Necesito, Et Al. v. Paras, Et Al.

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Necesito, et al. v. Paras, et al.

G.R. No. L-10605, June 30, 1958

Severina Garces and her son Precillano Necesito boarded a passenger
truck of the Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines driven by Francisco Bandonell. The
truck entered a wooden bridge, but the front wheels swerved to the right.
The driver lost control, and after wrecking the bridge's wooden rails, the
truck fell on its right side into a creek where water was breast deep. Garces
died due to drowning while Necesito suffered injuries.
Two actions for damages and attorney's fees totalling over P85,000
were filed with the Tarlac CFI against the carrier. The carrier pleaded that the
accident was due to "engine or mechanical trouble" independent or beyond
the control of the defendants or of the driver Bandonell.
The trial court found that the bus was proceeding slowly due to the bad
condition of the road and that accident was due to the fracture of the trucks
right steering knuckle which could not be known by the carrier. Thus, it
dismissed the complaints holding that the accident was exclusively due to
fortuitous events.
Civil Code: ART. 1755. A common carrier is bound to carry the
passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can provide, using the
utmost diligence of very cautious persons, with a due regard for the all the
Whether or not the carrier is liable for the manufacturing defect of the
steering knuckle, and whether the evidence discloses that in regard thereto
the carrier exercised the diligence required by law.
Yes. While the carrier is not an insurer of the safety of the passengers,
a passenger is entitled to recover damages from a carrier for an injury
resulting from a defect in an appliance purchased from a manufacturer,
whenever it appears that the defect would have been discovered by the
carrier if it had exercised the degree of care which under the circumstances
was incumbent upon it, with regard to inspection and application of the
necessary tests. In this connection, the manufacturer of the defective
appliance is considered in law the agent of the carrier, and the good repute
of the manufacturer will not relieve the carrier from liability. The rationale of
the carriers liability is the fact that the passenger has no privity with the
manufacturer of the defective equipment; hence, he has no remedy against
him, while the carrier usually has. Carriers liability rests upon negligence, his

failure to exercise the "utmost" degree of diligence that the law requires, and
in case of a passenger's death or injury the carrier bears the burden of
satisfying the court that he has duly discharged the duty of prudence

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