Monthly Update 201003 04 PDF
Monthly Update 201003 04 PDF
Monthly Update 201003 04 PDF
In This Issue:
December 2010
They described the delivery of gender-specific programming and services at the facilities for women. As a
special treat, mid-day, women offenders demonstrated
their skills as they prepared and served a delicious
lunch as part of the Culinary Arts program.
This event is just one of the ongoing initiatives which
have grown from the work of the Incarcerated Parents
Working Group. Other work the agency is currently
involved in includes our work with incarcerated fathers.
This effort has been made to ensure that fathers have
the opportunity to stay connected to their children.
All of this began reenergizing collaborations between
DCF and DOC under the leadership of Commissioner
Angelo McClain and Commissioner Harold W. Clarke of
the Department of Corrections.
From soup to nuts (and yes, lunch was great!), I gained an understanding of the extensive
ICPM Corner
Promoting Child Abuse Prevention through ICPM
In recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month, this months ICPM
article focuses on several key ways in which DCFs new Practice
Model supports child abuse prevention especially reducing the
likelihood of repeat maltreatment. Highlights of how the key elements of the ICPM help prevent child abuse and/or neglect include:
Engaging Families: The approach to working with families
incorporated into the ICPM reflects a growing recognition of
the importance of family-centered practice. Research shows
that engaging families in the
child welfare process has been
linked to lower rates of repeat
maltreatment. Family involvement fosters a shared understanding about how the family
got to the point of a maltreatment report, what needs to
change and what services might
help. The ICPM leverages opportunities to engage families, build
on family strengths, and involve
extended family networks and
community supports in protecting children. The earlier the
father and mother are engaged
in the child welfare process, the
more likely the family will
achieve their goals and eliminate
the need for further services.
Signs of Safety and Safety
Mapping: The Signs of Safety
framework in casework practice
is nested in three universal
questions asked throughout the
life of a case. These questions
are opened-ended, solution focused discussion starting points:
1. What are we worried about?
2. What works well?
3. What needs to happen?
Sources: Differential Response to Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Welfare
Information Gateway, February 2008; Signs of Safety, A. Turnell and S. Edwards, 1999;
Child Welfare Information Gateway, California, CPS and Iowa, DHS. [top]
Medical Services News
The DCF Health and Medical
Services Team now have a page
on that provides
information on the unit, health
news, policies and related forms.
For more information, please visit: and click on
the Health and Medical Services link
found under Programs and Services.
May 6 12
National Nurses Week begins May 6th through 12th. DCF would
like to acknowledge the excellent work of its Health and Medical
Services Team and the tremendous contribution they make to the
health and well-being of our children and the critical support they
provide to our staff, foster and adoptive parents statewide.
May 16
May 3
Kids Fund Chair Larry Begley willFormat
the 7th Annual
1 12 Playing Spots
1 Shotgun Start/Scramble Play
1 Registration Banner
for the DCF
Kids Fund. For more
1 Company
or Individual Name on Golf
1 Company or Individual Name on Tee/Green Sign
11:00 am
Registration and Lunch
1 Acknowledgement in Tournament
12:30 pm
Shotgun Start
Saf Caruso. 617-748-2000.
Gold Sponsorship
5:30 pm
Cocktail Reception
Contact Information
Massachusetts Department
of Children & Families
Angelo McClain, Commissioner
Central Office
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02210