Green Energies

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Energy Policy 34 (2006) 36233633

Green energy strategies for sustainable development

Adnan Midillia, Ibrahim Dincerb,, Murat Aya

Energy Program, Mechanical Engineering Department, Nigde University, 51200 Nigde, Turkey
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ont., Canada L1H 7K4

Available online 12 September 2005

In this study we propose some green energy strategies for sustainable development. In this regard, seven green energy strategies
are taken into consideration to determine the sectoral, technological, and application impact ratios. Based on these ratios, we derive
a new parameter as the green energy impact ratio. In addition, the green energy-based sustainability ratio is obtained by depending
upon the green energy impact ratio, and the green energy utilization ratio that is calculated using actual energy data taken from
literature. In order to verify these parameters, three cases are considered. Consequently, it can be considered that the sectoral impact
ratio is more important and should be kept constant as much as possible in a green energy policy implementation. Moreover, the
green energy-based sustainability ratio increases with an increase of technological, sectoral, and application impact ratios. This
means that all negative effects on the industrial, technological, sectoral and social developments partially and/or completely decrease
throughout the transition and utilization to and of green energy and technologies when possible sustainable energy strategies are
preferred and applied. Thus, the sustainable energy strategies can make an important contribution to the economies of the countries
where green energy (e.g., wind, solar, tidal, biomass) is abundantly produced. Therefore, the investment in green energy supply and
progress should be encouraged by governments and other authorities for a green energy replacement of fossil fuels for more
environmentally benign and sustainable future.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Green energy; Sustainable development; Fossil fuel

1. Introduction
Energy is a key factor in discussions of economic,
social and environmental dimensions of sustainable
development (Dincer, 1999). A different type of energy
is fossil-based energy, which generally includes coal,
petroleum, natural gas, etc. Another type is green
energy. As is known, fossil energy sources are not
renewable. In order to explain and nd out the
requirement of sustainable energy strategies for green
energy supply and progress, the main negative effects of
fossil fuels should be rst introduced.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 905 721 8668x2573;

fax: +1 905 721 3370.
E-mail addresses: (A. Midilli), (I. Dincer), (M. Ay).

0301-4215/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Fossil fuels have caused some major human health

and human welfare problems, due to their extensive use
in various industrial non-industrial sectors. Such problems are detailed elsewhere (Barreto et al., 2003;
Bockris, 2003; Dincer, 2000). In reality, the main source
of these problems is seen as the extensive use of fossilbased technologies and strategies only by human beings
to govern the societies, countries, in short, the whole
world, throughout centuries. We have reached a level
that is not tolerable anymore. The urgent need in this
regard is to develop green energy strategies for sustainable future without any negative environmental and
societal impacts. Here, we should dene green energy! It
can be dened as the energy source, which has zero or
minimum environmental impact, as more environmentally benign and more sustainable, and produced from
solar, hydro, biomass, wind, geothermal, etc. This type
of green energy reduces the negative effects of fossil


A. Midilli et al. / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 36233633

energy resources and the overall emissions from

electricity generation, decreases the greenhouse gases,
gives an opportunity to take an active role in improving
the environment, and meets the clean energy demand for
both industrial and non-industrial applications. Considering the benets of green energy, sustainability of green
energy supply and progress is assumed to be a key
element in the interactions between nature and society.
Sustainable development requires a supply of energy
resources that is sustainably available at reasonable cost
and causes no or minimal negative societal impacts.
Clearly, energy resources such as fossil fuels are nite and
thus lack the characteristics needed for sustainability,
while others such as green energy sources are sustainable
over the relatively long term (Dincer and Rosen, 2004).
Particularly, low-priced green energy is the most essential
means for increasing the sustainable technological development and industrial productivity as well as peoples
living standard in a society. Therefore, permanent and
effective sustainable green energy strategies should be put
forward to increase the use of green energy sources and
technologies (Midilli et al., 2004a, b). From the literature
review, it is noticed that some researchers have contributed to the sustainable development aspects of
various energy sources and applications (e.g., PalmerJones and Jackson, 1997; Weinberg, 1997; Suganthi and
Samuel, 2000; Brown et al., 2001; Brown, 2001; Dell and
Rand, 2001; Momirlan and Veziroglu, 2002, 2005; Afgan
and Carvalho, 2004; Dincer and Rosen, 2004; Wustenhagen and Bilharz, 2004; Midilli et al., 2005ac; Dincer and
Rosen, 2005; Clark et al., 2005; Gilg et al., 2005; Cannon
et al., 2005; Tsoutsos and Stamboulis, 2005; Marechal et
al., 2005; Nijland, 2005; Halasz et al., 2005; Goldemberg,
2005; Hughes and Johnston, 2005). However, no studies
on the green energy strategies for sustainable development have appeared in the open literature. In fact, this
was the motivation behind this original work. Therefore,
this paper essentially aims to develop some key green
energy strategies for sustainable future and to derive
some key parameters like green energy impact ratio and
the green energy-based sustainability ratio. As differing
from other studies, this work will also:

help understand main concepts and issues about

green energy use and sustainability aspects,
develop relations between green energy use and
sustainability development,
encourage the strategic use and conservation of the
green energy sources,
provide the methods for energy security, implementation and development,
increase the motivation on the implementation of
green energy strategies for better energy supply,
give an idea to reduce the negative environmental
impacts by considering the possible green energy
strategies, and

form a scientic platform to discuss the possible

green energy strategies for sectoral use.

For the above listed outcomes, we propose seven

possible green energy strategies and develop new
parameters on the technological, sectoral and application impact ratios for sustainable development.

2. Analysis
Here we present some key steps in the analysis and
model development which are expected to accelerate the
use of green energy technologies and implementation of
green energy strategies, as follows:

main basis,
green energy and sustainability,
essential factors,
green energy applications,
key strategies,
parametric description,
general assumptions, and
model development.

2.1. Main basis

In order to develop green energy strategies for
sustainable development, we need to build upon a
logical/systematic framework as the main basis of this
study. In a recent study, Dincer and Rosen (2005) have
outlined the essential factors impacting sustainable
development and their interdependences. They introduced the sustainable development as the conuence of
energy and resources sustainability, economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and social sustainability and discussed their interrelations, as shown in
Fig. 1. Dincer and Rosens work is taken as the main
basis of this analysis and model development.
It is obvious that a cost-effective and stable energy
supply is the prerequisite for social and economic
development in industrial and non-industrial sectors.
Indeed, energy is essential to human welfare and quality
of life. However, energy production and consumption
generate signicant environmental problems (at global,
regional and local levels) that can have serious
consequences and even put at risk the long-term
sustainability of the planets ecosystems. The relationship between energy consumption and production and
sustainability is, therefore, complex (Balocco and
Grazzini, 2000; Dincer and Rosen, 2005). Here we
consider sustainable development to involve four key
factors in Fig. 1 as presented by Dincer and Rosen,
2005), namely environmental, economic, social, and
energy and resource sustainability. In this regard, the
relationship between green energy and sustainability will

A. Midilli et al. / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 36233633




Energy and


Fig. 1. Factors affecting sustainable development and their interdependences (adapted from Dincer and Rosen, 2005).

be investigated through our present model. It is clear

that green energy strategies will lead to sustainable
development as to be discussed below.
2.2. Green energy and sustainability
Sustainability has been called a key to the solution of
current ecological, economic, and developmental problems
by Dincer and Rosen (2005). For sustainable development,
green energy can play an important role for meeting
energy requirements in both industrial and local applications. Therefore, development and utilization of green
energy strategies and technologies should be given a high
priority for sustainable development in a country. The
need for sustainable energy development is increasing
rapidly in the world. Widespread use of green energy
sources and technologies is important for achieving
sustainability in the energy sectors in both developing
and industrialized countries. Green energy resources and
technologies are a key component of sustainable development for three main reasons (Dincer and Rosen, 2005):

They generally cause less environmental impact than

other energy sources. The variety of green energy
resources provides a exible array of options for their
They cannot be depleted. If used carefully in
appropriate applications, green energy resources can
provide a reliable and sustainable supply of energy
almost indenitely.
They favor system decentralization and local solutions that are somewhat independent of the national
network, thus enhancing the exibility of the system
and providing economic benets to small isolated
populations. Also, the small scale of the equipment
often reduces the time required from initial design to
operation, providing greater adaptability in responding to unpredictable growth and/or changes in energy

Thus, green energy and technologies are needed for

sustainable development that ensures a minimization of


global unrest. Clearly, energy resources such as fossil

fuels are nite and thus lack the characteristics needed
for sustainability, while others such as renewable energy
sources are sustainable over the relatively long term
(Dincer and Rosen, 2005). The relation between green
energy and sustainability is of great signicance to the
developed countries as well as developing and/or less
developed countries. Moreover, examining the relations
between green energy sources and sustainability makes it
clear that green technology is directly related to
sustainable development. Therefore, attaining sustainable development requires that green energy resources
also be used, and is assisted if resources are used
efciently (Rosen and Dincer, 2001). Major considerations involved in the development of green energy
technologies for sustainable development as modied
from Dincer and Rosen (2005) are presented in Fig. 2.
If sustainable energy strategies are effectively put into
practice, the countries may maximize the benets from
the green energy sources and technologies, while
minimizing the global unrest (Midilli et al., 2005a)
associated with the use of fossil fuel energy sources. It
expected that this initiative can contribute to development over a longer period of time, i.e., to make
development more sustainable (Dincer and Rosen,
2.3. Essential factors
There are various essential parameters as outlined and
detailed in Fig. 3. These factors can help in identifying

Increase of
Application of
sustainable green
energy strategies
Increase of green energy
and technology utilization

Social and
Environmental Impact
Social benefits, global
peace, environmental
impact, higher living
standard, clean air and
environment, etc.
Technical Aspects
Availability, grid
connection, technology
level and use,
innovations, advanced
technologies, etc.

Research and
information technology,
incentives, training,
communication, etc.
Economic Factors
Investments, generation
costs, lower operation
cost, lower cost energy
recovery, lower cost
externalities, etc.

Fig. 2. Major considerations involved in the development of green

energy technologies for sustainable development (modied from
Dincer and Rosen, 2005).

A. Midilli et al. / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 36233633

Making sustainable
green energy program
-Professional support
-Public support
-Media support
Public information/

Public and
government channels


Energy utilization
green energy

Successful Application of
Green Energy Strategies


Application Areas of Green Energy

and Technologies

Sustainable green
energy program
-fuel cells
-gas turbines
-hydrogen plants

Environmental education
and training


Essential factors for

green energy
Innovative green
energy strategies

Promoting green
energy resources


Evaluation tools/

An effective
sustainable green
energy program

Short- and longterm policies for


Importance to
monitor each step
and evaluate the
data and findings

-Public relation

benign green
energy programs/

n of green
energy systems
locally and
globally for

Applications for
power generation

-air conditioning
-pumping, etc.
-ammonia synthesis
-fertilizer production
-oil distillation
-petrochemical production
-metallurgical applications
-Ni and Fe production
-energy storage
-flammable mixtures
-electronic industry
-glass and fiber production
-nuclear reactors
-power generation systems

2.4. Green energy applications

Green energy technologies are expected to play a key
role in sustainable energy scenarios for future. The
foremost factor that will determine the specic role of
green energy and technologies will likely be energy
demand. Therefore, in order to compensate the energy
requirement, it will be possible to produce green energy
from renewable energy sources such as hydraulic, solar,
wind, geothermal, wave, biomass, etc. If so, the green
energy and technologies can be utilized for many
application elds as shown in Fig. 4. Thus, it can be
said that green energy and technologies, which are
abundantly available, can help:

provide a more environmentally benign and more

sustainable future,
increase energy security,
facilitate or necessitate the development of new, clean



-fuel cells
-IC engines
-defense industry
-power generation
-ship engines
-pollution control
-energy storage
-gas turbines
-jet engines
-defense industry
-space industry
-energy storage

If the use of green energy

technologies is encouraged,
a stable and peaceful world with a
better environment and
sustainable future is expected.

Fig. 3. Essential factors for green energy strategies and technologies.

and achieving required green energy strategies and

technologies for sustainable development. As shown in
Fig. 3, green energy technologies are largely shaped by
broad and powerful trends that have their roots in basic
human needs. In conjunction with this, the increasing
world population requires the denition and successful
implementation of green energy technologies. Briey,
the important parameters and their interrelations as
outlined in Fig. 3 are denitely required to carry out the
best green energy program and select the most appropriate green energy technology/technologies for sustainable development.


Fig. 4. Possible application elds of green energy and technologies in

for sustainable development.

reduce air, water and soil pollution and the loss of

reduce energy-related illnesses and deaths,
reduce or stop conicts among countries regarding
energy reserves, etc.

Therefore, green energy and related technologies are

needed to ensure the global stability by reducing the
harmful effects of the fossil-based energy consumption.
Thus, importance of green energy in reducing the world
problems and achieving a sustainable energy system
should be emphasized considering the sustainable green
energy strategies, and a transition to green energy
economy should be encouraged and developed countries, in particular, should increase investments in green
energy and technologies.
2.5. Key strategies
Here we present some key strategies by considering
social sustainability, environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and energy and resource sustainability that have already been illustrated in Fig. 1, and
also with major considerations in Figs. 24. An increase
in the energy consumption of a country provides a
positive impact on its economic as well as social and
technological developments (Dincer and Rosen, 2005).
Moreover, the supply and utilization of green energy are
particularly signicant for sustainable green energy
technologies. The most important scenario to encourage

A. Midilli et al. / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 36233633

the use of green energy and promote sustainable green

energy-based technologies is to supply the required
incentives and interactions among the countries, scientists, researchers, societies and others (Midilli et al.,
2005a; Dincer and Rosen, 2005). For the future of the
countries dealing with green energy and technologies,
there is a need to determine the possible sustainable
green energy strategies. In order to develop and
publicize the sustainable green energy technologies in a
developed or less developed country, the following
important green energy strategies should be taken into

industrial and technological support for transition to

green energy technologies,
control of the projection and analysis of green energy
governmental and public support for green energy
production, consumption, distribution, conversion,
management and marketing of green energy,
research, development and application of sustainable
green energy technologies,
availability, productivity and reliability of green
energy and technologies, and
design and fabrication of green energy-based environmental and ecological applications.

2.6. Parametric description

each parameter is equal to 1/3 of the total green energy

nancial budget in a country.
2.7. General assumptions
In order to analyze the effects of sectoral, technological and practical application ratios on the green energy
impact ratio and green energy-based sustainability ratio,
some general assumptions are made as follows:

Considering the above strategies, the following

important parameters can be dened to derive the green
energy impact ratio.

Sectoral impact ratio (Rsi) is based on the provided

nancial support of public, private and media sectors
for transition to green energy-based technologies, and
depends on the total green energy nancial budget as
a reference parameter.
Technological impact ratio (Rti) is based on the
provided nancial support for research and development, security and analysis of green energy-based
technologies, and also depends on the total green
energy nancial budget as a reference parameter.
Practical application impact ratio (Rpai) is based on
the provided nancial support for projection, production, conversion, marketing, distribution, management and consumption of green fuel from green
energy sources, and also depends on the total green
energy nancial budget.

Accordingly, it should be emphasized that these

parameters can be dened as the ratio of the provided
nancial support to the total green energy nancial
budget in a country. In addition, it should be always
remembered that it is assumed that the nancial share of


There are three green energy parameters, namely

technological, sectoral and practical application
impact ratios, as given in the previous section, and
their weights have split equally ( 1/3 of the total
green energy nancial budget). The values of the
impact ratios of these parameters may change, but
the total ratio of these parameters should equal to 1,
because it is considered that the total green energy
nancial budget is prepared in accordance with the
activities involved in the parameters.
The practical effects of technological, sectoral and
practical application impact ratios are selected as
20%, 60% and 100%, respectively.
The total primary energy consumption, total fossil
fuel consumption, total green energy consumption as
indicated in (Workbook, 2005) are taken as reference
parameters and evaluated in the total green energy
nancial budget in a country.
Three cases including technological, sectoral and
practical application impact ratios as the constant
or variable parameters are considered in the parametric analysis:
o Case 1 includes one variable and two constant
parameters (max. effect of constant parameters 2/3 of total green energy nancial
o Case 2 includes two variables and one constant
parameter (max. effect of constant parameter 1/
3 of total green energy nancial budget).
o Case 3 includes three variables and no constant

2.8. Calculation procedure

Here we dene the impact ratios as follows, after
describing them above in detail:

Sectoral impact ratio (Rsi )


C p;si
C geb

C p;si oC geb

ranging from 0 to 1=3,


where C p;si denes the provided nancial supports

of the public, private and media sectors for transition to green energy-based technologies; C geb the
total green energy nancial budget in a country.

A. Midilli et al. / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 36233633


Technological impact ratio (Rti )

(Workbook, 2005). Thus,

C p;ti
C geb


C p;ti oC geb

ranging from 0 to 1=3,


where C p;ti denes the provided nancial supports

for research and development, security and analysis
of green energy-based technologies.
Practical application impact ratio (Rpai )

C p;pai
C geb

C p;pai oC geb

ranging from 0 to 1=3,

where C p;pai denes the provided nancial supports for projection, production, conversion, marketing, distribution, management and consumption
of green fuel from green energy sources.
2.9. Green energy impact ratio (Rgei )
In order to take into account the proportional effects
of the sectoral, technological and practical application
impact ratios on the green energy nancial budget in a
country, the green energy impact ratio is considered as
follows, based upon Eqs. (1)(3):
Green Energy Impact Ratio
Sectoral impact ratio
Technological impact ratio
Practical application impact ratio

Rgei fRsi Rti Rpai g in algebraic form:


2.10. Green energy-based sustainability ratio (Rges )

Green energy-based sustainability ratio leads to the
sustainable development in a country using green energy
sources and technologies. It is considered that this
parameter is a fuction of the green energy utilization
ratio (Rgeu ) and green energy impact ratio (Rgei ).
Therefore, the green energy-based sustainability ratio
can be written in algebraic form as follows:
Rges Rgei  Rgeu


In order to estimate the green energy-based sustainability ratio, the green energy utilization ratio should be
dened as a function of fossil fuel utilization ratio (Rffu ).
Hence, this parameter can be written as
Rgeu 1  Rffu


In Eq. (7), the fossil fuel utilization ratio should be

determined by considering data for fossil fuels that are
consumed in each year starting from 1965 as taken from

Total fossil fuel consumption

Total primary energy consumption



Substituting Eq. (8) in Eq. (7), the green energy

utilization ratio can be described as
P  P
pec  ffc
Rgeu 1  P

Thus, the green energy-based sustainability ratio can be
obtained substituting Eq. (5) in Eq. (6) as follows:
Rges fRsi Rti Rpai g  Rgeu


Hence, the green energy-based sustainability ratio can

be written in the following form substituting Eqs. (1)(3)
and (9) in Eq. (10) as


C p;si
C p;ti
C p;pai

C geb
C geb
C geb

 1 P

3. Results and discussion

In accordance with the objective of this study, the
projection data are obtained using historical data of
primary energy, fossil fuel and green energy consumptions. In order to emphasize the importance the green
energy strategies, the variations of fossil fuel and green
energy consumptions, and their utilization ratios are
taken into consideration as shown in Figs. 5ac. In
addition, considering the technological impact ratio
(max. value 1/3 of the green energy nancial budget),
the sectoral impact ratio (max. value 1/3 of the green
energy nancial budget) and the practical application
impact ratio (max. value 1/3 of the green energy
nancial budget), three cases are analyzed and discussed
in detail as shown in Figs. 6(ac).
Fig. 5a illustrates the variations of fossil fuel and
green energy consumptions as a function of year
depending on the historical data taken from Workbook
(2005) and projection data. As seen in this gure, the
variations of fossil fuels and green energy consumption
have shown a linear increase up to 2004. It was observed
that, according to the projection data for fossil fuel and
green energy after 2004, the consumption of the fossil
fuel sources would increase. For example, the fossil fuel
consumption and the green energy consumption are
expected to reach 13807.2 and 2694.9 Mtoe, respectively,
by the year 2050. This increase indicates our dependence
on the fossil fuels. If the increase of fossil fuel
consumption continues in this manner, it is likely that
the world will be affected by many negative problems
caused by the use of fossil fuels. Therefore, it is expected
that the green energy consumption should be increased

A. Midilli et al. / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 36233633

Fossil fuel (oil, coal and NG)
: Correlation Coeff: 0.998
Green energy (solar, wind, etc.) : Correlation Coeff: 0.999

Green Energy Based Sustainability Ratio


Consumption (Mtoe)

historical projection











Case 2:
year : 2050
ratio : 7.62 %


Case 3:
year : 2050
ratio : 3.26 %



Time (Year)

























Time (Year)

Green Energy Based Sustainability Ratio




For 60 % of green energy financial budget or the effect of the parameters in cases





Fossil Fuel Utilization Ratio

Green Energy Utilization Ratio

Case 1:
year : 2050
ratio : 11.98 %



Green energy (Correlation coeff: 0.999 for green energy projection)

Fossil fuel (Correlation coeff: 0.998 for fossil fuel projection)

Case 1: (1 variable parameter and 2 constant parameters)

Case 2: (2 variable parameters and 1 constant parameter)
Case 1
Case 3: (3 variable parameters)
year : 2050; ratio : 14.15%


Sectoral impact ratio
Technological impact ratio
Application impact ratio

Case 3
year : 2050; ratio : 9.79%

historical projection






Time (Year)

Case 2
year : 2050; ratio : 11.97%




2000 2010 2020

Time (Year)







For 100 % of green energy financial budget

or the effect of the parameters in cases

Green Energy Based Sustainability Ratio

Year : 1965 (BP Data)

Fossil fuel consumption: 3645.8 (Mtoe)
Green energy consumption: 215.8 (Mtoe)
Primary energy consumption: 3861.6 (Mtoe)


Fossil Fuel Utilization Ratio

Case 1: (1 variable parameter and 2 constant parameters)

Case 2: (2 variable parameters and 1 constant parameter)
Case 3: (3 variable parameters)
Sectoral impact ratio
Technological impact ratio
Application impact ratio










For 20 % of green energy financial budget or the effect of the parameters in cases





Year : 2050 (BP Data)

Fossil fuel consumption: 13807.2 (Mtoe)
Green energy consumption: 2694.9 (Mtoe)
Primary energy consumption: 16502.1 (Mtoe)







Fig. 5. (a) Actual and projected consumption of fossil fuels and green
energy sources. (b) Variations of the green energy and fossil fuel
utilization ratios as a function of year based on the historical data
taken from Workbook (2005) and projections. (c) Fossil fuel
utilization ratios versus the green energy utilization ratios.

at the same trend as in Fig. 5a. In the near future, green

energy will likely become increasingly important to
compensate for shortages of conventional energy


Sectoral impact ratio
Technological impact ratio
Application impact ratio


year : 2050
ratio :16.33 %

historical projection






Green Energy Utilization Ratio





2000 2010 2020

Time (Year)





Fig. 6. (a) Variation of green energy-based sustainability ratio as a

function of year, depending on 20% of green energy nancial budget
(or the effect of the parameters) in the cases considered. (b) Variation
of green energy-based sustainability ratio as a function of year by
depending on 60% of green energy nancial budget (or the effect of the
parameters) in the cases considered. 6c. Variation of green energybased sustainability ratio as a function of year by depending on 100%
of green energy nancial budget (or the effect of the parameters) in the
cases considered.

A. Midilli et al. / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 36233633


Table 1
Green energy impact ratios based on cases 13, depending on the percentages of total green energy nancial budget
Effect of variable parameters (e)




Percent of total nancial budget for green energy

Green energy impact ratio



Case 1

2 constant parameters
1 variable parameter

1  (1/3)  e






Case 2

1 constant parameter
2 variable parameters

2  (1/3)  e






Case 3

3 variable parameters

3  (1/3)  e






Fig. 5b presents the variation of the fossil fuel and

green energy utilization ratios as a function of time (i.e.,
year) depending on the historical data taken from
Workbook (2005) and the projected data. However, Fig.
5c shows the variations of the fossil fuel utilization ratio
as a function of green energy utilization ratio. As shown
in these gures, the fossil fuel utilization ratio decreases
depending on the rise of the year while the green energy
utilization ratio increases. For example, the green energy
utilization ratio was 5.59% while the fossil fuel
utilization ratio was 94.41% in 1965 based upon the
actual data. However, it is observed that the green
energy utilization ratio increased and reached 12.31%
while the fossil fuel utilization ratio decreased to 87.69%
in 2004. Based on the projected data, it is expected that
the green energy utilization ratio will reach almost
16.33% and the fossil fuel utilization ratio will decrease
to almost 83.67% in 2050. Thus, in order to increase the
green energy utilization ratio and to reduce the harmful
effects resulting from the fossil fuel consumption, the
green energy strategies should be put into practice for
sustainable development.
First, it should be stated that one or two of the
parameters that are sectoral, technological and practical
application impact ratios can be selected as constant
parameter(s). As shown in Table 1, a variable and two
constant parameters are considered in case 1, two
variables and one constant parameter are considered
in case 2, and three variable parameters are considered
in case 3. When case 1 is applied for green energy supply
and progress, it is found that the green energy impact
ratio changes between 0.733 and 1.00 depending on the
percentages of the variable parameter. In case of the
application of case 2, it is obtained that the green energy
impact ratio varies between 0.467 and 1.00 depending on
the percentages of two variable parameters. In case of
the application of case 3, it is calculated that the green
energy impact ratio changes from 0.20 to 1.00 depending
on the percentages of three variable parameters. When
we compare three cases with each other, it can be said
that the highest values of green energy impact ratio are
found by applying case 1, and also case 3 gives the

lowest green energy impact ratios. Thus, case 1 should

be selected to increase the green energy impact ratio and
green energy-based sustainability ratio.
Figs. 6ac show variation of green energy-based
sustainability ratio (Rges ) as a function of year by
depending on the percentages of green energy nancial
budget as 20%, 60% and 100% or the effect of the
parameters in cases, respectively. The values of green
energy-based sustainability ratios were calculated using
Eq. (11). As shown in these gures, the values of Rges
increase with time based on the cases. The highest values
of Rges are obtained when case 1 is applied as shown in
Figs. 6ac. For example, the green energy-based
sustainability ratios are estimated to be 9.8% in 2005
and 11.9% in 2050 in case of 20% of green energy
nancial budget; 11.6% in 2005 and 14.2% in 2050 in
case of 60% of green energy nancial budget; 13.4% in
2005 and 16.3% in 2050 in case of 100% of green energy
nancial budget.
It is important to implement green energy strategies
through green energy systems and applications for
sustainable future. If so, the green energy-based
sustainability ratio increases, and green energy is more
easily supplied, and thus, its technologies are more
preferred and applied. Hence, as long as sustainable
green energy strategies are increasingly applied, and the
green technologies are more utilized and encouraged,
the negative effects stemming from the fossil fuel
utilization will decrease, and thus, the green energybased sustainability ratio will increase. Considering the
above explanations, some key expectations from the
implementation of the green energy strategies for
sustainable future are presented in Fig. 7.

4. Conclusions
In this study, the green energy strategies for sustainable development are investigated and hence some key
parameters are developed. The effects of technological,
sectoral and practical application impact ratios on
green energy impact ratio and the green energy-based

A. Midilli et al. / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 36233633

20th Century
fossil- and partially
green energybased life

Increase of energy demand

Fossil energy depletion
Global problems and poverty
High-operating cost
High global unrest
Low global stability and peace
International tension and conflicts
Industrial crises
Energy shortage and world wars
Ozone layer depletion
Global warming and disasters
Global pollution and aridity
Low living standards

21st Century

Sustainable green
energy strategies



to green energy and

21st century and beyond
green energy based life


R: Results
Ex: Expectation

High living standards

Reduced global problems
Advanced technologies
Clean air and environment
Reduced environmental impact
No energy shortages
Low-operating costs
No conflicts and wars
Increased sustainability
High global stability and peace
Fuel cell technologies
Nano technologies
Advanced IT
Peace and freedom
Technological innovations

Fig. 7. Chart of green energy strategies and technologies for sustainable development.

sustainability ratio are studied thoroughly. We can then

extract some important remarks as follows:

The fossil fuel consumption and the green energy

consumption are expected to reach 13807.2 and
2694.9 Mtoe, respectively, by the year 2050. This
increase indicates that we will still be dependent on
the fossil fuels.
The green energy utilization ratio is estimated to be
12.31% while the fossil fuel utilization ratio is
87.69% in 2004. Based on the projected data, it
expected that the green energy utilization ratio will
reach almost 16.33% and the fossil fuel utilization
ratio will decrease to almost 83.67% in 2050.
If the increase of fossil fuel consumption continues in
this manner, it is likely that the world will be affected
by many negative problems due to the fossil fuels. More
utilization of fossil fuels will harm world stability and
increase local and global environmental problems,

resulting in increasing global unrest. It is thus suggested

that the utilization of fossil fuels should be reduced, and
fossil-based technologies should be gradually converted
to green energy-based technologies.
The highest green energy impact ratio is found
between 73.334% and 100% in case 1. Therefore, in
order to obtain the highest green energy impact ratio
in practice, the highest percentage (e.g. 100%) of the
variable parameter in case 1 should be selected.
Case 1 gives better results than cases 2 and 3.
Therefore, for a higher green energy impact ratio in
practice, case 1 should be applied to increase the
green energy sustainability ratio depending on the
green energy strategies. Moreover, case 1 gives the
best results of the green energy-based sustainability
ratio depending on the green energy impact ratio and
green energy utilization ratio.
Sustainable green energy strategies are denitely
required to ensure the global stability by reducing


A. Midilli et al. / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 36233633

the harmful effects of the fossil-based energy consumption. So, it is suggested that the importance of
green energy and technologies that probably reduce
the world problems and achieve a sustainable energy
system should be emphasized considering the sustainable energy strategies. Moreover, a transition to the
green energy-based economy should be encouraged,
and developed countries, in particular, should increase investments in green energy and technologies.
Progress of green energy and technologies is based on
the sustainable green energy strategies for future green
energy scenarios. The foremost factor that will determine the specic role of green energy and technologies
will likely be energy demand. In order to balance the
energy demand now and in the future, it is suggested
that sustainable green energy sources and technologies
should be denitely taken into consideration to increase
the sustainable development in a country.
In order to develop and implement the green energy
technologies and applications in a developed or less
developed country, green energy strategies appear to
be essential for sustainable development. It is clear
that they are becoming more and more important for
human beings due to global environmental problems,
green energy security and supply issues, and technological innovations.
Considering the sustainable green energy strategies, it
can be concluded that the most important scenario to
encourage transition to green energy and technologies, and promote green energy-based technologies is
to supply the required incentives and interactions
among the countries, scientists, researchers, societies
and others.

In summary, green energy strategies can make an

important contribution to the economies of countries
where green energy is abundantly produced. Therefore,
the investments in green energy supply should be, for the
future of world nations, encouraged by governments
and other authoritative bodies who, for strategic
reasons, wish to have a green alternative to fossil fuels.
The authors acknowledge the support provided by
Nigde University in Turkey and the University of Ontario
Institute of Technology and the Natural Science and
Engineering Research Council of Canada in Canada.
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