The Agility Factor: Strategy & Leadership
The Agility Factor: Strategy & Leadership
The Agility Factor: Strategy & Leadership
Everybody knows that big corporations, by nature, maneuver like battleships. Held back by their own inertia and current
business strategies, they cannot turn quickly when the competitive environment changes. Everybody also knows that high
performance, as measured by shareholder returns, is impossible to sustain over the long term; no company consistently beats
the market.
But a recent in-depth study of long-term performance suggests an alternative point of view about business strategy. When
the measure of performance is profitability, a few large companies in every industry consistently outperform their peers over
extended periods. And they maintain this performance edge even in the face of significant business change in their
competitive environments. The one factor they seem to have in common is agility. They adapt to business change more
quickly and reliably than their competitors; they have found a way to turn as quickly as speedboats when necessary.
ExxonMobil is a good example. Throughout the 1980s, when it was still just Exxon, it was the largest, most profitable oil and
gas company in the world. It achieved that performance through disciplined decision making. When diversification proved
unprofitable, it rapidly shed ancillary businesses, such as steel and office equipment, to focus on oil and gas. When oil prices
fell, it reduced overhead costs by shrinking corporate headquarters and relocating HQ from Manhattan to Dallas. Exxon also
moved aggressively into Asian markets where it had had little presence historically.
Then in 1989, Exxon fell from grace. The company reeled under the regulatory, legal, and media scrutiny brought on by the
Valdez tanker spill in Alaskas Prince William Sound. It spent US$2 billion on the cleanup effort, and paid more than $6
billion in punitive fines and damage claims over the next seven years. Moreover, the perceived arrogance and indifference of
Exxon management created a public relations disaster. Also in 1989, its Baton Rouge refinery exploded, and Exxon spilled
567,000 gallons of heating oil into an estuary between New York and New Jersey. When Lee Raymond took over from
Lawrence Rawl as chairman in April 1993, Exxon had dropped on Fortunes list of most admired companies from number
six to 110. As Raymond noted in a rare interview, a good day for him was one in which Exxon or his name did not appear in
the papers.
Many companies would have reacted by putting in place short-term fixes and doing whatever they could to return to their old
ways of operating. Instead, Exxon quietly moved to internalize the lessons of the Valdez spill and to build the capabilities
required for future profitability. Over the next few years, Exxon dramatically raised its health, safety, and environmental
performance. Recognizing that external upheavals could occur at any time, the company relentlessly drove for efficiency over
the 1990sa fortunate move because oil prices continued to fall throughout the decade. Exxon exited businesses and markets
where it did not have critical mass, reduced employment by 3 percent per year, improved its exploration capability (where it
had historically lagged behind its competitors), and pushed production efficiency even harder. Through all these measures,
and by taking full advantage of the innate discipline for which it was known, Exxon halved its cost of finding oil and greatly
improved its exploration success rate. In 1995, Lee Raymond was able to say, Exxon is now much more efficient at getting on
with it.
Exxons focus on execution, technical excellence, and capital efficiency positioned the firm well to exploit the rise in oil prices
that began in 1998. In 1999, Raymond, dubbed by Businessweek as the anti-celebrity CEO, engineered the largest
acquisition in history to that point, and one of the most successful, with Exxons purchase of Mobil. In 2000, the combined
company became the most profitable in history, a ranking it still holds today, and launched a new series of exploration
initiatives to spur growth in oil and gas reserves.
The pattern of adaptation Exxon exhibited is not typical of most large companies. It represents an unusual ability to
successfully respond to and learn from external events, to innovate technically and organizationally, and to plan and execute
new courses of action. In short, Exxon demonstrated a rare and distinctive ability to continually and successfully adapt to
changing circumstances. We call this agility. Today, when every industry faces turbulent change as a matter of course, a
companys agility becomes the difference between sustaining performance and falling behind.
What Is Agility?
Agility is not just the ability to change. It is a cultivated capability that enables an organization to respond in a timely,
effective, and sustainable way when changing circumstances require it. The management literature increasingly refers to this
ability as a dynamic capability: the potential to sense opportunities and threats, solve problems, and change the firms
resource base. This allows outperformers to maintain or enhance their relative advantages in ways their competitors fail to
see or do not fully implement. Agility is also strategically relevant: Although agile organizations often change, they do not
pursue change for changes sake. They pursue it for the sake of competitive advantage.
Four routines, summarized in Exhibit 2, below, distinguish the high-performing organizations from the thrashers and
underperformers. These companies have the ability to strategize in dynamic ways; accurately perceive changes in their
external environment; test possible responses; and implement changes in products, technology, operations, structures,
systems, and capabilities as a whole. Importantly, it is the whole system of routines, not the possession of one or two of them,
that confers agility. Individually, these routines may simply seem like basic practices of good management. However, the
hard work necessary to orchestrate them for consistent high performance is advanced and uncommon. By executing these
routines in concert, over and over again, the outperformers consistently outpaced competitors.
Strategizing dynamically. Most business people would agree that a clear, relevant, and shared strategy is an important
management practice. However, agile organizations dont define strategy the way other firms do. For them, strategy has
three explicit parts: a sense of shared purpose, a change-friendly identity that is nonetheless stable enough to ground the
organization, and a robust strategic intent that clarifies how the firm differentiates itself.
The Capital One Financial Corporation, which since its founding in 1994 has grown into a $16 billion consumer finance
powerhouse, demonstrates all three elements of strategizing dynamically. It has a widely shared and well-understood sense of
purpose that is codified in its mission statement and business model. These articulate what the firm does (its products and
services), define those it serves (its customers and stakeholders), and lay out how it delivers value in a differentiated way. It
also provides employees with clear expectations about behavior.
Capital Ones change-friendly identity is embodied in a phrase that its managers often use in conversation: test and learn.
No matter what the business activitynew product development, organizational innovation, adaptation to regulation, or
advertisingthe organization has an institutional way of experimenting (a test), drawing conclusions, and then applying
them to new business. As it happens, the way Capital One has chosen to compete over time evokes one of the other agility
routines (testing responses). Here it goes further, becoming an aspect of Capital Ones stated identity, unchanging even as
it recognizes the need for continual change as a matter of course.
The companys ongoing business strategyits strategic intentalso enables it to embrace continuous change. Capital One is
known for its willingness to rapidly shift its operations (for example, the range of customer segments served, channels used,
or products offered); to adjust the aggressiveness of its marketing, customer support, new product development, or R&D; and
to modify the features it offers consumers. Capital One seeks its competitive advantage not through a single product line or
approach, but through an ongoing series of temporary advantages that exploit current business conditions.
Perceiving environmental change. Agile companies take special care to accurately sense what is going on in the
environment. Managers and employees are put into direct contact with customers, regulators, and other stakeholders through
multiple touch points, structures, and practices, and they are expected to gather intelligence. They communicate their
perceptions of the external world to company decision makers who have the support and knowledge they need to interpret
those messages as important or unimportant, opportunity or threat. All three elements of perceiving environmental change
are essential. Sensing without communicating is wasteful; communicating without interpreting is just noise.
DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc., a Fortune 500 kidney care organization with more than 1,840 dialysis centers, has an
effective, institutionalized
perceiving routine. To keep all
employees focused on the external
environment, DaVita abandoned the
organization chart. According to the
company's point of view, structure
focuses too much attention on the
hierarchy and not enough on
understanding the local marketplace
and broader environment. DaVitas
management system orients each
local dialysis center to the needs of
patients, physicians, and the
community. Meanwhile, central
management concentrates on
activities that deliver future value
for the corporationthey charter
teams to build leaders, research the
implications of healthcare reform,
identify M&A prospects, and
develop new business. One of these
teams identified and pursued a
recent merger with HealthCare
Partners. This process also identified
international dialysis as a potential
business opportunity.
This external focus is supported by a
hard-and-fast rule that moves
information up the hierarchy:
Whenever there is a director and
three or more team members in a
room, theres a town hall meeting.
In these meetings, any question can
be asked about any subject. If the
director doesnt have an answer, the
question goes into his or her email
and has to be answered within 48
All that informationfrom dialysis
centers and initiative teamsgets
funneled to top management for
consideration. But if you ask whos
on the top management team, youll
get a puzzled look. At DaVita,
different top management teams are
accountable for different purposes.
That allows the company to assign
people with the right expertise to
various questions and issues, and
improves their ability to interpret signals from their externally focused organization.
Thrashers and underperformers, with inward-looking and politicized management, find this level and intensity of
communication congenitally difficult. They are too busy vying for turf, resources, and position to dispassionately consider the
implications of outside signals. The external focus of agile companies enables them to face up to brutal facts and separate
wheat from chaff.
Testing responses. Agile organizations refine their insights from the perceiving routine with a relatively high number of
low-cost experiments. They encourage innovation and tolerate a good deal of failure. Effective testing and innovation
activities range from gathering further intelligence, to trying out new ideas on a small scale, to implementing full-scale
product development programs. In most cases, there are explicit risk management processeswith valid success criteria so
the plug can be pulled if the test failsand continuous learning efforts so that the insights gained from the tests spread to all
relevant parts of the company. Agile organizations invest significantly in learning and continuous improvement, never
resting on their laurels or believing they have cracked the code once and for all.
The Limited Brands has both informal and formal testing routines that help the apparel retail chain keep pace with fashion
trends and competition. Managers get in the habit of asking one another, Whats new, whats next? This connects everyone
in the organization, from senior managers to store merchants, to the observations and data theyve gathered, whether the
subject is supply chain innovations or the latest trends in lingerie or healthy products, and pushes them to consider what they
are going to do about it. The whats new, whats next mantra keeps them on their toes. At the store level, small-scale testing
procedures make it easy to try out new concepts, point-of-purchase displays, and product extensions. Consumer responses to
small-scale tests are vetted by managers, and investment decisions follow successful ideas. Two of the Limiteds blockbuster
retail brandsVictorias Secret and Bath and Body Worksgot started this way. Their success as small experiments inside
existing retail stores caught managements attention and led to big commitments from CEO Les Wexner.
To enable these tests, agile organizations are not always and everywhere lean and mean. They must consciously build in
extra organizational slackinvesting in people, money, and time that dont go directly to the bottom line, but allow the agile
organization to rapidly deploy resources against opportunities that may or may not pay off, without jeopardizing day-to-day
operations. The higher staffing levels also play an important role in capturing and disseminating learning that the
organization can use later.
Implementing change. Agile companies have mastered the internal program management capabilities they need to
convert successful tests and promising innovations into widespread practices. Their organizations are flexible enough to
adopt them with unambiguous commitmentand with the speed, certainty, and precision they need. These companies have
histories of successful transformations, restructurings, and merger integrations, and they also excel at the execution of new
product rollouts, policy changes, and compliance mandates, as Exxon demonstrated after the Valdez spill.
The Swedish bank Svenska Handelsbanken is built on the principle of radical decentralization, and its record of financial
success is unmatched; the recent financial crisis hardly dented performance. Guided by a change-friendly identity and the
slogan the branch is the bank, branch managers are responsible for financial results and have the budget authority to take
action. They control marketing decisions (except when a new product common to all branches is being launched), staffing
levels, salaries, and property lease costs. In addition, on average, half of a branchs staff has lending authority, permitting
customers to receive answers very quickly. Branch managers are held accountable for results and continuous improvement by
a relative performance measurement system that transparently compares all branches on a quarterly basis. At the end of
the year, a performance-based profit-sharing system for all employees is triggered when the organizations after-tax return
on shareholders equity (excluding extraordinary items) is higher than the average for other Nordic banks. One-third of the
excess amount is placed in an employee fund, and all employees, including the CEO, receive the same profit share.
Executives at Svenskas headquarters are expected to support the decentralized approach through coaching, instead of
through memos, instructions, and directives. If corporate managers disagree with a branch decision, they are expected to
raise the issue through a short email or brief phone call, but the final decision ultimately remains with the local manager.
The implementation of change relies on managerial autonomy and shared leadership. The change capability is not relegated
to a staff function at headquarters. Rather, it is embedded in line and staff organizations. Once a decision is made, managers
charged with implementation are monitored, but not second-guessed. Strong-form performance management systems
provide incentives for managers to follow through. Performance targets are objective and unambiguous; positive and
sustain its success without a crisis to compel its employees. But instead of clinging to a top-down management style, Teerlink
and his senior management team engineered a further transformation of H-D using a model of shared leadership and
accountability, continuous improvement, and investments in learning and developmentpractices that are all typically linked
with agility. The companys managers and employees were asked to go from a tell me what you want me to do style of
managing others to a given where were going, Ill figure out whats best to do approach. Said Teerlink at the time, I
believe fundamentally that people should have the opportunity to influence their lives and their workplace.
Teerlink and his management team took the company through a series of initiatives, including a joint vision process
involving the top 130 executives. They clarified and codified Harley-Davidsons identity, synchronized their planning and
performance management to it, and set up an integrated, cascading goal-setting process that provided lines of sight from
executives to the worker on the floor. Personal and organizational goals were incorporated into appraisals and variable
compensation. Leadership and accountability were distributed throughout the organization. Along the way, Teerlink and
other senior leaders paid close attention to the four routines of agility:
Strategizing dynamically. Prior to the buyout, H-Ds reputation and style had been rough, oily, and arrogant. Through
strategy and organization changes that consistently emphasized the importance of customers, quality, and accountability, a
new identity evolved, summarized in the company vision: We fulfill dreams inspired by the many roads of the world by
providing remarkable motorcycles and extraordinary customer experiences. We fuel the passion for freedom in our
customers to express their own identity.
Perceiving environmental change. At H-D, every employee engages with the outside worldparticularly with customers.
Through HOG, employees (including current CEO Keith Wandell) ride with customers, attend HOG rallies, and participate
in sponsored musical and sporting events. The Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee is a shrine that attracts 300,000
visitors each year. There is also constant formal and informal contact with H-D dealer and supplier networks, and an
expanded website where customers can interact directly with marketing and product development. To help communicate the
ideas that come in, H-D has a shallow hierarchy and little cultural tolerance for gatekeepers and apparatchiks who would
impede or filter information flow to executives.
Testing responses. Managers routinely vet the ideas coming from HOG and dealer connections for viability. These ideas
include marketing programs, model customizations, new motorcycle models, new engines, new styling, new manufacturing
methods, new ways of working with customers, and new markets. H-D also adopted the quality movement practice of plan
docheckact, wherein activities, processes, and decisions are improved on the basis of collected data, and the military
practice of after action reviews, wherein participants in a campaign meet in intensive sessions to analyze successes and
Implementing change. Harley-Davidson has repeatedly demonstrated its capacity for ongoing change. Since the leveraged
buyout, it has implemented operational restructurings, a new product development process, new management processes and
personnel practices, and expansion into Europe and Asia. In 2011, for example, the company embarked on an ambitious
program to develop a full-blown mass customization capability. H-D reorganized and scaled down its manufacturing
footprint, streamlined R&D, marketed a wide variety of customization options through dealers and the Web, and
restructured the manufacturing process to a flexible system that can produce any custom version of any bike in any plant on
any day. To accomplish this, the company engaged its unionized workforce to dramatically change work rules and move from
62 job classifications to five.
By the time Rich Teerlink retired in 1999, his team had transformed Harley-Davidson from an inward-looking, marginal,
command-and-control organization to an agile, dynamic market leader permeated with shared leadership and accountability.
Curiosity, experimentation, and direct action are explicitly encouraged and rewarded. But it is a controlled chaos, held
together by the centripetal forces of a strong identity and shared values.
they embrace it because their ability to manage change well is their primary advantage.
Managing agile organizations means being willing to give up the activities that make you successful today but that wont be
appropriate tomorrowover and over again. By contrast, thrashers often increase their commitment to successful courses of
action but miss important inflection points in the market. BP, for instance, continued to emphasize cost performance over
process safety and compliance for years, resulting in disasters like the 2005 Texas City refinery explosion that killed 15 and
the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion and spill. Toyota was enamored with being the biggest auto company in the
world and ignored important safety issues. Outperformers are not perfect, but they make fewer mistakes and, like Exxon,
when they do stumble, they are quick to see the error and have the capabilities to correct it.
Perceiving the value of constant change is only the first step. Translating that perception into productive action requires
know-how, processes, infrastructure, and resources. Leaders must commit the organization to a new course of action,
mobilize resources, and implement changes. Niccol Machiavellis insight is as relevant today as it was in the 15th century:
Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.
Thomas Williams is a senior executive advisor with Booz & Company. Based in Ridgway, Colo., he specializes in strategy, organization, and
management systems for energy and industrial companies.
Christopher G. Worley is a senior research scientist at the Center for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California in Los
Angeles. He is the coauthor, with Edward Lawler, of Management Reset: Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness (Jossey-Bass, 2011).
Edward E. Lawler III is the director of the Center for Effective Organizations at USC; the coauthor, with Chris Worley, of Management Reset;
and the author of Talent: Making People Your Competitive Advantage (Jossey-Bass, 2008).
Also contributing to this article was Niko Canner, former senior partner of Booz & Company; and s+b contributing editor Jim OToole.