GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay Topic - 14

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GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay Topic - 14

"Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other area-can be useful. They focus our attention on
problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."

GRE AWA Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay Sample

Solution - 14
Scandals have been a part of almost every field. They involve shocking, immoral or illegal
behavior of people which is not approved of in the society. Because of their immoral nature they
raise different extreme feelings and reactions amongst people. A scandal is therefore a problem
generated in the society which becomes a concern and issue for a larger section of the society.
It is correct that we learn by making mistakes. It is only with experience of dealing with difficult
situations that a person becomes wiser and practical. The problem forces you to try all the
possible solutions and you come up with a permanent and lasting solution. Therefore, there is
increased number of chances of not repeating it again. This type of learning that comes by
actually committing mistakes lasts longer and you will never forget it. However, if you prepare
for a problem that you might face in future, you are not going to pay as much attention to it as
you pay to the existing problem.
When the problem takes shape of a scandal, there are more people involved and affected by it.
The feelings and sentiments of people are affected and finding a solution becomes all the more
difficult. It disrupts the peace, law and order of a place. It becomes very important to take control
and find a solution of such a situation. Hence it becomes the thing of utmost importance for any
leader to bring back the situation of peace and normalcy.
This task is also done by reformers and speakers. However, the difference lies in the fact that
reformers preach and spread morally and legally correct practices while in a scandal the leader
practically struggles to find a solution. It is human nature to give more importance to the existing
problems rather than prepare for a problem that you might face in future. Then comes the
question, "Is the solution found for an existing problem better than that for a problem that one
might face is future?" It may not be easy to answer this because the practicality of a solution is
seen only by practicing it. However, the work done by reformers cannot be ignored. It is but for
them that a society holds its morals and values.
We can then understand that scandals and existing problems are useful for us in a way since they
help in focusing our attention more towards the problem and its solution. However, who takes up
the responsibility of the situation? Considering that it involves a large number of people, a
solution cannot be found out unless all or the majority of people are willing to find a solution and
comply by the rules. A leader alone cannot find a permanent solution. Therefore, it depends upon
the attitude of the society as a whole to look at the scandal as a common problem and not remain
divided over it. This is where a reformer steps in. He unites people by preaching morally correct

and good values. It is only by his teachings that a change can be brought in the thinking of
people and a lasting solution be found by the authorities.
Conclusively, it can be said that the scandals definitely focus our attention towards the problems
but a solution to the problem is found only when the attitude of people concerned is reformed.

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