Architecture For Autism
Architecture For Autism
Architecture For Autism
Magda Mostafa
Magda Mostafa
Associate Professor,
The American University in Cairo
Architecture, as a science, deals with the manipulation of the physical environment to
facilitate certain functions and elicit intended behavior. This environment is comprised
primarily of sensory elements- textures, colors, patterns, acoustics etc. In accordance to the
sensory definition of autism, these elements play an important role in autistic behavior and
their cognition and integration are at the core of the disorder. This definition is the basis of
the Autism ASPECTSS Design Index as discussed here. The objective of this paper is to
illustrate the use of this index and its seven principles- Acoustics, Spatial sequencing,
Escape, Compartmentalization, Transition spaces, Sensory zoning and Safety- as a design
development tool. The paper summarizes the impact of these principles on the development
of spatial design criteria for the Advance Center for Special Needs in Qattameya, Cairo,
designed by Progressive Architects, and presents a possible prototype for schools for autism
which would follow the ASPECTSS principles.
Keywords: Autism; educational environments; school design; special needs.
Architecture is the science of environment creation, the manipulation of spatial organizations to fit
the needs of its users. Architects commonly use the sensory environment - i.e. the auditory,
visual, tactile and air quality characteristics of space- to convey meaning and messages to users
hence facilitating functions and activities within a space, particularly in the case of special needs
users (Malik, 2005).
Despite the apparent possibilities of designing favorable architectural environments for
autistic users, autism has generally been excluded from architectural design codes and
guidelines. In a personal communication, and in response to this exclusion, a representative of
the International Code Council stated, I know of no building or accessibility code that
incorporates requirements specifically to address children with autism (Brown, L., 2003, CBO
Codes & Standards Development). The United Nations has issued a mandate on this matter (UN
Global Program on Disability, 1993). Although not legally binding, it presents governments with a
moral commitment to provide equal opportunities for persons with disabilities, including access to
built environments. No specific references are made in the mandate regarding individuals with
developmental disorders or even autism. It has since been pointed out that individuals with
developmental and psychosocial disorders, of which autism is one, have been overlooked (AlThani, 2004). Various building codes of practice have also excluded specific requirements for
designing for autism, although mentioning autism in a very limited sense with generic reference to
acoustics for special needs (Architects & Building Branch, 1992, 1999, 2001, Building Bulletins
77, 91, 94). These documents do, however, provide comprehensive guidelines for dealing with
other special needs and learning difficulties.
This general exclusion may be a result of the non-standardized nature of challenges and,
respectively, needs along the autistic spectrum. It is the contention of this paper however, that a
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
design strategy to deal with these varying challenges may be put in place allowing a form of
customization for groups of users. This strategy will also facilitate the generation of broad design
guidelines and policies. Research in the area of architectural design for autistic users, though
limited, is available. In an architectural review of an existing education/treatment facility Myler et
al discuss this lack of specialized literature and outline some guidelines for designing for autism
dealing with issues such as limiting stimulation, acoustics, air quality, safety and lighting (Myler et
al, 2003). Other similar reviews discuss the design itself and process involved in creating a facility
for autistic users (Forcier, A., 1999). The National Autistic Society in the UK also provides a
series of guidelines for architects and builders, but these seem to be anecdotal given that no
empirical research is cited as an evidence base for these design guidelines (National Autistic
Society, 2012). None of these, however, present an evidence based design model that can be
used to generate design guidelines for the autistic user.
According to more recent literature, the key to designing for autism seems to revolve
around the issue of the sensory environment and its relationship to autistic behavior. This role of
the sensory environment in autistic behavior has been an issue of debate since Leo Kanner first
defined the disorder in 1943 (Kanner, 1943). From the early works of Rimland and his discussion
of sensory stimulation and its relationship to autistic behavior (Rimland, 1964) to Delacato and his
discussion of sensoryisms in (Delacato, 1974), the sensory environment has been part of the
autism dialogue. Simply stated this dialogue hypothesizes that autistic behavior- which is
characterized by repetitive behavior, limited communication skills, challenges in social interaction
and introversion- may be a result of a malfunction in sensory perception. This malfunction may
take the form of hyper-sensitivity or hypo-sensitivity, in its various degrees and across the scope
of all the senses, leaving individuals with autism with an altered sensitivity to touch, sound, smell,
light, color, texture etc. In other words, this leaves them with an altered sense of the world around
Recent literature, however, has begun debating the weight and pivotal role first attributed
to the sensory environment in the dynamic relationship of the autistic user with his or her
environment. Although possibly an effect of increased skill development amongst previously
untreated autistic individuals, generalization of skills as opposed to dealing with the sensory
stimulation per se, has received increasing attention in the literature. In all cases, the role of the
sensory phenomena is still undergoing much discussion (Firth, 2003. p. 10 as cited in Henry,
2011). Kern have shown that sensory stimulation and its consequent processing- or in other
words the crux of the user-built environment relationship- is characteristic of all individuals with
autism (Kern,, 2007 as cited in Henry, 2011), while Dawson and Watling estimate this
prevalence as predominant, but not global (Dawson & Watling, 2000 as cited in Henry, 2011). In
all cases it seems to be agreed upon amongst most researchers that the sensory environment,
with its colors, textures, patterns, lights, shapes and spatial qualities, while requiring further
investigation, plays some role in the disorder (ONeil & Jones, 1997).
This debate in the autism research community has brought upon a parallel debate in the
architectural research community that serves it. Two seemingly polar opposite positions are
emerging among the approaches to designing for autism and are discussed in a series of articles
by ArchDailys Christopher Henry (Henry, 2011, Henry, 2012). The first position is what has been
called the Nuero-Typical approach, and proposes the immersion of the autistic user in as typical
and stimulating an environment as possible, in order to encourage adaptation to the overstimulation so typical of the disorder and to replicate the level of stimulation found in the real
world. The conceptual basis behind this design approach is that it would best prepare the autistic
user for the generalization of his or her skills, particularly those acquired in a learning
environment, to the outside world. Proponents of this approach contend that it addresses the
more pressing issue of generalization, rather than sensory sensitivities. It seems however that
this approach presupposes first that generalization is the bigger challenge. Additionally it
assumes that the user has received a certain quality of care and a consequent minimum level of
baseline skill, whereby the autistic user is able to adapt to a degree that allows them to even use
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
such environments. This, however is not always the case, particularly in the more severe
instances of the disorder, in the early stages of intervention and in cases where intervention has
been delayed or not been made available to the autistic individual, as is the case in most of the
developing world. A further limitation of this approach is that it has not been empirically
investigated and is based on a hypothesis rather than evidence based research (Marion, 2006).
The second, to which this paper subscribes and upon which it is based, is the Sensory
Design Theory, which stipulates that favorably altering the sensory environment can be
conducive to positive and constructive autistic behavior, particularly in learning environments.
Based on clinical research first published in 2008, Sensory Design Theory presents a flexible and
adaptable tool which acts as a catalyst for architectural design criteria development for
architectural environments based on their sensory qualities, and in response to autistic sensory
needs (Mostafa, 2003, Mostafa, 2008). Although seemingly prescriptive, it allows for different
levels of application and advocates the creation of a variety of stimulus zones to respond both to
different activities and different skill levels of its users. Similar to the neuro-typical approach, it
addresses the issue of generalization of skill by avoiding the greenhouse effect using graduated
sensory spaces, from the highly adapted to the typical, to allow for gradual skill development
(Mostafa, 2008, p. 204).
Sensory Design Theory has been empirically tested and preliminary evidence seems to
indicate that autistic users, particularly those on the extreme side of the spectrum and those at
the beginning of their interventional treatment, show increased attention span, faster response
time and improved behavioral temperament through application of the Sensory Design Theory
(ibid, pp. 197-205). Although more research is required to investigate the scope and long-term
effects of this approach, it is however one of the few evidence based research theories
addressing architecture for autism (Henry, 2012) and is the basis of the presentation of the case
study design project in this paper- the new Advance Education Center, Qattameya-Cairo, Egypt,
which is the first building to be designed according to Sensory Design Theory.
Sensory Design Theory is based on the concept of the sensory environment as a major roleplayer in the process of perception and behavior development. Much like the concept of the
sensory diet (Willbarger & Willbarger, 1991 and Anderson, 1998), this environment is
considered something that can be manipulated to the benefit of the autistic user. If we look at
typical perception as the understanding of, and relevant responding to, the sensory input from the
surrounding environment (i.e. the architectural design), we can better understand the role of
architecture in autistic behavior. Most interventions for autistic individuals deal with the sensory
malfunction itself and the development of strategies and skills for the autistic individual to use
when coping with these malfunctions. It is the contention of this research that autistic behavior
can be influenced favorably by altering the sensory environment, i.e. the stimulatory input
resulting from the physical architectural surroundings of color, texture, ventilation, sense of
closure, orientation, acoustics etc., before, rather than after the sensory malfunction occurs
(Mostafa, 2003, Mostafa, 2008). Perhaps by altering this sensory input in a manner designed to
accommodate specific autistic needs, behavior may be improved, or at least a more conducive
environment created, for more efficient skill development. Previous research has shown this to be
a successful approach, particularly in the area of acoustical design (Mostafa, 2006, Mostafa
This brings us to the development of the model used to generate the design criteria applied in the
case study, the sensory design model. This model is comprised of a matrix based on two axes
(Figure 1). The horizontal axis represents the various sensory areas involved in perceiving the
physical environment, or the sensory profile, while the vertical represents the architectural
attributes that may be manipulated to accommodate various sensory needs for autism. These
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
architectural attributes are partially based on Chings definition of architecture (Ching, 1996). In
view of the sensory definition of autism as well as an understanding of architecture, design
criteria, indicated by numbers, can be generated by the critical analysis of the intersection of each
of these axes.
Hyper Hypo Interference Hyper Hypo Interference Hyper Hypo Interference Hyper Hypo Interference Hyper Hypo Interference
Since autism is a spectrum with each individual exhibiting a different sensory profile with variant
response to stimuli (Anderson, 1998), this matrix will generate different, and sometimes
conflicting, design guidelines for each sensory profile examined. Optimally, this matrix could be
used to customize designs, for example in a home environment where only one autistic user is
involved. This however, is not applicable in buildings where groups of autistic individuals use the
same spaces, such as schools and respite centers. A general sensory profile, however, may be
developed comprised of the most common sensory challenges faced by autistic users when
dealing with a built environment. These commonalities were assessed through an online
international survey of one hundred families in 2002 while developing the index. The objective of
this survey was to ascertain the importance and impact of the architectural environment on
families with autism by ranking the most prevalent sensory environment issues- acoustics, visual
environment, tactile environment etc., and served as a basis for the later development of the
Autism ASPECTSS Index. (Mostafa, 2008).
By looking at these common sensory environment problems, such as acoustics, texture, lighting
etc. a group of design principles were generated through the matrix. Some of these suggested
guidelines were empirically evaluated in a school environment and indicated promising results
(Mostafa, 2003, Mostafa, 2006 and Mostafa, 2008). These principles are summarized in the
following proposed Autism ASPECTSS Index, and were used as a basis for the development of
the design of the Advance School for Autism in Egypt:
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
1. Acoustics:
As mentioned previously, a preliminary exploratory survey of 100 parents and primary
caregivers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ranked acoustics as the most
influential feature of the sensory environment upon autistic behavior. Further empirical
research has shown that by reducing noise levels and echo in educational spaces for
children with autism, their attention spans, response times and behavioral temperament,
as measured by instances of self-stimulatory behavior, are all improved. This
improvement reached in some instances a tripling of attention span, a 60% decrease in
response time and a 60% decrease in instances of self-stimulatory behavior (Mostafa,
2008). This criterion proposes that the acoustical environment be controlled to minimize
background noise, echo and reverberation within spaces used by individuals with ASD.
The level of such acoustical control should vary according to the level of focus required in
the activity at hand within the space, as well as the skill level and consequently severity of
the autism of its users. For example, activities of higher focus, or according to Sensory
Design Theory, those taking place in low stimulus zones, should be allowed a higher
level of acoustical control to keep background noise, echo and reverberation to a
minimum. Also provisions should be made for different levels of acoustical control in
various rooms, so students can graduate from one level of acoustical control to the next,
slowly moving towards a typical environment in order to avoid the greenhouse effect
(Mostafa, 2008).
2. SPatial Sequencing
This criterion is based on the concept of capitalizing on the affinity of individuals with
autism to routine and predictability. Coupled with the criterion of Sensory Zoning, which
will be discussed shortly, Spatial Sequencing requires that areas be organized in a logical
order, based on the typical scheduled use of such spaces. Spaces should flow as
seamlessly as possible from one activity to the next through one-way circulation whenever
possible, with minimal disruption and distraction, using Transition Zones which are
discussed below.
3. Escape Space
The objective of such spaces is to provide respite for the autistic user from the overstimulation found in their environment. Empirical research has shown the positive effect of
such spaces, particularly in learning environments (Mostafa, 2008). Such spaces may
include a small partitioned area or crawl space in a quiet section of a room, or throughout
a building in the form of quiet corners. These spaces should provide a neutral sensory
environment with minimal stimulation that can be customized by the user to provide the
necessary sensory input.
4. Compartmentalization
The philosophy behind this criterion is to define and limit the sensory environment of each
activity, organizing a classroom or even an entire building into compartments. Each
compartment should include a single and clearly defined function and consequent sensory
quality. The separation between these compartments need not be harsh, but can be
through furniture arrangement, difference in floor covering, difference in level or even
through variances in lighting. The sensory qualities of each space should be used to
define its function and separate it from its neighboring compartment. This will help provide
sensory cues as to what is expected of the user in each space, with minimal ambiguity.
5. Transition Zones
Working to facilitate both Spatial Sequencing and Sensory Zoning, the presence of
transition zones helps the user recalibrate their senses as they move from one level of
stimulus to the next. Such zones can take on a variety of forms and may be anything from
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
a distinct node that indicates a shift in circulation to a full sensory room that allows the
user to re-calibrate their sensory stimulation level before transitioning from an area of
high-stimulus to one of low-stimulus.
6. Sensory Zoning
This criterion proposes that when designing for autism, spaces should be organized in
accordance to their sensory quality, rather than the typical architectural approach of
functional zoning. Grouping spaces according to their allowable stimulus level, spaces are
organized into zones of high-stimulus and low stimulus. The former could include areas
requiring high alertness and physical activity such as physical therapy and gross motor
skill building spaces. The latter could include spaces for speech therapy, computer skills
and libraries. Transition zones are used to shift from one zone to the next.
7. Safety
A point never to be overlooked when designing learning environments, safety is even
more of a concern for children with autism who may have an altered sense of their
environment. Fittings to protect from hot water and an avoidance of sharp edges and
corners are examples of some of these considerations.
The Advance School Project- Objectives, Outline and Student Body Profile
The Advance Centre for Special needs is the full-time educational service provided by the
Egyptian Society for the Developing Skills of Special Needs Children in Egypt. The objective of
the center is twofold. Primarily it deals with skill development of children with developmental
delays with a focus on autism, which comprises 70% of its student body. Its ultimate goal is
maximum independence of its students, and hence integration into society. In addition, it aspires
to raise the awareness of the community with regards to special needs in general, and autism
specifically. The age groups addressed in the services of this center range from children of 2
years to adults of 21 years and above. Children of the center will not graduate in the traditional
sense of the term, but will be provided with support in the form of continued education and
therapy as well as employment opportunities at the center and assistance towards inclusion in
the community.
The center is located in a newly developed suburb of greater Cairo, Egypt, as part of New
Cairo in the Qattameya district. The total plot is approximately 4200 m2 with a permissible
footprint of 30% or 1200 m2. The maximum allowable height is 13 m or 3 stories, creating a
maximum built-up area 3600 m2 above ground. For cost-efficiency purposes these areas have
been maximized to accommodate as many students as possible. When completed the center
should provide full-time educational services to 70 students, as well as part-time support and
supervision to at least 50 others.
Architectural Program
The architectural program developed by the researcher in conjunction with the administrative,
educational and clinical team of the school is summarized briefly as follows:
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
1. Administration
1.a Central Administration
Reception Area, Accounts, Board of Directors
1.b Faculty Administration
Faculty offices and services
School director, Clinical director, Registrar offices, Teacher training/ Faculty
conference room, Faculty lounge with workstations, Main resource library
1.c Assessment and Diagnostic Centre
Waiting area for parents and applicants, Diagnostic room equipped with a/v,
Observation room, Conference room, Diagnostic center director's office/ visiting
2. Educational and Therapy Centre
2.a Core Educational Spaces
Class bases (10), Observation rooms, One to one instructional spaces, Shared
resource rooms and teacher prep areas, Storage
2.b Therapy Spaces
Speech and language therapy (6) with adjacent observation rooms, Psychomotor
Therapy (2), Occupational Therapy (1), Physiotherapy room (1), Storage spaces,
Shared office space for therapist preparation (1), Hydrotherapy, Enclosed swimming
pool &services
2.c Vocational Studies Workshop (2)
2.d Artistic Therapy and Skills
Arts and Crafts Studio
Drama, Movement & Music Therapy Studio
2.e Outdoor Learning
Classroom related learning patios, Age appropriate cluster courts, Psychomotor
learning through play centers, Sensory gardens, Formal playfields and PE spaces,
formal Vocational Gardening area
3. Community Related Facilities
3.a Commercial Outlets
Arts and Crafts outlet, Plants and produce outlet, Business and Computer center,
Bakery outlet
3.b Community Participation Spaces
Multi-purpose Assembly hall
4. Ancillary Services
Kitchens (including life skills kitchen in model home)
Electromechanical Services
5. Assisted Living Centre
Private single and double student bedrooms with en suite bathrooms (9 housing 9-16
students), Supervisor bedrooms with en suite bathrooms (3), Group living room and
workspace (1 per floor= 3), Kitchenette (1 per floor= 3), Medical coordinators office (1),
Residence managers office (1), Family room and group lounge adjacent to garden, Group
kitchen, guest toilet.
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
well as the different functional components of the building- learning spaces, support spaces and
living spaces.
Whole School Issues
Successful architecture deals with a building as a whole, rather than the simple sum of its parts.
Hence, to design for an issue with sensitivities as particular as autism, one must first look at the
elements dealing with the building as a whole. As a result of the application of the ASPECTSS
principles, the following design guidelines were developed with respect to context and
community, zoning, circulation and fire safety.
1. Context and Community
One of the more important problems of special needs children that have recently come to the
forefront of research and literature is the issue of inclusion and respect in society. Through design
it may be possible to assist such inclusion. The provision of community-linked services is
essential to this end. Facilities such as the commercial outlets proposed create an opportunity for
student interaction with society. This helps develop social and vocational skills in the students as
well as promote a positive productive image of autism to the community at large. As with all
student areas throughout the center, these outlets are kept visually simple to reduce students
over-stimulation. Storage areas, display areas, workspaces and customer areas are kept visually
and spatially separate and organized. Natural lighting is used as much as possible, as well as
natural ventilation. Noise exposure is kept to a minimum in high focus areas such as computer
stations in the business center or accounting stations in the other outlets.
The functions that are provided in the assembly hall can also be utilized to encourage
inclusion. These functions may include, but are not necessarily exclusive to: awareness
campaigns, parent home program training sessions, parent support groups, teacher training
seminars, school organized shows and school assemblies.
2. Zoning
When designing for a group of students with the sensory challenges found predominantly in
those with autism, the organization of functions with respect to one another is of great
importance. This functional organization, or zoning, has great impact on the comfort of the user,
the conducive quality of the healing and learning environment, as well as the independence
enjoyed by these students as they navigate the center. It is the contention of the Sensory Design
model and Autism ASPECTSS design index that the autistic user identifies with the
architectural environment around him or her in accordance to sensory zoning rather than
conventional functional zoning (Figures 2 and 3).
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
With this in mind, when designing for autism, buildings may be designed with a new outlook.
Spatial groupings should follow autistic logic and involve sensorial compatible functions. These
groupings should be accessed through a one-way circulation system, emphasizing, as well as
capitalizing on, routine. For example high-stimulus functions like music, art, crafts and
psychomotor therapy, requiring a high level of alertness can be grouped together, while lowstimulus functions or high focus areas like speech therapy, one to one instruction and general
classrooms, requiring a high level of concentration, can be grouped together. Services, which are
usually high-stimulus, including bathrooms, kitchens, staff-rooms and administration, should be
separated from the student areas. Buffer areas such as gardens, free-play, sensory curriculum
rooms and some other open spaces may act as transitional areas between the low-stimulus
focus zones and the high-stimulus alertness zones. As will be discussed shortly, transition
zones also play a role in easing such shifts.
3. Way-finding, Navigation, Circulation and Spatial Sequencing
The importance of this issue cannot be over-emphasized. When coupled with sensory zoning, the
issue of conducive way finding and navigation may greatly aid the special needs user in gaining
various skills and independence while freeing staff and faculty. Without such an approach to
design, faculty and staff become responsible for guiding children throughout their day as they
move from one activity to another. This is not only time-consuming but robs the child of skilldevelopment opportunities. Using circulation schemes related to the visual daily schedules and
picture exchange communication (PEC) systems used in the centers educational programs also
enhances active learning of communication skills as it provides the child with an opportunity to
apply his or her skill to a real-life situation.
A one-way circulation scheme that builds on the special needs users affinity to routine is
employed throughout this building. This circulation corresponds to the general daily schedule of
the students activity as he/she moves through the school. Due to the diversity of the childrens
educational needs and school operation issues like scheduling this may be very difficult to
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
generalize and standardize. However an attempt to group functions for each age group in zones
through which the children move progressively throughout the day is employed. Transition zones
such as gardens and sensory curriculum rooms may assist when this one-way circulation is not
The use of a circular node or junction, in the form of a cylindrical tower, between the two
main circulation axes, should create such a transition zone between the two sensory zones. It is
suggested, as well, that this space, being visually and spatially distinguishable from the
remainder of the forms used in the project, will aid the student in independent navigation by
creating a visual cue to the change in sensory zone, hopefully preparing him for the shift in the
sensory environment and quality of activity about to take place.
Visual aids such as color and pattern are employed in circulation areas to assist way
finding. This is done discreetly to avoid visual over-stimulation. Signage is another important part
of way finding and navigation. Conventionally dependent primarily upon the written word, signage
is a challenge for communication-disordered individuals like those with autism. It has been found
that individuals with autism, although sometimes unable to communicate with conventional
language of the spoken and written word, can communicate well using pictures (Grandin, 1996).
This concept can be applied to signage schemes where pictorial language can be displayed in
parallel with written language. In addition to assisting navigation, this will help develop skills as
well as raise self-esteem and encourage inclusion. When continuously viewing and
understanding a pictorial sign with written words next to each symbol, eventually some written
words may begin to be understood by association. Using these types of signs will also allow all
children to be included in the group of those who can read. Various colors and themed symbols
are used to indicate different functions in the school. In a manner similar to pictorial signage,
textural signage is proposed as a communicative tool capitalizing on the tactile, in addition to the
visual, cognitive capabilities of the students. Various textured materials are also used to indicate
circulation areas, changes in levels and for the creation of interesting sensory experiences,
particularly in outdoor learning environments.
The lighting used in all circulation spaces is natural with placement that avoids glare and
silhouetting. This issue is important not only for those with visual issues but also for those with
auditory processing problems and challenges. Such individuals commonly depend on visual cues
such as body language and facial expression to assess situations and silhouetting impairs this.
The use of contrasting materials in various elements-floor, wall, ceiling, doors- helps visually
define and differentiate, helping to clarify the visual qualities of circulation areas. Overstimulation, however, is avoided.
4. Fire safety and evacuation
Traditionally the issue of fire safety and evacuation has focused on wheelchair users and nonambulant individuals. The same concepts, however, can be applied to autistic users. The
evacuation strategy proposed involves insuring the safe and effective movement of the
challenged individual from any point in the building under various fire location scenarios
(progressive horizontal evacuation), to a safe spot or refuge. This refuge should be secure and
located away from the evacuation flow. An appointed faculty or staff member will meet the
individual at this assigned refuge and proceed to evacuate him/her.
Learning Spaces:
1. General Classroom Design
A clustered organization is used in designing the classrooms. This introverted organization
creates an internal, contained, open-air space that can fulfill various functions. The first is the
creation of a space of an intimate scale allowing students with delayed social interaction skills the
chance to interact with smaller groups of children in a familiar environment. The second is the
environmental benefits of courtyard design such as temperature regulation (Reynolds, J., 2002).
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
Finally, these courtyards provide opportunities for outdoor learning- in themes such as nature,
weather, motor skills etc., which has been shown to be very advantageous and beneficial (Millet,
As a zone the classrooms are located in the low-stimulus area of the school. Each
classroom or class-base has an average of 7 students with at least 3 teachers and assistants.
The classrooms themselves are designed acoustically to reduce external noise permeation as
well as internal echoes. With a concept similar to that of sensory zoning, the classroom is
designed in a compartmentalized fashion. Each function or activity is allocated to a station
which can be physically and visually separated from the remainder of the classroom by low
partitions, levels or different flooring materials and colors. These stations are organized
throughout the classroom according to their sensory requirements with high focus functions like
fine motor skills, matching, sorting and academics located in well-lit areas allowing alertness
without distraction. Natural lighting is introduced with above eye-level sills to allow indirect
sunlight in without visual distractions. Optimally these windows are north facing to avoid glare and
direct light. For each activity an optimum and distinct furniture and equipment layout is used
consistently. It has been found that some activities are best performed with certain layouts
(Mostafa, 2003). Over time this consistency will act as a visual cue for the student and will assist
him/her in predicting the task at hand, hopefully reducing the time needed to get on task.
Open areas for floor play are also included as well as provisions for group work.
Resources are to be organized so that they are readily available without being highly visually
accessible to avoid distraction to the child. Closed storage cupboards or open shelving with
neutral boxes are ideal. These resource nodes can be placed centrally between two or more
classes in a small teacher preparation area to be more efficient.
An additional, but essential station is included, namely an escape space. This is located
in the lowest stimulus area of the classroom. Essentially it is a small partitioned area where a
child may seek refuge whenever over-stimulated or overwhelmed. This space is intimate and
partially enclosed to limit the sensory environment the child needs to deal with. It is designed as a
sensory neutral space with various items close at hand, much like a small Snoezelen sensory
curriculum room (Hulsegge, & Verhal, 1987), so that the child can have the space customized
according to his or her sensory needs. These items may include cushions of various textures,
brushes, sand paper, small tents, blankets, fiber optic lights, music headphones and perhaps
aromatherapy oils. Anecdotal evidence shows that the mere presence, and not necessarily
regular use, of this space in a classroom is sufficient to reduce the tantrums and outbursts of
over-sensitive children, increasing their productivity in class (Mostafa, 2003). This area can also
be used at the beginning and end of classes to help children calm down and prepare to be more
receptive to the upcoming tasks.
Being a comprehensive center, the role of the classroom, though primarily instructional, also
includes elements of training for both parents and other teachers or specialists. For this purpose,
joint observation rooms are made available directly adjacent to the classrooms. These are small
rooms with one-way mirrored windows looking directly into the classes, with a/v equipment for
taping sessions. These can be used as part of teacher training courses as well as parent
awareness and home program training.
2. Specialized Therapy Spaces
The center provides various specialized spaces for speech, occupational, psychomotor therapy
etc., as outlined in the program. All these spaces, with the exception of speech therapy, are
considered the high stimulus functions and should be grouped accordingly in that sensory zone.
Each function, however is kept acoustically separated from the others using high quality wall
systems. Lighting, whenever possible, is natural and indirect, from a source above eye-level to
avoid visual distraction. Fluorescent lighting, which emits a low hum and flickers, is avoided.
Shared resource and preparation areas, as well as observation rooms are also provided.
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
As an activity, each of these therapies has different characteristics and hence requires a different
quality of space. For example the psychomotor therapy room is designed in a more linear
proportion allowing directional movement along its length. A preparation/storage space is located
at one end and is accessible via a large rolling horizontal panel that opens onto a shelved area
directly behind where the students begin their activity. The therapist can prepare and organize
the necessary equipment on these shelves from the adjacent resource and equipment storage
area, allowing independent and structured access to the students without over-stimulation and
distraction. These resource areas are located between, and accessible from, two adjacent
therapy rooms. This will economize on space and expensive equipment that can be shared. The
occupational and physical therapy rooms are organized in a similar fashion.
The art therapy area incorporates various activities including painting, printing, sculpture
and pottery, which is located on an outdoor terrace. As in the classrooms these different activities
are organized in stations kept partially visually and spatially separate. Natural lighting is achieved
through a skylight, creating an enjoyable and creative environment. Located above the prevocational workshop, artwork can be integrated to help students create beautiful and functional
objects such as simple furniture, leather goods and home accessories. A large storage and
preparation area are made available.
The pre-vocational workshops are located on the ground floor with direct access to an
outdoor area for large-scale activities such as carpentry and metal work, as well as formal
gardening. The activities in the workshops are divided into two groups including but not limited to
woodwork, bamboo, candle making, tapestry and computers. The workshops are furnished with
adjustable stools and tables with durable surfaces throughout. Both the workshops and art studio
are located close to the outlets to allow easy transportation of products and goods with minimal
distraction to the rest of the center.
The enclosed swimming pool and hydrotherapy are located at the farthest possible
location from the classrooms and the low-stimulus zone. Being a high-stimulus function, this
essential activity needs to be housed in an enclosure that minimizes acoustical disturbances such
as echoes, whilst being safe and hygienic. The hydrotherapy is comprised of a sensory pool that
activates various jets at different parts of the body to provide tactile stimulation. External access
for extra-curricular use is provided.
The speech therapy rooms, being high-focus activities requiring a low-stimulatory
environment, should be located as part of the low-stimulus zone. Research has shown the
preliminary success and long-term sustainability of performance of speech and communication in
soundproofed speech therapy rooms (Mostafa, 2006). It is important however not to provide only
soundproofed rooms, to avoid a greenhouse effect, where the child is only able to communicate
in an acoustically controlled room and is unable to generalize these skills outside the classroom.
In this design a group of rooms with various levels of soundproofing are made available. In this
way the child can graduate from one level of acoustical control to the other as he or she acquires
the necessary skills with the ultimate objective of generalizing communication skills in a noncontrolled environment.
3. Outdoor Learning Spaces
As mentioned previously, outdoor spaces can play an essential role in learning (Millet, 2004).
Research has also shown that in children with autism, outdoor spaces may actually be preferable
(Hebert, B. 2002). With autism it is essential to capitalize on every learning opportunity and
outdoor areas can be instrumental in this. As mentioned previously, the small outdoor classroom
courtyards may help create the opportunity for small-group social interactions between students.
In a similar manner the larger playground area may allow for larger scale interactions.
Hebert mentions various benefits of the outdoor space or healing garden, such as
sensory integration and play therapy. In addition to these, this study presents the architectural
role of the outdoor learning space as a transitional zone. This zone is essential to the success of
the sensory zoning concept in that it allows the sensory recalibration of the student. When
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
moving, for example, from a high stimulus function such as music and movement therapy in the
high stimulus zone, to a low-stimulus high focus activity such as communication therapy the
student can pass through the outdoor area and be allowed a few minutes to perform a sensory
readjustment to prepare for the upcoming task.
This sensory readjustment may be conducted in a variety of spaces made available. A
sensory garden comprised of textured pathways, water-play, ball pools, sand pits and an
aromatherapy herbal garden is the core of this space. In addition to using the formal gardening
area provided, part of the students vocational training may be the maintenance of the sensory
garden. This will not only improve their sense of achievement and provide them with viable skill
training, but gardening has also been shown to have many benefits in autism (Schleien et al,
1991). Water features may also be used to mask background noise. A free-standing expression
wall painted with blackboard paint allows the students to articulate themselves artistically,
promoting free self-expression as well as allowing those with poor fine motor skills to use their
more developed gross motor skills in producing large scale artwork.
Various shaded seating alcoves are provided to protect students overheating which may
be a precursor to seizures in predisposed students (Tsai & Leung, 2006). These also allow
individuals and groupings of different sizes to sit. Accessibility and usability are further issues. All
pathways are ramped at level changes and sensory elements, such as textured tables, water play
and sand pits, are raised to be available to wheelchair users. Playground equipment is to be
designed for non-ambulant users as well (ODPM, 2003).
Other essential outdoor learning spaces include the formal vocational garden where
students can learn various skills. In addition to gardening, small projects can be carried out
including herbal packaging, floral arrangements, organic produce and others. By marketing these
services and products to the community through the available commercial outlets in addition to
income to the center, the students will gain important skills and hopefully improve the image of
special needs as a burden on society. A formal playfield for organized sports is also provided.
Support Spaces: Diagnostic Centre
Comprised of rooms for parents, assessment and diagnosis, specialists, intake and conferencing
as well as training, this area provides a welcoming atmosphere and is easily accessible from the
visitor's parking area and entrance. It is also accessible from the chairman's office and relevant
center faculty. Some resources such as brochures and reading material can be made available
from the resource library. The diagnostic room is arranged much like a small class, with various
stations, and is visually accessible from an observation room. The diagnosing specialist,
observing parents, as well as parent and teacher training activities, can use this observation
room. The diagnostic center is used for intake of new students, provision of outside assessment
services and extra-curricular support for special needs individuals affiliated and enrolled
elsewhere. The general atmosphere of this area of the center is respectful, private and
welcoming, to reassure both the parents and children.
Living Spaces: Assisted Living Centre
The objective of this assisted living service is to provide supervised on site accommodation for
students. Such accommodation may act as a transition towards supervised living off-campus or
independent living with the ultimate objective of integration into the community (Marquette &
Miller, 2002). All efforts are made to create a dignified environment conducive of skill
development and independence, departing completely from the former approaches of life-long
institutionalization of individuals with autism (Taylor, 1987).
With this in mind the building is designed as 3 apartments, as close as possible in format
as would be found in a typical Egyptian home. Each of these apartments has 3-4 bedrooms with
private bathrooms for each, a small kitchenette and workspace. Students may share a room with
another student, a supervisor or live independently, depending on their skills and level of
independence. A large kitchen and a lounge area are located on the garden level for group
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research
Magda Mostafa
activities and entertaining visitors as well as various vocational tasks. A medical supervisor and
building manager are available around the clock in addition to the various supervisors or buddies.
The location of the building, although on the same site, does not allow for direct access to
the school grounds, despite the obvious convenience. The reason for this is to create the feeling
that the two buildings and their users are neighbors, rather than give the live-in students a sense
of institutionalization. Each student will have to walk around the site to reach the main entrance of
the school, navigating traffic and the neighboring community along the way.
Although just a beginning, the Advance School is the first project designed according to the
Sensory Design Theory and applying the Autism ASPECTSS Design Index. The process of this
application using the seven principles as catalysts for guideline development, proved to generate
various criteria not typically used in educational environments and learning spaces. This paper
provides a detailed discussion of the impact of autism-aware design on all levels of school
planning- from whole school issues to details of class configuration and layout. The Advance
Center may be considered a working prototype towards more autism-friendly design. Postoccupancy evaluation could further determine the success of this process.
It is proposed that this Autism ASPECTSS Design Index may further be used to
develop designs for other building typologies such as assisted living communities and respite
centers. It may also be used as a framework to facilitate inclusion in mainstream facilities and
public services. Finally, it may also have applications, in a weighted format, to act as an audit
index, to help rate the appropriateness of an environment for autistic users. In this manner this
index may help encourage inclusion and integration into society and community by facilitating
autistic skill development and creating a healthier, more conducive environment for all.
It is hoped that the thoughts presented in this paper will begin a move towards listening with all of
our senses to the needs of these bravely challenged individuals, and motivate us to develop the
knowledge and technology to design more appropriate architecture.
Mrs. Maha El Helali and all of the ADVANCE school administration and staff provided the
generous cooperation required to develop the program of the educational center discussed in this
paper. The underlying theory of the work presented here would not have been developed without the
consent and support of all the parents of the children involved in earlier studies. Their participation and
support is greatly appreciated. More information about their society can be found at .
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Magda Mostafa
Associate Professor of Architecture
The American University in Cairo,
Department of Construction and Architectural Engineering
Archnet-IJAR, Volume 8 - Issue 1 - March 2014 - (143-158) Section: Original Research Articles
Copyright 2014 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research