Web Bulletin

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FEBRUARY 8, 2015

Our Purpose...
To reach people with the love of Jesus Christ, provide a safe and
supportive environment, proclaim the standards of Gods truth,
duplicate the Christian life in others, and celebrate the majesty
and works of Our Great God.

New to Salem Heights?

Welcome! We are glad youre here! We invite
you to seek out the folks wearing the Ask Me
badge. Through them you will find information
about the ministries of Salem Heights Church
and how to become involved. Please fill out a
Visitor Card and drop it in one of the offering
boxes as you leave or scan this code to go directly to our website
and fill out a visitor card. We have an excellent nursery and
programs for children newborn through high school. Any of the
ushers will be happy to direct you to the proper classroom. If
you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during
the service, the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for
parents with small children. There is a private room for nursing
mothers across the hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair,
changing table and portable crib. For your convenience, it also
includes a monitor to enable you to still hear and view the

Sunday Worship

Part 15


re Questi

u e 3!7#17
Part 3

Prese ted by
Past r 'usti Gree e
What sh u+d we d the - the cr wd as ed.

u e 3!10

Info & News

Mens Growth Connection Groups

Growth Connection groups have begun! Its not too late to join us.
With the various studies and meeting times offered, it is easy to get
plugged in. For questions, contact Matt MacCollin through the
church office at 503.588.0403.

Greenskeeper Ministry
Thank you to all who helped with our landscape clean up day!
Your efforts make the church grounds welcoming to those who
are here throughout the week and on Sunday mornings. Thank
you for being willing to serve the church body in this way.
2015 Mid-High Retreat
The 2015 Cause Mid-High Retreat is coming up February 27 March 1 at Camp Tadmor. Registration is currently available online
and payments can be processed online through Paypal. To register,
go to salemheightschurch.org and click on the rotating marquee
screen. Paper registrations and payment can also be dropped in any
of our offering boxes. Questions?? Contact Tim Saffeels at
Spring/ Summer Church Softball
Registration/fee paying for church softball is fast approaching.
This will take place on the following Sundays: February 22, March
1 and March 8 in the church foyer before and after each service.
Returning and new players must register and pay their $50 league
fee during this time period in order to be eligible to play. Space for
new players is extremely limited and there may be a waiting list, so
plan ahead now. Contact Greg Nolz at 503.428.8663,
hillhouse04@msn.com or through Facebook if you have questions.
Pre-Baptism Class
A pre-baptism class will be held this Thursday evening at 7:00pm in
room 203. This class is a prerequisite for those who have signed up
to be baptized at the upcoming Lords Supper on February 15.
Mexico Building Trip
The Mexico Building team leaves on February 28. They will be
heading to Texcoco, Mexico to help the complete roof on the
church we partner with for summer missions. As they prepare to
leave, they would welcome prayer partners. Prayer cards listing
specific prayer needs for the trip are available in the Welcome
Center. Pick one up today!
Mission Trip Meeting
There will be a mandatory meeting for those who are applying to
participate in SHC mission trips for the first time. These meetings
will be held February 12 & 19 at 7:00pm. You only need to attend
one of the meetings. Choose whichever date works best for you
and your family.

This Weeks Events

7:00 a.m.
8:15 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.

Mens Growth Groups Begin

Prayer - Room 205
The Cross Road Sunday School
Worship Services
Small Groups

6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:00 a.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.

Girls Night Out

The Most Excellent Way
Club Rocksalt
Fundamentals of the Faith
Mens Growth Group
Ministry Night
Womens Discipleship
Womens Noon Discipleship
Mens Noon Growth Groups
Cause Worship Team Practice
Worship Team Practice
High School Cause
Mens Growth Group
College Group
Careers Group
Pre-Baptism Class
New To Missions Meeting

Important Upcoming Events

New To Missions Meeting, February 12, 7:00 p.m., Room 201

Lords Supper & Baptisms, February 15, 6:00 p.m.
New To Missions Meeting February 19, 7:00 p.m., Room 201
Moms and Tots Playgroup, February 20, Gym
Mid High Cause Retreat, February 27 - March 1, Camp Tadmor
Mexico Building Trip, February 28 - March 9
Missions Preparation Meetings, March 1, 4:00 p.m.

Giving Update
The ministry of Salem Heights Church is funded entirely by the
generous giving of Gods people. You will notice that we do not
pass the offering plate; however, there are offering boxes in the
back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out
of compulsion. We believe from the Word of God that the Spirit
of God will lead people towards giving back to God of their first
fruits. ...God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7) and we know
He blesses those who take His Word seriously in every regard.
Thank you for prayerfully supporting Salem Heights financially as
we desire to reach the lost and disciple the Saints.
February 2015





February Weekly Need

Actual Giving Received

Week 1 $26,750


Week 2 $26,750

Week 3 $26,750

Week 4 $26,750

Fiscal Year to Date +/-


Current Balance $8,605

How Can I Serve?

Scan the coded icon below to view opportunities to serve the
body of Salem Heights Church.

Tuesday evening Club RockSalt groups are in

great need of volunteers! If this is an area in
which you would like to serve, please contact
Russ Libby at 503-588-0403.

There is a great need for faithful, available and

teachable servants to minister to our CAUSE students. Our
desire is for students to be discipled in their love of God, love
for others and heart to reach the world for Christ. If this is a
passion of yours, contact Tim Saffeels at 503-588-0403 for
more information on being involved.

Justin Greene
Senior Pastor/Elder

Carl Chica

Lay Elders

Pastor of Family Life/Elder

Chuck Moore
Ted Ferry

Matt MacCollin
Pastor of Mens/College/Elder

Administration and Staff

Ron Groves

Jason Brownell

Julie Bernard


High School Ministries

Womens Ministry

Russ Libby

Ed Reister

Gina Weigand

Director of Ministries

Community Connection

Office Staff

Scott Hunter

Rick Smith

Christa Kahili

Facilities Manager

Community Care

Office Staff

AJ Acker

Jay Duffus

Connie Libby

Music Ministry

Mens Biblical

Office Staff

Tim Saffeels

Laura Chica

Jenn Elliott

Director of Student

Womens Biblical

Office Staff

Please see our Mission Boards in the foyer for
current active missionaries.
Salem Heights Church
375 Madrona Ave. S.
Salem, OR 97302
fax: 503-588-5338
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Sunday Worship Services:

9 & 11 a.m.
Message CDs are available in

the Registration Area for $4.

Please visit the desk in the
southwest corner to order
and pick-up your CDs.
You can also check the
website for our podcast.

Part 15
Luke 3:7-17
Part 3
Seven More Questions to
Prepare You to Meet Jesus
Presented by
Pastor Justin Greene
February 8, 2015

Several years ago my wife, Sandra, walked into our

kitchen, sat down on the bar stool, and announced that
she wanted to make a special trip to her hometown for the
expressed purpose of talking to her aging grandmother,
Helen, about eternity. I was surprised. Helen was almost
ninety at the time. She grew up going to the local
Methodist church. Until her health became an issue, she
rarely missed a Sunday. She was way better than the
average person. Certainly good by anybodys standard.
What brought this on? I asked.
Im not sure, Sandra said. I just dont know how much
longer she will be with us, and Ive never talked to her
about God or heaven or any of that. For most people
who knew Helen, her ultimate destination would be the
least of their concerns. If good people go to heaven, she

was a shoo-in. Nevertheless, Sandra hopped in the car

and drove two and a half hours to chat with her
Helen knew she was coming. Sandra showed up under
the guise of wanting to make cookies. But after about
thirty minutes of chitchat, she popped the question. She
said, Grandmama, weve never talked about heaven
before. Are you sure that when you die you will go to
Helen got big tears in her eyes and responded the way the
average good person responds to that question. She said,
I hope so, honey.
I hope so? Ninety years of good living, standing by her
dying husband till the end, serving her community, loving
her grandchildren, paying her taxes, driving the speed
limit, and she hopes shes going to heaven? If Helen cant
go to sleep at night with the peace of knowing that things
between her and her creator are good, Im not sure who
can. If Helen aint sure, cant nobody be sure.1
In Luke 3, John the Baptist preached a message to help his
hearers prepare to meet Jesus. He wanted all who heard it to
be sure.


Snakelings The law of first reference First snake we

hear of = Satan.

John would be a forerunner in the spirit and power of

Elijah (1:17).
Elijahs famous statement, one that
revealed his style and character, How long will you
hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God,
follow Him (1 Kings 18:21).


When you think of death, are you afraid of judgment?


you rely on your history (church attendance,

Christian family, accepted Jesus at 5) when you are
taking your personal spiritual inventory?


you tend to make excuses for your lack of


Do you cheat?
Are you controlling (bully)?
Are you content?
Are you ready to meet Jesus?



Good is Good Enough?, Andy Stanley, Multnomah Publishers, Inc., Copyright

2003 by Andy Stanley

Its all things chocolate and cooking, as we have our very own
version of Chopped, giveaways, take away treats, and
more! We will explore together the ingredients for healthy
relationships as we hear from a panel of our very own
women. You wont want to miss this very special night of
friends, food and fellowship!

Its all things chocolate and cooking, as we have our very own
version of Chopped, giveaways, take away treats, and
more! We will explore together the ingredients for healthy
relationships as we hear from a panel of our very own
women. You wont want to miss this very special night of
friends, food and fellowship!

February 15 at 6:00 PM

If y u r y ur chi d w u d i e t be bapti ed p ease c

p ete the f r be w a d
p ace i a y fferi g b x A pre baptis c ass wi be he d
Thursday February 12
at 7P$ If y u have questi s p ease c tact the church ffice Tha
y u!
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February 15 at 6:00 PM

If y u r y ur chi d w u d i e t be bapti ed p ease c

p ete the f r be w a d
p ace i a y fferi g b x A pre baptis c ass wi be he d
Thursday February 12
at 7P$ If y u have questi s p ease c tact the church ffice Tha
y u!
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Club RockSalt
Needs You!
Do you love Christ and have a desire to see others grow in the knowledge of
our Savior? If so, would you please consider being a part of the Club
RockSalt team as we strive to serve children ages 3 years5th grade in a
Christ-centered, Bible-focused ministry? We are in need of regular, every
week leaders, as well as substitutes who could occasionally step in where
needed. We meet Tuesday evenings during the school year from 6:30-8:30
PM. If you would be interested in serving in this way, please complete the
information below and drop in any offering box. If you have any questions,
contact Russ Libby at 503-588-0403.
Name _________________________________ Phone __________________
Email _________________________________________________________

Club RockSalt
Needs You!
Do you love Christ and have a desire to see others grow in the knowledge of
our Savior? If so, would you please consider being a part of the Club
RockSalt team as we strive to serve children ages 3 years5th grade in a
Christ-centered, Bible-focused ministry? We are in need of regular, every
week leaders, as well as substitutes who could occasionally step in where
needed. We meet Tuesday evenings during the school year from 6:30-8:30
PM. If you would be interested in serving in this way, please complete the
information below and drop in any offering box. If you have any questions,
contact Russ Libby at 503-588-0403.
Name _________________________________ Phone __________________
Email _________________________________________________________

Retired? Homeschooled? Stay-at-Home Mom?

We are in need of 5-6 people to work in childcare during
Womens Discipleship. These are paid positions. Must be
available to work Wednesdays from 8:45 AM to 12PM.
Volunteers also welcome. If you would like to work with
children and want to earn some extra money, WE WANT
YOU! Just complete the information below and drop in any offering
box. For questions, please contact Russ Libby at 503-588-0403.
Name _______________________________________
Phone _______________________________________

Retired? Homeschooled? Stay-at-Home Mom?

We are in need of 5-6 people to work in childcare during
Womens Discipleship. These are paid positions. Must be
available to work Wednesdays from 8:45 AM to 12PM.
Volunteers also welcome. If you would like to work with
children and want to earn some extra money, WE WANT
YOU! Just complete the information below and drop in any offering
box. For questions, please contact Russ Libby at 503-588-0403.
Name _______________________________________
Phone _______________________________________

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