Coursework Essay
Coursework Essay
Coursework Essay
I.D. # : 89731490
Question: select a specialist field interest and relate it to the larger field identified by the term
curriculum studies.
Candidates should Identify a specialized field of study and discuss the relationship between that
discipline and the larger field identified as curriculum studies. Candidates are expected to create
the links between the discipline they have identified and the field known as curriculum studies
discussing such issues as:
Candidates are expected to clearly argue that the discipline identified is a sub-set
of the broader field known as curriculum studies.
In response to the question above I have chosen the the field of social studies. I will seek to now
establish the relationship that exists between social studies and the larger field identified as
curriculum studies. The essential questions that arise at this point is : What is Curriculum? And
What are curriculum studies? The word curriculum is derived from the Latin verb Currere meaning
literally to run a chosen course as in a race. There have been many definitions over the years each
having its own relevance. For my purpose the following seems appropriate:
The curriculum of the school is the formal and informal content and process by which
Learners gain knowledge and understanding, develop skills,and alter attitudes,
appreciations, and values under the auspices of the school. (Doll, R. C. 1986)
This definition is quite broad and it alludes to both the formal and informal content and
processes that contribute to the educative process. It is interesting to note that the idea of
curriculum is influenced by philosophical changes that include phenomenonology so that Tanner is
able to define it as:
members,the community, the nation, the state, the Caribbean region, and other parts of the
(3) To understand and manifest a practical awareness of their role in the family, and make
positive attempts to become more productive, honest, loyal, and contributing citizens of
Trinidad and Tobago.
(4) Critically evaluate current societal attitudes, trends, and values, and seek equitable solutions
to problems.
(5) Develop value systems that are logical and morally acceptable.
(6) Gain knowledge and understanding of the human and physical environment particularly of
the Caribbean.
(7) Understand how environmental factors interrelate to influence the activities of human
beings, and how such activities in turn affect and change the physical environment.
(8) Evaluate the action of human beings, and assess the relative merits and problems of any
particular forms of economic development or social transformation, as well as the
environmental consequences of these activities.
(9) Understand the importance of the exploitation of natural resources, and the implications of