I2c Verification
I2c Verification
I2c Verification
VLSI Group, Department of Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering, ITM University, Gurgaon, (Haryana), INDIA
Corresponding author: e-mail: neerajkumarshukla@gmail.com
The verification phase carries an important role in design cycle of a System on Chip (SoC). A verification environment may be
prepared using SystemVerilog without using any particular methodology but that will be different for every variation of the
design. There are various verification methodologies out of which Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) is the state-ofthe-art and widely preferred by the verification industry worldwide, as the verification environment created using UVM is
reusable, efficient and well structured. In this work we have compared the SystemVerilog and UVM verification environments.
The Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C) Master Core is the Design Under Test (DUT). The environments created using SystemVerilog
and UVM, completely wrap the DUT. The assertion coverage found is 100% from both approaches and functional coverage is
found as 99.21% and 96.42% from SV environment and UVM environment respectively. Therefore, the overall coverage found
is 99.60% and 98.21 from developed SV and UVM environment.
Keywords: Environment, I2C, SoC, SystemVerilog, Testbench, Verification, UVM.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijest.v6i4.4
1. Introduction
As large and complex is the design, more are chances of bugs in the design and that requires extensive and diverse verification.
If design is quite big, verification is done at various levels like at unit level, block level, subsystem level and at IP level.
Verification of a design is the most critical phase in chip design cycle and takes nearly 70-80% of the total design cycle. Any IP
verification requires in-depth coverage based constrained random verification. If the design is already verified before and only
minor changes are done then few directed test cases may be used to verify the design (Glasser, 2011; Yun et al., 2011).
Verification may be done by a hardware design engineer or by an experienced verification engineer, so to work together without
confusion it is necessary to make a defined directory structure and file names. Different verification languages and verification
methodologies are there in VLSI industry. SystemVerilog is a design and verification language that provides complex data types
and constructs required to build a verification environment and is most commonly used nowadays for verification purposes.
Similarly a methodology is applying a language in a planned and structured way for doing verification of a design. UVM is the
latest verification methodology being used in VLSI industry for verification. The Environments developed through SystemVerilog
may be different depending upon implementer, while verification environment built using UVM remains the same for different
vendors, i.e. it can be reused for different vendor IPs. We can say that use of a particular verification methodology is advantageous
in terms of better communication among engineers and reusability of verification environment.
The paper is structured as follows: Section I covers the introduction and Section II discusses the literature review of the
methodologies and work reported in this domain. Section III has a small description of the DUT that is I2C Master Core. Section
IV talks about SystemVerilog Environment built for the DUT under consideration and its simulation outputs. Section V discusses
about UVM, developed UVM testbench architecture and its simulation outputs. Section VI shows the comparison between two
environments i.e. how UVM environment is different than SystemVerilog environment. Section VII discusses how one
environment is better than other and finally section VIII closes with conclusion of the work.
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
2. Literature Review
SystemVerilog built over Verilog 2001 provides a higher level of abstraction to design and verification. SystemVerilog provides
a complete verification environment, with constrained random test case generation, assertion and coverage driven Verification
(Mulani et al., 2010). The Constrained Random Verification (CRV) improves the coverage dramatically in lesser time than
directed test cases (RM, 2004; Spears, 2006; Mulani et al., 2010).
The Open Verification Methodology (OVM) was developed as a joint initiative of Mentor Graphics and the Cadence Design
Systems that provides the first open and interoperable, SystemVerilog verification methodology in the VLSI industry. It is
supported by multiple EDA vendors. It provides comprehensive verification due to its rich base classes and OOP features. OVM
provides base classes library that allows users to create modular and reusable verification environment. It has been built over
Advanced Verification Methodology (AVM) from Mentor Graphics and Cadence Universal Reuse Methodology (URM) (Kumar
et al., 2012; Edelman et al., 2014). OVM based verification is better than normal SV environment because of a well structured
testbench and reusability (Kumar et al., 2012).
UVM created by Accellera based on Open Verification Methodology (OVM) version 2.1.1 is a verification methodology for
functional verification (Glasser, 2011; Yun et al., 2011). It is the latest methodology being used in current trends in verification. It
is well suited for complex designs as UVM environment has reusable verification components (UVC) and base class libraries and
is considered as a methodology of constrained random, coverage driven verification (CDV) (UVM, 2011b). CDV combines test
cases generation, self-checking testbenches, and coverage metrics to reduce the time that is needed to verify a design [(Jain et al.,
2012; Neumann et al., 2012).
3. I2C Master Core
The I2C bus was developed in the early 1980's by Philips Semiconductors. I2C is a two-wire, bi-directional serial bus that
provides a simple and efficient method of data exchange between devices. It is most suitable for short distance communication
between devices. It is a multi-master bus with collision detection and arbitration facilities to prevent data corruption in case of
more than one master tries to access the bus simultaneously. The Device that provides the clock signal is considered to be master
at that time. The DUT taken is wishbone compatible and has two interfaces, first the Wishbone classic interface and second I2C
interface. The internal registers are configured using wishbone interface. Wishbone is an standard interface that is used in many
designs so that it is easy to communicate between two devices means if the two designs are wishbone compatible then the signals
are common and so communication is easier (WISHBONE, 2002). Wishbone signals used in this DUT are as shown in Table1.
The I2C interface uses a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL) for data transfers. Data is transferred between a
Master and a Slave on the SDA line in synchronization with SCL line on a byte-by-byte basis. Each data byte is 8 bits long
(Herveille, 2003).
Table1: Wishbone Signals of DUT
Signal Name
Signal Description
Input master clock
Input synchronous reset
Input asynchronous reset
wb_adr_i (Jain et al., 2012)
Input lower address bits
wb_dat_i (Fitzpatrick, 2014)
Input data towards the core
wb_dat_o (Fitzpatrick, 2014)
Output data from the core
Input write enable input
Input strobe signal/core select input
Input valid bus cycle input
Output bus cycle acknowledge output
A standard communication consists of four main parts:
i. START signal generation ii. Slave address transfer
iii. Data transfer
iv. STOP signal generation
A master initiates a transfer by sending a START signal. A START signal is defined as a high-to-low transition of SDA while
SCL is high. The first byte of data transferred by the master immediately after the START signal is the seven bit slave address plus
one read-write bit that tells the direction of data transfer. Slave acknowledges to master by pulling the SDA line low at the 9th SCL
clock cycle. On successful slave addressing, the data transfer can precede byte-by-byte in the direction specified by the read-write
bit. Each transferred byte is followed by an acknowledge bit on the 9th SCL clock cycle. The master can terminate the
communication by generating a STOP signal. A STOP signal is defined as a low-to-high transition of SDA when SCL is at logical
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
Test bench
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
Figure.3 Start and Stop Condition
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
Figure.4 Simulations showing Enabled I2C core and Various Configuration Registers
ii.Monitor messages
Monitor gives message according to the operation being performed. Few are shown below.
# @2490: The bit_operation is start, data: x
#@4790: The bit_operation is xfr, data: 1
#@7480: The bit_operation is stop, data: x
iii.Coverage output
Functional and total coverage obtained are shown in Figure.5 and in Figure.6 respectively.
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
UVM Component
Uvm monitor
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
Figure.8 Hierarchy of developed UVM environment
i. Test, Environment
Top module connects the Test and DUT .The interface is passed in the top module to connect test to the DUT. Top module also
has clock generator which is responsible for running the desired test. Test is the top level class in UVM. Test class initiates the
construction process by building the next level down in hierarchy and initiates the stimulus by starting the main phase. Test class
function is to instantiate the environment and then configures it for particular test at a time. Environment class derived from
uvm_env class contains all the structural verification components of the testbench. Environment class may have one or more
agents.The environment instantiates the testbench components like agents.
ii. Agent
Agent is the class present in the environment. It is responsible for communicating with DUT through an interface. Each interface
of DUT communicates with its individual agent component. Agents can be active agent that emulates devices and drive
transactions according to test directives or passive agent that monitors the DUT response.
iii. Sequence, Sequence Item, Sequencer
Sequence class is created by inheriting from the base class uvm_sequence and lies outside the top and works on sequence-item
and sends these sequence items to the sequencer using two methods start_item and finish_item.
req = packet:: type_id::create ("req");
start_item (req);
if (! (req.randomize ()))
`uvm_error ("error, randomization");
finish_item (req);
Sequence item defines which pin level activity will be generated by agent or reports which pin level activity has been observed
by the agent. Sequencer is a library component that synchronizes between one or more sequences and the driver. It routes
sequence-item from a sequence where they are generated to/from a driver i.e. sequencer works as a sequence controller having
built-in arbiter and buffer. REQ is the transaction type sent from a sequence to the driver and RSP is the transaction type sent from
the driver to the sequence. The driver and sequencer are connected through a bi-directional Transaction Level Model (TLM)
port/export connection as shown below.
driverr.seq_item_port.connect (sequencer.seq_item_export);
iv. Driver
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
Driver class converts data inside a series of sequence-items into pin level transaction. It takes input from sequencer and passes it
to DUT through an interface.
v. Monitor, Coverage Collector
The monitor class observes the pin level activity and converts its observation into sequence items which are sent to components
such as coverage collector that use them to calculate the functional coverage of the DUT. Coverage class contains one or more
covergroups to gather functional coverage information. It is usually specific to a DUT.
C.Simulation Outputs
Various simulation outputs are obtained after stimulating the DUT, out of which some inputs and outputs are shown below
i.Waveforms obtained
Few outputs of the waveforms obtained after running simulation are shown in Figure. 9
Figure.9 Simulations showing address and data inputs to the DUT for first few cycles
ii. Monitor messages
# UVM_INFO monitor.sv (29) @ 135000 uvm_test_top.my_env_h.agent4inputs.my_monitor [START] pkt.wb_dat_i:
my_interface.wb_dat_i: ' 94 # pckt_1.wb_dat_i 94 = pkt.wb_dat_i 94
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
A. Simulation statistics
Simstat command gives performance-related statistics about active simulations. The statistics measure the simulation kernel
process for a single invocation of vsim (QS, 2014).
simstats [memory | working | time | cpu | context | faults]
The simulation statistics obtained is tabulated as shown in Table2. Memory option returns the amount of virtual memory that the
operating system has allocated for vsimk. CPU option gives simulation time for the test. For these two information we can also use
$finish (2) option in our testbench. The simulation statistics obtained can be shown graphically as in Figure 12.
Table2: Simulation statistics of SV and UVM environment
SV Env
Elaboration Time
44 MB
CPU Time
Memory usage
25 MB
Elaboration CPU
Time (sec)
Memory Usage
Environment Environment
Environment Environment
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
depending upon the type of message. This makes debugging much harder in case of SystemVerilog. Below Figure.13 shows UVM
Vs SV testbench message upon getting an interface error. In case of UVM simulation stopped upon getting an error, while SV
testbench is displaying the message only.
UVM_ERROR driver.sv (14) @ 0:
[No virtual interface] Virtual interface must be
#building Monitor
#UVM_FATAL monitor.sv (19) @ 0:
nitor [No virtual interface] Virtual interface
must be set
#--UVM Report Summary
#**Report count by severity
stopped on
getting UVM
#**Note: $finish:
error @time
No inbuilt
method to stop
except $finish
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
# my_env_h
# agent4inputs
# driverr
# rsp_port
# sqr_pull_port
# my_coverage
# sock
# sock
# rsp_export
# seq_item_export
# arbitration_queue
# lock_queue
# num_last_reqs
# num_last_rsps
Figure.15 SystemVerilog environment showing use of mailbox and events for synchronization
7. Results And Discussion
From the above two figures we can see that in a UVM testbench we have base classes of verification components and many
methods those can be reused. In UVM we also have constructs to make synchronization an easy task as compared to
SystemVerilog mailboxes and events. UVM also makes debugging very simple as compared to SystemVerilog, because of many
options available for displaying the messages depending upon their severity. From the above comparison we can reach to a
conclusion that UVM based environment is better in many terms than SystemVerilog environment. Few of them are as
Nangia and Shukla / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 31-44
8. Conclusions
The SystemVerilog verification environment developed along with the complete flow of verification has been discussed. The
various classes for driver monitor, stimulus, environment etc. and modules or programs made have been compiled and simulated
and the outputs observed are shown. The environment created completely wraps the DUT and functional and assertion based
coverage have been found. Assertion coverage found is 100% and functional coverage is found as 99.21%. The overall coverage is
found to be 99.60%. The SystemVerilog environment developed has been extended to UVM by calling the base class library and
various verification components. The UVM based environment developed has been discussed with a little discussion of UVM. The
various classes of UVM testbench like test, environment, agent, sequence, sequencer, driver, monitor, coverage collector have
been compiled and simulated. The outputs obtained are shown. Assertion coverage found is 100% and functional coverage is
found as 96.42%. The overall coverage is found to be 98.21%.
The two environments developed are compared for some testbench features like performance, debugging, reusability, and
synchronization. From comparison it has been found that UVM based environment is better in many terms. It is easy to develop,
once we know the concepts of UVM. It is also better in terms of performance, reusability, synchronization, and debugging,
structure and run flow.
The authors are grateful to their organization for its help and support.
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Biographical notes
Rakhi Nangia, a student of Master of Technology (M.Tech) in VLSI Design at ITM University, Gurgaon, (Haryana) India. She has completed B.Tech in
Electronics and Communication Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University in 2003. She has worked in LRDE, DRDO, Bangalore in 2003 and then in VLSI
R&D industries Logic Eastern and Virage Logic International (now Synopsys) from 2006 to 2009. She has also worked as an Assistant Professor in Manav Rachna
University, Faridabad and in other Engineering Colleges from 2009 to 2012. Her interest areas are Digital System Design, ASIC Design, VLSI Testing and
Neeraj Kr. Shukla (IETE, IE, IACSIT, IAENG, CSI, ISTE, VSI-India), an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical, Electronics & Communication
Engineering, and Project Manager VLSI Design at ITM University, Gurgaon, (Haryana) India. He received his PhD from UK Technical University, Dehradun in
Low-Power SRAM Design and M.Tech. (Electronics Engineering) and B.Tech. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) Degrees from the J.K. Institute of
Applied Physics & Technology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) India in the year of 1998 and 2000, respectively. He has more than 50
Publications in the Journals and Conferences of National and International repute. His main research interests are in Low-Power Digital VLSI Design and its
Multimedia Applications, Digital Hardware Design, Open Source EDA, Scripting and their role in VLSI Design, and RTL Design.