TCM Comprehensive Questions ACE III

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@ Prepare by Leon Lee L-Ac Review Question for OM Diagnosis 1. Aversion to cold with fever is a symptom of: Exterior syndrome terior half-exterior syndrome ¢. Interior syndrome 4. True heat, false cold 2, Alternate attacks of fever and chills is a symptom of: ‘a. Exterior syndrome Sa +b. Half-interior half-exterior syndrome yonte xe the erty 32 pense cc. Interior syndrome inane io “he we Adle True heat, false cold < Spontaneous sweating is a sign of: a. Blood deficiency b. Yin deficiency +c. Qideficiency 4, Essence deficiency 4, Perspiration only on the arms and legs is a sign of: a. Collapse of Yang b. Lung Qi deficiency c. Damp-heat +d. Stomach and Spleen deficiency 5, Headache due te wind-coid invading the Taiyang ch anne manifests at the. a. Vertex b. Forehead +e. Occiput x bras i d, Temple 2 i 6. Distending headache with a biter taste in the mouth, red eves and a wiry pulse is a typice! of © a. Liver fire S ) b. Kidney deficiency . ) c. Damp-phlegm accumulation ed Fire , Wows Hear Wee, AT fre, 4d. Blood stagnation 7. A sensation of heaviness in the body is » symptom of a. Cold ° b, Damp ec. Wind d, Heat 8. Bitter taste in the mouth is associated with: a, Liver-fire b. Damp-héat in the liver and gallbladder c. Heart fire +d, Allofthe above 9, Palpitation is a key symptom for diseases of the: a Lung b. Liver c. Heart d._ Spleen 10, Dull, lingering abdominal pain that is relieved by pressure and aggravated by bowel movements is typical of + a. Deficiency syndrome — b. Excess syndrome c. Blood stagnation 4. Food stagnation 11. Alternating constipation and diarthea is caused by: ‘a. Cold-damp in the intestines b. Kidney-Yang deficiency ¢. Blood deficiency Prepare by Leon Lee Ae * d,_ Stagnant Liver Qi invading the Spleen 12,[Blurred vision gnd “floaters” in the field of vision are symptoms of: a._Liver-blood deficiency (Ll B. Mothiér of Fire $é"Gn Son of: Fire om pobre C. Mother of Fire overact Son of Fire “Dj: Mothier of Fire-countéract-Son of Fire +0: aes __Y 4 Which of the fllowing is belong to Wile element? } ,A- Bladder, Ear, Grief and Melancholy, Crying, Storing SOY pip: Bladder, -Neser:Dryness- Autumn, West, Skinandshair -) 0 yO Kidney;"Giowth;:Tongue, Vessel, Joy, Bitter, North;: <0. D. Kidney, Ear, Fright and Fear, Groaning, Salty 5. Which of the following is inot:correct? 1 squcbersiat A. Ying Oi (ratrent G) derived fom the Qt of food etsence, produced bythe Speen ard Smack, and Ying Qi circulate in the vessels. ‘ B. Zong Gt (pcoral Q) ts formed by the combination of Clan QF wi ald By he Ling, C and the Qi-of food essence ‘which is produced by. the Spleen and Stomach, 7 ©. Yuan Qi (primary Qi) takes root in the Spleen and spreads to the,entire body. vi the, Sanjiao, D. Wel Ol (efeaive Q) protect the musnulr surface. meleen.the anand. bas, ret by temperature, and warm: up:the zang-fu. organs, tan 6. If Wood get excess, how does the relationship of Five elements ‘change? ‘Ac Barth: get‘dleficiency, Metal get deficiency F me B. Fire get deficiency, Metal get excess a & C. Barth get excess, Metal get deficiency . : . D. Water get deficiency, Fire get deficiency Bae 7. Which one of the following isfunction of Gallbladder? A. Gallbladder separate the clear from the turbid. oa » ByGallbladder control the tendons and manifesting in the nails. ,. : Cc. Ganbiadder store bile and continuously excrete it tothe intestine to aid digestion, 42) D. Gallbladder maining the free flow of QI is related to the secretion of, ile. -4- COMPREHENSIVE EXAM, c kk 8, What is the main physiological. functions of the Zag organs? ‘A. Store urine and discharge from the body’ through Qi activity. B. Is the passage of water and food. C. Manufacture and store essential substances, including vital essence, Qi, blood and body fluid. D: Receive and digest food, and transmit and excrete the wastes. 9, What is the relationship of Heart and Lung? A. Dominate blood and Dominate Qi B. Dominate blood und Control blood C. Congenital Qi and Acquired Qi D. Store blood and Store essence 10, What are'the Six Extraordinary Fi organs? ‘A. Uterus, Marrow, Bones, Muscles, Hair, Bladder B. Brain, Marrow, Bones, Vessels, Gallbladder, Uterus wee C. Brain, Marrow, Spine, Sinews, Gallbladder, Uterus - - D. Brain, Sinews, Bones, Uterus, Spleen, Testis apne € 11. Which of the following is belong ta’ *Ye" ? : ett . Clear and thin fluid . Distributed on the muscular surface, and has the function of sterming and nouibhing “the asl and moistening the skin C. Stored in the joints and orifices and has the function of ‘moistening; the joint strengthening: the brain and marrow and nourishing the orifices D. None of the above ap! 12. Summertime the weather is hot and we swéat more.; when the: extemal temperature ‘is: very cold, ‘the body starts trembling. in an attempt, to, produce somié. edt. “What relationship: of Yin. and Yang explain this phenomenon? er ‘A. The opposition ei Yin and Yang ‘The interdependence of Yin and Yang fat <°@Mphe rifitual Consuining of Yin and Yang . or YA pets The inter: ‘tzansforming of Yin and Yang a best 13, Which of the following’ belongs to the function of Kidney? x Av Ceiitol fespiatit and regulates the water passages, B. Matnifactulé' marrow’ to fill up the brain and house the mind. * cc ‘Dominate water metabolism and is the most important organ in body fluid distribution. D, Store essence and constantly replenishes congenital essence 14, Acute blood loss leading to cold limbs, and chills. Which of the following explain this penomenon correctly? z A. Consumption of Yin leading to gaining of Yang . B. Consumption of Yin leading to consumption of Yang * * C Gaining of Yin leading to consumption of Yang, D. Gaining of Yin leading to Gaining of Yin MN 15. Your patient used to have weak of voice, tiredness, and cough. Recently a ‘of breathlessness ‘and low back pain. Which of the following is correct? ‘A. Melal not promoting Water mis B, Metal overacting Water -2- COMPREHENSIVE EXAM C Water counteracting Metal D. Earth overacting Water 16, Which of the following is the function of Zong. Qi (ptr ay A. Moisten the skin and hair : B. Readjust body temperature and warm.up the Zang-fu organs: 5 Vc Conttot the opering and closing the pores D. Control respiration: and- dominate the cifcilation’ of Qi aiid bléod. Wie 17, What is the relationship between Liver and Lung? ase ‘A. Ascending and Descending B. Qi and Blood mK C. Congenital and Acquired Qi Sar id D. Blood and Essence ea 18. The thirty-sccond chapter. of Miraculous Pivot says "Hitrilonious ‘circulation’ of vigorous spirit” Which of the following fundamental substances should be filled in Blank? ~ AQ Bewnt ene eying . 19. Which of the following emotion can derange and scatter Qi? *'ssIs! ‘A. Wony . eRiReRI AED we nis ag Pesteenit a . ° B. Grief ne se Likeeean sod veaney on gate ena D. Fright 20, Which of the following is symbols of Yin and Yang? ‘A. Water and Fire " B, Heat and Cold #9 GU Bay and Night “8 9-7 ome ne tk D, Brightness and Dimness “ fect 21. Which of the following describe Knotted pulse (fie mai) correctly? ‘A. Rapid and missed beats at regular intervals, Inbenina ut (On) B. Rapid and missed beats at irregular intervals '\/ HAStY Ca) CC. Slow and missed beats at regular intervals . std beats’ at itiégtilay intervals” OTS oF * 5 Boll D. Sidi" arid 22. Which of the following pulse is superficial and thready, and hits the fingers without strength? ‘A. Thready pulse aft B. Soft pulse Bc Weak pulse ep, wt bie re ZB. What is- thé Wdicition, sé Quiberiig tongue? “| ‘A. Liver Yang rising B. Deficiency of body fluid sacle © Interior Wind he D. Spleen Qi deficiency . 1 ¥ . 24. Constipation with small, bitty stools like goat's stools indicate which of the following? "A. Stagnation of Liver Qi and Fieat in the Intestines B. Stagnant Liver Qi is invading the Spleen C Yin deficiency, usually of Kidneys and/or Stomach D. Internal cold and deficiency of Yang.«: 25. A distending pain moving from place to place is a. typical sign of ‘A. Qi stagnation . . B. Blood stagnation © Cold syndrome D. Deficiency of Blood 26. A Geographic tongue is a sign of.which of the following? ‘A. Consumption of Qi and Yin of the Stomach ) BuiDeficiency of Yang. of the:Spleen.and.Kidney «, . seas K C. Deficiency of Blood. anid: Yin-of-the Livers ss sr D. Retention of PRlegm-damp in the Spleen and Lung 27, A sweet taste and stickiness in the mouth may imply which of the following? ‘A. Damp-Heat in the Spleen and Stomach B, Heat in the Liver and Stomach C. Heat in the Liver and Gallbladder =.» 431200 se ie : D. Deficiency of the Spleen with its impaired function of transportation 28, Which of the following conditions may be, present in a normal person? ‘A. swollen tongue B. tooth prints on the border C. thorny tongue ; D. cracked tongue 29, Various areas of the tongue reflect the state of the intemal. organs, Which area of tongue reveals the pathological change of Liver? : “K. left border hk B. right border . ‘ . C. central part D. tip 30. Different parts of the eye are related to different organs. Which, organ is related to, the sclera? A. Liver : WAS B. Kidney: desert at jove dnatis dae ood PAP (cite Ska D, Heart cup canthas, » 31. A patient has the following signs and symptoms : cough, of one week in, duration, severe chills ‘with high fever, no sweating, red complexion, and yellow urine, The torigue has a thin coating and the ilse is superficial, rolling and rapid. This syndrome which. of the following? ‘A. Exterior heat syndrome ae A cold syndrome . © C. Exterior cold and interior heat syndrome D. True cold with false heat syndrome -4- COMPREHENSIVE EXAM 5 corr, 32. A patient has the following ‘signs and symptonié : mild chills, fever, headache; cough, sore throat, Noone and clear wine with an incfened ouput ‘This syndrome belongs to which of the following? A. Exterior heat and interior cold Wc,4. B. True cold and false heat C. Exterior cold : a D. Exterior and interior deficiency awe oh /patiént as the following ‘signs and “sytnptoms’ -/ desire. to ‘cover up the! body in a spite of a feveribh sehalion, flushed face,,thifst, drinking Warm fluids "clear srinary output, and loose stools. The = ie Slighay’ purple with moist WARE coating sid 'the pulie is superficial end weak, This belong 0 TA th heat wih file cola he B. True cold with fice heat © Exterior heat and interior cold D. Exterior cold and interior heat ~ 8 ¥ 34.°A patient has the following signs and symptoms : heat sensation’ in’the. chest, frequent desire to vomit, abdominal pain alleviated by warmth, and, loose stools. This syndrome belong to which of the 3. Heat above witht ‘cold “belaw"* * te - C. True heat with false cold’ % ae pe he D. True cold with false heat ost 35. A. patient has the following signs and symptoms : cold, extremities, ‘thirst. préferende -for cold drinks, constipation, and scanty dark yellow urine. The tongue has a dry coating'‘and the pulse'is deep and forceful. This syndrome belongs to ‘A. Cold above. with heat: below ae : . 'B, Heat above with cold below iv True heat with false cold D. True cold with false heat 36. A patient has the following signs and symptoms’: afternoon. fever, malar flush, heat sensation of the palms and soles, night sweating, drytiéss' of the throat and thouth;:and dry stools, The tongue is red with little coating, What type of pulse will be detected in this'case? A. Hesitant and: slow B. Rolling and rapid C. Thready and rapid D, String-taut and rapid « 37, A 10 year old male patient complain is that an Rour after eating dinner’ last ight he began feeling discomfort and pain in the epigastrium along with fetid belching, acid regurgitation and abdominal fullness and bloating. After having diarrhea this morning, his symptoms were:reduced. Exantination reveals his pulse to’ be rolling and rapid. What kind of tongue will be ‘detected in this case? ‘A. Grey and dry coating B. Geographic coating ; C. White and greasy coating D. Yellow and greasy coating 38. A 36 year old female patient visited your clinic. Two days ago she began experiencing painful and -5- COMPREHENSIVE EXAM é burnirig sensations while urinating.. She has difficulty urinating with some dribbling. The urine is scanty, dark and ‘yellow. She.complains that this happens about twenty times,, She is thirsty and wants to drink cold water. What kind of tongue and, pulse will be seen? A. Red, dry coating and thready, rapid pulse = _B. White, greasy coating and moderate, soft pulse a _ © Yellow, greasy coating and rolling, rapid pulse D. White, greasy coating and deep, soft pulse ee 39. A 40-year old.female patient visited your clinic. Her .chief complainifis fever for about three days, She ‘states that: three. days..ago she began-getting, headaches, some chills, a.slight fever, body. aches, a aha nose and -coughing with whitish phlegm, She-took some Tylenol, which didn’t, do anything. Now, . ‘she complains that her temperature is higher; she still has some dislike of cold, body aches, headaches and pain around her eye. Additionally, she complains of thirst, What type of pulse will be detected on this patient? ‘A Hesitant and weak pulse oe B, Superficial and slightly, flooding pulse ee . BC Rolling and slow pulse sD» String-taut and. threads wt - ee ee Wee wines cee get Te 40. A 40 year old male patient visited your clinic. Two days ago he gradually developed pain. cand, extreme tenderness in the groin and scrotum. He also (feels swelling’ and, heat in; the, same, location. Other clinical signs and symptoms include high fever, malaise and scanty dark, urine, His tongue is red with a yellowish greasy coating, What type of pulse will be detected on this patient? ‘A. String-taut, rolling arid rapid pulse \ ° B. Hesitant and rapid pulse “C, Thieady :and rapid-pulse A op es A $iDisSoftvand deep: pulse i 41. Stagnaint Blood. frequently cauises all of the following except ‘A. Pricking pain ; ie DB Hemonhage C. Mass tumour D. Soft and movable nodules +42, Thirstzbut with no desire to drink indicates which of the. following? A. Excess Heat pattern a a es : $y B Damp Heat pattern ; C. Yin deficiency pattern . D. Cold pattem 43, Which of Zang Fu diagnosis correspond to syndrome of the Ying stage. in Wenbing disease? -wids:Inwasion of Heat in-Pericardium :< ow. ae . ‘ceBoLiver Yang ising a ©. Reterition of Heat, in the Stomach phew D. Invasion: of Wind Heat in Lung oe ¥ 44. Which of the following is not the one of character of Yang collapse?” 3 A. Profuse cold sweat like pearls : B. Sticky sweat me C & C Cold hands and feet D: Absence of thirst or preference for hot drink fe. 6 5 : COMPREHENSIVE EXAM 45. Which of the following pulse belong to Yang within Yin? . eet, 46. A patient has the following signs and symptoms : Fever. whith’ is’ indistinct at the first touch’ of ‘the skin, but becomes pronounced after being felt for a rathét long’ timé."In addition there is heaviness of the limbs and trunk, distension and fullness in the chést’ atid epigstiitim,’ nausea, vomiting, anorexda, thirst with desire to drink only a little, scanty and deep-yéllow ‘urihé, ‘loose but iesitant stool. His tongue is a sticky, white tongue coating with a yellow:tiige’ ahd’ a°oft, rapid pulse: What is. yotir diagnosis? Dainp-Fleat in: thé Upper Jiab “‘Damp-Heat in the’ Middlé 7 Dil in the “Lowér lé-Dainp in th: Midale jas eigit cate iamager ae oy ne 47. A patent had the following signs and_symploms': Fevevishness’ of the body, which .i8 mote: “Pemomeed in the aftemoon, constipation fulness and pain in the abdomen aggravaed. by preénse, rium, a dry yellow tongue coating or burnt-yellow coating with thorri’on the: tongtie, and a deep and forceful pulse. Today this patient complain alternat costal and hypochondriac regions, anorexia, mental restlesoness, vomitin rynege of the throat, ear of vision and a stingvaut pulse. What ssid Leer T 2) 8) ALTA. ithe Bose nh, mags ee ann isk Wk fk From Woes Jing to Shaoyaig’” lt anita: . From Taiyang to Shaoyang YY 48. A 52 year old patient suffers from an acute atiack of appendicitis. He is experiencing violent sbominl pain, dike of presney abdominal doteuion, cinatipation vomiting, bobotygni, ahd apa ig thick, white coating and pulse is deep and string What i the proper ‘Heat ‘inthe Small ttestine’’ Hid OF worth ii’ thie Sxtall Intebtiné *Y Doe gin fey 49, Tongue ulcers with a redLzim around them and very painful: What is your diagnosis? ‘A. Excess Stomach Fire “ A ! B. Deficiency of Spleen “ VC. Deficiency Heart Fire eee DD, Evcass Heart Fre 50."*Cini hihifestation { No’ appétite;' fever of feeling: of “heat"'in the”afterrioan, constipation “(dry ‘tddls), eBigasivie pain, diy mouth arid. throat” especially’ in the aftemoon, thitst but with ‘no-desire-to hike or desis to drink in small sips fecing of fullness afer eating. Tongue is peeled in the center. Pulse is superficial and deficiency on the right Middle position? u A. Cold invading the Stomach # Ce ai COMPREHENSIVE EAM ( ac Stomach Yin deficiency D. Stomach deficient and Cold F win 51. A 41 year old male patient has 2-20 year history bronchial. asthma. A week ago he. contracted. an Exterior. Cold syndrome due to exogenous Wind-Cold patterns. ‘Then he developed a sensation of oppression and fullness in the chest, dyspnea, rumbling of sputum in the throat, a cough with profuse, ‘thin, white sputum, a pale tongue with white greasy coating, and a rolling pulse. What would be the outcome:of,your syndrome differentiation, in this case? ‘9 MA. Accumulation. of Phlegm.Damp. in the Lungs . B..Wind Cold. pathogens tightening, up the, Lungs: —.; os ©: Invasion of the Lug by: Wind. Heat... 10: ve den : Dy Accumulation: of Phlegm Heat in the Lungs, 10 sweat - 52. A 41 year old/male patient caught a common cold three days ago that involved chills, low fever, headache, anhidrotis, nasal obstruction, and clear nasai discharge. He fook, Yin. Qiao San, tablets during those 3 days to relieve the symptoms, However, yesterday ‘he began conghiog. mp. thin. sputum, his headache and body aches became more serious than before, his tongue became coated with thin white coating, and his pulse became superficial and. tight What would be the outcome of your syndrome differentiation in this -ase? sey : sAcExterior Cold. 1 JB,Bxterior Heat," °0 sun sG. Exterior,Deficiency. sDelnterior Cold: to energie ced) tegeogth fo Hack aateds as ante ae 53.°A:35 year old male patient was diagnosed with HTLA JI (A. T-cell immune. dysfunction) years ago. Currently, he suffersfrom -a continuous low fever, night sweats, fatigue, weakness, headaches, nausea, poor appetite, a reddish tongue with little coating, and a.thready-rapid, pulse. What would be the outcome of your syndrome differentiation in this case? coco) jit ‘A. Deficient Qi and Blood B. Deficient Qi and Yin scored ad jnQciDeficient Qi»: Alo ir yack Sa boat 7 me re wD. Hyperactivity of Fire.due to Deficient Yin vip. ‘ue 20 4° come el : genes alt 2h acre! dont gar a npc ah Seto Haste gale 54 A 62_year old female patient underwent hospitalization 3 years ago. because of headache, feeling of “distention. of the head, and vertigo. The western M.D. diagnosed her: condition as hypertension. Since then, she'has suffered from the following clinical manifestation :_ fluctuation blood. pressure , levels, emaciation, tinnitus, a feeling of heaviness in the head, insomnia, lassitude. of the ower back and legs, vexation, a temperamental disposition, a red tongue with.thin. yellow, coating, and a string-tait, forceful pulse. What would be the outcome of your syndrome differentiation in this case? ‘A, Deficient Liver Yin and-Kidney Yinjie sco -eir beds sit Severs 'B. Hyperactivity of Liver Yang “ CC. Excess Liver Fire D. Deficient Qi anid Blood 55. A patient has the following signs and symptoms : distending pain in the head, dizziness, vertigo, ‘redness ofi:the eyes, irritability, bitter taste and dryness of the. mouth, yellow ,urine and constipation. The tongue-is fed with a yellow coating and the pulse is string-taut and fapid. This syndrome belongs tors 7 wey ah e ‘A. Rising of Liver Yang B. Deficiency of Liver Yin . Flare-up of Liver fire ee -8- COMPREHENSIVE EXAM c D. Damp-heat in the Liver 56, Six weeks ago, a 50 year old male patient contracted pneumonia. After receiving by an MD, he is go, RQW, in recovery. But some days ago he began having a poor appetite, felt discomfort in. the ‘ epigastrium, and was very tired. ,Figuring that this was’ the result of the disease, he treated himself with a large tonic of Chinese medicine. His symptoms gfew worse, and he also began suffering from a dry mouth, irritability, stomachache, hunger pangs but with’no desire to eat. After eating food, he: feels full in the upper abdomen, and sometimes even retches. He has dry stools, scanty. yellow ‘urine, a red tongue with little coating, and a thready-string taut-rapid pulse. oy A. Heat in the Qi level c B. Hyperactivity Liver Qi attacking the Stomach oe Vv & C G Deficient Stomach Yin 1e36 ‘Heat Syndtéme of the Stomach 82, For ee iionths, a 45 year old female paticit has complained of feeling weak and easily catching ‘6 ‘olds. ‘She has also sufferéd frm spontneous swéating during the daytime (which: worsens ty), RO desire to talk, fatigue, ‘a’ pale complexion, a“ pale ‘tongue with white coating: and-a thready-weak pulse, What would be the outcome of your syndtome differentiation in this cae? ‘A. Spontaneous sweating due to Failure of the Kidney to maintain normal inspiration 203» B. Spontaneous sweating due to Deficient Heart Qi Stor © Spontaneous sweating due to Deficient Heart Yang D. Spontaneous sweating due to Deficient Lung Qi °°) fw wh oysais S mal pan Spleen’ sequently’ causes all the following except 59. Which of the following symptoms can be seen in either the cold syndfome of the excéss type or the heat syndrome of the excess type?” a . AL Delirium, dee B. Absence. of thirst & Abdominal. distention and pain, aggravated by pressure "D. Cigar’ tinthe with inéreased volume “ z 60, Three days ago, an 19 yeat old'femalé patient began to suffer fom photophobia, a subjective itchy sensation in the eyes, stabbing eye pain, a feeling as if'she. had. gotten’ something caught in her. eye, lacrimation, mild ‘congestion of the conjunctiva, slightly swollen “eyelids; headache, ‘stuffy running nose, aversion to wind and cold, slight fever, red tongue, rapid pulse. What is’ your diagnosis? ss A. Wind-Heat with Lung meridian involvement 61. A 32 year old male. patient suffers from the following pattem of symptoms : -iritability, sleeplessness, delirium, aversion to heat, afternoon fever, severe constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen as well as tenderness, profuse sweating on the hands and fect, a Prickled tongue with dry yellow coating, and a deep, forceful pulggy What would be the diagnosis? A. Excess Heat syndrome of Yangming Fu organs B. Yangming Channel disease ' -9- COMPREHENSIVE EXAM C. Invasion.of the Yang stage by pathogenic Heat D, Heat syndrome of the Stomach Rea a ollie 62."A 40 year old male patient suffers from fullness, pain, and buming in the hypochondriim, bitter taste-in, the mouth, nausea, voriting, loss of appetite, abdominal distention, and oliguria with reddish colored: urine. “His red with greasy, yellow coating. His pulse is string-taut/ and rapid, What would -be.the-outcome of your syndrome differentiation inthis case? ume. ‘ COMPREHENSIVE EXAM D. The tender spot 1-2 cun below GB34(Yanglingquan) 81. Extra point, Bailao is cun above, ____, _____ cum lateral to the midline. A.1, DUL, 2 B. 2, DUIS, 1 C oh bums D. 1, DUI, 2 + 82. Where is Back-shu point of Foot-Tuiyang located? . ‘A. 15 cun lateral to the Du meridian, at the level of the first posterior sacral foramen. B. 15 cun lateral to'the Du meridian, at the level of the second posterior acral foramen. C. In the the first posterior sacral foramen. _D. Jn the second posterior sacral foramén. b oenceith 83. Co ——~——ri— $e AS CSOCLaigiag) 7 eae B. RN3(Zhongj) : 1 A C. SP6Sanyinjiao) D. S136(Zusanl) snvet : : 84. Which of following points are located in the third intercostal space? ‘A. RNIB, Kib24, ST16, SP19 5 B. RN20, KD25, ST15, SP20 : teeta tye ed sf, BNIZ, KiB23, S117, PCL, SPs 4D: “RA Roe Sie) wi" rin. St 5 Nie nae ct 65. Which of the following points are prohibited in infants with metopibm? 3.50 A. DU20Bailni), DiV21 Qianding) . "Son B. DUZKinkui), DU23Ghangxing) Bc pvrsGutiao), Dur6Shuigou) ., D. DUI9ouding), DU20(Bainu) 88. Where’ is thé Infltiéntial point of marrow: located? " . ‘A. 2 cun above the tip cf the exeral malleus, i the depression "betwen the petri brder of the fibula and the tendons of m. peronaeus longus and brevis. B. 15 cun lateral to DU13(Taodac), at the level of the lower border of the spinous process" of ‘the first thoracic vertebra. 7a vee Dd C. 3 cun above the tip of the external malleolus, in the depression. between ‘the anterior border. of ‘the fibula and the tendons of m. peronaeus longus and brevis. D. 3 cun'above the tip of the external malleolus, in’ the depression between the posterior. botder’ of lhe Aibula and ié'téndons of mi. péronaeus longus! and brevis.’ 57. Which of the following is belong to the Cataricous ‘ricedle?: ‘A. The plum-blossom needle B. The grainvlike type of embedding needle i . The three-edged needle > D. The thumbtack type of intradermal needle 2 88. Which df the following statement is not correct? uu A. ST9 is contraindicated in moxa C B, UB6O is contraindicated in pregnancy -13- COMPREVINSIVE BAM D 6 D 5 edle CANS ib conmaindicated in moa (Ute only » Lorta fo need ) D. ST17 is contraindicated in needle and moxa 89. Which of the following points is level with the tip of Adam's apple, on the anterior border of mi. sternocleidomastoideus? ‘A. LI6(Futu) B. ST9(Renying) C. ST10Ghuitu) D. RN23(Lianquan) : 0. The Jing-rver point of Fooksipang channel js located ‘A. 3 cun directly above UB6O(Kunlun) the depression between the external malleolus and tendo calcaneus C3 cun above the tip of the extemal melleolus, in the depression between the posterior Border of the fibula. and the.tendons of m. peronaeous longus and brevis, D. 4-cun above and slightly anterior to the tip of the external malleolus, on the’ anterior border, of Gb the fibula, between m. extensor digitorum longus and m. peronaeous brevis 91. The pathway of the Chong channel.on the abdomen coincides with that of A. Ren channel bo (cyossed) B, Kidney channel Sits & C Spleen channel D. Ren channel L 92. Which Collateral channel addresses following pathological manifestation : mais “pruritus, in, the: pubic region, swelling of the testes and hernia? ‘A. The Collateral of Foot-Taiyin B. The Colliteral of Hand-Shaoyin CC. The Collateral of Foot-Jueyin D. The Collateral of Ren meridian 98. Which Primary channel addresses following pathological manifestation : Low back pain, fullness in the chest, pain in the lower abdomen, hemia, vertical headache, dryness of the throat, hiccups, enuresis, dysuria-and°mental disturbance? « ‘A. The Meridian of Foot Jueyin s'B)-The Meridian of Foot-Taiyang C. The Meridian of FootShaoyin 1D: The: Meridian of Foot-Yangming 94.-Which. of the following is belong:to the precautions of Cupping method? , : ‘A. The abdominal and sacral regions of the’ pregnant women, Hémophilia patient.) B. The patient with high fever and convulsion, endless bleeding after trauma C.Skin ulcer, edema, on an area overlying large blood vessels D. All of the above 95. Which of the following is not belong to the reinforcing techniques? ‘A. Inserting the needle slowly and withdrawing it rapidly." B. Lifting the needle gently and slowly, while thrusting the needle heavily and rapidly. C Inserting the needle when the patient breathes out and withdrawing the needle when the pant breathes in. eb, . D. Penetrating-heaven coolness. f ekting suman or “Bre = only -14- COMPREHENSIVE EXAM ” 96. A man of 28 suffered from continuous somnolence. This followed a car accident during which he suffered a fracture of the skull. He came for treatment as he was studying hard for an exam and could not keep awake. Which of the following is the best treatment for him? ‘A. Sedate LU7(Lieque), Tonify KD6(Zhaohai), UB1(ingming) B. Tonify LU7(Lieque), Sedate KD6(Zhachai), UB1ingming) - ~ Co Sedat UB62(Shenmai), Tonify KD6(Zhachai), UB1(ingming) Toni ty Tang Brac D,,,Tonify ‘UB62(Shehimai), Sedate KD6(ZKaokai), UBL(ingming) 97: ‘man of 37 Suffered from’ chronic asthma characterized by difficulty’ in inhalation. There was no sputum and he felt very tired generally. His voice was low and his complexion pale. He also had a low back ache and fet cold. His) pulse was déep and weak and hs tongue was: pale. Which of the following is the best treatment for him? ‘A. GB41(Zuling}), SJ5(Waiguan) B, S13(Houxi), UB62Shenmai) C C LU7(Lieque), KD6(Zhachai) D..SP4(Gongsun), PC6(Neigitan) ven 98, Which Eight Extra Meridian addresses following pathological manifestation :/Distension :arid fullness in the abdomen, weakness of the lumbar region, leukorthéa, prolapse “of ‘the ‘terus; and muscular atrophy, weakness and motor impairmient of the lower limb? 1 deve 99. The Muscle channel of Foot-Yangming arises from ‘A. The second toe 100. A 28 year old patient has persistent fatigue, weakness of legs’ and lower back. He is depressed a Jot of the time and cdmplains of a dull’ pain beneath the rib cage:" He was’ diagnosed with chronic ‘hepatitis. Other complaints’ are dry ‘and blurry eyes, tendinitis (tennis, elbow), and very pale finger nails ‘What is the correct acupuncture forinula for this patient? A. Tonify LV8(Ququin},’ KD10(Yingu), ‘ind Sedate LV4{Zhongfeng), LUBGinggu) .B. Sedate LV2(Kingjian), HT8(Shaofu), and Tonify LV4(Zhongfeng), LUBUingq) “"C "Ténify LUS(Taiyuan), SP3(Taibai), “and Sedate LULO(Yuji), HT8(haofu) =< ‘D."tonity KD7(Puliu); LUSQingqu), aitd ‘Sedate: KD3(Tabd), Sep (Catal * 101. A Middle-aged patient has the following ‘signs and symptoms + headache, painful joint obstruction, rhinorrhea, itching of the throat, cough, a thi expectorations-avétsion’ to cold, a thin, tongue coating, and a superficial ‘and. ‘tense, pillse.’ The best prescription “at this . time” is ‘A. DUM(Dazhui), L111(Quchi), LId(Eegu), Shicuan(Extra) Co ® 8 BUIDaznd, 111 Quchi, Lia(Hega), UB13 isha) C. LU7(Lieque), GB20¢Fengchi), UB12(Fengmen), SJ5(Waiguan) D. Li20(Vingiang), GB2O(Fengehi), SJ5(Waiguan), ST40(Fenglong) 102. A patient has the following signs and symptoms : fever, headache, yellow phlegm, dry. mouth, sore -15- COMPREHENSIVE BxAM | throat, a thin, yellow tongue coating, and a superficial and rapid pulse. The best prescription for him is Fe ue), DU Dazhui), L(Hegu), SJ5(Waiguan) t B. 5(Chize), W11(Shaoshang), Ll4(Hegu), LU1O(%yji), SpsWaiguan) C. UBI3(Feishu), LU9(Taiyuan), LV13(Zhangmen), SP2( D. UB13(Feishu), LU2(Zhongfu), LU Lieque), ED aN Tench) 103. A patient has the following signs and symptoms : dribbling urination, attemuiation in the force of the urine discharge, listlessness, a cold feeling below the waist, and weakness of the loins and knees! Examination.shows'a pale tongue and a deep,'thready pulse weak at the Chi region. The prescription, of choice-at this stage is “A. UBB(Pangguangshu), SPO(vinlingquan), RNSZhongi), rasta C B. SP6(Sanyinjiao), SP9(¥inlingquan), RN3(Zhongji), ST36(Zusani) C. DUA(Mingmen), UB23(Shenshu), RN4(Guanyuan), ‘Duel D. ST28(Shuidao), UB28(Pangguangshu), UB39(Weiyahg), RN9(Shuifen) 104. The best prescription for dizziness caused by hyperactivity of Liver Yang is. ‘A. UB20(Pishu), UB23(Shenshu), RN4(Guanyuan), ST36(Zusanli) +B. DU20Baihui),-RN6(Qihai),,SP10(Xuehai), PCS(Neiguan) °C. -UB18(Ganshu); UB23(Shenshu),; LV2(Xingjian), .GB20(Fengehi) D. HT7(Shenmen), DU20(Bathui), PC6(Neiguan), RN12(Zhongwan) ; ee 105, Apart from the main points such as SP9Yinlingquan), UB18(Ganshu), Uaspanshi DUI and ST36(Zusanli), which of the following poin's would you use to treat jaundice of the Yang type? A. UB20(Pishu), UB48(Yanggang) B B, GB34(Yanglingquan}, LV3(Taichong) C. LV2(Xingjian), LV3(Taichong) D. ST44(Neiting), L111(Quchi) 106. Which of the following prescriptions is the best choice to treat a patient with the’ following signs and symptoms : infrequent and difficult, defecation every three to five, days, (sometimes longer), fullness and distending pain in the abdomen and hypdchondriac regions, frequent belching, loss of appetite, a thinjssticky- tongue coating and a string-taut pulse? . ; "A.-UB25(Dachangsha), S125(Manshu), KD6(Zhachai), RN12(Zhongwan), 136(Zusail) . UB25(Dachangshu), ST25(Tianshu), SJ6(Zhigou), RN12(Zhongwan), LV3(Taichong) C. UB25(Dachangshu), $125(Tianshu), LI11(Quchi), L14(tegu), ST36(Zusanli) D, UB25(Dachangsh), sresanah, “UBIO, VER Weis), Sra6dZaamnl 107. Choose the best prescription? for 'a patient with the following signe and Symptoms: insomnia, dreamdisturbed sleep, ‘dizziness,. palpitation, poor memory,, spontaneous, sweating,. anorexia, lassitude, a pale tongue with a thin coating, and a thready, weak pulse? Bike (SA. SP6Ganyinjido), HI7(Shenmen),.UB20(Pishu), UB1S(Xinshu) 3 . SP6(Sanyiijiao), HT7(Shenmen), ST40(Fenglong), UBZ1(Weishu) “i Cx SP6(Gainyinjiao),.LY1(Dadun), RN4(Guanyuan), DU2Baihui) D. SP6(Sanyinjiao), UB23Shenshu), ST36(Zusanli), PCé(Neiguan) 4 108, LUL1(Ghacshang) can be selected as a supplementary point to treat a cough accompanied by A fever \-Bavension to cold Cot mee 1 -16- COMPREHENSIVE EXAM 7 V % A € B _Sumptoms D. headache 105 A, patent has the following signs and symptoms : short and rapid breathing, sting and coarse yyy voice, cough with thick yellow sputum, fever. restlesaness, stuffiness of the chest, a thick yellow coating 7% oi the tongue, and a tolling and rapid pulse. The best prescription of ‘points at this wage in the’ 10% disease is % ‘A. UBISGFeisha), Ubi2Fengmen), DUIS Berke, LIHegu) ye 7 tea B. UBI3(Feishu), Dingchuan(Extra), LUS(Ctilze), ST4OFenglong) 3 C UBI3eishu), LU9%Tiayuan), ST36(Ziasanli), SP3(Taibai): D. KDS(Taixi), UB23(Shensiu), UB13 (Feist), RNI7(Tanzhong) fa 110. Using’ moxibustion, which of the following points have proved effective ‘in the’ treatment of persistent asthma? ‘A. LU9(Taiyuan), LU7(Lieque) FR ne B. KDS(Taixi), UB23(Shenshu) i ‘ C. RNI7(Tanzhong), RN6(Qihai) oaths fae D. DU12(Shenzhu), UB43(Gaohuangshu) 111. A young fitient has ‘thé following’ signs"aid symptéms : distending pain’ int the’ epigastrium’ which is aggravated of pressure or after meals, belching with fetid odor, anorexia, a thick, ‘sticky vngue coating, and a deep forceful pulse. The best prescription at this time is ‘A. LV14(Qimen), EN2(Zhongwan), PCE(Neiguar), ST36(Zusant} / B. RN11(ianli), PC6(Neiguan), ST36(Zusanli), Inner-Neiting(Extra) ages C_RN12Ghongwan), RNO(Qha, UE2DPshe), STS6(Zusanl) VAC SUNGRARY Wagiogay Srasteeeny ese ey a M12. Which of the following prescription do you consider as the best one for a patent ‘orhplaning of vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, and slightly loose stool? ‘A. RNI2(Zhongwan), SP4(Gongsun), PC6(Neiguan), UB20(Pishu), UB21(Weishu) B. RN12(Zhongwan), SP4(Gongsun), PC6(Neiguan), LV3(Taichong) ¢ C.RNI2(Zhongwan), RNIOQGawan), PC6(Nefguan), SPl(Gongsun) D. PC6(Neiguan), SP4(Gongsun), Jinjin(Extra), Yuye(Extra) 113 The prescription of S125(Tanshu), STS7Stanghn), UB2O(Pshu}, VEZ (Welsh), RNG (Guinyuin, and ST36(Zusanll) is commonly used to treat, 4 A dampheat dysentery : 114. Which of the following prescription is the best one for a patient ‘with the following_sighs and abdominal distention relieved by’ pressure, borborygqitis, loose stools, loss -of appetite, Tassitude, listiessness, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a forceless pulse? ‘A. Li(Hegu), ST25(Tianshu), RN12(Zhongwan), ST37Ghangjuxu) B. UB20(Pishu), UBZ1(Weishu), ST25(Tianshu), ST34(Liangqiu) , RN4(Guanyuan), SP3(Taibai), RN12(Zhongwan), ST36(Zusanli) N4(Guanyuan), DUY(Mingmen), RN8(Shenque), UB23(Shensh) 418! Which of the following prescriptions is the best to treat Yang edema? wp part edema (IL ‘A. UB20(Pishu), UB2Ghenshu), RN9Ghuifen), RN4(Cuanyuan) B. LU7(Lieque), Lld(Hegu), L16(Pianl), UB39(Welyang) -7- COMPREHENSIVE BKAM C. RN3(Zhongji), RN4(Guanyuan), RN6(Qihai), UB23(Shenshu) D, GB41(Zaling), SP5(Shangyu), UB28Pangguangshe), RNA Zhong} 116. Which of the following prescriptions is the bebt for a male patient with the following signs and symptoms,,:. impotence, bitter taste in the mouth,. thirst, burning and dark red urine, a yellow, sticky tongue coating, and a soft, rapid pulse? ‘A. RN4(Guanyuan). DU4(Mingmen), UB23(Shenshu), KD3(Taixi) B, RNG(Zhongi), SPASanyiniac), SPO(Vinlingguam), ST36(Zusanl) 77 C. UBISQXinshu), HI7(Shenmen), SP9(Yinlingquan), ST36(Zusanli) D. UB18(Ganshu), LV3(Taichong), LV2(Xingjian), ST44(Neiting) 147. ,.Besidés; the, points RN22(Tiantu), RNI7(Tanzhopg) and. ST40(Fenglong), which of the following Points would you select to teat Globus HysIeABT>— Plan Pit Syuichrer Wh ‘A. RNI3Ghangwan), SJ6(Zhigou) B. UB18(Ganshu), UB19Danshu) vr C. PC6(Neiguan), LV3(Taichong) Cc D. RN1(Zhongwan), ST36(Zusanli) 118, Allsthaifollowing points.are usually used forthe treatment of vertex headache except ous DU20(Baihai) B. SI3(Houxi) C. UB67(Zhiyin) Dd . D. GB41(Zulinggi) 119. Apart from the main points, which of the following points a are wsually ‘usedas the Supplementary points to treat Tendon-Bi syndromes? te AesLITA(Quchi) we % si B. GB39(Xuanzhong) 7 C. SP10(Xuehai) t > > D. GB34(Yanglingquan) 120, Which of the following points are commonly used for prolonged labour? ‘A. LV3(Taichong), PC6(Neiguan) 7 eB. SP6(Ganyinjiao), UB67(Zhiyin) C. RN6(Qihai), ST36(Zusanli) D. RN4(Guanyuan), UB23(Shenshu) shortened cycle, lassitude, empty and heavy sensations in the lower abdomen (no findings of this, just the patient's subjective sensations), pale tongue with thin coating, and a weak pulse. The Presciption used for: this patient should. be ots LI11(Quchi), RN3(Zhongji), SP10(Xuehai), KD5(Shuiquan) : B. RNG(Qihai), SP6(Ganyinjiao), RN12(Zhongwan), ST36(Zusanli) RB C. SP10Xuehai), KD8(iaoxin), SP6(Sanyinjiac), ST29(Guilai) D. LV3(Taichong), KM3(Taixi), SP6(Sanyinjiao), LV2QXingjian) 122, A patient has the following signs and’ symptoms : profuse and continuous . vaginal . discharge, soreness of the lower back, a cold sensation in the lower abdomen, frequent and excessive urine, loose stools, a pale tongue with a thin coating, and a deep pulse. Which of the following prescriptions would you select for this patient? ‘A. UB23(Ghénshu), RN4(Guanyuan), KD12(Dahe), GB26(Daimai), KD7(Fuliu) A -18- ‘COMPRENENSIVE EXAM B. RN3(Zhongii), UBI2(Ciliao), SP6Ganyinjiao), LV3(Taichong) C. GB26(Daimai), RN6(Qihai), UB30(Baihuanshu), SP9(Yinlingquan), ST36(Zusanli) D. ‘LVS(Ligou), SP10QXuehai), LI11(Quehi), ST44(Neiting) 123, Which Du meridian point cross with Yangwei meridian and treat stiffness of thé tongue, aphasia and occipital headache? A. DUM(Dazhui) B. DUI5(Yamen) B C DUI6(Fengtu) D. DU20Baihui) 124. Which of the following statement is not correct regarding to the 12 Divergent meridian? ‘A. They branch out from the 12 Regular meridians, are mainly distributed on the chest, abdomen and head. B. Their function is to connect internally-externally related meridians, strengthen their relation’ with the Zang-Fu organ and serve 29 he fenton of Re lar meridians, C. There are no points locaied it the’ Diveigent nieridian. “-~ D ‘D. They distributed on the body surface. 125. Which of following statement is correct regarding to Head acupuncture technique? ‘A. The needle is inserted obliquely to the scalp to touch the bone. oe B, Once in place, the needle’ should be further raised of thrust. Cc C. It should be rapidly twirled 200" tins pe iminbud’> Pm H EH ® D. It should be twirled. with ARLES {Sina aT otto bicard of SENCS Atos Hise SIRE MA ae emsTOMIEL Fa 126. A patient has aa the TeBor ronandibilar bila? Joint, ‘Which ‘rea’ of ead" capancture can’ be used for this patient? oe Aa B. ‘Lower ‘tivo fifths of Sendory axed c Second and third fifths of Sensory area line D, Parallel with midline of head, 1ca ‘beside midpoint (bilaterally); about '3an Tong 127. Where is the Blood point located. in Ear acupune! ‘A. In the fifth’ section of ear lobe Z BB. At the intersection of the superior border of the inferior crus of antihelix and the medial border of the pe ; C. At the bottom of inner wall of antitragus ; “ D. In the cavum of conchae, below the Spleen point and level with the Neck point 128, Which Ear acupuncture points can be used for Diabetes, Mellitus paiiént’ who has thirst? ‘A, Endocrine, Lung, Thirst ‘Endocrine, Spleen, Thirst © Endocrine, Stomach D. Endoctine, Kidney, Bladder : 129. Which of the following Indirect moxa addresses chronic paras of cube, Poison insect bites, scrofula? A. Ginger GB B. Garlic y LS C. Monikshood cake D. Salt i -19- COMPREHENSIVE EXAM 130. A woman of 54 suffered from severe arwiety and claustrophébia Was afraid togo"the church or in the underground, She was anxious’ when. alone at homie. ard’ felt a “tight, gtippirig sensation in the chest. Her pulse was hesitant and her tongue was pale, but with a ted’ tip. Which of the. following. points should be used to treat this, patient?, A. LU7(Lieque), KDé‘Zhachai) b B. PC6(Neiguan), SP4(Gongsun) C. SI3(Houxi), UB62(Shenmai) D. 9J5(Weiguan), GB41(Zulingi) 1BL. The dosage of Shen Qu (Massa Fermentata) is A3- 6g oi CBS Be : a aut So ene C6- Bg . D. 15. 30g 132. The dosage of Hong Hua (Flos Carthami Tinctori), to, harmonize the’ bidod is A 09 - 15g ‘ Bishtee wines eee C6-9g we ha it va “he oH. D.9- 15g 139, What are the major known ingredienis of Dai A. aluminum, silicon, magnesium, copper, cobalt 1. fuse vr tpibaest oA boas . sodium sulfate ; contains impurities guch as salt, calcium adie ae fees sulfate C.ctrisiron, tetroxide; efric: Gxide,, ferrous, oxide, magnesium’ oxide, aluminium oxide, D. diferric trioxide, aluminum, silicon, magnesium, tin a 134, Which of the following herb antagonize Ze Xie (Rhizoma Alismalis" Grienialis) im pregnancy? opi A. Hou Po (Cortex, Magnoliae Officinalis).:.2) Sy..s3. B. Tao Ren (Semen Persicae) i CC. Gan Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis) D. Tian Hua Fen (Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii) novrined fibiea of § : ere - 135. When a, patient using digi which of the ‘following herb can not'be' used?” * * A. Fu Ling (Sdlerotium Poriae Cocos) B. Ma Huang (Herba Ephedrae), - : % — & Chuan Xiong (Radix guste ae 136. A 43 year old male patient always has a aversion to cold. Now he gota wind cold stack with a headache, toothache, nasal congestion. Which of the following herb is best for him’? ‘A. Xi Xin (Herba cum Radice Asari) 7 a B, Bai Zhi (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae) A commas ¢ — céllege. The abdominal cramps usually start two days before her flow and: are’ accompanied by headache; tender gwollen breasts and low energy. These symptoms go away after her period. Tamuny’s meristrial cycle is. irregular. She has a pale red tongue with thin yellow coating, and her pulse is stringtaut and weak. ‘A. Wen Jing Tang (Warm the Menses Decoction) B. Gui Fi Tang (Restore the Spleen Decoction) CC Gu Jing Wan (Stabilize the Menses Pill) D. Xiao Yao San (Rambling Powder) te. ‘Mazina, 39 ‘year old female : MaririA comes to you because she has had diarrhea and’ vomiting for the past, two days. She also reports epigastric and Other symptoms idfude Nausea, flatilence,’ appetite 16ss, headache, fever andQEERGRMEMG. Marina has a AREY Ves ne hs ee i Re 2 0 Miang Zheng Oi Sari (Agastaché Powder to Rectify the Qi) B. Si Shen Wan (Feri Miracle Pill) 4 ‘ C. Ge Gen Tang (Kudzu Decoction) : D. Hung Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis Decoction to Relieve’ Toxicity) 162. eee irk Ia6 been sulerng, {on QTE for tee years He coxysmal dizziness, rotary vertigo and heavy-feeling 8. All of these symptoms are ‘bbita by by the ‘itor. Whar ‘Kirk has an attack"of vertigo hévalso feels nausea and an n. oppressive feeling ‘thai Chest, He has ‘greasy tongue coating and a string-taut ‘rolling pulse: -~" 7 Fhe ame SREY Chien Taig (TWo Cured Desoction) iB, BAR Xf" Bai "Zhu Tiah Ma Tang? (Piriellia, Atractylodes Matrocephaia é&.Gastrodia + Deenction)-2 C. Tian, Ma Goa Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Unaria Decottion) 7° *~ *-D. Si Wu-Tang (Four Substance Decoction) , 16. Dana, 49 yeir old female : Dana has been fering ffoin tvomnla for the past sx"imondhs. ‘Shé* has difficulty fall asleep"and ‘ont the does, has’ mainy “dreams. ‘Dana also revedls-that she suffers from irritability, palpitations with anxiety, jegesgemi@i@s, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, hot flashes, irregular menses aid cOiistipation. Her tongue has Iv andshiér pulze is tready and rapid. - . ‘A. Suan Zao Ren Tang (Sour Jujube Decoctioli) “ Dp B. Wen Dan Tang (Warm the Gallbladder Decocticr) “ C_Gui Pi Tang (Restore the Spletin Deesction) 5 Ba X'9 Dan (Emperor of Heaven's Special Fl to Tonify the Hem) 16k" Stdvé, 53 yea¥ cld"hiale : His ‘chief complaint Jp difficult urination for about a'week Steve wil! ‘diaghoséd' with chtonic ‘piostate” hypertrophy ‘last year. He has also- suffered from frequent urination, “ébpecially at “right,’'fot’ about oie “yedr.”"He noticed last“week that his urination’ was requires more effort to’ &ipél. ‘Steve_ also Complains of fatigue and weariness, and loss of sexual interest. Other clinical signs inchide a pale compléxion,‘a pale tongue ‘coatéd thin white, and a deep, weak pulse. : ‘A. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Tonify the Middle & Augment the Qi Decoction) "+ B, Zhen Wu Tang (Irue Warrior Decéction) C Shi Quan Da Bu Tang (All Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction) D. Jik, Gi Shen QF Wan (Kidney ‘Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet) : 165; Linida, 39° year old female : Linda states that she had a miscarriage with profuse bleeding three yédrs’ ayo. Sifée’ then she has suffered from dizziness, heart palpitations and insomnia’ with some nightmares. Shé has taken sedatives for two years but they haven't helped. Linda reports’ that she feels = Co comnene scared at. night and her dizziness gets worse during the day. Other symptoms include fatigue and sweating after. movement, shoriness of breath, laconic of weak speech, poor appetite and cold extremities..Her, face looks pale. Linda has had no menstruation for nearly two years. Her tongue is pale with moist white coating, and her pulse is weak and slow. ‘A. Si Wu Tang (Four Substance Decoction) - B. Gui Pi Tang (Restore the Spleen Decoction) C. Shi Quan Da Bu Tang (All Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction) D. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Tonify the Middle & Augment the Qi Decoction) 166. Denny; 50 year old: male ; His.chief complaint is hand tremors for about two years. Denny states that. he thas had hypertension for about five years. Two years ago, he began to see tremors in his hands, which have been. getting worse recenily. He has been seeing a neurologist who diagnosed Parkinson’s disease. Denny also suffers from tinnitus, insomnia, blurred vision and weak knees. Sometimes he feels dizzy and gets headaches. tongue is red with a thick yellow coating, and his pulse is string-tau ‘A. Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (Angelica Pubescens & ‘Sangjisheng’ Decoction) ; B. Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang (Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephaia & Gastrodia Decoction) C. Long Dan Xie Gan Tang (Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain Liver) *D.-Tian Ma Gou.‘Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction) , D 167:)Kathryn, 40 year old female : Her chief complaint is fever for about tree days, Kathryn states that three days ago she began getting headaches; some: chills, a slight fever, body aches, a runny nose. and coughing with whitish phlegm. She took some Tylenol, which didn’t do anything. Now she complains utes higher, she-stil has some dislike of, cold, body aches, @GiaeRsiendepaine ‘Additionally, Kathryn complains of thirst. e (0 San (Honeysuckle & Forsythia Powder) ae B, Sang Ju Yin (Mulberry leaf & Chrysanthemum Decoction) D Xiao,Chai Hu,Tang (Minor Bupleuram Decoction) . esDChai Ge Jie:Ji:Tang (Bupleurum & Kud2u Decoction to Release the Muscle Layer) abies trite capi oe ee 168.: What are, the properties of. king herb in Ping Wei San (Calm the Stomach Powder)? ‘A. Pungent, bitter / warm, aromatic / enter Spleen, Stomach B, Pungent / warm, aromatic / enter Spleen, Stomach C. Pungent, bitter // warm / enter Spleen, Stomach A D. Pungent, bitter / neutral, aromatic / enter Spleen, Stomach, Lung, 169, Wilson, 75 year old male : Wilson comes to see you because he has been suffering from chills and feverfot two days. He also complains of a heavy-feeling headache and muscle aches in his, back, a ‘clear «discharge,:.a tight feeling in his chest, Slight coughing, and itchy. throat. B. Ma Huang Tang (Ephedra Decoction) D © Gui Zhi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction) D. Ren Shen Bai Du San (Ginseng Powder to Overcome Pathogenic Influences) 170. Same patient from Question 169 came back two days later. Wilson returns. saying. that after drinking the herbal formula you prescribed Fee ‘All his symptoms were relieved. So he-took of his jacket. Two hours later he began feeling chilly and feverish again: Now Wilson has a headache with slight sweating on his forchead, some sneezing and coughing and dislike of wind. His body temperaturé is 99.7°F. His tongue is a normal color with thin white-fur ; v - 26 - C COMPREHENSIVE EXAM hhis pulse is superficial and slightly soft. ‘A. Yin Qiao San (Honeysuckle & Forsythia Powder) B. Ma Huang Tang (Ephedra Decoction) ©. Gui Zhi, Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction) 'D. Ren Shen Bai Du San (Ginseng Powder to Overcome Pathogenic Influences) 171. Janet, 43 year old female : Her complaint is vomiting for about thiee dayé. Two months ago, Jariet had a inalignant tumor surgically removed and is now receiving chemotherapy ind’ radiotherapy. Ever since she began’ these treatments, she has suffered “from nausea dnd anotexia.’ Now ‘she vomits immediately after erting. Janet also presents epigastric discomfort and light“ pain, “with ‘acid regurgitation. Her tongue is slightly pale with white coating, and her pulse is théady, deep and weak ‘A. Li Zhong Wan (Regulate the Middle Fill) B. Wu Zhu Yu Tang (Evodia Decoction) Boy &, Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang (Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastzium) g 1. Si Ni Tang, (Four Extremities Decoction) a fas sacl 472. ‘Tony;-28 year old male : Tony complains of having’ joviet abdominal pain for tivo, days: ‘He hit vel movement for about four days, but this’ homing hé began’ to ‘AVE "Green walery ‘diame léd ‘foul. The abdominal rigidity that feels like “d solid ‘mass When" palpated. “Tony’s' body temperatife is 98.9'F, He has a ‘dry red tongue with yellow’ coating, and @ fapid, forceful pulse: oy A. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Order the Qi Decoction) “ B. Xiao Cheng Qi Tang (Minor Order the Qi Decoction) ae "are vas Tio Wa Cheng Ot Tang late te Smash anode Of Destin ans aw D. Li Zhong Wan (Regulate the Middle Pill)“ ie Re Moshe, 5 year. old boy : Two days ago, Moshe was diagnosed 8 face is’ till’ swollen’ beneath the ears, with local heat ahd ten ar, Ste Ciher isical'sigas include slight tist , his’ pulse is superficial and rapid, : A. Yin Oiao San (Honeysuckle & Forsythia Powder) a B. Sang Ju Yin (Mulherry leaf, & Chrysanthemim Decdétion)” C. Ma Huang Tang (Ephedra Decoction) D. Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis’ Decoction to Relieve Toxicity) wr 174, Rose, 39 year old female : Her chief complaint is menorrhagia. Rose repots that her menses have nevet been’ the’same ever since’ shé had a miscarriage thiee years ago. Sine théfy she’ has always had abdominal pain and” nausea during her’ periods though thé’ pain is ‘betfer With’ warnith'or ‘pressure! ‘Rose’ nittrtal dws Key, hao a light red color and contains “fo clots! At Nass’ for ever ‘ten days. She also, presents abdominal bloating, reduced appetite and Tobee' ‘stool! "= ” i A. Si Jun Zi Tang’ (Four Gentleman Decoction) is i ae B, Li Zhong Wan (Regulate the. Middle Pill) , & 1 ' C Si Ni Tang (Frigid Extremities Decoction) ae ° D. Da Jian Zhong Tang (Major Construct the Middle Decoction) ” 175. aie $2 yost ol fixate Grace states that thee weeks ago she had a Surgical’ abortion to stop’ a three-month pr The next day, she suffered froma Flower abdominal’ pain, ant malaee The high fever and abdominal pain wéte reduc aes taking some oral antibiotics. However, Grace still gets a | ggegmiiateycimctaniehiniiai She has a slight thirst with a desire for water. "A, Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction) » D B. Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity) -27- COMPREVENSIVE EXAM . Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction) D. Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang (Artemisia Annua é& Soft-shelled Turtle Shell Decoction) 176. Mark, 6 year old boy : His chief complaint is severe intermittent epigastric and abdominal pain for four to five hours. Mark’s mother reports that he has often had mild abdominal pain for aboiit two to thee months now, and seems to be losing weight. This moming, an_ hour after breakfast, Marl, bea Somplaining, of pain in his, tummy boy's face looks pale B tongue is coated white, and his pulse is sring-tit and somewhat slow. "A. Li Zhong Wan (Regulate the Middle Pil) ; 'B,Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Order the Qi Decoction) b C. Bao He Wan (Preserve Harmony Pill) D. Da Jian Zhong Tang (Major Construct the Middle Decoction) 17. Lisa," 46 year old female :' Lisa came to see you because of SUBSMEERSERGY and dificult breathing. Although she has had these symptoms for the past five years, in the last_month they have becom worge, because of the, Lisa was diagnosed with congestive heart failure four years a heaviness and, aching in her legs, a'heavy_ feeling’ in the chest, a. cough with gome thin white sputum, scanty clear urine, loose stools and a poor appetite. Other clinical signs. include scold limbs, .a pale. tongue. with, smooth white moss, and a deep,, weak, thready pulse. : ‘A. Wu Pi San (Five Peel Powder) a é B, Zhu Ling Tang (Polyporus Decoction),.. D a 7 C. Wu Ling San (Five Ingredient Powder with Poria) D, Zhen Wi Tang (Iree Warir. Decocton) and mente Ber spontaneous sweating, shortness of breath and loose stool. She feels thirsty and prefers warm drinks. Her tongue is somewhat pale, and her pulse is weak. A. Tao He Cheng Qi Tang (Peach Pit Decoction to Order the Qi) B. Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang (Artemisia Annua & Soft-shelled Turtle Shell Decoction) ©. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Six Ingredient Pill .with Rehmannia) D. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Tonify the Middle & Augment the Qi Decoction) 193. AA yean old man complained of hay. fever and. breathlessness for thie past 18 years, He found it difficult, to breathe in and often sweated at, sight, His lower back was sore and he suffered from slight tinnitus, in. one ear. His. throat.was dry,-His pulse was slightly floating-empty in general and weak in the right front position. His tongue, was slightly red, with rootless coating and dry. ‘A. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Six Ingredient Fill with’ Rehmannia) + Mai Men Dong Wu Wei Zi B. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia) + Dang Gui, Bai Shao C. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (ix Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia) + Gou Qi Zi, Ju Hua A D. Liu Wei Di Huang, Wan (Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia) + Zhi Mu, Huang Bai 180., 37, vers ‘old, female patient reporis having suffered fromi allergic rhinitis for over ten years. The from cold, and worie during the wifiter and spring. She requests a prescription. fo Her complexion is pale, Her tongue is slightly pale and ‘A. Yu Ping Feng San (jade Windscreen Powder) ees ere teeta A C. Sheng Mai San (Generate the Pulse Powder) + Sha Shen, Bai He = 28 - CCOMPRENENSIVE EXAM D. Si Jun Zi Tang (Four Gentlémin Decéction)’ #'Hou Po, Xiang Fu Bete Bt 181. Which of ‘the following is related to Diabetes Mellitus Type I A. Children, Insulin dependence B, Adult, Non insulin dependence, Obesity ©. Children, None Insulin dependence, Obesity & D. Adult, Insulin dependence 182. The sense of hearing is controled by which of the following Crim Nerve noe wry A. 6th cranial nerve fm 2 B. 7th cranial nerve . oo © ah conn save C D, 9th cranial nerve “ a Z 7 183. Dwarfism is caused by deficiency of which of the following hormoné? : A. Thyroid hormone a sr B. Insulin hormene aed Grow hormone ; : C D. None of the above “ea ae 184. Organ related to Addison's disease is renee, pea ie ye aS a A: Adrenal gland mere B. Thyroid gland allt pein ia Sean ow Sines ag C Parathyroid gland A. D. Pancreas ~ atherge 185. Insufficiency of Vitamin By can’ cause which of the following? A. Scurvy sr on B, Beriberi C. Pernicious anemia D. None of the above" 186. Which of the following leukocytes increase in parasitic disease? oi ys A. Neutrophil esas B, Basophil ‘ . Eosinophil , D. Lymphocyte 7 1" aie 187..In allergic reaction which of the following AlgG Baio Big M ie ABE. Dig a 188. Pathologic reflexes include which of the following? ‘A. Babinski’s sign s B. Kemig's sign D - 2 C. Brudzinski’s sign D, all of the above 189. A young man is playing’ basketball, suddenly’ he fééls aint in’ the back: The pain is stabbing and. 2 by - ec conpemneusave Exim be radiating from the right back to the groin. The patient. also has red urine. What is your diagnosis? A. Appendicitis : B, Gallbladder stone © Kidney stone D. Urinary Bladder stone 199, Systolic pressure is due to A. The contraction of the atrium B. The contraction of the ventricle. g& The relaxation of the ventricle D. The relaxation of the atrium 191. Which of the following is standard for autoclave sterilization? A. 200°F, 15 pound, 30 minutes . B. 250°F, 15 pound, 30 minutes leche ey : © 4008 18 pound 20 mints b D. 250°F, 1 pound, 1 hour aut 192. Using Plum-blossom needle, which of the following is correct? “ A. It canbe applied on the different sites of the patient's body ed ~ B. Can apply on different patients . ; Bobo or C. Sterilizing it everyday 7 A ihe end D. Can apply only ott one site of same patient 193. The latent period of hepat ‘A3 days B. 7 days C3 weeks - 6 months D. more than 1 year is Bis 194. Which of the following is used to sterilizing the handle of-Plum-blossorn needia? A. Cook : B, Soaking in the alcohol rate = Ce atin 4A C Ghutaraldehyde C wee D. Autoclave 195. If the contaminated needle is dropped, all of the following is necessary except? A. Using glove and forceps to picking them up ‘ B. Cleaning the floor, then. using disinfecting, spray... », , 7 © Throw away the glove and other material’ which séd for cleaning’the @éor | D. None of the above 196. For those who got acupuncture licence, how.many hours of continuing educatich they need within two years in order to renew the licence? le A. 15 hours B. 30 hours nn a ae C40 hours we D. 50 hours 197. What should an Acupuncturist do to renew an inactive licence? vn.Ay Pay-every year’s licence renew fee,.no need. continuing education hours, fate Ney > 30- i B. No need:‘for licence renew fee and continuing educating hours a C. No need licence renew fee but need 30 hours of continuing education f D. No need licence renew fee but need 40 hours of continuing education 4198, How long can a foreign Acupuncturist stay in California to give lectures? A. 1 month : B.-3 months C. 6 months Cc D. 1 year 199, Which of the following is not legal for an Acupuncturist to use? ‘A. hypodermic needles B.-Plum-blossom needles A Cupping D. Smokeless Moxa 200, California licence would he expired. if not renewed by ‘A. January 1st B. December 30th C. the first day of the birthday month D D, last day of the birthday month -31- COMPREHENSIVE EXAM SAMPLE QUESTIONS Content Area: Patient Assessment 4, What condition is the causative factor of constipation with small, pebble-tike stools of normal ‘moisture content? A. Liver and Kidney Yang deficiency B. Kidney and Stomach Yin deficiency C. Heat in the Stomach and Large Intestine D. Liver Qi stagnation and Heat in the Large Intestine Answer: D Reference: Maciocia, G. (1998). The foundations of Chinese medicine: A comprehensive text for acupuncturists and herbalists. New York: Churchill Livingstone. pg. 56 2. Which of the following symptoms is the result of low-back pain due to Kidney deficiency? A. Pain aggravated by pressure and alleviated by cold B. Pain aggravated by fatigue and alleviated by bed rest C. Pain aggravated by turning the body and alleviated by heat D, Pain aggravated by weather change and alleviated by exercise Answer: B Reference: Cheng, X. (Eds. (1999). Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion (New Essentials) (Revised Edition), Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 471-474. 3, In addition to the Kidney, which of the following organs would likely be involved with edema? A. Lung and Spleen B. Heart and Spleen Lung and San Jiao D, Heart and San Jiao Answer: A Reference: Maciocia, G. (1998). The foundations of Chinese medicine: A comprehensive text for acupuncturists and herbalists. New York: Churchill Livingstone. pg. 85, 90, and 99. 4. What tongue quality could be expected for Heart Fire blazing upward? ‘A. Deep midline crack with no coating B. Transverse midline crack with no coating C. Swollen, painful, red ulcers with white edges D. Swollen, painful, red ulcers with red rims on the surface Answer: D Reference: Maciocia, G. (1995). Tongue diagnosis in Chinese medicine (Revised Edition) Seattle, WA: Eastland Press. pg. 80 2nd 83. Lope trem etecr montd thelr appear tna peice who te gresctbed Furosemide (asicB) Not B. Vertigo C. Hypertension D. Congestive heart failure Answer: B Reference: Karch, A. 2005). Lippncot's musing dag gue. Philadel: L and Wilkins, pg. 557 - 558. ee 6. Which ofthe following conditions woud show no disruption of a in an electrocardiogram? : rma rhythm pattern A Bradjardia AV node block Atal bein D. Prematte ail cortraction ‘ase A Reference: Thibodeau, G. & Patton, K. (2003). Anatomy and physiology (5th Edition). St. Louis: ‘Mosby. pg. 600-601. Content Area: Developing a Diagnostic Impression 7. patient presents with hypertension. Which of the following differential diagnoses are indicative of the patient's condition? A. Qi stagnation due to Damp, Obstruction of Phlegm and Damp; or Deficient Yang Qi of Heart and Kidneys B. Deficient Yin and Yang: Obstruction of Phlegm and Damp; or Deficient Yin with Excess Yang C. Deficient Yin and Yang; Deficient Kidney Qi; or Deficient Yang Qi of Heart and Kidneys D. Qi stagnation due to Damp; Deficient Kidney Qi; or Deficient Yin with Excess Yang. Answer: B ‘Reference: Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1981), Acupuncture: 4 comprehensive tex, Seatile, WA: Eastland Press. pg. 595-597, 8. A young man complains of pain in the eyes, pain in his back, and occasional spasms in his legs. In addition, he has difficulty sleeping, and at times believes he is having seizures. There is a redness fo the inner corner of the patient's eye. Which of the following channels is involved in this case? ADa B Yangwei C Yanggiao D. Foot-Taiyang Answer: C Reference: Cheng, X. (Eds) (1999), Chinese acupuncture and maxibustion (New Essentials) Revised Edition). Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 329. 9, What symptoms distinguish Deficient Cold from Excess Cold? ‘A. Deficient Cold produces a bright white face; pain increases with pressure; pain in the abdomen is worse after bowel movements. B. Deficient Cold produces a pale sallow face; pain decreases with pressure; and pain in the abdomen is worse after Bowel movements. C. Deficient Cold produces a pale sallow face; pain increases with pressure; and pain in the abdomen that is relieved after bowel movements. D, Deficient Cold produces a bright white face; pain decreases with pressure; and pain in the abdomen that is relieved after bowel movements, Answer: B Reference: Maciocia, G. (1998). The foundations of Chinese medicine: A ‘comprehensive text for acupuncturists and herbalists. New York: Churchill Livingstone. pg. 185. 10, A patient complains of clammy skin and night sweats, shortness of breath, a dry cough, and asthma with difficulty inhaling. In addition, he experiences cold limbs and has clear urine. ‘His tongue is pale pink with transverse cracks posterior to the tip with a white coating. ‘Which of the following diagnoses should be made for this patient? ‘A. Lang Qi and Kidney Yin deficiencies B. Lung Yin and Kidney Yin deficiencies . Lang Qi and Kidney Yang deficiencies D. Lung Yin and Kidney Yang deficiencies Answer: D Reference: Maciocia, G, (1998). The foundations of Chinese medicine: A comprehensive text for acupuncturist and herbalists. New York: Churchill Livingstone, pg, 233, 255, Maciocia, G (1995). Tongue diagnosis in Chinese medicine (Revised Edition). Seattle, WA: Eastland Press. pg. 80. 111. Which of the following hormones increases the release of calcium into the blood by acting on the bones and kidneys? A. Calcitonin B. Parathyroid hormone CC. Triodothyronine D. Tetraiodothyronine Answer: B Reference: Thibodeau, G. & Patton, K. (2003). Anatomy and physiology (Sth Edition). St. Louis: ‘Mosby. pe 503. 12. Which of the following rehabilitation treatment plans should be used in cases of hemiplegia, ‘numbness of limbs, deviated mouth, slurred speech, and a string-taut, rolling pulse? 'A. Du and Jueyin Channel points to reduce Wind, Fre, and resolve Phlegm, and use of Fing-Well points B, Duand Yang Channel points to restore Yang, remove Wind and Phlegm and use of ‘moxibustion to Ren Channel points C. Duand Yang Channel points to regulate Qi and Blood, remove obstruction from meridians and collaterals and reduce Wind D. Du and Jueyin Channel points to promote Qi, invigorate Yang, and use of reinforcing method ‘with acupuncture and moxibustion Answer: C Reference: Cheng, X. (Eds.) (1999). Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion (New Essentials) ‘(Revised Edition). Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 399-401 Content Area: Providing Acupuncture Treatment 15" medical doctor treating a pregnant woman who is overdue recommends inducing labor. Rather than ‘sing medication, the woman requests that her acupuncturist be present and allowed to induce Tabor, The medical doctor conseats. The woman is diagnosed as having Blood and Qi deficiency ‘Which ofthe following points should be used to induce labor for this patent? A.B 32 (Cillao), 4 (Hegu), § 36 Zusanl), Sp 6 Sanyinjao) ‘BB 32 (Cilio), B 60 (Kunlun), B 23 Shenshu), § 36 Zusani) C. G26 (Daimaiy, G 21 (anjing), LT 4 (egu), B 60 (Kunlun) D. G26 @aimai, Sp 6 Sanyinjiao), B 23 (Shenshu), G 21 Gianjing) Answer: A Reference: Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1983). Acupuncture: A comprehensive text, Chicago, Wlinois: Foreign Language Press. pg. 677. 1A, Where is GB 22 (Ywanye) located and what conditions is it used to treat? “On the mid axillary line when the arm is raised, 3 cun below the axilla; swelling of the axillary ‘region, pain inthe hypochondriac region, and motor impairment of the arin 'B. In the depression between the upper portion of m. stemocleidomastoideus and m. trapezius on the same level with Du 16 (Fengfu); headache, glaucoma, and epilepsy (C. Midway between Du 14 (Dazhai) and the acromion, af the highest point of the shoulder, pain ‘and rigidity in the neck/back, headache, and apoplexy ‘D. One rib below Liv 14 (Qimen) directly below the nipple, in the seventh intercostal space; acid regurgitation, jaundice, and mastitis Answer: A Reference: Cheng, X. (Bds.) (1999), Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion (New Essentials) (Revised Edition). Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 214-215 15. Which of the following conditions are effectively treated using the point located 7 cun above the tip of the external malleolus, on the posterior border of the fibula? A. Hypochondriae fullness and leg paralysis 'B. Blurred vision and distending pain in breast CC. Migraine and pain in outer canthus D. Hemiplegia and jaundice Answer: A Reference: Cheng, X. (Eds.) (1999). Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion (New Essentials) (Revised Edition), Beifing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 219. 16. Whereis the Shu-Stream point of the Gallbladder meridian located? ‘A. On the dorsum of the foot between the fourth and fifth toe, proximal to the margin of the web B. Between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, on the medial side of the tendon m. extensor dligiti minimi of the foot CC. Between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the tendon m. extensor digiti mintmt of the foot D. Anterior and inferior to the external malleolus, inthe depression on the lateral side of the tendon m. extensor digitorum longus Answer: C Reference: Cheng, X. Eds.) (1999). Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion (New Essentials) (Revised Edition). Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 220. 17, Where is the Sympathetic auricular point located? ‘A. On the antihelix, level with the inferior border of the inferior crus ofthe antihelix B. Slightly lateral to the midpoint on the superior margin of the inferior crus of the antihelix . Slightly medial to the midpoint on the superior margin of the inferior crus of the antihetix (D.Atthe intersection of the superior border of the inferior crus of the antihelix and the medial border of the helte Answer: D ‘Reference: Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1983). Acupuncture: A comprehensive text. Chicago, Minois: Foreign Language Press, pg. 481 118, What point is located in the depression distal and inferior to the medial malleolus, midway between the tuberosity of the navicular bone and the tip of the medial malleolus? A. Fire point of the Spleen meridian 'B. Metal point ofthe Spleen meridian . Earth point of the Kidney meridian D. Water point of the Kidney meridian Answer: B Reference: Cheng, X. (Eds.) (1999), Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion (New Essentials) (Revised Edition). Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 158, 19. Which of the following symptoms can be treated by moxibustion with garlic? ‘A. Impotence and prostatitis B. Scrofula and tuberculosis CC. Paingul joints and mastitis D. Abdominal pain and dysentery Answer: B Reference: Cheng. X. Eds.) (1999), Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion (New Essentials) (Revised Edition). Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 365. 20, In addition to Shenmen and Heart, which ofthe following auricular points should be used for paroxysmal tachycardia? 4. End of Inferior antiheli crus and brain B. End of Inferior antihelix crus and cardiac orifice CC Infratragi apex and adrenal D. Infratragic apex and suboortex ‘Answer: A Reference: Cheng, X. (Eds} (1999). Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion (New Essentials) ‘Revised Edition). Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 547, 24, What signs indicate that the patient may faint during an acupuncture treatment? ‘A. Sighing, slightly lower body temperature, and increased anxiety B. Cold sweating, weak pulse, and shortness of breath C. Nausea, rapid eye movements, and deep breathing D. Palpitations, slight fever, and rapid speech Answer: B Reference: Cheng, X. (Eds) (1999). Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion (New Essentials) (Revised Edition). Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 350, 22, An acupuncturist is treating a pregnant woman inher second trimester. Which ofthe following points is contraindicated inthis case? A.B 58 (Feiyang) BB 60 Kuntun) C. Sp 10 (Kuchai) D. $8 Dili) Answer: B Reference: Cheng, X. (Eds.) (1999). Chinese acupuncture and mozibustion (New Essentials) ‘Revised Edition) Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. pg. 350. Content Ares: Prescribing Herbal Medicinal 23, What i the function of Chun Pi (Ailanthi Altissimae, Cortex) in the formula Gu Jing Wan (Stabilize the Menses Pill)? A Clears Heat, sctles the Yang B Clears Heat, binds up the Blood C. Seites the Yang, cools the Blood 1D. Tonifis the Yin astringes the Blood Answer: B Reference: Bensky, C. & Barolet, R. (1990). Chinese herbal medicine: Formulas and Strategies. Seattle, Washington: Eastland Press. pg. 367-368. 24. In which of the following conditions would the use of Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang (Artemisia ‘Annua and Soft-shelled Turtle Shell Decoction) be contraindicated? ‘4. Spasms or convulsions B. Late stages of febrile diseases C. Heat inthe Yin regions of the body D. Coolness in the morning with fevers at night Answer: A Reference: Bensky, C. & Barolet, R. (1990). Chinese herbal medicine: Formulas and Strategies. Seattle, Washington: Eastland Press. pg 101. 28, Which of the following groups of herbs are in both Wu Ling San (Five-Ingredient Powder with Poria) and Zhu Ling Tang (Polyporus Decoction)? A. FuLing(Poriae Cocos, Sclerotium), Zhu Ling (Polypori Unbellai, Sclerottum), and Bai Zhu tractylodis Macracephalae, Rhizoma) B. ZeXie(Alismatis Orientals, Rhizoma), Fu Ling Poriae Cocos, Sclerotum), and Zhu Ling Polypori Unbellati, Sclerotium) ©. Ze Xie (Alismatis Orientals, Rhizoma), Fu Ling (Poriae Cocos, Sclerotium), and Gui Zhi (Cinnamomi Cassiae, Ramulus) D, Fu Ling(Poriae Cocos, Sclerotium), Ze Xic (Alismatis Orientals, Rhizoma), and Cang Zh (Atractylois, Rhizoma) Answer: B Reference: Bensty, C, & Barolet, R (1990). Chinese herbal medicine: Formulas and Strategies. Seattle, Washington: Eastland Press. pg. 174 and 176, 26. Which ofthe following formulas should be given to rectify the side effects of sweating, fever, thirst, ‘and palpitations resulting from an overdosage of Gui Zhi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction)? ‘A. Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction) plus Ren Shen (Ginseng, Radis) B, Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction) plus Ren Shen (Ginseng, Radix) C. Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction) plus Huang Qi (Astragali Membranacei, Radix) D. Xino Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction) plus Huang Qi (Astragali Membranacel, Radix) Answer: A. Reference: Bensky, C. & Barolet, R. (1990). Chinese herbal medicine. Formulas and Strategies. Seattle, Washington: Eastland Press. pg. 36. Content Area: Regulations for Public Health and Safety 27, What action should an acupuncturist take if a needle breaks off below the skin while a patient is being treated? A Treat the person for pain B. Apply an appropriate antiseptic C. Immediately consult a medical doctor D, Extract the needle with sterile tweezers Answer: C Reference: Acupuncture Board (2004). Laws and regulations relating to the practice of ‘acupuncture. Sacramento: California Acupuncture Board. (CCR, Section 139.451 (d)), 1. Fu Ling is compared to what in western med? (diuretic) 2. AIDS - opportunist infection is pneumonia, need to know what kind of pneumonia. (lobar?) 3. RA - does it always occur in feet? no 4, Guillian-Barre syndrome - PNS, not CNS, also autoimmune 5. h. pylori - peptic ulcer 6, autoclave - cross infection with patients (i think this is the answer. question is how can u test sensitivity, or infection or something. sorry) 7. pulmonary embolism: deep vein in leg, then get cough sx 8. SSRIs fn: inhibit reuptake of serotonin (tx depression, anxiety & personality dz) 9. cupping - can do when there's a high fever 10. when needle breaks sub-q, call physician 11, why don't we use filiform needles? (Too thin, more for shallow insertion?) 12, How often to disinfect countertop? i put Ix/day but the health center does it Ixiwk

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