ECT in Schizophrenia Need For Reappraisal

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ECT in schizophrenia: need for reappraisal?

P J Saju and K S Jacob

BJP 1993, 162:573-574.
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ECT in 1991 were examined. There were 51 women

and 22 men. The average age was 63.3 years. ECT

was given according to the recognised advice in the

UK (Royal College ofPsychiatrists, 1989). A total of
646 applications of ECT were given (an average of
8.85 per course). Following stimulation, 295 fits
lasting longer than 25 seconds occurred; however,
315 fits of less than 25 seconds and 36 complete
failures to fit were noted. A consultant anaesthetist

and clinical assistant on regular attachment gave the

anaesthetic agent which was always methohexitone
and suxamethonium. Seizures were observed and

timed by the psychiatrist and nurse in charge. No

variables such as the patient's age and sex, the con
current prescription of drugs with anticonvulsant

properties, and the machine setting (ECT1 or ECT2)

were found to influence seizure duration.
At this point a new Ectron Series 5 machine was
purchased and used in the ECT department. This
machine has a larger electrical output. A repeat
prospective audit was performed to see what effect
this new machine would have on seizure length. The
treatment of 30 patients was audited. There were 24

women and 6 men with an average age of 54.6 years.

A total of 217 applications of ECT were given (an
average of 7.2 per patient, per course): 169 appli
cations resulted in fits of greater than 25 seconds, 46
in fits of less than 25 seconds, and 2 in no fit at all. The

average length of seizure induced on each application

increased from 25.6 seconds in the first audit, to
36.3 in the second audit (standard deviation of the
difference of the means = 2.55), and a comparison
using the two-tailed t-test gave this a P value of less
than 0.001.

There was no statistical difference between the two

groups of patients in sex ratios, or in the proportion
of patients receiving drugs with anticonvulsant side
effects. There was, however, a difference in the
average age: in the original sample this had been
63.32 years but in the follow-up audit was 54.6 years
(standard deviation of the difference of the means
= 3.54).



a clear-cut





two-tailed t-test had a P value of less than 0.01.

It is also interesting to note that in the second audit
it was found that there was a significant negative

correlation between age and length of seizure. This

was analysed using the rank order of correlation
(Spearman): the rho value was 0.478,
giving a P
value on a one-tailed t-test of less than 0.02. Looking
at the data of the second audit more closely, it was
apparent that the average seizure length was greater
for all age groups except for the one patient aged over
80 years. It therefore seems unlikely that the overall

increase in successful convulsions was simply due to

an age difference between the two samples.

It seems probable that the higher proportion of

patients having ultra-short convulsions prior to the
introduction of the new ECT machine was due to the
use of the Ectron Series 3 machine. This produces a
relatively low electrical output, which is likely to

be below the stimulation threshold in a significant

proportion of subjects, and should be replaced by
newer models.
Here is an example of the completion of a cycle of
audit and the successful introduction of a change in
patient management.

of ElectroconvulsiveTherapy.London: Gaskell.

Glenside Hospital
Bristol BSJ6 JDD

ECT in schizophrenia: need for reappraisal?

Sut: Introduced for the treatment of schizophrenia,
the use of electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT) has
declined over the past few decades in the West
(Weiner, 1989). Its lessdramatic response in alleviating

symptoms and the absence of long-term superiority

over neuroleptics have been highlighted in literature.
Coupled with this, the negative attitude towards
ECT in the society

and among



resulted in a reduction in its prescription.

Currently, its usein schizophrenia remainsrestricted
to acute presentations, especially with catatonic and

affective symptoms (Weiner, 1989). Physicians who

employ this treatment modality often regard it as a
last resort when the disturbance is unmanageable,
and neuroleptics used sequentially or in combination
have failed. Fortunately in India, a more liberal use
of ECI' in schizophrenia exists (Shukla, Journal,
December 1981, 139, 569571).This may be due to a
experience) and benefit in terms of cost and reduced
admissions. In addition, the sociocultural context
and its implications on patient consent (Jacob &

Rajan, Journal, April 1991, 158, 576) does not

impede its usage. In our experience, ECT employed
with concomitant neuroleptic medication in the
treatment of schizophrenia results in a decrease in
symptoms and an improvement in functioning in a
significant number of individuals. Improvement is
seen in positive psychotic attributes

which seems to

be independent of depressive manifestations. We

note an accelerated reduction in symptoms when
ECT isemployedincombination
even in chronic patients. The rapidity of response



with the attendant reduction in cost (in terms of

increased for schizophrenics, even leading to the





on the family,



it is one

of the



of schizo

finance) and shortened hospital stay justifies its use.

Maintenance neuroleptics are employed to sustain
the improvement gained. The average number of
ECTs required are greater than the amount
employed for depression. We also use it as an early

phrenia research in which there is an impressive

concordance of results (Kinnell, Journal, February
1983, 142, 204).

treatment option in patients with acute psychotic

episodes and in neuroleptic non-responders.
difficulty in identifying the responsive subgroup

clusions were derived after comparing

among chronic schizophrenic patients necessitates a

trial for those individuals who remain symptomatic
on adequate neuroleptics. The lack of long-term
side-effects, the lowered dose of concomitant anti








February 1979, 134, 169177;

Kinnell, 1983) con
the age of

mother and father of patients, with those of a control

population. The way the control population was
constructed varies among studies but in no case was
there a case-control


and we have shown

previously (Faans
et al, 1989) that a proper strati
fication of the control


is a key issue

psychotics, reduction in hospital stay, and its

cost-effectiveness make it an attractive treatment

in making appropriate comparisons. We report the

results of a study carried out in Barcelona, where the

A careful review ofWestern literature also supports

controls were selected according

been generalised'to suggest that the treatment

s.d. = 6.88 for controls; Student's t = 0.38, P= 0.71).

to the sociodemo

graphic variables of the patients in a case-control

many of these inferences (Taylor & Fleminger,
The results refer to a sample of 120 patients and
Brandonetal,Journal, February 1985,146,177183;
Dodwell & Goldberg, Journal, May 1989, 154, 635 176 controls (see Faanset al, 1989 for a description
of the two populations and the method) and are clear
639; Christison et al, 1991). However, their emphasis
seems to be lost amidst the prevalent negative point cut: there is no significant difference between patients
of view. The general reduction in the use of ECT in and controls in either the age of the mother (mean =
the West appears to have resulted in an inadequate
29.94 years, s.d. = 6.07 for patients, and mean = 29.61
evaluation of its potential. Results from studies years, s.d. = 6.12 for controls; Student's t = 0.46,
of few patients (fewer number of ECTs) without
P=0.64), or the age of the father (mean = 33.47 years,
adequate maintenance neuroleptic medication have s.d. = 7.48 for patients, and mean = 33.15 years,

not useful in the management of schizophrenia.

Considering the safety of the procedure and the sig
nificant non-response

to antipsychotics,

a trial of

ECT in schizophrenia would have to be actively con

templated. There is a definite need for a reappraisal
of its potential and of attitudes among physicians
towards this modality of treatment.
CHRISTISON,G. W., KRICH, D. G. & WYATr, R. J. (1991) When
symptoms persist: choosing alternative somatic treatments for
schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 17(2), 217248.
TAYLOR, P. J. & FLEMINGER, J. J. (1980)


for schizophrenia.

Lancet, I, 13801382.
WEINER, R. D. (1989)



In Comprehensive

Textbookof Psychiatry
(5thedn) (edsH. I.Kaplan & B. J.

Heterogeneity is widely accepted in the under

standing of schizophrenia, and many papers have
addressed the question by analysing subgroups of
patients according to several variables (family
history, age of onset, sex). When splitting our sample

into two groups according to these criteria (presence

or absence of family history of schizophrenia, early
or late age of onset, female or male) no divergence
was observed in the age of either parent when
compared with controls.
In this study, the age of the parents is shown to be
independent of the presence of schizophrenia and of
the variables that may define biological subgroups.


Department of Psychiatry
Christian Medical College
Veiore 632002, India

Parental age in schizophrenia in a case-controlled

SIR: Several studies have shown that both maternal
and paternal ages at the birth of their child are

Scasonalityof birth in schizophrenia.

An insufficient
cationof controlpopulation?SocialPsychiatryandPsychiatry
Epidemiology, 24,266-270.


Laboratory of Anthropology
Faculty of Biology
University of Barcelona
Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona

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