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The Evolution of Sex Chromosomes: L.-J. Ayling and D.K. Griffin

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Evolution of sex chromosomes

Cytogenet Genome Res 99:125140 (2002)

DOI: 10.1159/000071584

The evolution of sex chromosomes

L.-J. Ayling and D.K. Griffin
Cell and Chromosome Biology Group, Department of Biological Sciences, Brunel University, Uxbridge (UK)

Abstract. Mammalian sex chromosomes appear, behave

and function differently than the autosomes, passing on their
genes in a unique sex-linked manner. The publishing of Ohnos
hypothesis provided a framework for discussion of sex chromosome evolution, allowing it to be developed and challenged
numerous times. In this report we discuss the pressures that

1. The advantages of sex

Without sex there would be almost no evolution, our fascination with
sex and the genetics may one day lead to the most important sexual problem
of all why do we bother in the first place. Steve Jones 1994.

Establishing the value of sex has proved difficult in theoretical population genetics and evolution studies (Hurst and Peck,
1996). Sex accelerates evolution, creating unique individuals,
with an ever-widening pool of ancestors. Sex is a worthwhile
(albeit expensive) way of reshuffling the genetic composition by
recombination, bringing together advantageous genes increasing the likelihood of survival, reproduction and the ability to
cope with the changing environment. Sexual organisms reaped
the benefits, rapidly evolving and growing more complex com-

drove the evolution of sex and the mechanisms by which it

occurred. We concentrate on how the sex chromosomes
evolved in mammals, discussing the various hypotheses proposed and the evidence supporting them.
Copyright 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

pared to their asexual counterparts which led to sexual-dimorphism. This is often subtle, like the bright face of the baboon
but can be more overt and costly to the organism: For instance
male peacocks have an ornate display of feathers, attracting
predators and hindering escape and the elaborate 12-foot antlers of the Irish elk may have led to their extinction (Gerhart and
Kirschner, 1997; Crow, 1994). The advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction depend upon the immediate and
long-term gains. In the short-term, sex is costly and time consuming however, in the long run, new mixtures of genes constantly arise by genetic recombination. This may provide an
organism with the most advantageous combinations of genes,
making it more likely to survive, reproduce and pass on its
genes. These are considered in Table 1 and compared to parthenogenic reproduction.

2. The origin of sex dioecy from cosexuality?

Request reprints from Dr Darren K. Griffin, Cell and Chromosome Biology Group
Department of Biological Sciences, Brunel University
Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH (UK)
telephone: 01895 274000 x2653; fax: 01895 274348
e-mail: Darren.Griffin@brunel.ac.uk


Fax + 41 61 306 12 34
E-mail karger@karger.ch

2003 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Received 19 November 2002; revision accepted 28 February 2003.

Although it is well established that sex encourages genetic

recombination and hence phenotypic variation, the question
still remains why are there separate sexes? Cosexuality
(where organisms are hermaphrodites with both male and
female sex organs) is common among marine invertebrates and
plants. However, among most animals dioecy (where there are
two morphologically distinct sexes) predominates. The female

Female Sterility


Male Sterility


Table 1. Parthenogenic reproduction versus

sexual reproduction

Male Sterility

Female Sterility

Sexual reproduction

Parthenogenic reproduction



Production of gametes is not efficient

Not all gametes give rise to new progeny.
Finding a mate and mating takes time, therefore less
offspring can be produced
Need to fend off competition from other males
Generally sexual organisms feed and protect their young

Do not need to produce gametes

A mate is not required, therefore more offspring can be
No competition
Generally asexual organisms are not required to feed
and protect their young



Harmful mutations are removed by death or infertility,

purging the population
Spreads and maintains beneficial mutations through the
The number of ancestors double in each generation
Recombination in meiosis results in diversification

Accumulates the mutations until all individuals within a

population contain it
Beneficial mutations cannot spread through the
Only one new ancestor in each generation
No recombination therefore little diversification via
mutation alone

has an obvious role; she incubates the offspring, gives birth and
often raises it, the question still arises: why do males exist
except to impregnate the females? They have been likened to
parasites, having the pleasures of reproduction, passing on their
genes, with few of the pains involved (Jones, 1994). Charlesworth (1991) postulated that dioecy evolved from cosexuality.
Dioecy from cosexuality requires a minimum of two mutational steps. One step (gynodioecy) is a polymorphism (common mutation within the population) producing females from
an inability to produce male gametes via a male sterility mutation. The second phase: androdioecy, converts cosexuals into
males via a female sterility mutation. These steps occur simultaneously resulting in a mixed population of single sex (dioecy)
and cosexuals. Eventually, the remaining co-sexual individuals
would be selected against, leaving only organisms that display
dioecy (Charlesworth 1991; Charlesworth and Charlesworth,
2000). This process is demonstrated in Fig. 1. The process of
selecting in favour of dioecy is driven by two causal factors:
resource reallocation and avoidance of inbreeding (Charlesworth, 1991; Charlseworth and Charlesworth. 2000) i.e. in the
evolution of a female, mutations cause a decrease in male fertility and an increase in female fertility. Therefore, more time and
energy can be spent in producing one gamete instead of two,



Cytogenet Genome Res 99:125140 (2002)

thus reallocated essential resources such as time and energy.

Inbreeding results from self-fertilisation and increases homozygosity i.e. individuals are more likely to get deleterious recessive alleles after inbreeding than non-inbred offspring, exhibiting the disease phenotype. Dioecy reduces the ability for an
evolving female to produce sperm and to inbreed. Therefore
most animals evolved dioecy, but the mechanisms by which sex
is determined varies from species to species.

3. Sex determination mechanisms (SDM)

3.1. Temperature-dependent sex determination
Lizards, turtles and alligators have a temperature-dependent SDM. The egg incubation temperature stimulates transcription in the sex determination pathway (Bull, 1983) (see
section 6.1.4). In alligators, an incubation temperature of 27
31 C produces females but at 3135 C males result.
3.2. Genic mechanisms
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae SDM is controlled by
the MAT (mating type) gene on chromosome 3. This has two
alleles: a and that determine mating type. The majority of its
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Fig. 1. The evolutionary hypothesis that

males and females (dioecy) developed from cosexuals. Adapted from Charlesworth (1991).


No. of X

No. of sets of

X:A ratio

Sex produced





Table 3. Summary of the various sex chromosome systems


Governing SDM

heterogametic sex

Occurrence in

temperature dependant

ZW female

almost universal
practically zero

ZW female
XY male

life it is haploid carrying either an a or allele. Cells mate with

opposite mating types by fusion and become diploid before
releasing haploid spores after meiosis (Winter et al., 1998).
Hymenoptera (ants, bees and wasps) drones (haploid males)
develop from unfertilised eggs, carrying one copy of the sexdetermining gene. Workers and queens (diploid females) develop from fertilised eggs, carrying two heterozygous copies of the
gene. Inbreeding produces weaker homozygous diploid males
with shorter life spans (Winter et al., 1998).
3.3. Chromosomal sex determination
3.3.1. The ZZ/ZW system determines sex in birds and
snakes: In most bird and snake species, females are heterogametic possessing a Z and W sex chromosome producing two
types of gametes containing either a Z or W chromosome.
Males are homogametic carrying two Z chromosomes and
produce one type of gamete (sperm). This is the ZZ/ZW system
of sex determination (Graves, 1998).
3.3.2. The XX/XY system determines sex in mammals: In
mammals males are heterogametic and females homogametic
and this is extensively conserved. Exceptions include wood
lemmings that have three sex chromosomes an X, a Y, and a
modified X (X*), which suppresses the activity of the Y. The
voles E. lutescen (that possess only one X chromosome regardless of sex) and E. tancrei (which has two X chromosomes) both
lack a Y (Fredga, 1988; Just et al., 1995).
3.3.3. Sex determination in Drosophila: Drosophila have an
XX/XY system, but sex is determined by an X:autosome ratio.
Table 2 shows the results of different ratios. Intermediate ratios
produce inter-sex flies, meta-males and meta-females. Inter-sex

flies have both male and female characteristics whereas metamales and females have poorly developed sexual characteristics
and often a shorter lifespan. This suggests that genes controlling
female sex development are on the X and male developmental
genes are on the autosomes. (Winter et al., 1998).
3.3.4. Sex determination in fish and amphibians: Only 2
3% of fish species have had their sex determining mechanism
examined. Cytogenetic studies are often impaired as fish usually have large numbers of small chromosomes. The sex determining mechanisms are varied and so far have been seen to
include XX/XY, ZW/ZZ, polygenic and XX/XO systems. The
SDMs also include more complex X-autosome and Y-autosome translocations such as: X1X1X2X2/X1X1X2, W1W2/ZZ,
X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y (Sola et al., 1981). Amphibians are difficult
to study, having a long generation time and the heterogeneity
appears independent of evolutionary divergence. The mechanisms seen include XX/XY and ZZ/ZW. The sex of some fish
and amphibian species are also strongly influenced by external
temperature and hormones (Schmid et al., 1989).
3.3.5. Chromosomal sex determination, a summary: The
classification of the chromosomes as X, Y, W and Z is used
solely to differentiate between the male and female heterogamety. The avian Z and W chromosome have a different complement of genes to that of the mammalian X and Y chromosome, suggesting that mechanism evolved independently (Baverstock et al., 1982, Dominguez-Steglich et al., 1990). These
systems are summarised in Table 3; in this review we consider,
primarily evolution of the mammalian sex chromosomes.

4. Evolution of the sex chromosomes

4.1. The morphology of the sex chromosomes
Sex chromosomes are generally microscopically distinguishable and have different shapes and/or banding patterns. The
human X chromosome constitutes approximately 5 % of the
total genome (Graves, 1998, 2000). The Y chromosome is generally much smaller, only 23 % of the human haploid genome
and only F40 genes have been identified on the Y chromosome. Many Y genes are non-functional pseudogenes with X
homologues. The marsupial sex chromosomes are significantly
smaller than that of the eutherians, with practically no Y chromosome in some species (Graves, 2000). Most mammalian sex
chromosomes are homologous over a very small portion and
rarely over an entire arm. This is termed the pseudoautosomal
region (PAR) (Burgoyne, 1982) and is the domain in which the
sex chromosomes synapse and undergo recombination (see section 6.5). The cytogenetic differences may result from structural rearrangements such as inversions, translocations, duplications and additions of heterochromatin. By contrast, in some
XY chromosome systems, the sex chromosomes share large
regions of homology and the X and Y differ minimally, these
cytogentically identical regions may have resulted from translocations of autosomes (Sola et al., 1981; Bull, 1983; Christidis,
1989; Schmid et al., 1989). The question therefore arises: by
what process did vertebrate gonosomes become heteromorphic
and why are some regions homomorphic?

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Table 2. Ratio of X chromosomes to sets of autosomes, and sex determination in Drosophila. Adapted from Winter et al. (1998)

Recombination Suppression
via Genic, Structural and/or Conformational changes

Decreased Function of loci in heteromorphic region

via a mechanism such as Mullers Rachet

Sex Chromosomes become Differentiated

Decreased meiotic activity of the Y

Fig. 2. The cyclic processes of Y chromosome degradation. Adapted from

Clark and Wall (1996).

4.2. Ohnos Law

Ohno (1967) discovered that some species of snakes have
morphologically different gonosomes that paired at a small
restricted region, others had a larger pairing region, while others still were so similar, they could only be identified as sexchromosomes by their size and banding patterns. He hypothesized that these differences represent intermediates between
undifferentiated and strongly differentiated Z and W chromosomes suggesting that the sex chromosomes evolved from a
homologous pair of autosomes, and during the degradation of
the Y, one X chromosome in females became subjected to inactivation (see section 7.1). Ohnos hypothesis has since been
applied to the mammalian XX/XY system (Graves, 1998) and
is now the accepted dogma for all sex chromosome evolution.
While snakes can be considered as intermediates in the ZZ/ZW
system of sex determination, the reindeer, Rangifer tarandus
provides intermediate examples in the XX/XY system. They
have large gonosomes, the q arms consist of substantial
amounts of heterochromatin (non-coding DNA), some parts
are homologous, but others are X specific. Unusually, the Y
chromosome has retained large amounts of euchromatin (coding DNA) homologous to the X (Lee et al., 1998).
4.3. The evolution of the heteromorphic sex chromosome
It is widely accepted that the sex chromosomes became differentiated first via suppression of crossing-over leading to the
eventual functional and structural degradation of the Y chromosome. Recombination generally is suppressed in a region
that contains heterochromatin, a structural rearrangement and/
or one containing a gene advantageous to one sex but detrimental to the other (see section 6.3). This recombination suppression allowed any mutations that occurred on the Y to become
fixed in the population. It also reduced the likelihood that the


Cytogenet Genome Res 99:125140 (2002)

mutation will be repaired. The degeneration of the Y, by Mullers Rachet, led to the sex chromosomes becoming heteromorphic (see next section). The increased differentiation of the
sex chromosomes resulted in a decreased meiotic activity of the
Y, causing further cycles of degeneration (Clark and Wall,
1996). This is simplified in Fig. 2.
4.4. Mullers Ratchet
Mullers Ratchet describes the mechanism by which the deleterious mutations accumulate on the Y chromosome (Muller,
1964; Felsenstein, 1974; Charlesworth, 1978). The mutation
rate in all chromosomes is approximately 1091011 per incorporated nucleotide (Allen, 1970; Thacker, 1985) however, the
mutations are more likely to become fixed in the Y chromosome by reducing the likelihood of recombination. Advantageous mutations are subjected to selective sweeps and fixation
becomes more rapid. Mullers Ratchet can be explained using
the Y chromosomes of three populations. The Y chromosomes
in population A have zero to three mutations, the chromosomes with zero mutations are lost from the population by random drift. The mutations prevent the Y chromosome from
recombining with the X, therefore the regeneration of mutant
free chromosomes are prevented and the ratchet is said to move
on one notch. The result of this is population B, the Y chromosomes here have one to four mutations. The chromosomes with
one mutation are lost by random drift and once again not
replaced. The resultant third generation, population C, have
between two and five mutations and so the ratchet continues to
be moved on a notch. This is illustrated in Fig. 3. The Y chromosomes were subjected to many inconsequential and random
alterations, causing the rapid acquisition and loss of many
sequences, making the Y chromosome the least conserved
genetic element in the genome (Dorit et al., 1995; Hammer,
1995; Whitfield et al., 1995).

5. Evolution of the mammalian X and Y chromosomes

Mammals are divided into three major groups, the monotremes, marsupials and placental mammals. It is assumed that
the sex chromosomes of all mammalian species arose from an
ancestor almost 200 million years ago (Hope et al., 1990).
Mammalian sex chromosome are characterised by a larger,
well-conserved X and a Y with few functional genes but more
pseudogenes, often with active X homologues. Each has an
identical PAR which pair at meiosis (see section 6.7). Ohnos
Law and Mullers Rachet only partially explain how this arose;
they do not explain why there is so little conservation between
mammalian PARs and why X genes in one mammalian taxa
may be found on various autosomes of others.
5.1. Addition attrition hypothesis
The addition-attrition hypothesis (Graves, 1995) (Fig. 4)
assumes the proto-gonosomes were small and enlarged by
cycles of autosomal additions followed by the gradual degradation (attrition) of the Y chromosome. This attrition resulted in
non-functional Y homologues of X genes, Y genes with new
novel functions and structural rearrangements. Y attrition
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Proto Sex Chromosomes

Fig. 3. The mechanism of Mullers Rachet.

The diagram shows the Y chromosome and each
stripe represents a mutation. The chromosomes
in population A have 03 mutations, the chromosomes with 0 mutations are lost from the population by random drift. The lack of recombination
caused by the mutations prevents the chromosomal repair and Mullers Rachet is said to move
on one notch producing population B. Population
B has between 1, and 4 mutations, chromosomes
with one mutation are lost by random drift and
again not replaced. The resultant third generation, population C, has between 2, and 5 mutations and so the Rachet continues to move on.

Population A

Population B

Population C

Fig. 4. The addition-attrition hypothesis for

the evolution of mammalian sex chromosomes.
Autosomal segments (A1, A2, A3) are added to
the proto sex chromosomes creating the X chromosome Recently Added (XRA1, XRA2, XRA3
respectively). At meiosis the added region was
transferred onto the Y chromosome during recombination creating the Y chromosome Recently Added (YRA) region. The chromosomes were
subjected to selection pressures, reducing recombination to produce the accumulation of mutations and thus caused attrition. The sex chromosomes were subjected to cycles of addition, recombination and attrition. (Graves, 1995).

this point they could only be partially differentiated) along with

the autosome from which the partner lost the genetic material.
At the next meiosis these new genes were able to cross over to
the Y if they were located above the X-PAR to effectively
enlarge it. Once added to the Y the region was subjected to the
same selection pressures, drift and isolation from recombination as the Y chromosome. Without recombination the genes
either accumulated mutations resulting in their inactivation
and eventual loss, or gained a male-specific function whose
selection ensured their survival. The X chromosome was not
subjected to the same attrition as the Y chromosome as it could
be passed onto female offspring, with two copies able to recombine with one another.

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eventually led to the poor conservation within mammals and

different events occurred in different lineages retaining different degrees of XY homology. The PAR of each species thus
appears to be a relic of the latest addition. Attrition of the Y
chromosome is demonstrated by studying the UBE1, AMEL
and RPS4 genes. UBE1 is present on both gonosomes in the
mouse and marsupial, but only on the X in primates suggesting
it has already been degraded and lost or the sequence has extensively mutated and cannot be detected by sequence analysis or
comparative painting. The human RPS4Y and AMELY (Y
genes) have a lower transcription rate than RPS4X and
AMELX (X genes) suggesting attrition also influences transcriptional activity (Graves, 1995). The X chromosome received the autosomal additions to produce a compound X. At
meiosis, the X chromosome paired with the Y chromosome (at


SRY Pseudogene

1.1kb transcript

Fig. 5. The basic molecular structure of the human SRY gene. Adapted
from Clark and Wall (1996).

Fig. 6. The basic interactions between SRY and DNA. The SRY protein
contains an HMG box which interacts directly with the AATAAG DNA consensus sequence to bend it at an angle essential for transcription.

6. Evolution of the Y chromosome

The Y chromosome appears to have preserved and acquired
a handful of genes essential for male survival and fertility (Jegalian and Lahn, 2001). Of the defined Y chromosome genes,
twelve are in the PAR (see section 6.7), some are pseudogenes,
degraded copies of X homologues and some are multi-copy,
male-specific genes unique to the Y and expressed only in the
testis (Graves, 1998).
6.1. The male sex determination factor (SXD)
Jost et al. (1973) demonstrated that mammalian sex differentiation begins in the foetal testis and suggested the existence
of a sex determination factor (SXD) previously called the TDF
(testis-determining factor). The key observation proving that
the mammalian Y chromosome contained the SXD was the
study of sex chromosome aneuploidy. Regardless of the number of X chromosomes, when the Y is present, the phenotype of
the individual is predominantly male (c.f. Drosophila section
3.3.3). Rare exceptions only occur (e.g. XY females) where the
SXD is deleted or inactivated. Through studying these rare
individuals the male determining gene SRY was isolated.
6.1.1. The discovery of SRY: The first candidate gene for
SXD was mapped to the distal region of Yp and named ZFY
(Page et al., 1987). This was later discounted due to the unusual
tissue expression in the mouse and its autosomal location in
marsupials and monotremes. More refined human mapping
resolved a more accurate minimal sex determination region
excluding ZFY. Studies of XX males with a Y translocation,
permitted the cloning of SRY (sex-determining region Y), map-


Cytogenet Genome Res 99:125140 (2002)

ping it to Yp11.3 (Sinclair et al., 1990). Studies of XY females

found that they carried mutations in this gene. Functional evidence was provided by inserting SRY into mouse XX embryos
resulting in transgenic males (Koopman et al., 1990, 1991).
With the exception of some species of vole (section 3.3.2), the
SRY probe always maps to the Y chromosome in eutherians.
6.1.2. The structure of the SRY gene: Sequence comparisons
between the SRY gene in mammals demonstrated poor conservation, a fairly surprising result considering its importance in
male development (Jegalian and Lahn, 2001). The basic molecular structure of SRY can be seen in Fig. 5. Downstream of
SRY is an SRY pseudogene, a second copy that has become
further degraded and has lost all function. Downstream of both
genes are CpG islands, sequences rich in cysteine and guanine
residues (i.e. have the consensus sequence CGCCCCGC).
Transcription factors such as WT-1 bind to these regions and
initiate their transcription and may be the first step in the male
developmental pathway.
SRY encodes a protein containing a 79-amino acid high
mobility group (HMG box) able to interact with the DNA consensus sequence AATAAG in the minor groove (Murphy et al.,
2001) as shown in Fig. 6. This interaction causes it to bend
through 65 in humans and 80 in mice (Graves, 1998) allowing close association between specific sequences or proteins
required for its transcriptional activity. The human and mouse
HMG-box is 71 % homologous and there is 63 % homology
between human and marsupials, outside the box there is no
homology suggesting its activity lies solely in the box (Graves,
1998). Mutations causing 46XY male-to-female sex reversal
are clustered within the HMG-box region. The HMG-box is
flanked by nuclear localisation sequences (NLS) to allow entry
into the nucleus via importin-beta, the binding and hydrolysis
of Ran-GTP dissociates the importin-beta:protein complex
(Forwood et al., 2001). Mutations in the carboxyl-NLS blocks
entry into the nucleus (Li et al., 2001), obstructing access to the
DNA and impeding its functioning. Furthermore the HMGbox directly interacts with the DNA binding domain of the
androgen receptor on the X chromosome to negatively regulate
transcription (Yuan, 2001).
6.1.3. Function of SRY: Sequence comparisons and functional analysis have provided evidence that SRY arose from
SOX3 (SRY-like HMG box containing). The Y chromosome
bears the SXD (SRY) and on the X the SXD is (SOX3) as
shown in Fig. 7b. The heterozygote SRY/SOX3 produces
males, and the homozygote SOX3/SOX3 produces females.
SOX3 is a transcription factor, activating female developmental pathways, but may also inhibit the transcription of
SOX9, key in the male determination pathway and sex differentiation (Graves, 1995). SOX9 mutations can lead to XY
females even when SRY is intact (Bowles et al., 2001). SOX3 is
very well conserved between human, mouse and marsupial and
is expressed in the central nervous system and genital ridge.
SRY however is far less conserved and only expressed in the
testis thus implying that SOX3 is the ancestral gene of SRY
(Ellis, 1996).
SRY may function by directly controlling the transcription
of SOX9, but more likely represses SOX3 to allow the transcription of SOX9 (Graves, 1998, 2000) and initiates a cascade
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Proto Proto


Proto Proto


Proto Proto



Proto Proto




Proto Proto


Fig. 7. Flow diagram to depict a theoretical sequence of events that led to the evolution of the sex chromosomes. (a) Two
homologous chromosomes. (b) The mutation of SOX3 to SRY to form the proto sex chromosomes. (c) The mutation of a sexually
selected trait (SST) to a sexually selected trait in males (SSTM) on the proto Y chromosome. (d) Mutation on the proto X produced
the XIST which suppressed recombination. (e) Accumulation of mutations on the proto Y which may have resulted in rearrangements. (f) Additions of autosomes onto the sex chromosmes to produce the PAR and other SSTM genes.






(1 copy = Male)



SOX3* + SOX3
(2 copies = Female)

Fig. 8. (a) The interactions between SOX3, SRY and SOX9. The dotted
lines represent an inhibition, the solid arrows represent an activation and the
dashed arrows a mutation. (b) The suggested interaction of a theoretical
mutant SOX3 (SOX3)) Gene. The dotted lines represent inhibition, the solid
arrows activation and the dashed arrows a mutation.

with doublesex gene, the SXD in Drosophila (Ottolenghi et al.,

Although the mechanism of sex determination differs between mammals, birds and reptiles, the developmental pathway of the gonads appears to be conserved. In many reptiles
SDM is controlled by temperature. Within the correct range,
the transcription of SOX9 is stimulated, therefore reptilian
temperature and SOX9 have similar functions to eutherian
SRY and SOX9 respectively. The protein expressed by SOX9
has been detected in both sexes of reptilian embryos, in early
development SOX9 is down regulated in females but maintained or up-regulated in males (Torres-Maldonardo et al.,
2001). AMH is expressed earlier in the testis of the American
alligator suggesting SOX9 is more likely to be involved with
testis structural organisation rather than differentiation and
AMH regulates SOX9 (Western et al., 1991a), whereas mammalian SRY and/or SOX-9 are thought to regulate AMH

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of activation and/or inhibition of other genes such as AMH (a

gene expressed in male determination). A mouse mutation
upstream of SOX9 results in the production of SRY-negative
males, thus the mutation may prevent the binding of the transcription repressor SOX3 (Chan and Rennert, 2002) (see
Fig. 8a).
Studies of XX hermaphrodites have detected a low expression of SRY, probably due to mosaicism with a Y-bearing cell
line (Ortenberg et al., 2002) suggesting that the complete genesis of testis requires a threshold of SRY concentration to be
reached. Studying XX-SRY-negative hermaphrodites permits
the discovery and confirmation of other genes involved in male
sex determination. This condition may partially be attributed
to an autosomal recessive mutation (Switonski et al., 2002) but
some cases have shown an elevated expression of SOX9 (Pailhoux et al., 2001). This was ascribed to a mutant SOX3 gene
that allowed the transcription of SOX9 (see below).
6.1.4. The origin of SRY: It is debatable whether the mutation of SOX3 to SRY was the initial feature that distinguished
the Y from the X chromosome. SRY has not yet been found in
monotremes and there is no direct evidence to suggest SRY is
the SXD in marsupials as it is broadly expressed. This suggests
SRY was not the original male SXD (Graves, 2000), perhaps
the X homologue of SOX3 mutated into SOX3* which may
lack the ability to inhibit SOX9 transcription, except when two
copies were present therefore functioning in a dose-sensitive
manner (Graves, 2000). This is simplified in Fig. 8b. A further
hypothesis has developed from the recently cloned marsupial
ATR gene. Marsupial ATRY is expressed at an appropriate
time, is testis specific and probably derived from a Y gene with
an X homologue (ATRX). ATRX is still present in the human
and mouse but ARTY is missing, maybe replaced by SOX3
before being mutated into SRY. Mutations in the human and
mouse ATRX have been connected with XY SRY positive
male-to-female sex reversal. A further causal candidate for this
condition is the human DMRT1 gene on 9p, involved in
human testis differentiation. DMRT1 has significant homology




Continued Testis

Dependant Sex

Specific Male



Continued Testis

Fig. 9. Comparisons of SOX-9 and AMH in testis determination in the

mammalian XX/XY SDM and temperature dependent sex determination
species. The initiation of the cascade varies between systems of sex determination, however the equivalent genes are activated to produce the same

(Western et al., 1999b). This is simplified in Fig. 9. Many more

genes are thought to be involved but are not shown; furthermore some of these interactions are yet to be confirmed.
6.2. The acquisition of a sexually selected trait in males
After the acquisition of SRY (Fig. 7c) other mutations may
have occurred that conferred an advantage to males (but not
females) and accumulated on the Y chromosome. SSTM is a
theoretical gene thought to have a pre-mutated X homologue.
This selective advantage made the males stronger and more
likely to reproduce than their male counterparts lacking SSTM,
allowing the gene to spread throughout the population. Recombination between SRY or SSTM must be suppressed to prevent
their loss onto the X and retain the advantage (Ellis, 1996).
6.3. Recombination suppression
Suppression in recombination caused the Y chromosome to
become genetically isolated (see Fig. 7d.) Many factors can suppress recombination such as the creation of XIST (see section
7.1) from a mutation on the X chromosome, structural conformation such as an inversion loop and the gain of heterochromatin (Karpen et al. 1996; Jegalian and Lahn, 2001), these are
listed in Table 4. In this issue, Griffin et al. (2003), based on
studies in the genus Oreochromis, argue that recombination
suppression might have come about through an initial de novo
stochastic expansion of heterochromatin. It is proposed that
under conditions suitable for the evolution of sex chromosomes
(i.e. in the presence of a sex determining gene(s)) an accumulation could lead to a delay in synapsis and a subsequent reduction in recombination. Recombination suppression by whatever mechanism resulted in the ability to retain and spread the
advantageous genes throughout the male population. Conversely, this same mechanism probably caused adverse effects.
After 34 generations without recombination in Drosophila a
test cross was performed and Rice (1994) observed a significant
reduction in lifespan and ability to reproduce, probably due to
an accumulation of recessive mutations. Without recombination, deleterious mutant genes on the Y chromosome were able
to accumulate by Mullers Rachet (Muller 1964; Felsenstein
1974; Charlesworth 1978; section 4.3) and attrition (Graves,
1995; section 5.2); this is seen in Fig. 7e.


Cytogenet Genome Res 99:125140 (2002)

6.4. The acquisition of the pseudoautosomal region (PAR)

The pseudoautosomal region (PAR) ensures recombination
and correct segregation at meiosis. Failure of this results in
reduced fertility in mice (Hassold et al., 1991; Kipling et al.,
1996). PAR genes have autosomal or partial sex-linked inheritance (Burgoyne, 1982; Rappold, 1993); some may have been
incorporated into the Y specific region and may have gained
novel functions. The PAR is shown in Fig. 7f. Humans have
two PARs. (Cooke et al., 1985; Simmler et al., 1985; Freije et
al., 1992); PAR1 is 2,600 kb on the tips of the short arms
(Brown et al., 1988; Petit et al., 1988; Rappold and Lehrach,
1988), whereas the mouse has one PAR F2,000 kb (Singh and
Jones, 1982; Kipling et al., 1996). Deletions within this region
cause infertility due the failure of spermatogenesis, demonstrating the importance of PAR1 (Gabriel-Robez et al., 1990;
Mohandas et al., 1992). PAR2 is F500 kb (Kvalay et al., 1994;
Toder et al., 2000) and recombines in F4% of meiotic products
suggesting it is not essential to proper segregation but stabilises
the XY bivalents (Bickmore and Cooke, 1987).
Marsupials are thought not to contain a PAR (Sharp, 1982)
instead they form end-to-end attachments at mid-pachytene
enabling segregation (Graves, 1998). Recently, Page et al.
(2003) established, in Thylamys elegans that XY pairing is
maintained through a dense plate developed from their axial
elements. The monotremes have large sex chromosomes with a
microscopically visible PAR consisting of Xp and Yq (Wrigley
and Graves, 1988). The evolution of the PAR2 in humans is
recent and not present in other great apes and old world monkeys which diverged about 35 million years ago (Ellis et al.,
1990). Figure 10 shows how little conservation there is in the
PAR of the eutherian species and this can be explained by the
addition-attrition hypothesis. The PAR is a remnant of the last
autosomal addition that is likely to differ between species. The
steroid sulphatase gene (STS) with a non-functional Y homologue (Yen et al., 1987) is found in the PAR in mouse and pig
(Quilter et al., 2002), but outside in human and rat (Salido et
al., 1996). Furthermore in the prosimian species lemur and galago it is autosomal (Yen et al., 1988). KALX/Y and AMELX/Y
are localised close to STS on the sex chromosomes (Del Castillo
et al., 1992; Incerti et al., 1992). This is illustrated in Fig. 11.
Genes are thought to be transferred from the autosomes to
the PAR then incorporated into the Y chromosome by an
inversion (Graves, 1995). As the pig carries STS in the PAR
and the prosmians carry it on an autosome, it is unlikely that
this occurred. As the prosimians and the rodents are thought to
have diverged at the same time it is unlikely that the gene was
independently transferred to the pig, rodent and human gonosomes. A more plausible explanation is that STS was transferred onto the sex chromosomes over 100 million years ago
and transferred back onto the prosimian autosome after this
lineage diverged (Ellis, 1996). To confirm this, surrounding
genes should be identified and the location determined in the
other species.
6.5. The resultant Y
The Y chromosome in dasyurid marsupials is very small
(10 Mbp), only containing the SXD and spermatogenesis genes.
Other marsupials eliminate the Y chromosomes from the emDownloaded by:
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(XX/XY sex

Table 4. Factors that cause the suppression of



Mechanism of action

XIST gene

Causes the premature condensation in male meiosis to prevent recombination complexes

associating (See section 7.1) resulting in over 96% of the human Y-chromosome unable to
crossover (Jegalian and Lahn, 2001).

Inversion loops

Inversion loops cause a structural change, whether pericentric or paracentric it causes a

reduction in the likelihood of recombination. This is because one chromosome will have to
loop inside the other to pair in meiosis due to the structural rearrangemnent of the genes (see
Fig. 15). Furthermore, recombination may appear suppressed if two loci become positioned
near to an area that recombines infrequently such as the centromere.

Gain of

Large regions of heterochromatin reduced the likelihood of recombination and are rarely seen
to form chiasmata in Drosophila (Karpen et al., 1996). The origin maybe from selfish or
parasitic DNA whose only function is to propagate itself.

Fig. 10. The PAR on the Y chromosomes of

eutherian species a breach of Ohnos Law.
Adapted from Graves et al. (1998).





STS = Autosomal


STS = X-linked




STS = X-linked

Fig. 11. Mammalian evolutionary tree denoting the location of the STS
Gene (approximate time of divergence in brackets, Myrs).

but a pseudogene in the mouse. The UBE1Y gene is active in

the mouse, pseudoautosomal in the platypus, a partial pseudogene in the monkey and has completely disappeared in the
human (Graves, 1998). Many other genes tell a similar story.
By examination of the nucleotide sequence of 19 genes in the
non-recombining portion of the sex chromosomes in various

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bryo in somatic growth, no longer requiring it at all. Mole voles

have completely lost the Y chromosome suggesting that the
SXD has been transferred to a different chromosome (Toder et
al., 2000). The human genes SRY, RPS4Y, SMCY and RBMY
have been mapped to two small regions at either end of the
human Y chromosome. The marsupial gene homologues have
been mapped to the tiny Y chromosome suggesting they have
been present for the last 130 million years. These genes represent the Y conserved region (YCR), and appear to have separated by an inversion (Graves, 2000). The localisation and transcription of the genes vary greatly in different mammalian species. The remaining genes are part of the YRA (Y recently added) region. It has been established that genes from the human
YRA mapped to the XRA and was probably added by the addition-attrition hypothesis. The Y is largely made up of 3.4- and
2.5-kb repeat families DYZ1 and DYZ2, together making up
5070 % of DNA of the Y chromosome (Charlesworth, 1991;
Willard, 2001); it also contains a 650-kb alphoid satellite block
and highly repeated DNA Alu and LINE elements. All repeat
elements differ in length between species suggesting no significant function. This is shown in Fig. 12.
Y attrition has led to extensive variation in the gene content
and activity in mammals. STS is active in the mouse but is a
psueudogene in humans, whereas AMEL is active in the human

mammalian studies, Jegalian and Lahn (2001) hypothesized

that the degradation of the Y genes occurred in four discrete
groups starting about 300 million years ago. Each phase
involved a suppression of crossing over in meiosis, implying
that the smaller the number of differences the more recently
they diverged and that a larger number implies crossing over
halted earlier in evolution. This is demonstrated in Fig. 13.

al., 1991; McKay et al., 1992) and are termed X recent additions (XRA) (Glas et al., 1999). XRA genes are located in three
marsupial autosomes suggesting at least three different autosomal additions. XRA is conserved in eutherians suggesting the
addition occurred after the eutherian and metatherian lineages
diverged, but before the eutherian lineages diverged from each
other. The XRA and XCR regions are shown in Fig. 14 (Graves
and Watson, 1991). The conservation of the XRA differs
between eutherians as shown in Fig. 15 (Quilter et al., 2002).

7. Evolution of the mammalian X

The isolation and purification of human and mouse X gene
sequences has led to the production of probes that allow the
detection of homologous genes in other mammalian species by
cross-species hybridisation (zoo blots or ZOO-FISH). Genes on
human Xq and proximal Xp have been mapped to the X chromosomes of marsupials and monotremes (Watson et al., 1990;
Spencer et al., 1991b; McKay et al., 1992) suggesting they arose
from a common ancestor, F170 million years ago (X conserved
region, XCR). Human distal Xp genes map to marsupial and
monotreme autosomes (Spencer et al., 1991a; Watson et

Fig. 12. The human Y chromosome indicating the presence of the PAR, Y-chromosome conserved (YCR) region with known genes, Y chromosome recently added (YRA) region and area of

7.1. X inactivation
Genes are progressively mutated and lost on the Y, in order
to prevent a partial monosomy phenotype in the male, a system
of dosage compensation has evolved. Dosage compensation
mechanisms exist in Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans and
partially in marsupials (Ohno, 1967) (see Fig. 16). Eutherians
however have evolved a specialist mechanism of dosage compensation via X inactivation through the XIST gene to produce
similar phenotypes in both sexes as one X chromosome is inactivated in the female.
7.1.1. The Lyon hypothesis of X inactivation: Lyon and Russell (1961) independently postulated the phenomenon of X
inactivation (Lyonisation). They postulated that one X chromosome is randomly inactivated in all tissues at female embryogenesis, affecting the entire chromosome with all cell
descendants displaying the same inactivation pattern (Lifchytz
and Lindsley, 1972; Gartler et al., 1991). Breaching Lyons
hypothesis, marsupials (and maybe mice) preferentially inactivate the paternally derived X chromosome via an imprint (Takagi and Sasaki, 1975; Zuccotti and Monk, 1995). Mice are
now thought to lose their paternal imprint after the first dozen
rounds of embryonic cleavage, randomising inactivation during the differentiation of the inner cell mass (Hartshorn et al.,
7.1.2. Mechanisms of preferentially inactivating paternallyderived X chromosomes: Inactivation is controlled by the X
inactivation centre (Xic) at the Xce locus, XIST is accepted as
the gene controlling it. XIST is the only known gene to be
expressed exclusively on the inactive X and transcribed but not
translated. Originally, XIST may have evolved as a factor to
suppress recombination, inactivation may have been a coincidental effect (Ellis, 1996). The XIST RNA binds to the X chro-


Cytogenet Genome Res 99:125140 (2002)

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Fig. 13. The degeneration of the Y. Adapted

from Jegalian and Lahn (2001).

Fig. 14. The mammalian X. (a) The coloured

areas represent XCR. (b) The location of the human XRA genes in marsupials and monotremes.
Adapted from Graves and Watson (1991).












Fig. 15. Comparisons of the order of Xp genes
in the human, pig and mouse. Adapted from
Quilter et al. (2002).






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Fig. 16. Dosage compensation. adapted from

Graves et al. (1998b). Y genes became mutated
and began to lose their function in cycles as the
additionattrition hypothesis suggests. The Y
gene produced fewer protein molecules (top),
hence the X gene was up-regulated or the Y allele
was up-regulated to amplify expression that may
have resulted in the gain of a new function (as
shown by (*) after a further mutation).

Female XX
(Active Xs)

Male XY
(Active X)

(CpG sites remain methylated)

(Demethylation of CpG sites)

Active Xs

Inactive X









Female Offspring
Active X


mosome inactivating the X (Borsani et al., 1991; Brown et al.,

1991b; Rastan, 1994). Initially, XIST mRNA was detected at
the four-cell stage (Zuccotti and Monk, 1995), but has now been
found at the late two-cell cleavage stage (Hartshorn et al., 2002)
where, at this stage only, it is transcribed from both Xs. The
proto-active X switches off transcription between the two-cell
and four-cell stage. The XIST mRNA is then allowed to accumulate in the nucleus from the proto-inactive X. This pool
maintains the level of inactivation without requiring immediate further transcription. (Hartshorn et al., 2002). X-chromosome inactivation is thought to be progressive, switching off
genes portion-by-portion or gene-by-gene down the chromosome.
The XIST mRNA transcript directly associates with the X
chromosome to initiate and spread inactivation (Lifschytz and
Lindsley, 1972). The X chromosome becomes stable (Brown
and Willard, 1994), prematurely condenses (McCarrey and
Dilwork, 1992; Richeler et al., 1992; Salido et al., 1992) and
forms the inactive Barr body (Brockdroff et al., 1992; Brown et
al., 1992). Under a light microscope, the Barr body appears as a
condensed heterochromatic triangular structure juxtaposed to
the nuclear membrane in interphase and amongst the chromatin replicated last in S phase (Gartler et al., 1992). Mutation
studies in mouse Xist results in permanently active X chromosomes (Penny et al., 1996). A counting mechanism ensures that
all but one X chromosome is inactivated (Grumbach et al.,
Studies using sperm, eggs and pre-implantation embryos of
mice detected CpG islands in the promoter region of Xist.
These are methylated on the X chromosome of the egg and
maternally derived X in the embryo, but not on the X chromo-


Cytogenet Genome Res 99:125140 (2002)

Inactive X

Male Offspring


Active X

some in the sperm or the paternally derived X chromosome,

suggesting imprinting occurs in oogenesis but not spermatogenesis (Ariel et al., 1995, Zuccotti and Monk, 1995). This imprint
allows the maternally derived X chromosome to remain active
(especially in males as their X is always maternally derived).
The imprint however must be lost in spermatogenesis, via
demethylation in meiosis so that it may become preferentially
inactive in future offspring. It is thought likely that the binding
of the Xist mRNA to the X chromosome to prematurely condense it was the original mechanism, the imprints and methylations probably came later to stabilise the chromosome to
increase its inertness. The mechanism by which the paternal X
chromosome is thought to be preferentially inactivated is
shown in Fig. 17.
7.1.3. Random inactivation: Eutherians randomise X inactivation (Migeon, 1994). When deleterious recessive mutations
are present, this is advantageous as the full effects are prevented by producing functional protein by the X carrying the wildtype allele (see Fig. 18). The mechanism is similar to that in
marsupials, but the imprint is lost (Kay et al., 1993, 1994; Zuccotti and Monk, 1995). The Tsix gene, so called because as it is
an antisense transcript of Xist, has been found in the Xic region
in addition to Xist (Lee et al., 1999). The expression pattern
suggests Tsix regulates Xist. The expression of the Tsix mRNA
lasts longer on the active X than the Xist, enabling it to become
established as the active X, choosing which X to inactivate.
Tsix mRNA negatively regulates Xist, either by preventing Xist
transcription or by interacting with Xist mRNA directly. Mutated Tsix allows the constitutive production of Xist and the
chromosome carrying the mutation becomes the inactive X
(Willard et al., 2001).
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Fig. 17. The mechanism of preferentially

inactivating the paternal X. The XIST gene, responsible for X inactivation, is demethylated in
spermatogenesis. Thus all female offspring will
have one active X and one inactive X, hence male
offspring always receive an active X.






Male has


Fig. 18. How randomisation of inactivation

can benefit females carrying an X-linked recessive
mutation. (a). Mutation on a paternal X chromosome (b). Mutation on a maternal X chromosome. The recessive mutation is shown by P, the
normal gene is not shown.


Preferentially inactivated

Active Inactive

Active Inactive

protein produced

Functional protein



Active Inactive

Active Inactive

protein produced


Functional protein


Both functional and non-functional

proteins present producing a less
severe phenotype

Table 5. The functions of the Zfx/y genes in the human and mouse. The house keeping genes are
active genes with original function, the inactivated gene is underlined and the gene with a new function
(i.e. from a mutation) is highlighted by italics. Human ZFX and ZFY have the same function so have
two active housekeeping genes. Mouse Zfx and Zfy have different functions so have one active housekeeping gene, requiring the second gene to be inactive in females to compensate for the male specific
function of Zfy in males



housekeeping function
male-specific function

housekeeping function
housekeeping function

housekeeping function
housekeeping function

housekeeping function

7.1.4. A further breach of Lyons hypothesis: Lyons hypothesis states that the entire inactive X is inactivated. The main
exceptions are the PAR genes, but others are also exempt. ZFX
(Xq21.3 q22.1) encodes a zinc finger protein that binds to
DNA, it escapes X inactivation in humans, but not in mice
(Adler et al., 1991). The explanation lies in the Y chromosome
homologue: ZFY. ZFX and ZFY are 97 % homologous suggesting that they bind the same or similar DNA sequences. In mice
Zfx is expressed in male and female adult tissues, whereas Zfy
is only expressed in adult and foetal male tissues, each have
different, non-overlapping functions (Schneider-Gadicke et al.,
1989; Palmer et al., 1990; Graves, 1998, 2000). This is summarised in Table 5.

8. Conclusions, commentary and the future of sex

Plato described Zeus creating sex as a punishment, splitting
apart hermaphrodites, making them forever seek their partner,
and conception could take place only if man chances upon

woman (Jones, 1994). Although a myth, it is possible that this

may have inspired Charlesworth (1991) in developing his theory that mammals evolved from cosexuals. The proto-gonosomes may have resulted from a male-sterility/female-fertility
and female-sterility/male-fertility mutation on different chromosomes producing the SXD. This argument however contains
a possible inconsistency. Each chromosome would be specific
to each sex, in vertebrates there is no chromosomal (or genic)
element specific to the homogametic sex. Therefore in mammals, the chromosome conferring female-fertility/male-infertility (i.e. the X) is carried in the males and likely to be detrimental to their reproduction. This can be overcome with a mutation
similar to the SOX3* postulated by Graves (2000) where it is
only detrimental to males when it is expressed in a two-fold
dose-dependent manner, producing infertile XXY males. Ellis
and Graves independently postulated that mammalian sex
originated from parthenogens, Ellis (1996) suggested that the
mutation of SOX3-to-SRY was the first. Graves (1995) suggested that sex was first determined by a different gene that later
mutated into, or was replaced by SOX3. In our opinion Graves

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is likely to be more accurate, as there were likely to be several

mutations before SRY was secured in mammals; maybe mammalian sex determination was controlled directly by SOX9 (as
in reptiles) or by another gene that controlled its transcription.
To the best of our knowledge however, there is no direct evidence to suggest either scheme is correct, and it still does not
explain how sexual organisms arose from asexual ones. We
believe that it is unlikely that the SOX3-to-SRY mutation was
the first mutation that differentiated the proto-sex chromosomes. This mutation was likely to have been corrected in DNA
synthesis. A more plausible explanation would be an initial
suppression in recombination via a rearrangement or acquisition of XIST. As the chromosomes were still homologous at this
stage, XIST would cause an inactivation of the proto-Y producing functional monosomy in both sexes. This may have resulted
in the doubling of expression of the sex chromosomes and as
the Y was degraded, dosage compensation was already established. Either way, recombination was suppressed allowing
additions to be made, mutations accumulated on the Y
(Graves, 1995; Muller, 1967) and any new advantageous mutations that occurred were fixed in the population (Muller,
The sex chromosomes are constantly evolving, what will
become of them? Maybe the whole genome will be transferred
to the gonosomes in several autosomal additions leaving only

two chromosomes, a very large X and relatively small Y due to

attrition. This will result in a heavy sperm (carrying the X) and
light sperm (carrying the Y). This may lead to significantly
more male offspring as the lighter Y sperm will be faster and
more likely to fertilise the egg. Furthermore, males would effectively be haploid (except for any active homologous Y genes)
whereas females would have two copies of the genome, resembling the haploid diploid system as seen in bees, but with X
inactivation (Graves et al., 1998a). Eutherians may follow marsupials and lose the PAR altogether, preventing further autosomal additions to be transferred to the Y as they do not pair via
the PAR in meiosis. Instead, addition maybe made to either the
X or Y producing the sex chromosomes XY1Y2 or X1X2Y
respectively, a system already seen among some marsupials,
monotremes and fish (Graves et al., 1998). A new SXD may
become mutated and succeed SRY. This may produce a completely different pair of sex chromosomes. Lemmings have a
modified X, along with the usual X and Y, which suppresses
the Y. Vole moles appear to lack a Y chromosome and the SRY
altogether. These may have a more advanced SDM that we
have yet to evolve. If this is true, then the Y chromosome so
long the subject of intense scientific interest (and, it might be
said, some macho posturing) may be doomed and ripe for



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