Su14 IE 343 Session 28

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Session 28

Replacement Analysis


IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)

Replacement Analysis
The objective of Chapter 9 is to address the question of whether a
currently owned asset should be kept in service or immediately
What to do with an existing asset?


Keep it
Abandon it (do not replace)
Replace it, but keep it for backup purposes
Augment the capacity of the asset
Dispose of it, and replace it with another
IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)

Replacement Analysis
Three reasons to consider a change:
Physical impairment (deterioration)
Altered requirements
New and improved technology is now available.

The second and third reasons are sometimes referred to as different

categories of obsolescence.

IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)

Replacement Analysis
Economic life: the period of time (years) that yields the minimum
equivalent uniform annual cost (EUAC) of owning and operating an
Ownership life: the period between acquisition and disposal by a
specific owner.
Physical life: period between original acquisition and final disposal
over the entire life of an asset.
Useful life: the time period an asset is kept in productive service
(primary or backup).

IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)

Past Estimation Errors

Any study today is about the futurepast estimation errors related
to the defender are irrelevant.
The only exception to the above is if there are income tax implications
forthcoming that were not foreseen.


IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)

Sunk-Cost Trap
Only present and future cash flows are considered in replacement
Past decisions are relevant only to the extent that they resulted in the
current situation.
Sunk costsused here as the difference between an assets BV and
MV at a particular point in timehave no relevance except to the
extent they affect income taxes.

IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)

Outsider Viewpoint
The outsider viewpoint is the perspective taken by an impartial third
party to establish the fair MV of the defender. Also called the
opportunity cost approach.
The opportunity cost is the opportunity foregone by deciding to keep
an asset.
If an upgrade of the defender is required to have a competitive
service level with the challenger, this should be added to the present
realizable MV.

IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)

Economic Lives of Challenger and Defender

The economic life of the challenger minimizes the EUAC.
The economic life of the defender is often one year, so a proper
analysis may be between different-lived alternatives.

The defender may be kept longer than its apparent economic life as
long as its marginal cost is less than the minimum EUAC of the
challenger over its economic life.


IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)

Income Taxes
Replacement often results in gains or losses from the sale of
depreciable property.
Studies must be made on an after-tax basis for an accurate economic
analysis since this can have a considerable effect on the resulting


IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)

Before-Tax PW (example)
Acme owns a CNC machine that it is considering replacing. Its current
market value is $25,000, but it can be productively used for four more
years at which time its market value will be zero. Operating and
maintenance expenses are $50,000 per year
Acme can purchase a new CNC machine, with the same functionality
as the current machine, for $90,000. In four years the market value of
the new machine is estimated to be $45,000. Annual operating and
maintenance costs will be $35,000 per year.
Question: Should the old CNC machine be replaced using a before-tax
MARR of 15% and a study period of four years?

IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)


Before-Tax PW (example)


PW of the Challenger is slightly greater than that of the Defender.


IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)


Before-Tax PW (example)


IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)


Before-Tax PW (example)


IE 343, Summer 2014, Engineering Economy (Sullivan, 16th)


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