Paws Studio User Manual
Paws Studio User Manual
Paws Studio User Manual
Copyright Statement
Titania Limited 2012. All Rights Reserved
This document is intended to provide advice and assistance for the installation and running of Paws software.
While Titania takes care to ensure that all the information included in this document is accurate and relevant,
customers are advised to seek further assistance from our support staff if required.
No part of this documentation may be copied or otherwise duplicated on any medium without prior written
consent of Titania Limited, publisher of this work.
The use of Paws software is subject to the acceptance of the license agreement.
Welcome and thank you for choosing Paws Studio, by Titania.
Paws Studio is a simple and effective way to create compliance audit reports. By collecting the raw data from
Windows devices, Paws Studio will create a professional report based on that data. Paws Studio includes
extensive customization and reporting options, enabling you to tailor and create your own reports for your
specific requirements.
This manual is designed to help you install, run and make the best of all of Paws Studios features. So read on
and discover how easy it is for you to produce your own Paws Studio reports.
To be able to use Paws Studio, you need to add
an active license. The Add License dialog will run
when you open Paws Studio for the first time. It
can also be accessed by clicking Add License in
the License Manager, accessible from the Tools
To complete the add license process you will
need the serial number and activation code for
your license. This will have been sent to you in
an email when you purchased the license
(please check your junk folder if not found). The
required details are also available on the Titania
website. Once logged in, select the My Licenses
option from the sidebar. This will display a page
with your license history and each licenses serial number and activation code.
Follow the onscreen instructions and enter the required information when prompted. The add license process
requires a live internet connection, but if internet activation fails you are given easy to follow options on how
to continue offline.
To start creating a new report, select Create New Report from the
File menu or click on the Create Report link on the Paws Studio
home screen.
The create report wizard will be displayed giving you three options;
Local; Network; and Manual.
Use this option to create a report based on the system running
Paws Studio. Selecting Local from the options and you will be
taken to a page where you can select which pre-defined policies
you wish to include in your report. Simply click on your desired
report to select it. You are also given the option to include your
own policy you have created using the Paws Policy Editor,
access this by clicking on Import Policy and navigating to your
policy file.
Once you are happy with your choices click Create Report and
shortly your report will appear.
Note: As Paws Studio is collecting data from your system in realtime, some reports may take a short time to complete.
Creating a report based on network systems is very simple. Once you
click the Network option, you will be presented with a page offering
you to enter the details of a network machine (Machine Name/IP,
Administrator User and password). Here just enter an IP address or
machine name of a windows device you wish to audit, together with
an administrator username and password.
By going to the Scan Network tab Paws Studio will briefly scan your
network for available connected and discoverable machines and
these will be presented to you. You can select the machines you
wish to audit by checking the box next to each individual machine.
Paws Studio also offers the capability to scan a whole private IP
range. Clicking on Scan IP Range will prompt you to enter two
private IP address and Paws Studio will ping each device in that
range. If the device is pinged, then it will be added into the list of connectable devices.
Once you have chosen the network devices you wish to audit, enter an administrator username and password
for each.
Once you have selected which machine(s) to create an audit report for, click Select Reports to choose which
pre-defined policies to audit the network machines against. Again, you can select a policies you have created
using the Paws Policy Editor. If you do choose to use your own policy file, please ensure it is saved in the XML
directory contained in the Paws installation directory (typically, C:\Program Files\Paws Studio\XML).
Once you have made your selections click Create Report and Paws Studio will attempt to connect to each
machine and remotely collect the required data to complete a report. Once this has succeeded, you will be
presented with your complete report.
Please note, it may take some time to connect to network machines so please be patient.
Please note, dependant on the way your network has been setup, specific settings must be set on the remote
machine so that connection can be successful. On machines running Vista or newer, User Account Controls
(UAC) may need to be switched off. If this is not a viable option, editing the registry on the remote machine
can enable remote connection. Run regedit and navigate to the following key;
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system. Here create a new DWORD valued
called LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy and set its data to 1. Then reboot the remote system.
On systems running a version of windows older than Vista (e.g. Windows XP), default policies on the remote
machine may need to be changed. This can be done by running gpedit.msc and navigating to Computer
Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\Network Access: Sharing
and security model for local accounts and changing the value to Classic: local users authenticate as
This option is used when you have created .paws files using the Paws Data Collector on external machines and
wish to compile a report based on these .paws files. The process of exporting and using the Data Collector for
external machines is described in sections below.
To add .paws files to the report click the Add Files button and locate the .paws file. They will then appear in
the report list. This can be dragged and dropped to be organized how you like. They can also be sorted
alphabetically using the Sort Files button. To remove files from the report, select the report to remove and
click the Delete Files button. Paws can also scan your system for .paws files by selected in the Scan for Files
button. You will be given a dialog where you can select the folder to scan and Paws will automatically add any
found files into the report list. This process may take a while if the folder to scan is large in size.
Once the report files are added and sorted how you wish, click the Create Report button. Shortly you will be
presented with a completed report in a new window.
The data collector has options for the pre-set policies, the ones unavailable to you will be greyed out. To
create a .paws file based on those, simply click on the required report. If you wish to create a .paws file based
on your own created policy file, click on the Import button and locate that policy file in the dialog.
Very quickly a .paws file will be created in the directory you ran the Data Collector from. This can then be used
in Paws Studio to create a report.
If you have manual checks included in your compliance report, Interactive
Mode is the best way to update results for these checks in real time. To
switch interactive mode on, simply select the checkbox in the Preferences
window under the Reporting tab.
Interactive mode works very simply, when generating your report Paws
Studio will prompt you with a dialog for each report displaying all the
manual checks. You can double click checks to view more information
about each one. You then just need to select Passed, Failed or Pending for
each and this will be the result printed in the report.
Paws Studio is constantly updated to ensure that
the most up to date compliance check versions
are included. However, Paws Studio does provide
the ability to create STIG policy files as soon as
you wish simply by providing the STIG
Benchmark XCCDF and STIG Benchmark OVAL
XML files.
Select STIG Converter from the Tools menu and
you will be presented with the STIG Converter
Enter the location of the XCCDF and OVAL files,
together with which Windows platform they are
for and the location of where you would like to
output the policy file.
Then just click Convert and in a few moments you will have a completely up to date STIG policy file that is
useable within Paws Studio.
Paws Studio can be run in two ways from the command line;
Giving cmd as an argument will present you with the Paws Studio CLI (Command Line Interface). Follow the
on-screen instruction on how to complete a report using the CLI.
Another option is to list (at least 1) of .paws files to generate a report against. You need to provide the full
path to the file including the drive letter. When adding multiple files, separate them with a space. Then specify
the output html file to print the report to. Again, this must be the full path and should include the .html file
For example,
>Paws C:\Users\Titania\NSAReport.paws C:\Users\John\Documents\PCIReport.paws
Running the data collector from the command line will simply generate a .paws file to the Windows machines
desktop, based on the type of report specified. To run the data collector tool from the command line you need
to navigate to the collector executable then give it a single option. This option describes the kind of report the
.paws files will be based on. The possible options are displayed below:
STIG Report
Collector stig
Collector pci
SANS Report
Collector sans
Collector nsa
Collector cip
You can find out more information about other features such as customizing reports and using the help pages.
These are accessible by selecting Information from the Help menu, or clicking the onscreen link labelled Help
& Information.
We hope this this quick guide to Paws was useful and you now feel confident in using our software. If you have
any further questions or requests, feel free to contact our customer care team on;
Tel: +44 (0)845 652 0621