Hypnotic Somnambulism Handout
Hypnotic Somnambulism Handout
Hypnotic Somnambulism Handout
Lesson 6
123 - Somnambulist
The Somnambulist individual is 50/50. They are 50% Emotional and 50% Physical.
The Somnambulist is the best subject for stage hypnosis because he responds to
physical challenges, emotional suggestions, positive and negative hallucinations,
amnesia, anesthesia and time distortion.
Not all subjects fall into the extreme Emotional or Physical Somnambulist categories.
There are many combinations of Physical and Emotional Somnambulistic
suggestibility. We use the 100% because unless you understand the very high
Emotional Somnambulist and the very high Physical Somnambulist it may be
difficult to understand those individuals as their suggestibility moves down on the
There are three types of Somnambulists: Natural Somnambulist, Physical
Somnambulist and Emotional Somnambulist and they all respond differently to
The Emotional Somnambulist (100%) responds with the same intensity to
suggestions affecting his emotional behavior as the Physical Somnambulist (100%)
responds to suggestions relating to his physical body. The Emotional reactions are
not as immediately obvious as the Physical.
The Emotional Somnambulist appears to be in a very light state of hypnosis, or not in
hypnosis at all, while the Physical Somnambulist exhibits all the characteristics
formerly attributed to the somnambulistic state.
The difference between them however, is vast because the Natural Somnambulist will
respond equally to suggestions affecting his emotions and his physical body, and not
just to one extreme.
Depth is indicated by the intensity of your clients receptiveness to suggestions. The
ideal situation is to reach that same particular suggestibility that created the problem
in order to remove it.
Tell your client that here in the office with you Zero represents Deep Hypnotic
Sleep, and when you say, wake up, and then say the number 5, it represents
completely wide awake, refreshed, with a sense of well being.
I am going to test your suggestibility. It is one of those good tests. You cant
pass it or fail it, so please dont help me or hinder me.
If I run into fear of loss of control it is usually the first session because the
subconscious mind doesnt know what to expect.
You have never seen me before, or been hypnotized before so your defense
mechanisms are up.
By the second session, your subconscious mind knows what is going to happen so
the fear of loss of control disappears.
If I run into resistance, it is usually the second or third session because the
subconscious mind now knows what is going to happen.
Lets suppose you love sweets, but you want to quit eating them. The first session
you do fine but by the second session your subconscious mind knows what is
going to happen and begins to resist the suggestions because it identifies with
eating sweets and doesnt want to give them up.
Often I can work through the fear of loss of control and resistance so that we
wont run into it later.
However, if resistance does come up, we move right through the resistance and
go ahead and accomplish your goals.
Sometimes I can work through it here so that it never comes up in the sessions.
At this point you are actually setting the stage to let go of any resistance you
might have run into.
Then as you take your client through the Arm Rising and you see their hand jerk
a little bit use it. Say, you might be aware of your hand jerking a little bit as it
continues to lift and rise. That is ok. Youre just working through any resistance
that is there. Your hand is continuing to lift and rise, jerking and pulling inward
towards your face as if your face were a magnet drawing it pulling it. Jerking
pulling closer and closer higher and higher- with every breath continuing
to pull inward and upward
You have finished doing the Arm Rising. Reassure your client that you are not
going to put them through that again. I wont put you through this again, just this
first time because it tells me some things I need to know. However, you did get a
good demonstration. Just like your subconscious mind controls the little muscles
in your eye lids, it controls the large muscles in your arm and at least 88 to 99
percent of all you do.
If resistance comes up, it is usually on the second or third session because the
subconscious mind does know what is going to happen.
The client now begins to resist you. They may say hypnotherapy is not working.
They may eat more chocolate cake. They may feel angry and upset some that
week. They may not do their homework.
You may see it in the second or third session in the hypnotic state also. Your
client may have gone to a good depth and seemed very comfortable the first
session, but on the second or third session, they abreact a lot, move their arms
and legs, make faces and wont allow themselves to go very deep.
When you detect resistance, speak softly and say things that make them feel good
and comfortable. Say things that are non-threatening, things you know they will
agree with. Continue to do this until your client drops deeper to a medium state
and carefully begin to work with the problem they are resisting very gently and in
a positive way.
Ideo-Motor Response
At times our clients become so relaxed that they really dont wish to talk to their
hypnotherapist so I am going to ask you to use your fingers to talk to me later in
the session. Remember that you can also talk to me verbally when you wish.
If I ask you a question and the answer is yes, lift your right index finger. If I ask
you a question and the answer is no, lift your left index finger. Test it. Do you
understand? See if they lift their finger. If they do not repeat the directions.
Are you okay with stairs? If okay with stairs raise right index finger.
If I ask you to imagine or visualize something, lift your right index finger when
you have done that so that I know when to move on.
Always ask your client if they are comfortable with the steps. If they dont
answer with their fingers then ask them to lift their finger in response to the
question. Take your client down the steps now and stop at the 10th step. Touch
their forehead and say, Hold your depth right here, and reinforce the breathing
You may give other suggestions at the 10th step also. Always reinforce the Restful
Alert Key. Then continue to take them down the steps from 9 0
On 0, touch their forehead and say, Each and every time I touch your forehead,
suggest deep sleep or snap my fingers, you go to sleep quickly, soundly and
deeply and your physical body relaxes.
Fading and increase in cycles of the sound of operators voice (like radio station
fading in or out)
Control of organic body functions (heart beat, blood pressure, digestion)
Recall of lost memories (hypermnesia)
Age regression
Positive visual hallucinations, posthypnotic
Negative visual hallucinations, posthypnotic
Positive auditory hallucinations, posthypnotic
Negative auditory hallucinations, posthypnotic
Stimulations of dreams (in trance or in natural sleep)
Color sensations experienced