Inwagen Ontological Arguments
Inwagen Ontological Arguments
Inwagen Ontological Arguments
[9] (Ch. X) and in [8] (pp. 85-1 12). Plantinga's argument falls
into category (i). I shall dispute Plantinga's contention that his
argument can be used to show that belief in God is not contrary to reason.
We shall require several preliminary notions. 1 shall assume
the reader is familiar with the notion of apossible world,l and
understands locutions of the following forms:
(The proposition) p is true at (the world) w 2
(The object) o exists at (the world) w3
(The object) o has (the property) r at (the world) w . ~
If an object has a certain property at every world at which that
object exists, then we say it has that property essentially. If an
object has a property but fails to have it essentially, we say it
has that property accidentally.
Now consider the property an object has just in the case
that it exists at every possible world, or (what is the same thing)
would have existed no matter what had been the case. I shall
call this property 'necessary existence', 'N' for short. I n giving
this property this name, I am giving the words 'necessary
existence' what might be called their Leibnizian sense. 1 distinguish Leibnizian from Thomistic necessary existence-I am
thinking of the Third Way-which an object has just in the
case that there is no world at which it is generated or corrupted. Note that N is not the same property as that of having
existence essentially (cf. the familiar phrase 'a being whose
essence involves existence'), for everything has existence (the
property associated with such open sentences as 'x exists' or
'There is something identical with x' or 'x is identical with x')
Some philosophers have held that N is an impossible property, one that, like the property of being both round and
square, could not possibly be exemplified by anything. But I
have never seen a plausible a r g u m e n t f o r this view.5
Moreover, I have seen plausible arguments for the conclusion
that N is exemplified. Arguments for the existence of abstract
objects are well known,6 and many abstract objects seem to
have N. I shall take an orthodox realist view of certain abstract
objects, to wit, mathematical objects, such as numbers. I generally use mathematical objects rather than some other sort of
necessary object in illustrating the application of a definition
o r concept involving necessary existence because the question
whether a given mathematical object has o r fails to have a
given property is often uncontroversial.
arguments. Mathematical ontic arguments are both interesting in their own right and similar in an interesting respect to the modest ontological argument we shall examine
in Part 111: in the case of mathematical ontic arguments
and in the case of the modest ontological argument, a
question of existence is reduced to a question of consistency.
Let us call any property essential that is possible (is
exemplified at some possible world) and cannot be had acide en tally.^ For example, N is essential. (I think we may
take it as intuitively obvious that no object can have at
some world the property of existing at all worlds, and lack
that property at another world, given our assumption that
every world is possible relative to every other world.)
Let us call an object mathematical if it is the sort of object whose existence might be proved o r assumed in a
piece of pure mathematics. For example, integers, real
numbers, operations on complex numbers, and the like,
are mathematical objects. Sets containing nothing other
than mathematical objects are themselves mathematical objects, but not just any set is a mathematical object. For
example, {Napoleon} is not. Now let us say of property A
and property B that A entails B if, necessarily, whatever has
the former has the latter. Let us call a property mathematical if it is an essential property that entails the property of
being a mathematical object. For example, being prime,
being a set of reals, and being everywhere continuous and
nowhere differentiable are mathematical properties; numbering the planets is not. It seems a reasonable conjecture
that, among possibly exemplified properties, all properties
that would be of interest to the pure mathematician are
"mathematical" in this sense. Moreover, it seems a reasonable conjecture that the property of being a mathematical
object entails N (though it is not the case that being an
abstract object entails N; for example, {Napoleon} fails to
have N). And if this is the case, then all mathematical
properties entail N.
Now let S be any consistent set of mathematical properties. Since every mathematical property entails N, it follows that S U {N} is consistent. Moreover, if S ' is a set of
essential properties, then (since N is an essential property)
if S ' U {N} is consistent, it is ontic. Therefore, if S" is a
consistent set of mathematical properties, then (since all
1 wish finally to examine an argument that is due to Alvin
Plantinga. His argument (in its most modest form) is equivalent to the ontological argument
{N, omnipotence, omniscience, moral perfection ),
which I shall call 'P'.18 In the sequel, I shall attribute to Plantinga various assertions about I? These attributions are convenient fictions adopted for purposes of exposition. Plantinga's actual assertions, however, are logically equivalent to
those I attribute to him.
Since the soundness of P entails the soundness of M,
everything said above about the difficulty of showing M to be
sound will apply afortiori to the task of showing P to be sound.
Of course, one reason it would be harder to show P sound than
it would be to show M sound (assuming both arguments are
sound) is that it would be harder to show P's set to be consistent. But there is a further difficulty. We have seen that M is
sound if its set is consistent. There is, however, no reason to
think that P has this property. Our demonstration that {N,C}
is ontic if consistent depended on the premise that it contains
only essential properties. But there seems to be no good reason to think that the set of P contains only essential properties.
For example, couldn't there be a being that is morally perfect
at some worlds and evil at others? To show that P's set is ontic,
therefore, we must show not only that there is a possible world
at which something has all its members, but that there is a
possible world at which something has all its members essentially. A "consistency proof' alone would yield only the conclusion that there exists a necessary being who might be omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect. (Note that there
exists a contingent being who might be the man or woman who
proves or disproves Goldbach's Conjecture, solves the problem of nuclear structure, and deciphers Linear A. I, for
example, or you.)
Plantinga is well aware of the difficulty of showing that P
is sound, and admits that this argument is "not a successful
piece of natural theology." ([9]: 219) (I shall say very little
about the difficulty of showing P to be unsound. T h e most
promising line of attack would probably be to try to show that
the set {omnipotence, omniscience, moral perfection} is not
This seems to me to be wrong. The more modest argument that can be got by substituting the premise of M (or the
logically equivalent 'N and C are compatible') for '{N, omniscience, omnipotence, moral perfection} is ontic' in the above
ment that can be overridden only by some extremely wellworked-out, clear, and fundamental consideration. (Certainly
we have no such strong argument in favor of the proposition
that N and C are compatible.) In fact, I very much doubt
whether there has ever been any dispute about the truth-value
of (LL). Anything in the history of philosophy that looks like
such a dispute is almost certainly, when properly understood,
a metalinguistic dispute; a dispute, say, about the principle 'In
a natural language, singular terms denoting the same object
can replace each other in any context, salva veritate','O or a
dispute about whether the word 'property', as it is used in the
sentence displayed to the right of '(LL)' above, does o r could
mean anything, or (assuming it does or could mean something) what it does or should mean.'l T h e regrettable tendency of philosophers to talk in the material mode when arguing about words may often produce theappearance of a dispute
about the truth-value of (LL). But metalinguistic disputes
don't seem to be what Plantinga has in mind: he seems to
assert that there is aproposition properly called 'Leibniz's Law'
(this much I think is true), and that some philosophers have
asserted of that very proposition that it is false, in opposition
to other philosophers who have asserted of it that it is true.
And this latter claim is, at best, extremely doubtful.
But if this much is correct, I have convicted Plantinga
only of having chosen a bad example. It does seem reasonable
to suppose that if two philosophers who disagree on some
issue but more or less agree on philosophic method were
carefully and patiently to debate that issue to the bitter end,
they might come upon some proposition that one of them
thought was true and the other thought was false, and which
was such that neither had any non-question-begging argument to support his position. Arguments, like explanations,
come to an end somewhere. And perhaps each of these philosophers would be reasonable in taking the position he did.
At any rate, 1 see no reason to think this could not happen,
though uncontroversial examples of it would be hard to come
by: there will generally be a third party in any such debate who
insist t h a t t h e a p p a r e n t disagreement is a pseudodisagreement that has arisen because certain key terms in the
debate have no clear sense. Still, perhaps in some cases the
third party is wrong. Perhaps there is a philosophical proposition (that is, a proposition that many philosophers think is
philosophically important-it needn't require for its statement any typically philosophical vocabulary) such that there
are no cogent arguments for its truth o r its falsity; and
perhaps this proposition is such that any philosopher who
considers it carefully, and thereupon forms an opinion about
its truth-value, has an epistemic right to that opinion. Let us
assume there are such propositions and let us pretend that 'p'
names one of them.
Plantinga's argument, then, could be replaced by an
argument in which p plays the role he assigns to (LL).But why
should we think that the proposition that N and C are compatible is like p?Certainly not just any proposition such that we
have no cogent arguments for its truth or falsity has all the
features ascribed to p. For example, suppose we call a real
number septiquaternary if '7777' occurs in its decimal expansion; and let us call a real number perimetric if it measures the
circumference of a circle whose diameter measures 1. Then
Possibly, something is septiquaternary and perimetric
(or, alternatively,
Septiquaternity and perimetricity are compatible)
is obviously such that no philosopher has a "right to his opinion" about its truth-value.
Now it is possible to imagine a case in which this proposition figures in an interesting argument for the existence of
God. Suppose we should meet a puckish, rather Kierkegaardian archangel who is amused by our desire to know whether
God exists. And suppose we have good grounds for believing
that an archangel says only what is true. T h e archangel
speaks: "So you want to know whether God exists? Well, I
know and I'm not telling. But I will tell you this much: i
septiquaternity and perimetricity are compatible, then God
exists." If this happened, then, possibly, we should find the
following argument ("the angelological argument") for the
existence of God to be of some interest:
(1) Whatever an archangel says is true
(2) An archangel says that if septiquaternity and perimetricity are compatible, then God exists
that God exists has any force whatever. Moreover, many eminently rational people (Plantinga, for example) believe that
God exists, and this fact, to my mind, tends to support the
conclusion that it is not irrational to believe that God exists.
But, of course, Plantinga's argument may fail to establish its
conclusion even if that conclusion is true.22
'For an extended discussion of "possible worlds" I would accept, see [9], Chs.
IV-VIII. "Possibility," as I use the word, is what might be called "absolute" possibility.
Absolute possibility corresponds roughly to what is traditionally called "logical possibility," but I dislike this term, since there are absolute possibilities and impossibilities
whose status as such has no obvious connection with logic (see, e.g., [3] and [ l l ] ) . I
take it to be obvious that every absolutely possible world is abolutely possible with
respect to any absolutely possible world. Thus, the modal logic that "captures"
absolute modaltiy is S,
2Apro@ositionis a non-linguistic bearer to truth value. A proposition isnecessary if
true at all worlds,@ossibleif true at some, contingent if true at some and false (not true)
at others, and impossible if true at none. It follows from the fact that every world is
possible relative to any world that the modal status (necessity, possibility, etc.) of a
proposition is the same at every world.
3I am using 'object' as the most general count-noun: in the present vocabulary,
everything is an object. Moreover, as I use the term 'object', it has no Meinongian
overtones; 'Pegasus' and 'the golden mountain' do not denote objects, since they do
not denote anything. I shall sometimes use 'thing' and 'entity' and 'being' as stylistic
variants on 'object'.
*Among objects, there are abstract objects. Among abstract objects there are
properties. As I use the term 'property', such properties as are expressible in a given
language are defined by the "well-behaved" extensional one-place open sentences of
that language. For example, associated with the sentence 'x is red' there is a property, a
non-linguistic entity, that we might call "the property of beinganx such thatx is red,"
or, for short, "being red" or "redness." Certain sentences, such as 'x does not
exemplify x', must be regarded as "ill-behaved" and thus as failing to define properties. I shall not discuss the problem of how to separate well-behaved from ill-behaved
sentences. Twoor more properties will be said to becompatible withone anotherjust in
the case that there exists a possible world at which some single object has all of them. A
set of mutually compatible properties will be said to be consistent. I shall use certain
familiar terms drawn from the traditional language of properties (e.g., 'exemplified',
'coextensive') without explanation. A is the same property as B if and only ifA and B
are coextensive at all possible worlds.
5For a typical implausible argument, see [13]: 38-39.
T o r an extended argument for the existence of abstract objects see [lo].
'Kant's famous dictum that "existence adds nothing to the concept of a thing,"
may be (I think) expressed in this terminology as: 'Every set of properties is such that,
necessarily, it is instantiated if and only if its union with {existence) is instantiated'.
This is true but is irrelevant to the task of judging the validity or soundness of the
arguments called "ontological" herein. Cf. [7]: 32-37.
SThereare properties that are had essentially by some things and accidentally by
others. For example, it seems to me that I am essentially male, at least on the cellular
level, and I think I essentially have parents. It follows that I have essentially the
property of having parents who have a son; but my sister has this property only
accidentally. Thus, this property is not essential, though I have it essentially. Cf. [9]:
sThis remark is attributed to Poincare in [I], ix. I do not mean to imply that
Poincari. would accept the realist view of mathematical objects presupposed herein.
l o It may be objected that we can say that Tom loves poetry, hates mathematics,
worships beauty, trusts in the law, fears the truth, and covets admiration. But it is not
at all clear that in the preceding phrases the abstract nouns in the direct-object
position are functioningas names of abstract objects. If they were, it seems to me, then
we could express the same facts by saying, e.g., "Tom covets the abstract object
admiration." But this, I think, is nonsense: a person who covets admiration does not
want to become the owner of a certain abstract object called 'admiration' (whatever
that might mean); rather, he wants people to admire him.
Alvin Plantinga has reminded me that the Pythagoreans are said to have worshiped numbers. I am afraid my response to this is what Antony Flew has called a
"conceptual s u l k : the Pythagoreans could not have done anything properly called
'worshiping numbers' because nothing is properly so called.
"At least assuming Leibnizian necessity entails Thomistic necessity. There does
exist the formal possibility that there is a being that exists at all possible worlds but
which is, at some worlds, generated or corrupted. But I do not find this ideacoherent.
If a being is subject to corruption (might "come apart"), or was at one time generated,
then, it should seem, there is a world at which it is never generated and hence does not
exist, since its parts never, at that world, come together.
12Thereare, of course, uninteresting properties that any Deity has essentially, and not entail C. For example, not beinga number, and being either necessary or
13By this definition, '{N, not having N}', '{N, being the greatest prime}', '{N,
being nonexistent}', and '{N, being a chair}' are ontological arguments. This consequence will do no harm that I can see, however, since no argument with an impossible
premise is sound. It would not do simply to stipulate that no argument with an
impossible premise is an ontological argument, since, for all anyone knows (divine
revelation aside), no valid argument for the conclusion that a Deity exists lacks an
impossible premise-set. This would be the case if various properties that are indispensable components of the idea of a Deity were (in some way we don't see) incompatible. Nor would it do to say that an argument fails to be an ontological argument if its
premise is known to be impossible: "ontological argument" is not supposed to be an
epistemological category. At any rate, the premise of each of these " o d d arguments
does entail that God exists, and it seems simplest to leave them in the category of
ontological arguments.
A more interesting case of an ontological argument that it seems odd to call
"ontological" is this: '{N, C, not being the greatest being possible}'. Traditional
"versions of the ontological argument" are attempts at proving the existence of a
greatest possible being; but this seems to me to be logically adventitous. Suppose there
is both a greatest possible being and a lesser but nonetheless necessary being. Then, I
should say, the lesser being as much as the greater has the single ontological
feature-an absolute incapacity to fail to exist-that is the ground for a thing's being
liable to have its existence proved by an argument a priori.
14See [4] 11, i: 271-272. A.G. Langley's translation of this important passage
(which Leibniz wrote to show to Spinoza) is reprinted in [6]: 55-56, under the
heading, "That The Most Perfect Being Exists." A translation by Bertrand Russell,
containing some material omitted in [6], can be found at [12]: 287-288.
15Foranother argument for this conclusion, see [5]: 59 (or [6]: 156-157).
161assume that either such a run occurs or no such run occurs. I have never been
able to understand the arguments for the denial of this assumption. But anyone who
denies it may concentrate on the other examples.
"See [3] and [ l l ] .
lsSee [9] Ch. X, or [8]: 85-1 12. The central premise of Plantinga's argument is
There is a possible world in which maximal greatness is instantiated.
Mark Kac and Stanislaw M. Ulam, Mathematics and Logic: Retrospect 9 Prosfiects
(New York: Praeger, 1968).
Donald Kalish and Richard Montague, Logic-Techniques of Fomal Reasoning
(New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964).
Saul A. Kripke, "Naming and Necessity," in Semantics of Natural Language, ed.
by D. Davidson and G. Harman (Dordrecht and Boston: D. Reidel, 1972).
C. W. Leibnitz, Samtliche Schriften und Briefe, Prussian Academy Edition.
Norman Malcolm, "Anselm's Ontological Arguments," The Philosophical Review
69(1960): 41-62. Reprinted in [6]: 136-59.
Alvin Plantinga (ed.), The Ontological Argument: From Saint Anselm to Contemfiorary Philosophers (New York: Doubleday, 1965).
God and Other Minds (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1967).
God, Freedom, and Evil (New York: Harper & Row, 1974).
The Nature of Necessity (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974).
Hilary Putnam, Philosophy of Logic (New York: Harper & Row, 1971).
"Meaning and Reference," TheJournal of Philosofihy 70(1973):699-71 1.
Bertrand Russell, A Cn'tical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibnir, 2nd ed. (London: Allen & Unwin, 1937).
J.J.C. Smart, "The Existence of God," inNew Essays in Philosophical Theology, ed.
by A. Flew and A. MacIntyre (New York: Macmillan, 1955): 28-46.
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