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Thursday, February 5, 2015 - Page 6

wants to find a job so she

can get her own place to live.
She wants to work her way
up to college, but for now she
plans to stay around here.
You can be sure you will see
her sassy self for awhile longer.
What is your favorite
thing to paint?
I like painting quotes because they are inspirational
How often do you get
in trouble for your attitude?

When am I not getting in

trouble for my attitude?
What pattern of leggings would you wear for
the rest of your life? Why?
Tribal because theyre
Is there anything you
miss about Corning? Why?
Honestly there is nothing
Would you go to space
if you had the chance and if
so, what color astronaut suit
would you be wearing?
I would go to space in a
purple astronaut suit, but
I would rather explore the

THS homecoming festivities

Sassy Simmons


Joesting are both
pictured dribbling
down the court
in the Indians
homecoming game
against West Nodaway on Friday,
January 30, 2015,
in the Tarkio High
School Gym. The
Indians lost to the
(AC Mail Photos)

Indians lose homecoming

game to West Nodaway

The Tarkio High School

Boys Basketball Team hosted the West Nodaway Rockets for the Indians winter
homecoming game Friday,
January 30, 2015. The boys
fought hard, but ultimately
lost the contest 43-67.
Connor Shaw led the Indians with 20 points. Seth

Fletcher added 13 points

(one three-pointer). Brendon
Bruns and Luis Villagrana
added four points each to
the Indians total and Colin
Joesting added two.
The boys play again this
Friday, February 6, at South
Holt and Friday, February
13, at home.

By Kat DeRosier
This senior hasnt always
been a Tarkio Indian, but
she has definitely made her
time here worthwhile. You
may think she is a quiet girl,
but she has some sass and
she is not ashamed! She is
always ready to have a great
time and to make memories
wherever she goes.
Amber Simmons is the
daughter of Tammy Simmons, who Amber is thankful to have as a mom. She is
also thankful for Gary Kest
ner. Her sister is Amanda
Simmons, who has always
been a great support system
for Amber and helped her get
through high school. Amber
also has a niece and nephew,
Mackenzie and Hunter. She
loves them very much and
is thankful for them making her want to be a better
When thinking of her
childhood, Amber will always remember when she
was four years old and swimming in her pool with her
sister. It was not just an ordinary day of swimming that
she will remember though.
They had been swimming
and her sister dove into the
pool which caused the pool
to explode, sending her sister sliding across the yard.
All Amber heard from her
sister after the incident was,
Hey I found a worm!.
Throughout high school,
Amber has been involved in

FCCLA for two and a half

years. She has also worked
at a waitress at MC Grill in
Corning, IA. She was also
a worker at the race track
in Corning. Amber loves to
paint and watch Netflix.
You can always find her
watching American Horror
Story, Dr. Phil, Ellen, Rosanne, and Bates Motel. If she
is in the mood for a movie,
she will find anything with
Seth Rogan and James
Franco. When Amber is enjoying these shows she will
probably be snacking on her
favorite foods: pizza, macn-cheese with hot dogs, or
Subway. Amber loves all music and she loves art class. If
she is in the mood to read,
she will pick up the Mortal
Amber has made a lot of
memories throughout high
school. Shes also learned
some valuable lessons. One
of those being to not worry
about keeping or making
friends, but to worry about
who has been there for you
since day one. She will also
always remember the great
times shes had with friends.
Among all these great memories she does have some she
could go on in life without.
All her pictures in the yearbook she claims she looks
like she is homeless and all
the Snapchat pictures that
Dylan Crawford takes of her
After high school, Amber

By Paige Wooten
Walking through the doors
of Tarkio High School on
Monday morning was spirit
lifting. The Booster Club did
a wonderful job decorating
the school and bringing out
true school spirit.
This years winter homecoming theme was Around
the World. Every class was
given their own country:
seniors had Russia, juniors
had Egypt, sophomores had
Germany, freshmen had
Australia, 8th grade had
Switzerland, and the 7th
grade had Great Britain.
Throughout the eventful
week of winter homecoming,
every day each class had to
compete in a competition to
earn points. The class that
received the most points at
the end of the week would
win a pizza party. Monday
the class competition was
Tug of War and the seniors
won. Tuesday was finding
your partner, which the
freshman won. Wednesday
was dizzy free throws and
the seniors won. Thursday
was ships and sailors and
the juniors won. Friday there
was no competition, but an

Snow Day

By Mariana Villagrana
Last Saturday the 7th we
were expecting some snow,
but it wasnt long until we
realized that the snow was
not going to be stop anytime
soon! So coming outside on
Sunday we discovered the
land was covered in snowfall and many can agree
that it looked like a winter
wonderland in February!
When school was called off
for Monday, you can only
imagine the excitement the
students and teachers felt!
So what a better opportunity than to ask teachers
and students what they felt
about this recent snow day!

MR. CORRINGTON - Enjoys staying at home and

sleeping in, as well as watching ESPN and their short
films, too!

by the cheerleaders and an

award winning speech from
Seth Fletcher and Hadley
Every day, to keep the
days entertained while every
student is getting pumped
for the class competitions,
was a dress up day. Monday
was redneck day, which was
very easy for students to
find old clothes and outfits.
Tuesday was dress as your
favorite country. Wednesday
was dress as your class color.
Every class chooses a color
and had to wear it on that
day. The seniors were black,
juniors were blue, sophomores were grey, freshmen
were grey, 8th graders were
pink, and 7th graders were
purple. Thursdays dress up
day was throw back Thursday and tourist day. This
day the students could dress
up from back in their early
days or another era, or they
could dress up as tourists.
Friday, as always, was red
and white day. The halls
were filled with school spirit
and excitement each and every day.
The overall winners of the
homecoming event were the
sophomores and they won
the pizza party.

MRS. COOPER - Says that

snow days call for sleeping
in and staying in pjs, drinking some really hot cocoa,
and watching a James Bond

GABBY DERIOSER Loves making snow cream

and not having to come to
school and drinking her favorite drink, coffee!!

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- Says that snow days like
those remind him of his


tell me enough about how
much she loves snow days!
She loves not having to have
to do something and watching movies!

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