Conduct Rules, 1964
Conduct Rules, 1964
Conduct Rules, 1964
Based on the recommendations of the C ommittee on P revention of C orruption headed by late Shri K.
Santhanam, the C onduct R ules for G overnment servants were revised with a view to maintaining
integrity in public Services and the C entral C ivil Services (C onduct) R ules, 1964 were notified laying
down the C ode of C onduct for C entral G overnment employees. A bilingual edition of the Brochure on
C entral C ivil Services (C onduct) R ules, 1964 was published in 1986 and thereafter no further edition has
been brought out. In the meantime several provisions of the rules have been amended and a number of
clarifications have been issued. T herefore, it has been decided to bring out an up-to-date edition.
T he Brochure is, however, intended to serve only as a guide and in so far as the actual application of the
Government orders mentioned under various Rules are concerned, the relevant O.M. may be consulted.
Suggestions for improvement and rectification of errors and omissions, if any, are always welcome.
S.O. 4177- In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article 148 of the
Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General in relation to persons serving in
the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules, namely:T HE CENT RAL CIVIL SERVICES (CONDUCT ) RULES, 1964
1. Short title, commencement and application
(1) T hese rules may be called the Central Civil Services(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
(2) T hey shall come into force at once.
(3) Save as otherwise provided in these rules and subject to the provisions of the Indian Foreign Service
(C onduct and Discipline) R ules, 1961, these rules shall apply to every person appointed to a civil service
or post (including a civilian in Defence Service) in connection with the affairs of the Union:
Provided that nothing in these rules shall apply to any Government servant who is
(a) (i) a railway servant as defined in Section 3 of the Indian Railways Act, 1890 (9 of 1890);
(ii) a person holding a post in the Railway Board and is subject to the Railway Services (Conduct) Rules;
(iii) holding any post under the administrative control of the R ailway Board or of the Financial
Commissioner of Railways;
(b) a member of an All India Service;
(c) a holder of any post in respect of which the P resident has, by a general or special order, directed
that these rules shall not apply:
P rovided further that R ules 4,6,7,12,14, sub-rule(3) of R ule 15, R ule 16, sub-rules (1), (2) and (3) of
R ule 18, R ules 19, 20 and 21 shall not apply to any G overnment servant who draws a pay which does
not exceed R s.500 per mensem and holds a non-gazetted post in any of the following establishments,
owned or managed by the Government, namely:(i) ports, docks, wharves or jetties;
(ii) defence installations except training establishments;
(iii) public works establishments, in so far as they relate to work-charged staff;
(iv) irrigation and electric power establishments;
(v) mines as defined in clause (j) of Section 2 of the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952);
(vi) factories as defined in clause (m) of Section 2 of the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948); and
(vii) field units of the Central T ractor Organisation employing workmen governed by labour laws:
P rovided further that these rules shall apply to any person temporarily transferred to a service or post
specified in clause (a) of the first proviso to whom but for such transfer these rules would have
otherwise applied.
E XP LANAT IO N- For the purposes of the second proviso, the expression 'establishment' shall not include
any railway establishment or any office mainly concerned with administrative, managerial, supervisory,
security or welfare functions.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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servants by the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules. The extent to which such conditions can be applied to
employees of a statutory corporation would naturally depend on the provisions of the statute setting up the
Corporation. The statute may provide for suitable rules being made by the Corporation itself or by
Government. W here there is no such statutory provision or the body is non-statutory, the conditions of service
of employees would be determined by the terms, expressed or implied, of the contract of service. It will then
be open to the employer, subject to the relevant labour laws where they apply, to lay down conditions of
service which would operate as terms of a contract.
It has been decided that in corporate undertakings entirely financed by the Central Government, i.e. where the
whole capital is invested by the State, the activities of the employees should be restricted in the same
manner as for those working directly under Government. In such cases action should be taken to extend the
provisions of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules to the employees either by a self-contained set of
rules under the specific statutory authority for framing such rules or as terms of the contract.
In regard to employees of corporate undertakings controlled or partly financed by the Central Government
also, the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules should wherever possible, be applied with
such modifications as may be necessary.
[MHA OM No. 25/55/53-Estt.(A) dated 14.03.1956]
It is laid down in Decision No. (2) above that in the corporate undertakings entirely financed by the Central
Government, i.e., where the whole capital is invested by the State, the activities of the employees should be
restricted in the same manner as for those directly under Government and in such cases action should be
taken to extend the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules to the employees either by a selfcontained set of rules under the specific statutory authority for framing such rules or as terms of the contract.
In regard to employees of corporate undertakings controlled or partly financed by the Central Government the
Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules should wherever possible be applied with such modifications as may be
The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, which have been recently revised vide Home Ministrys
Notification No. 25/4/63-Ests.(A), dated 30th November, 1964, contain certain important provisions such as
those relating to integrity, which have been made or modified on the recommendation of the Committee on
P revention of Corruption (Santhanam Committee). It is requested that statutory and other corporate public
sector undertakings under the control of the Ministry of Industry and Supply etc., may be advised to bring their
Conduct Rules on the lines of the revised CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and to incorporate particularly, the
important provisions of the CCS (Conduct) Rules relating to integrity.
[MHA OM No. 7/30/62-Ests.(A) dated 14.06.1965]
(3) Applicability of the C entral C ivil Services (C onduct) R ules to members of C ommittees/C ommissions
appointed by the Government of India
Attention is invited to Decision No. (1) above in which it is laid down that an honorary worker should be paid a
nominal salary of Re.1 per mensem so that he may technically be a Government servant governed by the
Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules and other service rules. The Government of India have since been
advised that, subject to the exceptions specified in the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 these
rules apply to "all persons appointed to civil services and posts in connection with the affairs of the U nion"
and that the criterion for deciding whether the rules apply in a particular case is whether the person concerned
has been formally appointed to a civil service or post under the Central Government and not merely whether
he is in receipt of remuneration from Government. Accordingly where the intention is that the person to be
appointed should be governed by the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, the appointment should be made
to a specific civil service or post.
2. Non-official members (i.e. all persons other than those who are in active Government service) of
Commissions, Boards and Committees of Enquiry set up by Government, may sometimes attach considerable
importance to their non-official status and prefer it to be maintained while accepting membership of such
Commissions etc. In such cases, if the intention is that the said rules should not apply, the person concerned
should not be appointed to any central civil service or post, but should be appointed as Chairman or Member
of the Commission or Committee as the case may be, without reference to any civil service or post, on such
honoraria as may be considered suitable.
3. The Government of India have also noticed that in several instances the honoraria sanctioned for honorary
workers are substantial. In such cases the person concerned is an honorary worker in name only. The
Government of India do not consider it proper to fix the amount of honorarium at such a figure that the
honorary character of the employment is lost. Moreover, if the person desires to maintain his non-official
status and does not wish to be regarded as a Government servant, it follows that the remuneration allowed to
him as honorarium should be nominal and not equivalent to what would have been allowed to him as salary if
he had been appointed to a regular post.
[MHA OM No. 25/39/58-Ests(A), dated 25.10.1958]
(4) Not applicable to Extra-Departmental Agents
In pursuance of clause (c) of sub-rule (3) of Rule 1 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, the
P resident hereby declares that the said rules shall not apply to any extra departmental Agent in the Posts and
Telegraphs Department who does not hold any other post in connection with the affairs of the Union.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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(ii) observe the Government's policies regarding prevention of crime against women.
3C. Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women
(1) No G overnment servant shall indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any women at her work
(2) Every G overnment servant who is incharge of a work place shall take appropriate steps to prevent
sexual harassment to any woman at such work place.
Explanation - For the purpose of this rule, "sexual harassment" includes such unwelcome sexually
determined behaviour, whether directly or otherwise, as -(a) physical contact and advances;
(b) demand or request for sexual favours;
(c) sexually coloured remarks;
(d) showing any pornography; or
(e) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.
Government of India Decisions
(1) Integrity of officers appointed to responsible posts Reputation regarding honesty
In para 7 of Chapter VI of the First Five Y ear Plan, the Planning Commission have observed that no officer who
does not have a reputation for honesty should be placed in a position in which there is considerable scope for
discretion. The Government of India fully agree with this observation. W hile there is no intention that an
officer should be penalized or condemned merely on hearsay evidence, it is necessary that all recommending
authorities should, before recommending officers for responsible posts where there is considerable scope for
discretion, take into account all relevant factors regarding their integrity and reputation for honesty and
impartiality. This is, of course, not an entirely new principle and it has always been expected that the
authorities concerned with posting and promotions should observe it in the ordinary course. In view, however,
of the importance which both public opinion and Government attach to the maintenance of a high standard of
integrity by Government servants, the Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring this principle specifically
to the notice of such authorities under them.
[MHA OM No. 41/2/55(II)-Ests.(A), dated 23.04.1955]
(1A) Integrity of G overnment servants holding responsible posts Independence and impartiality in the
discharge of their duties.
Both the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1954 and the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 lay
down inter alia that Government servants should, at all times, maintain absolute integrity and devotion to
duty. It is, in fact, axiomatic that Government servants especially those holding positions of trust and
responsibility, should not only be honest and impartial in the discharge of their official duties but also have
the reputation of being so. The P lanning Commission have also referred to this matter in Chapter V I of the
First Five Year P lan. They have observed that in their social relations and dealings, those holding responsible
posts should ensure that there is no ground or occasion to suggest that some individuals have greater access
or influence with them than others. Government have no doubt that their officers fully appreciate the need for
maintaining a high standard of integrity and impartiality and ensuring as far as it lies in their power that their
behaviour gives no room for any possible suggestions to the contrary. It is however, requested that these
observations should be specifically brought to the notice of all concerned and steps should be taken to include
them in the teaching given at training institutions under the Ministry of Finance etc.
[MHA OM No. 41/2/55, dated 23.04.1955]
(2) Observance of courtesies by Officers in their dealings with Members of Parliament.
Government of India would like to remind all officers that due courtesy and regard to the representatives of
the people are desirable in the larger interests of the country. The Members of Parliament have important
functions to perform under the Constitution and it should be the endeavor of every officer to help them to the
extent possible in the discharge of their functions. In cases, however, when officers are unable to accede to
the request or suggestion of Members of Parliament, the reasons for the officers inability to do so should be
courteously explained to them. For purposes of interview, Members of Parliament should be given preference
over other visitors, and in the very rare cases where an officer is unable to see a Member of Parliament at a
time about which he had no previous notice, the position should be politely explained to the Member and
another appointment fixed in consultation with him. The same courtesy and regard should be shown to
Members of Legislatures attending public functions where, in particular, seats befitting their position should
be reserved for them.
[MHA OM No. 25/29/56-Ests.(A), dated 28.08.1957]
Instructions were issued on 28.08.1957, [Decision No. (2) above] emphasizing the need for observance of
proper courtesies by officers of the Government in their dealings with Members of Parliament. In continuation,%20commencement%20and%20application
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of these instructions, it is further emphasized that where any meeting convened by Government is to be
attended by Members of Parliament, special care should be taken to see that notice is given to them in good
time regarding the date, time, venue etc. of the meeting, and it should be ensured that there is no slip in any
matter of detail, however, minor it may be.
[MHA OM No. 25/6/68-Ests.(A), dated 27.03.1968]
(3) O fficial dealings between the Administration and Members of P arliament and State Legislatures
Observance of proper procedure Instructions regarding.
Members of Parliament and State Legislatures occupy in our democratic set-up a very important place as
accredited representatives of the people. They have important functions to perform under the Constitution and
they may occasionally find it necessary to seek information from the Ministries/Departments of the
Government of India or the State Governments, or make suggestions for their consideration or ask for
interviews with officers in connection with their parliamentary and allied public duties. In this connection,
certain well recognised principles and conventions to govern the relations between Members of Parliament and
of State Legislatures and Government servants have already been established. These principles and
conventions were communicated in Ministry of Home Affairs O ffice Memorandum No. 25/29/56-Ests.(A) dated
28 th August, 1957 (decision No. 2) and O ffice Memorandum No. 25/6/68-Ests.(A), dated the 27th March, 1968
(decision No. 2A). However, on a review of the position it has been considered necessary to reiterate, and to
spell out in some detail, the principles and practices that should govern the relations between Members of
Parliament and of State Legislatures and Government servants. The instructions in this regard are contained in
the subsequent paragraphs. The Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the contents of this O ffice
Memorandum to the notice of all concerned for guidance and strict compliance.
2. The two basic principles to be borne in mind are (i) that Government servants should show courtesy and
consideration to Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures and (ii) that while they should consider
carefully or listen patiently to what the Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures may have to say,
they should always act according to their own best judgment.
3. It should be the endeavour of every officer to help the Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures to
the extent possible in the discharge of their important functions under the Constitution. In cases, however,
where an officer is unable to accede to the request or suggestion of a Member, the reasons for his inability to
do so should be courteously explained to the Member.
4. It is realized that many officers have very heavy public duties and responsibilities and if they are to
function effectively, they should be permitted to plan out their days work with some care and adhere to the
plan. An officer should feel free to set apart some hour when he can refuse to meet visitors without being
considered guilty of discourtesy, lack of consideration and the like. He should, however, set apart some time
every day when anybody can see him and, within these hours and also during other office hours in which he is
to meet visitors, he must give priority to Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures except when a
visitor has come by previous appointment and a Member of Parliament or of a State Legislature has come
without an appointment. In such a case he should see the Member of Parliament or of a State Legislature
immediately after he has met the visitor who had come by previous appointment. Any deviation from an
appointment made with a Member of Parliament or of a State Legislature or indeed with any other person
must promptly be explained to the Member concerned so that the least possible inconvenience is caused to
him and a fresh appointment should be fixed in consultation with him.
5. W hen a Member of Parliament or of State Legislature come to see him, an officer should rise in his seat to
receive the Member and to see him off. Small gestures have symbolic value and officers should, therefore, be
meticulously correct and courteous in their dealings with Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures.
6. Similarly, seating arrangement at public functions should receive very careful attention at all times and it
should be ensured that there is no room for any misunderstanding on this score. The position of Members of
Parliament has been clearly brought out in the W arrant of P recedence approved by the P resident. MP s appear
at Article 30 above officers of the rank of full General or equivalent, Secretaries to the Government of India,
etc. The instructions appended to the W arrant of P recedence also lay down that when Members of Parliament
are invited en bloc to major State functions, the enclosure reserved for them should be next to the Governors,
Chief Justice, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Ambassadors, etc. A further provision in the instructions is that the
Members of State Legislatures who, owing to their presence in Delhi, happens to be invited to State functions,
should be assigned rank just after Members of Parliament. To avoid inconvenience to Members of Parliament
and of State Legislatures who may come late, the block seats meant for them should be kept reserved till the
end of the function and should not be occupied by other persons, even though they may be vacant. The seats
provided for them should be at least as comfortable and as prominently placed as those for officials.
7. Letters received from Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures should be acknowledged promptly.
All such letters should receive careful consideration and should be responded to at an appropriate level and
expeditiously. The officers should furnish to Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures when asked for,
such information or statistics relating to matters of local importance as are readily available and are not
confidential. In doubtful cases instructions should be taken from a higher authority before refusing the
8. W hile the official dealings of Government servants with Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures
have to be regulated as stated in the previous paragraphs, it is necessary to invite the attention of
Government servants to what is expected of them in their individual capacity in respect of their own
grievances in the matter of conditions of service. U nder the relevant Conduct Rules governing them,
Government servants are prohibited from brining or attempting to bring any political or other influence to bear
upon any superior authority to further their interests in respect of matters pertaining to their service under the,%20commencement%20and%20application
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(ii) that while they should consider carefully or listen patiently to what the Members of Parliament and of the
State Legislatures may have to say, they should always act according to their own best judgement.
(iii) Any deviation from an appointment made with a Member must be promptly explained to him to avoid any
possible inconvenience. Fresh appointment should be fixed in consultation with him.
(iv) An officer should be meticulously correct and courteous and rise to receive and see off a Member visiting
(v) Members of Parliament/State Legislatures of the area to be invariably invited to public function organized
by a Government office. P roper and comfortable seating arrangements at public functions to be made for
Members who appear above officers of the rank of Secretaries to Government of India in W arrant of
(vi) Letters from Members of Parliament and Members of State Legislatures must be promptly acknowledged,
and a reply sent at an appropriate level expeditiously. Relevant provisions of the Manual of O ffice P rocedure
should be observed in this regard.
(vii) Information or statistics relating to matter of local importance must be furnished to M.P s and M.L.As
when asked for. If request is to be refused, instructions from higher authority should be taken.
(viii) A Government servant should not approach MPs/MLAs for sponsoring his individual case; and
(ix) References from Committees of Parliament must be attended to promptly. A senior officer at the level of
Joint Secretary or equivalent should be charged with the responsibility for ensuring this.
(x) The officers should not ignore telephonic messages left for them by the Members of Parliament/State
Legislatures in their absence and should try to contact at the earliest the concerned Member of
Parliament/State Legislature.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/2/2000-Estt.(A), dated 23.05.2000]
(3D) O fficial dealings between the Administration and Members of P arliament and State Legislatures
Observance of proper Procedure Invitation to functions.
Reference is invited to the O M of even No. dated 23rd May, 2000 on the subject mentioned above in which it
has been specified that Members of Parliament/State Legislature of the area are to be invariably invited to
public functions organized by a Government office and that proper and comfortable seating arrangements at
public functions should be made for the Members who appear above the officers of the rank of Secretaries to
the Government of India in the W arrant of Precedence. In the context of a notice of question of privilege given
by an Honble Member of Parliament that he was not sent the invitation to a public function in advance, the
Honble Speaker, Lok Sabha desired that the requisite instructions/guidelines be reiterated with suitable
amendments, in order to ensure that the same are strictly adhered to in the right spirit, by the concerned
executive functionaries.
2. Attention of the Ministries/Departments is invited in this connection to Ministry of Home Affairs O M No.
25/6/68-Ests.(A) dated 27.03.1968 (Decision No. (2A) wherein it has been emphasized that where any
meeting convened by the Government is to be attended by Members of Parliament, special care should be
taken to see that notice is given to them in good time regarding the date, time, venue etc. of the meeting,
and it should be ensured that there is no slip in any matter of detail, however, minor it may be.
Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to ensure that
(i) intimations regarding public meetings/functions be sent through speedier communication devices to the
Honble Members, so that they are received by them well in time.
(ii) It may also be ensured that receipt of intimation by the Member is confirmed by the officer/official
[DOPT OM No. 11013/2/2000-Estt.(A), dated 25.08.2000]
3E. Official dealings between the Administration and Members of Parliament and State Legislatures Observance of proper procedure Invitation to public functions.
Reference is invited to this Departments O.M. No. 11013/2/2000-Estt. (A) dated 25th August, 2000 (Decision
3D above) on the subject mentioned above wherein Ministries/Departments were requested to ensure that
Members of Parliament/State Legislatures of the area are invariably invited to public functions organised by a
Government office and that proper and comfortable seating arrangements at public functions should be made
for the Members. These instructions also provide that intimations/invitations regarding public
meetings/functions should be sent through speedier modes or communication and devices to the MP s so that
these are received by them well in time. The receipt of the intimation by the Member was required to be
confirmed by the officer/official concerned.
2. The Secretary General, Lok Sabha has pointed out that despite these instructions, complaints have been
received from the Members of Parliament that they are not invited to the functions held by Government
agencies in the MP s parliamentary constituencies. Honble Speaker has desired the Ministry of Personnel,
P ublic Grievances and Pensions to take up the matter with all the Ministries/Departments/ Government
functionaries. It needs to be reiterated that Members of Parliament/State Legislatures of the area should be
invariably invited to public functions organised by Government Departments, their Subordinate O ffices and
P ublic U ndertakings under those Departments and intimation regarding such public meetings/functions should,%20commencement%20and%20application
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P ublic U ndertakings under those Departments and intimation regarding such public meetings/functions should
be sent to the Members concerned well in advance. It may also be ensured that receipt of such intimation by
the Members is confirmed by the officer/official concerned. Such functions should be held, as far as possible,
when Parliament is not in session.
3. All Ministries/Departments are again requested to ensure that the instructions referred to above are
scrupulously followed in letter and spirit by all concerned which should leave no room for complaints by the
Members of Parliament in the future.
DOPT OM No. 11013/6/2005-Estt. (A) dated 27 th June, 2005.
(3F) O fficial dealings between the Administration and Members of P arliament and State Legislatures
Observance of proper procedure.
Reference is invited to the guidelines concerning the official dealings between Administration and Members of
Parliament and State Legislatures were issued by the Ministry of Personnel and Administrative Reforms in the
O.M. No 25/19/64-Estt. (A) dated 08.11.1974 and to say that these guidelines have been reiterated from time
to time. More recently, these guidelines were reiterated in the Department of Personnel and Trainings O.M.
No. 11013/2/2000-Estt. (A) dated 23.05.2000 and 25.08.2000 and O.M. of even number dated 18.04.2006.
The Members of Parliament and State Legislatures occupy a very important place in our democratic
setup as the accredited representatives of the people. In connection with their parliamentary and allied public
duties, they find it necessary to seek information from the Ministries/Departments of the Government of
India or the State Governments, or make suggestions for their consideration or ask for interviews with the
officers. Certain well-recognized principles and conventions to govern the relations between the Members of
Parliament and State Legislatures and Government servants have already been established. In practice,
however, it has been observed that there has been some laxity in attention to the communications from the
MP s and Members of State Legislatures and also in the treatment accorded to them at public functions
sponsored by the Government. The Parliamentary Standing Committee of the Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions has taken serious note of this matter and has observed that the Government
servants do not respond to queries of Members of Parliament which are great public importance
The basic principles to be borne in mind by the Government servants while interacting with the
Members of Parliament and State Legislatures are as follows :(i) Government servants should show courtesy and consideration to Members of Parliament and State
Legislatures; and
(ii) W hile the Government servants should consider carefully or listen patiently to what the Members of
Parliament and of the State Legislatures may have to say, the Government servant should always act
according to their own best judgement and as per the rules.
(iii) Any deviation from an appointment made with a Member must be promptly explained to him to
avoid any possible inconvenience. Fresh appointment should be fixed in consultation with him.
(iv) An officer should be meticulously correct and courteous and rise to receive and see off a Member
visiting him.
(v) Members of Parliament/State Legislatures of the area should invariably be invited to a public function
organized by a Government office. P roper and comfortable seating arrangements at public functions
should be made for Members who appear above officers of the rank of Secretaries to Government of
India in the W arrant of Precedence.
W here any meeting convened by the Government is to be attended by Members of Parliament,
special care should be taken to see that notice is given to them in good time regarding the date, time,
venue etc. of the meeting, and it should be ensured that there is no slip in any matter of detail,
however minor it may be. It should be ensured (a) that intimations regarding public meetings/functions be sent through speedier communication
devices to the Honble Members, so that they are received by them well in time, and
(b) that receipt of intimation by the Member is confirmed by the officer/official concerned.
(vii) Letters from Members of Parliament and Members of State Legislatures must be promptly
acknowledged, and a reply sent at an appropriate level expeditiously. Relevant provisions of the Manual
of Office Procedure should be observed in this regard (Annexed).
(viii) Information or statistics relating to matters of local importance must be furnished to the M.P.s
and M.L.A.s when asked for. If request is to be refused, instructions from a higher authority should be
(ix) A Government servant should not approach MPs/MLAs for sponsoring his individual case; and
(x) References from the Committees of Parliament must be attended to promptly. A senior officer at the
level of Joint Secretary or equivalent should be charged with the responsibility for ensuring this.
(xi) The officers should not ignore telephonic messages left for them by the Members of
Parliament/State Legislatures in their absence and should try to contact at the earliest the Member of
Parliament/State Legislature concerned.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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All Ministries/Departments are requested to ensure that the above basic principles and instructions
are followed by all concerned both in letter and spirit. It may also be impressed on all concerned that
violation of the guidelines laid down on this subject will be viewed seriously.
[DOPT O.M. No. 11013/6/2005-Estt. (A) dated 17 th August, 2007]
(4) Participation by Government servants in proselytisation instruction regarding
The question has been raised whether a specific provision should be added to the Central Civil Service
(Conduct) Rules to prohibit Government servants from taking part in proselytizing activities.
2. The Constitution of India is based on the principle of secular state and expressly prohibits any
discrimination in favour of or against any person or classes of persons on religious grounds. It follows, that,
though servants of the State are entitled in their private lives freely to profess, practise or propagate any
religion, they should so conduct themselves in public as to leave no room for an impression to arise that they
are likely, in their official dealings, to favour persons belonging to any particular religion. Such an impression
is bound to arise in respect of a Government servant who participates in brining about or organizing
conversions from one religion to another and such conduct would be even more reprehensible if, in the
process, he makes use, directly or indirectly, of his official position or influence.
3. As such cases are not likely to be very frequent, it has been decided that no specific provision need be
added to the existing Conduct Rules. Nevertheless participation in proselytizing activities or the direct or
indirect use of official position and influence in such activities on the part of a Government servant may be
treated as good and sufficient reasons for taking disciplinary action against him under the Central Civil
Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules.
[MHA OM No. 25/50/57-Ests.(A), dated 15.01.1958]
(5) Conduct of Government Servant in relation to the proper maintenance of his family
Instances of failure of Government servants to look after the proper maintenance of their families have come
to Governments notice. It has been suggested that a provision may be made in the Central Civil Services
(Conduct) Rules, 1955, to enable Government to take action against those Government servants who do not
look after their families properly.
2. The question has been examined and it has been decided that it will not be possible to make such a
provision in the Conduct Rules as it would entail administrative difficulties in implementing and enforcing it.
However, a Government servant is expected to maintain a responsible and decent standard of conduct in his
private life and not bring discredit to his service by his misdemeanours. In cases where a Government servant
is reported to have acted in a manner unbecoming of a Government servant as for instance, by neglecting his
wife and family, departmental action can be taken against him on that score without invoking any of the
Conduct Rules. In this connection, a reference is invited to Rule 13 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1957 (now Rule
11) which specifies the nature of penalties that may, for good and sufficient reasons, be imposed on a
Government servant. It has been held that neglect by a Government servant of his wife and family in a
manner unbecoming of a Government servant may be regarded as a good and sufficient reason to justify
action being taken against him under this rule.
3. It should, however, be noted that in such cases the party affected has a legal right to claim maintenance.
If any legal proceedings in this behalf should be pending in a court of law, it would not be correct for
Government to take action against the Government servant on this ground as such action may be construed by
the court to amount to contempt.
[MHA OM No. 25/16/59-Ests.(A), dated 01.09.1959]
(6) Government servants role in the eradication of untouchability
At the meeting of Central Advisory Board for Harijan W elfare held on the 27th April, 1961 the following
recommendations were made :The Central Government may impress upon all its servants and request State Governments to do likewise :(a) That severe notice shall be taken of the practice of untouchability in Government offices and by
Government servants; and
(b) That the police and the Magistracy have a special obligation to enforce the provisions of the Untouchability
(O ffences) Act, 1955, and it is the duty of all Government servants to help them in the enforcement of the Act
and in creating the necessary climate to remove untouchability from the mind of the orthodox section of the
The Government have accepted these recommendations.
It is specifically brought to the notice of all the Government servants that Article 17 (Part.I I I-Fundamental
Rights) of the Constitution declares that "U ntouchability" is abolished and forbids its practice in any form; the
practice of untouchability has also been made an offence by the U ntouchability (O ffences) Act, 1955. If any
Government servant is guilty of the practice of untouchability in any form, he will be liable to prosecution and
such conduct on his part will constitute a sufficient ground for imposing a suitable penalty prescribed under
the appropriate control and discipline rule. Government expects its employees not only to observe strictly the
law in force but also to set an example to others in the matters of complete elimination of the practice of
untouchability in any form.,%20commencement%20and%20application
10 / 100
11 / 100
It has come to the notice of the Ministry of Home Affairs that the lunch hour is not strictly observed by some
staff and some of them are even found playing cards outside Government offices and buildings after the lunch
hour. The Ministry of Finance etc. are, therefore, requested to ensure by periodical surprise checks that the
staff under them do not overstay the lunch hour. They may also bring to the notice of the staff the
undesirability of their playing cards in lawns, outside Government offices/buildings vide the Ministry of Home
Affairs d.o. letter No. F.15/45/67-SSO dated 11th August, 1967, to all the Vigilance O fficers (Decision No. 8)
[MHA OM No. 46/4/68-Ests.(A), dated 23.04.1968]
It has, however, been noticed that inspite of these instructions the staff in some offices are found to be
playing card games etc. during lunch break in the lawns and open places outside the office premises as also
on the lawns of the traffic islands and roundabouts located in busy thoroughfares close to the various office
premises. They have also been seen loitering around even after the lunch break time is over. As all these
necessarily create an unfavourable impression on the public the need for strict compliance with the existing
instructions is all the more necessary in the context of various dignitaries visiting Delhi on the occasion of
CH O GM. The Ministry of Finance, etc. are, therefore requested to bring these instructions once again to the
notice of all concerned for strict compliance.
[DP & ARs OM No. 11013/20/83-Estt. (A), dated 21.11.1983]
(9) Disciplinary action for acts done in previous or earlier employment.
It is clarified that the provision of rule 11 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal)
Rules, 1965 which envisages the imposition of penalties on Government servants for good and sufficient
reason, is adequate authority for taking action against a Government servant in respect of misconduct
committed before his employment if the misconduct was of such a nature as has rational connection with his
present employment and renders him unfit and unsuitable for continuing in service. W hen such action is
taken, the charge should specifically state that the misconduct alleged is such that it renders him unfit and
unsuitable for continuance in service.
[MHA OM No. 39/1/67-Ests.(A), dated 21.02.1967]
(10) Display of posters and other notices by G overnment servants/Union Associations on the walls, etc.,
of Government Offices and buildings
O f late, growing tendency has been noticed among Government servants, acting individually or though their
unions/associations, of affixing posters and other notices on the wall, doors, etc., of Government offices and
2. In this connection attention is invited to the Department of Labour and Employment O M No. 18/21/60-L RI
dated the 9 th May, 1961 (extract below), which prescribed the nature of posters that can be displayed by the
recognized associations/trade unions on notice boards in the office premises with the permission of the
competent authority at the places specified for this purpose. The facility so provided to recognized
associations/unions does not confer on individual Government servants or their associations/unions any right
to display posters or other notices on the walls, doors, etc., of the office premises.
3. The Ministry of Finance, etc., are requested to enlist the cooperation of their employees and the recognized
staff associations/unions in the matter for ensuring maintenance of neat and tidy appearance of the office
buildings and premises. Government servants who affix or display posters/notices or are responsible for the
display of such notices in violation of these instructions would be rendering themselves liable to appropriate
[Department of Personnel OM No. 25/17/71-Ests.(A), dated 26.08.1971]
(11) Duty of Supervisory Officers for ensuring the integrity and devotion to duty.
U nder Rule 3 (2) (i) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, "every Government servant holding a
supervisory post shall take all possible steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of all Government
servants for the time being under his control and authority".
2. The National Council set up under the Machinery for Joint Consultation and Compulsory Arbitration in its
meeting held on 28 th July, 1972 adopted a recommendation of the committee set up by the Council to
consider the item "Amendment of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, to the effect that
clarification may be issued that sub-rule (i) of rule 3 (2) is intended to be invoked only in cases where there
has been a failure on the part of supervisory officer concerned to take all reasonable and necessary steps to
ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of Government servants under his control and authority.
[Cabinet Secretariat, Department of Personnel OM No. 25/2/72-Ests. (A), dated 10.01.1973]
(12) T hird R eport of the C ommittee of the National C ouncil (J C M) set up to consider the item
Amendment of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
The committee of the National Council (JCM) has examined some provisions of the Central Civil Services
(Conduct) Rules, 1964 relating to (a) general conduct of Government servants and (b) the authorized
communication of official information. During discussion in the Committee, the Staff Side urged consideration,%20commencement%20and%20application
12 / 100
of the following points in relation to the provisions of rule 3 and 11 and the aforesaid rule :(i) The scope of Rule 3 (1) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 is too wide. It is being used to
cover all types of cases many of which are of a trivial nature. This tendency is particularly noticeable at lower
levels where frivolous complaints are also brought into the ambit of this Rule.
(ii) W here action is taken against a Government servant for violation of clause (iii) of Rule 3 (1) of the Central
Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, the acts of misbehaviour on the basis of which disciplinary action is
proposed should be simultaneously intimated to the Government servant.
(iii) Rule 3 (2) (i) of the Central Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, is not followed in practice by supervisory staff
at all levels.
(iv) Rule 3 (2) (ii) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, does not offer any protection when the
supervisory officer refuses to give written confirmation of the directions given by him orally.
(v) Rule 11 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 should not be a bar to communicating routine
or statistical information on request by recognized unions and associations of Government employees.
(vi) Quotations by a Government servant of the orders in an individual case of a nature similar to his own case
should not be prohibited under the Explanation below rule 11 of the aforesaid rules.
2.1 The above points have been examined in detail and the position is clarified below.
2.2 Rule 3 (1) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1964 provides that a Government servant shall at
all times maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty and do nothing unbecoming of a Government
servant. This rule serves the specific purpose of covering acts of misconduct not covered by other specific
provisions of the Rules. It is, therefore, necessary that disciplinary authorities should first satisfy themselves
that alleged acts of misconduct do not attract the provisions of any specific rules before taking recourse to
rule 3 (1) ibid. W here action is taken under rule 3 (1) particularly on grounds of unbecoming conduct, special
care should be taken to eliminate cases of a trival nature. Supervisory officers should look into this matter
during periodic inspections and ensure that disciplinary proceedings under rule 3 (1) are not initiated on
grounds which are unjustified.
2.3 U nder rule 14 (3) of the Central Civil Services (CCA) Rules, 1965 the disciplinary authority is required to
draw up, or cause to be drawn up, the substance of the imputations of misconduct or misbehaviour into
definite and distinct articles of charge and a statement of the imputations of misconduct or misbehaviour in
support of each article of charge containing a statement of all relevant facts. W here it is proposed to impose
a minor penalty, rule 16 ibid provides that the Government servant should be informed in writing of the
imputation of misconduct or misbehaviour on which action is proposed to be taken against him. It is evident
that if these mandatory provisions are followed there can be no complaint that the concerned Government
servant has not been adequately informed of the acts of misbehaviour on the basis of which action is
proposed to be taken against him.
2.4 Rule 3 (2) (ii) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, provides that when a Government
servant acts under the directions of his official superior, he should obtain the direction in writing wherever
practicable and where it is not practicable he shall obtain written confirmation of the direction as soon
thereafter as possible. Clearly, it is the duty of the superior officer giving a direction to confirm it in writing
when such confirmation is sought by his subordinate. It is not open to the superior to refuse to confirm in
writing the directions given by him orally, just as it is open to him to state immediately that no such direction
was given.
3.1 Rule 11 ibid provides that no Government servant shall, without prior permission, communicate directly or
indirectly any information to any other Government servant or any other person to whom he is not authorized
to communicate such information.
3.2 W hen a request is received from recognized Unions and Associations of Government servants for supplying
routine or statistical information, the authority having custody of such information should make it available
after satisfying itself that the information is actually relevant to the purpose given by the U nion or
Association. If the required information is not readily available or it will have to be collected involving time
and labour not commensurate with the purpose in view, the Association or U nion should be informed
3.3 The Explanation below rule 11 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, provides that quotation
by a Government servant in his representation of or from any letter, circular or memorandum or from the notes
from any file to which he is not authorized to have access or he is not authorized to keep in his personal
custody or for personal purpose shall amount to unauthorized communication of information.
3.4 This provision will not apply to quotation by a Government servant of any order passed in the case of
another Government servant whose case is similar to his own provided that the quotation in such a case is
from the final orders passed and not from the notings on the file.
[MHA, Department of Personnel & A.R. OM No. 11013/18/76-Est.(A) dated the 7 th February, 1977]
(13) Oral instructions by Superior Officers to be avoided
That the practice adopted by the senior officials and the personal staff of the Ministers in conveying oral
instruction to their subordinates has been brought to the notice of the Department of Personnel and A.R. It
has further been suggested to this Department that the role of oral instruction in the transaction of business,%20commencement%20and%20application
13 / 100
of the Government has to be defined and definite guidelines set down. The matter has been carefully
examined and the Government has taken the decisions contained in the succeeding paragraphs.
2. The role of oral instructions in the transaction of business of Government has already been specified under
sub-rule 2 (ii) [now sub-rule (iii) and (iv)] of Rule 3 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, which inter alia,
provides as follows :"No Government servant shall, in the performance of his official duties or in the exercise of powers conferred
on him, act otherwise than in his best judgment except when he is acting under the direction of his official
superior and shall, where he is acting under such direction, obtain the direction in writing, wherever
practicable, and where it is not practicable to obtain the direction in writing, he shall obtain written
confirmation of the direction as soon thereafter as possible."
3. Clarificatory instructions were issued vide this Departments O M No. 11013/18/76-Estt.(A), dated
07.02.1977 (decision No. 12) to the effect that it is the duty of the superior official giving direction to confirm
it in writing when such confirmation is sought by his subordinates. It is not open to the superior officer to
refuse to confirm in writing the direction given by him orally, just as it is open to him to state immediately
that no such direction was given.
4. In the light of the aforesaid provisions of the Conduct Rules, and the instructions issued thereunder, it is
impressed upon all Government servants that :(i) Oral instructions should not, as far as possible, be issued by senior officers to their subordinates;
(ii) if the oral instructions are issued by any senior officer they should be confirmed by him in writing
immediately thereafter;
(iii) if a junior officer seeks confirmation to the oral instructions given by the senior, the latter should confirm
it in writing whenever such confirmation is sought.
(iv) a junior officer who has received oral orders from his superior officer should seek confirmation in writing as
early as practicable;
(v) whenever a member of the personal staff of a Minister communicates an oral order on behalf of the
Minister, it should be confirmed by him in writing immediately thereafter;
(vi) if a junior officer receives oral instructions from the Minister or from his personal staff and the orders are
in accordance with the norms, rules, regulations or procedures, they should be brought to the notice of the
Secretary or the Head of the Department, as the case may be, for information.
(vii) if a junior officer receives oral instructions from the Minister or from his personal staff and the orders are
not in accordance with the norms, rules, regulations or procedures, they should seek further clear orders from
the Secretary or the Head of the Department, as the case may be, about the line of action to be taken,
stating clearly that the oral instructions are not in accordance with the rules, regulations, norms or
5. Since the personal staff of Minister whether belonging to organized services or otherwise are governed by
the provisions of the Conduct Rules, 1964, they are also required to observe the orders outlined in the
preceding paragraph.
[MHA, DP&AR OM No. 11013/12/78-Ests.(A), dated 01.08.1978]
(14) Joining of Educational Institution by Government servants outside normal office hours
Please see decisions Nos. (1) and (2) under Rule15.
(15) Conviction of Government servants - Requirements regarding intimation to department superiors
Please see decision No. (1) under Rule 19.
(16) G overnment servants seeking redress in C ourts of Law of their grievances arising out of their
employment or Conditions of Service
Please see decision (2) Rule 19.
(17) P articipation in shramdan activities O rganised by G overnment departments or Bharat Sevak Samaj
Please see decision No. 3 under Rule 15.
(18) Joining Civil Defence Permissible
Please see decision No. (8) under Rule 15.
(19) Incentives to Central Government Servants who are members of St. John Ambulance Brigade
Please see decision No. (12) under Rule 15.
(20) Role of oral instructions in the transaction of Government business.
Attention is invited to the provisions of Rule 3 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and paras 25 to 25-C of
Central Secretariat Manual of O ffice P rocedure (paras 31 to 34 of eleventh edition 1996) which define the,%20commencement%20and%20application
14 / 100
scope and role of oral instructions in the transaction of Government business and also lay down the detailed
procedure to be followed whenever it becomes necessary to give oral directions by a higher officer to a
subordinate or when a member of the Personal Staff of the Minister communicates an oral order on behalf of
the Minister. Instances have come to notice where the above provisions have not been followed.
2. The purpose for keeping a proper written record of policy decisions taken by the various Government
functionaries, when action in this regard is to be initiated on the basis of oral instructions given by senior
officers, is to ensure proper accountability of the decisions taken on important matters and have a record of
the considerations leading to the decision. It is, therefore, reiterated that the procedure prescribed in the
Manual of O ffice P rocedure and the provisions of the Conduct Rules referred to above should be scrupulously
followed at all levels in order to avoid ambiguity or doubts and to specify responsibility when important
decisions are taken. It is clarified that these provisions apply equally to matters, which may be considered
sensitive or secret. In such cases of sensitive nature, adequate care should however be taken to accord proper
security classification to the relevant papers and to ensure their safe custody as envisaged in the Manual of
Departmental Security Instructions.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/4/88-Estt.(A), dated 19.04.1988]
(21) Association of Secretaries to the Government of India with Public Sector Undertakings
Reference is invited to this Departments O M No. 11017/11/93-A I S (I I I) dated 12th July, 1993 wherein it was
conveyed, with the approval of P rime Minister, that as a general policy, Secretaries to Government need not
be appointed to the Boards of P ublic Sector U ndertakings or in such companies with which P ublic Sector
U ndertakings are intimately involved. It is hereby clarified that the policy referred to above would apply to
Secretaries of Departments irrespective of the service to which they belong.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/11/93-Estt.(A), dated 25.10.1993]
(22) Need to maintain independence and impartiality by G overnment servants in the discharge of their
rd April, 1955, instructions were issued
In the Ministry of Home Affairs O M No. 41/2/55(I I)-Estt. (A), dated 23
emphasizing the need for Government servants, especially those holding positions of trust and responsibility,
remaining not only honest and impartial in the discharge of their duties but also having the reputation of
being so. Despite these instructions, it is not uncommon that complaints of favourtism or illwill shown by
officers in supervisory positions towards their subordinates or other members of public are received every now
and then.
2. W hile reiterating the instructions, issued in the Ministry of Home Affairs O M referred to above, it is again
stressed that a Government servant must be impartial and must not show undue favour or illwill in his official
dealings. If a Government servant is found to misuse his official position or to abet and connive at improper
and illegal acts, he would render himself liable for disciplinary action for violation of Rule 3 of the CCS
(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/10/93-Estt.(A), dated 06.10.1993]
(23) Requirement of taking prior permission by Government servants for leaving station/headquarters
clarification regarding
Doubts have been expressed by Ministries/Departments as to whether a Government servant is required to
take permission before leaving station/headquarters during leave or otherwise, especially for visits abroad.
2. Attention of the Ministries/Departments is invited in this connection to the provisions of FR 11 which
provides that unless in any case it be otherwise distinctly provided the whole time of a Government servant is
at the disposal of the Government which pays him. Article 56 of the Civil Service Regulations also provides
that no officer is entitled to pay and allowance for any time he may spend beyond the limits of his charge
without authority. It is implicit in these provisions that a Government servant is required to take permission
for leaving station/headquarters. It is thus clear that such permission is essential before a Government
servant leaves his station or headquarters and more so when he proposes to go abroad during such absence,
as such visit may have wider implications.
3. However, separate permission may not be necessary where a Government servant has indicated his
intention of leaving headquarters/station alongwith leave address while applying for leave. The leave
application form prescribed under the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 contains necessary columns in this regard. In
case the leave applied for the purpose of visiting foreign country is sanctioned, it would imply that permission
for going abroad is also granted and therefore leave sanctioning authorities should keep this aspect in mind
while granting the leave applied for. In the case of officers who are competent to sanction leave for
themselves they should obtain permission for leaving station from their superior authority. Failure to obtain
permission of competent authority before leaving station/headquarters especially for foreign visits is to be
viewed seriously and may entail disciplinary action.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/7/94-Estt.(A), dated 18.05.1994]
(23A) R equirement of taking prior permission by G overnment servants for leaving station/headquarters
Clarification regarding.
Reference is invited to Departments O M No. 11013/7/94-Estt. (A) dated 18th May, 1994 (decision No. 23) on
the subject mentioned above in which it has inter-alia been clarified that separate permission may not be,%20commencement%20and%20application
15 / 100
necessary where a Government servant has indicated his intention of leaving headquarters/station alongwith
leave address while applying for leave. It has also been clarified that in case leave applied for the purpose of
visiting foreign country is sanctioned, it would imply that permission for going abroad is also granted and,
therefore, leave sanctioning authority should keep this aspect in mind while granting the leave applied for.
2. The above instructions have been reviewed and it has been decided that while granting leave the
sanctioning authority shall take prior approval, if required, for permitting the officer to go abroad as per the
existing instructions.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/8/2000-Estt.(A), dated 07.11.2000]
(23B) R equirement of taking prior permission by G overnment servants for leaving station/headquarters
Clarification regarding.
Reference is invited to this Departments O.M. No. 11013/7/94-Estt. (A) dated the 18 th May, 1994 in which it has inter
alia, been clarified that the Government servant should take permission for leaving station/headquarters especially for
private visits abroad. It has also been clarified in O.M. No. 11013/8/2000-Estt. (A) dated the 7 th November, 2000 that
the leave sanctioning authority while granting leave shall take prior approval, if required, for permitting the officer to go
abroad as per the existing instructions. Despite these instructions, instances have come to the notice of the Government
where Government servants have left their headquarters without taking prior permission and proceeded abroad.
2. The High Court of Delhi, in its judgment dated the 28 th May, 2004 in the Criminal Writ Petition No. 1004/03 (Chandra
Kumar Jain Vs. Union of India,) has observed that a Government servant who had visited some foreign countries 161
times on private visits without permission was never questioned and no one in the customs and the other departments
suspected why a Government servant was so frequently (161 times) making private visits without permission. The High
Court has, therefore, directed the Central Government to frame guidelines on foreign private visits of the Government
3. Keeping in view the observation of the High Court the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the existing
instructions on the subject matter to the notice of all concerned and ensure that Government servants take prior
permission before leaving for visits abroad as required under these instructions. When such permissions to visit abroad is
sought the Government servant is required to furnish information relating to the proposed and previous private visits as
per the proforma (enclosed).
(See O.M. No. 11013/7/2004-Estt.(A) dated 5 th October, 2004)
Ministry/Department (Specify
Passport No.
Details of private foreign travel to be
Period of
Names of
to be
(Travel; board/
lodging, visa,
misc. etc.)
Name :
Designation :
Date :
[DOPT OM No. 11013/7/2004-Estt.(A), dated 05.10.2004],%20commencement%20and%20application
16 / 100
(23C) Requirement of taking prior permission by Government servants for leaving station/headquarters
Clarification regarding.
Reference is invited to this Departments O.M. dated 5 th October, 2004 (decision No. 23B) under which a proforma has
been prescribed for the Government servants to furnish details of the private foreign travel proposed as well as undertaken
during the last one year by them. The High Court of Delhi during further hearing in respect of direction given in W.P. (Crl.)
No. 1004/2003 (Chandra Kumar Jain Vs. Union of India) observed on 17.11.2004 that it would be advisable for the
Department of Personnel & Training, to amend the proforma published with the Office Memorandum dated 5 th October,
2004 so as to obtain details of previous private foreign travel, if any, undertaken by the Central Government employees
during the last four to five years.
2. The matter has been considered and it has been decided that in the entries against serial number 7 of the proforma
prescribed under the O.M. dated 5th October, 2004, the words last one year may be substituted by the words last four
years. A revised proforma is enclosed.
3. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the contents of the Office Memorandum dated 5th October, 2004 as well
as this Office Memorandum to the notice of all Government servants serving under their control and ensure that these are
strictly followed by all concerned.
(See O.M. No. 11013/7/2004-Estt.(A) dated 5 th Oct, 2004 and dated 15 th Dec, 2004)
Ministry/Department (Specify
Passport No.
Details of private foreign travel to be
Period of
Names of
to be
(Travel; board/
lodging, visa,
misc. etc.)
Name :
Designation :
Date :
[DOPT OM No. 11013/7/2004-Estt.(A), dated 15.12.2004]
(24) Implementation of prescribed procedure, rules, orders etc. on service matters.
The Ministry of Personnel, P ublic Grievances & Pensions and the Ministry of Finance are the nodal Ministries
responsible for formulating policies and framing rules and regulations relating to service conditions and other
aspects of personnel administration of Government servants. The administrative Ministries/Departments are
responsible for considering individual cases of Government servants and issuing appropriate orders thereon in
accordance with the rules and instructions on the subject.
2. Complaints have been received in this Department that litigation on service matters is on the increase due
to non-implementation or incorrect implementation of laid down policies and rules. Every Government servant
is required to maintain at all times devotion to duty. Every Government servant is also required to act in his
best judgment in the performance of his official duties or in exercise of powers conferred on him. It is thus
enjoined upon all Government servants that they should faithfully implement the laid down policies, rules and
regulations, etc. in service matters. If the prescribed policies, rules, orders etc. on service matters are
adhered to and implemented properly by administrative authorities etc., litigation on service matters would be,%20commencement%20and%20application
17 / 100
considerably reduced.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/6/94-Estt.(A), dated 27.05.1994]
(25) Supreme C ourt judgment in the case of Vishaka Vs. State of R ajasthan regarding sexual
harassment of working women.
In the case of Vishaka and O rs Vs. State of Rajasthan and O rs. (JT 1997 (7) SC 384), the Honble Supreme
Court has laid down guidelines and norms to be observed to prevent sexual harassment of working women.
2. It has been laid down in the judgment above-mentioned that it is the duty of the employer or other
responsible persons in work places or other institutions to prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual
harassment and to provide the procedure for the resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts of sexual
harassment by taking all steps required. For this purpose, sexual harassment includes such unwelcome
sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or implication) as :a) physical contact and advances;
b) a demand or request for sexual favours;
c) sexually coloured remarks;
d) showing pornography;
e) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
3. Attention in this connection is invited to Rule 3 (1) (iii) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, which provides
that every Government servant shall at all times do nothing which is unbecoming of a Government servant.
Any act of sexual harassment of women employees is definitely unbecoming of a Government servant and
amounts to a misconduct. Appropriate disciplinary action should be initiated in such cases against the
delinquent Government servant in accordance with the rules.
4. W here such conduct amounts to a specific offence under the Indian Penal Code or under any other law, the
concerned authorities shall initiate appropriate action in accordance with law by making a complaint with the
appropriate authority.
5. In particular, it should be ensured that victims, or witnesses are not victimized or discriminated against
while dealing with complaints or sexual harassment. The victims of sexual harassment should have the option
to seek transfer of the perpetrator or their own transfer.
6. Complaint Mechanism :- W hether or not such conduct constitutes an offence under law or a breach of the
service rules, an appropriate complaint mechanism should be created in every organization for redress of the
complaint made by the victim. Such complaint mechanism should ensure time bound treatment of complaints.
W herever such machineries for redressal of grievance already exist, they may be made more effective and in
particular women officers should preferably handle such complaints.
7. Awareness :- Awareness of the rights of female employees in this regard should be created in particular by
prominently notifying the guidelines (copy enclosed) in a suitable manner.
8. A specific provision is, however, being made in the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, prohibiting sexual
harassment of women by Government servants, in compliance of the judgment of the Honble Supreme Court.
OF RAJAST HAN & ORS. (JT 1997 (7) SC 384)
1993, TA K I N G N OT E
specific protection of
will take considerable
the definition of human rights in Section 2 (d) of the P rotection of Human Rights Act,
of the fact that the present civil and penal laws in India do not adequately provide for
women from sexual harassment in work places and that enactment of such legislation
It is necessary and expedient for employers in work places as well as other responsible persons or institutions
to observe certain guidelines to ensure the prevention of sexual harassment of women.
1. Duty of the Employer or other responsible persons in work places and other institutions :
It shall be the duty of the employer or other responsible persons in work places or other institutions to
prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual harassment and to provide the procedures for the
resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts of sexual harassment by taking all steps required.
2. Definition :
For this purpose, sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly
or by implication) as :
a) Physical contact and advances;
b) a demand or request for sexual favours;
c) sexually coloured remarks;,%20commencement%20and%20application
18 / 100
d) showing pornography;
e) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
W here any of these acts is committed in circumstances where-under the victim of such conduct has a
reasonable apprehension that in relation to the victims employment or work whether she is drawing salary, or
honorarium or voluntary, whether in Government, public or private enterprise such conduct can be humiliating
and may constitute a health and safety problem. It is discriminatory for instance when the woman has
reasonable grounds to believe that her objection would disadvantage her in connection with her employment
or work including recruiting or promotion or when it creates a hostile work environment. Adverse consequences
might be visited if the victim does not consent to the conduct in question or raises any objection thereto.
3. Preventive Steps :
All employers or persons in charge of work place whether in public or private sector should take appropriate
steps to prevent sexual harassment. W ithout prejudice to the generality to this obligation they should take
the following steps :(a) Express prohibition of sexual harassment as defined above at the work place should be notified, published
and circulated in appropriate ways.
(b) The Rules/Regulations of Government and P ublic Sector bodies relating to conduct and discipline should
include rules/regulations prohibiting sexual harassment and provide for appropriate penalties in such rules
against the offender.
(c) As regards private employers steps should be taken to include the aforesaid prohibitions in the standing
orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
(d) Appropriate work conditions should be provided in respect of work, leisure, health and hygiene to further
ensure that there is no hostile environment towards women at work places and no employee woman should
have reasonable grounds to believe that she is disadvantaged in connection with her employment.
4. Criminal Proceedings :
W here such conduct amounts to a specific offence under the Indian Penal Code or under any other law, the
employwer shall initiate appropriate action in accordance with law by making a complaint with the appropriate
In particular, it should ensure that victims or witnesses are not victimized or discriminated against while
dealing with complaints of sexual harassment. The victims of sexual harassment should have the option to
seek transfer of the perpetrator or their own transfer.
5. Disciplinary Action :
W here such conduct amount to misconduct in employment as definded by the relevant service rules,
appropriate disciplinary action should be initiated by the employer in accordance with those rules.
6. Complaint Mechanism :
W hether or not such conduct constitutes an offence under law or a breach of the service rules, an appropriate
complaint mechanism should be created in the employers organization for redress of the complaint made by
the victim. Such complaint mechanism should ensure time bound treatment of complaints.
7. Complaint Mechanism :
The complaint mechanism referred to in (6) above, should be adequate to provide, where necessary, a
Complaints Committee, a special councellor or other support service, including the maintenance of
The Complaints Committee should be headed by a woman and not less than half of its member should be
women. Further to prevent the possibility of any undue pressure or influence from senior levels, such
Complaints Committee should involve a third party, either N GO or other body who is familiar with the issue of
sexual harassment.
The Complaints Committee must make an annual report to the Government department concerned of the
complaints and action taken by them.
The employers and person in charge will also report on the compliance with the aforesaid guidelines including
on the reports of the Complaints Committee to the Government department.
8. Workers Initiative :
Employees should be allowed to raise issues of sexual harassment at workers meeting and in other
appropriate forum and it should be affirmatively discussed in Employer-Employee Meetings.
9. Awareness :
Awareness of the rights of female employees in this regard should be created in particular by prominently
notifying the guidelines (and appropriate legislation when enacted on the subject) in a suitable manner.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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senior levels, such Complaints Committee should involve a third party, either an N GO or other body who is
familiar with the issue of sexual harassment.The various Ministries/Departments were also advised vide
DO P Ts O.M. No. 11013/10/97-Estt. (A) dated 13.07.1999 to ensure that the Committee constituted for
redressal of the complaints by the victims of sexual harassment should be headed by an officer sufficiently
higher in rank so as to lend credibility to the investigations. Subsequently, in 2004 a proviso was added to
rule 14(2) of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 to the effect that the
Complaints Committee established in each Ministry or Department or O ffice for inquiring into complaints of
sexual harassment shall be deemed to be the Inquiring Authority appointed by the Disciplinary Authority and
that the Complaints Committee shall hold, if no separate procedure has not been prescribed for the
Complaints Committee for holding the inquiry into such complaints, the inquiry, as far as practicable in
accordance with the procedure laid down in the said rules.
For inquiring into complaints made against officers of the level of Secretary and Additional Secretary
and equivalent level in the Government of India in the Ministries/Departments and O rganisations directly
under the control of the Central Government (other than the Central P SU s), it has been decided with the
approval of the P rime Minister to constitute a Complaints Committee in terms of Cabinet Secretariats O rder
No. 1 dated 26.09.2008 (copy enclosed). Existing Complaints Committee established in each Ministry or
Department or O ffice will, therefore, inquire into fresh complaints of sexual harassment against only those
Government servants who are not covered by the Cabinet Secretariats Order No. 1 dated 26.09.2008.
All Ministries/Departments are requested to
information and necessary action.
W orld Travel and Tourism Council, New Delhi.
ii Ms. Indu Agnihotri,
Senior Fellow,
(Renuka Viswanathan)
Secretary (Coordination),%20commencement%20and%20application
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(25 E) Guidelines regarding prevention of sexual harassment of working women in the workplace.
Department of Personnel and Trainings O.M. No. 11013/10/97-Estt. (A) dated 13.02.1998 and 13.07.1999,
O.M. No. 11013/11/2001-Estt. (A) dated 12.12.2002 and 04.08.2005 and O.M. No. 11013/3/2009-Estt. (A)
dated 02.02.2009 on the abovementioned subject and to say that it is necessary to have in place at all times
an effective Complaint Mechanism for dealing with cases of sexual harassment of working women and to
create awareness in this regard, particularly amongst working women. The salient features of the Complaint
Mechanism and inquiry procedure are as follows :(i)
Rule 3 C of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 provides that no Government servant shall indulge in any
act of sexual harassment of any women at her work place. Every Government servant who is incharge of a
work place shall take appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment to any woman at such work place.
"Sexual harassment" includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour, whether directly or otherwise,
as -(a) physical contact and advances;
(b) demand or request for sexual favours;
(c) sexually coloured remarks;
(d) showing any pornography; or./(e) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.
W hether or not such conduct constitutes an offence under law or a breach of the service rules, an
appropriate complaint mechanism should be created in the employers organization for redress of the
complaint made by the victim. Such complaint mechanism should ensure time bound treatment of complaints.
The complaint mechanism should be adequate to provide, where necessary, a Complaints Committee,
a special councellor or other support service, including the maintenance of confidentiality.
The Complaints Committee should be headed by a woman and not less than half of its member should be
women. Further to prevent the possibility of any undue pressure or influence from senior levels, such
Complaints Committee should involve a third party, either N GO or other body who is familiar with the issue of
sexual harassment.
The Complaints Committee must make an annual report to the Government department concerned of the
complaints and action taken by them.
The employers and person in charge will also report on the compliance with the aforesaid guidelines including
on the reports of the Complaints Committee to the Government department.
(iv) The Committee constituted for redressal of the complaints by the victims of sexual harassment should be
headed by an officer sufficiently higher in rank so as to lend credibility to the investigations.
The Complaints Committee established in each Ministry or Department or O ffice for inquiring into
complaints of sexual harassment shall be deemed to be the Inquiring Authority appointed by the Disciplinary
Authority and that the Complaints Committee shall hold, if no separate procedure has not been prescribed for
the Complaints Committee for holding the inquiry into such complaints, the inquiry, as far as practicable in
accordance with the procedure laid down in the said rules. [In 2004 a proviso was added to rule 14(2) of the
Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 (copy enclosed) to this effect].
The Complaints Committee in terms of Cabinet Secretariats O rder No. 1 dated 26.09.2008 will inquire
into complaints made against officers of the level of Secretary and Additional Secretary and equivalent level in
t he Government of India in the Ministries/Departments and O rganisations directly under the control of the
Central Government (other than the Central P SU s). Theexisting Complaints Committee established in each
Ministry or Department or O ffice will, inquire into complaints of sexual harassment against only those
Government servants who are not covered by the Cabinet Secretariats Order No. 1 dated 26.09.2008.
It may be ensured that the Complaints Committee shall at all times be in existence and changes in
its composition, whenever necessary, should be made promptly and adequately publicized. The composition
of the Complaints Committee be also posted on the websites of the concerned Ministries/Departments/O ffices
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appoint under this rule or under the provisions of the P ublic Servants (Inquiries) Act, 1850, as the case may be,
an authority to inquire into the truth thereof.
P rovided that where there is a complaint of sexual harassment within the meaning of rule 3 C of the Central Civil
Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, the complaints Committee established in each ministry or Department or O ffice
for inquiring into such complaints, shall be deemed to be the inquiring authority appointed.
[DOP&T O.M. No.11013/3/2009-Estt. (A) Dated the 21st
July, 2009]
(25 F) Guidelines regarding prevention of sexual harassment of working women in the workplace.
In continuation of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel
and Training, Government of India O.M. of even number dated the 21st July, 2009 on the abovementioned
subject, the undersigned is directed to say the matter was considered by a Committee of Secretaries and the
following decision was taken:As regards provisions for protection of women, it was suggested that the
complaints committee mechanism provided under Vishakha guidelines relating to sexual
harassment should be strictly in accordance with the judgment and steps should be taken to
ensure that the committee is effective and functional at all times. It would also be desirable
for the C ommittees to meet once a quarter, even If there is no live case, and review
fulfill all requirements
Vishakha judgment in the
Department/Ministry/organization concerned. DOPT will issue suitable directions.
The number of the last para of the O.M. under reference may be read as (2) in place of (3)
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procedure has not been prescribed for the complaints committee for holding the inquiry into the complaints of
sexual harassments, the inquiry as far as practicable in accordance with the procedure laid down in these rules.
[DOP&T O.M. No.11013/3/2009-Estt. (A) dated the 7 th August, 2009]
A Core Group on Administrative Reforms (CGAR) has been constituted under the chairmanship of Cabinet
Secretary in February, 2003 to formulate specific changes in the systems and procedures in consultation with
the ministries/departments concerned and to advise strategies for changing attitudes. The Core Group has
decided that the existing provisions about accountability mechanism should be reiterated with a view to bring
to everyones notice that these provisions are adequate for initiating disciplinary proceedings when an officer
adopts a dilatory attitude leading to delay in decision-making and/or harassment of the public.
In view of the above, the following provisions of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 are brought to the notice
of all Ministries/Departments for information and necessary action :Rule 3. General
(1) Every Government servant shall at all times-(i) maintain absolute integrity;
(ii) maintain devotion to duty; and
(iii) do nothing which is unbecoming of a Government servant.
(2) (i) Every Government servant holding a supervisory post shall take all possible steps to ensure the
integrity and devotion to duty of all Government servants for the time being under his control and authority;
(ii) No Government servant shall, in the performance of his official duties, or in the exercise of powers
conferred on him, act otherwise than in his best judgement except when he is acting under the direction of his
official superior;
(iii) The direction of the official superior shall ordinarily be in writing. Oral direction to subordinates shall be
avoided, as far as possible. W here the issue of oral direction becomes unavoidable, the official superior shall
confirm it in writing immediately thereafter;
(iv) A Government servant who has received oral direction from his official superior shall seek confirmation of
the same in writing as early as possible, whereupon it shall be the duty of the official superior to confirm the
direction in writing.
Explanation I :- A Government servant who habitually fails to perform the task assigned to him within the
time set for the purpose and with the quality of performance expected of him shall be deemed to be lacking in
devotion to duty within the meaning of clause (ii) of sub-rule (1).
Explanation II :- Nothing in clause (ii) of sub-rule (2) shall be construed as empowering a Government servant
to evade his responsibilities by seeking instructions from, or approval of, a superior officer or authority when
such instructions are not necessary under the scheme of distribution of powers and responsibilities.
3A. Promptness and Courtesy
No Government servant shall
(a) in the performance of his official duties, act in a discourteous manner;
(b) in his official dealings with the public or otherwise adopt dilatory tactics or wilfully cause delays in
disposal of the work assigned to him.
Rule 11 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 provides that the penalties (ranging from censure to
dismissal) mentioned therein may be imposed on a Government servant for good and sufficient reasons.
Thus any Government servant violating the provisions of Conduct Rules can be proceeded against as it will
form good and sufficient reasons for imposing the penalties prescribed in Rule 11. In other words,
disciplinary proceedings could be initiated if an officer adopts a dilatory attitude, leading to delay in decisions
making and/or harassment of the public.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/2/2004-Estt. (A) dated 16.02.2004]
4. Employment of near relatives of Govt. servants in companies or firms
(1) No G overnment servant shall use his position or influence directly or indirectly to secure employment
for any member of his family in any company or firm.
(2) (i) No G roup A officer shall, except with the previous sanction of the G overnment, permit his
son,daughter or other dependant, to accept employment in any company or firm with which he has
official dealings or in any other company or firm having official dealings with the Government:,%20commencement%20and%20application
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P rovided that where the acceptance of the employment cannot await prior permission of the
G overnment or is otherwise considered urgent, the matter shall be reported to the G overnment; and the
employment may be accepted provisionally subject to the permission of the Government.
(ii) A G overnment servant shall, as soon as he becomes aware of the acceptance by a member of his
family of an employment in any company or firm, intimate such acceptance to the prescribed authority
and shall also intimate whether he has or has had any official dealings with that company or firm:
P rovided that no such intimation shall be necessary in the case of a G roup A officer if he has already
obtained the sanction of, or sent a report to the Government under clause (i).
(3) No G overnment servant shall in the discharge of his official duties deal with any matter or give or
sanction any contract to any company or firm or any other person if any member of his family is
employed in that company or firm or under that person or if he or any member of his family is interested
in such matter or contract in any other manner and the G overnment servant shall refer every such
matter or contract to his official superior and the matter or contract shall thereafter be disposed of
according to the instructions of the authority to whom the reference is made.
Government of India Decision
(1) P ropriety of sons and near relatives of C lass I (now G roup A) officers seeking employment in private
firms which enjoy Government patronage
The question has been raised of propriety of sons and near relatives of senior officers of Government seeking
employment in private firms which enjoy Government patronage. Government have no desire to stand in the
way of the sons or near relations of officers getting employment in private firms which they may by
qualifications and merit deserve. It is, however, necessary in the public interest to ensure not only that an
officer is under no obligation to a private firm with which he has official dealings, but also that even a
suspicion of such influence is avoided. The latter is equally important because Government should not be in
the embarrassing position of having the bona fides of their senior officers questioned. It has, therefore, been
decided that whenever the sons/daughters or dependents of Class I (Group A) officers of the Government wish
to accept employment with private firms with which the officers have official dealings, the fact should be
reported to Government by the officers concerned and the Governments permission should be obtained to
such employment. W here, however, the acceptance of such employment could not await Governments prior
permission or the matter is otherwise considered urgent, a report should be made to Government and the
employment accepted provisionally subject to Governments permission.
[MHA OM No. 25/43/55-Ests.(A), dated 19.01.1956]
(2) Awarding of contract to a firm in which son/daughter/dependent of an officer is employed.
In continuation of the provision contained in instruction (1) above, it has further been decided that whenever
a proposal arises for the award of a contract or exercise of patronage in favour of any firm in which a son,
daughter or a dependent of an officer is employed, this fact should be declared by the officer concerned and
he should thereafter desist from dealing with the case himself. In such circumstances, a recommendation
should be made that the case should be decided by another officer of equivalent or superior standing.
[MHA OM No. 24/43/56-Ests.(A), dated 26.05.1957]
(3) Information regarding close relations to be given at the time of appointment.
It has been decided that all future employees under the Government of India except the Class I V (Group D)
employees on first appointment in service, should furnish information in respect of their close relations in the
enclosed proforma which should be added to the confidential report dossier of the employee concerned. Any
change in the particulars given in the proforma should be furnished by the official at the end of each year to
the Administrative Ministry/Department where is employed. The Administrative Ministry/Department will
incorporate the information in the dossier and keep it upto date.
[MHA OM No. F.3/12/(S)/64-Ests.(B), dated 12.10.1965]
Nam e
O ccupation
Nam e
O ccupation
(i) Father
(ii) Mother
(iii) W ife/Husband
(iv) Son(s)
(v) Daughter(s)
(vi) Brother(s)
(vii) Sister(s)
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(ii) Mother
(iii) W ife/Husband
(iv) Son(s)
(v) Daughter(s)
(vi) Brother(s)
(vii) Sister(s)
I certify that the foregoing inform ation is correct and com plete to the best of m y k nowledge and belief.
NO TE 1. Supersession of inform ation in this form will be considered a m ajor departm ental offence for which the punishm ent m ay ex tend to dism issal from
NO TE 2. Subsequent changes, if any, in the above data should be reported to the head of O ffice/Departm ent, at the end of each year.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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cases shows that this condition cannot be satisfied, the permission already granted may be revoked.
(3) It should be made clear to all Government servants concerned that permission to participate in the
activities of the Bharat Sewak Samaj will not absolve them from the due observance at all times of all the
rules and instructions relating to the conduct and behaviour of Government servants, etc.
[MHA OM No. 25/49/52-Ests., dated 11.10.1952]
(5) Elections role of Government servants and their rights
(1) Attention is invited to rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules which lays down that a
Government servant should not canvass or otherwise interfere or use his influence in connection with, or take
part in, any election to a legislative body. There is however, no bar against a Government servant who is
qualified to vote at such election, exercising his right to vote, provided that, if he does so he does not give
any indication of the manner in which he proposes to vote or has voted.
The above rule clearly prohibits proposing or seconding by a Government servant of a candidate for election,
as such action would constitute "taking part in an election" within the meaning of rule 5 (4), proposing or
seconding being an essential preliminary to an election. The Supreme Court decided recently in a case that
the mere proposing or seconding by Government servants of nominations of candidates at elections is not
forbidden under the Election Law. The question has been raised whether this decision of the Supreme Court
implies that Government servants are free to propose or to second the candidature of any one standing for an
election. The position is that the Supreme Court has only decided the question whether the election of a
candidate whose nomination paper has been proposed and/or seconded by a Government servant can be
declared void merely for that reason. They had held that as Government servants are not in the excluded
category, it follows that so far as section 123 (8) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, is concerned
they are not disqualified from proposing or seconding a candidates nomination. The question before them was
whether section 123(8) took away from Government servants that which section 33(2) of the Act had given to
them. O n a construction of the Act they held that it did not. That decision in no manner affects the obligation
of Government servants under rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules for which he may be suitably
penalized in accordance with the rules.
[MHA Memo No. 25/59/52-Ests dated 30.06.1955]
(6) Reports under Rule 5 (2)
Reports U nder Rule 5 (2) should be submitted by a Government servant to him immediate superior who will
forward them through the normal channels to the authority competent to remove or dismiss him from service.
Except where such authority requires guidance or clarification from a higher authority, it shall consider the
report and pass appropriate orders. If it is proposed to impose any penalty the procedure prescribed in the
CCS (CCA) Rules, should be followed.
[MHA OM No. 25/40/55-Ests. (A), dated 22.02.1956]
(7) Participation of Government servants in the Indo-Foreign cultural organizations
The Government of India have had under consideration the question whether Government servants should be
allowed to participate in the activities of Indian-Foreign Cultural O rganisations such as the German-Indian
Association, the Indo-Soviet Cultural Society, etc. The matter has been considered in consultation with the
Ministry of External Affairs and the conclusion reached is that there is objection in principle to Government
servants becoming members or office holders of such organizations despite the fact that their objectives may
be praiseworthy and unobjectionable. O ne of the reasons is that when foreign dignitaries relating to a
particular organization come to India, addresses are often presented by these organizations. In some cases it
may not be desirable for Government servants to be associated with such addresses, as they are bound to be
as members or as office bearers. Some of these cultural organizations may not be very important or influential
while others are very active and on occasions take a political stand which may be embarrassing to Government
servants. In view of these considerations it has been decided that while such organizations may, in suitable
cases, be looked upon with favour and assisted, the association of Government servants with such
organizations should be avoided.
[MHA OM No. 25/35/56-Ests.(A), dated 24.01.1957]
(8) Book Clubs run by Foreign Agencies
Please see Government of India decision No. (7) under rule 13.
(9) Moral Re-armament movement joining of by central Government servants
The Government of India have had under consideration the question whether central Government servants
should be permitted to become members and take part in the activities of Moral Rearmament Movement.
Government have decided that central Government servants should not associate themselves with my
activities of the Moral Re-armament Movement in their official capacity, or with such of the activities as are
political or have a political slant, even in their individual capacity. For the rest they are advised to be
circumspect and so ensure that even in their individual capacity they do not do anything which may be
construed or easily misconstrued as participation in political activities.
2. For associating themselves with the activities of the Moral Re-armament Movement, central Government
servants should keep their Head of the Department informed who, having due regard to administrative
requirements will be free to ask any Government servant to dissociate himself from the activities of the,%20commencement%20and%20application
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[MHA OM No. 25/10/64-Ests.(A), dated 04.07.1964]
(9A) P articipation of G overnment servants in the activities of Moral R earmament Movement-R eview of
Reference is invited to the Ministry of Home Affairs O M No. 25/10/64-Ests.(A) dated 4th July, 1964 wherein
some restrictions have been imposed on the Government servants associating themselves with the activities
of Moral Rearmament Movement.
2. These instructions have been reviewed. After careful consideration, it has been decided to withdraw these
instructions with immediate effect. It is, however, clarified that while associating with the activities of the
Moral Rearmament Movement, the Central Government servants should ensure that they do not do anything
which may be construed or easily misconstrued as participation in political activities, keeping in view the
provisions of Rule 5 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
[Deptt. Of Pers. & Trg. O.M. No. 11013/13/98-Estt. (A) dated 24 th February, 1999]
(10) Sanyukta Sadachar Samiti Permission to Central Government servants to join
The Government of India have had under consideration the question whether central Government servants
should be permitted to become members and take part in the activities of the Sanyukta Sadachar Samiti the
Sanyukta Sadachar Samiti is a non-O fficial, non-political and non-sectarian organization recently started with
the objects mainly of creating a social and moral climate to discourage anti-social and corrupt practices and of
developing the will and capacity of the people to fight and eradicate corruption in all forms.
2. In view of the non-political and non-sectarian character of the Sanyukta Sadachar Samiti, it has been
decided that Central Government servants should be free to join the Samiti, provided that their association
with the Samiti is without detriment to the proper discharge of their normal official duties or infringement of
the Government Servants Conduct Rules. Government servants as members of the Samiti should restrict their
activities to the improvement of the ethical standards and the moral tone of society only and should not use
the forum of the Samiti to lodge information or complaints against Government servants or Government
3. For becoming members of the Sanyukta Sadachar Samiti, no prior permission of the Government will be
necessary, but such membership should be with the knowledge of the Head of the Department concerned.
[MHA OM No. 25/21/64-Estt. (A), dated 15.07.1964]
(11) Foreign language classes conducted by Indo-Foreign cultural organizations joining of by the
Government servants
The question of regulating the participation of Government servants in foreign language classes conducted by
Indo-Foreign cultural organizations like the German-Indian Association, Alliance Francaise de Delhi, IndoSoviet Cultural Society etc. has been considered by Government and it has been decided that Government
servants desirous of joining such classes should obtain prior permission from the Ministry or O ffice in which
they are serving
2. * * * *
3. Ministry of Finance etc., are requested to bring the contents of para 1 of this O ffice Memorandum to the
notice of all Government servants under their control, separately. Para 2 is intended for the guidance of
administrative authorities only (not reproduced).
[MHA OM No. 25/4/65-Ests.(A), dated 18.05.1966]
(12) R.S.S. and Jamaat-e-Islami participation by the Government servants in the activities of
The attention of the Ministry of Finance etc., is invited to the provisions of sub-rule (1) of Rule 5 of the
Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 under which no Government servant shall be a member of, or be
otherwise associated with, any political party or any organization which takes part in politics nor shall he take
part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or activity.
2. As certain doubts have been raised about Governments policy with respect to the membership of any
participation in the activities of the Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh and the Jamaat-e-Islami by Government
servants, it is clarified that Government have always held the activities of these two organizations to be of
such a nature that participation in them by Government servants would attract the provisions of sub-rule (1)
of Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rule, 1964. Any Government servant, who is a member of or
is otherwise associated with the aforesaid organizations or with their activities is liable to disciplinary action.
[MHA OM No. 3/10/(S)/66-Ests.(B), dated 30.11.1966]
(12A)Reference decision (12) above, it is requested that
(a) the provisions thereof may be brought to the notice of all Government servants again; and
(b) action should invariably be initiated against any Government servant who comes to notice for violation of
the instructions referred to above,%20commencement%20and%20application
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presiding and polling officers, are not always as impartial as they ought to be. It has been complained that
these officers some times show particular favour to candidates of political parties of their choice even at the
time of the actual poll and the counting of votes. Some High Courts also have, in some cases, commented
severely on the conduct of some officers appointed on election duty. W hile the Commission is sure that the
number of such officers cannot be large, the Commission would take the opportunity to make an appeal to all
Government employees, especially to election officers, to be and also appear to be absolutely impartial,
independent and neutral, in the performance of their election duties, whether at the time of acceptance or
scrutiny of nomination papers, or at the time of polling in the polling stations, or at the time of counting of
votes at the counting places.
[OM No. 25/2/71-Ests.(A), dated 23.01.1971 issued by Deptt. Of Personnel]
W ith reference to decision No. 2 a question was raised as to whether participation by a Government servant in
a public meeting or demonstration organized by a political party would amount to participation in political
movement or activity within the meaning of rule 5 (1).
It is felt that in the light of the existing provisions of the Conduct Rules and the instructions already issued
on the subject, taking any active part by a Government servant in a meeting or demonstration organized by a
political party might cause an impression which may well be construed as assisting to a political movement.
For example, if a Government servant takes active or prominent part in organizing or conducting such a
meeting or demonstration or speaks himself therein, or attends regularly or even frequently any such
meetings etc., such action on his part is likely to create an impression that he is taking part in or assisting a
political movement or activity. In order, therefore, to avoid any doubts about their political neutrality, it would
be in the interest of the Government servants themselves not to participate in such meetings or
[Cabinet Sectt. (Deptt. Of Personnel and Adm. Reforms) OM No. 25/4/73-Estt. (A), dated 17.02.1973]
Attention of the Ministries/Departments is invited to the Gazette Notification dated the 3rd and 4 th July, 1975
(not reproduced) wherein certain organizations including the R.S.S., Jamaat-e-Islami, Anand Marg and CP I
(ML) have been banned under the provisions of rule 33 of the Defence and Internal Security of India Rules,
1971. This rule, inter alia, provided that no person shall :(a) Manage or assist in managing any organization to which the rule applies;
(b) P romote or assist in promoting a meeting or any member of such an organization, or attend any such
meeting in any capacity;
(c) publish any notice or advertisement relating to any such meeting; and
(d) invite persons to support such an organization or otherwise in any way assist the operations of such an
Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of the above rule, shall be punishable with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine or with both.
2. There is reason to believe, that certain Central Government servants who had earlier been participating in
the activities of the O rganisations mentioned above, have continued their active association with them, even
after they have been banned. It may be recalled that even before the ban orders were issued, there were
instructions to the effect that participation of Government servants in the activities of the R.S.S. and Jamaate-Islami would attract the provisions of Clause (1) of Rule 5 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, which relates to
prohibition of Government servants from taking part in political activities (decision No. 12). In spite of these
instructions cases had come to notice in the past of some Government servants who had been associating
themselves with the activities of these organizations. Now that ban has been imposed on all these
organization, it is incumbent on all the Ministries/Departments of the Central Government to take due note of
such activities of their employees. Such employees who are found to have connection with the banned
organizations are liable to be dealt with suitably in departmental proceedings. In appropriate cases action
could also be considered against them under proviso (c) of Clause (2) of Article 311 of the Constitution.
[MHA Department of Personnel & A.R. No. 18011/1/(S)/75-Ests.(B), dated the 28 th November, 1975]
(18) Participation by Government servant in banned organization clarification
P lease refer to this Departments O ffice Memorandum No. 18011/1/(S)/75-Ests.(B) dated the 28th November,
1975, (decision No. 15). Consequent upon the lifting of the ban on organizations such as R.S.S. Jamaat-eIslami, Anand Marg and CP (ML) etc. the November, 1975 O M referred to above relating to the aforesaid
organizations may be treated as deleted. Hereafter, action may be taken against Central Government
employees if they come to notice for participation in the activities of the political organizations, under the
normal service rules, such as rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, or corresponding rules
governing the service conditions of other categories of the employees.
[MHA Department of Personnel & A.R., OM No. 34013/4/(S)/77-Estt. (B), dated the 23 rd April, 1977]
(19) Participation in holding rallies for political parties by arranging for crowds and transport,%20commencement%20and%20application
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Instances have come to the notice of the Government in which public servants and public utility facilities were
used for arranging crowds for rallies and for arranging transport for bringing those crowds involving violations
of laws and rules in regard to the use of such transport. In this connection, attention is invited to rule 5 (1) of
the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 which provides that no Government servant shall be a member of, or be
otherwise associated with any political party or organization which takes part in politics; nor shall he take part
in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or activity. It is also clarified in
this Department O M No. 25/4/73-Estt. (A), dated 17.02.1973 (Decision No. 19) that it is advisable for a
Government employee not to attend even public meetings or demonstrations organized by a political party or
having political aspects. It will not suffice to say that such arrangements were made on the orders of superior
officers, as the Explanation below sub-rule (2) of rule 3 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 clarifies that nothing
in Clause (ii) of the aforesaid sub-rule (2) shall be construed as empowering a Government employee to evade
his own responsibilities. It hardly need to be emphasized that Government servants should not only maintain
political neutrality but should also appear to do so. Taking active part in holding rallies in support of any
political party by arranging for crowds and arranging transport for brining those crowds would, therefore,
clearly attract the provisions of the aforesaid rule of the Conduct Rules. Government employees should,
therefore, desist from engaging in such activities which may be construed as participation in the activities of a
political party.
[MHA, Department of Personnel & A.R. OM No. 28034/5/78-Estt.(A), dated 1 st September, 1978]
(20) Participation by Government servants in the activities of Dharma Pracharak Sansthan
As certain doubts have been raised about Governments policy with respect to the membership of and
participation in the activities of the Dharma Parcharak Sanstha of Shri Jai Gurudev and Door Darshi Party or
their branches or affiliated bodies thereof by Government servants, it is clarified that Government have held
the activities of these two organizations to be of such a nature that participation in them by Government
servants would attract the provisions of sub-rule (1) of Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules,
1964. Any Government servant, who is a member of or is otherwise associated with the aforesaid
organizations or with their activities is liable to disciplinary action.
[DP&AR OM No. 15014/1/81-Estt. (B) dated the 3 rd March, 1981]
(21) Association of Central Government servants with socio-religious bodies
Instances have been brought to the notice of this Department where Government servants seek prior
permission for becoming members of socio-religious bodies, the objectives of which are claimed to be aimed
at social reforms and religious awakening etc.
2. According to Rule 15 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, no previous sanction of the
Government is required for a Central Government servant to undertake honorary work of a social or charitable
nature but he should discontinue taking part in such activities, if so directed by the Government. P rior
permission is essential only if the Government servant seeks to hold an elective office. As regards
participation in purely religious activities, the freedom to profess and practice any religion is guaranteed under
the Constitution of India itself. Since, however, the Constitution of India is based on the principle of secular
state, the Government servants, while they are free to profess and practice any religion in their private lives,
should so conduct themselves in public as to leave no room for any impression to arise that they do not
subscribe to the secular philosophy of the State.
3. Some of the organizations and movements claiming to aim at social and religious reforms, may have some
attributes of sectarian or communal nature. It will, therefore, be desirable on the part of the Government
servants to be very cautious in associating themselves with any organization or movement the activities of
which are liable to be construed as sectarian or communal in nature. It is not possible to give an exhaustive
list of such activities or of the organizations and movements whose aims and objectives may be
objectionable. The responsibility for the consequences of the decision to join any organization and
participating in its activities will rest with the employee himself. It is, therefore, the duty of the Government
employee who wishes to join any organization or association to satisfy himself that its activities and
objectives are not of such a nature as are likely to attract action under any of the provisions of the Conduct
Rules. In the circumstances, any plea of ignorance or mis-conception as to the Governments attitude
regarding participation in the activities of such organizations would not be tenable.
[Deptt. Of Pers. & Trg. O.M. No. 11013/5/88-Estt. (A) dated 11.07.1988]
6. Joining of associations by Government servants
No G overnment servant shall join or continue to be a member of, an association the objects or activities
of which are prejudicial to the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, or public order or
Government of India Decisions
(1) Objects or activities of Associations In the meeting of the Committee of the National Council (JCM) held on 28.01.1977, the Staff Side referred to
their request that it should be clearly laid down as to how it should be decided whether the object or
activities of an Association attract provisions of rule 6 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, as without such
clarification, it was possible for any competent authority at any level to proceed against an employee for
violation of the aforesaid rule without proper justification. The views of the Staff Side have been considered
carefully by Government. As a comprehensive and exhaustive enumeration of various object or activities which,%20commencement%20and%20application
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would attract rule 6 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, is not practicable and as the apprehension of the Staff
Side was mainly in regard to the possibly of arbitrary action at lower levels, it has been decided that action
for alleged violation of rule 6 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 can be taken by a disciplinary authority only
when an authority not below the level of a Head of Department has decided that the objects or activities of
the Association concerned are such as would attract rule 6 ibid. W here the Head of Department is himself in
doubt he shall seek the advice of the Administrative Ministry/Department concerned before action for the
alleged violation of rule 6 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, is initiated.
[MHA, Deptt. Of Personnel & A.R. No. 11013/2/77-Estt. (A), dated the 7 th June, 1978]
(2) Display of posters and other notices
Please see decision No. 10 under Rule 3.
7. Demonstration and strikes
No Government servant shall (i) engage himself or participate in any demonstration which is prejudicial to the interests of the
sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the state, friendly relations with foreign States, public
order, decency or morality, or which involves contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence,
(ii) resort to or in any way abet any form of strike or coercion or physical duress in connection with any
matter pertaining to his service or the service of any other Government servant.
Government of India Decisions
(1) R estriction on G overnment servants who are office-bearers of service associations, in dealing in
their official capacity with matters connected with those associations.
Reference this Ministrys O ffice Memorandum No. 24/23/57-Ests.(B), dated the 3rd March, 1959, (not
reproduced), on the above subject and to say that a point has been raised whether after the promulgation of
the Central Civil Services (Recognition of Service Associations) Rules, 1959, the convention that an officer who
may be required to deal in a responsible capacity with representations from a service Association, should not
be an office-bearer or a member of the Executive Committee of that Association, would continue to be
observed. It has been decided that any Government servant who is an office-bearer or a member of the
Executive Committee of a Service association should not himself deal in his official capacity with any
representation or other matters connected with that Association.
[MHA OM No. 24/1/60-Estt. (B), dated 25.01.1960]
(2) "Strikes" interpretation of what constitutes a strike under the conduct Rules
Rule 7 (ii) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, provides that no Government servant shall
resort to or in any way abet any form of strike in connection with any matter pertaining to his service or the
service of any other Government servant. Instances have come to the notice of Government where employees
resort to various methods of protests for redress of grievances, some of which are tantamount to strike.
References have been received seeking clarification whether certain acts, are covered under the definition of
strike and if so, whether action can be taken against such employees for violation of the Conduct Rules. It is,
therefore, clarified that strike means refusal to work or stoppage or slowing down of work by a group of
employees acting in combination, and includes
(i) mass absentation from work without permission (which is wrongly described as "mass casual leave");
(ii) refusal to work overtime where such overtime work is necessary in the public interest;
(iii) resort to practices or conduct which is likely to result in, or results in the cessation or substantial
retardation of work in any organization. Such practices would include, what are called go-slow, sit-down,
pen-down, stay-in, sympathetic" or any other similar strike; as also absence from work for participation in a
Bandh or any similar movements.
3. Government servants who resort to action of the above kind violate rule 7 (ii) of the Central Civil Services
(Conduct) Rules, 1964 and disciplinary action can be taken against them. It may be noted that the list of
activities which are covered under the definition of strike as enumerated above is only illustrative and not
exhaustive. It only clarifies the position in respect of practices which are often resorted to at present.
[MHA OM No. 25/23/66-Ests.(A), dated 09.12.1966]
(3) Participation in "GHERAO" by Central Government servants Instances have come to the notice of Government in which employees of certain Central Government offices
staged which is called "Gherao", involving forcible confinement of public servants within office premises by
surrounding their places of duty and have held demonstrations/meetings both within office premises during
office hours and also outside the office premises beyond office hours, tending to forcible confinement of public
servants within office premises. Such demonstrations/activities are prejudicial to pubic order and also involve
criminal offences like wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement, criminal trespass or incitement to commit
offences. They are also subversive of discipline and harmful to the public interest, and participation in them
by Government servants and would constitute good and sufficient reason within the meaning of Rule 11 of the,%20commencement%20and%20application
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Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965. It has, therefore, been decided that a
serious view should be taken of such acts of lawlessness and insubordination on the part of public servants.
The Central Government Departments are advised to take action on the following lines in such cases :(i) Disciplinary action should be taken against the prominent participants in the Gherao for contravention of
Rules 3 and 7 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964. In the charge-sheet to be served in
pursuance of such disciplinary action, it should be specified to the extent that the facts justify, that
demonstrations prejudicial to public order and involving criminal offences, namely, wrongful restraint, wrongful
confinement, criminal trespass and incitement to such offences, have been held; that such conduct was
subversive of discipline and harmful to the public interest; and that the conduct was wholly unbecoming of a
Government servant.
(ii) Absence from work on account of participation in Gherao, should in all cases be treated as unauthorized
absence involving break in service. The absence should not be regularized as leave of any kind.
(iii) W henever there is a case of Gherao, wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement or criminal trespass or of
any other cognizable offence, a written report should be made to the O fficer-in-charge of the Police Station
having jurisdiction, requesting him to register the offence and to take action under the law. The names of the
offenders should be included in the written report. Copies of the report should be endorsed to the Police
Commissioner/Superintendent of Police and the Home Secretary to the State Government concerned for
necessary action according to law.
(iv) If, notwithstanding the mandatory provisions of the Criminal P rocedure Code, Police takes no action on
such a report, action should be taken promptly to file a complaint before the appropriate Magistrate in respect
of the substantive offences under the Indian Penal Code or other law. In certain circumstances a petition
could be filed before the High Court for issue of the appropriate writ, but this should be done after taking
legal advice.
[OM No. 25/S.11/67-Ests.(A), dated the 13 th April, 1967]
W hile taking action to file a complaint before the appropriate Magistrate, the assistance of the O fficer of the
Central Bureau of Investigation if any, available locally, may also be taken in drafting the complaints and
deciding the manner, in which evidence should be collected and produced.
[M.H.A. OM No. 25/S.11/67-Estt. (A), dated the 15 th April, 1967]
(4) Display of posters and other notices
please See Government of India Decision No. (10) under Rule 3.
(5) Demonstrations in the vicinity/neighbourhood of Government offices
It has been noticed that when some demonstrations organized by political parties were held in or passed
through the vicinity of Government offices, the Government employees working in these offices came out to
witness the demonstration. In this process the Government employees sometimes got mixed up with the
demonstrators and it became difficult to segregate the demonstrators from the Government employee. In
order to avoid such situations in future, the Ministry of Finance etc., are requested to impress upon the
employees working under them that it is desirable on such occasions that they stay inside their offices and
keep away from the demonstrators or the crowd near the place of demonstration.
[D.P. & A.R. No. 25/6/73-Ests.(A), dated 09.03.1973]
8. Connection with press or other media
(1) No G overnment servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the G overnment, own wholly or
in part, or conduct or participate in the editing or management of, any newspaper or other periodical
publication or electronic media.
(2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall apply in case a G overnment servant in the bonafide discharge of his
official duties publishes a book or participates in a public media.
(3) A G overnment servant publishing a book or participating in a public media shall at all times make it
clear that the views expressed by him are his own and not that of Government.
Government of India Instructions
(1) P articipation in the A.I.R . P rogrammes and receiving of honorarium therefor permission not
Please see Government of India decision No. 4 under Rule 15.
9. Criticism of Government
No G overnment servant shall, in any radio broadcast, telecast through any electronic media or in any
document published in his own name or anonymously, pseudonymously or in the name of any other
person or in any communication to the press or in any public utterance, make any statement of fact or
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(i) which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy or action of the C entral
Government or a State Government:
P rovided that in the case of any G overnment servant included in any category of G overnment servants
specified in the second proviso to sub-rule(3) of rule 1, nothing contained in this clause shall apply to
bonafide expression of views by him as an office-bearer of a trade union or association of G overnment
servants for the purpose of safeguarding the conditions of service of such G overnment servants or for
securing an improvement thereof; or
(ii) which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the C entral G overnment and the
Government of any State; or
(iii) which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the C entral G overnment and the
Government of any foreign State;
P rovided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any statements made or views expressed by a
Government servant in his official capacity or in the due performance of the duties assigned to him.
Government of India Instructions
(1) Government servants visiting foreign countries should not express views on Indian or foreign affairs.
Government servants visiting foreign countries should refrain from giving expression to views on Indian or
foreign affairs and in particular, from making any written or oral statements without specific prior approval of
the Head of the Indian Missions in the country visited.
(MHA OM No. 25/71/51-Ests., dated the 17.10.1951)
(2) Estimates C ommittees recommendation for giving freedom to officers to express their differing
The Estimates Committee in para 20 of their Ninety-Third Report on public Services have made the following
recommendations :"As regards the obligations of the ruling party towards the permanent services, the
Committee can do no better than to quote from a speech delivered by the late P rime
Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri during the course of discussion in Lok Sabha (on
01.04.1963) relating to demands for grant to the Ministry of Home Affairs of which he was
then the Minister in charge :the services, if their morale has to be kept up, must be given full freedom to express
their differing views. It is entirely for the Minister to accept the view of the officers or not.
If they are made to do things, then the morale of the services will go down and the
administration will suffer and I personally think that ultimately, the people will also
W hile the Committee endorse the forthright view expressed by the then Home Minister regarding the
desirability of granting complete freedom to Government officers to express their differing views, they would
also like Government to act in their capacity of loco parentis to the public services and shield them against all
unjustified attacks from whichever source they are launched. In the opinion of the Committee, nothing can
weaken the morale of the public services more than a general feeling that, in a certain set of circumstances,
they may be subjected to harassing enquiries with no prospect of any protection from any quarter, for
whatever they might have done in good faith.
2. The above recommendations of the Committee are brought to the notice of the Ministry of Finance etc., for
information and guidance.
[MHA, OM No. 14/9/66-Ests.(A)-II, dated 03.08.1966]
(3) T endering of evidence by Government servants before the Administrative Reforms Commission
Government have appointed the Administrative Reforms Commission to examine the public administration of
the country and to make recommendations for reform and reorganization, where necessary. The Commission
are interviewing senior O fficers of Government and Heads of Departments at the Centre and in the States with
a view to ascertaining their views on administrative reforms. In such interviews, Government servants will be
free to give frank expression to their personal views, vide rule 10(3) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct)
Rules, 1964. No permission of Government or of the Head of Department, is required for this purpose.
However, the evidence tendered before the Commission should not be given publicity as that would amount to
public criticism of Government or unauthorized communication of information vide rules 9 and 11 of the CCS
(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
[MHA OM No. 25/8/66-Ests.(A), dated 27.07.1966]
(4) Service associations passing resolutions contravening Rule 9 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964
Instances have come to the notice of Government of Service Associations (including Federations/U nions) of
Government employees passing resolutions, making statements and/or expressing opinion on issues which
involve violation by the individual employee of Rule 9 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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2. The Ministry of Finance etc., are requested to take note of the breaches of this rule and to initiate
disciplinary action by calling for explanation from those individuals who are signatories or parties to the
resolutions or other activities mentioned in paragraph 1 above, if they are serving Government employees and
if they in their individual capacity, as office-bearers of Associations (including Federations/U nions) of
Government employees, or editors/publishers/office bearers of journals issued by such Associations (including
Federations/Unions), have violated the provisions of the above-mentioned Conduct Rule.
[MHA OM No. 25/5/68-Ests.(A), dated 17.01.1968]
In spite of the instruction given in decision (4) above, certain resolutions passed by service
associations/U nions/federations criticizing the action of a State Government in regard to the dismissal of
some of their employees have come to the notice of the Government. W ithout prejudice to the discretion of
the disciplinary authority to institute disciplinary action against the employees concerned, should it want to
do so, it is requested that the provisions of the above decision No. (4) may be brought to the notice of all the
employees in or under the Ministry of Finance etc., for their guidance and it may be reiterated that signatories
or parties to resolutions, etc., passed by service associations/unions/federations which violate against the
provisions of rule 9 would render themselves liable to disciplinary action.
[Cabinet Secretariat, Department of Personnel No. 25/4/72-Ests.(A), dated 18.02.1972]
10. Evidence before Committee or any other authority
(1) Save as provided in sub-rule (3), no G overnment servant shall, except with the previous sanction of
the G overnment, give evidence in connection with any enquiry conducted by any person, committee or
(2) W here any sanction has been accorded under sub-rule (1), no G overnment servant giving such
evidence shall criticise the policy or any action of the Central Government or of a State Government.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall apply to(a) evidence given at an enquiry before an authority appointed by the G overnment, P arliament or a
State Legislature; or
(b) evidence given in any judicial enquiry; or
(c) evidence given at any departmental enquiry ordered by authorities subordinate to the Government.
Government of India Instructions
(1) T endering of evidence before the fourth Central Pay Commission
Among Secretariat officers of the Central Government, Secretaries may, if they so desire give their personal
views in the light of their own knowledge and experience. O ther Secretariat officers, i.e., Additional, Joint,
Deputy or U nder Secretaries as well as Heads of Departments may also be permitted by Government to give
evidence orally or in writing to the Pay Commission on matters coming within their respective spheres of work.
Such officers should, however, obtain the prior permission of Government before they appear before the
The above procedure will not apply to Government servants who appear before the Pay Commission on behalf
of service associations. They may do so without the prior permission of Government, if so authorized by the
Service Associations whom they represent.
There is no objection to individual Government servants submitting Memoranda etc. to the Pay Commission, in
their individual capacity, provided that individual grievances will not be put to the Commission.
[D.P. & A.R. OM No. 11013/16/83-Estt. (A), dated 16.11.1983]
11. Communication of Official Information.Every Government servant shall, in performance of his duties in good faith, communicate information to a person in
accordance with the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005) and the rules made thereunder :
Provided that no Government servant shall, except in accordance with any general or special order of the Government
or in performance in good faith of the duties assigned to him, communicate, directly or indirectly, any official document
or any part thereof or classified information to any Government servant or any other person to whom he is not
authorised to communicate such document or classified information."
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communicating them to the Government servant concerned. It is not necessary to disclose the identity of the
O fficer concerned since, what the Government servant should be interested in, are the defects/short-comings
which his superior officers have found in his work and conduct and not the particular superior officer who
recorded them in the confidential report and the representations on the remarks, if any, should be objective
pertaining of short-comings noticed. Apart from this, disclosure of the identity of the superior officer is also
likely to lead to unpleasantness and personal animosity. It is, therefore desirable that while communicating
the adverse remarks to the Government servant concerned, the identity of the superior officer making such
remarks should not normally be disclosed.
2. If, however, in a particular case, it is considered necessary to disclose the identity of the superior officer,
the authority dealing with the representation may at his discretion allow the identity to be communicated.
3. In so far as persons serving in the Indian audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders are
issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
[MHA OM No. 51/2/64-Ests.(A), dated 30.03.1964]
(2) Leakage through the P ress of classified information Safeguards against only officers specially
authorised should meet the Press.
Instances have come to the notice of Government of leakage of classified information from time to time and
their publication in the P ress. It is the duty of all Government servants to safeguard the security of all
classified information and papers to which they have access in the course of their official duties. In this
connection the relevant provisions, in the Manual or O ffice P rocedure and in the Central Civil Services
(Conduct) Rules, 1964, are reproduced in the Annexure (not reproduced).
2. It would be observed from paragraph 90 (para 113 in 1996 edition) of the Manual of O ffice P rocedure
(reproduced in the Annexure below) that only Ministers, Secretaries and other officers specially authorized by
the Minister are permitted to meet representatives of the P ress and give information. As a further safeguard,
it has been decided that as a general rule, any officer (other than Secretaries) specially authorized by the
Minister to give information to the press, who might have occasion to meet representative of the press,
should immediately submit a gist of the subject discussed, to the Secretary of the Ministry/Department in
which he is working.
3. It is requested that provisions in the Manual of O ffice P rocedure and Conduct Rules, reproduced in the
Annexure as well as the decision referred to in the preceding paragraph may be brought to the notice of all
[MHA OM No. 29/9/67-Ests.(A), dated 04.07.1967]
Extracts from Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure 1996 Edition
113. Communication of information to the P ress (1) O fficial information to the press and other news media,
i.e. radio and television will normally be communicated through the Press Information Bureau.
(2) O nly Ministers, Secretaries and other officers specially authorized in this behalf may give information or be
accessible to the representatives of the press. Any other official, if approached by a representative of the
press, will direct him to the Press Information Bureau.
(3) W henever it is proposed to release an official information to the press, or to hold a press conference or
press briefing, or to give publicity to an official report, resolution or any other publication, the department
concerned will consult the accredited information officer in advance. The accredited information officer will
meet the authorized officials from time to time to collect information worthy of publicity.
(4) Detailed procedure in respect of matters mentioned in this para, as laid down by the Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting, should be followed.
(3) Communication of Unauthorised Information
It has been noticed that the Government servants and others, including former Government servants have
sometimes quoted or copied in their representations, appeals, etc. Government circulars including those
marked secret, notes and other information from files, which they are ordinarily not expected to have seen or
to have retained. Communication of such documents, etc. and their retention by, unauthorized persons is not
only improper but also involves contravention of Rule 11 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules and
section 5 of the Official Secrets Act, 1923.
Rule 11 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 lays down that a Government servant may not
communicate directly to other Government servant or to non-official persons or to press any documents or
information which may have come into his possession in the course of his public duties. Retention of such
documents or information by a Government servant in his personal custody for use in furtherance of his
personal interest, e.g. in making representation to the authorities concerned is not only objectionable but also
constitutes an offence under Section 5 of the O fficial Secrets Act, 1923. A person contravening the provisions
of the above Act renders himself liable to prosecution. Contravention of the provisions of the Act and of the,%20commencement%20and%20application
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Conduct Rules can also be dealt with departmentally under the relevant Discipline Rules, and may well justify
the imposition of a suitable penalty with reference to the fact and circumstances of each case.
[MHA OM No. 24/54/58-Ests., dated the 12 th April, 1954]
(4) Contact with the Press and airing of views on official matters through the Press
Attention of the Ministry of Finance etc. is invited to Rule 11 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and Rule 9 of
the A I S (Conduct) Rules, 1968 which provide that no Government servant shall, except in accordance with any
general or special order of the Government or in the performance in good faith of the duties assigned to him,
communicate, directly or indirectly, any official document or any part thereof or information to any Government
servant or any other person to whom he is not authorized to communicate such document or information.
Similarly paragraphs 110 and 113 of the Manual of O ffice P rocedure lay down the procedure for contacts with
the Press.
2. Instances have come to notice that some Government servants have been unathorisedly communicating
with the P ress either in their own name or in pseudonymous names. Instructions have been issued from time
to time restraining all Government servants from communicating with the P ress unauthorisedly but it is
observed that the provisions of the Conduct Rules are not being followed in letter and spirit. Recently, some
cases have come to notice when officers have criticized in the P ress the functioning of their own Ministry and
there are instances of expression of views which are in direct opposition to the views expressed by the
Minister in public resulting in avoidable indiscretion on the part of civil and military officers.
3. The provisions of Rule 11 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1965, and Rule 9 of the A I S (Conduct) Rules, 1968
referred to above and paras 110 and 113 of the Manual of O ffice P rocedure, are once again brought to the
notice of all concerned. It is once against reiterated that violation of the provisions of Conduct Rules and
other corresponding provisions amounts to a serious misconduct. The concerned cadre controlling authorities
are advised to view such misconduct seriously.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/16/98-Estt.(A), dated 10 th December,1998]
12. Subscriptions
No G overnment servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the G overnment or of the prescribed
authority, ask for or accept contributions to, or otherwise associate himself with the raising of, any funds
or other collections in cash or in kind in pursuance of any object whatsoever.
Government of India Decisions
(1) Sponsoring of public funds by Government servants
The Government servants Conduct Rules applicable to the late Secretary of States Services, require that no
Government servant should, without obtaining the previous permission of the Government, ask for, or accept
or in any way participate in the raising of any subscription or other pecuniary assistance in pursuance of any
object whatsoever. A copy of the relevant Rule is given below for ready reference :
"Except with the previous sanction of the Government, if he is a Commissioner of a
Division or a Head of a Department, or of the Commissioner of the Head of his Department
in other cases, no Government servant shall ask for or accept, or in any way participate in
t he raising of any subscription or other pecuniary assistance in pursuance of any object
2. The position under the Conduct Rules applicable to other Government servants is slightly different but it
has been decided that the same rule should apply to all central Government servants so far as public funds
are concerned.
3 . The position may please be explained to all the employees of the Ministry of Finance etc., and their
attached and subordinate offices and it may be impressed upon them that they should not sponsor the raising
of funds from the public for any purpose whatsoever, without previous permission. It may be added that the
mere payment of a subscription to some charitable or benevolent fund would not, by itself, amount to
participation in the raising of such fund; and is permissible except in circumstances specified in the Rule 23
(Rule 5 of the CSS (Conduct) Rules, 1964) of the Government Servants Conduct Rules (taking part in politics).
[MHA OM No. 25/4/48-Ests., dated 28.02.1948]
(2) Sponsoring of funds by members of service associations to foster the activities of such unions and
Rule 9 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 (now Rule 12) prohibits Government servants from
asking for or accepting contributions to or otherwise associating themselves with the raising of any fund in
pursuance of any object whatsoever. The question how far the conduct of Government servants who are
members of service associations would be in order in sponsoring collections directly and/or indirectly, on
behalf of their associations has been considered. Strictly speaking, in sponsoring such collections without prior
permission, the Government servants would be contravening the provisions of the Central Civil Services
(Conduct) Rules, 1955 (now Rule 12). Neither the constitution of the unions which may envisage collection of
funds for the purposes of the unions, nor the fact that unions have been registered as trade unions under the
Indian Trade U nions Act, 1926, which permits trade unions to raise funds, gives any immunity to Government
servants in the matter. This is the legal position, but in order to assist in the smooth working of the unions,,%20commencement%20and%20application
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as well as to avoid too many references on the subject, it has been decided to grant general permission in the
class of cases mentioned below.
The members of a union can freely collect subscription among themselves for welfare activities of the union.
So long as their appeal is confined to the members, no permission need be sought. If any approach to the
public is made, whether directly or indirectly, such permission should be necessary. Similarly, in a union where
a matter affecting the general interest of the members of the union is in dispute and it is permissible under
the rules of the union to spend its funds over such a matter, its members should be free to collect funds,
especially for that special purpose, from amongst its members. W here, however, action is taken against a
person who happens to be a member of the union, in his personal capacity or on grounds which concern him in
particular no funds should be collected from even amongst its members by the Union for his defence.
[MHA OM No. 24/10/55-Ests.(B), dated 10.08.1955]
(3) Flag day collections Exempted
U nder Rule 12 of the Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules, 1964 no Government servant may except with the
previous sanction of the Government or other competent authority, ask for or accept contribution to or
otherwise associate himself with the raising of any fund in pursuance of any object whatsoever.
An instance has come to the notice of Government in which the head of an office refused to accept tokens and
car flags given to him on Flag Day, for the purpose of raising collections from his office staff for the benefits
of ex-service men. The reason given by the official was that the Government Servants Conduct Rules
prohibited him from making such collections. The stand taken by the official was no doubt, correct under the
rules. But in view of the object under lying the Flag Day Collections, the Government of India have decided to
relax the provisions of the above rule for this purpose and to allow Central Government servants to participate
in such collections on a voluntary basis.
[MHA, Memo No. 25/33/55-Ests., dated 31 st October, 1955]
(4) National Defence Fund Collection of contributions to
The nation has responded magnificently to the grave emergency facing it. In this period of crises people in all
walks of life are anxious to contribute to the limit of their capacity towards the national effort. The National
Defence Fund has been constituted to receive monetary contributions for the defence of the country. A copy of
the P ress Note issued by the Government of India announcing the setting up of the Fund and the manner of
contributing to it is attached (not reproduced).
2. Rule No. 9 (now Rule 12) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules/A I S (Conduct) Rules/Railway Services (Conduct) Rules
prohibit Government servants, except with the previous sanction of the Government or such authority as may
be empowered by it in this behalf, from asking for or accepting contributions to or otherwise associating
themselves with, the raising of any fund in pursuance of any object whatsoever. So far as U nion Territories
and attached and Subordinate O ffices under the Home Ministry are concerned sanction is hereby accorded to
the level of Sub-Divisional O fficers and Head of Departments to associate themselves with the raising of the
above fund. Heads of Department and District Magistrates are further empowered under Rule 9 of the A I S
(Conduct) Rules/Rule 9 (now Rule 12) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules to accord sanction to such other officers
working under them as they consider suitable, to associate themselves with raising contributions etc. to the
said Fund.
3. The Ministries of the Government of India may accord sanction to the Heads of Departments to associate
themselves with the raising of this Fund. Ministries may also empower Heads of Departments to accord similar
sanction to such Government servants working under them as may be required to assist them in this
[MHA OM No. F.25/64/62-Ests.(A) dated 1.11.1962]
(5) Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Subscriptions for collection by G overnment servants not
The Government of India have decided that Government servants should not be allowed to associate
themselves with collection of subscriptions for the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, though they are free to
make their personal contributions to the Fund.
[MHA OM No. 25/33/64-Ests.(A), dated 31.10.1964]
(6) O bservance of Flag Day by the National Foundation for C ommunal Harmony P articipation of
Government servants Permission under Rule 12 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
2. The National Foundation for Communal Harmony has been set up for promoting communal harmony and
particularly for the physical and psychological rehabilitation of children rendered orphans and destitutes in
communal violence. The Foundation has been engaging in efforts to collect contributions and observes every
year a Fund Raising W eek and Flag Day. Clarifications have been sought whether Central Government
servants could be associated with or involved in the above fund raising efforts of the Foundation.
3. The matter has been examined and keeping in view the objectives of the National Foundation for
Communal Harmony, the Government of India has decided to relax the provisions of Rule 12 to allow Central
Government servants to participate in the fund raising efforts of the Foundation on a voluntary basis.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/9/95-Estt.(A), dated 02.11.1995],%20commencement%20and%20application
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13. Gifts
(1) Save as provided in these rules, no G overnment servant shall accept, or permit any member of his
family or any other person acting on his behalf to accept, any gift.
E XP LANAT IO N :- T he expression "gift" shall include free transport, boarding, lodging or other service or
any other pecuniary advantage when provided by any person other than a near relative or personal
friend having no official dealings with the Government servant.
NOT E (1) - A casual meal, lift or other social hospitality shall not be deemed to be a gift NO T E (2) - A G overnment servant shall avoid accepting lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality from any
individual, industrial or commercial firms, organisations, etc., having official dealings with him.
(2) O n occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals or religious functions, when the making of
gift is in conformity with the prevailing religious and social practice, a G overnment servant may accept
gifts from his near relatives or from his personal friends having no official dealings with him, but shall
make a report to the Government, if the value of such gift exceeds (i) rupees seven thousand in the case of a Government servant holding any Group 'A' post;
(ii) rupees four thousand in the case of a Government servant holding any Group 'B' post;
(iii) rupees two thousand in the case of a Government servant holding any Group 'C' post; and
(iv) rupees one thousand in the case of a Government servant holding any Group 'D' post.
(3) In any other case, a G overnment servant shall not accept any gift without the sanction of the
Government if the value thereof exceeds(i) rupees one thousand five hundred in the case of G overnment servants holding any G roup "A" or
Group "B" post; and
(ii) rupees five hundred in the case of Government servants holding any Group "C" or Group "D" post.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (2) and (3), a G overnment servant, being a
member of the Indian delegation or otherwise, may receive and retain gifts from foreign dignitaries if
the market value of gifts received on one occasion does not exceed rupees one thousand. In all other
cases, the acceptance and retention of such gifts shall be regulated by the instructions issued by the
Government in this regard from time to time.
(5) A G overnment servant shall not accept any gifts from any foreign firm which is either contracting
with the G overnment of India or is one with which the G overnment servant had, has or is likely to have
official dealings. Acceptance of gifts by a G overnment servant from any other firm shall be subject to the
provisions of sub-rule (3).
13-A. Dowry
No Government servant shall(i) give or take or abet the giving or taking of dowry; or
(ii) demand directly or indirectly, from the parent or guardian of a bride or bridegroom, as the case may
be, any dowry.
Explanation:- For the purposes of this rule, dowry has the same meaning as in the Dowry P rohibition
Act, 1961(28 of 1961).
Government of Indias Decisions
(1) Manner of disposal of gifts received from foreign dignitaries those of trifling or symbolic value may
be retained but others to be deposited in T oshakhana-purchase from T oshakhana on payment of
assessed value permissible.
A large number of presents were made to officers of the Central and State Governments by the Soviet leaders,
the King of Saudi Arabia and other foreign dignitaries who visited India during the last few months. The
manner in which such presents offered by foreign dignitaries should be disposed of has been under
consideration and the following decisions have been taken.
2. The presents referred to may be broadly classified into two categories. The first category would include
presents which are symbolic in nature and not of any practical use, such as the Sword and the Ceremonial
Robe presented by the King of Saudi Arabia. It has been decided that presents of this type may be retained
by the recipients.
The second category would be presents which are of trivial value. According to the Central Civil Services
(Conduct) Rules, 1955 trivial value has been defined as value not exceeding Rs. 20. In the case of presents
from foreign dignitaries, it has been decided that the limit should be raised to Rs. 200 and that presents not
exceeding this value may be retained by the recipients.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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3. The question then arises with regard to the presents which do not come under either of the above
categories. It has been suggested that the giving of presents by foreign dignitaries is not intended to
influence the recipients in the discharge of their duties in favour of donor. O n the other hand if such presents
were to be handed over to Government and Government were to dispose them off by sale or otherwise, the
information is likely to get known and the donors are bound to feel seriously offended. As many of the
presents may have the names of the donors inscribed on them, their disposal by Government would also
cause some embarrassment. At the same time, it is undesirable from the service point of view to allow
officers to retain expensive presents which they may happen to get by virtue of their official position. Taking
all relevant factors into account, it has been decided that in respect of presents not covered by the two
categories referred to earlier, the officers should be asked to deposit them at the Government Toshakhana
and the receipients may be given the option to purchase them from the Toshakhana at prices to be fixed by
the authorities incharge. The presents which are not so purchased by the recipients will remain at the disposal
of Government to be utilized for such purposes as Government may decide. It is possible that some of these
presents may be of cultural value, which could very well be handed over to a Museum or a cultural body, while
others may be found suitable for being used as counter presents by Government or Government officials.
Those which are not disposed of in this manner will be kept on deposit in the Government Toshakhana and
may even be sold to persons other than the recipients in suitable cases, though indiscriminate sale should
certainly be avoided for reasons already stated.
[M.H.A. D.O. No. 25/49/55-Ests., dated 31.03.1956]
It has been brought to the notice of Government that some foreign countries have adopted the practice of
offering cash gifts to visiting guests by way of expense money in addition to paying for transport, hotel bills
etc. Government have decided that no cash gift should be accepted by any Government servant visiting a
country abroad as a guest of that country. Gifts in kind received by a Government servant should be dealt with
the in accordance with the existing instructions on the subject.
2. This may please be brought to the notice of all concerned
[M.E.A. OM No. F.55-TK/56, dated 19.11.1956]
(1A) Procedure for disposal of gifts received from foreign dignitaries.
This Ministry has for some time been considering the question of laying down the procedure for disposal of
articles of gifts received by Government servant from foreign dignitaries whether in India or while serving
abroad or on a tour abroad.
2. Instructions on the subject were issued to the Indian Missions abroad and to the officers in this Ministry in
1956 vide enclosed copies of Memo No. F.21.T K/56, dated 15.05.1956 and its enclosures and O M No. 20-T K
(C.89)/56 dated 13.09.1956 (not reproduced). A meeting between the Ministries of External Affairs, Home
Affairs and Finance was held on the 13th March, 1959, to discuss the question of payment of custom duty on
presents, auction of Toshakhana articles and other allied matters. A copy of the minutes of the meeting is
enclosed for information.
3. According to the decision now arrived at, no customs duty is leviable on the presents received by
Government officials if they are within the ceiling limit of Rs. 200 and are permitted to be retained by the
recipients. In granting such permission the Head of the Department should satisfy himself about the value of
the articles. In case of doubt the presents may be got valuated by the Cutoms Appraiser, Foreign Post O ffice,
Hardinge Bridge, New Delhi.
4. P resents of a value of more than Rs. 200 should be surrendered to the Toshakhana in this Ministry unless
any of the articles is required by the Ministry/O ffice concerned for official use in which case, the matter should
be referred to the Ministry of External Affairs for giving its approval in consultation with the Ministry of
Finance. The articles surrendered to the Toshakhana will be disposed of in accordance with the procedure
agreed to by the Central Board of Revenue.
5. The Ministries of Home Affairs etc., are requested to issue suitable instructions to all concerned.
[MEA OM No. 15(101) (GA)/59/EA I/60(I)/183, dated 11.10.60]
* Minutes of Meeting held in the Secretary Generals Room at 11.30 hrs. on 13.03.1959 to discuss the
question of payment of customs duty on presents, auction of Toshakhana articles etc.
The following decisions were taken:(i) Customs duty on presents received by Government O fficial from foreign dignitaries It was decided that no
customs duty is leviable on presents received by Government officials from foreign dignitaries, which are
within the ceiling limit of Rs. 200 and are permitted to be retained by the recipients, as laid down in para 2 of
the Ministry of Home Affairs D.O. No. 25/49/55-Ests; dated the 31st March, 1956 and further clarified in the
Ministry of External Affairs Office Memorandum No. F.20TK/(C).89/56 dated the 13 th September, 1956.
(ii) P resents surrendered to Toshakhana It was decided to continue the present practice of transferring
temporarily or permanently, from the Toshakhana articles for use in Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi,
Rashtrapati Niwas, Simla, P rime Ministers official residence, New Delhi, museum, Indian embassies abroad
and Government Departments, in addition to presents made to charitable institutions.
Gifts remaining in the Toshakhana, which are not covered under the above sub-paragraph should be divided
into two categories for the purpose of levying customs duty :,%20commencement%20and%20application
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(a) Those on which customs duties are leviable on advalorem rates; and
(b) O thers on which specific rates of duty be leviable. In case of both (a) and (b) customs duties will be
In case of (a) the sale proceeds at the auction will be considered as inclusive of customs duty and the amount
of customs duty chargeable will be calculated accordingly. In case of (b) the amount of duty leviable will form
the reserve price. In cases where even this reserve price is not realizable at the auction, the case will be
referred to the C.B. R. for advice.
(iii) Auction of Toshakhana articles The consensus of opinion was to permit members of all Ministries and
Departments, including those of the Ministry of External Affairs to bid at the Toshakhana auction. It was
accordingly, decided to find suitable neutral agency other than the Ministry of External Affairs to conduct
auctions in which members of the Ministry of External Affairs could also participate. The Central Board of
Revenue was suggested as a possible agency for this purpose. The Chairman, C.B.R., agreed to examine the
question and to advise the Ministry of External Affairs accordingly and action will be taken on the receipt of
CBRs advice.
(iv) Reserve prices It was also decided that the fair prices for articles brought to auction for the first time
should be the appraised value plus the customs duty calculated on this appraised value. Articles which were
not sold in the first auction and were brought for the second auction, should be sold to the highest bidder, at
"free value". (This decision should be referred to the Comptroller and Auditor General for his concurrence
before auction in finalized.)
(v) Valuation For valuation of articles which are to be disposed of through the Toshakhana other than gifts
within the ceiling limit of Rs. 200 which are to be retained by recipients a Customs Appraiser will be
consulted. The actual mechanics of this consultation will be worked out by the C.B.R. in consultation with the
Ministry of External Affairs.
(1B) Do Clarification
Reference this Ministrys O ffice Memorandum No. F15(10)GA/59/EA/1/60/1/83, dated 11th O ctober, 1960
(Decision No. 2 above) on the subject mentioned above. It may be clarified that the decisions arrived at in the
inter-Ministerial meeting on March 13, 1959, referred to therein do not apply to present received by
Government servants from foreign dignitaries abroad. Those decisions are applicable in the case of present
received by Government servants from foreign dignitaries in India only. The following further points are also
clarified :(1) The amount of custom duty is not to be added for fixing the value of gift received by a Government
servant from a foreign dignitary abroad.
(2) There is no need to send the article of gift to the Toshakhana from abroad, unless specifically asked to do
so by this Ministry. The article if not purchased by the recipient, can be kept in the residence of the Head of
Mission/Post as an exhibit piece or as an object of art. The action taken in this regard should, however, be
intimated to this Ministry in each case.
[MEA OM No. F.16(11)/GA/60 (EA. 1)/60/1/239, dated 31.12.1960]
(1C) Do Clarification
In continuation of decisions No. (2) and (3) above, it has since been decided that the Head of a Mission, on
the termination of his assignment in a particular country, will be allowed to retain souvenir presents given to
him by the Diplomatic Corps, such as a silver salver or cigarette box bearing the signatures of his colleagues,
even though the value of such presents may exceed Rs. 200/-.
It has further been decided that a Government servant who receives a present from a foreign dignitary,
whether in India or abroad, the value of which exceeds Rs. 200 will be allowed to retain it by paying the
difference of estimated value and Rs. 200/- if he so desires.
[Ministry of E.A. OM No. F. 16(2)GA/61CEAI/61/1/36), dated 16.03.1961]
(1D) P resents received by G overnment Servants from foreign dignitaries and foreign firms-Instructions
In suppression all the existing instructions on the above mentioned subject, the following instructions will
govern the receipt, retention and disposal of gifts received by Government servants from foreign dignitaries
and foreign firms.
2. The presents received from foreign dignitaries will fall into two categories. The first category will include
presents which are of symbolic nature, like a ceremonial sword, a ceremonial robe etc. Such gifts of symbolic
nature may be retained by the recipients.
3. The second category of gifts would be those which are not of symbolic nature. It has been decided that
such gifts may be retained by Government servants, if their value does not exceed Rs. 1,000/-. The following
procedure may be followed in regard to such gifts which are marginal or in cases where the value apparently
exceeds Rs. 1,000/- or where there is any doubt about their actual value :The Government servants shall report the receipt of such gifts to the Ministry/Department administratively,%20commencement%20and%20application
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concerned, indicating their approximate estimated value. The Ministry/Department concerned shall, in cases of
doubt or in marginal cases where the estimated value borders on the prescribed limit Rs. 1,000/- or where the
estimated value exceeds Rs. 1,000/- refer the case to the Toshakhana for valuation of gifts and also arrange
to get such gifts deposited in the Toshakhana so that it can assess their value. O n assessment of the value
by Toshakhana, if the value of gift in marginal or doubtful case is found to be within the prescribed limit of
Rs. 1,000 the gifts will be returned to the Ministry/Department for being handed over to the recipient. Gifts
whose value is found to exceed the prescribed limit of Rs. 1,000 will be retained in the Toshakhana and the
recipients of the gifts will have the option to purchase them from the Toshakhana by paying the difference
between the value as estimated by the Toshakhana and Rs. 1,000/-.
4. As regards acceptance of gifts by Government servants from foreign firms, no permission is normally
granted, save in exceptional circumstances, for acceptance of gifts made by firms, whether foreign or
indigenous, with whom the Government servant concerned has had or has or is likely to have official dealings
either directly or indirectly by virtue of his official position. Permission is also not normally granted for
acceptance of gifts by Government servants from firms which are contracting firms with the Government of
India, even if the contract is entered into by a Ministry or Department other than the one in or under which
the Government servant concerned is serving. The question of grant of permission for acceptance of gifts from
a foreign firm would, therefore, normally arise only in those cases where the foreign firm concerned is neither
a firm contracting with the Government of India nor one with which the Government servant concerned has
had, or is likely to have official dealings and there is no reason to doubt the bona-fide of the gifts made by
the foreign firm. In such cases, where it is proposed to grant permission for acceptance of the gift made by a
foreign firm the procedure indicated in the preceding paragraphs regarding retention of the gifts made by
foreign dignitaries should be followed.
[MHA DP & AR No. 11013/4/76-Estt.(A), dated 27.08.1976].
(2) Acceptance of gifts by Government servants on the occasion of their transfer or retirement.
Instances have come to the notice of Government in which senior officers and others were presented, on the
occasion of their retirement or transfer, with expensive gifts for the purchase of which the members of the
staff contributed. Permission of Government under Rule 10 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955,
to accept these gifts was sought on the ground that these were a token of the esteem and affection in which
the officers concerned were held.
2. W hile a farewell entertainment of substantially private and informal character may be held in honour of
such officers on the eve of retirement or transfer, as permitted under the proviso to Rule 11 of the Central
Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 and gifts of trifling value [as defined in the Explanation to rule 10 (2) of
the above rules] presented and accepted on such occasions, it is hardly healthy or desirable to allow the
practice of accepting gifts from the staff.
3. The Ministry of Finance etc., are accordingly requested to bring to the notice of all concerned that
entertainment or gifts on such occasions should be strictly confined to the limits permitted under the Conduct
[MHA OM No. 25/40/58-Ests.(A), dated 24.07.1958]
(2A) Do Clarification
Attention is invited to MH A O M No. 25/40/58-Ests.(A) dated 24.07.1958, (Decision 9 above) in which it has
been emphasized that while a farewell entertainment of a substantially private and informal character may be
held in honour of officers on the eve of their retirement or transfer as permitted under the proviso to rule 11
of the Central Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955, and gifts of trifling value (as defined in the Explanation to rule
10(2) of the above rules) presented and accepted on such occasions, it is hardly healthy or desirable to allow
the practice of accepting gifts from the staff. In spite of these instructions, instances have come to the notice
of Government in which Government servant were presented with gifts of more than trifling value on the
occasion of their retirement or transfer and the Government servant concerned asked for permission to accept
them. It has, therefore, been decided that in future no Government servant should be given permission to
accept gifts of more than trifling value at the time of his transfer. There is, however, no objection to his
accepting gifts at the time of his retirement from the members of the staff, subject however, to prior
permission of Government, wherever such permission is necessary.
[MHA OM No. 25/22/62-Ests.(A), dated 12.11.1962]
(3) Familiarity arising out of private hospitality recommendation No. 24 of the C ommittee on
Prevention of Corruption.
Recommendation No. 24 contained in paragraph 6.11 of the report of the Committee on prevention of
Corruption, has been carefully considered in the light of the comments received from the
Ministries/Departments. The following decisions were reached in regard to this recommendation :(i) The distinction between Economic Ministries and other Ministries may not serve any useful purpose as
officers were liable to transfer and a business house may find it worth-while to invest in an officer even
though he were in a non-Economic Ministry, in the hope that this investment would be useful later on.
(ii) It is essential to avoid the familiarity arising out of private hospitality. W hen in doubt, an officer should
abstain from an invitation and he should not accept invitations particularly from person who have cases
pending before him.
2 . Attention of the Ministries etc. is also invited to the provisions contained in Rule 13 of the Central Civil,%20commencement%20and%20application
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Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, issued in Ministry of Home Affairs Notification No. 25/4/63-Ests.(A), dated
30 th November, 1964, particularly to Note (2) under the said Rule.
3. A doubt was also expressed whether if a Minister accepts an invitation, it should be incumbent on the
official to accept it. It has been decided that in such cases it would not be incumbent on the official to accept
the invitation.
[MHA OM No. 43/60/64-AVD, dated 18.01.1965]
(4) Invitations for free "inaugural flights" acceptance of, by G overnment servants and members of
their families.
The Air India and the Indian Airlines Corporation some times extend invitation to Government servants and
members of their families to participate, free of cost in their inaugural flights. Similar invitations may also be
received by Government servants and members of their families from foreign air transport Companies
operating through India. Such invitations amount to gift vide Explanation below rule 13 (1) of the Central
Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, and acceptance of such gifts will attract the provisions of rule 13 (4)
[now rule 13 (3)] ibid.
2. It is, therefore, necessary to regulate the acceptance of the gifts referred to above, so as to ensure that
these favours do not place the Government servants, exercising a measure of discretion on behalf of
Government, in a position where their impartial judgment would be affected, or would seem to be so affected
to an outside observer. The administrative Ministries/Departments should keep this in view while considering
requests of individual officers to permit them or the members of their families to accept invitations for free
inaugural flights offered by the Air India, the Indian Airlines Corporation or foreign airlines. The Ministry of
Civil Aviation should be consulted in all cases before granting or with holding permission.
3. Cases of officers of the All India Services serving under the Government of India should be referred to the
All India Services Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs who will decide each individual case in consultation
with the Ministry of Civil Aviation.
[MHA OM No. F.25/34/64-Ests.(A), dated 25.05.1965]
(5) Acceptance of dowry by Government servants
It is provided in this Ministrys O M No. 25/8/57-Estt.(A) dated the 25th March, 1957 (not reproduced) that
dowry should be regarded as a customary gift which a Government servant may accept without prior sanction
and that subject to the provisions of the rules relating to gifts and transactions in immovable and movable
property, all such gifts should be reported to the Government or other prescribed authority.
2. The matter has been reviewed in the context of the provisions contained in the Dowry P rohibition Act,
1961. Section 2 of this Act defines dowry as any property or valuable security given or agreed to be given
directly or indirectly by one party to a marriage to the other party to the marriage or by the parents of either
party to a marriage or by any other person, to either party to the marriage or to any other person at or before
the marriage as consideration for the marriage of the said parties, but does not include dowry or mahar in the
case of persons to whom the muslim Personal Law (Shariat) applies. For removal of doubts. Explanation I
below Section 2 declares that any presents made at the time of marriage to other party to the marriage in the
form of cash, ornaments, clothes or other articles, shall not be deemed to be dowry within the meaning of the
section unless they are made as consideration for the marriage of the said parties. Persons who are guilty of
giving or taking or abetting the giving or taking of dowry, or demanding any dowry, directly or indirectly from
the parents or guardian of a bride or bridegroom, as the case may be, are liable to the punishments prescribed
in Sections 3 and 4 of the Act. In the circumstances, Government servant should not give or take or abet the
giving or taking of dowry; nor should they demand dowry, directly or indirectly, from the parents or guardian of
a bride or bridegroom as the case may be. Dowry can, therefore, no longer be treated as customary gift as
has been stated in this Ministrys O M of 25.03.1957 referred to in para 1 above (not reproduced). Any violation
of the provision of Dowry prohibition Act, 1961 by a Government servant will constitute a good and sufficient
reason for institution disciplinary proceedings against him in addition to such legal action as may be taken
against him in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
3. Receipt of presents by Government servants at the time of their marriage in the form of cash, ornaments,
cloths or other articles, otherwise than as consideration for marriage from relatives and personal friends will
be regulated by sub-rules (2) of rule 13 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964. The receipt of such
presents from persons other than relatives and personal friends, will be regulated by sub-rule (1) of rule 13
ibid read with sub-rule (3) thereof. P urchases of items of movable property for giving presents at the time of
marriage will be regulated by rule 18 (3) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, like other
transaction in movable property.
4. This Ministrys OM No. 25/8/57-Ests.(A) dated 25.03.1957 (not reproduced) may be treated as cancelled.
[MHA OM No. 25/37/65-Ests.(A), dated 30.08.1965]
(6) Acceptance of passage and hospitality by officers from foreign contracting firms.
Government have had under consideration the question whether an officer may be permitted to accept the
cost of passage to a foreign country and hospitality during his stay there by way of free board and lodging, if
offered by a foreign firm contracting with the Government either directly or through its agents/representatives
in India. The explanation below rule 13 (1) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, provides that
gift shall include free transport, boarding, lodging or other service or any other pecuniary advantage when,%20commencement%20and%20application
46 / 100
provided by any person other than a near relative or personal friend having no official dealings with the
Government servant. Note 2 below the said rule further provides that a Government servant shall avoid
accepting lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality from any individual having official dealings with him or from
industrial or commercial firms, organizations etc. In the circumstances, Government have decided that officers
should neither accept, nor be permitted to accept offers of the cost of passage to foreign countries and
hospitality by way of free board and lodging there, if such offers are made by foreign firms contracting with
Government either directly or through theirs agents/representatives in India. The only exception to this will be
in respect of facilities for training abroad offered by foreign firms (who obtain re-imbursement from the foreign
Government concerned) as part of aid programmes. *(for as part of an agreement or contract entered into by
Government of India or a Public Sector Undertaking with foreign organization.)
[MH A, O M No. F.25/4/67-Ests,(A), dated 03.04.1967 as amended by O M bearing same number dated
(7) Arms and ammunitions in the prohibited category should not be accepted as presents.
Gifts offered to the Government officials by foreign institutions, foreign dignitaries, etc., may include arms
and ammunitions. The firearms and ammunitions described in category I of Schedule I appended to Arms
Rules, 1962 (copy enclosed) are generally not allowed to be imported into the country for private use. It has
accordingly been decided that arms and ammunitions in the prohibited category should not be accepted by
Government officials. The concerned official may politely decline the present explaining the import restrictions
imposed by the Government of India.
Arms Act and Rules
Schedule I
Arm s
Am m unition
am m unition
defined in section 2 (i) (h) and
such other article as the
Central Governm ent m ay, by
in the
prohibited am m unition.
Am m unition
category I (b).
am rs
Am m unition
category I (c).
am rs
47 / 100
foreign exchange into this country save as provided for in the Foreign Exchange Regulation.
(9) Contacts with business firms Instructions regarding
Note (2) below Rule 13 (1) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, lays down that a Government
servant shall avoid accepting lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality from any individual having official
dealings with him or from industrial or commercial firms, organizations etc. Rule 4 (3) of the CCS (Conduct)
Rules, 1964 inter-alia envisages that no Government servant shall in the discharge of his official duties deal
with any matter concerning any company or firm or any other person if he or any member of his family is
interested in such matter in any manner. These instructions have been issued to ensure that Government
servants are extremely careful and discreet while coming in contact with businessmen and business firms so
as to avoid situations, which might cause embarrassment to the Government or to the Government servants
concerned, while dealing with matters relating to those business firms/businessmen in their official capacity.
2. It may sometimes so happen, that a Government servant is required to maintain contact with outsiders to
gain information, in the public interest, about the violation of rules, regulations etc. In such cases the
Government servant concerned has to exercise adequate care and discretion in making use of such outside
contacts so that neither the Government nor the Government servant personally becomes obliged or
committed to the said contact in any manner.
[DOPT O.M. No. 11013/1/88-Estt. (A) dated 10.05.1988]
(10) Acceptance of Free C ompanion T icket by G overnment servants and members of their families
under the Companion Free Scheme introduced from time to time by various Airlines.
Reference is invited to the Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No. 11013/13/93-Estt. (A) dated
09.12.1993 (not printed) on the above subject. In the light of the representations received from various
quarters, and the fact that such a scheme is part of normal sales promotion and is not confined to
Government servants alone, the Government have reviewed these instructions. It has been decided to
withdraw these instructions with immediate effect. Accordingly, the Government servants may be permitted to
accept the Free Companion Tickets or variations thereof, provided that such benefits are restricted to travel by
the national carriers (Indian Airlines and Air India).
[DOPT OM No. 11013/2/97-Estt.(A), dated 05.03.1997]
(10A) Do Clarification
Attention is invited to this Departments OM of even number dated 5 th March, 1997 (decision No. 16 above) on
the subject mentioned above wherein it was provided that Government servants may be permitted to accept
the Free Companion Tickets or variations thereof provided that such benefits are restricted to travel by the
national carriers (Indian Airlines and Air India). References have been received seeking clarification whether
Government servant may be permitted to accept the Free Tickets earned under the Flying Returns schemes
of Air India/Indian Airlines. It is clarified that since the O M dated 05.03.1997 permits acceptance of Free
Companion Tickets or variations thereof, there would be no objection to Government servants accepting the
free tickets earned by them under Flying Returns schemes of Air India/Indian Airlines.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/2/97-Estt.(A), dated 19.08.1997]
(10B) Do Clarification
It has been clarified that there would be no objection to Government servants accepting the free tickets
earned by them under "Flying Return Scheme" of Air India/Indian Airlines. References have been received
seeking permission to avail such "Frequent Flier/Flying Return P rogrammes" of other Airlines including foreign
2. The matter has been considered in this Department and it has been decided that there would be no
objection to Government servants availing of the benefit of such "Frequent Flier P rogramme" or the "Flying
Return P rogrammes" of other Airlines also. In so far as the "Free Companion Scheme" is concerned, the
availing of this facility should remain confined to National Carriers only.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/2/97-Estt.(A), dated 15.09.1998]
(10C ) P ermission to avail of mileage points earned by G overnment servants on tickets purchased for
official travel.
Reference is invited to the instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and Training vide O.M.
11013/2/97-Estt. (A) dated 05.03.1997, O.M. No. 11013/2/97-Estt. (A) dated 19.08.1997 and O.M. No.
11013/2/97-Estt. (A) dated 15.09.1999 on acceptance of Free Companion Tickets by Government servants and
their families under the schemes introduced by the various airlines and to say that in pursuance of a
recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the Travelling Allowance Rules have been amended by
the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) as follows :Henceforth, all mileage points earned by Government employees on tickets purchased for official travel shall
be utilized by the concerned department for other official travel by their officers. Any usage of these mileage
points for purposes of private travel by an officer will attract departmental action. This is to ensure that the
benefits out of official travel which is funded by the Government, should accrue to the Government.
In view of the aforementioned amendment to the TA Rules, the DO P Ts instructions contained in the
abovementioned O ffice Memoranda dated 05.03.1997, 19.08.1997 and 15.09.1999 shall stand modified to the,%20commencement%20and%20application
48 / 100
extent that the mileage points earned on account of travel for official tours/visits shall not be used for
purposes of private travel in the form of free companion tickets or other variations thereof by a Government
servant or members of his (or her) family. Any action to the contrary shall render a Government servant liable
for departmental action.
(No.11013/7/2008-Estt. (A) dated the 6 th October, 2008)
(10D) P ermission to avail of mileage points earned by G overnment servants on tickets purchased for
official travel.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Personnel and Trainings O.M. of even
number dated 06.10.2008 on the abovementioned subject and to say that the instructions regarding Travelling
Allowance Rules were issued by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India vide
their O.M. No. 19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 23.09.2008. In terms of these instructions, all mileage points earned
by Government employees on tickets purchased for official travel shall be utilized by the concerned
Department for other official travel by their officers. These instructions are applicable in the case of mileage
points earned after the date of issue of that O.M. i.e. 23.09.2008. It is accordingly clarified that the
instructions issued by the DOPT vide the aforementioned O.M. of even number dated 06.10.2008 are
applicable to cases of mileage points earned by Government servants on tickets purchased for official travel
after 23.09.2008.
[DOPTs O.M. No.11013/7/2008-Estt. (A) dated 18 th November, 2008]
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50 / 100
(2) A Government servant may, without the previous sanction of the Government,(a) undertake honorary work of a social or charitable nature, or
(b) undertake occasional work of a literary, artistic or scientific character, or
(c) participate in sports activities as an amateur, or
(d) take part in the registration, promotion or management (not involving the holding of an elective
office) of a literary, scientific or charitable society or of a club or similar organisation, the aims or objects
of which relate to promotion of sports, cultural or recreational activities, registered under the Societies
Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), or any other law for the time being in force, or
(e) take part in the registration, promotion or management (not involving the holding of elective office)
of a co-operative society substantially for the benefit of G overnment servants, registered under the C ooperative Societies Act, 1912 (2 of 1912), or any other law for the time being in force:
Provided that (i) he shall discontinue taking part in such activities, if so directed by the Government; and
(ii) in a case falling under clause (d) or clause(e) of this sub-rule, his official duties shall not suffer
thereby and he shall, within a period of one month of his taking part in such activity, report to the
Government giving details of the nature of his participation.
(3) Every G overnment servant shall report to the G overnment if any member of his family is engaged in
a trade or business or owns or manages an insurance agency or commission agency.
(4) Unless otherwise provided by general or special orders of the G overnment, no G overnment servant
may accept any fee for any work done by him for any private or public body or any private person
without the sanction of the prescribed authority.
E XP LANAT IO N- T he term 'fee' used here shall have the meaning assigned to it in Fundamental R ule 9
15 A. Sub-letting and vacation of Government accommodation.
(1) Save as otherwise provided in any other law for the time being in force, no Government servant shall
sub-let, lease or otherwise allow occupation by any other person of G overnment accommodation which
has been allotted to him.
(2) A G overnment servant shall, after the cancellation of his allotment of G overnment accommodation
vacate the same within the time-limit prescribed by the allotting authority.
Government of India Decisions
(1) Joining of Educational Institutions by Government servants outside normal office hours.
It has been brought to the notice of this Ministry on behalf of Government servants belonging to Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes, that certain Ministries/Departments do not permit members of their staff belonging
to these communities to join educational institutions outside the normal office hours.
2. As the Ministries are aware, it was proposed in this Ministrys O M No. 25/27/52-Est., dated the 3rd May,
1952 (not reproduced) to issue general instruction on the subject. The replies received to that O M however
revealed that while some Departments found that efficiency was suffering on account of Government servants
attending a regular course of study for U niversity Degree even outside office hours, a great majority of the
Ministries was able to permit their employees to pursue such studies without detriment to official duties and
that no serious problems had been created in most of the Departments by Government servants joining
educational institutions. It was, therefore, not considered necessary to issue any specific instructions on the
subject. O rdinarily there can be no objection to the pursuit of knowledge by Government servants in their
leisure hours. But this must be subject to the condition that such pursuit does in no way detract from their
efficiency. W herever found necessary, the administrative authorities may require that Government servants
under their control should take prior permission before joining educational institutions or courses of studies
for U niversity Degrees as the joining of educational institutions involves advance commitment about
attendance at specific hours and absence from duty during periods of examinations. O rdinarily, permission is
to be granted but with a view to summarily dealing with cases where it is noticed that the Government
servant has been neglecting his duties for the sake of his studies, a condition may be attached saying that
the permission may be withdrawn at any moment without assigning any reason. This will, of course, be
without prejudice to any other departmental action being taken where mere withdrawal of the permission is
not considered adequate..
3. Government servants belonging to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes may be allowed to take full
advantage of the educational facilities subject to the policy stated above.
4. These instructions have been issued with the concurrence of the Comptroller and Auditor General in so far
as persons serving under him are concerned.
[MHA OM No. 130/54-Ests.(A), dated 26.02.1955.],%20commencement%20and%20application
51 / 100
(1A) Period of tenure of the official should be taken into account while granting permission
It is clarified for information, and compliance by the Ministry of Finance, etc., that while taking into account
the various administrative considerations in deciding upon a request for permission to attend courses of study
outside office hours, the period of tenure of the Government servant concerned should also be taken into
account so that in the ordinary course, occasions do not arise to ask for extension of tenure to cover the
period of the course attended by him which may continue beyond the expiry of the tenure. Should a case of
permission to a tenure officer to join an educational course the completion of which would require the
extension of tenure of the officer concerned come up for consideration, this Department may please be
consulted before the permission is granted.
[MHA OM No. 11013/4/77-Ests.(A), dated the 21 st May, 1977]
(2) P articipation in Shramdan activities organized by G overnment departments or the Bharat Sewak
A question was raised recently whether central Government servants can be permitted to participate in a
"Shramdan" drive organized by a State Government with the object of enabling the participants to devote
some time and labour in furthering of the objects and work of public utility. Participation of a Government
servant in such activity in his spare time is not only unobjectionable but even welcome subject, of course, to
the consideration that such activity does not interfere with the performance of his official duties. It is, in fact,
considered desirable that Government servants should be encouraged to participate in such activities so long
as official duties of the employees concerned are not unduly interfered with.
The Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to inform the Departments and offices under them accordingly. It
should however, be made clear that these instructions apply only to activities organized by Government
departments or the Bharat Sevak Samaj and not by private organizations.
[MHA OM No. 25/8/55-Ests. (A), dated 03.05.1955]
(3) Permission to participate in the AIR programmes and to receive honorarium therefor
A reference is invited to this Ministrys O ffice memorandum No. 25/05/47-Est., dated the 16th June, 1947, on
the subject mentioned above (not reproduced). W ith the issue of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules,
1955 Government servants are now not required to obtain any sanction to broadcast on All India Radio if such
broadcasts are purely literary, artistic or scientific character. In such cases the onus of ensuring that the
broadcasts are of such a character rests on the Government servant concerned.
2. A Q uestion has, however, arisen whether the permission of competent authority is now necessary for the
purpose of acceptance of honorarium under F.R. 46(b) by a Government servant in such cases. The matter has
been considered by this Ministry in consultation with the Ministries of Finance and Information and
Broadcasting and it has been decided that in cases in which no sanction is required for such broadcasts, no
permission is necessary for Government servants to receive the honorarium.
3. In cases where sanction to broadcast is necessary, such sanction, if given, should be taken to carry with it
also the sanction to receive the honorarium.
4. These orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General and are
applicable to employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department also.
[MHA OM No. 25/32/56-Ests.(A), dated 15.01.1957]
(4) Acceptance of part-time employment Examinership of examination papers set by recognized
It is felt that the offers of Examinership are generally of a casual nature, occurring once or twice a year for a
few days when the answer books etc. may have to be evaluated. There may, therefore, be no serious
objection to giving permission in such cases.
[MHA OM No. 25/5/56-Ests.(A), dated 06.09.1957 to the Ministry of Defence]
(5) P art-time lectureship amounts to regular remunerative occupation attracting need for sanction
under supplementary Rule 11.
A question has been raised whether a Government servant who is permitted under SR11 Supplementary to
undertake a part-time job of a lecturer in an educational institution should also obtain sanction of the
Government in terms of Rule 12 of the Central Civil (Conduct) Rules, 1955, (now Rule 15) before accepting the
2. It has been decided in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Ministry of
Home Affairs that the powers delegated under S.R. 11 should only be exercised in cases where a Government
servant undertakes to perform some work of a causal or occasional nature but where the work done is of the
nature of a regular remunerative occupation, Conduct Rule 12 (now Rule 15) will be attracted and the sanction
of Government will be necessary. Accordingly, the acceptance of a part-time lectureship in the case referred to
is to be regarded as regular remunerative occupation which requires the sanction of Government under
Conduct Rule 12 [now Rule 15 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964].
[Min. of Finance OM No. F.10(94)-E-II(B)/58, dated 13.09.1958],%20commencement%20and%20application
52 / 100
(6) Acceptance of part-time employment of G overnment servants after office hours ordinarily not to be
Instances have come to notice in which Government servants have been allowed to accept regular part-time
employment in other Government, quasi-Government or private institutions. Such employment, even though it
is outside office hours, is contrary to the principle embodied in rule 12 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct)
Rules, 1955 (now Rule 15), prohibiting engagement in any trade or undertaking of any employment by a
Government servant other than his public duties. It may result in some deterioration in his efficiency because
if he does part-time work in addition to his full working hours in his office, he may not get sufficient time for
rest and recreation and will, therefore, be unable to give undivided attention to his work even during office
hours. Moreover, such part-time work by Government servants leads generally to depriving unemployed people
of work which they would otherwise have got.
2. Having regard to all these consideration, it has been decided that while the competent authority may
permit a Government servant under S.R. 11 to undertake work of a casual or occasional character, a whole
time Government servant should not ordinarily be allowed to accept any part-time employment whether under
Government or elsewhere, even though such employment may be after office hours. In rare cases where it is
proposed to give permission to a Government servant to accept part-time employment, prior sanction of
Government should be obtained. In this connection a reference is also invited to the Ministry of Finance,
Office memorandum No. F.10(94)-E-II(B)/58 dated 13 th September, 1958 on the subject (Decision No. 6).
3. In so far as the personnel serving in the Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have
been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General.
[MHA OM No. 25/42/58-Ests.(A), dated 16.10.1958]
(7) Enforcement of the restriction against canvassing by G overnment servants of the business of Life
Insurance Agency, Commission Agency owned or managed by members of his family.
Sub-rule (1) of rule 12 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 (Now rule 15), inter alia lays down
that no Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government, engage directly or
indirectly in any trade or business or undertake any employment. It has been further emphasized in the
explanation thereunder that canvassing by a Government servant in support of the business of insurance
agency, commission agency, etc., owned and managed by his wife or any other member of his family shall be
deemed to be a breach of this sub-rule.
2. In spite of specific provisions in this rule, during the past two years quite a number of cases have been
reported to the Special Police Establishment in which Government servants have been found carrying on life
insurance business on their own or in the names of their wives or dependent, etc.
3. It appears that the Government servants have either not realized the full importance of the above rule or
are willfully ignoring it. This rule should, therefore, be brought to the notice of all Government servants under
the Ministry of W HS etc., and the importance of observing the rule impressed on them.
[MHA DO No. 24/10/61-AVD, dated 01.01.1962]
(8) Joining Civil Defence Service permissible
Enquiries have been made whether Government servants employed in the offices or establishments under the
Central Government in Delhi and elsewhere could be allowed to join as volunteer in the Civil Defence Service.
These volunteers have to play an important and useful role in the lives of the citizens. The Ministries are,
therefore, requested to permit Government servants working under them to join this service and also to
provide them necessary facilities for this purpose. Such of the Government servants as are holding key posts
and who cannot be released during an emergency need not be permitted to join the Service.
As far as possible, it is envisaged that the normal period of training will be outside office hours. However, if in
an emergency, a Government Servant, who is enrolled as a member of the Civil Defence is required under the
C.D. Service Rules, 1962 to perform any duties and functions during office hours, the period of absence shall
be treated as special casual leave. The Government servants concerned may also be permitted to receive in
addition to their civil pay, such allowances as may be prescribed for them under the Civil Defence Service
Rules, 1962.
These orders are not applicable to Government servants desiring to join Civil Defence O rganisation on a whole
time paid basis. Such Government Servants would be sent on deputation basis if they are permanent, and
other individual cases should be examined on merits.
As regards employees of Semi-Government organisation and P ublic U ndertakings, the Ministry of Finance etc.,
are requested if there is no objection to take action on the above lines in respect of the undertakings under
their control.
[MHA OM No. 47/7/63-Ests.(A) dated 23.05.1963]
(9) Medical practice during spare time P ermission to be given to only those holding recognized
The Government of India have had under consideration the question of permission to Central Government
servants to practice medicine on a purely charitable basis during their spare time. Since such practice of
medicine by unqualified and untrained persons will be harmful to the community, it has been decided that
permission to central Government servants to undertake practice in any system of medicine should not be,%20commencement%20and%20application
53 / 100
granted unless they hold recognized qualifications. O nly persons holding recognized qualifications in any
system of medicine and registered under the relevant law in force in the State or U nion Territory concerned,
should be allowed to undertake medical practice. Head of departments may grant the required permission,
provided the practice is undertaken during spare time, on a purely charitable basis, without detriment to the
official duties of the Government servant concerned.
2. Past cases, if any, in which permission has been granted to Government servants to undertake medical
practice during their spare time, may be reviewed in the light of the above decision.
3. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue
in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
[MHA OM No. 25/4/64-Ests.(A), dated 29.02.1964]
(10) Commercial employment negotiations for, while in service
Instances have come to notice where Government servants enter into negotiations with private firms to secure
commercial employment even while they are in service under Government. A Government servant is under an
obligation to devote his energies whole-heartedly to the performance of his duties and not to divide his
attention and efforts in search of employment elsewhere. It is, moreover, likely that in initiating such
negotiations, the Government servant may in some measure utilise his official position or the official position
of his friends and colleagues to further his interest in securing commercial employment or at any rate give
reason for an impression that he might have done so. It has, therefore, been decided that no Government
servant should negotiate for commercial employment without obtaining the prior permission of the Head of
Department, or, if he is a Government servant serving in a Ministry of Department of the Government of India
or a class I (Group A) O fficer serving in an office under its control, of the Ministry or Department
administratively concerned. It has been further decided that such permission should not be given unless there
are any special reasons for doing so.
[MHA OM No. 29/3/66/Ests.(A), dated 08.02.1966]
(11) Incentive to Central Government servants who are members of St. John Ambulance Brigade
U nder the Ministry of Home Affairs O M No. F.25/21/49-Ests dated 31st May, 1949 (not reproduced), Central
Government servants may in suitable cases be permitted by the Head of O ffice etc., concerned to enroll
themselves as members of St. John Ambulance Brigade and to receive the necessary training subject to the
condition that the grant of permission in such cases would not interfere with the efficient discharge of their
official duties by the Government servants concerned. In regard to the treatment of the absence of the
Government servant from duty while receiving training, it was declared that in cases where Government
servants who may be permitted to join the Brigade and required to undergo the necessary training, etc.,
during office hours there will be no objection to the period of training etc. being treated as casual leave to the
extent such leave is due and to the extent such leave is not due, as special casual leave. The question what
should be allowed to the Government servants who are the members of the Brigade and who are detailed for
duty by the Brigade on the first-aid posts organized by them in Fairs and on important occasions, has been
receiving attention of the Government of India for some time. It has now been decided that special casual
leave not exceeding three (3) days per annum may be allowed to Government servants who are members of
the Brigade to cover their absence on any special duties that may assigned to them by the Brigade provided
(i) such duties are performed during office hours on working days; and
(ii) if the duties so performed extend only to half a day only half days special casual leave should be allowed.
[CS (Deptt. of Personnel) OM No. F.27/5/70-Ests.(B), dated 12.01.1971]
(12) Sub-letting of Government accommodation by Government servants Departmental action against.
W here Government servants are found guilty of letting out the accommodation allotted to them by Directorate
of Estates, action is taken against them under the provisions of Allotment of Government Residence (General
Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963. The question whether any departmental disciplinary action may be taken against
such employees, apart from the action taken against them under the Allotment Rules, has been considered
carefully. It has been decided that in all cases where a Government servant has been found guilty of letting
out the Government residential accommodation allotted to him/her, the Directorate of Estates will intimate to
the administrative authority concerned the details of the case and action taken against the employees under
the Allotment Rules and the concerned disciplinary authority after considering the facts of the case may take
suitable departmental disciplinary action under the disciplinary rules for imposition of a suitable penalty on
grounds of unbecoming conduct of the Government employees involving violation of Rule 3 (1) (iii) of the CCS
(Conduct) Rules, 1964 or any other similar rule governing them. Similarly, disciplinary action may be taken in
those cases also where the accommodation in question is controlled by an authority other than the Directorate
of Estates.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/14/85-Estt.(A), dated 06.03.1986]
(13) Canvassing in support of business owned or managed by members of family
U nder Rule 15 (1) (d) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, no Government servant shall, except with the
previous sanction of the Government, canvass in support of any business of insurance agency, Commission
etc. owned or managed by any member of his family. Sub-rule (3), ibid, further provides that every
Government servant shall report to the Government if any member of his family is engaged in a trade or,%20commencement%20and%20application
54 / 100
Government servant shall report to the Government if any member of his family is engaged in a trade or
business or owns or manages an insurance agency or commission agency.
2. The business of advertising agencies carried on by a member of the family of a Government servant besides
other similar services, is thus covered under the aforesaid rules. A Government servant shall not, except with
the previous sanction of the Government, canvass in support of any such business.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/1/89-Estt.(A), dated 11.03.1989]
(14) P articipation of G overnment servants in competitions/events organized by P rivate companies etc.
with the objective of promoting their products.
Instances have come to notice where Government servants participated in competitions and other social
events organized by some private companies and organizations with the objective of promoting their business
interests. Attention in this regard is invited to the provisions of Rule 15 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964
which provides, inter alia, that while a Government servant may undertake honorary work of a social or
charitable nature or take part in sports activities as an amateur, he should not, except with the previous
sanction of the Government, engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or take part in the
registration, promotion or management of any company or co-operative society etc. for commercial purposes.
2. The social events and competitions promoted by various private companies can be put into different
(i) where the social events are organized purely with an intention to promote the business interests of the
company and the competitiveness amongst the participants is not relevant;
(ii) where the competition by way of games and sports are sponsored by private companies and the spirit of
the competitiveness amongst the participants is very much evident.
The nature of events referred to in item (i) above are quite distinct from those referred to in item (ii) as in the
latter case, it is the competition or the event which remains in the forefront and not the sponsors and as such
the involvement of the private companies as sponsors cannot be taken as solely for the purpose of promotion
of their business interests.
3. The Government servants are advised not to take part in any competition or social event referred to in item
(i) of para 2 organised by private companies or organizations, the primary objective of which is only to
promote their business activities or their products, without the prior sanction of the Government. Such a
participation without the previous sanction is liable to be construed as a violation of the provisions of Rule 15
of the Conduct Rules. However, the participation in the events referred to in item (ii) of the preceding para
does not require any previous sanction of the Government.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/2/89-Estt.(A), dated 28.03.1989]
(15) Rule 15 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Clarification regarding
The Staff Side in the National Council (JCM), has pointed out that officials in some of the Departments are
being prohibited from holding elective offices in Government cooperative societies and in that context has
urged for suitable amendment to Rule 15 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. The O fficial Side, while holding
that no amendment of the rule is necessary has however, agreed to issue clarificatory instructions in the
2. Rule 15(1)(c) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules provides for previous sanction of the Government being taken by a
Government servant for holding an elective office in any body, whether incorporated or not. Rule 15 (2) (d)
provides that a Government servant may, without previous sanction of the Government take part in the
registration, promotion or management (not involving the holding of elective office) of a literary, scientific or
charitable society or of a club or similar organization, the aims or objects of which relate to promotion of
sports, cultural or recreation activities, registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1960 or any law for the
time being in force. Thus, there is no bar, as such, on a Government servant holding an elective office and the
rules only provide for previous sanction of the Government being taken for this purpose. Holding an elective
office in a body or society covered under Rule 15 (1) (c) and 15 (2) (d) would generally involve exercise of
some administrative responsibilities in that organization. Subject to the administrative authority satisfying
itself that this will not interfere in any manner with the discharge of official duties by the Government servant
concerned, the question of permitting Government servants to hold elective office can be considered.
3. The position under the rules, as clarified in the preceding para, may be kept in view by the
Ministries/Departments while considering the requests of Government servants for permission to seek/hold
elective office in a body or society covered under Rule 15 (1) (c) and 15 (2) (d) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules,
[DOPT OM No. 35014/6/92-Estt.(A), dated 10.06.1993]
(16) Rule 15-Contesting in elections to sports bodies etc.
As the Ministries/Departments are aware, previous sanction of the Government in required as per Rule 15 (1)
of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 for a Government servant to hold an elective office or canvass for a
candidate or candidates for an elective office, in any body whether incorporated or not. U nder Rule 12 of the
CCS (Conduct) Rules, previous sanction of the Government or of the prescribed authority is also necessary for
a Government servant associating himself with raising of any funds or other collections in pursuance of any
object whatsoever. It hardly needs to be emphasized that the entire time of the Government servant,
particularly a senior officer, should be available to the Government and no activities unconnected with his,%20commencement%20and%20application
55 / 100
official duties should be allowed to interfere with the efficient discharge of such duties. The need for curbing
the tendency on the part of a Government servant to seek elective office in sports federations/associations at
the national/state level has been considered carefully and it has been decided that the following principles
should be followed while considering requests from Government servants for seeking election to or holding
elective offices in sports federations/associations :(i) No Government servant should be allowed to hold elective office in any sports association/federation for a
term of more than 4 years, or for one term whichever is less.
(ii) W hile seeking office (for which prior permission of Government should be obtained) or supporting the
candidature of any person for election to sports bodies, a Government servant should not indulge in conduct
unbecoming of a Government servant.
(iii) A Government servant must refrain from raising of funds or other collections from official as well as nonofficial sources for the promotion of sports at any level.
(iv) P rior clearance from the Government of India must be obtained for any travels abroad in connection with
the work or other activities of any sports federation/association. W hile seeking such clearance, the officer
must indicate the source of funding for the foreign trip including travel, hospitality and other expenses and
when permitted to go, he must do so by availing of leave due and admissible to him.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/9/93-Estt.(A), dated 22.04.1994]
(17) Subletting of Government accommodation Departmental action against
The Honble Supreme Court in its order passed on 29.11.1996 in W rit Petition No. 585/94 (S.S.Tiwari Vs. U O I
& O thers) had directed that disciplinary proceedings be initiated against the Government servants who sublet
their accommodation allotted to them by the Government. It was also directed that the findings of the
Directorate of Estates regarding subletting shall be binding on the disciplinary authority for the purpose of
initiating the disciplinary proceedings. The relevant extract from the order of the Supreme Court is reproduced
below :
"Rule 15-A has been inserted under the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 by the Notification dated
August 16, 1996 as published in the Government Gazette dated August 31, 1996. The said rule is as under :15-A. Sub-letting and vacation of Govt accommodation.
(1) Save as otherwise provided in any other law for the time being in force, no Government servant shall sublet, lease or otherwise allow occupation by any other person of the Government accommodation which has
been allotted to him.
(2) A Government servant shall, after the cancellation of his allotment of Government accommodation vacate
the same within the time-limit prescribed by the allotting authority.
It is thus obvious that a Government servant who sub-lets the Government accommodation or otherwise
allows occupation by any other person of the said accommodation, that would per se amount to misconduct.
Even otherwise, keeping in view the shortage of Government accommodation and thousands of Government
employees on wait list for years together (even today, according to Mr. Harcharanjit Singh, the wait list in
certain types of houses is 20 years), the sub-letting of the Government accommodation by the Government
servant for pecuniary gain is a grave misconduct. It is, therefore, obligatory for the disciplinary authority of
the department concerned to initiate disciplinary proceedings against concerned Government servant under
Rule 14 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965. As soon as the allotment is cancelled by the Directorate of Estate on
the ground of sub-letting, the disciplinary authority of the Department concern shall initiate disciplinary
proceedings against the Government servant concerned. The findings of the Directorate of Estates regarding
sub-letting shall be binding on the disciplinary authority for the purpose of initiating the disciplinary
proceedings. O nce the disciplinary proceedings are initiated, the procedure laid down under the CCS (CCA)
Rules shall take its own course. Since the disciplinary proceedings in such cases would be initiated on a
charge of grave misconduct, the competent authority may consider placing the delinquent Government servant
under suspension."
2. All Ministries/Departments/O ffices etc. are requested to bring the above ruling of the Supreme Court to the
notice of all concerned under their control and to ensure that disciplinary proceedings are initiated against the
Government servants in whose cases subletting of allotted Government residential accommodation has been
established by the Directorate of Estates. It may be ensured that charge sheets are issued immediately in
cases where persons are likely to retire shortly or those cases which are likely to become time-barred by virtue
of the misconduct being more than four years old.
[DOPT OM No. 11012/2/97-Estt.(A), dated 31.12.1997]
(18) CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 Provisions of rule 15 regarding the holding of elective office by Government servants
56 / 100
the previous sanction of the Government, take part in the registration, promotion or management (not
involving the holding of an elective office) of a literary, scientific or charitable society or of a club or similar
organization, the aims or objects of which relate to promotion of sports, cultural or recreational activities,
registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), or any other law for the time being in
Rule 15 (2)(e) provides that no previous permission is required for taking part in the registration,
promotion or management (not involving the holding of elective office) of a co-operative society substantially
for the benefit of Government servants, registered under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 (2 of 1912), or
any other law for the time being in force.
It needs to be stressed that the entire time of the Government servant should be available to the
Government and that no activities unconnected with his or her official duties should be allowed to interfere
with the efficient discharge of such duties.
All Ministries are requested to ensure that the participation of Government servants in the activities of
cooperative societies conform to the above provisions and does not interfere with the discharge of their
official duties.
The relevant Acts and bye-laws of the Co-operative Societies contain necessary provisions regarding
eligibility of candidates to contest election including restrictions on tenure/number of terms.
The request from Government servants for permission to participate in the activities of Co-operative
Societies and other bodies may also be examined keeping in view the provisions of the relevant Act and bye`laws governing the activities of such societies apart from the aforesaid provisions of rule 15(1) & (2) of the
CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
[DOP&T O.M. No. 11013/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 13 th November, 2007]
16. Investment, lending and borrowing
(1) No Government servant shall speculate in any stock, share or other investment:
P rovided that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply to occasional investments made through stock brokers or
other persons duly authorised and licensed or who have obtained a certificate of registration under the
relevant law.
Explanation - Frequent purchase or sale or both, of shares, securities or other investments shall be deemed to
be speculation within the meaning of this sub-rule.
No Government servant shall make, or permit any member of his family or any person acting on his behalf
to make, any investment which is likely to embarrass or influence him in the discharge of his official
duties. For this purpose, any purchase of shares out of the quotas reserved for Directors of Companies or
their friends and associates shall be deemed to be an investment which is likely to embarrass the
Government servant.
No Government servant who is involved in the decision making process of fixation of price of an Initial
Public Offering or Follow-up Public Offering of shares of a Central Public Sector Enterprise shall apply,
either himself or through any member of his family or through any other person acting on his behalf, for
allotment of shares in the Initial Public Offerings or Follow-up Public Offerings of such Central Public
Sector Enterprise.
(3) If any question arises whether any transaction is of the nature referred to in sub-rule (1) or sub-rule(2),
the decision of the Government thereon shall be final.
(i )
No Government servant shall, save in the ordinary course of business with a bank or a public limited
company, either himself or through any member of his family or any other person acting on his behalf, (a) lend or borrow or deposit money, as a principal or an agent, to, or from or with, any person or firm
or private limited company within the local limits of his authority or with whom he is likely to have
official dealings or otherwise place himself under any pecuniary obligation to such person or firm or
private limited company; or
(b) lend money to any person at interest or in a manner whereby return in money or in kind is charged
or paid:
P rovided that a Government servant may give to, or accept from, a relative or a personal friend a
purely temporary loan of a small amount free of interest, or operate credit account with a bona fide
tradesman or make an advance of pay to his private employee:
P rovided further that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply in respect of any transaction entered into by
a Government servant with the previous sanction of the Government.
(ii) W hen a Government servant is appointed or transferred to a post of such nature as would involve him in
the breach of any of the provisions of sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (4), he shall forthwith report the
circumstances to the prescribed authority and shall thereafter act in accordance with such order as may
be made by such authority.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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NO T E. - T he burden of proving that the insolvency or indebtedness was the result of circumstances
which, with the exercise of ordinary diligence, the G overnment servant could not have foreseen, or over
which he had no control, and had not proceeded from extravagant or dissipated habits, shall be upon
the Government servant.
Government of India Decision
(1) C hannel of submission of report to, and their disposal by G overnment in matters relating to habitual
indebtedness taking part in politics and lending and borrowing
Rule 4 (2) (Taking part in politics), 13 (6) (lending and borrowing) and (habitual indebtedness) of the CCS
(Conduct) Rules, 1955, (now Rules, 5, 16 and 17),a lay down that a Government servant shall make a report
to Government of habitual indebtedness or insolvency and certain facts regarding himself or members of his
family in the circumstances specified in those rules. Such report should be submitted by the Government
servant to his immediate superior who should forward it through the normal channels to the authority
competent to remove or dismiss him from service. Except where such authority require guidance or clarification
from a higher authority it shall consider the report and pass appropriate orders on it. If any penalty is to be
imposed on the Government servant, the procedure prescribed in the Central Civil Services (Classification,
Control and Appeal) Rules will have to be followed. These instructions may be brought to the notice of all
Government servants to whom these rules apply.
[MHA O.M. No. 25/40/55-Ests.(A), dated 22.02.1956]
18. Movable, immovable and valuable property
(1) (i) Every G overnment servant shall on his first appointment to any service or post submit a return of
his assets and liabilities, in such form as may be prescribed by the G overnment, giving the full particulars
regarding (a) the immovable property inherited by him, or owned or acquired by him or held by him on lease or
mortgage, either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or in the name of any
other person;
(b) shares, debentures and cash including bank deposits inherited by him or similarly owned, acquired,
or held by him;
(c) other movable property inherited by him or similarly owned, acquired or held by him; and
(d) debts and other liabilities incurred by him directly or indirectly.
NO T E 1.- Sub-rule (1) shall not ordinarily apply to G roup D servants but the G overnment may direct
that it shall apply to any such Government servant or class of such Government servants.
NO T E 2.- In all returns, the values of items of movable property worth less than R s.10000 may be added
and shown as a lump sum. T he value of articles of daily use such as clothes, utensils, crockery, books,
etc. need not be included in such return.
NO T E 3.- W here a G overnment servant already belonging to a service or holding a post is appointed to
any other civil service or post, he shall not be required to submit a fresh return under this clause.
(ii) Every G overnment servant belonging to any service or holding any post included in G roup 'A' and
G roup 'B' shall submit an annual return in such form as may be prescribed by the G overnment in this
regard giving full particulars regarding the immovable property inherited by him or owned or acquired by
him or held by him on lease or mortgage either in his own name or in the name of any member of his
family or in the name of any other person.
( 2 ) No G overnment servant shall, except with the previous knowledge of the prescribed authority,
acquire or dispose of any immovable property by lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, gift or otherwise
either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family:
P rovided that the previous sanction of the prescribed authority shall be obtained by the G overnment
servant if any such transaction is with a person having official dealings with him
(3) W here a G overnment servant enters into a transaction in respect of movable property either in his
own name or in the name of the member of his family, he shall, within one month from the date of such
transaction, report the same to the prescribed authority, if the value of such property exceeds twenty
thousand rupees in the case of a G overnment servant holding any G roup A or G roup B post or fifteen
thousand rupees in the case of a Government servant holding any Group C or Group D post:
P rovided that the previous sanction of the prescribed authority shall be obtained by the G overnment
servant if any such transaction is with a person having official dealings with him.
(4) T he G overnment or the prescribed authority may, at any time, by general or special order, require a
G overnment servant to furnish, within a period specified in the order, a full and complete statement of
such movable or immovable property held or acquired by him or on his behalf or by any member of his
family as may be specified in the order. Such statement shall, if so required by the G overnment or by the
prescribed authority, include the details of the means by which, or the source from which, such property
was acquired.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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(5) T he G overnment may exempt any category of G overnment servants belonging to G roup C or G roup
D from any of the provisions of this rule except sub-rule (4). No such exemption shall, however, be
made without the concurrence of the Cabinet Secretariat (Department of Personnel).
Explanation I. - For the purposes of this rule (1) the expression "movable property" includes(a) jewellery, insurance policies, the annual premia of which exceeds R s.10,000/- or one-sixth of the
total annual emoluments received from G overnment, whichever is less, shares, securities and
(b) all loans, whether secured or not, advanced or taken by the Government servant;
(c) motor cars, motor cycles, horses or any other means of conveyance; and
(d) refrigerators, radios radiograms and television sets.
2. "Prescribed authority" means(a) (i) the G overnment, in the case of a G overnment servant holding any G roup A post, except where
any lower authority is specifically specified by the Government for any purpose;
(ii) Head of Department, in the case of a Government servant holding any Group B post;
(iii) Head of Office, in the case of a Government servant holding any Group C or Group D post;
(b) in respect of a G overnment servant on foreign service or on deputation to any other Ministry or any
other G overnment, the parent department on the cadre of which such G overnment servant is borne or
the Ministry to which he is administratively subordinate as member of that cadre.
Explanation II.- For the purpose of this rule 'lease' means, except where it is obtained from, or granted
to, a person having official dealings with the G overnment servant, a lease of immovable property from
year to year or for any term exceeding one year or reserving a yearly rent.
Government of India Decisions
(1) G eneral instructions regarding submission of the return for immovable property-House-building is
clearly a transaction in immovable property-prescribed authorities, who would exercise authorityreturns to be treated as secret and kept along with character rolls.
U nder sub-rule 3 of Rule 15 of the Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules, 1955 (now Rule 18 of 1964 Rules)
every member of Class I (Group A) and Class I I (Group B) services shall, on first appointment to Government
service and thereafter at intervals of 12 months, submit a return of immovable property owned, acquired or
inherited by him or held by him on lease or mortgage, either in his own name or in the name of any member
of his family or in the name of any other person. It has been decided that this return shall be submitted in the
form (Annexure) attached to this O ffice Memorandum, to the authority prescribed in Explanation (a) to subRule 15 (1) [now Rule 18 (2)] of these rules within a month of their appointment and subsequently in the
month of January every year. The initial return should show the position as on the date of their appointment
and subsequent returns as on the 1 st January of the year in which they are submitted. In the case of persons
already in service, the first return, if one has not already been submitted, shall indicate the position as on the
1 st January, 1956.
2. These returns shall be treated as secret and shall, after such scrutiny as may be considered necessary, be
kept in the custody of the authority which maintains the Character rolls of the officers concerned; they should
not, however, be filed in the Character roll itself, but kept separately.
3. Reference is invited to Explanation (a) (i) under rule 15 (1) [now Explanation I (2) of Rule 18] of the
Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955. The question has been raised as to which authority in
Government should appropriately exercise the functions of the prescribed authority as mentioned in this
Explanation. In respect of Class I (Group A) officers intended to man posts in or under more than one Ministry,
the Ministry administratively concerned with the post or service of which the Government servant is a member,
should act as the prescribed authority in this connection. In the latter case, the functions of the prescribed
authority would be discharged by the Ministry which controls the service in question. An instance of a service
of this nature is the Central Secretariat Service which is controlled by the Home Ministry but is intended to
man posts in and under the various Ministries. For a Class I (Group A) officer of this service, therefore, the
prescribed authority for purposes of Rule 15 (Now rule 18) would be the Ministry of Home Affairs. In the case
of Class I I and Class I I I (Group B and Group C) officers of this and such other services, however, Explanation
(a) (ii) and (a) (iii) would apply and the functions of the prescribed authority would be discharged by the Head
of the Department or the Head of the Office in which he is for the time being employed, as the case may be.
4. A question has also been asked whether construction of a house requires the previous knowledge or
sanction, as the case may be, of the prescribed authority under rule 15 (now Rule 18) of the Conduct Rules.
Since such construction results in the acquisition of an immovable property, the provisions of this rule are
clearly attracted. A Government servant should, therefore, report to, or seek the permission of, the prescribed
authority as the case may be, before commencing the construction of, or addition to, any building.
60 / 100
Statement of Immovable property on first appointment for the year
1. Name of officer (in full) and service to which the officer belongs.
2. Present post held
3. Present pay ..
How acquired-Whether
by purchase lease,
mortgage, inheritance
gift or otherwise, with
and name with details
of persons from whom
from the
61 / 100
62 / 100
2. The matter has been considered by the Ministry in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General
and the Ministry of Finance. Since the objects of according sanctions under the two sets of Rules are entirely
different it has been decided that separate sanctions under the General Financial Rules and under the Conduct
Rules should be taken by a Government servant when the sale of the conveyance is made otherwise than
through a regular or reputed dealer or agent.
3. In all cases, whether the sanctioning authorities under the two sets of rules are the same or different, in
order to obtain the required sanctions expeditiously, the Government servant will be well advised to obtain
first the sanction under the General Financial Rules, as at that stage he will not be required to furnish details
of the prospective purchaser, sale price etc., which would be required before the permission under the Conduct
Rules is given. After obtaining this sanction, he may settle the details with the intending purchaser and apply
for permission under the Conduct Rules stating clearly that necessary sanction under the General Financial
Rules had already been obtained. The authority issuing sanction under the General Financial Rules should
specify in the sanction itself that the actual sale of the car, if made otherwise than through a reputed or
regular dealer or agent, would be subject to the condition that the Government servant also obtains the prior
sanction of the competent authority under the Conduct Rules for the sale of his car, so that this requirement
is not overlooked by the Government servant.
4. In so far as the personnel serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these
instructions have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General.
[MHA OM No. 28/47/58-Estt.(A), dated 05.03.1959]
(9) C larification of the provisions in the C C S (C onduct) R ules, 1955 regarding transaction in movable and
immovable properties
detailed probe into the private affairs of Government servants and harassment to them to be avoided
transactions made out of funds of dependants how to account for.
Certain difficulties are being experienced by administrative authorities in interpreting Rule 15 of the Central
Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 (now Rule 18) relating to transaction of movable and immovable property
and submission of property returns especially in regard to transactions entered into by members of the family
of a Government servant.
2. In order to ensure that Government servants do not indulge in benami transactions or ostensible transfers
and acquisitions to secret assets illegally earned, and at the same time to ensure that unnecessary restraint
is not imposed on either Government servants or their dependants, or harassment caused to them, the
following executive instructions are issued for the guidance of administrative authorities.
(i) All transactions both of immovable and movable property made out of the funds of the
Government servant (irrespective of the person in whose name the transaction is made)
should be governed strictly by Rule 15 (now Rule 18) that is :
(a) Transactions in immovable property : In all cases, the transaction should be with the previous knowledge
of the prescribed authority.
(b) Transaction in movable property : In all cases a full report to the prescribed authority immediately after
completion of the transaction, is necessary.
Note :- Cases falling under sub-paragraph (iv) below will not be governed by these instructions.
(ii) All transactions of both, immovable and movable property made out of the funds (including stridhan, gifts,
inheritance, etc.) of the dependants of the Government servants, irrespective of the person in whose name
the transaction is made should be reported in the following manner.
(a) Transactions in immovable property : These should be reported alongwith the annual property return but in
a separate form. No other report is necessary.
(b) Transactions in movable property : These should be reported immediately on completion or immediately
after the Government servant comes to know of them.
In both the types of cases, prior permission of the prescribed authority is not necessary.
(iii) A Government servant who transfers any immovable property or movable property exceeding Rs. 1,000
(now Rs. 10,000) in value to a member of his family, should report or obtain sanction of the prescribed
authority in accordance with Rule 15 (now rule 18).
(iv) Transactions as members of Hindu undivided joint family do not require Governments prior permission. In
such cases transactions in immovable property should be included in the annual property returns and those in
movable property should be reported to the prescribed authority immediately after completion or immediately
after the Government servant comes to know of them. If a Government servant is unable to give an idea of
his share of such property, he may give details of the full property and the names of the members who share
3. The above instructions may be implemented liberally in order to avoid a detailed probe into the private
affairs of the Government servants or their dependants, but cases in which suspicious circumstances exist
should be investigated with firmness and speed.
4. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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5. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these instructions
are issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
[MHA OM No. 25/18/59-Ests.(A), dated 28.08.1959]
(10) T ransactions in immovable property Points to be ensured
In the Ministry of Home Affairs O ffice Memorandum No. 25/22/59-Ests.(A), dated the 7th February, 1959, (not
reproduced) powers were delegated to the Administrative Ministries/Departments to deal with certain matters
relating to the application of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 in respect of officers of the
Service controlled by the Ministry of Home Affairs. It has now been decided that cases relating to the
acquisition/disposal of immovable property by Class I (Group A) O fficers of the Central Secretariat Service,
which are, under the existing instructions, required to be referred to this Ministry, may also be dealt with and
finally decided by the administrative Ministries/Departments concerned.
The intention underlying the provision in the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1955, vide rule 15 (1) [now rule 18(2)]
laying down that no transactions relating to immovable property shall be entered into by the officers
subjected to these rules except with the previous knowledge of the prescribed authority and, in the case of
transactions with a person having official dealings with the prior sanction of such prescribed authority is to
ensure that
(i) The transaction proposed to be entered into is for bonafide purposes;
(ii) the acquisition/sale of the property in question is at fair prevailing market prices and does not involve any
element of profiteering or speculation;
(iii) there is no reasonable ground to hold that the transaction in question is the result of the exercise of any
undue official influence by the officers (e.g. in return for any official favours conferred or likely to be conferred
upon the prospective seller/buyer of the property); and
(iv) there is nothing otherwise objectionable in relation to the proposed transaction.
Ministries/Departments may therefore deal with the individual references relating to transactions in respect of
immovable property entered into or proposed to be entered into by the Class I officers of the CSS serving
under them, in the light of the above guiding principles. Annual Returns of immovable property owned by
officers of the Selection Grade and Grade I-I I I of the Central Secretariat Service should, however, as at
present, continue to be sent regularly to the Ministry of Home Affairs, (O ffice of the Establishment O fficer) for
purpose of record.
[MHA OM No. 12/6/60-CS (A), dated 10.03.1960]
(11) Requirement of seeking prior permission
See Government of India decision No. (1) under rule 16, according to which it has been impressed on
Government servant to obtain prior permission, where required and on authorities to severely discourage ex
post facto sanctions.
{MHA OM No. 25/25/61-Ests. (A) dated 26.06.1961]
(12) R eference this Ministrys O M No. 25/21/57-Ests.(A) dated the 11th June, 1957 (Decision No. 3
above), on the above subject, the attached Form I may be substituted for the Form I circulated with the
OM under reference.
[MHA OM No. 25/2/64-Ests.(A), dated 31.01.1964]
(13) Q uestion whether a charge of corruption should be held proved in case the officer concerned is
unable to account satisfactorily possession by himself or by any other person on his behalf of pecuniary
resources or property disproportionate to his know sources of income.
A presumption of corruption fairly and reasonably arises against an officer who cannot account for large
accretion of wealth which he could not possibly have saved from his known sources of income. This principle
has received statutory recognition in section 5 (3) of the P revention of Corruption Act, 1947, and its
application in a departmental inquiry against an officer charged with corruption could not, therefore, be unjust
or inequitable. In fact, this principle has recently been upheld by the Supreme Court in the case of G.R.
Manker Vs. Union of India (Civil Appeal No. 160 of 1963)
2. Ministry of Finance etc., are requested to ensure that in a departmental enquiry against an officer charged
with corruption and found to be in possession of assets disproportionate to his known sources of income, the
P resenting officer concerned brings the legal position, as set out in para 1 above, to the notice of the Enquiry
3. This Ministrys O ffice Memorandum No. 39/19/51-Ests., dated 08.10.1952 (not printed) may be treated as
[MHA OM No. 39/19/63-Ests.(A), dated 16.12.1964]
(14) "Pagri" charged by Government servants in renting their houses and flats amounts to corruption,%20commencement%20and%20application
64 / 100
Recommendation No. 32, contained in para 6.19 of the Report of the Committee on P revention of Corruption
reads as follows :32. To buy and sell properties at prices much greater than those recorded in the
conveyance deeds has become a common method of cheating the Central Government of
the income-tax and other taxes and the State Government of the stamp duty and a
convenient methods of transferring black money. If, in some manner, the Central and State
Governments, or some special corporations setup for the purpose, can be empowered to
step in and acquire such properties at the stated value, or even at a small premium when
it is considered that the properties have been deliberately undervalued, it will strike a blow
against black money.
The habit of charging "pagri" or "premium" for renting houses and flats in a similar sources of corruption for
which some drastic steps have to be taken."
2. This recommendation has been considered carefully in the light of the comments received from
Ministries/Departments etc., Government of Indias decision on the recommendations is as follows :The changes made in the Income Tax Act 1964 substantially achieve the purpose underlying a part of the
recommendation Government are, however, advised on legal and constitutional grounds that it would not be
possible to accept the part of the recommendation regarding the setting up of special corporations for the
acquisition of such properties.
As regards the part of the recommendation relating to "pagri" the State Governments have been requested to
take appropriate action in the matter.
[MHA OM No. 43/49/64-AVD, dated 19.11.1965]
(15) All purchases made at the same time, in the same place (Shop, etc.) and charged for the same bill
should be treated as one transaction for the purpose of R ule 18 (3) whether or not they relate to the
same item.
[MHA OM No. 25/8/57-Ests.(A), dated 25.03.1967 and OM No. 71/33/58-Ests.(A), dated 03.04.1958]
(16) Heads of Departments declared as "prescribed Authorities" for Class I (Group A)Officers :
The Central Government hereby directs that the powers exercisable by it and the Comptroller and AuditorGeneral of India under sub-rules (2) & (3) of Rule 18 shall, subject to any general or special instructions
issued by the Central Government in this behalf, be also exercisable, by the Heads of Department in respect
of Class I (Group A) Officers serving under their control, subject to the following conditions, namely :
(a) in relation to the Heads of Department themselves, the said powers shall continue to be exercised by the
Central Government or the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India, as the case may be; and
(b) all cases of sanction accorded by the said Heads of Department shall be reported to the Central
Government or the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, as the case may be.
[MHA No. 25/11/68-Ests.(A), dated 05.08.1968]
(17) Order In pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of rule 18 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 read with Note I I I
thereto, the Central Government hereby(a) prescribes the forms specified in the Schedule to this order, as the forms in which the return referred to in
the said rule shall be submitted by
(i) every Government servant on his first appointment after the date of issue of this order
to any service or post, and
(ii) every Government servant who is in service on the date of issue of this order.
(b) directs that
(i) the first return in respect of a Government servant on his first appointment to any
service or post shall be as on the date of such appointment and shall be submitted within
three months from that date and every such return, after the first, shall be submitted as
on, and by, the date specified in clause (c) in respect of returns after the first return,
provided that if the interval between the date of submission of the first return and the
date on which a subsequent return is due is less than six months, the later return need not
be submitted.
(ii) the first return in respect of every Government servant who is in service on the date of
issue of this order, shall be as on the 31 st December, 1972 and specifies the 31 st day of
March, 1973, as the date on or before which such return shall be submitted.
(c) further directs that every Government servant shall submit such returns, after the first at an interval of five
years, on or before the 31 st day of March of the year immediately following the year to which the return
relates and every such return shall be as on the 31 st day of December of the year immediately proceeding the,%20commencement%20and%20application
65 / 100
of property
(Nam e
Division, Taluk and
Village in which the
property is situated
and also its distinctive
num ber, etc.)
Area of land
(in case of
land in case
Ex tent of
If not in own
nam e, state in
nam e
held and his/her
Governm ent
Value of
of sanction
authority if
Total annual
incom e from
the property
Rem ark s
66 / 100
Date.. Signature.,.
Note (1) For purpose of Column 9, the term "lease" would mean a lease of immovable property from year to
year or for any term exceeding one year or reserving a yearly rent. W here, however, the lease of immovable
property is obtained from a person having official dealings with the Government servant, such a lease should
be shown in this Column irrespective of the term of the lease, whether it is short term or long term, and the
periodicity of the payment of rent.
Note (2) In Column 10 should be shown (a) where the property has been acquired by purchase, mortgage or lease, the price or premium paid for such
(b) where it has been acquired by lease, the total annual rent thereof also; and
(c) where the acquisition is by inheritance, gift or exchange, the approximate value of the property so
Statement of liquid assets on first appointment as on the 31 st December, 19
(1) Cash and Bank balance exceeding 3 months emoluments.
(2) Deposits, loans, advances and investments (such as shares, securities, debentures, etc.)
Nam e
Address of
Com pany,
Bank etc.
Am ount
incom e
Rem ark s
Note 1. In column 7, particulars regarding sanctions obtained or report made in respect of the various
transactions may be given.
Note 2. The term "emoluments" means the pay and allowances received by the Government servant.
Statement of movable property on first appointment as on the 31 st December, 19
of item s
Price or value at
tim e
acquisition and/or
e total
paym ents m ade
upto the date of
return, as the
case m ay be, in
c a s e of articles
purchased on hire
instalm ent basis
If not in own
nam e, nam e and
address of the
person in whose
nam e and his/her
relationship with
the Governm ent
approx im ate
Rem ark s
Date Signature.
Note 1. In this Form inform ation m ay be given regarding item s lik e (a) jewellery owned by him (total value); (b) silver and other precious m etals and precious
stones owned by him not form ing part of jewellery (total value), (c) (i) Motor Cars (ii) Scooters/Motor Cycles; (iii) refrigerators/air-conditioners, (iv)
radios/radiogram s/television sets and any other articles, the value of which individually ex ceeds Rs. 1,000 (d) value of item s of m ovable property individually worth
less than Rs. 1,000 other than articles of daily use such as cloths, utensils, book s, crock ery, etc., added together as lum psum .,%20commencement%20and%20application
67 / 100
Note 2 : In colum n 5, m ay be indicated whether the property was acquired by purchase, inheritance, gift or otherwise.
Note 3 : In colum n 6, particulars regarding sanction obtained or report m ade in respect of various transactions m ay be given.
Statement of Provident Fund and Life Insurance Policy on First Appointment as on the 31 st December,
Nam e of
Com pany
date of
m aturity
Am ount
prem ium
O fficer
date of
m ade
Date. Signature
Statement of Debts and Other Liabilities on First Appointment as on 31 st December, 19
Sl. Amount
Name and
address of
Date of
Details of Remarks
Date .. Signature.
Note 1. Individual items of loans not exceeding three months emoluments or Rs. 1,000
whichever is less, need not be included.
Note 2. In column 6, information regarding permission, if any, obtained from or report
made to the competent authority may also be given.
Note 3. The term "emoluments" means pay and allowances received by the Government
Note 4. The statement should also include various loans and advances available to
Government servants like advance for purchase of conveyance, house building advance,
etc. (other than advances of pay and travelling allowance), advance from the GP Fund and
loans on Life Insurance Policies and fixed deposits.
[Cab. Sectt. DP&AR O.M. No. 25/7/65-Ests. (A) dated 6 th January, 1973]
(18) C entral C ivil Services (C onduct) R ules, 1964 R ule 18 R eturn of Assets and Liabilities forms and
U nder Rule 18 (1) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, read with Note I I I thereto, every
Government servant shall on his first appointment to any service or post and thereafter at such intervals as
may be specified by the Government, submit a return of his assets and liabilities in such form as may be
prescribed by the Government giving the full particulars as indicated in that rule. The forms in which the said
return should be furnished, and its periodicity have been notified in the O rder No. 25/7/65-Estt. (A) dated 6th
January, 1973, a copy of which has been endorsed to the various Ministries/Departments separately.,%20commencement%20and%20application
68 / 100
2. The return of assets and liabilities in the prescribed forms is required to be submitted by only Class I Class
I I and Class I I I (Group A, Group B and Group C) officers, excepting those to whom the provisions of sub-rules
(1), (2) and (3) of rule 18 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, do not apply by virtue of the
second proviso to sub-rule (3) of rule 18. Government servants in Class I V (Group D) services and posts are
not required to submit these returns by virtue of Note I below rule 18 (1).
3. As regards Government servants in Class I I I (Group C) services/posts, the Head of the Department may
recommend to Ministry/Department concerned for the exclusion of any specified categories of such employees
from the requirement of furnishing the return, in pursuance of sub-rule (5) of Rule 18, if the nature of work of
such employees justifies the exemption. The Ministry/Department to whom the recommendation is made
would take a decision thereon with the concurrence of he Cabinet Secretariat, Department of Personnel; in
regard to such employees working in a Ministry/Department itself, a decision thereon could similarly be taken
by it in consultation with the Department of Personnel.
4. The first return on the prescribed form will be as on 31st December, 1972, in respect of Government
servants who are already in service and should be submitted by them by the 31 st March, 1973, even if they
have already submitted the return of immovable property for the year 1972 under the earlier orders. The
subsequent returns will be as on 31 st December, 1977, 31 st December, 1982 and so on and will be submitted
by the 31 st March of the succeeding year. As regards persons appointed to services/posts after the date of
issue of the O rder, they will submit their first return as on the date of appointment within three months of
their appointment. The second and subsequent returns will be submitted by them as on the crucial date for
those who are already in service subject, however, to the proviso to sub-clause (i) of clause (b) of the O rders
referred to in para 1 above.
5. The return will be submitted by the Government servants to the prescribed authority through the
Administration W ing of the Ministry/Department O ffice in which the Government servant is for the time being
serving. O n receipt of the return, it would be scrutinized with reference to sanctions/report etc., already on
record and thereafter forwarded with such remarks as may be necessary in the light of the scrutiny through the
Vigilance O fficers of the Ministry/Department/O ffice to the prescribed authority. The prescribed authority on
receipt of the return and the remarks thereon will make such further scrutiny and also take such further action
as may be necessary and will retain the returns in its custody.
6. It will be the responsibility of the prescribed authority to ensure that the returns in respect of all the
officers are received by the due date and are properly scrutinized and kept on record. As regards officers on
deputation, the prescribed authority in the parent department will be responsible for obtaining, scrutinizing
and keeping the returns on record.
[Cabinet Sectt., Department of Personnel OM No. 25/7/65-Ests.(A), dated 8 th January, 1973]
(19) Action be held in abeyance
Pending a further review of the question of submission of the return of Assets and Liabilities by Government
servants as prescribed in this Departments order No. 25/7/65-Ests.(A), dated the 6th January, 1973 (at 17)
the Central Government in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) of rule 18 of the Central Civil
Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, directs that action in pursuance
of the aforesaid order be held in abeyance until further orders.
[Cabinet Sectt., DP&AR OM No. 25/7/65-Ests.(A), dated 4 th July, 1973]
(20) C entral C ivil Services (C onduct) R ules, 1964 Amendments introduced therein by the C entral C ivil
Services (Conduct) Amendment Rules, 1973 Lease of immovable property.
The undersigned is directed to invite the attention of the Ministry of Finance, etc. to the Central Civil Services
(Conduct) (Amendment) Rules, 1973 issued under the Department of Personnel Notification No. 25/57/64Ests.(A) dated 05.01.1973 which seeks to amend rule 18 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 in certain respects
and also introduces a new Rule, namely, Rule 18A.
2. Clause (1) (d) of the Explanation below Rule 18 has been expanded to include specifically television sets
as well amongst the categories of movable properties mentioned in that clause and a new Explanation I I has
been added to the effect that for purposes of Rule 18, the term lease would mean, except where it is
obtained from, or granted to, a person having official dealings with the Government servant, a lease of
immovable property from year to year or for any terms exceeding one year of reserving a yearly rent. Thus
where the lessee or the lessor is a person having official dealings with the Government servant the general
meaning of the term lease as given in Section 105 of the Transfer of P roperty Act, 1882 would apply; it would
include any agreement giving rise to the relationship of tenant or any conveyance, grant or devise of reality
for designated period of conveyance of interest in real property for limited term with conditions attached,
irrespective of the duration of such agreement, etc., or the mode of payment of rent or other consideration.
This general meaning of the term lease would also apply to the new Rule 18A which has been introduced by
Rule 3 of the CCS (Conduct) (Amendment) Rules, 1973 relating to a transaction entered into by a Government
servant in respect of immovable property situated outside India as also to any transaction with a foreigner,
foreign Government, foreign organisation or concern in respect of any immovable property.
[Cabinet Secretariat, DP & AR OM No. 25/57/64-Ests.(A), dated 5 th February, 1973]
T ransfer of Property Act, 1882
Chapter V,%20commencement%20and%20application
69 / 100
70 / 100
I have/had official dealings with the contractor and the nature of my dealings with him is/was as under :
3. The cost of proposed contraction will be met as under :Amount
(i) Own savings
(ii) Loans/Advances with
Full details
(ii) Other sources with details.
Y ours faithfully,
(Form of report to the prescribed authority after completion of the buildings/extension of a house)
In my letter No.datedI had reported that I
Permission was granted to me in Order No dated..
proposed to build a house
for the building of a house. The house has since been completed and I enclose a Valuation Report, duly
certified to by (A firm of Civil Engineers or a Civil engineer of repute)
2. The cost of construction indicated in the enclosed valuation report was financed as under :Amount
(i) Own Savings
(ii) Loans/Advances with
Y ours faithfully,
Date :
(Note :- Variations, if any, between the figures given above and the figures given in Form I may be explained
(1) Bricks
(2) Cement
(3) Iron and Steel
(4) Timber
(5) Sanitary Fittings
(6) Electrical Fittings,%20commencement%20and%20application
71 / 100
72 / 100
would be necessary only if the Government servant concerned has official dealings with the chit fund and if it
is not a registered chit fund company.
The amount that the Government servant may receive from the chit fund can be classified into two categories
:(i) receiving the amount of the sum total of the contributions payable by all subscribers for any one
installment less the discount or commission payable to the Chit Fund Company by bid before the expiry of the
period upto which the subscription is to be made; and
(ii) receiving the amount at the time of maturity.
2.2. As regards 2 (i) above, since the amount received by a subscriber from the chit fund by bid would be
more than the amount subscribed by him and the difference will have to be made good by him by future
subscriptions upto the total period of the chit fund, the amount received in such case would amount to a loan
received from the Chit Fund Company. Since the Chit Fund Company is not a banking company and the
provisions of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949, are not, therefore, applicable to such companies, the loan
received from the Chit Fund Company as explained above, may be regulated under sub-rule (4) of rule 16 of
the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. As regards (ii) above, if the amount received from the Chit Fund exceeds the
prescribed limits in sub-rule (3) of rule 18 ibid the Government servant has to report to the prescribed
authority under that sub-rule because the amount received by him would not be exclusively the amount
subscribed by him but will also include the commission payable by the Chit Fund Company.
3.1 As regards the second point in para 1 (ii), it is clarified that a Government servant need not obtain prior
permission from the P rescribed Authority for taking a Life Insurance Policy. He should, however, submit a
report to the P rescribed Authority, if the annual premium on an insurance policy exceeds the monetary limits
laid down in Rule 18 (3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. If , in any case, the annual premium initially
determined was less than the monetary limits prescribed in the aforesaid rule 18 (3), but on conversion, the
annual premium exceeds the said limits, a report to the P rescribed Authority is necessary at that stage. W hen
a Government servant receives the sum assured as survival benefit/on maturity of the policy, he need not
submit any report in this regard.
3.2 A Government servant need not report to the P rescribed Authority the fact of his having taken an
insurance policy, if the annual premium thereon is less than the monetary limits prescribed in rule 18 (3) of
the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. He should, however, submit a report to the P rescribed Authority at the time of
receiving the sum assured as survival benefit/on maturity of the policy.
4. Regarding the point raised in para 1 (iii) it is clarified the Fixed Deposits in Bank or Deposits in a Savings
Bank account made by a Government servant from out of his salary or of accumulated savings would not come
within the purview of rule 18 (3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
[Cabinet Sectt. DP&AR OM No. 11013/12/76-Estt. (A), dated the 4 th October, 1976].
(25) C C S (C onduct) R ules, 1964 P rescription of time limits for grant of permission under certain rules
The undersigned is directed to say that Government have had under consideration the question of imposing
time-limits for action under the various rules of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, so that in matters governed
by these rules where the exercise of a right available to a Government employee or the availing of an
opportunity which may come his way, is subject to Governments prior permission, the exercise of the right or
the availing of the opportunity may not become in-fructuous because of any delay on the part of Government
to grant necessary permission.
2. Accordingly, the matter has been examined with reference to the various provisions of the Conduct Rules in
which taking of prior permission is visualized and the following time-limits are prescribed for granting or
refusing permission in respect of some of the provisions. The time-limit is to be reckoned from the date of
receipt of the request of the Government employee for the necessary permission under the relevant conduct
rule. It, therefore, follows that an acknowledgement showing the date of receipt may be given to the
employee when a request for permission is received.
Rule 8 (2), 13 (4), 18 (2) and (3) and 18-A -30days
Rule 19 (1) -6 weeks
In the event of failure on the part of the competent authority to communicate its decision to the Government
employee concerned within the time-limits indicated above, the Government employee shall be free to assume
that permission has been granted to him.
3. The above decision of the Government may be given wide publicity and all the authorities exercising powers
under Conduct Rules advised suitably so that they may ensure that all requests of Government servants under
the aforesaid rules are dealt with expeditiously and ordinarily no occasion need arise where a Government
employee may be enabled to act on the assumption that permission has been granted in his case on account
of the failure of the competent authority to convey its decision within the stipulated time.
[MHA, DP&AR OM No. 11013/17/77-Ests.(A), dated 19 th April, 1978]
(26) C C S (C onduct) R ules, 1964 T ransaction entered into by the spouse and other members of family
of a Government servant out of their own funds.,%20commencement%20and%20application
73 / 100
The undersigned is directed to say that references are being received in this Department from time to time
from various Ministries and Departments seeking clarification regarding the applicability of provisions of subrules (2) and (3) of Rule 18 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, to transactions entered into by the spouse and
other members of family of a Government servant out of their own funds (including stridhan, gifts, inheritance
etc.) as distinct from the funds of Government servant himself. It is hereby clarified that transactions entered
into by the spouse or any other member of family of a Government servant out of his or her own funds
(including stridhan, gifts inheritance etc.) as distinct from the funds of the Government servant himself, in his
or her own name and in his or her own right, would not attract the provision of sub-rules (2) and (3) of rule 18
of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
2. In view of the position-stated above, paragraph 2 (ii) of the Ministry of Home Affairs O ffice Memorandum
No. 25/18/59-Estt.(A), dated the 28 th August, 1959 (decision No. 8) may accordingly be treated as modified.
[MHA, Department of Personnel & AR OM No. 11013/13/78-Estt.(A), dated the 11 th September, 1978]
(27) CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 Fixed Deposits with Banks and Companies Clarification regarding.
Fixed Deposits with public limited companies, whether in the private sector or the public sector, will be
covered by the saving clause in the Rule 16 (4) of the CCS (Conduct) Rule, 1964 as public limited companies
receive deposits from the public on authorization given by the Government under the Companies (Acceptance
of deposit from the public) Rules, 1975. However, where the amount of deposit with a public limited company
exceeds the monetary limits laid down in Rule 18 (3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, then a report to
prescribed authority in regard to the deposit will be necessary under that rule.
Fixed Deposits with Banks are, as already provided in Rule 16 (4) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, exempt
from the operation of this rule. However, in regard to Fixed Deposits with Banks also, a report should be made
to the prescribed authority under Rule 18 (3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, if the monetary limit laid
down therein are exceeded. The clarification contained in para 4 of this Department O ffice Memorandum No.
11013/7/76-Ests.(A) dated 04.10.1976 will stand modified to this extent.
Day-to-Day Savings Bank transactions, either with a Bank or with a post-office would not, however come
within the purview of Rule 18 (3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 as already provided in para 4 of this
Department office Memorandum No. 11013/12/76-Ests.(A) dated the 4 th October, 1976.
[Deptt. of Personnel & ARs OM No. 11013/5/81-Ests.(A), dated 12.05.1982]
(28) T ransactions of property coming within the purview of R ules 18 (2) & (3) Forms for obtaining
permission/giving intimation
In accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (2) of Rule 18 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, all Government
servants coming within the purview of these Rules are required to make a report to the prescribed authority
before entering into any transaction of immovable property in their own name or in the name of a member of
family. If the transaction is with a person having any official dealings with the Government servant, the
Government servant is required to obtain prior sanction of the prescribed authority. Sub-rule (3), ibid provides
that all Government servants should give an intimation to the prescribed authority within one month of
entering into any transaction of movable property, the value of which exceeds the monetary limits prescribed
in that Rule. In case any such transaction is with a person having official dealing with the Government
servant, prior sanction of the prescribed authority is necessary.
2. The question of streamlining the procedure for obtaining prior sanction or making a report about the
transactions of property by Government servants has been considered and it has been decided that all
requests for obtaining prior sanction and making intimation about transactions in immovable and movable
property may be made in the enclosed standard Forms I and I I, respectively, devised for this purpose. These
forms contain the basic information required by the prescribed authority in all cases for considering a request
for grant of permission or taking note of an intimation given by the Government servant. The prescribed
authority concerned, if it so desires, may seek any additional information/clarification about the transaction
entered into by the Government servant, depending upon the facts and circumstances of the case.
3. The applications for obtaining sanction or making prior intimation regarding construction of a house will
continue to be made in the form prescribed vide this Departments O M No. 11013/5/75-Estt. (A), dated 20th
June, 1975. (Decision No. 10).
Form for giving prior intimation or seeking previous sanction under R ule 18 (2) of the C C S (C onduct)
Rules, 1964 for transaction in respect of immovable property.
P urpose
t r a n s a c t i o n / p r i o r intimation
74 / 100
Mode of acquisition/disposal
I, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true. I request that I may be
given permission to acquire/dispose of property as described above from/to the party whose name is
mentioned in item 11 above.
75 / 100
Station :
Signature :
Date :
Designation :
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note :1. In the above form, different portions may be used according to
2. W here previous sanction is asked for, the applicantion should be submitted at
least 30 days before the proposed date of the transaction.
Form for giving intimation or seeking previous sanction under R ule 18 (3) of the C C S (C onduct) R ules,
1964 for transaction in respect of movable property.
P urpose of application-sanction
intimation of transaction.
5. (a)
Did the applicant have any dealings with the party in his
official capacity at any time, or is the applicant likely to
have any dealings with him in the near future?
76 / 100
I, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true. I request that I may be
given permission to acquire/dispose of property as described above from/to the party whose name is
mentioned in item 11 above.
I, .. hereby intimate the proposed acquisition/disposal of property by me as detailed
above. I declare that the particulars given above are true.
Station :
Signature :
Date :
Designation :
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note :1. In the above form, different portions may be used according to
2. W here previous sanction is asked for, the application should be submitted at
least 30 days before the proposed date of the transaction.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/11/85-Estt.(A), dated 23.06.1986]
(29) R ule 18 (4) of C C S (C onduct) R ules, 1964 calling of a statement of movable or immovable property
at any time.
A question has been raised whether in addition to the return of assets and liabilities to be submitted at the
time of initial appointment and the annual return of immovable property in case of Group A and Group B
officers, the Government servants can be asked to furnish, at any time, the details of movable or immovable
property held by them or on their behalf. Attention in this regard is invited to sub-rule (4) of Rule 18 of the
CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, which provides that the Government or an authority prescribed under these rules,
may at any time by a general or special order require any Government servant to furnish a full and complete
statement of movable or immovable property held or acquired by him or on his behalf or by a member of his
family. The Government servant can also be asked to indicate the means by which, or the source from which,
such property was acquired.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/6/86-Estt.(A), dated 03.07.1986]
(30) Amendment to Rule 18 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
Reference is invited to Explanation I below Rule 18 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 wherein
it has been inter-alia clarified that the expression "movable property" used in this rule will include "loans
advanced by such Government servants whether secured or not". It has been decided that loans taken by
Government servants should also be brought within the purview of Rule 18 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
A formal amendment to Explanation I giving a clarification to this affect is being issued separately. In the
meanwhile, the above position may be brought to the notice of all Government servants so that necessary
sanction is obtained or intimation made in respect of all loans which require prior sanction/intimation under
Rule 18 (3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 by virtue of this clarification.
[DOPT O.M. No. 11013/1/87-Estt.(A) dated 27.03.1987]
(31) P rovision regarding expenditure incurred on repairs or minor construction work in respect of
movable property.
According to the existing provisions of Rule 18 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, prior permission of the
prescribed authority is required for transaction in immovable property with a person, who is having official
dealings with the Government servant concerned. In other cases, only a prior intimation is to be given.,%20commencement%20and%20application
77 / 100
2. The instructions contained in this Departments O M No. 25/21/57-Estt. (A), dated 18.12.1957 (decision
14)provide, inter-alia, that where the expenditure incurred on repairs or minor construction work in respect of
any immovable property belonging to a Government servant is estimated to exceed Rs. 1,000/-, sanction of
the prescribed authority is necessary. The provisions have been reviewed in the light of the amendments to
Rule 18 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 carried out from time to time and it has been decided that in respect of
the expenditure incurred on repairs and minor additions to an immovable property by a Government servant,
an intimation shall be necessary to be given to the prescribed authority only if the estimate exceeds Rs.
10,000/-. However, prior sanction of the prescribed authority should be obtained in all cases regardless of
amount involved, where the transaction regarding the material purchased or contract for such repairs or minor
construction, is with a person with whom the Government servant concerned has official dealings.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/9/89-Estt.(A), dated 27.11.1990]
(32) T ransactions in sale and purchase of shares and debentures etc.
The provisions of sub-rule (4) of Rule 18 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 provides that the Government or
the prescribed authority may, at any time, by general or special order, require a Government servant to furnish
within a period specified in the order, a full and complete statement of such movable or immovable property
held or acquired by him or on his behalf or by any member of his family as may be specified in the order. Such
statement shall, if so required by the Government or by prescribed authority, include the details of the means
by which or the source from which, such property was acquired.
2. Sub-rule (1) of Rule 16 also provides that no Government servant shall speculate in any stock, share or
other investment. It has also been explained that frequent purchase or sale or both, of shares, securities or
other investments shall be deemed to be speculation within the meaning of this sub-rule.
3. It has been brought to the notice of the Government that a number of employees are investing in shares,
securities and debentures etc. frequently. W ith a view to enable the administrative authorities to keep a
watch over such transactionS, it has been decided that an intimation may be sent in the enclosed proforma to
the prescribed authority in the following cases :(i) Group A and B O fficers If the total transaction in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds
scheme etc. exceeds Rs. 50,000/- during the calendar year.
(ii) Group C & D O fficers If the total transactions in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds scheme
etc. exceeds Rs. 25,000/- during the calendar year.
4. It is clarified that since shares, securities, debentures etc. are treated as movable property for the purpose
of Rule 18 (3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 if an individual transaction exceeds the amount prescribed in
Rule 18 (3), the intimation to the prescribed authority would still be necessary. The intimation prescribed in
para 3 will be in addition to this, where cumulative transaction(s) i.e. sale, purchase or both in shares,
securities, debentures or mutual funds etc. in a year exceed the limits indicated in para 3.
Form for giving intimation under Rule 18 (4) of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 for transactions in shares,
securities, debentures and investment to mutual fund schemes etc.
1. Name and designation.
2. Scale of pay and present pay
3. Details of each transaction made in shares securities, debentures, mutual funds scheme etc. during the
calender year.
4. Particulars of the party/firm with whom transaction is made :(a) Is the party related to the applicant?
(b) Did the applicant have any dealings with the party in his official capacity at any time or is the applicant
likely to have any dealings with him in the near future.
5. Source or sources from which financed :(a) Personal savings.
(b) Other sources giving details
6. Any other relevant fact which applicant may like to mention.
Declaration :I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true.
Station :
78 / 100
Date :
[DOPT OM No. 11013/6/91-Estt.(A), dated 08.04.1992]
(33) Submission of annual returns by Group A and Group B officers regarding immovable property
In accordance with the provisions of clause (ii) of Rule 18 (1) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, every
Government servant holding a Group A or B post is required to submit an annual return giving full particulars
regarding the immovable property inherited by him or owned or acquired by him or held by him on lease or
mortgage either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or in the name of any other
person. It has been prescribed in MH A O M No. 25/10/55-Estt. (A) dated 12.01.1956 that such reports shall be
submitted in the month of January, every year. The form used for this purpose has also been prescribed under
the said O M. The need for obtaining these returns regularly and making careful scrutiny of the same was
reiterated from time to time.
2. It has, however, been noticed that these returns are not submitted in time in many cases.
Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to ensure that these returns are submitted by all Group A
and B officers under their control in respect of every calender year by 31st January of the next year. It may be
impressed upon them that failure on the part of a Government servant to comply with the requirement of the
aforesaid rule can form good and sufficient reason for instituting disciplinary proceedings against him. Strict
action may be taken against employees who fail to submit the returns in time or furnish wrong information.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/12/93-Estt.(A), dated 24.01.1994]
(34) T ransaction in immovable property under G eneral P ower of Attorney applicability of C C S
(Conduct) Rules
Reference are being received seeking clarification whether transaction in immovable properties made through
Power of Attorney by Government servants would attract the provisions of the Conduct Rules. The matter has
been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Law. The Ministry of Law has observed that
acquisition/disposal of immovable property for a consideration through Power of Attorney effects de-facto
transfer of possession of the immovable property. Hence the transaction of immovable property under Power
of Attorney will attract the provisions of CCS (Conduct) Rules.
2. It is, therefore, clarified that transaction in immovable properties made by Government servants through
Power of Attorney will attract the provisions of sub-rule (2) of rule 18 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/9/98-Estt.(A), dated 29.12.1998]
18-A. Restrictions in relation to acquisition and disposal of immovable property outside India and
transactions with foreigners, etc.
Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (2) of R ule 18, no G overnment servant shall, except
with the previous sanction of the prescribed authority (a) acquire, by purchase, mortgage, lease, gift or otherwise, either in his own name or in the name of
any member of his family, any immovable property situated outside India;
(b) dispose of, by sale, mortgage, gift or otherwise or grant any lease in respect of any immovable
property situated outside India which was acquired or is held by him either in his own name or in the
name of any member of his family;
(c) enter into any transaction with any foreigner, foreign G overnment , foreign organisation or
concern,(i) for the acquisition, by purchase, mortgage, lease, gift or otherwise, either in his own name or in the
name of any member of his family, any immovable property;
(ii) for the disposal of, by sale, mortgage, gift or otherwise, or the grant of any lease in respect of any
immovable property which was acquired or is held by him either in his own name or in the name of any
member of his family.
Explanation.- In this rule "prescribed authority" has the same meaning as in Rule 18.
19. Vindication of acts and character of Government servant
(1) No G overnment servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the G overnment, have recourse
to any C ourt or to the P ress for the vindication of any official act which has been the subject-matter of
adverse criticism or an attack of a defamatory character.
P rovided that if no such sanction is received by the G overnment servant within a period of three months
from the date of receipt of his request by the G overnment, he shall be free to assume that the
permission as sought for has been granted to him.
(2) Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to prohibit a G overnment servant from vindicating his private
character or any act done by him in his private capacity and where any action for vindicating his private
character or any act done by him in private capacity is taken, the G overnment servant shall submit a
report to the prescribed authority regarding such action.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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Government. W here the Government decided to institute civil proceedings, the usual procedure for institution
of civil proceedings by Government may be followed.
5. In cases where the Government servant is required to vindicate his conduct in a Court of Law Government
will give financial assistance as laid down in sub-paragraph 2 (d) of MH A O M No. F45/5/53-Ests.(A), dated the
8 th January, 1959 (Decision No. 4 below).
6. W hen a Government servant desires to institute proceedings suo moto to vindicate the conduct in the
course of the discharge of his official duties, he will have to obtain the previous sanction of the Government
as required in Rule 16 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 (Now Rule 19).
If Government decide to grant such sanction, no question of reimbursement of any expenses to the
Government servant will arise, but advances may be granted as laid down in sub-paragraph (c) (ii) of
paragraph 2 of Ministry of Home Affairs O M No. F45/5/53-Ests.(A), dated the 8th January, 1959 (Decision No. 4
7. The appropriate authority for taking a decision in each case will be the administrative Ministry of the
Government of India concerned who will consult the Finance and Law Ministries, where necessary. The
Comptroller and Auditor General of India will exercise the powers of an administrative Ministry in respect of
the Indian Audit and Accounts Department.
8. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are
issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General
[MHA OM No. 25/32/54-Ests.(A), dated 08.01.1959]
(4) Legal and financial assistance to G overnment servants involved in law suits arising out of their official
work and conduct.
The question has been raised whether, and if so under what circumstances, Government should provide legal
and financial assistance to a Government servant for the conduct of legal proceedings by or against him. The
following decisions which have been taken in consultation with the Ministries of Law and Finance and the
Comptroller and Auditor General are circulated for information and guidance.
2. (a) P roceedings initiated by Government in respect of matters connected with the official duties or position
of the Government servant.
Government will not give any assistance to a Government servant for his defence in any proceedings, civil or
criminal instituted against him by the State in respect of matters arising out of, or connected with, his official
duties or his official position. Should, however, the proceedings conclude in favour of the Government servant,
Government will entertain his claim for reimbursement of costs incurred by him for his defence, and if
Government are satisfied from the facts and circumstance of the case that the Government servant was
subjected to the strain of the proceedings without proper justification, they will consider whether the whole or
any reasonable proportion of the expenses incurred by the Government servant for his defence should be
reimbursed to him.
(b) Proceedings in respect of matters not connected with official duties or position of the Government servant.
Government will not give any assistance to a Government servant or reimburse the expenditure incurred by
him in the conduct of proceedings in respect of matters not arising out of or connected with, his official duties
or his official position, irrespective of whether the proceedings were instituted by a private party against the
Government servant or vice versa.
(c) P roceedings instituted by a private party against a Government servant in respect of matters connected
with his official duties or position.
(i) If the Government on consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case, consider that it will be in
the public interest that Government should themselves undertake the defence of the Government servant in
such proceedings and if the Government servant agrees to such a course, the Government servant should be
required to make a statement in writing as in Annexure A and thereafter Government should make
arrangements for the conduct of the proceedings as if the proceedings had been instituted against
(ii) If the Government servant proposes to conduct his defence in such proceedings himself, the question of
reimbursement of reasonable costs incurred by him for his defence may be considered in case the proceedings
conclude in his favour. In determining the amount of costs to be so reimbursed, Government will consider how
far the court has vindicated the acts of the Government servant. The conclusion of the proceedings in favour
of the Government servant will not by itself justify reimbursement.
To enable the Government servant to meet the expenses of his defence, Government may sanction, at their
discretion an interest-free advance not exceeding Rs. 500/- or the Government servants substantive pay for
three months, which ever is greater, after obtaining from the Government servant a bond in the form
reproduced as Annexure B. The amount advanced would be subject to adjustment against the amount, if any,
to be reimbursed as above.
The Government servant may also be granted from any provident fund to which he is a subscriber, an advance
not exceeding thee months pay or one-half of the balance standing to his credit, whichever is less; this
advance will be repayable in accordance with the rules of the Fund.,%20commencement%20and%20application
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(d) P roceedings instituted by a Government servant on his being required by Government to vindicate his
official conduct.
A Government servant may be required to vindicate his conduct in a Court of Law in certain circumstances
[vide Ministry of Home Affairs O M No. F. 25/32/54-Ests.(A), dated 8th January, 1959] (Decision No.3). The
question whether costs incurred by the Government servant in such cases should be reimbursed by the
Government and if so, to what extent, should be left over for consideration in the light of the result of the
proceedings. Government may, however, sanction in interest-free advance, in suitable instalments, of an
amount to be determined by them in each case on the execution of a bond by the Government servant in the
form reproduced in Annexure B.
In determining the amount of cost to be reimbursed on the conclusion of the proceedings, the Government will
consider to what extent the Court has vindicated the acts of the Government servant in the proceedings.
Conclusion of the proceedings in favour of the Government servant will not by itself justify reimbursement.
(e) P roceedings instituted by a Government servant suo moto with the previous sanction of Government to
vindicate his conduct arising out of or connected with his official duties or position.
If a Government servant resorts to a Court of Law with the previous sanction of Government to vindicate his
conduct arising out of or connected with his official duties or position, though not required to do so by
Government, he will not ordinarily be entitled to any assistance but Government may, in deserving cases,
sanction advances in the manner indicated in sub-para (c) (ii) above but no part of the expenses incurred by
the Government servant will be reimbursed to him, even if he succeeds in the proceedings.
3. Sub-clause (d) of article 320 (3) of the Constitution requires consultation with the U nion P ublic Service
Commission on any claim by a Government servant for the reimbursement of the costs incurred by him in
defending legal proceedings instituted against him in respect of acts done or purporting to be done in
execution of his duty. In other cases, consultation with the U nion P ublic Service Commission is not obligatory,
but it will be open to Government to seek the Commissions advice, if considered necessary.
4. The question whether a case falls under 320 (3) (d) of the Constitution so as to require consultation with
the Commission may at times be difficult to determine. It may be stated generally that though consultation is
obligatory in a case where a reasonable connection exists between the act of the Government servant and the
discharge of his official duties, the act must bear such relation to the official duties that the Government
servant could lay a reasonable but not a pretended or a fanciful claim that he did it in the course of the
performance of his duties.
5. The appropriate authority for taking decision in each case will be the administrative Ministry of the
Government of India concerned who will consult the Finance and Law Ministries, where necessary. The
Comptroller and Auditor General of India will exercise the powers of an administrative Ministry in respect of
the personnel of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department.
6. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department as concerned, these orders are
issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General.
[MHA OM No. F-45/5/53-Ests.(A), dated 08.01.1959]
(Here enter description of the proceedings)
The Government of India having been pleased to undertake my defence in the above proceedings, I hereby
agree to render such assistance to Government as may be required for my defence and further agree that I
shall not hold Government in any way responsible if the proceedings end in a decision adverse to me.
Signature of the
Government Servant
[MHA OM NO. F.45/5/53-Ests.(A), dated 08.01.1959]
[This has been substituted vide decision No. (5) below].
(5) Government servants involved in legal proceedings Provision for legal and financial assistance
Attention is invited to the instructions issued in this Ministrys O ffice Memorandum No. F.45/5/53-Ests.(A),
dated the 8 th January, 1959 (Decision No. 4) regarding the grant of legal and financial assistance to the
Government servants involved in legal proceedings. In connection with these instructions the following
decision have been taken and are circulated for information and guidance :(i) W here, in a civil suit Government servant is sought to be made liable for damages for acts for negligence,%20commencement%20and%20application
82 / 100
in discharge of his official duties of civil nature and Government is impleaded on the ground of vicarious
liability, the Government should arrange for the defence of the Government servant also, provided the defence
of the Government and the Government servant are substantially the same and there is no conflict of interest.
Each case should be examined in consultation with the Law O fficers before undertaking common defence. If it
is decided to arrange for the defence of the Government servant, the Government servant should be required
to make a statement in writing as in Annexure A of the Ministry OM referred to above (Decision No. 4 above).
(ii) In cases falling under para 2 (d) of the O M referred to above the amount of the interest-free-advance will
also not exceed Rs. 500 or the Government servants substantive pay for three months whichever is greater.
(iii) The authority competent to sanction the advances under para 2 (c) (ii), 2 (d) and 2 (e) of the above O M
will be the Administrative Ministry concerned or the Comptroller and Auditor General in respect of staff serving
under him.
(iv) No second advance in respect of the same proceedings will be admissible. There will, however, be no
objection to the grant of more than one advance if they relate to different proceedings against a Government
(v) The recovery of the advance may be made in not more than twenty-four equal monthly instalments, the
exact number being determined by the sanctioning authority provided the advance is recovered before the
date of retirement. The recovery of the advance should commence on the first issue of Pay/leave
salary/subsistence allowance following the month in which the advance is drawn. The advance is recoverable
from each issue of pay/leave salary/subsistence allowance till it is repaid in full. At the time of reimbursement
of legal expenses the entire balance of advance outstanding against the Government servant should be
recovered from the amount reimbursed to him. If the amount reimbursed is less than the outstanding balance
of the advance the remaining amount will be recovered in installments as already fixed. In the case of grant
of more than one advance, the recovery of such advances should run concurrently.
(vi) W here advance under the above instructions is sanctioned to a temporary/quasi-permanent Government
servant, he should be asked to furnish a surety of a permanent central Government servant of equivalent or
higher status in the attached form (Annexure C)
(vii) The amount of advance sanctioned under the above instructions is debitable under the Minor Head "O ther
Advances" subordinate to Major Head "Loans and Advances by the Central Government".
(viii) The form of the bond at Annexure B to the instructions of the 8th January, 1959 (Decision No. 4 above)
is hereby substituted by the one attached herewith.
2. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders
are issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
[MHA OM No. 45/1/61-Ests.(A), dated 26.11.1963]
B Y T H I S B O N D Ihaving taken an advance of Rs..(Rupees ..only) from the
P resident of India (herein after called the Government) promise to pay to the Government the sum of .equal monthly installments of the 10th of every month commencing
2. A N D I agree that in case I cease to be in Government service for any reason whatsoever the entire balance
of the amount shall become at once due and payable and that in case I fail to pay the same before the date
of expiry of six months from the date I cease to be in Government service or before the date on which the
payment of the last instalment under this bond would have become due but for my ceasing to be in
Government service, whichever date is earlier, the Government without prejudice to any other right to which it
shall be entitled under any law for the time being in force, shall recover the entire balance of the amount from
Dated this day of19.
W itness to Signature (Signature of Government servant)
For and on behalf of the President of India
Know all men by these presents that Ison of Shri ..resident of .in the,%20commencement%20and%20application
83 / 100
..(hereinafter called the surety) am held and firmly bound to the P resident of India
(hereinafter called the Government) which expression shall include his successors and assignees in the sum
of Rs.(Rupeesonly) with all costs between attorney and client and all
charges and expenses that shall or may have incurred by or occasioned to the Government to be paid to the
Government for which payment to be well and truly made I hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors,
administrators and representatives firmly by these presents. As witness my hand this day of thousand nine hundred and .
W hereas the Government has agreed to grant to Shri.son of Shri..a resident
of .in the District of present employed as temporary/quasi-permanent in the
.(hereinafter called the borrower) at the borrowers own request an advance of
Rs.. (Rupees.only) for the . and whereas the borrower
has undertaken to repay the said amount in .. equal monthly instalments.
And whereas in consideration of Government having agreed to grant the aforesaid advance to the borrower the
surety has agreed to execute the above bond with such condition as hereunder is written.
Now the condition of the above written bond is that if the said borrower shall, while employed in the said
. duly and regularly pay or cause to be paid to the Government the amount of the
aforesaid advance owing to the Government by installments, then this bond shall be void otherwise the same
shall be and remain in full force and virtue.
But so nevertheless that if the borrower shall die or become insolvent or at any time cease to be in service of
the Government the whole or so much of the said sum of Rs (Rupees only) as
shall then remain unpaid shall immediately become due and payable to the Government and be recoverable
from the surety in one installment by virtue of this bond.
The obligation undertaken by the surety shall not be discharged or in any way affected by an extension of
time or any other indulgence granted by the Government to the said borrower whether with or without the
knowledge or consent of the surety.
The Government have agreed to bear the stamp duty, if any, for this document.
Signed & delivered by
the said.
of 19.
Address & Occupation of witness
84 / 100
(6) R etired G overnment servants involved in legal proceedings P rovision of legal and financial
Q uestion has been raised whether, and if so, under what circumstances, Government should provide legal and
financial assistance to a retired Government servant for the conduct of legal proceedings instituted against
him by a private party in respect of matters connected with his official duties or position before his
retirement. This has been considered by Government and it has been decided that the provisions contained in
paragraph 2 (c) of the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 45/5/53-Estt. (A) dated 8th January, 1959 (Copy
enclosed) should be extended also to retired Government servants. Accordingly, the provisions contained in
the aforesaid paragraph, with the exception of the provision regarding grant of advance from P rovident Fund,
will apply also to Government servants who have retired from service, other than those who have been
compulsorily retired from service as a measure of punishment. Further, the amount of interest free advance
that may be granted to a retired Government servant will be subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 500/2. The form of declaration to be obtained from a retired Government servant when the Government undertakes
his defence and the form of Bond to be obtained from him, if advance is granted to cover legal expenses, are
enclosed as Annexure A and B to this Office Memorandum.
3. The provisions regarding consultation with U nion P ublic Service Commission and the authority competent to
take decision in each case will be the same as those contained in Ministry of Home Affairs O ffice Memorandum
dated 8 th January, 1959.
(here enter description of the proceedings)
The Government of India having been pleased to undertake my defence in the above proceedings, I hereby
agree to render such assistance to Government as may be required for my defence and further agree that I
shall not hold Government in any way responsible if the proceedings end in a decision adverse to me.
Signature of the retired Government servant.
--------ANNEXURE B
B Y T H I S B O N D I________________________a retired Government servant at present residing at
______________________ only) from the P resident of India (hereinafter called the "Government") promise
and undertake to refund and pay to the Government the said sum of Rs. ___________________ in
______%__________ equal monthly instalment of Rs.________________ payable by the 10th of every month
commencing from _______$_________.
2. And I agree that in case I fail to pay any of the above mentioned instalment on due date, the entire
balance of the amount then remaining due shall at once become due and payable by me to the Government
and if I fail to pay the same within six months from the date on which the balance of the amount thus
becomes due for payment, the Government shall have the right to recover the same from me by the due
process of Law.
Dated this_____________day of ____________________19 .
Z (Signature),%20commencement%20and%20application
85 / 100
for and on behalf of the President of India
* Here give the name and other particulars of retired Government servant including the post held by him
before retirement.
% Here mentioned the number of instalments.
$ Here mention the date of commencement of the first instalment.
Z Here mention the designation of the officer who is authorized to execute the bond under article 299(1) of
the Constitution.
[DOPT O.M. No. 28022/1/75-Ests.(A) dated 20 th January, 1977]
(7) Vindication of the actions of G overnment servants going to press without permission of the
The staff side of the National Council (JCM) had recently suggested that the provisions contained in Rule 19
(1) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, should be amended suitably to allow U nions or
Associations of Government Employees whose activities were maligned in the P ress to vindicate themselves,
without obtaining the previous sanction of the Government.
This matter was discussed in the meeting of the Committee of the National Council set up to consider the
suggestions of the staff side for amending the Conduct Rules. W hile the suggestion that the rule should be so
amended that individual employees are enabled to go to the P ress to vindicate their position without prior
permission was not favoured, it was decided to issue further instructions to provide that Government should
take significant or positive steps in the circumstances where the adverse criticism of Government employees
in public was found to be based on wrong premises.
As the Ministry of Finance etc., are aware, instructions regarding action to be taken in the event of allegations
against Government servants in the P ress are contained in the them Ministry of Home Affairs (now
Department of Personnel and Training) O ffice Memorandum No. 25/32/54-Estt. (A) dated the 8th January, 1959
(Decision No. 3). Attention is particularly invited to para 3 to this O ffice Memorandum. It is considered that
the provisions contained therein should be invoked where it is found on an enquiry that the allegations in the
Press against individual Government servant are based on ignorance, insufficient information or even malice.
It is requested that the contents of this Office Memorandum may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
[DP&AR OM No. 11013/21/76-Estt. (A), dated 24.02.1977]
(8) Legal assistance to G overnment employees for proceedings instituted in respect of his official duty or
position by another Government employee.
Attention is invited to the Ministry of Home Affairs O ffice Memorandum No. 45/5/53-Ests.(A) dated the 8th
January, 1959, on the above mentioned subject and to say that Government have had occasion to consider
whether Government should undertake the defence of a Government employee against whom a case is filed by
another Government employee or reimburse the reasonable costs incurred by the former for his defence if such
cases are in respect of the matters connected with the formers official position or duties. It has been decided
that, whether on a consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case, it is considered that it would be
in public interest to defend a Government employee in a case filed against him by another Government
employee in respect of matters connected with the formers official duties or position, the latter may be
treated as a private party and assistance given to the former in terms of para 2 (c) of the O ffice
Memorandum referred to above. But this will not apply to cases in which the Government employee(s)
has/have been impleaded as co-respondent(s) by other Government employee (s) in suite against the
Government in regard to conditions of service such as seniority etc.
[DOPT O.M. No. 28020/1/78-Ests.(A) dated 6 th October, 1978]
20. Canvassing of non-official or other outside influence
No G overnment servant shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other outside influence to bear
upon any superior authority to further his interests in respect of matters pertaining to his service under
Government of India Decisions
(1) Representation on service matters by relatives should be discouraged
Relatives of a Government servant sometime make representations concerning service matters affecting the
Government servant. This is done in some cases in the hope of reviving a representation which the
Government servant had himself made and which had been turned down. In some cases, the procedure is
resorted to in order to get round the requirements that the Government servant should submit his
representation through his official superiors. The practice is obviously undesirable and should be strongly
discouraged. It has accordingly been decided that no notice should be taken of a representation on service
matters submitted by a relative of a Government servant. The only exception may be cases in which because
of the death or physical disability, etc. of the Government servant, it is impossible for the Government servant,%20commencement%20and%20application
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87 / 100
88 / 100
5. In regard to the representations of the type mentioned at (4) above, although the relevant rules or orders
do not prescribe a time limit for disposing of appeals and petitions by the competent authority, it should be
ensured that all such appeals and petitions receive prompt attention and are disposed within a reasonable
time. If it is anticipated that an appeal or a petition cannot be disposed of within a month of its submission,
an acknowledgement or an interim reply should be sent to the individual within a month.
6. The instructions contained in paragraph 2 of this Ministrys O ffice Memorandum No. 118/52-Ests. Dated the
30 th April, 1952, will stand modified to the extent indicated in the paragraphs 3,4 and 5 above.
Copy of the Office Memorandum No. 118/52-Ests. Dated 30 th April, 1952
Representations from Government servants on service matters advance copies.
Reference are frequently received in this Ministry enquiring whether the submission of advance copies of
representations to higher authorities is permissible and as to the treatment that should be accorded to such
copies. The matter has been carefully considered and the following instructions are issued for the guidance of
all concerned.
2. W henever, in any matter connected with his service rights or conditions, a Government servant wishes to
press a claim or to seek redress of a grievance, the proper course for him is to address his immediate superior
official, or the Head of office, or such other authority at the lowest level as he is competent to deal with the
matter. An appeal or representation to a higher authority must not be made unless the appropriate lower
authority has already rejected the claim or refused relief or ignored or unduly delayed the disposal of the
case. Representations to still higher authorities (.e.g. those addressed to the P resident, the Government or to
Honble Minister) must be submitted through the proper channel (i.e. the Head of O ffice, etc. concerned).
There will be no objection at that stage, but only at that stage to an advance copy of the representation
being sent direct.
3. The treatment by the higher authorities of advance copies of representations so received should be
governed by the following general principles
(a) If the advance copy does not clearly show that all means of securing attention or redress from lower
authorities have been duly tried and exhausted, the representation should be ignored or rejected summarily
on that ground, the reasons being communicated briefly to the Government servants. If the Government
servant persists in this prematurely addressing the higher authorities, suitable disciplinary action should be
taken against him.
(b) If the advance copy shows clearly that all appropriate lower authorities have been duly addressed and
exhausted, it should be examined to ascertain whether on the facts as stated, some grounds for interference
or for further consideration, prima facie exist. W here no such grounds appear, the representation may be
ignored or summarily rejected, the reasons being communicated briefly to the Government servant.
(c) Even where some grounds for interference or further consideration appear to exist, the appropriate lower
authority should be asked, within a reasonable time, to forward the original representation, with its report and
comments on the points urged. There is ordinarily no justification for the passing of any orders on any
representation without thus ascertaining the comments of the appropriate lower authority.
4. Some Government servants are in the habit of sending copies of their representations also to outside
authorities, i.e. authorities who are not directly concerned with the consideration thereof (e.g. other
Honorable Minister, Secretary, Members of Parliament, etc.) This is a most objectionable practice, contrary to
official propriety and subversive of good discipline and all Government servants are expected scrupulously to
eschew it.
(6) R ecommendations of the C ommittee on Service Litigations regarding representations made by the
Government employees, requiring examination in the Ministries/Departments.
On the above subject the following decision has been taken by this Department :(a) A representation made by a Government employee requiring examination only in a Ministry/Department,
should be disposed of within a maximum period of six weeks and if requiring inter-departmental consultation,
such representation should be replied to normally within a maximum period of three months.
(b) Final reply sent to a Government servant on his representation should be self-contained, cover all the
points raised by him and in a case where the representation of the Government servant is rejected, the
grounds therefore, should be clearly indicated.
[DOPT OM No. 28034/6/2002-Estt.(A), dated 11.01.2002]
89 / 100
Representations against the orders of the immediate official superior authority; and
Appeals and petitions under statutory rules and orders (such as Central Civil Services
(Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 and the petition instructions.
(Apart from the above, sometimes, Government servants also submit advance copy of
representations to the authorities higher than the appropriate/Competent Authority.)
Necessary guidelines to deal with such representations are contained in the aforesaid O.M. which are
to be followed by the administrative authorities. However, it is observed that some officials resort to the
practice of sending repeated representations on the same issue which involves repeated examination of the
same issue and bogs down the official machinery to the detriment of consideration of more important and
time-bound issues. The matter has been considered by this Department. It needs to be emphasized that
Government servants should desist from making frequent and numerous representations on the same issue.
The second representation on the same issue will be examined only if it contains any fresh points regarding
new developments or facts having a bearing on the issue. It has been decided that when representations have
already been considered and replied, further representations exceeding two on the same issue will henceforth
be ignored. A Government servant may make a representation to an authority higher than the lowest
competent authority only when he is able to establish that all the points or submissions made therein have
not been fully and properly considered by his immediate official superior, or the Head of O ffice concerned or
such other authority at the lowest level competent to deal with the matter. Government servants should
desist from prematurely addressing the higher authorities.
[DOP&Ts O.M. No.11013/4/2010-Estt. (A) Dated the 19 th April, 2010].,%20commencement%20and%20application
90 / 100
The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 have now been amended by incorporating therein the
following further provision as rule 18 (2) (now rule 21) :" No female Government servant shall marry any person who has a wife living without first obtaining the
permission of Government."
2. The above principle should govern the recruitment and conditions of service of central Government
servants. Accordingly, a provision to the effect that no female candidate who has married a person having
already a wife living, will be eligible for recruitment to a service or post unless Government specially exempt
such a candidate from the operation of this provision, may be added by the Ministries etc., in rules or orders
relating to recruitment to services and posts with which they are concerned.
[MHA OM No. 25/5/55-Ests., dated 31.05.1956]
(3) Form of declaration to be obtained from new entrants regarding their having one or more than one
Attention is invited to paragraph 3 of this Ministrys O ffice Memorandum No. 219-51-Ests., dated the 16th
O ctober, 1954 regarding plural marriage of Government servants. It was prescribed therein that candidates for
employment should be asked to indicate whether they had more than one wife living and that, if it transpired
that a declaration in the negative given by a Government servant was incorrect, he would be liable to be
dismissed from service. A model form for obtaining a declaration from new entrants is attached to this O ffice
Memorandum. It will be seen that the declaration will apply to new entrants of both sexes. It is, accordingly,
requested that necessary instructions may be given to appointing authorities under the control of the Ministry
of Finance, etc. that a declaration as in the attached form should be obtained from every entrants to
Government service hereafter.
[MHA OM No. 25/52/57-Ests.(A), dated 02.01.1958]
[As amended by MHA OM No. 25/37/69-Ests.(A), dated 22.04.1970]
1. I, Shri/Shrimati/Kumari declare as under :(i) * That I am unmarried/a widower/a widow;
(ii) * That I am married and have only one spouse living;
(iii) * That I have entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living. Application for
grant of exemption is enclosed.
(iv) That I have entered into and contracted a marriage with another person during the life-time of my spouse.
Application for grant of exemption is enclosed.
2. I solemnly affirm that the above declaration is true and I understand that in the event of the declaration
being found to be incorrect after my appointment, I shall be liable to be dismissed from service.
*Note : Please delete clause/clauses not applicable
Application for Grant of Exemption
(Vide para 1 (iii)/1(iv) of Declaration)
I request that in view of the reasons stated below, I may be granted exemption from the operation of
restriction on the recruitment to service of one having more than one wife living/ a woman who is married to a
person already having one wife or more living.
Y ours faithfully,
91 / 100
(5) In accordance with the existing orders (vide Decision No. 2)
(i) No person who has more than one wife living shall be eligible for appointment to the Service :
P rovided that the Central Government may if satisfied that there are special grounds for doing so, exempt any
person from the operation of this rule.
(ii) No female candidate who has married a person having already a wife living will be eligible for recruitment
to a service or post, unless Government specially exempts such a candidate from the operation of this
A question has been raised whether the rules prohibiting bigamous marriage are at all attracted by a case in
which a male candidate for Government service contracts a second marriage but the woman with whom the
second marriage is contracted does not under the law, acquire the status of a wife or when a female
candidate contracts a marriage with a person which is void by reason of his already having a wife living. It is
hereby clarified that even a marriage which is legally null and void by reason of there being a spouse living at
the time of the marriage, would disqualify the person concerned for appointment to Government service.
2. It is, therefore, suggested that the recruitment rules for various services may be amended to provide as
follows :(a) No person who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse living, marries in any case in which
such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life-time of such spouse, shall be eligible for
appointment to service; and
(b) No woman whose marriage is void by reason of the husband having a wife living at the time of such
marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage, shall be eligible for
appointment to service;
P rovided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that there are special grounds for so ordering exempt
any person from the operation of this rule.
3. The standard form of declaration which was circulated with this Ministrys O ffice Memorandum No.
25/52/57-Ests.(A), dated 2nd January, 1958 [Decision No. (3) above] may also be modified accordingly on the
lines indicated below :
(See up-to-date amendment form under Decision No. 3)
4. The Ministry of Finance etc., are requested to take necessary action in so far as the rules relating to
services under their administrative control are concerned.
[MHA OM No. 25/35/60-Ests.(A), dated 09.12.1960]
22. Consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs
A Government servant shall (a) strictly abide by any law relating to intoxicating drinks or drugs in force in any area in which he may
happen to be for the time being;
(b) not be under the influence of any intoxicating drink or drug during the course of his duty and shall
also take due care that the performance of his duties at any time is not affected in any way by the
influence of such drink or drug;
(bb) refrain from consuming any intoxicating drink or drug in a public place;
(c) not appear in a public place in a state of intoxication;
(d) not use any intoxicating drink or drug to excess.
E XP LANAT IO N.- For the purpose of this rule 'public place' means any place or premises (including a
conveyance) to which the public have, or are permitted to have access, whether on payment or
Government of Indias decisions
(1) Public Place Clarification regarding
The following questions have been raised by some Ministries/Departments :(i) whether the definition of public place should include a club meant exclusively for the members where it is
permissible for members to invite non-members as guests, and
(ii) whether a hotel would be a public place or not for the purpose of the said rule.
2. The position in regard to the above two points is clarified as under :i) The club of the nature mentioned above would be a public place not only for the non-member guests but,%20commencement%20and%20application
92 / 100
93 / 100
disciplinary authorities to keep a strict watch on the conduct of Government servants in regard to matters
covered by the aforesaid provisions. Violation of any of the provisions of rule 22 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules
will constitute a good and sufficient reason for taking disciplinary action against a Government servant. W hile
any of the penalties specified in rule 11 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 can be imposed on a Government
servant for good and sufficient, reason after following the prescribed procedure, the disciplinary authorities
should take a very serious view of any violation of rule 22 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and should not
hesitate to impose the severest punishment on which Government servants who are proved guilty of violating
the said rule.
[Cabinet Sectt. DP&AR OM No. 11013/17/75-Estt. (A), dated 28 th November, 1975]
Governments attention has been drawn recently to a few instances of violation of the above mentioned
conduct rules and instructions. It is, therefore, once again reiterated that
(i) every Government servant should scrupulously adhere to the provisions of the Conduct Rules relating to the
consumption of intoxicating drinks or drugs;
(ii) the disciplinary authorities should keep a strict watch on the conduct of Government servants in regard to
matters covered by the aforesaid provisions of the Conduct Rules; and
(iii) the disciplinary authorities should take very serious view of any violation of rule 22 of the CCS (Conduct)
Rules, 1964 and should not hesitate to impose the severest punishment on such Government servants who
are proved guilty of violating the said rule.
[DP&ARs OM No. 11013/3/84-Estt.(A), dated 29.03.1984]
22-A. Prohibition regarding employment of children below 14 years of age.
No Government servant shall employ to work any child below the age of 14 years.
23. Interpretation
If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these rules, it shall be referred to the G overnment
whose decision thereon shall be final.
Government of India Decisions
(1) G overnment of India is fully competent to modify, relax or dispense with any rules to prevent
hardships in any individual case.
W here the Central Government is satisfied that the operation of any rule regulating the conditions of service
of U nion Government servants, or any class of such Government servants, causes undue hardship in any
particular case, it may, by order, dispense with or relax the requirements of that rule to such extent and
subject to such conditions as it may consider necessary, for dealing with the case in a just and equitable
In this rule, the expression "U nion Government servants" means all persons whose conditions of service may
be regulated by rules made by the P resident under the proviso to Article 309 or clause (5) of Article 148 of the
[MHA Notification No. 108/54-Ests.(A), dated 20 th November, 1954]
U nder the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the power to make rules regulating the recruitment and
conditions of service of persons appointed to public services and posts in connection with the affairs of the
U nion vests in the P resident or such persons as he may direct. It is automatic that the authority which is
competent to make rules is competent also to amend or interpret them. The Government of India Act, 1935,
expressly recognized the principle that the highest Government authority has the inherent power to relax the
provisions of any service rule in individual cases of hardship where some allowance or concession, not
permissible under the strict terms of the rules, is justified. Sub-section (5) of Section 241 of the Government
of India Act, 1935, accordingly provided :"No rules made, under this Section shall be construed to limit or abridge the power of the Governor-General or
a Governor to deal with the case of any person serving His Majesty in a civil capacity in India in such manner
as may appear to him to be just and equitable :
P rovided that, where any such rule is applicable to the case of any person, the case shall not be dealt with in
any manner less favourable to him than that provided by that rule.."
2. The absence of a similar provision in the Constitution created some doubt as to whether such inherent
power is not enjoyed by the P resident. In order, therefore, to remove any doubts and to make the position in
this respect clear, the rule was promulgated in the Ministry of Home Affairs Notification No. 108/54-Ests.(A),
dated the 20 th November, 1954 (Decision No. 1 above), making express provisions on the lines of sub-section
(5) of Section 241 of the Government of India Act, 1935.
3. This rule does not introduce a new principle or procedure which was not already in vogue, but merely serves
to make explicit the position which was assumed to have prevailed heretofore. The power of the Central
Government to relax a rule as and when considered necessary to deal with any particular case in a just,%20commencement%20and%20application
94 / 100
equitable manner in intended, as in the past, to be invoked only in rare and exceptional cases. Such action
should only be taken in accordance with the accepted procedure hitherto followed in dealing with such cases.
Before an order of relaxation is passed in any case, the Ministry which made the rule proposed to be relaxed,
and other Ministries, e.g. Ministry of Home Affairs and/or Ministry of Finance as may be appropriate with
reference to the facts and circumstances and subject matter of each case, should be consulted and any
existing rules of business or procedure of the Government of India Secretariat having a bearing on the subject,
should be complied with.
4. In any case in which it is agreed by the Ministry or Ministries concerned that it is a fit case in which the
power to relax any rule should be exercised by the Central Government, the reasons for such relaxation should
be placed on record on the appropriate file, but these should not form part of the formal order itself to be
issued by the Central Government in this behalf.
5. It should be noted that the order of the Central Government which may be issued dispensing with or
relaxing the requirement of any rule in any particular case should be authenticated as an order of the
President in accordance with the requirements of Article 77 of the Constitution.
[MHA OM No. 180/54-Ests.(A), dated 25.03.1955]
24. Delegation of Powers
T he G overnment may, by general or special order, direct that any power exercisable by it or any Head
of Department under these rules (except the powers under R ule 23 and this rule) shall, subject to such
conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order, be exercisable also by such officer or authority as
may be specified in the order.
Government of India Decisions
(1) Delegation of powers to the C hief Administrative O fficer and others in respect of civilians in the
Defence Services
In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 24 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, The Central
Government hereby direct that the powers exercisable by it under sub-rule (2) of Rule, 8, Rule 13, Clause (ii)
of sub-rule (4) of Rule 16 and sub-rules (2) and (3) of Rule (18) of the said Rules shall, subject to any general
or special instructions issued in this behalf, be exercisable also by the authorities specified in column 2 of the
Table below in respect of such civilian personnel belonging to Class I I, Class I I I and Class I V Services in the
Armed Forces Headquarters and Inter-service O rganisation, as are specified in the corresponding entry in
column 3 of the said Table.
C ategories
personnel in respect of
whom power is delegated.
18(2) Do
Chief Class I I I and I V Services in
Army Headquarters and InterOfficers
Service Organisations
Ministry of Defence
Director of Civilian
95 / 100
[MHA Order No. 25/19/66-Ests.(A) dated 18 th May, 1965]
(2) Delegation of powers to the D.G .T .D. in respect of C lass I O fficers in regard to transactions in
movable and immovable property.
The Central Government hereby directs that the powers exercisable by it under sub-rules (2) and (3) of Rule
18 of the said rules shall also be exercisable by the Director General of Technical Development in respect of
Class I O fficers serving under his control, subject to the conditions that all cases of sanctions accorded by him
shall be reported to the Central Government.
[MHA OM No. 25/25/65-Ests.(A), dated 8 th June, 1965]
(3) Delegation of powers to the Administrators of Union T erritories
(i) The powers exercisable by Central Government under sub-rule (2) of Rule 8, Rule 10, Rule 13, Rule 14, subrule (1) to sub-rule (3) of Rule 15, and sub-rule (2) of Rule 19 of the Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules,
1964, shall, subject to any general or special instructions issued in this behalf be also exercisable by the
Administrators of each of the U nion Territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli,
Delhi, Goa, Daman and Diu, Himachal P radesh, Laccadive, Minicoy and Aminidivi Islands, Manipur and Tripura
in respect of persons holding Central Civil posts in the Departments and O ffices under their control, other than
Class I officers of Central Government on deputation to the Union Territories.
[MHA Order No. 25/30 (i)/65-Ests.(A), dated 8 th September, 1965]
(ii) The powers exercisable by Central Government under sub-rule (2) of Rule 4 and Explanation of 2(a) (i) to
Rule 18 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, shall subject to any general or special instructions
issued in this behalf, be also exercisable by the Administrators of each of the U nion Territories of Andaman
and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Delhi, Goa, Daman and Diu, Himachal P radesh, Laccadive,
Minicoy and Amindivi Islands, Manipur and Tripura, in respect of persons holding Central Civil Posts, Class I in
the Departments and O ffices under their control other than officers of the Central Civil Services, Class I and
holders of Central Civil posts, Class I who are serving on deputation in the Union Territories.
[MHA Order No. 25/30 (2)/65-Ests.(A), dated 8 th September, 1965]
(iii) In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 24 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, the
Central Government hereby directs that the powers exercisable by it under sub-rule (1) of Rule 8 and sub-rule
(4) of Rule 16 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, shall, subject to any general or special
instructions issued in this behalf, be also exercisable by the Administrators of each of the U nion Territories of
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Delhi, Goa, Daman and Diu, Himachal P radesh,
Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Islands, Manipur and Tripura in respect of persons holding Central Civil Posts,
Class II , Class III and Class IV in Departments and Offices under their control.
[MHA Order No. 25/30(3)/65-Ests.(A), dated the 8 th September, 1965]
(iv) In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 24 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, the
Central Government hereby directs that the powers exercisable by it under sub-rule (2) of Rule 4 and
Explanation 2(a) (i) to Rule 18 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, shall, subject to any
general or special instructions issued in this behalf, be also exercisable by the Administrators of each of the
U nion Territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Delhi, Goa, Daman and Diu,
Himachal Pradesh, Laccadive, Minicoy and Aminidivi Islands, Manipur and Tripura, in respect of persons holding
Civil Service Posts, Class I in the Departments and O ffices under their control other than officers of the
Central Civil Services, Class I and holders of Central Civil Posts, Class I who are serving on deputation in the
Union Territories.
[MHA Order No. 25/30(2)/65-Ests.(A), dated the 6 th October, 1965]
(4) Delegation of Powers to Heads of Departments
In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 24 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, the Central
Government hereby directs that the powers exercisable by it under sub-rule (4) of Rule 13 and clause (i) of
sub-rule (4) of Rule 16 of the said rules shall, subject to any general or special instructions issued by
Government in this behalf, be exercisable also be Heads of Departments in respect of Class I I, Class I I I and
Class IV Government servants under their control.
[MHA Order No. 25/30(i)/65-Ests.(A), dated 6 th October, 1965]
(5) T he prescribed authority under the various rules of the C entral C ivil Services (C onduct) R ules,
1964, will be as under :Rule
Prescribed authority
96 / 100
serving in Ministries or
Government of India and
Class I O fficers serving in
offices under their control
"The Administrative Ministry
or Department"
"Head of Department"
Rule 15 (4)
Rule 19 (2)
serving in Ministries or
Government of India and
Class I O fficers serving in
offices under their control
"The Administrative Ministry
or Department."
"Head of Office"
It is not proposed to specify any authority as "prescribed authority" under Rule 12 (subscriptions) of the CCS
(Conduct) Rules, 1964. Accordingly, the power under this Rule will be exercisable by the Administrative
Ministry or Department concerned in the case of all Government servants.
2. The "prescribed authority" for purposes of the rules mentioned above in relation to a Government servant
on foreign service, or on deputation to any other Ministry, or to any other Government will be the appropriate
authority in his parent Ministry of Department.
[MHA Order No. 25/36(2)/65-Ests.(A), dated 6 th October, 1965]
(6) T he authorities competent to receive various reports which are required to be submitted by
Government servants to "Government " under different rules of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules,
1964, shall be as under :Rule
Rule 5(2)
97 / 100
98 / 100
Reference item (iii) of the decision No. 8 above. O n reconsideration, it has been decided that, in the interest
of uniformity, such cases, in so far as they relate to retired officers of the All India Services and officers of the
Central Secretariat Service of the rank of U nder Secretary and above, should hereafter be referred to the
Ministry of Home Affairs for decision.
[MHA OM No. 29/2/63-Ests(A), dated 17 th April, 1963
Any rules corresponding to these rules in force immediately before the commencement of these rules
and applicable to the Government servants to whom these rules apply, are hereby repealed:
P rovided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been
made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules:
P rovided further that such repeal shall not affect the previous operation of the rules so repealed and a
contravention of any of the said rules shall be punishable as if it were a contravention of these rules.
(1) T ime limits for grant of permission
The time limits prescribed in O.M. No. 11013/17/77-Estt. (A) dated 19.04.1978 (Decision No. 25 under rule 18)
have been reviewed and it has been decided to prescribe the following time limits in supersession of the
earlier order, with immediate effect :Sl. Rule
No. Nos.
Provision relating to
} 30 days
Transactions in movable
immovable property
and }
6 weeks
property out side India or with
60 days
2. The above time limits are to be reckoned from the date of the receipt of the request of the Government
employee for grant of permission under the relevant rules. An acknowledgement showing the date of receipt
may be given to the employee, whenever the request is received. In the event of failure on the part of the
competent authority to communicate its decision to the Government employee concerned within the timelimits indicated above, the employee concerned shall be free to assume that permission has been granted to
3. These instructions may be brought to the notice of all authorities exercising powers under the various
provisions of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and they may be advised to ensure that all
requests of Government servants under the aforesaid rules are dealt with expeditiously so that no occasion
arises where a Government servant may be enabled to action the assumption that permission has been
granted in his case on account of the failure of the competent authority to convey its decision within the
stipulated time.
[DOPT OM No. 11013/2/88-Estt. (A) dated 07.07.1988 and 30.12.1988]
(2) Emigration of Central Government Servants to other Countries
References are received from Ministries/Departments seeking clarifications regarding grant of No O bjection
Certificate to Government employees for seeking emigration to foreign countries. The matter has been
considered carefully and it has been decided that no Government servant should apply for or seek emigration
to any other country so long as he is in Government service. The question of issuing No O bjection Certificate
to a Government servant, who wishes to migrate to a foreign country, therefore, does not arise.
[DOPT OM No. 28034/34/86-Estt. (A) dated 14.07.1988]
(3) C ourt orders against G overnment of India instructions on service matters consultation with
Ministry of Law and DoP&T on the question of filing appeals, before implementation of Courts orders
It has come to the notice of this department that in cases where the Courts have passed orders against the
Government of India instructions, the administrative Ministry/Department has not consulted the Law Ministry
on the question of filing appeal against such orders, before implementation of such orders.,%20commencement%20and%20application
99 / 100
2. The matter has been considered in this Department and it has been decided that whenever there is any
Court order against the Government of India instructions on service matters, the administrative
Ministry/Department/O ffice shall consult the Department of Legal Affairs and the Department of Personnel and
Training n the question of filing appeal against such an order, as far as possible, well in time, that is before
the time limit, if any, prescribed in such order or before the time limit for filing appeal. No such orders shall
be implemented by the concerned Departments/Ministries without first referring the matter to the Department
of Legal Affairs for advice and to Department of Personnel and Training.
[DOPT OM No. 28027/9/99-Estt. (A) dated 1 st May, 2000],%20commencement%20and%20application
100 / 100