KSA Healthcare Opportunities
KSA Healthcare Opportunities
KSA Healthcare Opportunities
Healthcare Opportunities
in Saudi Arabia
Saudi healthcare market is classified into three
broad segments i.e. Ministry of Health, nonMOH (military, National Guard, security forces,
university hospitals etc) and private. Each of
these segments bears their own distinctive
Healthcare Infrastructure
The Saudi government continues to invest
heavily in health infrastructure development.
In the 2011 budget an amount of SR68.7
billion (11.8 billion) has been earmarked for
its healthcare and social welfare services, an
increase of 12 per cent over last year (from
SR61 billion (10.5 billion) to SR 68.7 billion
(11.8 billion). As part of a social spending
package, in March 2011 an additional SR 16
billion (2.64 billion) was allocated to
healthcare bringing the total allocation to SR
84.7 billion (14.4 billion).
New projects will include the building of 12 new
hospitals, expanding existing facilities and the
continuation of building new primary care
centres throughout the Kingdom.
The Higher Education Ministry has also
announced plans to establish medical colleges
and hospitals at all of the Kingdoms 24
government universities. They have already
started work on some of the university
hospitals and contracts will be awarded soon to
implement the rest of the university hospital
projects. These educational hospitals will also
provide health services to people in their
respective provinces.
Special Needs
Saudi Arabia has also established an efficient
network of facilities to treat and rehabilitate
the mentally and physically handicapped. The
Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labour
and Social Affairs have established a network
of rehabilitation centres for the handicapped.
These facilities fall into two categories. The first
offers services for medical, physical and mental
treatment and rehabilitation of patients and is
operated or supervised by the Ministry of
Health. There are currently 18 such centres.
The second group of centres focuses on the
social rehabilitation of the handicapped and is
run by the Ministry of Labour and Social
Affairs. There are presently 14 centres
throughout the country that teach the mentally
and physically impaired social, educational and
vocational skills designed to help them enter
Medical Products
In 2007, the Saudi government established the
National Company for Unified Purchase of
Medicines and Medical Appliances, to act as the
sole supplier of medicines and medical
appliances to government health institutions.
The company was set up to bring down the
prices of medical devices and pharmaceuticals
by preventing overcharging. The company is in
its early phase and developing coordination
with other stake holders like SGH executive
Board and hospitals.
The Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA) have
been given the task of developing and
enforcing a regulatory system for medical
devices. This will include establishing licensing
procedures for manufacturers and suppliers. In
what is a first step in developing a regulatory
framework for medical devices, the SFDA in
2007 started the Medical Devices National
Registry (MDNR), which will become a
mandatory web-based project involving the
registration of manufacturers, agents and
suppliers in the country. From July 2009 all
regulatory responsibilities were handed over to
SFDA for pharmaceuticals, medical devices and
It is now mandatory for local distributors /
agents to register and obtain MDEL (Medical
Device Establishment License) and all overseas
suppliers to register their company and
products with the SFDA. US FDA, Canadian,
European, Japanese and Australian certification
are acceptable for product registration under
MDNR. Manufacturers can register themselves
and their products either directly or through
their local agent/distributors. Full details of
SFDA requirements can be viewed at
Implementing Rules IR).
According to market sources, imported
pharmaceuticals account for around 82 percent
of the market with little manufacturing being
undertaken locally. Generic medicines make up
approx 5.8 percent of the market share. With
the Saudi pharmaceutical market worth
approx. 2.6 billion in 2009, market analysts
forecast that import of medicines will continue
to keep climbing in Saudi Arabia as it is the
largest consuming market in the GCC.
The pharmaceuticals manufacturing industry
continues to expand moderately with seven
local manufacturers producing a range of
manufacture of insulin & blood products, and
If you have any questions on the opportunities
above, contact the UKTI contacts named in this
specifically at UK companies are added daily to
UKTIs website. These leads are sourced by our
staff overseas in British Embassies, High
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and in over 100 markets.
You can be alerted to business opportunities on
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With the rapid growth of industries in Saudi
Arabia, the use of biotechnology in the fields of
environment has become inevitable. In Saudi
Arabia, biotechnology is being used both for
research and commercial applications. The
biotechnology market in the kingdom is still in
its infancy but is indeed a challenging and
growing one. The market, however, is
dominated by medical products like Insulin,
Vaccines, Interferon, and Heparins from
multinational companies. Locally, there are
now efforts in the direction of developing
biotech products. A "Bio City" is planned in
Jeddah city to serve this purpose. In the
Kingdom, many ministries, scientific research
institutes, and hospitals are involved in
biotechnology research and its application.
KACST, King Saud University, King Abdulaziz
University, King Khalid Hospital, Ministry of
Agriculture and King Fahad Medical City are a
few of the many to mention.
Saudi Arabia has recently established a
biotechnology incubator to help start-up
technological success. King Abdulaziz City for
Science & Technology (KACST) has established
the biotech incubator in cooperation with King
Fahad Medical City, to be followed by a series
of incubators to be set up in different
disciplines. King Abdullah University and a
biotechnology park in Jeddah have also been
established. The biotechnology park in Jeddah
is meant to be the largest scientific, medical,
manufacturing, and economic centre in the
Middle East. Projects include biogenetics, pre-
UKTI contacts
Syed Zaman
Senior Trade & Investment Adviser
British Embassy Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 1 488 0077
Email: Syed.Zaman@fco.gov.uk
Abdul Muqtadar
Trade & Investment Officer
British Consulate General, Jeddah
Tel: +966 2 622 5550
Email: Abdul.Muqtadar@fco.gov.uk
Mumtaz Abdulla
Senior Trade & Investment Officer
British Trade Office, Al Khobar
Tel: +966 3 882 5300
Email: Mumtaz.Abdulla@fco.gov.uk
Robert Kipps
Life Sciences Sector Team, London
Tel: +44 207 215 4805
Email: Robert.Kipps@ukti.gsi.gov.uk
This includes:
Market reports
Validated lists of agents/distributors
Key market players or potential
customers in the Saudi market
Establishment of interest of such
contacts in working with you
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Published 2011 by UK Trade & Investment.
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