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Phytochemistry Letters 8 (2014) 207212

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Changes in polyamine prole in host and non-host oatpowdery

mildew interactions
G. Montilla-Bascon, D. Rubiales, E. Prats *
Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, CSIC, Apdo. 4084, Cordoba E-14080, Spain



Article history:
Received 4 February 2013
Received in revised form 19 December 2013
Accepted 7 January 2014
Available online 24 January 2014

Oat (Avena sativa L.) crop constitutes a rich source of biologically active secondary metabolites. Most of
these compounds act as chemical signals and defense metabolites and constitute a potential source for
the development of control methods for specic diseases. Polyamines are low molecular organic cations
involved in various physiological events, particularly those related to abiotic stress responses, albeit
recently their potential in disease resistance has been investigated. In this work we monitored the
polyamine content in leaves of both resistant and susceptible oat cultivars in response to Blumeria
graminis f.sp. avenae (Bga, host interaction) and with Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei (non-host
interaction). Our results show signicant differences between the resistant and susceptible cultivars
for specic free polyamine levels, and also with respect to the non-host interaction at crucial stages of the
infection process. In addition, polyamine degradation products, such as 1.3-diamino propane increased
following pathogen challenge, suggesting a role for reactive oxygen species derived from this pathway in
resistance. Exogenous application of polyamines to leaf surface increased penetration resistance of oat
against Bga. Overall, data support both, a direct and indirect role for polyamines in resistance in host and
non-host interactions, in responses of oat against appropriate and inappropriate powdery mildew formae
2014 Phytochemical Society of Europe. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Disease resistance
Host and non-host interactions
Powdery mildew

1. Introduction
Plants produce a wide number of phytochemicals useful in its
interaction with the environment including biotic and abiotic
stress factors. Polyamines can be considered as one of the earliest
known secondary metabolites in biochemistry (Galston and
Sawhney, 1990) and are considered to be ubiquitous in all living
cells. These low molecular weight compounds are positively
charged at physiological pH and hence initially their biological
function was associated with the capability of binding to
negatively charged molecules (Cohen, 1998). However, in addition
to stabilizing macromolecular structures, polyamines also act as
regulatory molecules in many fundamental cellular processes
including cell division, embryogenesis, as well as in senescence and
in response to stress (Martin-Tanguy, 1997). Recent studies
indicate that polyamines may act as cellular signals in intricate
cross talk with hormonal pathways, such as abscisic acid and
ethylene, integrated with processes of hydrogen peroxide and
nitric oxide signaling (An et al., 2008; Toumi et al., 2010; Yamasaki
and Cohen, 2006).

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 957499291; fax: +34 957499252.

E-mail address: (E. Prats).

Polyamine biosynthesis is initiated from the basic amino acids

ornithine and arginine, which are decarboxylated by ornithine
decarboxylase (ODC; EC 41.117) and arginine decarboxylase
(ADC; EC 41.119), respectively, to yield the diamine putrescine.
Putrescine then serves as the substrate for the formation of the triand tetra-amines spermidine, spermine and other derived polyamines. The earliest reported changes in polyamines were
associated with the response to abiotic stresses as reviewed by
Alcazar et al. (2010). However, recent studies also show polyamine
accumulation in response to pathogens (Walters, 2003). However
the physiological signicance of these responses, the dynamics of
polyamines at the very early stages of the infection, or whether
same polyamines have a similar role during resistance responses in
different plant species remains unclear. Furthermore, very little is
known about the role of polyamines in a non-host interaction with
the sole evidence of their involvement during the attempted
infection of bacteria to non-host tobacco plants (Yoda et al., 2009).
Oat powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. avenae, Bga) is a
biotrophic fungus that develops reasonably synchronously through
a highly ordered morphogenetic sequence slightly delayed with
respect barley powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei, Bgh)
reviewed by Green et al. (2002). Emergence of a short primary germ
tube is followed by that of the second, appressorial germ tube that
elongates and differentiates a hooked, apical appressorium. A
penetration peg emerging beneath the appressorium (1416 h after

1874-3900/$ see front matter 2014 Phytochemical Society of Europe. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


G. Montilla-Bascon et al. / Phytochemistry Letters 8 (2014) 207212

inoculation) attempts to breach the plant epidermal cell wall. If

successful, it enters the cell lumen where its tip swells and
differentiates (2024 h after inoculation) a mature haustorium. This
absorbs nutrients from the epidermal cell to support further fungal
growth. Alternatively plants may hamper the infection process to
limit fungal multiplication. The best known mechanisms by which
cereal defend against powdery mildew are by forming papillae cell
wall appositions deposited on the inner surface of epidermal cell
walls directly beneath appressoria that impede fungal penetration
within the epidermal cell, and by the death of penetrated cells.
The objective of this work is to reveal changes on specic free
polyamines during the resistance response of oat against Blumeria
graminis f.sp. avenae focusing in the very early changes occurred
following inoculation, and the role of each specic polyamine in
the different resistant mechanisms (i.e. penetration resistance, cell
death). Furthermore, we investigated the role of polyamines
during the non-host interaction between oat and the barley
powdery mildew fungus (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei).
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Plant material and inoculation
Seedlings of the oat (A. sativa) cultivars Charming (resistant to
powdery mildew) and Selma (susceptible to powdery mildew)
were used. Seedlings were grown in plastic pots with peat:sand
(3:1) in a growth chamber with 20 8C, 65% relative humidity and
under 12 h dark/12 h light with 200 mmol m 2 s 1 photon ux
density supplied by high-output white uorescent tubes.
For host interaction studies, both oat cultivars were inoculated
with Blumeria graminis f.sp. avenae race 5. For non-host interactions cultivar Selma was inoculated with Blumeria graminis f.sp.
hordei isolate CC1 according to Prats et al. (2005).
2.2. Microscopic observations
For histological studies, leaves were xed at 48 h after
inoculation and cleared as described by Carver et al. (1994).
Fungal structures were stained with aniline blue in lactoglycerol
(0.1%) according to Lyngkjaer and Carver (1999). Observations
were made with a Leica DM LS phase contrast microscope (Leica
Microsystems) tted with differential interference contrast and
incident uorescence attachments (blue exciter lter, max
transmittance 480 nm; dichroic mirror and barrier lter transmittance > 530 nm).
2.3. Polyamine quantication
The standard polyamines, putrescine, spermidine,spermine
and 1.3-diamino propane (DAP) were obtained as their hydrochlorides (Sigma) whereas agmatine was obtained as its sulfate
(Sigma) and norspermidine was used as free base (Aldrich). At 12,
24 and 48 h after inoculation oat leaves were xed in liquid
nitrogen and stored frozen until use. Plant extracts were obtained
by homogenizing the plant tissue in perchloric acid (0.1, w/v)
according to Flores and Galston (1982). Standards and plant
extracts were benzoylated according to Redmond and Tseng
(1979). High performance liquid chromatography analysis of
benzoyl-PAs was performed according to Slocum et al. (1989),
using an Agilent 2100 Series HPLC.

measuring the 14CO2 resulting from the specic decarboxylation

of arginine catalysed by this enzyme. Enzyme was expressed as
nmol 14CO2 released/h mg protein. Protein was determined
according to the method of Bradford (Bradford, 1976). Bovine gglobulin (Sigma) was used as a standard.
2.5. Polyamine bioassay
To assess the effects of polyamines on the different resistance
mechanisms, a 1 mM solution of each polyamine with 0.1% Tween
20 was sprayed over the entire plant until surface runoff was
observed. Control plants were similarly treated with 0.1% Tween
20 in water. Treatment was applied twice a day during two days
and the third day plants were inoculated and xed for microscopic
In addition a second polyamine application was performed by
removing the abaxial leaf epidermis and oating the leaf segments
on solution, to bathe the mesophyll and facilitate a wide access of
polyamine solution to the adaxial (inoculated) epidermis (Lyngkjaer et al., 1997; Zeyen et al., 2002b). Therefore, the abaxial
epidermis was removed and the central 30 mm leaf segment was
excised and oated adaxial (intact) surface up, in a randomised
design, on individual 10 ml aliquots of the appropriate solution
1 mM of each polyamine contained in wells of multi-compartment
boxes. Segments were held for 1 h for uptake before inoculation
using a settling tower placed directly over the oating segments.
Transparent lids were tted to the boxes which were placed in the
growth cabinet for 36 h incubation before segments were xed as
stated above.
2.6. Statistic
Five replications were used for experimentation. For statistical
analysis, percentages from microscopy studies were transformed
to arcsine square roots to normalize data and stabilize variances
throughout the data range. Data were subjected to analysis of
variance using SPSS sofware, after which residual plots were
inspected to conrm data conformed to normality. Signicances of
mean differences were assessed following contrast analysis
3. Results
3.1. Microscopic characterization of resistance responses to Bga
Histological characterization shown in Table 1 conrmed the
susceptibility of cultivar Selma with approximately 70% of
established colonies. No cell death was evident, and failed attempted
penetration due to papilla formation was observed in the 30% of the
cases. In contrast, cultivar Charming was resistant with only 9%
established colonies, with a combination of penetration resistance
(44%) and hypersensitive response. Approximately 47% of cells
triggered a hypersensitive response leading to the death of the cell.
From this, 26.7% of the cells showed death symptoms before any
haustorium could be observed and the response was considered an
early and rapid hypersensitive response whereas in 20% of the cells a
small haustorium was observed in the dead cell and the response
was considered a late hypersensitive response.

2.4. Analysis of arginine decarboxylase activity

3.2. Polyamine content and arginine decarboxylase activity in oat

leaves following Bga attack (host interaction)

Arginine decarboxylase activity in the leaf extract was

determined as previously described by (Tiburcio et al., 1986),
using L-[U-14C]arginine (Amersham, UK) as substrate, and

Detailed quantication of polyamines showed signicant

differences between the resistant and the susceptible cultivar,
regarding specic polyamines and time-frame during the infection

G. Montilla-Bascon et al. / Phytochemistry Letters 8 (2014) 207212

Table 1
Effect of polyamine application on resistance responses of oat cultivars Selma,
susceptible, and Charming, resistant, to powdery mildew (Bga) infection.

Pen Resa

Early HR

Late HR

Total HR












Data obtained at 48 h after inoculation. The percentage of germlings that reached
different developmental stages (passing from one stage to the next), (a) formed an
appressorium but not penetrated the cell (Pen Resist), (b) penetrated the cell but a
rapid hypersensitive response avoid haustorium development (Early HR), (c)
penetrated the cell and a late hypersensitive response develop but allowing
haustorium development (Late HR), (d) penetrated the cell and establish a colony (Est)
not associated with cell necrosis, were scored from 100 infection units. Analysis of
variance was applied to transformed replicate data. *** indicate a signicant
difference between cultivars at P < 0.001. Data are mean of 5 replications.

process (Fig. 1). Putrescine levels were slightly but signicantly

increased in both cultivars at 24 h after inoculation. In addition, an
early increase at 12 h after inoculation in DAP was observed in
Charming following Bga inoculation (Fig. 1). Selma overall showed
higher levels than Charming (P < 0.001) albeit no changes with
inoculation were observed. By contrary Charming showed
signicantly higher levels of the polyamine spermidine than
Selma (P < 0.01) and in addition showed a signicant increase at
24 h after inoculation of more than 40% respect to constitutive
levels (P < 0.05).
Arginine decarboxylase activity was signicantly higher in
Charming compared with Selma (P < 0.05) with a mean of
55.6  2.74 and 46.3  3.93 nmol 14CO2 released h 1 mg prot 1,
respectively. Following inoculation arginine decarboxylase activity
was signicantly higher in inoculated Charming leaves compared to
Selma at 12 and 24 h after inoculation although a signicant decrease
was observed at 48 h after inoculation (Fig. 2A).
3.3. Polyamine content and arginine decarboxylase activity in oat
leaves following Bgh attack (non-host interaction)
Following non-host inoculation of oat (Selma) leaves with Bgh
an increase in putrescine was observed during the early stages of
the interaction (12 and 24 h.a.i). These changes were correlated
with an increase in agmatine also at very early stages of the oat
Bgh interaction (Fig. 3). Interestingly also an increase in
norspermidine was observed at late stages of the interaction
(Fig. 3). No changes in DAP, spermine or spermidine were observed
following inoculation of the oat leaves with the inappropriate
powdery mildew f.sp. Arginine decarboxylase activity of healthy
plants was by mean 51 nmol 14CO2 released h 1 mg prot 1.
Increase in agmatine followed the same trend that the increase
in arginine decarboxylase activity of the inoculated plants respect
to their controls at 12 h after inoculation. Levels of arginine
decarboxylase activity of inoculated leaves were similar to those
found in healthy plants at 24 h after inoculation and slightly lower
at 48 h after inoculation (Fig. 2B).
3.4. Effect of exogenous polyamine application on the different
resistance responses of oat to powdery mildew
Exogenous spraying of a 1 mM solution of each individual
polyamine on leaves prior fungal inoculation increased the


resistance response of the susceptible cultivar Selma but not of

the resistant Charming (Table 1). Interestingly, the effect of all
polyamines was observed regarding the penetration resistance.
Thus, all assayed polyamines increased the percentage of
penetration resistance in Selma up to the levels observed in
Charming (Table 1). This led to a signicant decrease in the
percentage of established colonies following polyamine spraying.
No toxic symptoms in the leaves or in the fungal development
were observed following this application. No effect of polyamine
application was observed with respect to the percentage of
hypersensitive response in any of the cultivars.
Interestingly, when polyamines were applied to strippedepidermal leaf segments allowing solutions to bath mesophyll
cells, a toxic effect on the fungus was observed. In Charming the
rate of abnormally germinated conidia (i.e. formation of multi
germ tubes, long germ tubes or very thin appresorial tubes) in
control plants was 25.3%. However, application of agmatine,
putrescine, spermine and spermidine increased signicantly
(P < 0.001) the number of abnormally germinated conidia up to
69.4%, 49.5%, 39.4%, and 43.7%, respectively. Similarly, whereas in
Selma the rate of abnormally germinated or conidia was 15.8%,
application of agmatine, putrescine, spermine and spermidine
increased signicantly (P < 0.001) these percentages to 64.6%,
35.2%, 45.2%, and 46.0% respectively.
4. Discussion
Traditionally it has been assigned a role for polyamines during
resistance to abiotic stresses. However, a few reports have recently
highlighted the modulation of polyamines proles during compatible and incompatible interaction of several plants species and
their pathogens (Carver et al., 1992; Cowley and Walters, 2002b;
Christopher-Kozjan and Heath, 2003; Krippner-Heidenreich et al.,
2001). Increased levels of free putrescine and spermine have been
associated with the resistance response of barley to powdery
mildew (Cowley and Walters, 2002a,b) but also with compatible
responses during the later stages of infection (Coghlan and
Walters, 1990). Particularly it has been reported an increase of
free putrescine and spermine in barley plants of cultivar Delibes
carrying the genes Ml1al and Ml(Ab) conferring hypersensitive
response to Bgh (Cowley and Walters, 2002b). However, it is
difcult to associate this polyamine increase to the hypersensitive
response or the penetration resistance since the later response was
not microscopically characterised. In this sense, our data showed
an early (24 h after inoculation) increase in putrescine in both
resistant and susceptible oat cultivars infected with Bga. Since even
the susceptible cultivar Selma showed a moderate level of
penetration resistance, the increase in putrescine could be
associated with this resistance mechanism. Supporting this,
exogenous application of putrescine to Selma leaves increased
the level of penetration resistance up to the level observed in the
resistant cultivar Charming. No additional effect of putrescine on
penetration resistance could be observed in Charming which could
indicate that polyamine content in Charming could be near to the
maximum threshold at which it exerts its inuence. Furthermore
an increase in spermidine was also observed in Charming at time of
papilla formation and its exogenous application also lead to an
increase in penetration resistance. Thus, the combined levels of
putrescine and spermidine or a synergistic effect might explain at
least in part the higher penetration resistance observed in
Charming. The time at which the increase in polyamines was
observed t with the time at which penetration mechanisms are
engaged during the oatBga interaction. Interestingly, an increase
in DAP was observed early, at 12 h after inoculation Since DAP is
formed by spermine oxidation mediated by polyamine oxidase,
data suggest that the H2O2 generated might contribute to the

G. Montilla-Bascon et al. / Phytochemistry Letters 8 (2014) 207212











nmol polyamine / g FW













Hours after inoculation

Fig. 1. Polyamine content in Selma and Charming cultivars during the host interaction oatBga. Putrescine, DAP, norspermidine, spermidine, spermine, and agmatine were
quantied in susceptible Selma and resistant Charming plants during a time course following inoculation with the host fungus Bga. Data are mean of 5 replicates  standard
error. White bar = control, healthy plants; Grey bars = plants inoculated with Bga. *, **, *** indicate signicant differences at P < 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 respectively between control
and inoculated plants; absence of stars indicates no signicant differences.

localized oxidative burst which occurs directly beneath the region

of attempted penetration (Huckelhoven, 2007; Vanacker et al.,
2000). This leads to the rapid accumulation of hydrogen peroxide
at the site of papilla formation which is involved in the oxidative
cross linking of the papilla component in the callose matrix.
Alternatively, the earliness at which DAP was increased in
Charming point out to a role for H2O2 as messenger for the papilla
assembling. Indeed, H2O2 together with nitric oxide have been
proposed as the earliest signals triggering both penetration
resistance and hypersensitive response (Huckelhoven and Kogel,
2003; Prats et al., 2005). Overall our data showed a role for
polyamines, particularly for putrescine, spermidine and DAP in the
penetration resistance response of oat to its appropriate powdery

mildew f.sp., Bga. No signicant increases in any of the assessed

polyamines were observed at later stages of the infection processes
correlating with the hypersensitive response. In addition, exogenous application of polyamines did not increase the percentage of
cell death, early or late, in any of the cultivars.
A direct fungi toxic role could also be attributed to polyamines
since high abundance of these compounds in the epidermal cells
following bath of mesophyll cells in polyamines solutions lead to
abnormal fungal development at the very early stages. Since one of
the functions of the PGT is to gain access to water and other host
components directly through epidermis (Carver and Bushnell,
1983), polyamines could entry early into the fungus and exert a
toxic effect. Polyamines are important regulators of growth and
















% respct healthy control

% respect healthy control

G. Montilla-Bascon et al. / Phytochemistry Letters 8 (2014) 207212


Hours after inoculation

Fig. 2. Arginine decarboxylase (ADC) activity in oat leaves during the host and non-host interaction. (A) ADC activity in Selma and Charming cultivars during the host
interaction oatBga. ADC activity of inoculated Selma (white bars) and Charming (black bars) cultivars, respect to healthy plants during a time course following inoculation
with the host fungus Bga. (B) ADC activity in Selma plants during the non-host interaction oatBgh. Bars indicate the ADC activity of inoculated Selma respect to healthy plants
during a time course following inoculation with the non-host fungus Bgh. Data are mean of 5 replicates  standard error. *, ** indicate signicant differences at P < 0.05 and 0.01
respectively between cultivars; absence of stars indicates no signicant differences.

differentiation in higher eukaryotic organisms including fungi

(Pegg, 1988; Walters, 1995). It has been described that whereas
polyamine depletion in fungal cells results in growth cessation,
excessive intracellular accumulation of polyamines may be
cytotoxic (Valdes-Santiago et al., 2012). Thus, an excess of
polyamine uptake during this treatment might be responsible
for a deregulation of the polyamine metabolism leading to the
fungal growth abnormalities observed. However, this direct
fungicide effect does not appear to be the cause of the reduction
of disease following polyamine spraying where normal fungal
development, including appressorium and haustorium formation
was observed.
Attempted infection of a cereal in a non-host interaction is
commonly arrested by papilla deposition at attempted penetration



site and, if cell is penetrated, the challenged epidermal cell dies

before haustoria are formed or mature (Bushnell and Bergquist,
1975; Niks and Rubiales, 2002). The frequency of these responses
appears to be inuenced by fungal f.sp., plant genus and by even
genotypic variation in the host (Rubiales and Carver, 2000).
However, inappropriate relationships rarely allow fungal development to proceed to sporulation. During the non-host interaction
between Selma and Bgh, approximately 50% of the penetration
attempts were successfully hampered by penetration resistance
mechanisms and the penetrated cells developed a programmed
cell death so no sporulation of the fungus was observed (data not
shown, Carver et al., 1992). Our data shows a very fast increase in
the polyamine putrescine from 12 h after inoculation that might
contribute to the penetration resistance observed during the




















nmol polyamine / g FW

nmol polyamine / g FW








Fig. 3. Polyamine content in Selma cultivar during the non-host interaction oatBgh. Putrescine, DAP, norspermidine, spermidine, spermine, and agmatine were quantied in
Selma plants during a time course following inoculation with the non-host fungus Bgh. Data are mean of 5 replicates  standard error. White bar = control, healthy plants; Grey
bars = plants inoculated with Bgh. *, **, *** indicate signicant differences at P < 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 respectively between control and inoculated plants; absence of stars indicates
no signicant differences.


G. Montilla-Bascon et al. / Phytochemistry Letters 8 (2014) 207212

non-host interaction between oat and Bgh. The earliness of the

response might account for the higher penetration resistance
observed during the non-host interaction since the speed at which
the resistance machinery is triggered as well as the speed of
deposition and compaction of papilla is crucial for successful
defense (Huckelhoven, 2007; Prats et al., 2005; von Ropenack et al.,
1998). In addition, a signicant increase in norspermidine and
slight increase in spermidine at later stages, i.e. 48 h after
inoculation might contribute for cell death during the non-host
interaction. Norspermidine levels were not changed during the
host interaction oatBga. However, evidence suggests that
processes leading to cell death differ between R-gene controlled
cell death and non-host cell death (Christopher-Kozjan and Heath,
2003). Increased levels of putrescine and spermidine have been
reported during the non-host interaction of tobacco plants with
the bacteria Pseudomonas cichorii which lead to an extensive cell
death reaction. These polyamines were shown to serve as the
source of hydrogen peroxide during the non-host cell death (Yoda
et al., 2009). The increase in agmatine observed at 12 h after
inoculation together with the increase in arginine decarboxylase
activity respect to non-inoculated plants at this time point, suggest
the involvement of this pathway in the increase of polyamines
observed while we cannot rule out the involvement of the
ornithine decarboxylase enzyme in the increase of polyamines
This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation [AGL2010-15936/AGR], and regional government
through the AGR-253 group, the European Regional and Social
Development Funds and a JAE fellowship from the CSIC to [GMB].
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