Icc Cft2011

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First Circular

ICC-CFT 2011
International Conference on
Composites for 21st Century: Current & Future Trends
(Combined with ISAMPE National Conference on Composites INCCOM 9)

4-7, January, 2011

J.N. Tata Auditorium

National Science Seminar Complex

Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012, India
------------------------Organized By-----------------------Indian Institute of Science

North Carolina A&T State


ISAMPE (Indian Society for Advancement of Materials and

Process Engineering)

ICC-CFT 2011
Composite materials are finding increasing applications in a
variety of engineering fields the world over. In India too the
industry is employing these materials in aerospace, oil and natural
gas, civil infrastructure & railways, storage vessels, power
generation and transmission and in several other critical
technologies. ICC-CFT 2011 aims to provide an international
forum for exchange of ideas and creation of knowledge in the
topics of the Conference. Novel materials, mathematical models,
computational and experimental methods will be the focus of the
conference. In particular, it will reflect the state of the art in
mathematical modeling, computational methods, experimental
methods, advanced engineering applications of composite
structures in emerging technological developments.

Web Site: http://www.aero.iisc.ernet.in/

(Will be available after April 15th, 2010)

ICC-CFT 2011
ICC-CFT 2011 topics will include:
Analysis, manufacturing & inspection methods for Composites

Modeling approaches and Computational methods

Multiscale Modeling ;
Fatigue, Fracture & Damage tolerance
Structural dynamics
Wave propagation
Impact & Energy absorption
3-D composites
Non-destructive evaluation
Repair methods
Modern Manufacturing Methods

Novel Configurations, Materials & Systems

Multi-functional composites
Composites for high temperature applications
Functionally graded materials
Thermal protection materials & coatings
Structural health monitoring
-Data handling techniques
-Diagnosis & prognosis
-Implementation issues

The Organizing Committee cordially invites both researchers

as well as practitioners to take full part in the conference as the
interaction between these groups is of particular importance.

Web Site: http://www.aero.iisc.ernet.in/


ICC-CFT 2011
Information to the potential contributors
Authors of contributed papers
Potential contributors are requested to fill the preliminary registration form indicating
their intention to submit a paper for ICC-CFT 2011 by June 1, 2010. Kindly provide the
title of the paper. One page Abstract may be submitted, but it is optional. They will
receive the format for the paper and they are required to submit the full paper by July 15,
2010. The full papers will be reviewed and acceptance will be intimated before
September 1, 2010. The fully corrected paper based on reviewers comments need to be
submitted by September 15, 2010 for printing in the proceedings.
Kindly observe that there is no Abstract Dead Line. Intimate your intention to write a
paper for ICC-CFT 2011and send it along with the title of your paper by June 1, 2010.
Start writing the paper right away. Instructions to authors for preparation of manuscript
will be sent after receiving your intent to submit a paper. Send the final paper by July 15,
2010. All papers will be reviewed.

Organization of Special Sessions

Researchers and Practitioners are requested to take initiative in organizing special
sessions in any of the topics mentioned above. The expected number of papers in each
session is 5-7 with 20 minutes devoted for presentation and discussion of each paper.
Those organizing special session are requested to fill the details in the preliminary
registration form and send to the Conference Secretariat by May 15, 2010. The details of
the session should include the list of contributors to the session. The format for writing
the papers will be provided after May 15, 2010. The acceptance of the special session
remains with the organizing committee. We will inform you the acceptance of the session
by June 1, 2010. The session organizers are responsible for getting the papers in the
session reviewed. The final papers should be sent to the Technical Committee of the
Conference by September 1, 2010.

ICC-CFT 2011
Receipt of Intent to submit a paper and
its title. (Fill and send the Prelim. Registration
form attached - Abstract optional)*
June 1, 2010
Receipt of full papers:

July 15, 2010

Acceptance of Papers for oral

Presentation & for Poster Session

September 1, 2010

Last date for receiving revised Final

papers for the Proceedings

September 15, 2010

Last Date for Registration:

December 1, 2010

Submission of Hotel
Accommodation form

December 1, 2010

Submission of Sightseeing (Tour) Forms

December 15, 2010

Web Site: http://www.aero.iisc.ernet.in/

(Will be available after April 15th, 2010)

ICC-CFT 2011
Conference Committees

Prof. P. Balaram,
Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Prof. N. Balakrishnan
Associate Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Dr. V. K. Saraswat,
Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri, New Delhi, India

Dr. K. Radhakrishnan,
Chairman, Indian Space Research Organisation, Bangalore, India

Dr. V.K. Aatre

Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Dr. Harold L. Martin Sr.,

Chancellor of North Carolina A&T SU, Greensboro, NC, USA


Dr. A.R. Upadhya,

Director, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, India
Past President, ISAMPE

Dr. Walter Jones

Executive Director, Office of Naval Research, USA

Co-Chair: Prof. B. Dattaguru

Professor (Retd.), Indian Institute of Science, India

Prof. Rajendran
Professor, University of Mississippi, USA

Secretaries: Prof. S. Gopalakrishnan

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Prof. K. N. Shivakumar
North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, USA

National Organizing Committee


Prof. M.S. Bhat

Chairman, Department of Aerospace, IISc, Bangalore, India

Co-Chairs: Dr. K. Vijayaraju

ADA, Bangalore, India

Dr. C. Divakar
NAL, Bangalore, India

Treasurer: Dr. M.R. Bhat

IISc, Bangalore, India

Convener: Dr. Anjana Jain

NAL, Bangalore, India

International Steering Committee

(All patrons, Chairs, Secretaries and Plenary Speakers are members for this committee)

Dr. Y. Rajapakse


Program manager, Solid mechanics, Office of Naval Research, USA

Dr. P.S. Nair


Indian Space Research Organization, Bangalore, India

Dr. Kumar Jata, AFOSR-AOARD, Tokyo, Japan

Prof. D. Bhattacharya, U. of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Prof. S. Schmauder, IMWF, Stuttgart, Germany
Prof. R. Young, U. of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Prof. Ning Hu, Chiba University, Japan
Prof. U. Lee, Inha University, South Korea
Dr. W.S. Johnson, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA
Prof. G.R. Liu, NSU, Singapore
Dr. I. S. Raju, NASA, Hampton, USA
Prof. N.K. Gupta, IIT, Delhi, India
Prof. Tarun Kant, IIT, Mumbai, India
Mr. Harish Chandra, AR&DB, New Delhi, India
Dr. V.J. Sundaram, NDRF, Bangalore, India
Dr. Prahlada, CCR&D, DRDO, New Delhi, India
Prof. H.P. Khincha, Vice Chancellor, VTU, Bangalore, India
Dr. Chenraj Jain, Chancellor, Jain University, Bangalore, india
Sri Kartik Natarajan, MahindraSatyam, Hyderabad, India
Mr. Lalit Bharadwaj, TAML, Bangalore, India
Dr. B.G. Prakash, GM-R&D(India), Bangalore, India
Dr. R.Gopalan, Composite Technology park, Bangalore, India
Dr. S.Seetharamu, CPRI, Bangalore, India
Dr. Ajit Roy, AFRL, Dayton, USA
Prof. Isaac Daniel, North Western University, USA
Prof. Dan Zenkert, KTH, Sweden
Dr. D. R. Reddy, NASA Glenn, Cleveland, USA
Dr. S. Sankaran, (President, ISAMPE), DRDO HQ, New Delhi,
Dr. B.R. Somashekar, Ex-NAL, Bangalore, India
Dr. R.V. Krishnan, Ex-NAL, Bangalore, India
Dr. P.D. Mangalgiri, GM-R&D(India), Bangalore, India
Dr. R. Balasubramaniam, Editor,J. Aerospace Sciences and Technologies
Dr. K. Vijayaraju, ADA, Bangalore, India
Prof. T.S. Ramamurthy, IISc, Bangalore, India
Mr. T.M. Naidu, ADA, Bangalore, India, Convener

Plenary Speakers
(tentative waiting for acceptance from some of the speakers)
Dr. Y. Rajapakse, ONR, USA
Dr. T. Kevin OBrien, NASA, Hampton, USA
Dr. Ed White, Boeing, Seattle, USA
Dr. I. Chopra, U. Maryland, College Park, USA
Dr. H. N. Kota, NAL, Bangalore, India
Prof. Fu-Kuo-Chang, U. of Stanford, USA
Prof. C. Boller, U. of Saarland, Germany
Prof. J.N. Reddy, Texas A&M, College Station, USA
Prof. C.T. Sun, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
Prof. Krishnan Balasubramaniam, IIT, Chennai, India
Dr. A.R. Upadhya, NAL, Bangalore, India

Invited Speakers
(tentative waiting for acceptance from some of the speakers)
Prof. M. Ramulu, University of Washington, Seattle,USA
Dr. Rajendran, U. of Mississippi, USA
Prof. Rakesh Kapania, VPI, Blacksburg, USA
Prof. D.Bhattacharya, U. of Auckland, NewZealand
Mr. M.Subba Rao, TAML, Bangalore, India
Prof. Tarun Kant, IIT, Powai, India
Prof. K.P. Rao, Infosys Technologies, Bangalore, India
Dr. Bhujanga Rao, NSTL, Visakhapatnam, India
Prof. Ed Smith, PENN State University, State College, USA
Prof. G.R.Liu, NSU, Singapore
Dr. R.C.Batra, VPI, Blacksburg, USA
Prof. Bhavani Shankar, U. of Florida, USA
Prof. S. Hanagud, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA
Dr. I.S. Raju, NASA, Hampton, USA
Prof.R. Talreja, Texas A&M, College Station, USA
Dr. Ajit Roy, AFML, Dayton, USA
Prof. Issac Daniel, North Western Univ., Evanston, USA
Prof. Dan Zenkert, KTH, Sweden
Dr. Damodar R. Ambur, NASA Glenn, Cleveland, USA
Prof. Samit Roy, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, USA
Dr. Uday Vaidya, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Dr. Rajiv Naik, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, USA
Prof. Ayech Benejjeddou, Supmca Paris, France
Prof. Usic Lee, Inha University, Korea
Prof. Ning Hu, Chiba University, Japan
Prof. N.K.Naik, IIT,Powai, India
Prof. Prasad Potluri, Univ. of Manchester, UK
Dr. M.N.Janardhana, Melbourne, Australia

Prof. B.Balachandran, U. of Maryland, USA

Prof. M.Gilchrist, University college of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Massimo, Georgia Tech., Atlanta, USA
Prof. Rathan Jha, Clarkson University, USA
Dr. N.G.Nair, NGN Composites, Chennai, India
Dr. Ramesh Sundaram, NAL, Bangalore, India
Dr. Nagesh Iyer, SERC, Chennai, India
Prof. N.G.R. Iyengar, Jain University, Bangalore, India
Prof. R.Ganguli, IISc, Bangalore, India
Prof. U.Ramamurthy, IISc, Bangalore, India
Prof. P.C.Pandey, IISc, Bangalore, India
Prof. C.R.L. Murthy, IISc, Bangalore, India
Dr. P.D.Mangalgiri, GM-R&D(India), Bangalore, India
Prof. Ajit Kelkar, NCA&T State University, Greensboro, USA
Prof. Mannur Sundaresan, NC A&T State University, Greensboro, USA
Prof. Mahesh Hosur, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, USA
Prof. Jag Sankar, NCA&T State University, Greensboro, USA
Prof. Ramana M.Pidaparti, VCU, Richmond, VA,USA
Prof. S.Mall, AFIT, WPAFB, Dayton, OH,USA
Prof. W.S.Johnson, Georgia Tech., Atlanta, GA, USA
Prof. Sondipon Adhikari, Swansea University, Swansea, UK
Prof. Ramana V. Grandhi, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA
Prof. Sankaran Mahadevan,Vanderbilt Univ.,Nashville, TN, USA
Prof. Ron Barrett, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA
Prof. S. Schmauder, IMWF, Stuttgart, Germany
Prof. K.S. Surana, University of Kansas, Lawrence,KS, USA
Dr. T. Krishnamurthy, NASA Langley, Hampton, VA,USA
Prof.J.D.Whitcomb, Texas A&M University, College Station,TX,USA
Dr. G. Rohini Devi, ASL, Hyderabad, India
Prof. Pankaj Mallick, Univ. of Michigan, Dearborn, MI,USA
Dr. Tia BensonTolle, Technology Director, AFRL/RXB, USA
Dr. Les Lee, Program Manager, AFOSR, Arlington, VA,USA

ICC-CFT 2011
The registration fees for participants from outside India, are:Credited before December 1, 2010
Credited after December 1, 2010

US $ 500
US $ 600

Fees for the participants from within India are:

Before December 1, 2010
ISAMPE Members
After December 1, 2010

Rs. 5000
Rs. 4000
Rs. 6000


Rs. 2000
US $ 200

From India
From Outside India

Cheques / Bank Drafts should be made payable to ICC-CFT 2011 and sent
to Professor S. Gopalakrishnan. The fee will cover copy of the conference
abstract proceedings, admission to all sessions, banquet dinner, lunches and
refreshments. Those desiring to electronically transfer funds may request
for the concerned EFT numbers of the conference account and they will be

Address of the Secretariat:

Professor S. Gopalakrishnan
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560 012 INDIA
Tel:+91-80- 22933019
(Mobile) +91-9880542142

Center for Composite Material Research
Fort IRC Building Room 205
Department of Mechanical Engineering
North Carolina A&T State University
1601 East market St.
Greensboro, NC 27411,USA
Tel ; (336) 334-7411/7412, Ext. 2112

: krishnan@aero.iisc.ernet.in


ICC-CFT 2011

Today Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka is one of the fastest growing

cities in Asia. Its pleasant climate, friendly people and its highly educated
population have made this the Silicon valley of India with almost all
computer related multinationals setting up their India head offices at
Bangalore. Jawaharlal Nehru, Indias first Prime Minister termed this as
Indias city of the future.
Bangalore is the Garden City of India with its many gardens and
boulevards. Its pleasant climate and laid back charm attracted many senior
citizens and thus later on came to be called as the retired mans paradise.
With the multi-national computer companies setting up their offices here and
its rich technical expertise found in the city, gave it the name Silicon city.
Of course what is Bangalore without all its Pubs. It is now also called the
Pub City with over 200 Pubs all over the town.

Web Site: http://www.aero.iisc.ernet.in/

ICC-CFT 2011
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012, INDIA


Please type or print in ENGLISH. You are encouraged to use our web site to reply

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Organization: ________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________

Tel No: _____ ________________ Fax No: _____ _________________
e mail: _____________________________________________________
Please tick the appropriate box(s):
[ ] I will be organizing a special Session. The title of the session is
[ ] I am presenting a paper and I plan to attend ICC-CFT 2011. The
tentative title of my paper is____________________________
[ ] I have enclosed the abstract of my Paper.
[ ] I am not sending the Abstract. I will send the full paper. The Full
Paper will reach you by July 15, 2010
Please e mail or fax this reply to one of the contact persons listed.

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