Hipertiroid Guideline, ATA
Hipertiroid Guideline, ATA
Hipertiroid Guideline, ATA
Background: Thyrotoxicosis has multiple etiologies, manifestations, and potential therapies. Appropriate
treatment requires an accurate diagnosis and is influenced by coexisting medical conditions and patient preference. This article describes evidence-based clinical guidelines for the management of thyrotoxicosis that would
be useful to generalist and subspeciality physicians and others providing care for patients with this condition.
Methods: The development of these guidelines was commissioned by the American Thyroid Association in
association with the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. The American Thyroid Association
and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists assembled a task force of expert clinicians who authored this report. The task force examined relevant literature using a systematic PubMed search supplemented with additional published materials. An evidence-based medicine approach that incorporated the
knowledge and experience of the panel was used to develop the text and a series of specific recommendations.
The strength of the recommendations and the quality of evidence supporting each was rated according to the
approach recommended by the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation
Results: Clinical topics addressed include the initial evaluation and management of thyrotoxicosis; management of Graves hyperthyroidism using radioactive iodine, antithyroid drugs, or surgery; management of
toxic multinodular goiter or toxic adenoma using radioactive iodine or surgery; Graves disease in children,
adolescents, or pregnant patients; subclinical hyperthyroidism; hyperthyroidism in patients with Graves
ophthalmopathy; and management of other miscellaneous causes of thyrotoxicosis.
Conclusions: One hundred evidence-based recommendations were developed to aid in the care of patients
with thyrotoxicosis and to share what the task force believes is current, rational, and optimal medical practice.
By mutual agreement among the authors and editors of their respective journals, this work is being published jointly in Thyroid and
Endocrine Practice.
*Authors are listed in alphabetical order.
Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.
Endocrinology and Metabolism Division, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia.
Division of Endocrinology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.
Endocrine Division, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, Boston, Massachusetts.
Western Slope Endocrinology, Grand Junction, Colorado.
The Thyroid Unit, North Shore University Hospital, Manhassett, New York.
Department of Endocrinology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark.
Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology and Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Stanford University
School of Medicine, Stanford, California.
Department of Pediatrics, Yale Pediatric Thyroid Center, New Haven, Connecticut.
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.
Divisions of Endocrine Surgery and Surgical Oncology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut.
This article has been revised since its original release in the June 2011 issue of Thyroid. Changes made subsequent to the June 2011 printing
are presented in boldface. Correction date: October 25, 2012..
Methods of Development of Evidence-Based Guidelines
hyrotoxicosis is a condition having multiple etiologies, manifestations, and potential therapies. The term
thyrotoxicosis refers to a clinical state that results from inappropriately high thyroid hormone action in tissues generally
due to inappropriately high tissue thyroid hormone levels. The
term hyperthyroidism, as used in these guidelines, is a form
of thyrotoxicosis due to inappropriately high synthesis and
secretion of thyroid hormone(s) by the thyroid. Appropriate
treatment of thyrotoxicosis requires an accurate diagnosis. For
example, thyroidectomy is an appropriate treatment for some
forms of thyrotoxicosis and not for others. Additionally, beta
blockers may be used in almost all forms of thyrotoxicosis,
whereas antithyroid drugs are useful in only some.
In the United States, the prevalence of hyperthyroidism
is approximately 1.2% (0.5% overt and 0.7% subclinical);
the most common causes include Graves disease (GD),
toxic multinodular goiter (TMNG), and toxic adenoma
(TA) (1). Scientific advances relevant to this topic are reported in a wide range of literature, including subspeciality
publications in endocrinology, pediatrics, nuclear medicine, and surgery, making it challenging for clinicians to
keep abreast of new developments. Although guidelines
for the diagnosis and management of patients with hyperthyroidism have been published previously by both the
American Thyroid Association (ATA) and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), in conjunction with guidelines for the treatment of hypothyroidism
(1,2), both associations determined that thyrotoxicosis
represents a priority area in need of updated evidencebased practice guidelines.
The target audience for these guidelines includes general
and subspeciality physicians and others providing care for
patients with thyrotoxicosis. In this document, we outline
what we believe is current, rational, and optimal medical
practice. It is not the intent of these guidelines to replace
clinical judgment, individual decision making, or the wishes
of the patient or family. Rather, each recommendation should
be evaluated in light of these elements in order that optimal
patient care is delivered. In some circumstances, it may be
apparent that the level of care required may be best provided
in centers where there is specific expertise, and that referral to
such centers should be considered.
The ATA Executive Council and the Executive Committee
of AACE forged an agreement outlining the working relationship between the two groups surrounding the development and dissemination of management guidelines for the
treatment of patients with thyrotoxicosis. A chairperson was
selected to lead the task force and this individual (R.S.B.)
identified the other 11 members of the panel in consultation with the ATA and the AACE boards of directors.
Membership on the panel was based on clinical expertise,
scholarly approach, and representation of adult and pediatric endocrinology, nuclear medicine, and surgery. The task
force included individuals from both North America and
Europe. In addition, the group recruited an expert on the
development of evidence-based guidelines (V.M.M.) to serve
in an advisory capacity. Panel members declared whether
they had any potential conflict of interest at the initial
meeting of the group and periodically during the course of
deliberations. Funding for the guidelines was derived solely
from the general funds of the ATA and thus the task force
functioned without commercial support.
To develop a scholarly and useful document, the task
force first developed a list of the most common causes of
thyrotoxicosis and the most important questions that a
practitioner might pose when caring for a patient with a
particular form of thyrotoxicosis or special clinical condition.
Two task force members were assigned to review the literature relevant to each of the topics, using a systematic
PubMed search for primary references and reviews supplemented with additional published materials available before
June 2010, and develop recommendations based on the literature and expert opinion where appropriate. A preliminary document and a series of recommendations concerning
all of the topics were generated by each subgroup and then
critically reviewed by the task force at large. The panel
agreed recommendations would be based on consensus of
the panel and that voting would be used if agreement could
not be reached. Two recommendations were not unanimous
and the dissenting position is noted. Task force deliberations
took place during several lengthy committee meetings,
multiple telephone conference calls, and through electronic
Definition of grades
1 strong recommendation (for or against)
Applies to most patients in most circumstances
Benefits clearly outweigh the risk (or vice versa)
2 weak recommendation (for or against)
Best action may differ depending on circumstances or patient values
Benefits and risks or burdens are closely balanced, or uncertain
High quality; evidence at low risk of bias, such as high quality randomized
trials showing consistent results directly applicable to the recommendation
Moderate quality; studies with methodological flaws, showing inconsistent or
indirect evidence
Low quality; case series or unsystematic clinical observations
How should clinically or incidentally discovered thyrotoxicosis be evaluated
and initially managed?
Assessment of disease severity
Biochemical evaluation
Determination of etiology
Symptomatic management
How should overt hyperthyroidism due to GD be managed?
If 131I therapy is chosen as treatment for GD, how should it be accomplished?
Preparation of patients with GD for 131I therapy
Administration of 131I in the treatment of GD
Patient follow-up after 131I therapy for GD
Treatment of persistent Graves hyperthyroidism following radioactive
iodine therapy
If antithyroid drugs are chosen as initial management of GD, how should the
therapy be managed?
Initiation of antithyroid drug therapy for the treatment of GD
Monitoring of patients taking antithyroid drugs
Management of allergic reactions
Duration of antithyroid drug therapy for GD
If thyroidectomy is chosen for treatment of GD, how should it be accomplished?
Preparation of patients with GD for thyroidectomy
The surgical procedure and choice of surgeon
Postoperative care
How should thyroid nodules be managed in patients with GD?
How should thyroid storm be managed?
How should overt hyperthyroidism due to TMNG or TA be treated?
If 131I therapy is chosen as treatment for TMNG or TA, how should it be accomplished?
Preparation of patients with TMNG or TA for 131I therapy
Evaluation of thyroid nodules prior to radioioactive iodine therapy
Administration of radioactive iodine in the treatment of TMNG or TA
Patient follow-up after 131I therapy for TMNG or TA
Treatment of persistent or recurrent hyperthyroidism following 131I therapy
for TMNG or TA
If surgery is chosen, as treatment for TMNG or TA, how should it be accomplished?
Preparation of patients with TMNG or TA for surgery
Table 2. (Continued)
Location key
GD, Graves disease; GO, Graves ophthalmopathy; SH, subclinical hyperthyroidism; TA, toxic adenoma; TMNG, toxic multinodular
goiter; TRAb, thyrotropin receptor antibody; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
(10,11). Although toxic nodular goiter is less common than
GD, its prevalence increases with age and in the presence of
iodine deficiency. Therefore, toxic nodular goiter may actually be more common than GD in older patients from regions
of iodine deficiency (12). Unlike toxic nodular goiter, which
is progressive (unless triggered by excessive iodine intake),
remission of GD has been reported in up to 30% of patients
without treatment (13).
The mechanism of hyperthyroidism in painless and subacute thyroiditis is inflammation of thyroid tissue with release
of preformed hormone into the circulation. Painless thyroiditis is the etiology of hyperthyroidism in about 10% of patients
(14), occurring in the postpartum period (postpartum thyroiditis) (15), during lithium (16), or cytokine (e.g., interferonalpha) (17) therapy, and in 510% of amiodarone-treated
patients (18). Subacute thyroiditis is thought to be caused
by viral infection and is characterized by fever and thyroid
pain (19).
Thyroid hormone influences almost every tissue and organ
system in the body. It increases tissue thermogenesis and
basal metabolic rate (BMR) and reduces serum cholesterol
levels and systemic vascular resistance. Some of the most
profound effects of increased thyroid hormone levels are
on the cardiovascular system (20). The complications of
untreated thyrotoxicosis include loss of weight, osteoporosis,
atrial fibrillation, embolic events, and even cardiovascular
collapse and death (21,22).
The cellular actions of thyroid hormone are mediated by
T3, the active form of thyroid hormone. T3 binds to nuclear
receptor proteins that function as transcription factors to
regulate the expression of many genes. Nongenomic actions
of thyroid hormone also regulate important physiologic parameters.
The signs and symptoms of overt and mild, or subclinical,
thyrotoxicosis are similar, but differ in magnitude. Overt
thyrotoxicosis, whether endogenous or exogenous, is characterized by excess thyroid hormones in serum and suppressed TSH (<0.01 mU/L). There are also measurable
changes in basal metabolic rate, cardiovascular hemodynamics, and psychiatric and neuropsychological function (23).
There is only moderate correlation between the elevation in
thyroid hormone concentration and clinical signs and symptoms. Symptoms and signs that result from increased adrenergic stimulation include tachycardia and anxiety and appear
to be more pronounced in younger patients and those with
larger goiters (24).
[B] How should clinically or incidentally
discovered thyrotoxicosis be evaluated
and initially managed?
[B1] Assessment of disease severity
The assessment of thyrotoxic manifestations, and especially potential cardiovascular and neuromuscular complications, is essential to formulating an appropriate treatment
plan. While it might be anticipated that the severity of
thyrotoxic symptoms is proportional to the elevation in the
serum levels of free T4 and T3 estimates, in one study of 25
patients with GD, the Hyperthyroid Symptom Scale did not
strongly correlate with free T4 or T3 estimates and was inversely correlated with age (24). The importance of age as a
determinant of the prevalence and severity of hyperthyroid
symptoms has been recently confirmed (25). Cardiac evaluation may be necessary, especially in the older patient, and
may require an echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, Holter
monitor, or myocardial perfusion studies. In addition to the
administration of beta-blockers (26), specific cardiovascular
treatment may be directed toward concomitant myocardial
ischemia, congestive heart failure, or atrial arrhythmias (20),
and anticoagulation may be necessary in patients in atrial
fibrillation (27). Goiter size, obstructive symptoms, and the
severity of Graves ophthalmopathy (GO; the inflammatory
disease that develops in the orbit in association with autoimmune thyroid disorders can be discordant with the degree
of hyperthyroidism or hyperthyroid symptoms.
All patients with known or suspected hyperthyroidism
should undergo a comprehensive history and physical
examination, including measurement of pulse rate, blood
pressure, respiratory rate, and body weight. In addition,
thyroid size; presence or absence of thyroid tenderness,
symmetry, and nodularity; pulmonary, cardiac, and neuromuscular function (23,26,28); and presence or absence of peripheral edema, eye signs, or pretibial myxedema should be
[B2] Biochemical evaluation
Serum TSH measurement has the highest sensitivity and
specificity of any single blood test used in the evaluation of
suspected hyperthyroidism and should be used as an initial
screening test (29). However, when hyperthyroidism is
strongly suspected, diagnostic accuracy improves when both
a serum TSH and free T4 are assessed at the time of the initial
evaluation. The relationship between free T4 and TSH (when
the pituitary-thyroid axis is intact) is an inverse log-linear
relationship; therefore, small changes in free T4 result in large
changes in serum TSH concentrations. Serum TSH levels are
considerably more sensitive than direct thyroid hormone
measurements for assessing thyroid hormone excess (30). In
overt hyperthyroidism, usually both serum free T4 and T3
estimates are elevated, and serum TSH is undetectable;
however, in milder hyperthyroidism, serum T4 and free T4
estimates can be normal, only serum T3 may be elevated, and
serum TSH will be <0.01 mU/L (or undectable). These laboratory findings have been called T3-toxicosis and may represent the earliest stages of disease or that caused by an
autonomously functioning thyroid nodule. As is the case with
T4, total T3 measurements are impacted by protein binding.
Assays for estimating free T3 are less widely validated than
those for free T4, and therefore measurement of total T3 is
frequently preferred in clinical practice. Subclincial hyperthyroidism is defined as a normal serum-free T4 estimate and
normal total T3 or free T3 estimate, with subnormal serum
TSH concentration. Laboratory protocols that automatically
add free T4 estimate and T3 measurements when screening
serum TSH concentrations are low avoid the need for subsequent blood draws.
In the absence of a TSH-producing pituitary adenoma or
thyroid hormone resistance, if the serum TSH is normal, the
patient is almost never hyperthyroid. The term euthyroid
hyperthyroxinemia has been used to describe a number of
entities, mostly thyroid hormone-binding protein disorders,
that cause elevated total serum T4 concentrations (and frequently elevated total serum T3 concentrations) in the absence
of hyperthyroidism (31). These conditions include elevations
in T4 binding globulin (TBG) or transthyretin (TTR) (32), the
presence of an abnormal albumin which binds T4 with high
capacity (familial hyperthyroxinemic dysalbuminia), a similarly abnormal TTR, and, rarely, immunoglobulins which
directly bind T4 or T3. TBG excess may occur as a hereditary Xlinked trait, or be acquired as a result of pregnancy or estrogen
administration, hepatitis, acute intermittent porphyuria, or
during treatment with 5-flourouracil, perphenazine, or some
narcotics. Other causes of euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia include those drugs that inhibit T4 to T3 conversion, such as
amiodarone (18) or high-dose propranolol (26), acute psychosis, extreme high altitude, and amphetamine abuse. Estimates of free thyroid hormone concentrations frequently also
give erroneous results in these disorders. Spurious free T4
elevations may occur in the setting of heparin therapy. When
free thyroid hormone concentrations are elevated and TSH is
normal or elevated, further evaluation is necessary.
After excluding euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia, TSHmediated hyperthyroidism should be considered. A pituitary
lesion on MRI and a disproportionately high serum level of
the alpha-subunit of the pituitary glycoprotein hormones
support the diagnosis of a TSH-producing pituitary adenoma
(33). A family history and positive result of genetic testing for
mutations in the T3-receptor support a diagnosis of thyroid
hormone resistance (34). Rare problems with TSH assays
caused by heterophilic antibodies can cause spuriously high
TSH values.
A radioactive iodine uptake should be performed when the
clinical presentation of thyrotoxicosis is not diagnostic of
GD; a thyroid scan should be added in the presence of
thyroid nodularity. 1/+00
partum period, often have a personal or family history of
autoimmune thyroid disease, and typically have low to
moderate concentrations of antithyroid peroxidase antibodies (38).
Thyroglobulin is released along with thyroid hormone
in subacute, painless, and palpation thyroiditis, whereas
its release is suppressed in the setting of exogenous thyroid hormone administration. Therefore, if not elucidated
by the history, factitious ingestion of thyroid hormone can
be distinguished from other causes of thyrotoxicosis by a
low serum thyroglobulin level and a near-zero RAIU (39).
In patients with antithyroglobulin antibodies, which interfere with thyroglobulin measurement, an alternative
but not widely available approach is measurement of fecal
T4 (40).
Technical remarks: Most TRAb assays are specific for GD,
but thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI) and firstgeneration thyrotropin-binding inhibitor immunoglobulin
(TBII) assays are less sensitive (41,42). For example, one
study found a second-generation TBII assay, which utilizes
human recombinant TSH receptors, to have a specificity of
99% and a sensitivity of 95% compared to a sensitivity of 68%
for a first-generation assay (43).
Beta-adrenergic blockade should be given to elderly patients with symptomatic thyrotoxicosis and to other thyrotoxic patients with resting heart rates in excess of 90 bpm
or coexistent cardiovascular disease. 1/++0
Beta-adrenergic blockade should be considered in all patients with symptomatic thyrotoxicosis. 1/+00
Table 4. Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Blockade in the Treatment of Thyrotoxicosis
1040 mg
25100 mg
2550 mg
40160 mg
Each of these drugs has been approved for treatment of cardiovascular diseases, but to date none has been approved for the treatment
of thyrotoxicosis.
Also available in once daily preparations.
T4, thyroxine.
Patients with overt Graves hyperthyroidism should be
treated with any of the following modalities: 131I therapy,
antithyroid medication, or thyroidectomy. 1/++0
Once it has been established that the patient is hyperthyroid and the cause is GD, the patient and physician must
choose between three effective and relatively safe initial treatment options: 131I therapy (radioactive iodine), antithyroid
drugs (ATD), or thyroidectomy (44). In the United States,
radioactive iodine has been the therapy most preferred by
physicians. In Europe and Japan, there has been a greater
physician preference for ATDs and/or surgery (45). The longterm quality of life (QoL) following treatment for GD was
found to be the same in patients randomly allocated to one of
the three treatment options (46).
Technical remarks: Once the diagnosis has been made, the
treating physician and patient should discuss each of the
treatment options, including the logistics, benefits, expected
speed of recovery, drawbacks, potential side effects, and cost.
This sets the stage for the physician to make recommendations based on best clinical judgment and allows the final
decision to incorporate the personal values and preferences of
the patient.
Factors that favor a particular modality as treatment for
Graves hyperthyroidism:
I: Females planning a pregnancy in the future (in
more than 46 months following radioiodine therapy,
provided thyroid hormone levels are normal), individuals with comorbidities increasing surgical risk, and
patients with previously operated or externally irradiated necks, or lack of access to a high-volume thyroid
surgeon or contraindications to ATD use.
b. ATDs: Patients with high likelihood of remission (patients, especially females, with mild disease, small goiters, and negative or low-titer TRAb); the elderly or
others with comorbidities increasing surgical risk or
with limited life expectancy; individuals in nursing
homes or other care facilities who may have limited
longevity and are unable to follow radiation safety
regulations; patients with previously operated or irradiated necks; patients with lack of access to a highvolume thyroid surgeon; and patients with moderate to
severe active GO.
c. Surgery: Symptomatic compression or large goiters
(80 g); relatively low uptake of radioactive iodine;
when thyroid malignancy is documented or suspected (e.g., suspicious or indeterminate cytology);
large nonfunctioning, photopenic, or hypofunctioning nodule; coexisting hyperparathyroidism requiring surgery; females planning a pregnancy in <46
months (i.e., before thyroid hormone levels would
be normal if radioactive iodine were chosen as
therapy), especially if TRAb levels are particularly
high; and patients with moderate to severe active
I therapy: Definite contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, coexisting thyroid cancer, or suspicion
of thyroid cancer, individuals unable to comply with
radiation safety guidelines and females planning a
pregnancy within 46 months.
b. ATDs: Definite contraindications to long-term ATD
therapy include previous known major adverse reactions to ATDs.
c. Surgery: Factors that may mitigate against the choice
of surgery include substantial comorbidity such as
cardiopulmonary disease, end-stage cancer, or other
I therapy
Patients with GD who are at increased risk for complications due to worsening of hyperthyroidism (i.e., those who
are extremely symptomatic or have free T4 estimates 23
times the upper limit of normal) should be treated with
beta-adrenergic blockade prior to radioactive iodine therapy. 1/+00
Pretreatment with methimazole prior to radioactive iodine
therapy for GD should be considered in patients who are at
increased risk for complications due to worsening of hyperthyroidism (i.e., those who are extremely symptomatic
or have free T4 estimate 23 times the upper limit of normal). 2/+00
Task force opinion was not unanimous; one person held the
opinion that pretreatment with methimazole is not necessary in
this setting.
Medical therapy of any comorbid conditions should be
optimized prior to administering radioactive iodine. 1/+00
[D2] Administration of
I in the treatment of GD
Sufficient radiation should be administered in a single dose
(typically 1015 mCi) to render the patient with GD hypothyroid. 1/++0
A pregnancy test should be obtained within 48 hours prior
to treatment in any female with childbearing potential
who is to be treated with radioactive iodine. The treating
physician should obtain this test and verify a negative result prior to administering radioactive iodine. 1/+00
The goal of 131I is to control hyperthyroidism by rendering
the patient hypothyroid; this treatment is very effective,
provided sufficient radiation is deposited in the thyroid. This
can be accomplished equally well by either administering a
fixed activity or by calculating the activity based on the size of
the thyroid and its ability to trap iodine (44). The first method
is simple, and there is evidence that 10 mCi (370 MBq) results
in hypothyroidism in 69% (representing cure) at 1 year (60)
and 15 mCi (450 MBq) results in hypothyroidism in 75% at 6
months (61). The second method requires three unknowns to
be determined: the uptake of radioactive iodine, the size of
the thyroid, and the quantity of radiation (mCi or Bq) to be
deposited per gram (or cc) of thyroid (e.g., activity
(mCi) gland weight (g)150 mCi/g[1/24 hour uptake on%
of dose]). The activity in mCi is converted to mCi by dividing
the result by 1000. The most frequently used uptake is calculated at 24 hours, and the size of the thyroid is determined
by palpation or ultrasound. One study found that this estimate by experienced physicians is accurate compared with
anatomic imaging (62); however, other investigators have not
confirmed this observation (63). There is wide variation in the
recommended quantity of 131I that should be deposited (i.e.,
between 50 and 200 mCi/g). Historically, activities at the low
end of the spectrum have led to a higher proportion of treatment failures (41).
Alternately, a more detailed calculation can be made to
deposit a specific number of radiation absorbed dose (rad) or
Gy to the thyroid. Using this approach, it is also necessary to
know the effective half-life of the 131I (44). This requires additional time and computation and, because the outcome is
not better, this method is seldom used in the United States.
Evidence shows that to achieve a hypothyroid state,
>150 mCi/g needs to be delivered (61,64,65). Patients who are
on dialysis or who have jejunostomy or gastric feeding tubes
require special care when being administered therapeutic
doses of radioiodine (66).
Propylthiouracil (PTU) treatment before 131I increases the
radioresistance of the thyroid (51,67). Whether MMI may
have the same effect is unclear (51). Use of higher activities of
I may offset the reduced effectiveness of 131I therapy following antithyroid medication (53,54). A special diet is not
required before radioactive iodine therapy, but excessive
amounts of iodine, including iodine-containing multivitamins, should be avoided for at least 7 days. A low-iodine diet
may be useful for those with relatively low RAIU to increase
the proportion of radioactive iodine trapped.
A long-term increase in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular deaths has been reported after 131I therapy, likely due to
the hyperthyroidism rather than the treatment (56). While this
study also found a small increase in cancer mortality, longterm studies of larger numbers of patients have not shown a
statistically significant increase in cancer deaths following this
treatment (6874). In some men, there is a modest fall in the
testosterone to luteinizing hormone (LH) ratio after 131I therapy that is subclinical and reversible (75). Conception should
be delayed for 46 months in women to assure stable euthyroidism (on thyroid hormone replacement following successful thyroid ablation) and 34 months in men to allow for
turnover of sperm production. However, once the patient
(both genders) is euthyroid, there is no evidence of reduced
fertility and offspring of treated patients show no congenital
anomalies compared to the population at large.
Technical remarks: Rendering the patient hypothyroid can
be accomplished equally well by administering either a sufficient fixed activity or calculating an activity based on the size
of the thyroid and its ability to trap iodine. Fetuses exposed to
I after the 10th to 11th week of gestation may be born
athyreotic (76,77) and are also at a theoretical increased risk
for reduced intelligence and/or cancer. In breast-feeding
women, radioactive iodine therapy should not be administered for at least 6 weeks after lactation stops to ensure that the
radioactivity will no longer be actively concentrated in the
breast tissues.
The physician administering the radioactive iodine should
provide written advice concerning radiation safety precautions following treatment. If the precautions cannot be
followed, alternative therapy should be selected. 1/+00
All national and regional radiation protection rules regarding radioactive iodine treatment should be followed (78).
In the United States, the treating physician must ensure and
document that no adult member of the public is exposed to
0.5 mSv (500 milli-roentgen equivalent in man [mrem]) when
the patient is discharged with a retained activity of 33 mCi
(1.22 GBq) or greater, or emits 7 mrem/h (70 mSv/h) at 1 m.
Technical remarks: Continuity of follow-up should be provided and can be facilitated by written communication between
the referring physician and the treating physician, including a
request for therapy from the former and a statement from the
latter that the treatment has been administered.
I therapy for GD
Follow-up within the first 12 months after radioactive
iodine therapy for GD should include an assessment of free
T4 and total T3. If the patient remains thyrotoxic, biochemical monitoring should be continued at 46 week intervals. 1/+00
should be alerted to stop the medication immediately and
call their physician when there are symptoms suggestive of
agranulocytosis or hepatic injury. 1/+00
When hyperthyroidism due to GD persists after 6 months
following 131I therapy, or if there is minimal response 3 months
after therapy, retreatment with 131I is suggested. 2/+00
Technical remarks: Response to radioactive iodine can be assessed by monitoring the size of the gland, thyroid function,
and clinical signs and symptoms. The goal of retreatment is to
control hyperthyroidism with certainty by rendering the patient hypothyroid. Patients who have persistent, suppressed
TSH with normal total T3 and free T4 estimates may not require
immediate retreatment but should be monitored closely for
either relapse or development of hypothyroidism. In the small
percentage of patients with hyperthyroidism refractory to
several applications of 131I, surgery could be considered (80).
[E] If antithyroid drugs are chosen as initial
management of GD, how should the therapy
be managed?
ATDs have been employed for six decades (81). The goal of
the therapy is to render the patient euthyroid as quickly and
safely as possible. These medications do not cure Graves
hyperthyroidism. However, when given in adequate doses,
they are very effective in controlling the hyperthyroidism;
when they fail to achieve euthyroidism, the usual cause is
nonadherence (82). The treatment might have a beneficial
immunosuppressive role, but the major effect is to reduce the
production of thyroid hormones and maintain a euthyroid
state while awaiting a spontaneous remission.
[E1] Initiation of antithyroid drug therapy for the treatment
of GD
Methimazole should be used in virtually every patient who
chooses antithyroid drug therapy for GD, except during the
first trimester of pregnancy when propylthiouracil is preferred, in the treatment of thyroid storm, and in patients
with minor reactions to methimazole who refuse radioactive iodine therapy or surgery. 1/++0
Patients should be informed of side effects of antithyroid
drugs and the necessity of informing the physician
promptly if they should develop pruritic rash, jaundice,
acolic stools or dark urine, arthralgias, abdominal pain,
nausea, fatigue, fever, or pharyngitis. Before starting antithyroid drugs and at each subsequent visit, the patient
Prior to initiating antithyroid drug therapy for GD, we
suggest that patients have a baseline complete blood count,
including white count with differential, and a liver profile
including bilirubin and transaminases. 2/+00
Technical remarks: Baseline blood tests to aid in the interpretation of future laboratory values should be considered
before initiating antithyroid drug therapy. This is suggested
in part because low white cell counts are common in patients
with autoimmune diseases and in African Americans, and
abnormal liver enzymes are frequently seen in patients
with thyrotoxicosis. In addition, a baseline absolute neutrophil count <500/mm3 or liver transaminase enzyme levels
elevated more than fivefold the upper limit of normal are
contraindications to initiating antithyroid drug therapy. It is
advisable to provide information concerning side effects of
ATDs to the patient both verbally and in writing to assure
their comprehension, and document that this has been done.
This information can be found on the UpToDate Web site (99).
[E2] Monitoring of patients taking antithyroid drugs
There is a need for periodic clinical and biochemical evaluation of thyroid status in patients taking ATDs, and it is
essential that the patient understand its importance. An assessment of serum free T4 should be obtained about 4 weeks
after initiation of therapy, and the dose of medication adjusted
accordingly. Serum T3 also may be monitored, since the estimated serum free T4 levels may normalize with persistent
elevation of serum T3. Appropriate monitoring intervals are
every 48 weeks until euthyroid levels are achieved with the
minimal dose of medication. Once the patient is euthyroid,
biochemical testing and clinical evaluation can be undertaken
at intervals of 23 months. An assessment of serum free T4 and
TSH are required before treatment and at intervals after
starting the treatment. Serum TSH may remain suppressed for
several months after starting therapy and is therefore not a
good parameter to monitor therapy early in the course.
It is difficult to distinguish these abnormalities from the effect
of persistent thyrotoxicosis unless they are followed prospectively. In patients with improving thyrotoxicosis, a rising alkaline phosphatase with normalization of other liver function
does not indicate worsening hepatic toxicity. The onset of PTUinduced hepatotoxicity may be acute, difficult to appreciate
clinically, and rapidly progressive. If not recognized, it can lead
to liver failure and death (92,103105). Routine monitoring of
liver function in all patients taking antithyroid medication has
not been found to prevent severe hepatotoxicity.
Technical remarks: PTU should be discontinued if transaminase levels (either elevated at onset of therapy, found
incidentally or measured as clinically indicated) reach 23
times the upper limit of normal and fail to improve within 1
week with repeat testing. After discontinuing the drug, liver
function tests should be monitored weekly until there is
evidence of resolution. If resolution is not evident, prompt
referral to a gastroenterologist or hepatologist is warranted.
Except in cases of severe PTU-induced hepatotoxicity, MMI
can be used to control the thyrotoxicosis without ill effect
A differential white blood cell count should be obtained
during febrile illness and at the onset of pharyngitis in all
patients taking antithyroid medication. Routine monitoring of white blood counts is not recommended. 1/+00
Liver function and hepatocellular integrity should be assessed in patients taking propylthiouracil who experience
pruritic rash, jaundice, light-colored stool or dark urine,
joint pain, abdominal pain or bloating, anorexia, nausea, or
fatigue. 1/+00
Minor cutaneous reactions may be managed with concurrent antihistamine therapy without stopping the antithyroid drug. Persistent minor side effects of antithyroid
medication should be managed by cessation of the medication and changing to radioactive iodine or surgery, or
switching to the other antithyroid drug when radioactive
iodine or surgery are not options. In the case of a serious
allergic reaction, prescribing the alternative drug is not
recommended. 1/+00
If methimazole is chosen as the primary therapy for GD, the
medication should be continued for approximately 1218
months, then tapered or discontinued if the TSH is normal
at that time. 1/+++
Measurement of TRAb levels prior to stopping antithyroid
drug therapy is suggested, as it aids in predicting which
patients can be weaned from the medication, with normal
levels indicating greater chance for remission. 2/+00
If a patient with GD becomes hyperthyroid after completing a course of methimazole, consideration should be given
to treatment with radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy.
Low-dose methimazole treatment for longer than 1218
months may be considered in patients not in remission who
prefer this approach. 2/+00
12 drops (0.050.1 mL) SSKI (50 mg iodide/drop) three times
daily mixed in water or juice for 10 days before surgery.
[F2] The surgical procedure and choice of surgeon
Thyroidectomy has a high cure rate for the hyperthyroidism of GD. Total thyroidectomy has a nearly 0% risk of recurrence, whereas subtotal thyroidectomy may have an 8%
chance of persistence or recurrence of hyperthyroidism at 5
years (121).
The most common complications following near-total or
total thyroidectomy are hypocalcemia (which can be transient
or permanent), recurrent or superior laryngeal nerve injury
(which can be temporary or permanent), postoperative
bleeding, and complications related to general anesthesia.
Whenever possible, patients with GD undergoing thyroidectomy should be rendered euthyroid with methimazole. Potassium iodide should be given in the immediate
preoperative period. 1/+00
In exceptional circumstances, when it is not possible to render a patient with GD euthyroid prior to thyroidectomy, the
need for thyroidectomy is urgent, or when the patient is allergic to antithyroid medication, the patient should be adequately treated with beta-blockade and potassium iodide in
the immediate preoperative period. The surgeon and anesthesiologist should have experience in this situation. 1/+00
If surgery is chosen as the primary therapy for GD, near-total
or total thyroidectomy is the procedure of choice. 1/++0
If surgery is chosen as the primary therapy for GD, the
patient should be referred to a high-volume thyroid surgeon. 1/++0
Improved patient outcome has been shown to be independently associated with high thyroidectomy surgeon volume; specifically, complication rate, length of hospital stay,
and cost are reduced when the operation is performed by a
surgeon who conducts many thyroidectomies. A significant
association is seen between increasing thyroidectomy volume
and improved patient outcome; the association is robust and
is more pronounced with an increasing number of thyroidectomies (122,123).
The surgeon should be thoroughly trained in the procedure, have an active practice in thyroid surgery, and have
conducted a significant number of thyroidectomies with a low
frequency of complications. There is a robust, statistically
significant association between increasing surgeon volume
and superior patient outcomes for thyroidectomy. Data show
that surgeons who perform more than 30 thyroid surgeries
per year have superior patient clinical and economic outcomes compared to those who perform fewer, and surgeons
who perform at least 100 per year have still better outcomes
(46,123). Following thyroidectomy for GD in the hands of
high-volume thyroid surgeons, the rate of permanent hypocalcemia has been determined to be <2%, and permanent
recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury occurs in <1% (124).
The frequency of bleeding necessitating reoperation is 0.3%
0.7% (125). Mortality following thyroidectomy is between 1 in
10,000 and 5 in 1,000,000 (126).
[F3] Postoperative care
Following thyroidectomy for GD, we suggest that serum
calcium or intact parathyroid hormone levels be measured,
and that oral calcium and calcitriol supplementation be
administered based on these results. 2/+00
Successful prediction of calcium status after total thyroidectomy can be achieved using the slope of 6- and 12-hour
postoperative calcium levels or the postoperative intact
parathyroid hormone (iPTH) level (127132). Patients can be
discharged if they are asymptomatic and their serum calcium
levels are 7.8 mg/dL (1.95 mmol/L) or above and are not
falling (133). The use of ionized calcium measurements (or
serum calcium corrected for albumin level) are preferred by
some, and are essential if the patient has abnormal levels of
serum proteins. Low iPTH levels (<1015 pg/mL) in the immediate postoperative setting appear to predict symptomatic
hypocalcemia and need for calcium and calcitriol (1,25 vitamin D) supplementation (134,135).
Postoperative routine supplementation with oral calcium and calcitriol decreases development of hypocalcemic
symptoms and intravenous calcium requirement, allowing
for safer early discharge (136). Intravenous calcium gluconate
should be readily available and may be administered if patients have worsening hypocalcemic symptoms despite oral
supplementation and/or their concomitant serum calcium
levels are falling despite oral repletion. Persistent hypocalcemia in the postoperative period should prompt measurement
of serum magnesium and possible magnesium repletion
(137,138). Following discharge, serum iPTH levels should be
measured in the setting of persistent hypocalcemia to determine if permanent hypoparathyroidism is truly present or
whether bone hunger is ongoing. If the level of circulating
iPTH is appropriate for the level of serum calcium, calcium
and calcitriol therapy can be tapered.
Technical remarks: Prophylactic calcium supplementation
can be accomplished with oral calcium (usually calcium carbonate, 12502500 mg) four times daily, tapered by 500 mg
every 2 days, or 1000 mg every 4 days as tolerated. In addition, calcitriol may be started at a dose of 0.5 mcg daily
and continued for 12 weeks (133) and increased or tapered
according to the calcium and/or iPTH level. Patients can be
discharged if they are asymptomatic and have stable serum
calcium levels. Postoperative evaluation is generally conducted 12 weeks following dismissal with continuation of
supplementation based on clinical parameters.
Antithyroid drugs should be stopped at the time of thyroidectomy for GD, and beta-adrenergic blockers should be
weaned following surgery. 1/+00
Following thyroidectomy for GD, L-thyroxine should be
started at a daily dose appropriate for the patients weight
(0.8 mg/lb or 1.7 mg/kg), and serum TSH measured 68
weeks postoperatively. 1/+00
If a thyroid nodule is discovered in a patient with GD, the
nodule should be evaluated and managed according to
recently published guidelines regarding thyroid nodules in
euthyroid individuals. 1/++0
Thyroid cancer occurs in GD with a frequency of 2% or less
(139). Thyroid nodules larger than 11.5 cm should be evaluated before radioactive iodine therapy. If a radioactive
iodine scan is performed, any nonfunctioning or hypofunctioning nodules should be considered for fine needle aspiration (FNA), as these may have a higher probability of
being malignant (46). If the cytopathology is indeterminate
(suspicious) or is diagnostic of malignancy, surgery is advised
after normalization of thyroid function with ATDs. Diseasefree survival at 20 years is reported to be 99% after thyroidectomy for GD in patients with small (1 cm) coexisting
thyroid cancers (140).
The use of thyroid ultrasonography in all patients with GD
has been shown to identify more nodules and cancer than does
palpation and 123I scintigraphy. However, since most of these
cancers are papillary microcarcinomas with minimal clinical
impact, further study is required before routine ultrasound
(and therefore surgery) can be recommended (141,142).
Technical remarks: Both the ATA and AACE, the latter in
conjunction with the European Thyroid Association and Associazione Medici Endocrinologi, have recently published
updated management guidelines for patients with thyroid
nodules (143,144).
A multimodality treatment approach to patients with
thyroid storm should be used, including beta-adrenergic
blockade, antithyroid drug therapy, inorganic iodide, corticosteroid therapy, aggressive cooling with acetaminophen
and cooling blankets, volume resuscitation, respiratory
support and monitoring in an intensive care unit. 1/+00
Thermoregulatory dysfunction
Temperature (8F)
Tachycardia (beats per minute)
Atrial fibrillation
Congestive heart failure
Scores totaled
> 45
< 25
Gastrointestinal-hepatic dysfunction
Moderate (diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting)
Severe (jaundice)
Precipitant history
Thyroid storm
Impending storm
Storm unlikely
roid medication, results in rapid control of Graves hyperthyroidism, and can aid in severely thyrotoxic patients (146). Unfortunately, the oral radiographic contrast agents ipodate and
iopanoic acid are not currently available in many countries.
[I] How should overt hyperthyroidism
due to TMNG or TA be managed?
We suggest that patients with overtly TMNG or TA
be treated with either 131I therapy or thyroidectomy. On
Blocks new hormone synthesis
Blocks T4-to-T3 conversion
Blocks new hormone synthesis
Consider invasive monitoring in congestive heart
failure patients
Blocks T4-to-T3 conversion in high doses
Alternate drug: esmolol infusion
Do not start until 1 hour after antithyroid drugs
Blocks new hormone synthesis
Blocks thyroid hormone release
May block T4-to-T3 conversion
Prophylaxis against relative adrenal insufficiency
Alternative drug: dexamethasone
thyroidectomy (147,148), compared with a 20% risk of the
need for retreatment following 131I therapy (147,149). Euthyroidism without the need for antithyroid drug therapy is
achieved within days after surgery (147,148); after radioactive
iodine, the response is 50%60% by 3 months, and 80% by 6
months (147,149). On the other hand, the risk of hypothyroidism
and the requirement for exogenous thyroid hormone therapy
is 100% after near-total/total thyroidectomy. In a large study
of patients with TMNG treated with 131I, the prevalence of
hypothyroidism was 3% at 1 year and 64% at 24 years (150).
Hypothyroidism was more common among patients under 50
years of age (61% after 16 years), compared with those over 70
years (36% after 16 years).
For patients with TA, the risk of treatment failure is <1%
after surgical resection (ipsilateral thyroid lobectomy or
isthmusectomy) (151), whereas following 131I there is a
6%18% risk of persistent hyperthyroidism and a 5.5% risk
of recurrent hyperthyroidism (152). Typically, euthyroidism without the need for antithyroid drug therapy is
achieved within days after surgery. There is a 75% response rate by 3 months following 131I therapy for TA
(152). The prevalence of hypothyroidism is 2.3% following
lobectomy for TA (151,153), and lower after isthmusectomy in the unique circumstance where the TA is confined to the thyroid isthmus. In contrast, the prevalence of
hypothyroidism after radioactive iodine is progressive and
hastened by the presence of antithyroid antibodies or a
nonsuppressed TSH at the time of treatment (152,154,155).
A study following 684 patients with TA treated with 131I
reported a progressive increase in overt and subclinical
hypothyroidism (154). At 1 year, the investigators noted a
7.6% prevalence, with 28% at 5 years, 46% at 10 years, and
60% at 20 years. They observed a faster progression to
hypothyroidism among patients who were older and who
had incomplete TSH suppression (correlating with only
partial extranodular parenchymal suppression) due to
prior therapy with ATDs.
In large retrospective series of patients with TMNG presenting with compressive symptoms, all patients undergoing total thyroidectomy had resolution of these symptoms
after treatment, whereas only 46% of patients undergoing
radioactive iodine had improvement in such symptoms
(156). This may be due in part to the fact that very large
goiters treated with high-activity radioactive iodine only
decrease in size by 30%50% (157). The nodule is rarely
eradicated in patients with TA undergoing 131I therapy,
which can lead to the need for continued surveillance
Potential complications following near-total/total thyroidectomy include the risk of permanent hypoparathyroidism (<2.0%) or RLN injury (<2.0%) (158,159). There is a small
risk of permanent RLN injury with surgery for TA (151).
Following 131I therapy, there have been reports of new-onset
GD (up to 4% prevalence) (160), as well as concern for thyroid
malignancy (68) and a very minimal increase in late nonthyroid malignancy (161).
Technical remarks: Once the diagnosis has been made, the
treating physician and patient should discuss each of the
treatment options, including the logistics, benefits, expected
speed of recovery, drawbacks, side effects, and costs. This
sets the stage for the physician to make a recommendation
based upon best clinical judgment and for the final decision
to incorporate the personal values and preferences of the
Factors that favor a particular modality as treatment for
Patients with TMNG or TA who are at increased risk for
complications due to worsening of hyperthyroidism, including the elderly and those with cardiovascular disease
or severe hyperthyroidism, should be treated with betablockade prior to radioactive iodine therapy and until euthyroidism has been achieved. 1/+00
Pretreatment with methimazole prior to radioactive iodine
therapy for TMNG or TA should be considered in patients
who are at increased risk for complications due to worsening of hyperthyroidism, including the elderly and those
with cardiovascular disease or severe hyperthyroidism.
Task force opinion was not unanimous; one member held the
opinion that pretreatment with methimazole in patients already
treated with beta adrenergic blockade is not indicated in this
The minority position regarding the above recommendation held that pretreating TMNG patients with MMI before radioactive iodine therapy is not necessary and delays
the time to definitive treatment and cure. Beta-blockade alone
was thought to be sufficient to prevent the majority of adverse
events related to worsening of chemical hyperthyroidism that
can occur following 131I treatment for TMNG. Young and
middle-aged patients with TMNG or TA generally do not
require pretreatment with ATDs (MMI) before receiving radioactive iodine, but may benefit from beta-blockade if
symptoms warrant and contraindications do not exist.
Technical remarks: If methimazole is used in preparation for radioactive iodine therapy in patients with
TMNG or TA, caution should be taken to avoid radioiodine therapy when the TSH is normal or elevated to
prevent direct 131I treatment of perinodular and contralateral normal thyroid tissue, which increases the risk of
developing hypothyroidism.
[J2] Evaluation of thyroid nodules before radioactive
iodine therapy
Nonfunctioning nodules on radionuclide scintigraphy or
nodules with suspicious ultrasound characteristics should
be managed according to recently published guidelines
regarding thyroid nodules in euthyroid individuals. 1/++0
For radioactive iodine treatment of TMNG, sufficient radiation should be administered in a single dose to alleviate
hyperthyroidism. 1/++0
For radioactive iodine treatment of TA, sufficient radiation
to alleviate hyperthyroidism should be administered in a
single dose. 1/++0
Follow-up within the first 12 months after radioactive
iodine therapy for TMNG or TA should include an assessment of free T4, total T3 and TSH. This should be repeated at 12 month intervals until stable results are
obtained, then at least annually thereafter according to
clinical indication. 1/+00
If hyperthyroidism persists beyond 6 months following 131I
therapy for TMNG or TA, retreatment with radioactive
iodine is suggested. 2/+00
If surgery is chosen as treatment for TMNG or TA, patients
with overt hyperthyroidism should be rendered euthyroid
prior to the procedure with methimazole pretreatment (in
the absence of allergy to the medication), with or without
beta-adrenergic blockade. Preoperative iodine should not
be used in this setting. 1/+00
Risks of surgery are increased in the presence of thyrotoxicosis. Thyrotoxic crisis during or after the operation can result in extreme hypermetabolism, hyperthermia, tachycardia,
hypertension, coma, or death. Therefore, prevention with
careful preparation of the patient is of paramount importance
(170,171). The literature reports a very low risk of anesthesiarelated mortality associated with thyroidectomy (151,172). In
patients who wish to avoid general anesthesia, or who have
significant comorbidities, this risk can be lowered further
when cervical block anesthesia with sedation is employed by
thyroid surgeons and anesthesiologists experienced in this
approach (173). However, this technique is not widely available in the U.S. Preoperative iodine therapy is not indicated
due to risk of exacerbating the hyperthyroidism (174).
[K2] The surgical procedure and choice of surgeon
If surgery is chosen as treatment for TMNG, near- total or
total thyroidectomy should be performed. 1/++0
Surgery for TMNG should be performed by a high-volume
thyroid surgeon. 1/++0
If surgery is chosen as the treatment for TA, an ipsilateral
thyroid lobectomy, or isthmusectomy if the adenoma is in
the thyroid isthmus, should be performed. 1/++0
A preoperative thyroid ultrasound is useful, as it will detect the presence of contralateral nodularity that is suspicious
in appearance or that will necessitate future surveillance,
both circumstances in which a total thyroidectomy may be
more appropriate. Lobectomy removes the TA while leaving
normal thyroid tissue, allowing residual normal thyroid
function in the majority of patients. One large clinical series
for TA demonstrated no surgical deaths and low complication rates (151). Patients with positive antithyroid antibodies
preoperatively have a higher risk of postoperative hypothyroidism (166).
Technical remarks: The management of hypocalcemia following thyroidectomy for TMNG is essentially the same as
that described in section F3 for postoperative management
in GD. Severe or prolonged preoperative hyperthyroidism,
and larger size and greater vascularity of the goiter (more
typically seen in GD) increases the risks of postoperative
Methimazole should be stopped at the time of surgery for
TMNG or TA. Beta-adrenergic blockade should be slowly
discontinued following surgery. 1/+00
Following surgery for TMNG, thyroid hormone replacement should be started at a dose appropriate for the
patients weight (0.8 mcg/lb or 1.7 mcg/kg) and age, with
elderly patients needing somewhat less. TSH should be
measured every 12 months until stable, and then annually. 1/+00
We suggest that surgery for TA be performed by a highvolume surgeon. 2/++0
While surgeon experience in the setting of TA is of somewhat less importance than in TMNG, it remains a factor to
consider in deciding between surgery and radioactive iodine.
High-volume thyroid surgeons tend to have better outcomes
following lobectomy than low-volume surgeons, but the differences are not statistically significant (122).
Following thyroidectomy for TMNG, we suggest that
serum calcium or intact parathyroid hormone levels be
measured, and that oral calcium and calcitriol supplementation be administered based on these results. 2/+00
Following surgery for TA, TSH and estimated free T4 levels
should be obtained 46 weeks after surgery, and thyroid
hormone supplementation started if there is a persistent
rise in TSH above the normal range. 1/+00
Radioactive iodine therapy should be used for retreatment
of persistent or recurrent hyperthyroidism following inadequate surgery for TMNG or TA. 1/+00
with limited longevity and increased surgical risk, including
residents of nursing homes or other care facilities where
compliance with radiation safety regulations may be difficult.
We suggest that long-term methimazole treatment of
TMNG or TA be avoided, except in some elderly or otherwise ill patients with limited longevity who are able to
be monitored regularly, and in patients who prefer this
option. 2/+00
Technical remarks: Because long-term, low-dose ATD treatment in nodular hyperthyroidism can be difficult to regulate,
frequent (every 3 months) monitoring is recommended,
especially in the elderly (183).
[M] Is there a role for radiofrequency, thermal,
or alcohol ablation in the management
of TA or TMNG?
Alternative techniques have been employed for the ablation
of hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules; these include percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) under sonographic guidance, as
well as thermal and radiofrequency ablation. Data supporting
the safety and efficacy of such techniques come largely from
outside the United States (184186). Long-term follow-up exists
to 5 years, showing that PEI is effective and safe. In a large
series of 125 patients, Tarantino et al. demonstrated an overall
cure rate (absent uptake in the nodule) of 93%, and a major
complication rate of 3% (184). These included transient laryngeal nerve damage, abscess, and hematoma. All patients remained euthyroid (low/normal TSH and normal free T3 and
free T4 estimates) during follow-up. The average reduction in
the volume of nodules after PEI was 66%. Given the relative
lack of experience with these alternative techniques, 131I therapy and surgery remain the mainstay of treatment. PEI or alternative treatments should be employed only in the very rare
situation when standard therapies have failed, or are contraindicated or refused.
[N] How should GD be managed in children
and adolescents?
[N1] General approach
Children with GD should be treated with methimazole, 131I
therapy, or thyroidectomy. 131I therapy should be avoided
in very young children (<5 years). 131I therapy in patients
between 5 and 10 years of age is acceptable if the calculated
I administered activity is <10 mCi. 131I therapy in patients older than 10 years of age is acceptable if the activity
is >150 mCi/g of thyroid tissue. Thyroidectomy should be
chosen when definitive therapy is required, the child is too
young for 131I, and surgery can be performed by a highvolume thyroid surgeon. 1/++0
The treatment of pediatric patients with GD varies considerably among institutions and practitioners. It is important
to recognize that lasting remission after ATD therapy occurs
in only a small minority of pediatric patients with GD,
including children treated with ATDs for many years. In
determining the initial treatment approach, the patients
age, clinical status, and likelihood of remission should be
Because some children will go into remission, MMI therapy
for 12 years is still considered first-line treatment for most
children. However, the majority of pediatric patients with GD
will eventually require either radioactive iodine or surgery.
When ATDs are used in children, only MMI should be used,
except in exceptional circumstances. If clinical characteristics
suggest a low chance of remission at initial presentation,
MMI, 131I, or surgery may be considered initially. If remission
is not achieved after a course of therapy with ATDs, 131I or
surgery should be considered. Alternatively, MMI therapy
may be continued until the child is considered old enough for
surgery or radioactive iodine.
Properly administered, radioactive iodine is an effective
treatment for GD in the pediatric population (187189). 131I
is widely used in children, but still viewed as controversial
by some practitioners owing primarily to concern over
cancer risks (190). Although there are sparse clinical data
relating to radioactive iodine use in children with GD and
subsequent thyroid cancer (191), it is known that risks of
thyroid cancer after external irradiation are highest in children <5 years of age, and they decline with advancing age
(192,193); see discussion of 131I therapy and cancer risk in
[P3] below. In comparison, activities of radioactive iodine
used with contemporary therapy are not known to be associated with an increased risk of thyroid neoplasm in
Thyroidectomy is an effective treatment for GD, but is associated with a higher complication rate in children than
adults (194,195). Thyroidectomy should be performed in
those children who are too young for radioactive iodine,
provided that surgery can be performed by a high-volume
thyroid surgeon, preferably with experience in conducting
thyroidectomies in children.
Technical remarks: There may be circumstances in which 131I
therapy is indicated in very young children, such as when a
child has developed a reaction to ATDs, proper surgical expertise is not available, or the patient is not a suitable surgical
[O] If antithyroid drugs are chosen as initial
management of GD in children, how should
the therapy be managed?
[O1] Initiation of antithyroid drug therapy for the treatment
of GD in children
Methimazole should be used in virtually every child who is
treated with antithyroid drug therapy. 1/++0
Pediatric patients and their caretakers should be informed
of side effects of antithyroid drugs and the necessity of
stopping the medication immediately and informing their
physician if they develop pruritic rash, jaundice, acolic
stools or dark urine, arthralgias, abdominal pain, nausea,
fatigue, fever, or pharyngitis. 1/+00
Prior to initiating antithyroid drug therapy, we suggest that
pediatric patients have, as a baseline, complete blood cell
count, including white blood cell count with differential,
and a liver profile including bilirubin, transaminases, and
alkaline phosphatase. 2/+00
Technical remarks following Recommendation 15 for a discussion
regarding the utility of obtaining complete blood count and liver
profile before initiating methimazole therapy.
[O2] Symptomatic management of Graves hyperthyroidism in children
In children in whom the diagnosis of Graves hyperthyroidism is strongly suspected or confirmed, and who are
showing significant symptoms, including, but not limited to,
tachycardia, muscle weakness, tremor, or neuropsychological
changes, treatment with atenolol, propranolol, or metoprolol
leads to a decrease in heart rate and symptoms of GD. In those
with reactive airway disease, cardioselective beta-blockers
can be used (211), with the patient monitored for exacerbation
of asthma.
[O3] Monitoring of children taking methimazole
After initiation of MMI therapy, thyroid function tests
(estimated free T4, total T3, TSH) are obtained monthly at first,
and then every 24 months. Depending on the severity of
hyperthyroidism, it can take several months for elevated
thyroid hormone levels to fall into the normal range on ATDs.
PTU is associated with an unacceptable risk of hepatotoxicity in children, with a risk of liver failure of 1 in 20004000
children taking the medication (208210). PTU can cause
fulminant hepatic necrosis that may be fatal; liver transplantation has been necessary in some patients taking PTU (91). It
is for this reason that the FDA recently issued a safety alert
regarding the use of PTU, noting that 32 (22 adult and 10
pediatric) cases of serious liver injury have been associated
with PTU use (92,93).
Because PTU-induced liver injury is of rapid onset and
can be rapidly progressive, biochemical monitoring of liver
function tests and transaminase levels is not expected to be
useful in managing the hepatotoxicity risk in a PTU-treated
patient (210). However, when neither prompt surgery nor
I therapy are options, and ATD therapy is necessary in a
patient who has developed a minor toxic reaction to MMI,
a short course of PTU use can be considered. When surgery
is the planned therapy and MMI cannot be administered, if
the patient is not too thyrotoxic (and the hyperthyroidism
is due to GD), the hyperthyroid state can be controlled
before surgery with beta blockade and SSKI (50 mg iodide/
drop) 37 drops (0.150.35 mL) by mouth, given three times
a day for 10 days before surgery). Alternatively, if the
surgery cannot be performed within a few weeks, a short
course of PTU may be administered with the child closely
Technical remarks: It is advisable to provide information
concerning side effects of ATDs to the patient in writing. This
information can be found on the UpToDate Web site (99). See
Beta adrenergic blockade is recommended for children
experiencing symptoms of hyperthyroidism, especially
those with heart rates in excess of 100 beats per minute.
Antithyroid medication should be stopped immediately, and
white blood counts measured in children who develop fever,
arthralgias, mouth sores, pharyngitis, or malaise. 1/+00
[O4] Monitoring of children taking propylthiouracil
When propylthiouracil is used in children, the medication
should be stopped immediately and liver function and
hepatocellular integrity assessed in children who experience anorexia, pruritis, rash, jaundice, light-colored stool or
dark urine, joint pain, right upper quadrant pain or abdominal bloating, nausea, or malaise. 1/+00
Technical remarks: PTU should be discontinued if transaminase levels (obtained in symptomatic patients or found incidentally) reach 23 times the upper limit of normal and fail
to improve within a week with repeat testing. After discontinuing the drug, liver function tests (i.e., bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, and transaminases) should be monitored
weekly until there is evidence of resolution. If there is no evidence of resolution, referral to a gastroenterologist or hepatologist is warranted.
Persistent minor cutaneous reactions to methimazole
therapy in children should be managed by concurrent
antihistamine treatment or cessation of the medication and
changing to therapy with radioactive iodine or surgery. In
the case of a serious allergic reaction to an antithyroid
medication, prescribing the other antithyroid drug is not
recommended. 1/+00
If children develop serious allergic reactions to MMI, radioactive iodine or surgery should be considered because
the risks of PTU are viewed to be greater than the risks of
radioactive iodine or surgery. PTU may be considered for
short-term therapy in this setting to control hyperthyroidism
in preparation for surgery.
[O6] Duration of methimazole therapy in children with GD
If methimazole is chosen as the first-line treatment for GD
in children, it should be administered for 12 years and
then discontinued, or the dose reduced, to assess whether
the patient is in remission. 1/++0
above normal on therapy, or FT4 estimates are substantially
elevated at diagnosis (>4 ng/dL; 50 pmol/L) (214). One prospective study suggested that likelihood of remission could
best be predicted by the initial response to antithyroid medication, with achievement of euthyroid state within 3 months,
suggesting higher likelihood. Younger children and those
with high initial thyroid hormone levels were also found to be
less likely to achieve remission within 2 years in the prospective study (214).
Remission rates in children treated with ATDs for longer
than 2 years have been reported. Although two decades ago
it was suggested that 25% of children with GD go into remission with every 2 years of continued treatment (220),
other studies of larger cohorts of pediatric patients with GD
treated with ATDs for extended periods have not revealed
similar remission rates (213,216,221). Of 120 pediatric patients treated with ATDs at one center, after 1 year of therapy
with ATDs, 25% were in remission; after 2 years, 26%; after 4
years, 37%; and after 410 years, 15%. Importantly, 30% of
the children who went into remission eventually relapsed
(213). In another large cohort of 184 medically treated children, after 1 year of therapy with ATDs, 10% were in remission; after 2 years, 14%; after 3 years, 20%; and after 4
years, 23% (221).
Data also suggest that there are age-related differences in
responsiveness to ATDs. In one study that compared outcomes of 32 prepubertal and 68 pubertal children, remission
occurred in only 17% of prepubertal children treated 5.9 2.8
years, compared with 30% of pubertal individuals treated
2.8 1.1 years (219). In another report, the course of GD was
compared in 7 prepubertal, 21 pubertal, and 12 postpubertal
children (216). Remission was achieved in 10 patients (28%)
with similar rates among the three groups, whereas the time
to remission tended to be longer in the small proportion of
prepubertal children (median age, 6 years) (216).
Persistence of GD in children is correlated with the persistence of TRAbs. A recent study found that TRAb levels
normalized after 24 months in only 18% of pediatric patients on ATDs (204). There were no data showing that
there was normalization of TRAb levels when patients were
on ATDs for a longer time. Therefore, it appears that TRAb
levels persist longer in children than in adults (204).
Whereas monitoring of TRAb levels while on ATDs has
been shown to be useful in adult patients for predicting the
likelihood of remission or relapse of GD after stopping the
medication (222), this approach has yet to be validated in
Pediatric patients with GD who are not in remission
following 12 years of methimazole therapy should be
considered for treatment with radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy. 1/+00
We suggest that children with GD having total T4 levels of
>20 ug/dL (260 nmol/L) or free T4 estimates >5 ng/dL
(60 pmol/L) who are to receive radioactive iodine therapy
be pretreated with methimazole and beta-adrenergic
blockade until total T4 and/or free T4 estimates normalize
before proceeding with radioactive iodine. 2/+00
Although the frequency of short-term worsening of hyperthyroidism following pretreatment with ATD therapy is
not known, there are rare reports of pediatric patients with
severe hyperthyroidism who have developed thyroid storm
after receiving 131I (223).
Technical remarks: When children receiving MMI are to be
treated with 131I, the medication is stopped 35 days before
treatment (224). At that time, patients are placed on betablockers, which they continue to take until total T4 and/or free
T4 estimate levels normalize following radioactive iodine
therapy. Although some physicians restart ATDs after treatment with 131I (225), this practice is seldom required in children (188,189,224,226). Thyroid hormone levels in children
begin to fall within the first week following radioactive iodine
therapy. ATDs can complicate assessment of post-treatment
hypothyroidism, since it could be the result of the MMI rather
than the 131I therapy.
[P2] Administration of
in children
I in the treatment of GD
If 131I therapy is chosen as treatment for GD in children,
sufficient 131I should be administered in a single dose to
render the patient hypothyroid. 1/++0
The goal of 131I therapy for GD is to induce hypothyroidism, rather than euthyroidism, as lower administered
activities of 131I result in residual, partially irradiated thyroid tissue that is at increased risk for thyroid neoplasm
development (69,227). Because of an increased risk of
thyroid nodules and cancer associated with low-level thyroid irradiation in children (192194,228,229), and poor
remission rates with low-administered activities of 131I
(61,64,65,188), it is important that larger (>150 mCi of 131I
per gram of thyroid tissue) rather than smaller activities of
I be administered to achieve hypothyroidism (230). With
large glands (5080 g), higher administered activities of 131I
(200300 mCi of 131I per gram) may be needed (224). The
administered activity of 131I to patients with very large
goiters is high, and there is a tendency to underestimate the
size of the gland (and thereby administer insufficient ra-
I therapy in children
Table 7. Theoretical Projections of Cancer Incidence or Cancer Mortality Related to
for Hyperthyroidism as Related to Age
I Therapy
Relative lifetime
cancer risk
for 15 mCi 131Ia
Using a gross average of dying from a spontaneous cancer of 25% data analysis by Dr. Patrick Zanzonico, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center (New York, NY).
rates also were not seen in 6000 children who received 131I for
the purpose of diagnostic scanning (238).
There is no evidence to suggest that children or adults treated
for GD with more than 150 mCi of 131I per gram of thyroid tissue
have an increased risk of thyroid cancer directly attributable to
the radioactive iodine. While there are several studies of this
issue in adults treated with radioactive iodine for GD (see section D2), few studies have focused on populations exposed to
I for the treatment of GD in childhood or adolescence.
In one study, an analysis was carried out of 602 individuals
exposed to 131I below 20 years of age in Swedish and U.S.
populations (239). The average follow-up period was 10 years,
and the mean administered activity of radioactive iodine to
the thyroid was 88 Gy (approximately 80 mCi/g equivalent),
an activity known to be associated with thyroid neoplasia and
below that recommended for treatment of GD. Two cases of
thyroid cancer were reported compared to 0.1 cases expected
over that period of time. Effects on the development of nonthyroid cancers were not examined.
The pediatric study with the longest follow-up reported 36year outcomes of 116 patients, treated with 131I between 1953
and 1973 (240). The patients ranged in age at treatment from 3
to 19 years. No patient developed thyroid cancer or leukemia.
There was no increase in the rate of spontaneous abortion or in
the number of congenital anomalies in offspring. It is important to note that sample size was small; thus, the statistical
power was inadequate to address this issue fully.
Total body radiation dose after 131I varies with age, and the
same absolute activities of 131I will result in more radiation
exposure to a young child than to an adolescent or adult (241).
At present, we do not have dosimetry information regarding
I use in children with GD to assess total body exposure in
children. Using phantom modeling, it has been estimated that
at 0, 1, 5, 10, and 15 years of age, and adulthood, respective
total body radiation activities are 11.1, 4.6, 2.4, 1.45, 0.90, and
0.85 rem (1 rem 0.1 Sv) per mCi of 131I administered (241).
Based on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation Committee VII analysis of acute, low-level radiation exposure
(242), the theoretical lifetime attributable risk of all-cancer
incidence and all-cancer mortality for a large population of
treated children can be estimated (Table 7).
To date, long-term studies of children treated with 131I
for GD have not revealed an increased risk of nonthyroid
Children with GD undergoing thyroidectomy should be
rendered euthyroid with the use of methimazole. Potassium iodide should be given in the immediate preoperative period. 1/+00
If surgery is chosen as therapy for GD in children, total or
near-total thyroidectomy should be performed. 1/++0
Thyroidectomy in children should be performed by highvolume thyroid surgeons. 1/++0
[R2] Clinical significance of SH
Since SH is a mild form of hyperthyroidism, deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system and the skeleton might
be expected in some patients, and subtle symptoms of thyrotoxicosis or altered cognition might also be potential problems.
Regarding cardiac complications, one study found a 2.8-fold risk
of atrial fibrillation in persons over age 60 years with SH (254),
which has been confirmed in another population over age 65
years (255). Small uncontrolled studies have shown improvement in cardiac parameters, with restoration of a euthyroid state
(256,257) or the use of beta adrenergic blocking drugs (258).
Postmenopausal women with SH may have increased fracture rates even with only mildly suppressed serum TSH levels
(259), as well as improvement in bone mineral density with
therapy of SH with antithyroid drugs or radioactive iodine in
controlled but nonrandomized intervention studies (260,261).
There are also preliminary data suggesting an increase in bone
turnover (262) and lower bone density in premenopausal women with SH (263). Another uncontrolled study has shown an
increase in muscle mass and muscle strength in middle-aged
women with SH after treatment with radioactive iodine or
thyroidectomy (264). For patients receiving levothyroxine replacement therapy, only those with a suppressed TSH had an
increased risk of cardiac or bone disease, whereas those with a
low, but unsuppressed level did not (265).
One cross-sectional (266) and one longitudinal (267) study
of older individuals showed no changes in cognitive function,
whereas two others suggested an association between SH and
dementia in older persons (268,269). Finally, there is the potential risk of progression to overt hyperthyroidism if SH is
left untreated. This risk is probably somewhere between 0.5%
and 1% per year (270,271).
Data on the effects of SH on mortality are conflicting. In one
study, all-cause and cardiovascular mortality were higher in a
group of individuals with SH (serum TSH <0.5 mU/L) aged 60
years and older at 1, 2, and 5 years of follow-up, but not after 10
years of follow-up (271). Another study also found an increase
in mortality over 4 years of follow-up among persons aged 85
years and above (267), in a third study, individuals with SH
and concomitant heart disease had an increase in cardiovascular and all-cause mortality (272). In contrast, two other longitudinal population-based studies reported no increase in
overall mortality in persons with SH (255,273). A recent metaanalysis suggested that all-cause mortality risk in SH progressively increases with age (274), which might explain the conflicting reports. Another meta-analysis, however, did not find a
statistically significant increase in mortality in SH (275).
[R3] When to treat SH
When TSH is persistently <0.1 mU/L, treatment of SH
should be strongly considered in all individuals 65 years
of age, and in postmenopausal women who are not on
estrogens or bisphosphonates; patients with cardiac risk
factors, heart disease or osteoporosis; and individuals with
hyperthyroid symptoms. 2/++0
Treatment of SH is controversial, since no controlled intervention studies to show benefit have been performed.
However, a panel of experts determined that the evidence for
benefit was sufficient to warrant therapy of SH in older individuals whose serum TSH level was <0.1 mU/L (276). This
was based primarily on the studies showing an increased rate
of atrial fibrillation and altered skeletal health with a suppressed level of TSH described above.
There are insufficient data for or against treatment of SH in
younger persons or premenopausal women with SH and serum TSH <0.1 mU/L. One uncontrolled study of middle-aged
patients showed an improvement in hyperthyroid symptoms
with therapy (256). Although this study did not include
younger individuals, the task force elected to recommend
treatment of all SH patients younger than 65 years of age with
persistent TSH <0.1 mU/L and hyperthyroid symptoms.
Technical remarks: A TSH level of <0.1 mU/L on repeated
measurement over a 36-month period is considered to be
persistent, effectively ruling out transient thyroiditis as a
cause. The thyroid disorder underlying SH should be diagnosed, and is most commonly TMNG, GD, or TA.
When TSH is persistently below the lower limit of normal
but 0.1 mU/L, treatment of SH should be considered in
individuals 65 years of age and in patients with cardiac
disease or symptoms of hyperthyroidism. 2/+00
tients with transient, functional disorders related to acute illness, drugs, and other causes of low TSH. A summary of factors
to consider when deciding whether or not to treat a patient with
SH is provided (Table 8).
If SH is to be treated, the treatment should be based on the
etiology of the thyroid dysfunction and follow the same
principles as outlined for the treatment of overt hyperthyroidism. 1/+00
The treatment of SH is similar to the treatment of overt hyperthyroidism. Radioactive iodine is appropriate for most patients, especially in older patients when TMNG is a frequent
cause of SH. There are no data to inform whether elderly patients with SH would benefit from pretreatment with ATDs to
normalize thyroid function before radioactive iodine therapy.
Given the low risk of exacerbation (51), the risks of ATD therapy may outweigh any potential small benefit. Long-term ATD
therapy is a reasonable alternative to radioactive iodine in
patients with GD and SH, especially in younger patients, since
remission rates are highest in persons with mild disease (81).
Some patients with SH due to GD may remit spontaneously
without therapy, so that continued observation without therapy is reasonable for younger patients with SH due to GD. A
small subset of elderly patients with persistently low TSH and
no evidence of true thyroid dysfunction can be followed
without intervention, especially when the serum FT4 estimate
and T3 levels are in the lower half of the normal range. Treatment with beta-adrenergic blockade may be sufficient to control the cardiovascular-related morbidity from SH, especially
that of atrial fibrillation (258).
Technical remarks: Some patients with SH due to mild GD
may remit spontaneously and may be followed without
therapy with frequent (every 3 months) monitoring of thyroid
function. In select patients with SH due to TMNG who have
compressive symptoms, or in whom there is concern for
malignancy, surgery is also an option.
Age > 65
Age < 65 with comorbidities
Heart disease
Hyperthyroid symptoms
Age < 65, asymptomatic
Consider treating
Consider treating
Consider treating
Consider treating
Consider treating
Consider treating
The diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy should be
made using serum TSH values, and either total T4 and T3
with total T4 and T3 reference range adjusted at 1.5 times
the nonpregnant range or free T4 and free T3 estimations
with trimester-specific normal reference ranges. 1/+00
lower limit for TSH in the nonpregnant population can be
used (282).
Free T4 and T3 measured in an equilibrium dialysate or
an ultrafiltrate of serum may be slightly higher (5%10%)
than nonpregnancy values around week 10 of pregnancy,
corresponding to the period of high serum hCG and low
serum TSH. From this normal or slightly high level, a
gradual decrease occurs during pregnancy, and late third
trimester reference values are 10%30% below nonpregnancy values (283).
Serum total T4 and T3 increase in early pregnancy. From the
late first trimester, they remain stable, with reference ranges
close to 1.5 times nonpregnancy ranges during the second and
third trimesters (283,284). Total T4 and T3 values may be
combined with a T3 uptake test or measurements of TBG to
adjust for pregnancy-associated variations in TBG. Such free
T4 index or TBG adjusted T4 values may be useful for diagnosing hyperthyroidism in pregnancy. However, trimesterspecific normal reference ranges should be established for
each individual test and assay used.
Technical remarks: The reliability of automated analogbased assays for free T4 and free T3 estimations has been
questioned for more than 25 years (285), but these estimates
are currently widely used; in many clinics, they are the standard of measurement in pregnancy. Because pregnancy may
influence results of these assays from different manufacturers
in different ways (286), method-specific reference ranges for
each trimester of pregnancy should be employed by the
manufacturer (287,288).
Transient hCG-mediated thyrotropin suppression in early
pregnancy should not be treated with antithyroid drug
therapy. 1/+00
Once the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is made in a pregnant woman, attention should be focused on determining the
etiology of the disorder and whether it warrants treatment.
Clinical features that may indicate the presence of significant
hyperthyroidism include failure to gain weight, heat intolerance, excessive sweating, and tachycardia, beyond that normally associated with pregnancy.
The two most common types of biochemical hyperthyroidism that occur during pregnancy are gestational
hyperthyroidism (e.g., hCG-mediated transient TSH suppression) and GD. Gestational hyperthyroidism is a generally asymptomatic, mild biochemical hyperthyroidism
that may be observed in the first trimester of normal
pregnancy. It is presumably caused by the high serum hCG
of early pregnancy (281) and is not associated with adverse
pregnancy outcomes (289). Pregnant women having gestational hyperthyroidism with emesis, and particularly
hyperemesis, may develop more profound abnormalities in
thyroid function, with biochemically overt hyperthyroidism and clinical symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism.
Complicated cases of gestational hyperthyroidism should
be referred to medical centers with specific expertise in
treating these patients.
Technical remarks: There is no evidence that treatment of
gestational hyperthyroidism with ATDs is beneficial. In these
patients, physical examination and repeat thyroid function
tests at intervals of 34 weeks is recommended. If the differential diagnosis of the type of hyperthyroidism is unclear (i.e.,
if there is suspicion of GD) or in the case of very symptomatic
disease, a trial of ATD therapy may be considered if significant clinical hyperthyroidism is evident.
Antithyroid drug therapy should be used for hyperthyroidism due to GD that requires treatment during
pregnancy. Propylthiouracil should be used when antithyroid drug therapy is started during the first trimester.
Methimazole should be used when antithyroid drug therapy is started after the first trimester. 1/+00
We suggest that patients taking methimazole who decide
to become pregnant obtain pregnancy testing at the earliest
suggestion of pregnancy and be switched to propylthiouracil as soon as possible in the first trimester and changed
back to methimazole at the beginning of the second trimester. Similarly, we suggest that patients started on pro-
pylthiouracil during the first trimester be switched to
methimazole at the beginning of the second trimester. 2/+00
Concern is that changing back and forth between MMI and
PTU might lead to poorly controlled thyroid function because
of differences in pharmacokinetics and uncertainty about
dose equivalency between the two drugs. This situation is
complicated by the changing levels of TRAb in pregnancy. In
general, a potency ratio of MMI to PTU of at least 2030:1 is
recommended when changing from one drug to another, although there are no studies that have examined this potency
ratio directly. For example, 300 mg of PTU would be roughly
equivalent to 10 to15 mg of MMI (81). Alternatively, rather
than switching to MMI at the end of the first trimester, the
patient could remain on PTU during the second and third
trimesters, and have hepatic enzymes measured every 4
weeks, at the same time that thyroid function is assessed.
However, there are no prospective data that show that this
type of monitoring is effective in preventing fulminant PTUrelated hepatotoxicity.
GD during pregnancy should be treated with the lowest
possible dose of antithyroid drugs needed to keep the
mothers thyroid hormone levels slightly above the normal range for total T4 and T3 values in pregnancy and
the TSH suppressed. Free T4 estimates should be kept at
or slightly above the upper limit of the nonpregnant
reference range. Thyroid function should be assessed
monthly, and the antithyroid drug dose adjusted as required. 1/+00
When thyroidectomy is necessary for the treatment of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy, the surgery should be
performed if possible during the second trimester. 1/+00
TRAb levels should be measured when the etiology of
hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is uncertain. 1/+00
The two best indicators of the activity of GD during pregnancy are thyroid function in the untreated patient and measurement of TRAb levels in the serum. TRAb measurement
is useful in the diagnosis of GD in pregnant women with
newly diagnosed hyperthyroidism who do not have clinical
signs specific for GD, keeping in mind that the diagnostic
sensitivity of good assays is around 95%, and the specificity is
99% (43).
Patients who were treated with radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy for GD prior to pregnancy should have TRAb
levels measured using a sensitive assay either initially at
2226 weeks of gestation, or initially during the first trimester and, if elevated, again at 2226 weeks of gestation.
Measurement of TRAb levels can detect persistent TSHreceptor autoimmunity in a pregnant woman previously treated with ablative therapy (radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy)
for GD who is now euthyroid with or without thyroid hormone
replacement (297,302). If the mother still produces TRAb, they
will cross the placenta and may affect fetal thyroid function in
the last half of the pregnancy. Because of the slow clearance of
maternal immunoglobulin G (IgG) from the neonatal circula-
tion, thyroid dysfunction in the child may last for several
months after birth. To evaluate the risk of such complications, a
TRAb level should be measured in the pregnant woman either
initially at 2226 weeks of gestation, or initially during the first
trimester and, if elevated, again at 2224 weeks of gestation. If
the level is high, a program of fetal and neonatal surveillance
for thyroid dysfunction should be initiated (303). While measuring TRAb levels only at 2226 weeks is more cost effective,
the advantage to initial measurement during the first trimester
is that this allows more time to initiate specialty consultation
and, if the levels are found to be especially high at that time,
intervention may be required before the third trimester. TRAb
measurement is not necessary in a euthyroid pregnant patient
previously found to have GD if she has an intact thyroid (i.e.,
not previously treated with surgery or radioactive iodine) and
is not currently taking ATDs (295,297).
Patients found to have GD during pregnancy should have
TRAb levels measured at diagnosis using a sensitive assay
and, if elevated, again at 2226 weeks of gestation. 1/+00
TRAb levels measured at 2226 weeks of gestation should
be used to guide decisions regarding neonatal monitoring.
In women with thyrotoxicosis after delivery, selective diagnostic studies should be performed to distinguish postpartum thyroiditis from postpartum GD. 1/+00
Table 9. Summary of Recommendations Concerning Management of Graves Disease in Pregnancy
Timing of diagnosis
GD diagnosed
during pregnancy
Specific circumstances
GD diagnosed and
treated prior to
Begin propylthiouracila
Measure TRAb at diagnosis and, if
elevated, repeat at 2226 weeks
of gestationb
If thyroidectomy is required, it is
optimally performed during the
second trimester
Begin methimazolec
Measure TRAb at diagnosis and, if
elevated, repeat at 2226 weeks
of gestationb
If thyroidectomy is required, it is
optimally performed during the
second trimester
Switch to propylthiouracil as soon
as pregnancy is confirmed with
early testinga
Measure TRAb either initially at
2226 weeks of gestation, or
initially during the first trimester
and, if elevated, again at 2226
weeks of gestationb
TRAb measurement not necessary
Measure TRAb either initially at
2226 weeks of gestation, or
initially during the first trimester
and, if elevated, again at 2226
weeks of gestationb
See remarks under Recommendation 71 for discussion regarding switching from one antithyroid drug to the other during pregnancy.
If a TRAb-positive woman becomes TRAb-negative during pregnancy, this may indicate a need to reduce or stop antithyroid drug
therapy to avoid fetal hypothyroidism. If the antithyroid drug treated mother has high TRAb values in late pregnancy this indicates a risk of
delayed neonatal hyperthyroidism (see remarks to Recommendation 77). If the mother has undergone some type of thyroid ablation
(radioactive iodine or surgery) for GD and TRAb is high, evaluate fetus carefully for hyperthyroidism in second half of pregnancy and adjust
or begin antithyroid drug therapy accordingly.
Avoid fetal hypothyroidism, especially in second half of pregnancy (see recommendation 75 for details).
In women with symptomatic postpartum thyrotoxicosis,
the judicious use of beta-adrenergic blocking agents is recommended. 1/+00
Each visit
A 7-point scale (excluding the last three elements) is used when no previous assessment is available. GO is considered active in patients
with a CAS 3.
Sources: Adapted from Mourits et al., 1989 (310); and Mourits et al., 1997 (311).
Lid retraction
< 2 mm
2 mm
2 mm
Sight threatening
Soft tissues
Mild involvement
< 3 mm Transient or absent
Moderate involvement 3 mm Inconstant
Severe involvement
3 mm Constant
F/M 23/24 mm
F/M 19/21 mm
F/M 16/17 mm (Thai) or 18.6 mm (Chinese)
Mild GO: patients whose features of GO have only a minor impact on daily life, generally insufficient to justify immunosuppressive or
surgical treatment. Moderate-to-severe GO: patients without sight-threatening GO whose eye disease has sufficient impact on daily life to
justify the risks of immunosuppression (if active) or surgical intervention (if inactive). Sight-threatening GO: patients with dysthyroid optic
neuropathy and/or corneal breakdown. This category warrants immediate intervention.
Proptosis refers to the variation compared to the upper limit of normal for each race/sex or the patients baseline, if available.
Sources: Adapted from de Juan et al., 1980 (313); Sarinnapakorn et al., 2007 (314); Tsai et al., 2006 (315); and Bartalena et al., 2008 (312).
Table 12. Use of Oral Glucocorticoids for Prevention of Graves Ophthalmopathy Development
or Progression When Radioactive Iodine Is Used to Treat Graves Hyperthyroidism
RAI without glucocorticoids
No GO (nonsmoker)
No GO (smoker)
GO present-active and mild (nonsmoker)
GO present-active and mild (smoker)
GO present-active and moderate-to-severe or
sight-threatening (smoker or nonsmoker)
GO present-inactive (smoker or nonsmoker)
Insufficient data to recommend
for or against
Recommend against
Recommend against
Methimazole or thyroidectomy are also recommended treatment options in each of these scenarios, and they are the preferred choice of
therapy in patients with active and moderate-to-severe or sight-threatening GO.
The decision regarding use of concurrent glucocorticoids should be made in light of the risk-benefit ratio relative to the patients overall
health. Risk factors for GO deterioration (high T3 level, high TRAb level, smoking) increase the benefit of glucocorticoids in preventing GO
deterioration. Poorly controlled diabetes, osteoporosis, psychiatric illness, high risk for infections increase the likelihood of complications
from glucocorticoids.
Euthyroidism should be expeditiously achieved and
maintained in hyperthyroid patients with GO or risk factors for the development of ophthalmopathy. 1/++0
In nonsmoking patients with Graves hyperthyroidism
who have no clinically apparent ophthalmopathy, 131I
therapy without concurrent steroids, methimazole, or
thyroidectomy should be considered equally acceptable
therapeutic options. 1/++0
Clinicians should advise patients with GD to stop smoking
and refer them to a structured smoking cessation program.
In patients with Graves hyperthyroidism who have mild
active ophthalmopathy and no risk factors for deterioration
of their eye disease, 131I therapy, methimazole, and thyroidectomy should be considered equally acceptable therapeutic options. 1/++0
Patients with Graves hyperthyroidism and mild active
ophthalmopathy who have no other risk factors for deterioration of their eye disease and choose radioactive iodine
therapy should be considered for concurrent treatment
with corticosteroids. 2/++0
Technical remarks: The decision whether or not to administer concurrent glucocorticoids in a particular patient
choosing 131I therapy should be made in light of the risk
benefit ratio (i.e., their personal risk of worsening GO,
balanced against their risk of developing glucocorticoid side
effects). Risk factors for side effects of oral corticosteroids
include poorly controlled diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, psychiatric disease, and predisposition to infections.
Smokers in whom the riskbenefit ratio for the concurrent
use of corticosteroids is high may be better treated with
methimazole or surgery. Besides smoking, risk factors for
deterioration of GO following radioiodine therapy include
high pretreatment T3 values (325 ng/dL or 5 nmol/L)
(319), active and progressive GO over the preceding 3
months, high serum pretreatment thyrotropin antibody
levels (>50% TBII inhibition or TRAb >8.8 IU/L), and development of hypothyroidism following the treatment (321).
The recommended corticosteroid dose for GO prophylaxis
is the equivalent of prednisone 0.40.5 mg/kg/day, started 1
3 days after radioactive iodine treatment, continued for 1
month, and then tapered over 2 months (312). However, a
recent retrospective cohort study suggested that lower doses
and shorter duration of oral prednisone (about 0.2 mg/kg/
day for 6 weeks) may be equally effective for prevention
of GO exacerbation in patients with initially mild or absent
eye disease, if supported by future randomized clinical
trials (328).
Patients with Graves hyperthyroidism and mild active
ophthalmopathy who are smokers or have other risk factors for GO and choose radioactive iodine therapy should
receive concurrent corticosteroids. 1/++0
Patients with Graves hyperthyroidism and active moderateto-severe or sight-threatening ophthalmopathy should be
treated with either methimazole or surgery. 1/+00
We are aware of no trials in patients with moderate-tosevere and active eye disease that compare hyperthyroidism therapies for impact on GO. However, a comparison of
two different surgical approaches (total thyroidectomy vs.
subtotal thyroidectomy) for patients with moderate-to-severe GO showed that the eye disease improved over 3 years
of follow-up in all patients (330). In another series of 42
patients with progressive GO treated with total thyroidectomy, exophthalmos was stable in 60% of cases and improved in the remainder (331), suggesting that surgery is
not detrimental to GO and may be associated with improvement in some patients. Other studies suggest that
ATDs may not adversely impact mild active GO, but do not
address severe GO (318).
Technical remarks: Radioactive iodine therapy is a less desirable option in these patients and, if used, concurrent steroids should be administered.
[T5] Treatment of GD in patients with inactive GO (see
Table 10 for definition of disease inactivity)
In patients with Graves hyperthyroidism and inactive
ophthalmopathy, we suggest that 131I therapy without
concurrent corticosteroids, methimazole, and thyroidectomy are equally acceptable therapeutic options. 2/++0
Beta-adrenergic blocking agents alone or in combination
with methimazole should be used to treat overt iodineinduced hyperthyroidism. 1/+00
Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (the Jod-Basedow phenomenon) is usually self-limited, lasting 118 months
(335,338). Treatment includes avoidance of additional iodine
and administration of beta-blockers alone or with ATDs, depending on the severity of hyperthyroidism. Radioactive iodine is not an option until the iodine load has been cleared,
which may take several months depending on the length of
exposure to iodine. Surgery may be used in patients allergic or
resistant to antithyroid drugs.
Months to Years
Thyroiditis (type 2)
Painless thyroiditis
Interferon a
Painless thyroiditis; GD
Painless thyroiditis; GD
Iodinated contrast
Underlying thyroid
Weeks to months
36 months
14 weeks
Supportive carea
Antithyroid drugs; perchlorateb
Supportive carea
Supportive carea
Antithyroid drugs
Supportive carea
Antithyroid drugs and/or radioactive
iodine (GD only)
Supportive carea
Antithyroid drugs and/or radioactive
iodine (GD only)
Antithyroid drugs
Observation; if severe, administer
Antithyroid drugs
Repeat radioactive iodine
Supportive care may include beta-adrenergic blockers during the thyrotoxic stage and levothyroxine if hypothyroidism develops.
Not available in the United States.
tween the two types of AIT (345). The distinction between
type 1 AIT and type 2 AIT is not always clear, and some
patients have elements of both types (18).
Patients who develop thyrotoxicosis during therapy with
interferon-a or interleukin-2 should be evaluated to determine etiology (thyroiditis vs. GD) and treated accordingly.
We suggest monitoring thyroid function tests before and at
1 and 3 months following the initiation of amiodarone
therapy, and at 36 month intervals thereafter. 2/+00
We suggest testing to distinguish type 1 (iodine-induced)
from type 2 (thyroiditis) varieties of amiodarone-induced
thyrotoxicosis. 1/+00
Two basic mechanisms have been identified in the development of AIT, including an iodine-induced form of hyperthyroidism (type 1 AIT, or goitrous AIT) due to the high
iodine content of amiodarone (37% by molecular weight), and
type 2 AIT, which is a destructive thyroiditis. Type 1 AIT
tends to occur in patients with underlying thyroid autonomy
in a nodular goiter, but the term is also used when amiodarone use is associated with GD, whereas type 2 AIT is due to a
direct destructive effect of amiodarone on thyrocytes. RAIU is
occasionally measurable in type 1 AIT (particularly in regions
of iodine deficiency), but not in type 2 AIT. Increased vascular
flow on color-flow Doppler ultrasound study may be seen in
patients with type 1 AIT, but not type 2 AIT. Measurement of
serum interleukin-6 levels does not reliably distinguish be-
The decision to stop amiodarone in the setting of thyrotoxicosis should be determined on an individual basis
in consultation with a cardiologist, based on the presence
or absence of effective alternative antiarrhythmic therapy.
Methimazole should be used to treat type 1 amiodaroneinduced thyrotoxicosis and corticosteroids should be used
to treat type 2 amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. 1/+00
Combined antithyroid drug and anti-inflammatory therapy should be used to treat patients with overt amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis who fail to respond to single
modality therapy, and patients in whom the type of disease
cannot be unequivocally determined. 1/+00
Type 1 AIT is best treated with MMI (40 mg daily) to prevent new hormone synthesis and, rarely, with added potassium perchlorate (250 mg four times daily; not available in the
United States) (346). Type 2 AIT is better treated with antiinflammatory therapy such as prednisone (40 mg daily) with
improvement occasionally seen as early as 1 week, and usually within a few weeks (346).
In one study, 20 patients with AIT, including both type 1
and type 2 subtypes, were treated with perchlorate for
1 month to inhibit thyroid iodide transport, resulting in
euthyroidism in 12 patients (7 with type 1 AIT and 5 with type
2 AIT). Corticosteroids were then given to the eight nonresponders, and euthyroidism was achieved in all after an
average of approximately 6 weeks (347). When a clear distinction between type 1 AIT and type 2 AIT is not possible, a
combination of prednisone and methimazole should be used
until the patient has stabilized, at which time the drugs may
be individually tapered. Thyroidectomy may be required in
patients who prove refractory to medical therapy (348).
Technical remarks: The suggested starting dose of MMI in
this setting is 40 mg once daily until the patient is euthyroid
(generally 36 months). If high doses of MMI continue to be
required, splitting the dose may be more effective. The suggested dose of corticosteroids in this setting is equivalent to
40 mg prednisone given once daily for 24 weeks, followed by
a gradual taper over 23 months, based on the patients clinical response.
Patients with amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis who are
unresponsive to aggressive medical therapy with methimazole and corticosteroids should undergo thyroidectomy. 1/+00
Patients with mild symptomatic subacute thyroiditis
should be treated initially with beta-adrenergic-blocking
drugs and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Those
Primary management
Surgical removal
Surgical removal
Surgical removal
Psychosocial evaluation
The diagnosis of TSH-secreting pituitary tumor should be
based on an inappropriately normal or elevated serum TSH
level associated with elevated free T4 estimates and T3
concentrations, usually associated with the presence of a
pituitary tumor on MRI and the absence of a family history
or genetic testing consistent with thyroid hormone resistance in a thyrotoxic patient. 1/+00
dopamine agonist therapy has been examined. Treatment with
octreotide results in a >50% reduction in serum TSH values in
the majority of patients treated, and a concurrent return to
euthyroidism in most (33). A reduction in tumor size has been
observed in 20%50% of patients treated with octreotide
(33,352), but less impressive results have been obtained with
bromocriptine therapy (352). Sterotactic or conventional radiotherapy has also been used in cases that prove refractory to
medical therapy. For patients with TSH-producing adenomas
who are considered poor surgical candidates, primary medical
therapy with octreotide can be considered.
Patients with TSH-secreting pituitary adenomas should
undergo surgery performed by an experienced pituitary
surgeon. 1/+00
Patients with struma ovarii should be treated initially with
surgical resection. 1/+00
Technical remarks: Genetic testing for thyroid hormone resistance is commercially available and may be useful in
equivocal cases, especially in those patients without family
members available for thyroid function testing.
Surgery is generally the mainstay of therapy for TSH-producing pituitary tumors. The patient should be made euthyroid preoperatively. Long-term ATD therapy should be
avoided. Preoperative adjunctive therapy with octreotide and
Treatment of hyperthyroidism due to choriocarcinoma
should include both methimazole and treatment directed
against the primary tumor. 1/+00
(355,356). This cross-stimulation only occurs at very high levels
of hCG, since hCG is only a weak agonist for the TSH receptor.
Treatment of hyperthyroidism due to choriocarcinoma involves both treatment directed against the primary tumor and
treatment designed to prevent the thyroid from responding to
hCG stimulation, such as with antithyroid drugs.
[W4] Thyrotoxicosis factitia
Thyrotoxicosis factitia includes all causes of thyrotoxicosis
due to the ingestion of thyroid hormone. This may include
intentional ingestion of thyroid hormone either surreptitiously or iatrogenically, as well as unintentional ingestion
either accidentally, such as in pediatric poisoning or pharmacy error, or through ingestion of supplements that contain
thyroid extracts. Historically, accidental thyroid hormone
ingestion has occurred as a result of eating meat contaminated
with animal thyroid tissue (hamburger thyrotoxicosis)
(357). Whereas iatrogenic causes of thyrotoxicosis factitia are
easily identified, surreptitious use of thyroid hormone may
present a diagnostic quandary. Clues to this diagnosis are an
absence of goiter, a suppressed serum thyroglobulin level,
and a decreased uptake of radioactive iodine. A disproportionately elevated T3 level suggests that the patient may
be ingesting liothyronine or a combination T4/T3 preparation.
[W5] Functional thyroid cancer metastases
Thyrotoxicosis due to functional metastases in patients
with thyroid cancer has been described in a handful of cases.
Typically, patients have either a very large primary follicular
cancer or widely metastatic follicular thyroid cancer, and may
have coexisting TRAb as the proximate cause of the thyrotoxicosis (358). More recently, thyrotoxicosis has been reported following multiple injections of recombinant human
TSH in patients with metastatic thyroid cancer in preparation
for imaging. In general, functioning metastasis are treated
with radioactive iodine with the addition of ATDs as needed
for persistent hyperthyroidism. Recombinant human TSH
should be avoided in these patients.
The task force wishes to thank Ms. Bobbi Smith, Executive
Director, ATA, and Ms. Sheri Slaughter, Assistant to the task
force, for their expert help and support.
Disclosure Statement
Disclosure Information for 2 years before May 2010 and the
known future as of May 2010.
D.R. is a consultant for Abbott Laboratories and has received research grant support from Genzyme. For all other
authors, no competing financial interests exist.
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(Appendix follows?)
How should clinically or incidentally discovered thyrotoxicosis be evaluated and initially managed?
Recommendation 1
A radioactive iodine uptake should be performed when the clinical presentation of
thyrotoxicosis is not diagnostic of GD; a thyroid scan should be added in the presence
of thyroid nodularity. 1/+00
Recommendation 2
Beta-adrenergic blockade should be given to elderly patients with symptomatic thyrotoxicosis and to other thyrotoxic patients with resting heart rates in excess of 90 bpm or
coexistent cardiovascular disease. 1/++0
Recommendation 3
Beta-adrenergic blockade should be considered in all patients with symptomatic thyrotoxicosis. 1/+00
If antithyroid drugs are chosen as initial management of GD, how should the therapy be managed?
Recommendation 13
Methimazole should be used in virtually every patient who chooses antithyroid drug therapy
for GD, except during the first trimester of pregnancy when propylthiouracil is preferred,
in the treatment of thyroid storm, and in patients with minor reactions to methimazole who
refuse radioactive iodine therapy or surgery. 1/++0
Recommendation 14
Patients should be informed of side effects of antithyroid drugs and the necessity of informing
the physician promptly if they should develop pruritic rash, jaundice, acolic stools or dark
urine, arthralgias, abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, fever, or pharyngitis. Before starting
antithyroid drugs and at each subsequent visit, the patient should be alerted to stop the
medication immediately and call their physician when there are symptoms suggestive of
agranulocytosis or hepatic injury. 1/+00
Recommendation 15
Prior to initiating antithyroid drug therapy for GD, we suggest that patients have a baseline
complete blood count, including white count with differential, and a liver profile including
bilirubin and transaminases. 2/+00
Recommendation 16
A differential white blood cell count should be obtained during febrile illness and at the onset
of pharyngitis in all patients taking antithyroid medication. Routine monitoring of white
blood counts is not recommended. 1/+00
Recommendation 17
Liver function and hepatocellular integrity should be assessed in patients taking
propylthiouracil who experience pruritic rash, jaundice, light colored stool or dark urine,
joint pain, abdominal pain or bloating, anorexia, nausea, or fatigue. 1/+00
Recommendation 18
Minor cutaneous reactions may be managed with concurrent antihistamine therapy without
stopping the antithyroid drug. Persistent minor side effects of antithyroid medication
should be managed by cessation of the medication and changing to radioactive iodine or
surgery, or switching to the other antithyroid drug when radioactive iodine or surgery are
*Task force opinion was not unanimous; one person held the opinion that pretreatment with methimazole is not necessary in this setting.
Recommendation 19
Recommendation 20
Recommendation 21
not options. In the case of a serious allergic reaction, prescribing the alternative drug is not
recommended. 1/+00
If methimazole is chosen as the primary therapy for GD, the medication should be continued
for approximately 1218 months, then tapered or discontinued if the TSH is normal at that
time. 1/+++
Measurement of TRAb levels prior to stopping antithyroid drug therapy is suggested, as it
aids in predicting which patients can be weaned from the medication, with normal levels
indicating greater chance for remission. 2/+00
If a patient with GD becomes hyperthyroid after completing a course of methimazole,
consideration should be given to treatment with radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy. Lowdose methimazole treatment for longer than 1218 months may be considered in patients
not in remission who prefer this approach. 2/+00
If 131I therapy is chosen as treatment for TMNG or TA, how should it be accomplished?
Recommendation 32
Patients with TMNG or TA who are at increased risk for complications due to worsening of
hyperthyroidism, including the elderly and those with cardiovascular disease or severe
hyperthyroidism, should be treated with beta-blockade prior to radioactive iodine therapy
and until euthyroidism has been achieved. 1/+00
Recommendation 33{ Pretreatment with methimazole prior to radioactive iodine therapy for TMNG or TA should
be considered in patients who are at increased risk for complications due to worsening of
hyperthyroidism, including the elderly and those with cardiovascular disease or severe
hyperthyroidism. 2/+00
Recommendation 34
Nonfunctioning nodules on radionuclide scintigraphy or nodules with suspicious ultrasound
characteristics should be managed according to recently published guidelines regarding
thyroid nodules in euthyroid individuals. 1/++0
Recommendation 35
For radioactive iodine treatment of TMNG, sufficient radiation should be administered in a
single dose to alleviate hyperthyroidism. 1/++0
Recommendation 36
For radioactive iodine treatment of TA, sufficient radiation to alleviate hyperthyroidism
should be administered in a single dose. 1/++0
Recommendation 37
Follow-up within the first 12 months after radioactive iodine therapy for TMNG or TA
should include an assessment of free T4, total T3 and TSH. This should be repeated at 12
month intervals until stable results are obtained, then at least annually thereafter according
to clinical indication. 1/+00
Task force opinion was not unanimous; one member held the opinion that pretreatment with methimazole in patients already treated with
beta adrenergic blockade is not indicated in this setting.
Recommendation 38
Is there a role for antithyroid drug therapy in patients with TMNG or TA?
Recommendation 49
We suggest that long-term methimazole treatment of TMNG or TA be avoided, except in
some elderly or otherwise ill patients with limited longevity who are able to be monitored
regularly, and in patients who prefer this option. 2/+00
Is there a role for radiofrequency, thermal or alcohol ablation in the management of TA or TMNG?
How should GD be managed in children and adolescents?
Recommendation 50
Children with GD should be treated with methimazole, 131I therapy, or thyroidectomy. 131I
therapy should be avoided in very young children (<5 years). 131I therapy in patients
between 5 and 10 years of age is acceptable if the calculated 131I administered activity
is < 10 mCi. 131I therapy in patients older than 10 years of age is acceptable if the activity
is > 150 uCi/g of thyroid tissue. Thyroidectomy should be chosen when definitive therapy
is required, the child is too young for 131I, and surgery can be performed by a high-volume
thyroid surgeon. 1/++0
If antithyroid drugs are chosen as initial management of GD in children, how should the therapy be managed?
Recommendation 51
Methimazole should be used in virtually every child who is treated with antithyroid drug
therapy. 1/++0
Recommendation 52
Pediatric patients and their caretakers should be informed of side effects of antithyroid drugs
and the necessity of stopping the medication immediately and informing their physician if
they develop pruritic rash, jaundice, acolic stools or dark urine, arthralgias, abdominal
pain, nausea, fatigue, fever, or pharyngitis. 1/+00
Recommendation 53
Prior to initiating antithyroid drug therapy, we suggest that pediatric patients have, as a
baseline, complete blood cell count, including white blood cell count with differential, and
a liver profile including bilirubin, transaminases, and alkaline phosphatase. 2/+00
Recommendation 54
Beta adrenergic blockade is recommended for children experiencing symptoms of hyperthyroidism, especially those with heart rates in excess of 100 beats per minute. 1/+00
Recommendation 55
Antithyroid medication should be stopped immediately, and white blood counts measured in
children who develop fever, arthralgias, mouth sores, pharyngitis, or malaise. 1/+00
Recommendation 56
When propylthiouracil is used in children, the medication should be stopped immediately
and liver function and hepatocellular integrity assessed in children who experience
anorexia, pruritis, rash, jaundice, light-colored stool or dark urine, joint pain, right upper
quadrant pain or abdominal bloating, nausea or malaise. 1/+00
Recommendation 57
Persistent minor cutaneous reactions to methimazole therapy in children should be managed
by concurrent antihistamine treatment or cessation of the medication and changing to
therapy with radioactive iodine or surgery. In the case of a serious allergic reaction to an
antithyroid medication, prescribing the other antithyroid drug is not recommended. 1/+00
Recommendation 58
If methimazole is chosen as the first-line treatment for GD in children, it should be
administered for 12 years and then discontinued, or the dose reduced, to assess whether
the patient is in remission. 1/++0
Pediatric patients with GD who are not in remission following 12 years of methimazole therapy should be considered for treatment with radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy. 1/+00