Iliad Analysis

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Hctor Mario Chavira Flores


The epic poem writer Homer created the world of the Iliad, a
mythological story that is about a war between the Trojans and the Greeks. In
this book, the heroic code is something important for the people. The heroic
code is a group of rules that says that the warrior must die for his nation and
that he must sacrifice everything for it too. The good of the group is always put
first before than the individuals. The code also says that friendship and loyalty
in the field and over all the courage are very important values. While every
character in the Iliad is bound by the heroic code, the motivations behind their
actions are very different. Achilles, Agamemnon, and Hector each represent
different value systems and world views.
Atreus son Agamemnon is a believer and follower of the Heroic code. He
does everything he can for his people, but his own needs and interests came
first. Agamemnon is an arrogant and selfish leader that always wants to win.
Agamemnon took as war trophy Chryseis, daughter of Chryses, who is an old
sage friend of Apollo. Chryses begged the return of his daughter. Agamemnon
refused and his army was attacked by the silver arrows of the deathful archer
Apollo. Then Achilles, Achaeans finest soldier, told him to give her back, and
Agamemnon first ignored Achilles and then, because of the death of his men,
he realized he had to give her back, but in exchange he would take Achilles war
prize, Briseis.
In addition to being arrogant and lacking insight into himself Agamemnon is
cruel and merciless. During the war, a Trojan soldier begs Menelaus for mercy.
While Menelaus is about to show mercy Agamemnon says to him:

Hctor Mario Chavira Flores

Menelaus, you soft-hearted man, why are you sparing
mens lives like this? In your own home, Trojans treated
you exceptionally well, did they not? So dont let any one of
them evade a terrible destruction at our handsnot even
the young child still carried in his mothers belly. Let no
one escape. Let everyone in Troy be slaughtered, without
pity, without leaving any trace. (Homer)

In general, Agamemnon follows the Heroic Code every time

he wants and he breaks it every time he wants to. His
motivations are power and fame, over any other goal.
Achilles, the most powerful warrior of the Achaeans, is
a leader of the Greek warriors. He is Agamemnons
counterpart. He is a cold and heartless warrior like
Agamemnon. The difference between the two of them is that
Achilles acts like a spoiled child. When he loses Briseis he
runs to his mother to have her arrange for Zeus to avenge
the Greeks.
Achilles had a good friend in the army, Patroclus.
Patroclus was his best friend and even gave his life for him.
After Patroclus died Achilles rage was unleashed on Hector.
Achilles regretted letting Patroclus wear his armour to fight
instead of him, so he just took all that sorrow and used it to
kill Hector. Finally when the last breath of Hector was

Hctor Mario Chavira Flores


finished, Achilles wasnt satisfied. He tied Hectors body to

his chariot and dragged it around Patroclus tomb. Hectors
father, Priam, gives him ransom and begs him to give
Hectors body back.
Taking Priams hand, Achilles gently moved him back. So the two
men there
both remembered warriors whod been slaughtered. Priam, lying
at Achilles feet, wept aloud for man-killing Hector, and Achilles
also wept for his own father and once more for Patroclus.

Achilles really changed, eventhough Priam offered ransom

for his son, Achilles gave him Hector in an act of pure
remorse because he had began all the troubles. He was
loyal, in his way of seeing the meaning of that word, to
Patroclus when he died, and then he became a better person
for a short time and gave Priam his life and his sons body.
He doesnt really use the Heroic code, but in the last book,
he really changed his attitude towards everything.
Hector is leader of the Trojans and maybe the one of
this three that could be called really a hero based on the
heroic code. He is the greatest warrior of Trojans and he
takes his responsibility of being the leader and the one who
everyone follows. His brother, Paris, is the cause of the war,

Hctor Mario Chavira Flores


because he took Helen from Menelaus. Even if he is the

cause, he isnt responsible and he didnt fight with the other
soldiers. Hector tried to teach his responsibility to him but
Paris was just a kid.
Hector went at Alexander, insulting him:
Despicable Paris, handsomest of men, but woman-mad
seducer. How I wish you never had been born or died
unmarried. Thats what Id prefer, so much better than
to live in shame, hated by others. Now long-haired
Achaeans are mocking us, saying weve put forward as
a champion
one who looks good, but lacks a strong brave mind.
Hector is worried for his family, and he is a wonderful husband, but his
duty of being a leader is more important even than to stay with his
family. In different chapters, his family tries to persuade him to stay
home and let others save Troy. He even argues with his family to let him
go fight.
She cried out, calling himher words had
Hector my child, respect and pity me. If I
ever gave these breasts to soothe you,

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remember that, dear child. Protect yourself

against your enemy inside these walls.
Dont stand out there to face him. Stubborn
if he kills you, Ill never lay you out on your
death bed or mourn for you, my child, my
dearest offspringnor will your fair wife.
Far away from us, beside Achaean ships,
their swift dogs will eat you.
Hector, even with his moms words, went fight to death, because he is
more worried of his city and honour than his own joy or happiness. He is
a perfect example of a believer in the code of the heroes. He sacrifices
himself and put the common good over anything.
The heroic code was united to every warrior in that
time, but the ways each one uses it changes the objective
and the consequences. Agamemnon just used it to gain more
power and fame, Achilles used it to gain fame and the
respect of everyone and Hector uses it to fight and die for his
city. No matter the reason or cause, the heroic code
definitively takes out the worse or the best of men.

Hctor Mario Chavira Flores

All quotes taken from:

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