Daniel Fast Flat Breads
Daniel Fast Flat Breads
Daniel Fast Flat Breads
Chapattis are similar to tortillas, but made with no baking powder. They are easy to make and
keep well if stored in an air-tight container. Chapattis are common in Southeast Asia and
throughout Africa.
These recipes are all from the Daniel Fast Cookbooks available at Daniel-Fast.com
Homemade Crackers Recipe
Making crackers is quick, easy and fun. They can be made with various seasonings and many
different kinds of grain. Try cornmeal with chili powder, rye with caraway or dill seeds, or
whole wheat with garlic powder. Experiment! If made from cornmeal, buckwheat or other non-
gluten grains, they can safely be eaten by gluten-intolerant individuals. This recipe makes a
semi-crisp, dense cracker.
These recipes are all from the Daniel Fast Cookbooks available at Daniel-Fast.com