = -.075, p < .01). This tentatively suggests that for schools with more black students and
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Model summary
Adjusted R-squared
F statistic
Concentrated disadvantage
Teacher victimization
Discipline training
Administrative leadership
Principal leadership
Zero Tolerancea
Table 4 Unstandardized OLS Coefficients for Regression of Disciplinary Response Indicators on Interaction Terms
Restitutive Resp.a
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less delinquency and drug use, extremely harsh discipline is more often implemented. Only
one other term, the interaction between percent black students and student delinquency and
drug use on punitive disciplinary response, approaches significance at the .05 level (b = -.058,
p = .068, t = 1.548). The interaction between percent black students and student delinquency
and drug use is not related to the other three disciplinary response outcomes and the interaction between percent black students and percent students receiving free/reduced lunch is not
related to any of the disciplinary response outcomes.
To further investigate the significant and near-significant interactions, the data were split
at the fiftieth percentile of student delinquency and drug use (median = .110), then extreme
punitive disciplinary response was regressed on percent black students and all control variables (Table 5). In schools with high levels of student delinquency and drug use, percent
Table 5 OLS Coefficients with Student Delinquency/Drug Use Split at the Fiftieth Percentile
High Student Delinq/Drug Use
Percent black students
Percent students free lunch
Percent Hispanic students
Percent male students
Principal leadership
Administrative leadership
Discipline training
Student delinquency/drug use
Perceived lack of safety
Teacher victimization
Concentrated disadvantage
Model summary
Adjusted R-squared
F statistic
Model summary
Adjusted R-squared
F statistic
Percent black students
Percent students free lunch
Percent Hispanic students
Percent male students
Principal leadership
Administrative leadership
Discipline training
Student delinquency/drug use
Perceived lack of safety
Teacher victimization
Concentrated disadvantage
Dependent variable
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black students has no significant effect on extreme punitive disciplinary response. However,
in schools with low levels of student delinquency and drug use, percent black students has a
significant positive effect on extreme punitive disciplinary response (b = .007, p < .01), as predicted. The results of the t-test confirm this significant difference (t = -1.664, p < .01). Thus, for
schools with lower levels of delinquency and drug use, those that have a greater percentage of
black students are more likely to respond in a very harsh manner to student misbehavior.
Finally, similar findings can also be seen for the effect of the interaction between percent
black students and student delinquency and drug use on punitive disciplinary response (also
shown in Table 5), which had approached significance at the .05 level. As before, in schools
with high levels of student delinquency and drug use, the effect of percent black students on
punitive disciplinary response is nonsignificant. However, in schools with low levels of student delinquency and drug use, percent black students has a significant and positive effect on
punitive disciplinary response (b = .010, p < .01). The results of the t-test show that the difference approaches significance at the .05 level (t = -1.414). Again, for schools with lower levels
of delinquency and drug use, those that have a greater percentage of black students are more
likely to respond in a harsh manner to student misbehavior. These findings indicate that the
percentage of black students in a school has a stronger effect on punitive discipline practices
in schools with lower levels of student deviance.
This research is the first to testand supportthe racial threat hypothesis in the school
setting. Specifically, it examines whether schools with a higher proportion of black students
are more likely to use punitive and extremely punitive discipline, more likely to implement
zero tolerance policies, and less likely to use mild and restitutive approaches. The results of
OLS regression estimates show that each of the first five hypotheses of this study are supported in the expected directions: Schools with a larger composition of black students are
more likely to respond to student misbehavior in a harsh manner and less likely to respond
In addition, this study examined the potential moderating effects of both student economic disadvantage and student deviance, predicting that the proportion of black students would
have a greater influence on discipline in schools with a smaller percentage of poor students
and a lower amount of student delinquency and drug use. The results of OLS regression estimates show that these hypotheses were supported only for student delinquency and drug use,
and then only for the outcomes of punitive and extremely punitive discipline. The percentage
of black students has a stronger effect on punitive and extremely punitive discipline practices
in schools with lower levels of student deviance. Thus, in schools where students engage in
less delinquency and drug use, it appears that schools may be more likely to respond harshly
and extremely harshly to misbehavior partly because of the racial composition of the student
body. In conditions where delinquency and drug use are high, it is likely that student punishment is already so intense that there is less opportunity for other factors, including the racial
composition of students, to have an appreciable effect. This finding corroborates what was
expected based on prior research analyzing contextual differences in racial threat. In addition,
even though the hypothesis predicting an interaction between racial composition of students
and student poverty was not supported, results do confirm that the effect of racial threat on
harsh school discipline remains present, regardless of the socioeconomic status of the students.
This inconsistency of the presence of contextual effects accords with previous research.
The racial threat perspective is supported here in large part because this study was able
to control for several important crime-specific influences. It is clear that there is a residual
effect of racial composition of schools on disciplinary policies even after controlling for the
effects of school delinquency, drug use, teacher victimization, and teacher perceptions of lack
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of safetyvariables that were measured irrespective of race. This indicates that there is some
race-specific factor that persists in increasing punitiveness, regardless of levels of crime and
crime salience in schools. It is plausible that the relationship found between racial composition and school discipline may be attributable to unmeasured individual-level intervening
influences. Specifically, it may actually be that among school officials, perceived threat associated with blacks is higher in institutions in which proportionally more black students are matriculated, which may then contribute to the intensification of discipline. For example, racial
composition may influence race-related factors, such as stereotypes, bias, or discrimination.
In addition, racial composition may influence factors related to both race and crime, such as
the fear of black crime or the stereotyping of blacks as criminals, which may then facilitate the
expansion of punitive discipline. Based on the findings of previous research on the effects of
micro-level factors on punitive controls reviewed earlier, these possible explanations for the
established effect of racial composition on disciplinary policies are worth exploring.
This studys findings are important because they demonstrate that the effects of racial
threat extend beyond criminal justice institutions traditionally found to be influenced by it.
Racial threat is not only associated with harsh sanctions for criminal offenders, but with the
punitive treatment of students in school. This also suggests that the effects of racial threat may
be operating even beyond these two social institutions.
The findings reported here also have substantial implications for school discipline. It is
striking that the implementation and use of harsh school policies appears to at least be partially attributable to the relative size of schools minority populations. If racial threat is to some
degree responsible for the intensified punishmentand sometimes even criminalizationof
students, then it has contributed to what has been identified as a heavy toll on students,
teachers, and the entire school community who are suffering the consequences of diminished focus on quality education (Noguera 1995a:189). By being subjected to more punitive
discipline, like suspensions, expulsions, and arrests, certain students are not equally benefiting
from educationif they are not in class, they will not have learning opportunities commensurate with that of their peers, the result of which is further academic disadvantage. Not surprisingly, research confirms that suspensions are linked to academic failure, grade level retention,
and dropping out of school (Skiba and Peterson 2000). This not only affects future prospects of
employment, but also the likelihood of involvement in crime and the criminal justice system
(Gregory and Weinstein 2008; Hirschfield 2008). Furthermore, although this study does not
specifically measure effects for particular students, consequences of racial threat in schools
may be presumed to be most significant for black students, since harsher discipline is practiced
in schools where they are present in larger percentages.
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some researchers have shown that studies with low participation can actually demonstrate
more or equally accurate results than studies with higher response rates (Keeter et al. 2006;
Visser et al. 1996). Because schools located in urban areas, in communities with more femaleheaded households with children, and where more households receive public assistance were
less likely to have participated in the study, the results of this research may not generalize as
well to schools located in such communities, although results would likely not have diminished had more of these schools been included.
Another possible limitation of this research is that the relationships herein identified are
attributable to certain key constructs that are not included in the regression estimates. For
example, this study was not able to control for or contextualize by the potential influence of
regional variation or poor academic ability of students, which may be associated with harsh
student discipline (Jacobs and Carmichael 2004; Wu et al. 1982). It might be useful to control
for or contextualize by more specific details related to the delinquency and disorder in schools,
as discipline likely varies according to levels of violent, property, and drug offenses as well as
less serious acts of student mischief. Additionally, school climate and structure may influence
disciplinary practices (Payne 2008).
Finally, a greater understanding of how racial threat operates in schools may be derived
by future research that examines the micro-processes involved in creating the effects of racial
threat. For example, this study was not able to determine whether it is black students who
were being punished more harshly within schools. While establishing individual-level relationships is neither a necessary, nor common, component of tests of racial threat, studying
various dimensions of racially disparate applications of discipline, racial stereotypes, bias, and
discrimination among local policy makers, administrators, and teachers may partially explain
how it affects school policies. Previous studies have noted the importance of racial beliefs and
prejudice to student treatment (Brown and Beckett 2006; Ferguson 2000; Giroux 2003; Noguera 2003b; Skiba and Peterson 1999; Skiba et al. 2002; Watts and Erevelles 2004), but none
have connected it by multivariate analyses with punitive disciplinary outcomes in schools. It
may also be instructive to test whether perceptual indicators of racial threat are influential
within schools and whether other school characteristics, such as gender distributions, moderates the relationships found in this research.
This is the first multivariate test of the effects of racial composition of students on punitive
school discipline. This research supports the racial threat hypothesis by showing that schools
are more punitive and less restorative when there are more black students enrolled in them.
This is independent of the types and levels of delinquency in those schools and independent
of other influences that have been shown to affect discipline practices, such as student economic status and gender, school crime salience, school urbanicity, and the training of faculty
and administrative staff. In addition, while the proportion of black students in schools affects
punitive and extremely punitive punishments even more when school delinquency and disorder are low, the effects of racial threat are otherwise not subject to contextual differences.
Thus, racial threat remains a powerful explanation for greater use of harsh discipline and reduced use of restorative discipline, regardless of the amount of school misbehavior or student
economic disadvantage. These findings suggest that not only do the trends in school policies
and punishment mirror those that are sanctioned by the criminal justice system, but that part
of the reason is also similar. The conclusions of this study reveal important findings about the
broad extent of racial threat and the applicability of its influence in various settings. They also
expose notable flaws in school discipline policies and practices and call for serious consideration of ways to rid them of their racially disparate application.
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Was threatened in remarks by a student
Had a weapon pulled on me
Perceived Lack of Safety (At your school during school hours, how safe from vandalism, personal
attacks, and theft is each of the following places? (reverse coded))
Your classroom while teaching
Empty classrooms
Hallways and stairs
The cafeteria
The restrooms used by the students
Locker room or gym
Parking lot
Elsewhere outside on school grounds
Administrative Leadership
The schools administration makes it easy to get supplies, equipment, or other arrangements.
In your opinion, how well do teachers and administrators get along at your school?
Administrators and teachers collaborate toward making the school run effectively.
There is little administrator-teacher tension in this school.
Our principal is a good representative of our school before the superintendent and the board.
The principal is aware of and lets staff and students know when they have done something well.
Teachers or students can arrange to deviate from the prescribed program of the school.
Teachers feel free to communicate with the principal.
The administration is supportive of teachers.
It is hard to change established procedures here.
The principal of our school is informal.
The principal of our school is open to staff input.
Discipline Training
If there was in-service training in discipline, which of the following describe the training?
The presentation was clear and organized.
Principles to be followed were presented.
Principles were illustrated with examples.
Participants practiced applying the principles.
Participants received feedback on their performance in applying the principles.
Participants questions and concerns about possible obstacles were addressed.
How much formal follow-up training on school discipline was completed by the average individual
who manages discipline?
One occasion
Two occasions
Three or more occasions
Student Delinquency and Drug Use (In last 12 months, have you . . . )
Purposely damaged or destroyed property belonging to a school?
Purposely damaged or destroyed property that did not belong to you?
Stolen or tried to steal something worth more than $50?
Carried a hidden weapon other than a pocket knife?
Been involved in gang fights?
Hit or threatened to hit a teacher or other adult at school?
Hit or threatened to hit other students?
Taken a care for a ride (or drive) without the owners permission?
Used force or strong-arm methods to get money or things from a person?
Stolen or tried to steal things worth less than $50?
Stolen or tried to steal something at school?
Broken into or tried to break into a building/car to steal something or just to look around?
Belonged to a gang that has a name and engages in fighting, stealing or selling drugs?
Sold marijuana or other drugs?
Smoked cigarettes?
Used smokeless tobacco?
Drunk beer, wine, or hard liquor?
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