Ztree 2 Stata

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Kan Takeuchi
March 01, 2010
Installation: copy ztree2stata.ado and ztree2stata.hlp into C:/stata8/ado/base/z. If you cannot find
such a directory, then run sysdir command and see [U] 20.7 How do I add my own ado-files?.
You can also install these files by typing the following two commands at your Stata prompt:
net from http://www.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/kan/research/ztree2stata
net install ztree2stata

ztree2stata table using filename [, treatment(numlist) string(string varlist) except(string)
save replace clear ]

ztree2stata imports a z-Tree (Fischbacher, 2007) data file and converts it into Stata format.
Specifically ztree2stata:
1. opens an MS-Excel file saved by z-Tree,
2. deletes all data other than that of the specified table by table,
3. renames variables using the variable names in z-Tree, and
4. converts the data into numerical type if it is not in the string varlist.

treatment(numlist) specifies treatments that will be imported into memory. If this option is omitted, then all treatments will be imported. See help numlist for the numlist specification.
string(string varlist) specifies variables that will not be converted into numeric data.
except(string) specifies strings that will be used for renaming some variables.
save allows Stata to make a new filename, by changing xls into dta and adding -table before the
extension, and save the data in memory using the new filename.
replace permits save to overwrite an existing dataset. replace may not be abbreviated.
clear permits the data to be loaded even if there is a dataset already in memory and even if that
dataset has changed since the data were last saved. clear may not be abbreviated.

z-Tree outputs the data of all tables for each session, saving them into a tab-delimited ASCII file as
*.xls. There are 3 problems when you try to open the file in Stata:

School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo. This command is provided as it is, without any
kind of warranty given. But, please email kan@econ.hit-u.ac.jp if you observe any problems.

1. The ASCII file includes several tables (e.g., subjects, globals and session) combined together.
Thus, the desired table needs to be extracted.
2. Stata interprets all variables as string because the data includes variable names. Numeric data
interpreted as string needs to be converted back into numeric data.
3. If z-Tree data includes several different treatments, the size of the selected table varies with
treatments and thus variables may be recorded in different columns depending on the size of
the table.
ztree2stata can handle these problems.
B Example
ztree2stata subjects using 040517XY.xls
Stata reads 040517XY.xls and keeps the data of the subjects table.
table = subjects
Specify one of the tables which have been defined in z-Tree.
filename = 040517XY.xls
Stata looks for 040517XY.xls in the current directory. Therefore, you need to put your data
file in the current directory. If the size of the file is too large, then you need to increase the
memory size before you use ztree2stata. See [U] 7 Setting the size of memory or help
B Example
ztree2stata globals using 040517XY.xls, tr(2 4) save
Stata opens 040517XY.xls and keeps the data of the globals table in treatment 2 and 4.
options = tr(2 4)
Stata reads the data of treatment 2 and 4. If the data does not include some of the specified
treatments, then it returns an error.
options = save
If 040517XY-globals.dta does not exist yet, this option allows Stata to save the data in
memory as 040517XY-globals.dta; Otherwise, Stata returns an error message and does not
save the data in memory. To overwrite the existing file, use save with replace option.
B Example
ztree2stata subjects using 050301AB.xls, string(comments myname) except(foo goo)
string varlist = comments myname
Specify variable name(s). Stata does not encode these variables into numeric. Take off [
and/or ] from the variable name(s), if any.
options = except(foo goo)
If you have any trouble with variable names, then you may want to define an exception. In
this example, ztree2stata renames a variable whose name includes foo and/or goo into
foo# or goo#, where # is the original column number where the variable is located. For
instance, suppose that you have 3 variables in a z-Tree table food, goo and goodfood
and that they are located in the 6th, 7th and 10th column, respectively. Then, they will
be renamed as foo6, goo7 and goo10. goodfood includes both of foo and goo.
However, since goo follows foo in the except option, goodfood is renamed as goo10.

If you use an array variable, the variable names includes square brackets, [ and ] which Stata
cannot use as its variable name. Thus, ztree2stata simply takes them away. Example: Price[1],
Price[2] and Price[3] will be converted into Price1, Price2 and Price3, respectively.
ztree2stata cannot open Excel files. A data file created by z-Tree is not an Excel file but a tabdelimited ASCII file, while its extension is xls. Therefore, once you save a data file as an Excel file,
ztree2stata can no longer open it.
When you convert and combine several z-Tree data files into one Stata file, then you may want to
use append after you convert all of the z-Tree files. See help for append.
This command is provided as it is, without any kind of warranty given.

Fischbacher, U. 2007. z-Tree: Zurich Toolbox for Ready-made Economic Experiments, Experimental Economics, 10(2), pp.171-178. (http://www.iew.unizh.ch/ztree/index.php)

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