Introduction To Archaeology PDF
Introduction To Archaeology PDF
Introduction To Archaeology PDF
Nancy White
Ashmore, Wendy, and Robert J. Sharer
2000 Discovering Our Past: A Brief Introduction to Archaeology. 3rd edition. Mayfield
Publishing Co., Mountain View, California (abbreviated A&S below)
Price, T. Douglas, and Gary M. Feinman
2000 Images of the Past. 3rd edition. Mayfield Publishing Co., Mountain View, California
(abbreviated P&F below)
A&S 1-34
A&S 35-78
A&S 79-113
A&S 115-168
A&S 169-225
P&F 1-22
A&S 227-242
P&F 196-255
P&F 256-363
P&F 364-405
P&F 22-95
USF's public archaeology program. Thus we will discuss them throughout every aspect of the
course, as associated with the material and ideas assigned for the week.
By or before the end of this course you should be able to do the following:
Describe the BASIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL SKILLS: how to locate, record, investigate, analyze,
and interpret archaeological sites
Demonstrate good COMMUNICATION skills: written, oral, visual, and interactive, to
understand and tell the story of the past
Discuss critically PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND VALUES in archaeology: skills, honesty,
responsibility to science and to the many different publics
Understand and compare DIVERSE INTERESTS IN THE PAST: different people's associations
with prehistory and history
Describe the processes and methods of STEWARDSHIP: preserving nonrenewable cultural
resources through policy, law, and public education
Discuss critically archaeology's SOCIAL RELEVANCE: connections of past human systems
and adaptations with today's world
Describe not only specific case studies but general archaeological principles relating to REALWORLD PROBLEM SOLVING: practical application of knowledge from the human past
You will have succeeded in this course when you are able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of archaeological methods, theories, ethics and values, cultural
resources preservation, conservation archaeology, and stewardship.
2. Evaluate a local archaeology lecture for content, research goals, philosophy, communication,
and social relevance
3. Analyze details of past important cultures worldwide, describing major transitions in
prehistory and how this knowledge is important for modern humans and interpreted differently
by different interest groups
4. Demonstrate clarity in all assignments, indicating good preparation and organization
5. Understand the value of archaeology to your own individual life and to modern society
Classes include lectures, films, and slide presentations. Lectures include material beyond that in
your texts for which you will be responsible on exams.
Exams: There will be two exams, a midterm and a final. Both include essay-type questions as
well as so-called objective questions, and each will cover assigned readings for that time period
as well as lectures and other class materials. The final will be cumulative to a small degree in
that you will need to know the basic concepts of archaeology to interpret the record of prehistory
and early history.
A grade of incomplete is given ONLY if there is sufficient reason that the work was not done
and if the student signs a contract to complete the work.
Comments on tests are appropriate here. While ever-increasing class sizes (and ever-decreasing
availability of teaching assistants) require more work from the instructor, I feel it is inappropriate
at the college level to have straight multiple-choice tests. Many computer-graded exams by
necessity do not offer the kinds of thinking opportunities that I wish to provide. The compromise
is to redesign types of tests for both high expectations but not too labor-intensive a grading
process. I also insist on essay questions on each test, for practicing those thinking and
communications skills.
The following are examples of different test formats and assessment tools:
Questions can be adapted to any classroom situation and to computer-grading forms. They help
students assess their strengths and set goals for learning when given at the beginning of the
course, and evaluate how much they have learned at the end (or how much they need to cram for
the final exam!). This kind of test is usually only for the students' own use and evaluation of their
knowledge and does not count toward the course grade.
The exam covers the entirety of archaeological practice, method, theory, and historythe first
half of the course.
Same as Midterm, above, but covering the second half of the classworld prehistory and more
intensive exploration of archaeology in society.
Module Overview
These are CLASS LECTURE OUTLINES as I delivered them for the course, with suggestions
LEARNING or LESSON OBJECTIVES noted. Since MATRIX course designers were asked to
include complete lectures, they are presented here in modular form according to the syllabus
topics. Most new ideas begin with questions to ask the class to answer and discuss as they
proceed through the subject matter. Each lecture is written with the considerations of :
1. Integrating all of the Seven Principles
2. Trying to lecture less
3. Making the story both intriguing and connected with the students' everyday lives
These lectures do NOT repeat what is in the two textbooks (Ashmore and Sharer 2000; Price and
Feinman 2000), which students are supposed to read on their own, but integrate it into basic
archaeological knowledge. They are fairly general, as the course is a broad survey of the field.
Pictures from many archaeology books, my own slides, videos, and other visuals are shown
throughout all the lectures. Especially useful are issues of National Geographic and their largeformat book The Adventure of Archaeology (Fagan 1985), both of which have stunning photos.
Coffee-table archaeology books that every archaeologist acquires are also good if you have a
document camera (Elmo) that can project pictures onto the screen, or if you make slides of them
or scan for a cd presentation.. This is important because archaeology is a visual discipline.
Using the Modules
The lectures/questions are organized into modules by syllabus topic. Lectures are very
idiosyncratic to each instructor. Though these can certainly be used exactly as given, any
instructor will change things constantly and probably use them as I do, merely as guides for each
class. Modules can be expanded or contracted; they can be grouped by the two halves of the class
and two textbooks:
1. Doing archaeology (first half of lectures, coordinated with Ashmore and Sharer 2000 book)
1. What is Archaeology?
2. Kinds of Archaeology
3. History of Archaeology
4.Different Theoretical Approaches in Archaeology
5. Types of Archaeological Data
6. Archaeological Survey and Excavation
7. Archaeological Classification and Analysis
Exercises Overview
Any of these can be chosen to provide active learning and ways of obtaining credit in the course
beyond exams. Each can include a small portion on the problems encountered in doing the
project, or how it might be modified for next time, as a way of evaluation of the idea. Each can
include the individual experience and opinions of the student, so as to integrate the personal with
the scholarly experience. For many of them, the student could keep a personal journal throughout
the course of the project, either for self-edification or for turning in as part of the assignment
(also see journal exercise). Be sure than any written submittal would not, if presented orally,
exceed 5 10 minutes.
Exercises Cautions
Only one or two of the exercises can really be done within a semester, since they do take time. I
chose the websites evaluation and artifact caption projects to add to exams as class requirements.
Students seem to like all the exercises, though field trips are always preferred (but much harder
to schedule and accomplish.
The student exercises are the following:
1. Instructor for a Day
2. Add to the Topic for the Day
3. Archaeology Websites Evaluation
4. Artifact Caption Exercise
5. Museum Display Critique
6. Cemetery Visit Field Trip
7. Your School Artifact Display
8. Garbology
9. Archaeology Lecture Critique
10. Ethnographer and Ethnoarchaeologist
11. Storytelling in Prehistory
12. Heritage Management
13. Local Societies or Avocational Groups
14. Material Culture Journal
15. Media Archaeologists
16. Field Trip
Student Exercises
Student Exercise 1: INSTRUCTOR FOR A DAY
Think about how you would teach the class. Consider how you would lecture, discuss, and assign
activities, and what quiz questions you would use that summarize the assigned work.
Student Exercise 2: ADD TO THE TOPIC OF THE DAY
Find additional material about the subject of one chapter of the texts (whether an archaeological
technique or a specific site or research question) from the library, Internet, or any source. Or,
consider one thought-provoking question on the topic. Reporting will be via email to Tour
Evaluate information on two or more websites on archaeological projects (NOT artifact sales or
archaeological associations or journals). You can pick any of the thousands on the Internet to
describe and compare in terms of what is being learned from class (a printout of the website is
not required unless desired). Email reports should include critique and comparison, stating the
origins of the websites, the intended audience, graphics and ease of navigation, research goals,
and theoretical perspectives. You can include how to redo the website to improve it (see syllabus
Pick an artifact from whatever is around you for which to write a museum caption of 50 words.
You must decide on who the targeted audience is for the display of this artifact and what to
include in the caption to address that audience.
Visit a museum and observe the displays of archaeological materials. Pick three exhibits for
which to do the following:
1. Describe what is displayed and what is being portrayed about the human past; be sure to note
the specific material items and the text accompanying them.
2. Identify what specific human cultural systems or aspects of life are being interpreted and
which are not portrayed much or at all. What artifacts might be missing?
3. Determine the intended audience for the exhibit and another audience for whom this exhibit
might say much less.
4. Decide what you would add, subtract, or change about the exhibit for different audiences.
5. Note what might be the values expressed in the exhibit and whether it is addressing any
concerns that are pertinent to todays world as well.
6. Does the exhibit say anything about the preservation ethic?
7. Are the text and placement of artifacts, landscape, and other items clearly communicating the
Find a nearby cemetery to visit and do some social archaeology. Pick different areas of the
cemetery to visit and observe the material evidence of graves, from monuments to landscaping.
Compare this with the historic evidence written on gravestones, any documentation you can find
on the cemetery and its history, and any other written information. Email a written report which,
if given as an oral presentation would not exceed 5-10 minutes.
Describe or actually do a display representing all aspects of a typical day in your life. Pick a
target audience (e.g., spouse, children, friends, other relatives, business or social associates, etc.)
and decide not only what to include but how it is displayed. Include what an archaeologist
excavating later in time might find and use to interpret everything from your daily life.
Student Exercise 8: GARBOLOGY
Chooses two places to examine the garbage (one days will do!) and compare techno, social, and
ideological aspects of the inferred behavior at the two different places. What might be missing
from one or both that is part of the activity at that specific place? Are all the different types of
people and activities represented in this specific garbage area?
Attend an archaeology lecture outside the classroom and do a written critique of the speakers
presentation, giving description of research goals, methods, theoretical orientation, presentation
style, and targeted audience and noting how many of the Seven Principles were included in the
walk-on part. Indiana Jones and Lara Croft are the cinematically best-known, but other movie
examples exist, in everything from the The Mummy (1936, with Boris Karloff) to modern
remakes and other films such as Stargate. They could also pick a character in fiction, such as
archaeologists in Agatha Christies Murder in Mesopotamia and other novels; archaeologists
who solve the mysteries in the novels of Aaron Elkins, Sharyn McCrumb, Elizabeth Peters, and
others; or even the briefly appearing New York archaeologist in Rita Mae Browns Rubyfruit
Jungle. In a short paper give the following:
1. Description of the character and her/his actions, both in doing archaeology and in the action of
the story
2. Description of stereotypical behaviors portrayed and whether they could actually be true given
the characters place and time
3. Relationship of the characters behavior to any/all of the Seven Principles. For example, what
basic archaeological skills are shown? Is there any concern for preservation of sites and
materials? For the relationship of past humans with moderns? Any ethical situations?
A good reference for this exercise or just to talk of media archaeology is Digging Holes in
Popular Culture: Archaeology and Science Fiction (Russell 2002), with a preface by Douglas
Adams and including a photo of 1950s handsome television personality Mortimer Wheeler
looking like (and apparently ending up as the model for) Indiana Jones.
Student Exercise 16: FIELD TRIP
A field trip to a site and/or museum can be accompanied by a set of questions or things to look
for relating to the Seven Principles. Dont forget to check on logistics, vehicles, insurance, food
and drink regulations/suggestions. Call site or museum ahead of time to ask for a tour (often one
can get discounts or free entrance by calling in advance, not to mention lectures by curators,
rangers, and other specialists).
What is Archaeology?
Lesson Objectives: Understand anthropologys role in the social sciences and archaeologys
role in anthropology.
consideration landowners, descendants, and people with political, legal, and other interests in the
archaeological record, as well as professional archaeologists.
Now we see that all archaeology is public archaeology. We need to account for how we use
public funds to investigate the past; we need to define whose past we are investigating, and why
it is important to save it when there are other more pressing world problems. All archaeology
can/should be applied anthropology: for example, forensic archaeology, excavation of murder
and genocide victims (e.g., Lloyd 2002) in Latin America, the Balkans, and elsewhere after
ethnic conflict; excavation of World Trade Center victims and finding their artifact possessions.
There can be practical, useful information derived from all archaeological work. Rathjes (2002)
garbology studies are the most clearly practical in their applications of knowledge about what we
throw away (up to 15 percent usable food in Americans garbage), what ends up in landfills, and
what does not degrade as expected (paper being the greatest component of landfills). Many
archaeological studies of human effects upon natural environments, and vice versa, are useful
today to see the consequences of various natural and cultural disasters, environmental depletion,
and overuse/extinction of biotic and other natural resources.
Is modern anthropological anthropology without bias? A last caution, about archaeology or any
other research: all science or other scholarly endeavor is a product of its time, with the political
and other biases that might be expected. In this class we will try to do scientific archaeology, but
also to have some of what has been called the postprocessual or postmodern viewpoint and look
at the biases that might be present based on who is doing the research. What do you suppose
might be some modern biases in archaeology? It is still dominated by elites, white upper- or
middle-class males in a Western capitalist system. Does this matter? Will our interpretation of
the past be different if African-American women are doing it? A prehistoric stone tool is a stone
tool to whoever excavates it, but can you determine the sex, gender, age, other social information
about who made it? Not so far! This does not stop us from doing it. Think of reconstructions
such as are common in many museums where male figures hold the large stone tools and women
and children are in the background. Diane Gifford-Gonzaless article entitled The Real
Flintstones? (1985) [show cartoon from this article] warns us not to impose our modern views or
someones modern view upon reconstructions of the past. She notes how most museum exhibits
portray prehistoric men doing useful, interesting things and standing up straight, while their
women are in the role of drudge on the hide, always bending over domestic tasks such as hidescraping or cooking.
Kinds of Archaeology
Lesson Objectives: Compare different types of
What are the different kinds of archaeology, how did each originate, and in what larger
discipline? Many of them overlap, and many do not have a completely anthropological
viewpoint. Some immediately think of archaeology in terms of Egypt or Rome, not realizing you
can do it anywhere; someone probably has, right where you live.
Much of classical archaeology concerns what Western culture considers the classic civilizations
of western Asia, Egypt, and Europe, and the study of these derives in large part from history,
philology (study of ancient texts), and art history.
Prehistoric is often distinguished from historic
archaeology, the latter being study of cultures who
have written history. Sometimes it is difficult to
distinguish the boundary between history and
prehistory, since early writing systems do not tell us
everything and that boundary is at radically different
times in different places. When does history begin here
in Florida? As soon as the first Spanish arrive in the
early sixteenth century and write down what they see
of the native people they encountered. Are these
accounts biased? Of course; they are ethnocentric and
concerned with specifics of the expeditions, getting
food, gold, other needs, and often considered the
natives as less than human. What are the biases of history? Who writes history? The winners, the
elites. In the Americas there is a distinct body of methods and theory for historic archaeology,
and we have now gone from investigating only the elite sites (such as plantations in the South,
often much better-funded projects) to the sites of those without history (such as slave cabins at
those plantations, or camps of imported Chinese
railroad workers, or other minority peoples).
Clearly classical archaeology is historic archaeology as
well. In Europe, archaeology is often considered by
default to be classical materials and time periods, as
distinguished from prehistory. So that, for example, in
Florence, Italy, the prehistory museum goes from the
first Paleolithic people hundreds of thousands of years
ago to the Bronze Age, some 4,000 years ago, while
the archaeology museum begins with the Bronze Age
and goes through the classical civilizations of Greece
and Rome. Prehistoric archaeology has its own
difficulties, such as the possibility of past human
systems with no modern analogs that we would have a
hard time reconstructing. Sometimes we have to treat
early civilizations as if they were prehistoric, if their
writing systems cannot be understood. This is the case
in the Indus River Valley of India and Pakistan, for
example. Study of the great Maya civilization in
Mesoamerica has lately been transformed into
historic archaeology because we can finally read their glyphic writing [show picture of glyphs].
The story of this breakthrough is given in Breaking the Maya Code (Coe 1999), which details
how epigraphers (who studied the glyphs), linguists, historians and art historians, as well as
archaeologists, disagreed or cooperated in the solving of the puzzles, and how political issues
delayed progress, since the correct interpretations by a Russian linguist were ignored because of
the Cold War.
Underwater archaeology is another specialization that
requires a whole additional body of knowledge, and
not only about diving. What else would be different?
Specific techniques and methods adapted to the
underwater environment, complex machinery and
recording systems, various technologies, and also
general knowledge of boats and ships, which you need
to get out there even if you are not excavating
shipwrecks. It is something like 100 times as
expensive as terrestrial archaeology. Besides sunken
watercraft, there is everything else imaginable
underwater, from silted-in ports and docks to lost cities
submerged during floods or earthquakes to prehistoric
camps drowned after the end of the Ice Age when the
melted and
sea levels
aeology is a
term given to non-scientific accounts based on real or
imagined evidence. People are still looking for lost
continents such as Atlantis, another one in the Pacific
called Mu, evidence that Native Americans are the ten
lost tribes of Israelites from the Bible, or that early
forms of humans still exist (such as the Abominable
Snowman, Yeti, or closer to home, the Skunk Ape
still supposedly being sighted in Florida forests). This
is the kind of phony archaeology seen on television's
In Search Of or in bad-science movies such as
Stargate. Is it harmless? Think of the
pseudoarchaeology of Erik Van Danikens Chariots of
the Gods (1971) and other books, which claim that
ancient astronauts arrived to teach people how to build
pyramids and so on. This is the ultimate racism or
ethnocentrism, indicating that ancient humans were
not smart enough to think of complex technology such
History of Archaeology
books and drawings of monuments; and surveyors Squier and Davis in the eastern U.S. doing the
same for mounds and earthworks.
Among the many others, Thomsen and Worsaae stand out in nineteenth-century Denmark
because they established the three-age system. What is it based on? Technology is its foundation,
demonstrating our Western ethnocentric bias, which we must keep in mind throughout the class.
Likewise, the early anthropological models of cultural evolution in stages assume a unilineal
pattern or even multilinear, normative development throughout the globe. But this is not
necessarily the case. However one defines bands, tribes, and chiefdoms, a particular culture does
not necessarily go through such stages or end up at some predetermined point. Cultural
evolution, like biological, is not teleological; that is, it does not have a direction or an end point
in mind; it is simply change.
What about diversity among archaeologists? Were all early archaeologists rich white colonial or
other capitalist guys? Not necessarily. There are many others whose stories are only now being
discovered or emphasized. I recently finished work on a book about women who did archaeology
in the southeastern U.S. beginning early in the twentieth century (Grit-Tempered, White et al.
1999), and there are now many many works on womens contributions (e.g., Parezo 1993). It
was a black cowboy who discovered the Folsom site, where archaeologists realized that people
and extinct Ice-Age animals coexisted in the U.S. (Preston 1997, Meltzer et al. 2002:7).
The politics of archaeology can be rough on its practitioners. In Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia),
an archaeologist was fired less than a half-century ago for suggesting that Great Zimbabwe and
other ruins were the work of indigenous Shona people and not white traders (e.g., Kuklick 1991,
Ndoro 1997). There are many such examples of who is left out of the archaeological record and
out of the ranks of archaeologists.
How does past looting differ from that of today? Though in the past mostly the wealthy colonial
administrators claimed ancient items for themselves or their governments, now everyone wants
to collect. You can buy artifacts looted from sites around the world on the Internet. There are
many blue-collar, working class as well as middle-class looters who do not care about preserving
the past, though ethical collectors are willing to utilize archaeological methods and collaborate
with professionals. In most countries outside the U.S., any archaeological remains become the
property of the state once they are discovered. This is only the case in the U.S. if they are found
on public lands. Archaeological materials on private lands can usually be collected or destroyed
with no penalty unless they are involved in projects using public money or projects large enough
to have regional impacts or otherwise governed by local preservation ordinances.
Archaeologists consider it unethical and unprofessional to buy and sell artifacts, much as
physicians would not buy and sell livers or kidneys. But what is subsistence looting? In poorer
regions where finding an ancient pot or statue would mean immediate government control, the
peasant farmer who unearths such an artifact might instead quickly sell it to a dealer to bring
money so an impoverished family will to be able to eat. What is the anthropological view of such
a practice? The situation has no easy answer. It is very much the same as with international drug
traffic. It starts at the local level with very small compensation and usually subsistence farmers,
but gets transformed radically on the way to the streets of New York or Miami. One answer is
meaningful to the prehistoric people from what they left behind, for example, but it is very hard
to discern what the meaning was. However, it works better with historic archaeology because we
may have texts to indicate what past people considered significant. One segment of
postprocessual archaeology includes several varieties of Marxist viewpoints, most of which
envision the past as the common peoples struggle for empowerment and resistance against
domination by elites. Possibly the most useful aspect of postprocessual archaeology is critical
theory, which points out all the many biases inherent in archaeological interpretation and in the
profession itself. The numbers of Native American or African-American archaeologists in the
U.S. still are ridiculously small, for example, and interpretations of ancient peoples are still
dominated by pictures of men doing everything. A major emphasis lately in postprocessual
archaeology has been in gender studies and feminist archaeology, though these can of course be
done in a processual context as well.
Most archaeology done today is predominantly processual, with spatial and temporal aspects
established by culture history and the awareness of bias brought in by postprocessual thinkers.
We need to use all approaches as well as possible and be aware of the shortcomings of each. We
also need awareness of how archaeology is done in the intellectual atmosphere and politics of the
times. Todays science wars have been triggered by a kind of postmodern impatience with the
biased investigator, even though every investigator is biased! We will examine bias in the latest
archaeological discoveries to come out in the news while we are in this class. Controversies
surrounding the discoveries are always juicy to discuss, and arguments from many sides can be
found in weekly scholarly publications such as Science, Science News, the Chronicle of Higher
Education, and many others, nearly all of which are easily available online as well as in the
For example, in 2002, a discovery making the daily news was the engraved ocher fragments
from Blombos Cave in South Africa dated to 77,000 years ago, suggesting modern-looking
human symbolic behavior. The science aspects can be explored in discussing the limits of
radiocarbon dating to go far enough back in time, in questioning of the method of
thermoluminescence dating, and in the debates on the timing for emergence of biologically
modern humans. Humanities aspects of the story might be whether the cross-hatched lines are art
or if there symbolic meaning of some other kind. There are also the political and professional
issues: the great expense for the research in a poor country, the primacy of European-based
explanations, and the world political situation applied to South Africa and its indigenous peoples
today (see, for example, Rossouw 2002).
Lesson Objectives: Understand sites, artifacts, sampling, and other basic concepts.
acquisition of the material (from that quarry site we get the stone), manufacture (we make the
stone tool by chipping it or flintknapping), use (which puts wear and other evidence on the stone
tool), and deposition (either accidental, by losing something, or deliberate, by throwing it away).
All of these can be included under the heading of site formational processes, with two kinds, the
human and the natural. After the original people are gone later humans transform the landscape,
reusing old materials, plowing them down, covering them, and so forth. Modern human action is
responsible for destroying hundreds of archaeological sites per day in the U.S. and across the
world, mostly because people do not realize what they are destroying or how important it is. This
is why education in the stewardship of the past is so
important worldwide.
Natural processes can be classed as physical (erosion,
rain, gravity), chemical (weathering, rusting), or
biological (animals burrowing, bacteria decaying), and
can work at the small scale (rotting away of a wooden
artifact) or the large (rotting away of a whole village of
wooden houses). They can be subtractive, destroying
the materials, or preservative, burying the materials in
river flood sands or volcanic deposits.
The vagaries of the archaeological record severely bias
our archaeological interpretations. What are the kinds
of materials best preserved? Usually stone and ceramics. What is usually not preserved? Usually
organic materials such as wood, animal flesh and bone. What conditions preserve organic
remains best? Freezing, drying, or keeping wet all the time. The Florida climate, for example, is
wonderful for organic decay because it is hot and cold, wet and dry. The soils are acidic, insuring
rapid decay of organics. But in a shell midden the basic nature of the shell contributes to good
preservation of animal bones, such as those passed
At the Windover site near Cape Canaveral, where
Archaic period Indians buried their dead in a pond, the
constant wet environment preserved wood, bone, grass
matting, and even the peoples brain matter inside their
skulls. Your book pictures other preserved people from
Danish bogs, with all their clothes and even some with
ropes around the neck indicating they were killed and
thrown in there. On the desert coast of Peru, the lack
of rainfall for years at a time guarantees the
preservation of skin, feathers, textiles, and other
perishables. Frozen Inca mummies have been
recovered from high-altitude ceremonial sites in the Andes, and other frozen past people have
come from the Arctic and elsewhere. There is even the frozen 5,300-year-old Italian guy from
the Alpine glacier who we will see later in the class.
sample. What is the sampling universe or data universe? It can be an entire archaeological site, a
county, or other land area in which we wish to find archaeological sites. It can be a portion of a
site that may answer our research questions, such as
the village site next to the mound.
What are the sampling units? To get Nielsen ratings
they use television sets or households to find out what
people are watching. What do archaeologists have?
We can divide the site along grid lines into 1-meter or
10-meter squares; we can divide the county into
already existing legal sections, which are square miles;
or we can set up other sampling units that are useful
and easy.
What are the types of sampling? Beyond the strategies
of data acquisition described in your book, we need to
describe sampling strategies. What is random? Random sampling means choosing sample units
based on a strategy that allows any unit to have an equal chance of being chosen. Random is
NOT throwing your trowel into the air and digging where it lands. Why not? Because you tend to
throw in a particular direction. To do random sampling you can number all your units and get a
sequence of random numbers from a math book table or a computer or the decimal places of the
number (pi, proven to be random) and use them to pick which units to investigate. The advantage
of random sampling is that you do not impose your biases upon the data. The disadvantage is that
you may get clustered units.
What is systematic sampling? It calls for the
investigation of sample units according to some
designated system, such as every third unit or every
100 meters. The advantage is that you effect good
coverage of the study area; the disadvantage is that
your system may duplicate some past cultural system.
Digging every 40 feet in a Neolithic village with
houses spaced 40 feet apart will mean you uncover a
west wall in every unit.
What is stratified sampling? You can stratify the
sampling universe, divide it into areas based on
environmental, architectural, or other criteria, then sample within the individual areas. For
example, a site may contain a conical mound, a pyramidal mound, a plaza, and a village area;
you could section off these areas and be sure to take a sample in each. Or a tract of land could
have a stream valley, a hilltop, a swamp, and a coastal zone that could each be sampled. Within
the different strata you might use random, systematic, or some other sampling method. The
advantage of this type is that there is no clustering, and your knowledge of the land and culture
can be used to ask better questions than just what is there. This could be the disadvantage as
well, since your views may reflect your own culture and not that of past peoples.
landowners or other residents, to find out what they might already know about the land. Have
they collected artifacts, seen darker soils when plowing, or heard that some older residents once
knew about older historic structures that once stood there? What will be the effects of your
digging or surveying upon the local community? In our new era of mistrust of science and
government, I have had to assure people that finding artifacts on their land will NOT mean that
the state takes it away from them, and that I would like to see the artifacts they have collected
ONLY to photograph them, if permitted, not to take
them away.
What do we mean by archaeological survey? This is
the answer to the common question, how do you
know where to dig? (And again, we do not want to
dig everything we find, but preserve as much as
possible.) Survey is the process of locating the
archaeological resources in a given area of land. Doing
the background work can help pinpoint areas of greater
interest. Besides the practical considerations
mentioned above, research on the archaeology of the
region is also absolutely essential. Where are most
prehistoric sites located? Along coasts or rivers or
springs? Those portions of land would then have the highest probability and perhaps require the
greatest scrutiny. Is the survey being done in the path of proposed construction? If so, then
perhaps only the areas where the ground will be
disturbed need to be examined.
Learning the environmental and historical variables
must take place before you step into the field. Your
book describes the work of Heinrich Schliemann, who
read the classics and located the Troy of the Trojan
Wars. It also mentions the importance of good maps,
not only modern, but historical, to show both how the
landscape may have changed and what historic
remains might have once been located there. In more
populated urban areas the old Sanborn insurance
company maps may show building outlines or
footprints that lie underneath modern features.
What is meant by remote sensing? Anything (usually technological device) that helps you learn
what is on/in the ground without your having to be there or dig there. So a map is a remote
sensing device, but even more sophisticated are aerial photos, including aerial infrared photos,
satellite images, and pictures generated by various geophysical prospecting techniques such as
magnetometers, electrical resistivity detectors, ground-penetrating radar (GPR), other kinds of
radar, sonar, and all those spy devices developed by your friendly military scientists. The raised
fields of the ancient Maya were not apparent on the ground in Central America, because, well, it
is a jungle out there, but they were easily seen during testing of military imaging technology in
the 1970s. Buried or jungle-shrouded features can be anything from just black midden stains to
traces of ancient canals, buildings, mounds, and other earthworks. If you do as much remote
sensing as possible before and during the on-the-ground fieldwork, site discovery is greatly
How is most archaeological field survey conducted?
There is no substitute for being there and walking
around. Especially important is covering open and
disturbed ground, where shallower remains may have
been churned up by plows, other heavy road building
equipment, burrowing animals, and so on. In Florida,
we walk dirt roads, plowed lanes in orange groves and
cotton or soybean fields, and look for gopher tortoise
burrows where the dirt is thrown out around the
entrance and may have artifacts in it. We see on the
map where the streams and springs are, and the highest
ground nearby, and usually find prehistoric sites there.
At the northeast end of our campus is a ditch along the
road filled with slimy water and alligators today. Old
maps show it was a pond with a stream outlet to
Cypress Creek and the Hillsborough River, major
transportation and communication routes in prehistory.
It is no surprise that there are prehistoric human
habitation sites around this last remaining small ditch!
We have also talked with old-timers in the grounds
department and elsewhere, who remember finding
arrowheads (spear points) in that area of campus,
especially during construction of various buildings
Does survey include any digging? Subsurface
sampling is enormously important, especially in the
eastern U.S., which is often heavily forested. In the
desert Southwest you can drive around and see the
standing ruins of prehistoric pueblos. Many of these
windshield surveys used to be done in the East, as
well, by archaeologists looking for sites in plowed
fields. But there is no substitute for seeing what is
buried, whether there is cultural material on the
surface or not. Methods of subsurface investigation
during survey must be fast but careful. The shovel test
is usually 50 cm square and a meter deep according to
Florida state guidelines; it is easily dug in our soft sands, and the soils can be dry-screened by
one fieldworker while the other is digging (show photos of shovel-testing and other methods).
We can also take cores or soil probes, pressing or twisting a tubular device into the ground to see
what comes out. Besides 1-inch and 4-inch diameter hand-coring tools, we have a gas-powered
auger which drills into the ground, which can be even faster but more destructive
international, though some historic archaeologists may dig in units of feet and yards if the site is,
say, a British fort that was laid out using those kinds of
How do we record the three-dimensional provenience?
Your book shows methods, drawn on page 103, using
a surveyors transit and measuring rod, and also using
a level string, plumb line, and tape measure. Usually
cultural materials such as artifacts and ecofacts are
recovered as individual finds while digging slowly
with shovel or trowel or other, even smaller
implement, or else they are recovered in a screen
where the excavated soils are taken for processing.
Dry screening can be done in some of Floridas sandy
soils, shaking the sand through usually 1/4-inch mesh. Waterscreening is better, since it washes
away the soil and leaves everything easier to see, and can be done with smaller screen sizes such
as 1/8-inch mesh, but you need a source of water. For our excavations on campus, we just hook
up a hose to the closest faucet, but for our work in the swamp and wilderness we need our water
pump to get water from rivers, bays, and other sources.
What is soil flotation? Just a fancier way of recovering
the smallest remains, it involves taking a standardsized soil sample (we use 9 liters) and processing it not
through the regular screen but through the flotation
machine. This is a device, usually homemade, with a
50-gallon drum, a hose connected to a showerhead
inside, and graduated screens within, as well as a very
fine screen to catch bits of charcoal and other light
materials that float to the top and out a spout. Much
good information on food remains has come from soil
flotation, which can recover seeds, fish scales, and
other tiny remains lost to archaeologists in the past. A
late prehistoric site we excavated in northwest Florida was transformed into a historic site when
a tiny glass seed bead was recovered during flotation!
What methods are used in recording information from field survey and excavation? A plethora of
field forms (show examples), field notes in waterproof ink on surveyors waterproof notepaper,
photographs, maps, drawings, and other techniques are used. This may also include audiotaping
and videotaping fieldwork. There can never be enough recording, and it is often very redundant.
But since information is lost the minute things come
out of the ground, it is crucial.
How much survey and excavation is enough? It
depends upon the individual project. There is a big
difference between a multiyear research project at a
protected site and a salvage project where survey and
excavation must take place in the path of proposed construction. American archaeologists,
especially those working in cultural resources management, differentiate among the levels of
investigation as follows: Reconnaissance survey usually involves walking around the project
area looking for surface materials and doing the historical background work to see what might
have been there and what is already known or found. Phase I survey is more intensive and
involves subsurface methods such as shovel testing and writing a more comprehensive report.
Phase II test excavation may be done after survey has identified the sites in an area, to place
formal test units at those sites suggested to be significant. Significance is often difficult to define.
It can be understood in local to international terms. A significant site will have undisturbed
cultural deposits that have good potential to produce new information about a past people. This
usually includes features, good intact midden soils, diagnostic artifacts, and so on. An
internationally significant site will usually be a major monument. Phase II excavation can even
include stripping off disturbed soils with heavy equipment such as a front end-loader to see if
undisturbed features such as refuse pits or house
patterns are present below.
Phase III excavations, also known as salvage or data
recovery, might take place at the sites determined
during Phase II to be significant but destined to be
destroyed by whatever construction is planned. During
Phase III more extensive excavation units are dug and
as much information and material as possible is
recovered, since this will be all that is retrieved from
the site (usually) before it is gone. There is obviously
the ethical consideration, again, of digging and thus
destroying too much of a site if it is NOT destined to
be disturbed or destroyed. Furthermore, it is always
better to conserve instead of dig. Good cultural
resources management strategies often involve
working with those planning the construction to avoid
site destruction. For example, after surveying and
Phase II testing in the path of a housing development
in Florida, we might find a few sites that are
significant. We might persuade the developer to move
planned buildings away from the site, change the
design of the entire plan, or dump some loads of fill
dirt over the site and preserve it as a park or green
space, maybe even with an outdoor display describing
the prehistoric people who once lived here (good public relations for the developer, as well!).
Lesson Objectives: Understand lab processing of data and materials, stone, ceramic, organic,
human, and other remains; dating and other analytical
planet Muni Mula, which we know was inhabited in the past by people. But we do not know
what the artifacts are, so we start by trying to classify them. They are all round and made of
metal, we can see. What bases do we use to classify? We can use size (arrange coins in
descending order by size). Since in our culture bigger is better and more valuable, we might
think that the biggest artifact is too (quarter) and that the smallest is the least valuable (dime).
How about raw material? In our culture rare is more valuable, so we might assume the penny is
the most important. How about whatever is pictured on the artifact? We cannot read the writing,
but what is rarest? Most have long-haired men and buildings, but what about the new quarters?
The Sacajawea dollar (or Suzy Bs, or liberty dimes) are very rare, and show women, so might
we assume women are more important in this culture(!)? What other criteria to use? How about
context, provenience. Many of these artifacts have come from large monumental structures
(banks), but there are different distributions of the different types elsewhere. For example, large
glass and metal machines containing traces of what might have been weird food remains have
some of these metal discoidals, but not the copper-colored ones. We suspect those are even more
important ritually or ceremonially because they seem to occur most often in caches inside
ceramic animal effigy vessels in only one room of the domestic structures (piggy banks in kids
bedrooms)! The exercise illustrates the problems with criteria for classification of artifact types
in prehistoric archaeology.
What are artifact assemblages? The group of all
artifacts from a site, or from a particular temporal
component of the site, consisting of subassemblages
based on finer and patterned sets of artifacts
representing human behavior. So the recent temporal
component of the site of our campus consists of
assemblages of modern artifacts, within which there
might be a glass artifact assemblage, a paper
assemblage, plastic, etc. The faunal assemblage,
animal remains, would include discarded chicken
bones, a few squirrel skeletons, etc. The historic
artifact assemblage underlying the concrete of campus
might include wooden and stone foundations of early hunting cabins and pasture facilities, with a
faunal assemblage of deer and cattle bones. The prehistoric materials include a stone tool
assemblage of spear points and a faunal assemblage that also has deer bone.
What are diagnostic artifact types? Recognizable items that are found in particular time periods
or places and give a cultural characterization. So a diagnostic artifact of the recent campus site
component would be a plastic cup; of the historic component, perhaps an old china or stoneware
mug; and of the prehistoric component, a sherd of a pottery vessel. Artifacts are usually first
classified based on raw material type and technology.
What are lithic artifacts? A fancy word for stone, and the study of them includes other jargon
such as debitage, French for the garbage of stone chips or flakes left by manufacturing stone
tools. Why are stone tools the first kind described by the book? Not only are they the earliest
artifacts we have for humans, being the best preserved, but also they do reflect our value system
that is based on technology! What would be another way of classifying tools that did not involve
technology? Here we can mention, for example, the categories used by historic archaeologists in
the Southeast, such as domestic, architectural, etc.,
based on different kinds of human activity.
studies look at the scratches and tiny chips and other signs of use on different materials: cutting
meat leaves different patterns than cutting wood or hoeing soil. Residue analysis now includes
even looking at traces of DNA in blood on the edges of stone tools to see what species of steak
was being cut up!
Why does your book list ceramic artifacts right after stone? Fired clay artifacts also preserve
well, are often the next-oldest kind recovered, and also reflect our Western penchant for
classification based on technology. Firing clay to make figurines was known in the Upper
Paleolithic, some 25,000 years ago, in Europe and elsewhere. Apparently this technology was
then either lost or at least not used much until about 10,000 years ago, when people started
making earthenware vessels for holding things, presumably mostly food, and cooking food. We
still eat off plates that are mostly fired clay, unless we have paper or plastic or styrofoam!
What attributes of ceramics can be studied? Pottery is a more plastic medium, allowing the
makers to incorporate more variability. If you make a mistake or change your mind when
chipping stone tools you need to reshape the piece into something smaller or throw it away and
start over. With pottery you can reshape the wet clay before you fire it, and even add things after
it is fired, such as engraving or painting. There are many more pottery types than stone tool
types, at least in southeastern U.S. archaeology. The standard artifact we find is a potsherd, a
broken piece (pass some around), but what other things are made of clay? Figurines, spindle
whorls, whistles, etc.
What are the raw materials for ceramic artifacts? Natural clays, of course, and also often temper
or aplastic, some material added to the clay for various reasons, from the functional (better
firing) to the stylistic. Who in the class has made pottery? What are the possible tempering
agents? In the Southeast we find sand, grit (crushed quartzite), shell (crushed), and grog (crushed
clay fragments, often probably old pots, maybe smashed in a fit of temper!). The earliest pottery
in North America was tempered with plant fibers; in Florida this was Spanish moss, like we see
hanging on the trees outside this building. The fibers burned out and left squiggly line open
spaces in the clay (show example). Besides describing the clay minerals, the clay sources, and
the decorative or surface treatment of the pot (stamping, incising, punctating, painting, etc.; show
examples), we can determine something else about the manufacturing technology. In the New
World there was no potters wheel. Early vessels were simply hand-built, like that first one you
did in kindergarten. For the last 3,000 years pottery was made by the coil method, rolling a big
snake-like form in your hands and coiling it around to shape the pot, then smoothing it. If we
find a sherd of sand-tempered pottery that has uniform wheel marks on it at a Florida
archaeological site we know it is from a Spanish olive jar, which very much resembles Indian
pottery except for this technological clue.
What are fancier types of ceramics and how are they made? Old World technologies early
produced fine china, vitrified clay we call glass, and fancy glazes able to be done because higher
firing temperatures could be achieved. Does this mean New World peoples lagged behind and
were not as bright as the Chinese or Egyptians? Maybe in glass manufacture, but does this mean
in the rest of their technology or other areas of life? Remember that in this class we want to
abolish the use of the terms primitive and advanced, since they are making ethnocentric
judgements about cultures based on our own values, which place technology above nearly
everything else!
Besides shapes, functions, and raw materials, we can also study residues on ceramics, as with
stone or any other artifact. Ancient pots can sometimes still have food in them! What about
pottery styles? Can we get at the meaning of some design on a pot that the potter intended?
Given the opportunity for such variability, would the maker not put very individualized designs
on these artifacts? Some archaeologists assume women made all the pots, and others, in a
sometimes misplaced (I think) feminist approach, want to see the pottery designs as ways that
always-oppressed women tried to empower themselves by their pride in self-expression. These
are not always testable hypotheses in the far distant past, and we do now have many
ethnographic examples of men making pottery and of women who have plenty of power already
in their own cultures making pottery designs expressing far different ideas: religious, artistic, or
just traditional design like the family always made.
What kinds of analyses can be done with metal artifacts? The same identifications of types, raw
materials, trace elements showing places of origin, and studies of manufacturing technology.
Early metalworking was done perhaps 9,000 years ago in southwest Asia with copper.
Why is copper earliest? It is available in some parts of the world as raw nuggets, and it is soft
and easily shaped by heating. In a technique we call cold-hammering, Native Americans, for
example, as well as many others around the world, could heat pieces of copper they picked up in
northern Michigan and pound them into shapes of ornaments and tools. Pass around a piece of
raw copper (I purchased this one at a museum shop). When a hotter fire could be made, copper
could be melted and poured into casts.
What other metals were used early in prehistory? Silver, tin, and gold are soft and workable.
Raw iron was rarely available from meteors. The process of making alloys was discovered
thousands of years ago, probably in many places. Alloys combine two or more metals, and the
most famous archaeologically is bronze.
What two metals make up bronze? What milestone do we name after bronze? Again,
emphasizing technology, we note the Bronze Age because people discovered this combination of
copper and tin had a lower melting point and cooled into a harder metal for making even more
wonderful artifacts. Weapons, of course, would be nicer to have in a harder metal, especially for
those who see technological development as completely linked to rise in military power (like the
modern military-industrial complex, perhaps?). But there are many more bronze items with
ceremonial and decorative functions, not to mention domestic utilitarian uses. The book shows
(p. 126) 3,000-year-old bronze pots, and of course ancient bronze vessels in much of the Old
World had to hold a lot of wine. I now pass around bronze replicas of pre-Roman Etruscan items,
a coin and a little horse statue. The coin has an obvious set of functions (buy stuff, honor the
ruler whose head is on it), and the horse may have been more than decorative if it was thrown
into a spring as a spiritual offering. Look at the bronze fibulae pictures in the book (p. 127).
Beyond the utilitarian function of holding up your clothes, they are of many different decorative
styles that said something about your taste and probably status and position in life.
Why does iron metallurgy develop later and what milestone does it mark? The Iron Age began
with development of a more complex technology, especially the requirement of a hotter fire, and
of melting out the bloom and then reheating it and hammering it into shape. When you add
charcoal, somewhat later in time, you get steel. There are many ancient technologies that we still
have not been able to replicate in modern times.
What is special about gold artifacts? Gold is also soft and easily workable, and does not tarnish.
If you have on, say, a ring someone gave you that you thought was gold and it is making a green
stain on your finger, it is not pure gold! What kinds might you find in Florida? Of course,
historic shipwrecks are known for Spanish gold, and while the silver coins end up looking like a
blackish-gray rock on the sea floor, the gold is still gleaming. Because so many cultures value it
highly, including ourselves, we love to study gold. So does Indiana Jones, who stole the gold idol
at the beginning of the movie. Native Americans did have some gold and, especially in Central
America, worked it into fancy forms. But usually in prehistoric Florida we do not find any gold,
though we might get copper (show copper ear discs from a Florida site). One of our graduates
who runs a contract archaeology firm in Orlando excavated a human skeletal hand with a gold
ring on one finger. It was found in an area scheduled for a housing development and not known
to be a cemetery. It was a recent historic burial, and the engraving on the ring led him to the
persons descendants, who still lived in the area.
What do we mean by organic artifacts? Anything made of something that was once alive, such
as wood, shell, bone, leather, hair, horn, teeth, ivory, etc. I'm passing around a shell tool typical
of Florida and some other coastal areas. The book shows bone harpoon heads (p.129). Of course,
all these are of materials that are more perishable and less often found archaeologically.
What analyses can we do of organic artifacts? The usual, such as raw material type, manufacture,
style; by now you should know the right questions to ask. Remember that the archaeological
record is so biased in favor of what is preserved that we forget how important these artifacts are.
But look at reconstructions at various sites, whether the Spanish mission site of San Luis in
Tallahassee, with its European church but native council house and chiefs house, or perhaps the
Forest Capital Museums reconstruction of a historic Florida homestead in Perry. All the
buildings are of wood, the furniture, most of the tools and other artifacts are made of plant
How do ecofacts differ from organic artifacts? They are not shaped into tools but are the result of
human activity. The most typical are food remains, but there can also be naturally occurring
remains affected by humans. For example, at sites where humans have cleared the forest to build
houses, the natural pollen will not show tree species, but weeds that grow up in cleared areas.
What is paleoethnobotany? Study of plant remains from archaeological sites. It can be done at
the macrobotanical level, looking at seeds, charcoal and wood pieces, etc. Some sites I have
excavated have produced carbonized persimmon rind, native fruit skin that was dropped into the
prehistoric fire and preserved for 1,500 years! At the microbotanical level we can study pollen
remains, which is also known as palynology, and phytoliths, also known as biosilicates, which
are mineral deposits that form in the open spaces inside plants (much like your pot for boiling
water or your glass shower door in Florida will have scale form on it from calcium or iron in the
water). Pollen is very distinctive for each species. This picture of pollen under the high-power
microscope (in Fagan 1985) shows the grains looking like little alien spaceships. Phytoliths also
have distinctive shapes based upon which species they form in.
What can archaeobotanical remains tell us? Besides what plants people may have eaten or used
for other purposes, we can learn what was growing in the area or brought to the site. Pollen from
species that are no longer present in the region gives us a clue to ancient ecosystems and
climates, for example. The study of environmental change, especially as it is linked to human
action, is enormously important today. We can also learn about the process of domestication of
plants, where people change from gathering wild resources to producing their own. The latter is
MUCH more work, so it is important to understand this.
How can we tell if plants were domesticated? What is domestication? Biological evolution; that
is, genetic change, but through cultural, not just natural, selection. Genetic engineering is nothing
new, it has been going on for 10,000 years or more. The only difference today is that we can do
it inside the cell, with the DNA. But selecting what characteristics you want in a controlled,
domesticated species is old, even if Gregor Mendel only described the process more recently!
What characteristics do humans want in their plants? Today we want hardier food crops,
sometimes better taste, but often weirder things such as the square watermelons that the Japanese
have produced that wont fall off the truck or the Flavor-Saver tomato that can be picked when
it is green and supposedly redden slowly enough to have a long shelf life and make money for
the produce market (ask your grocer, and see if you think they have any flavor!). Besides food
plants, we breed things for beauty and stylearen't they still trying to produce a truly blue rose?
What about prehistoric peoples domestication goals? They wanted more food, bigger, tastier,
and easier to harvest. They bred out wild characteristics that allow the plant to reseed itself or
otherwise propagate. Your book (p. 133) shows you the corn plant they began with, a small seed
head on a grass, which is what corn is, and the big ear we ended up with after millennia of
domestication. Corn is so domesticated that it cannot seed itself. It needs humans (or machines!)
to open up the husk and plant the seeds.
What is zooarchaeology? The study of animal remains from archaeological contexts, with the
same kinds of goals that we have for plant remains. What is the species, how was it used, what
was its availability in the environment, and what about the domestication processes?
What faunal ecofacts might we see at a Florida site? Most common are shells from shell
middens. But the zooarchaeological techniques we have today, including soil flotation and
identifying tiny remains, show us that these prehistoric people were not just eating oysters and
clams all day. In fact, if you order oysters in a restaurant, you get a huge platter with a dozen big
shells, but the actual meat is a very small amount. So first of all, we realize that the amount of
garbage associated with a species and the amount of meat it produces may not be proportional.
With fine-screen recovery of tiny fish vertebrae we can see that Florida natives probably netted
lots of fish for dinner, with only some oysters on the side. Zooarchaeologists have formulas to
estimate meat weights based on the remains, and also to estimate the minimum number of
individuals at the site. So one deer bone represents way more meat than a pile of oyster shells.
Two deer leg bones, if they are right and left, could represent one deer, but if they are both from
the left side then you have at least two deer. And so on.
What are coprolites? There is a lot of terminology associated with analysis of ecofacts, but this is
the best word, meaning preserved feces, or dried-up old turds. A pile of animal bones and plant
remains at a site can tell you what the people had at the site, but a coprolite is direct evidence of
what someone ate, if it is a human sample. (This is also a cute word to know and use for many
What kinds of human remains can be preserved archaeologically? Any and all, as we already
saw from the discussion of site formation processes and human mummies in bogs, deserts, and
wet sites. But usually human remains uncovered by archaeologists are skeletons or portions of
skeletons. In Florida, when human burials are preserved the bones are often the consistency of
cheesecake, even inside coffins, and hard to record or excavate.
What can we learn from human remains? From soft tissue there can be any kind of medical and
biological study we want, from blood typing to DNA analysis, identification of stomach
contents, height, weight, sex, cause of death, health and illness, trauma and pathology, diet, etc.
We can get a lot of these from skeletons as well. Bone studies that identify chemical isotopes
indicating what the person ate can tell us not only about diet and health, but also about past
environments and socioeconomic systems that produced good or bad nutrition. Sex and gender
issues in the past are also well addressed with skeletal remains, as are other social questions. We
can also look at cultural modifications of the human body, such as piercings, tattoos, dental
work, and cranial deformation resulting from binding the soft skull bones of an infant (pictured
in the book, p.137).
What about the ethics of excavating and studying human remains? There is no discussion of
ethics and professional responsibilities at this point in your book, and only a brief discussion at
the end of the book where modern social issues are noted. But it is much too important not to
discuss right now. The history of archaeology clearly shows that Native American skeletons and
others from unmarked human graves were treated differently from those of the dominant society.
Modern and even early historic cemeteries of white folks were protected; it would be illegal to
dig up any graves without some kind of permission for a special reason. But unmarked graves
were not covered by law until recently. The skeletons were treated as scientific specimens, just
like the artifacts, to be studied in the lab. Anthropological archaeology recognizes that the
descendants of the people whose remains are being studied may not agree to such study, and
activism by Native Americans and other groups has succeeded in changing the laws.
The 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) requires U.S.
museums and other institutions to return human remains and other cultural property, especially
burial goods, taken without permission, to the people of their origin. New laws in Florida and
most other states require archaeologists encountering unmarked human remains to report them to
the state archaeologist and locate descendant communities with whom to consult about the
disposition of the remains.
What does this mean locally? In Florida, for example, if I am digging and uncover a human
skeleton, first I must determine if it is recent or not. If there is gold in the teeth, or a metal belt
buckle or plastic, I call the sheriff and the coroner! If it looks like a prehistoric burial, I must
contact the state archaeologist; but what about descendant communities? A Seminole Indian
burial, which might have glass beads or other indicators, would be easier to deal with because we
could call the tribe and begin consultation. They might want it not excavated at all, excavated
and immediately reburied at their cultural center in Tampa, or they might allow certain studies
such as those noted above.
With clearly prehistoric skeletal remains the picture is more complicated because there are no
native Florida Indians left. They were exterminated by the early Spanish and other Old World
conquistadors, through violence but mostly by introduced diseases. Into the empty land of
Florida came Creek and other native folks from Alabama and Georgia, who with their African
slaves and occasional Scottish traders evolved into the Seminoles of the eighteenth century. So
there are no clear representatives of Florida native peoples to consult with about prehistoric
remains, and a determination must be made in each case by several interested parties, including
modern Indian groups. We will return to these issues later in the class.
What can we learn from soils and sediments excavated by archaeologists? Rivers, lakes, different
kinds of wind, water, and erosional action produce different soils that may give us clues to past
human and natural action. This is why site formation processes are important to know. For
example, a Florida hurricane might produce a nice culturally sterile white sand layer on top of a
dark organically stained midden zone, sealing the midden nicely. Understanding soil deposits
helps us reconstruct the original landscape of the site.
What do you think is meant by micromorphology? Inexplicably placed in later discussions in
your book (see p. 185), it is the study of microscopic traces of soils and sediments to determine
localized information, such as use of individual rooms within excavated houses or activity areas
at sites. This is real detective work; microscopic traces of feces or pollen or other materials can
help assign functions to certain places within sites.
What information does a cultural feature produce? As we already discussed, features can range
from small postmolds and pits to large buildings. Some are constructed by humans while others
may be accretionally deposited by human action, like garbage dumps. Analyzing spatial layout,
construction technology, and associated artifacts and sediments can give everything from purely
functional to social information. The carbonized fruit skin I mentioned from a Florida site came
from a garbage layer which has other information about seasonality. This layer also had duck
bones in it. Because the persimmon fruit is ripe in the fall and ducks arrive in the fall (to be shot
for a nice dinner), we know the prehistoric people must have lived there in the fall. This is
supported by a different line of evidence, namely that the site is on the riverbank and the river
floods every winter and early spring today. Flood deposits are evident in the prehistoric garbage
layer as well, so we know it would be easier to live in this spot during summer and fall during its
occupation 1,500 years ago too.
How does an archaeologist get a date? Dating the past can be done with several different
methods that are well-explained in your book (chapter 7).
What is the difference between direct and indirect dating? Direct methods date the artifact itself,
while indirect methods date something it is associated with. It is seldom possible to date a stone
tool or a clay potsherd, for example; radiocarbon dating requires something with carbon in it. But
we might date the charcoal next to the stone tool or sherd under the assumption that they are the
same age.
What is the difference between relative dating and absolute dating? Relative methods give an
age only in relationship to something else, while absolute methods give a calendrical date. An
easy relative method to understand relates to the law of superposition; deeper things are older
than shallower things, but we do not know absolute ages.
What are some types of relative dating? Artifact seriation is done by arranging artifact types
according to their stylistic similarities and/or frequencies of occurrence. See the nice figures in
your text showing both twentieth-century automobile designs (p. 149) and Sir Flinders Petries
stylistic seriation of ancient Egyptian pot types (p. 151). We may not know the absolute dates,
but we can arrange the styles that look most similar closest to each other on the chart. What is the
disadvantage of this method? First, it assumes gradual change through time and would not work
with everything (look at the radical shift from slide rule to pocket calculator, or from pocket
notebook to PalmPilotthose artifacts do not look anything alike!). Second, you can see gradual
change through time, but you dont know which end is up! Which is the earliest and which the
Frequency seriation arranges artifacts based on frequencies, assuming that types gradually come
into popularity and gradually fade out. The very nice chart of New England tombstone types on
p. 152 shows how a frequency seriation can produce battleship shaped curves. The tombstones
have the dates on them, but you could also do this with artifact types arranged by vertical
stratum. The curves look like battleships in plan view, or portions of battleships; hence the name.
The tombstone study of Deetz and Dethlefson cited in your text is a famous one because it shows
stylistic change through time that can be correlated with social and ideological trends. Look at
the three kinds of tombstone motifs in the chart: the deaths head, cherub, and urn-and-willow
pattern. All three fit nicely in the half-circle of the top of the tombstone, so in terms of design,
we have the constraints of shape to consider. Within that shape, however, the winged, skull-like
deaths head gives way to the happy little winged angel, then the asymmetrical design of an urn
with the flowing, still wing-like fronds of the willow. What does this say about the living people
commemorating their dead loved ones? They are going from a more harsh, New England-style
Protestant view of hellfire and damnation to a more benign view of heavenly bliss, then to a
totally secular decorative motif that suggests waning power of religious beliefs!
What is fluorine dating? It is a relative dating method described in your book along with other
bone chemistry relative methods on p.158. It is based on the principle that two bones buried
together at the same time will take up the same amount of fluorine (and other elements) from the
soil. It is famous because it is the method used to expose the hoax of the notorious Piltdown
man fossil. Many textbooks in the 1970s and 1980s removed the story of Piltdown, which was
too bad because it is fun and also packed with social and scientific meaning. It has been put it
back in again since the 1990s, but needs more explanation because it says so much about the
influences of world politics and intellectual arrogance in anthropology. The Piltdown skull and
teeth were found in England between 1911-1915 by amateur paleontologist Charles Dawson,
who convinced all the big famous men, and they all were men, in anthropology that they
represented the missing link creature evolutionarily placed between apes and humans. No
other finds resembling Piltdown were unearthed, and over the decades the australopithecine early
hominid remains coming out of south Africa began to convince the scientists that the earliest
humans originated in that continent from apelike ancestors. By the 1950s, when fluorine dating
proved the skull to be a fake, few believed in it any more. It was a cranium (head without lower
jaw) of a modern, if old (maybe Roman?) human and the lower jaw of an ape, filed to fit together
and dyed to match! But the two did not have the same amount of fluorine. Who did the hoax?
We are not sure. Dawson died shortly thereafter, and other possible perpetrators have been
suggested, including Teilhard de Chardin (a famous Catholic priest and evolutionary thinker who
may have been a young prankster at the time) and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (author of the
Sherlock Holmes stories). But meanwhile, we also need to ask why the fossils were so readily
accepted as human ancestors. First, they fit the expected picture of a large braincase and ape-like
jaw. Now we know that brain size was the last thing to evolve, and that early human forms are
recognized by their upright, bipedal skeletal structure. Second, where was Piltdown found? In
England, the home of so many of the major thinkers who accepted it, and easier to see as the
home of the earliest humans than Africa, where the people are dark and considered inferior!
What is the difference between absolute and chronometric dating? Absolute dating means the
calendrical date can be known. It is pretty rare and usually only possible with things that have
dates on them, such as newspapers or coins. Your book does not give the term chronometric,
but it is important to differentiate and not quite absolute. Chronometric means measuring time
since something has elapsed. Most of the dating methods we use in archaeology are
chronometric; examples follow.
Most people have heard of radiocarbon dating; how does it work? Invented by Nobel Prizewinning physicist Willard Libby in the 1940s, this method is based on the radioactive decay of
the carbon 14 isotope (written as 14C). All living things take in carbon through food, breathing,
etc. The proportion of the carbon 12 isotope to carbon 14 is known, and after the organisms
death the radioactive decay takes place at a known rate, measured by the concept of the half-life.
This means, for carbon 14, with a half life of 5730 years, that after that many years only half will
remain to emit radiation. The radiation can be measured and the time elapsed since the
organisms death calculated. The advantage of the method is that there is often charcoal, bone, or
other organic material that can be dated, and this method is usually the most important for
archaeology. The disadvantages are that you have to have something organic, not stone or
pottery, and you have to have enough of it to date (about a cup of charcoal or, for dating a large
animal or human skeleton, an arm and a leg!), and you have to have about $300. Another
disadvantage is that the date comes out as a statistical approximation within two standard
deviations, so there is something like a 33% chance that it is not correct. Another disadvantage is
that farthest back you can date things because of that half-life is about 40,000 years, so that the
human experience before that, some 2 million or more years, is too old to date by this method.
This is fine for North and South America, however, because apparently there were no people
here that long ago.
What is AMS radiocarbon dating? The letters stand for accelerator mass spectrometry, and this
technique is a wonderful refinement that allows the physicist with a big particle accelerator
machine to count the actual carbon atoms. Therefore it needs far less material for dating, such as
a piece of charcoal as big as a pencil point tip. This can be a great advantage when there is not
good organic preservation at your site. From our USF excavations of a shell midden in Florida,
we obtained a sherd of fiber-tempered pottery that broke open to show a couple fibers of Spanish
moss still unburned and undecayed in the clay. These were dated by the AMS methodone of
the rare times that we COULD date a potsherd in this fashion. The date returned was about 4,000
years before the present.
There is yet another disadvantage of radiocarbon dating that has lately been corrected by
utilizing a totally independent chronometric method, known as dendrochronology. What does
this word mean? Tree ring dating, using sequences of thick and thin rings from trees with
overlapping lifetimes and working backward in time. We can even find living trees that are
several thousand years old, and your book shows a picture of one of these, the gnarly old
bristlecone pine from the southwestern U.S. Ring characteristics depend on annual weather
patterns, so this method works best where there is great variability, as in the southwestern desert.
Disadvantages of the method are that you have to have enough wood, and the wood the artifact
was made of may have been old already when used, or used for a long time, as in a house beam.
How has dendrochronology changed radiocarbon dating? The great gift of tree-ring dating has
been to help correct the errors in radiocarbon dates and provide a cautionary tale of science. The
assumption was that uniform amounts of radioactive carbon were present every year in the
atmosphere and absorbed by all living things. When someone decided to check this by
radiocarbon dating individual tree rings with known ages, it became clear that past levels of
carbon 14 have fluctuated a lot. Now whenever you get a radiocarbon date, it is corrected or
calibrated along a curve produced by tree ring dates to give a more accurate calendrical age.
What other dating methods are important for archaeology? Several other chronometric methods
are based on measuring time elapsed since some physiochemical change. Most important is
potassium-argon dating which again measures decay of a rare radioactive isotope of potassium
that results in its becoming argon gas. Here the half-life is 1.31 billion years, so much older
things can be measured. But you need something that has the requisite minerals. Luckily, there is
potassium in volcanic deposits that have contained early human fossil forms in east Africa, so
many of those finds have been so dated.
What is archaeomagnetism? Another chronometric dating method that is based on the fact that
the earths magnetic fields shift over time. When soil or clay is heated, the iron particles in it
align themselves with the poles. Since north moves over time at a known rate, we can measure
the magnetic alignment in the ground and compare it with todays. The method is often used in
the eastern U.S. when we encounter hearths or fire pits with burned clay. You isolate a small
cube of soil in the ground and cover it with plaster, on which you mark the current compass
north. Then you cut it out of the ground and send it for archaeomagnetic dating, and they will see
how the alignment of the iron particles in this soil cube compares with the current alignment of
north. Again, the disadvantages are that you have to have burned soil with iron content. The
advantage is that it is not difficult or too expensive.
Which dating method is best to use? Since there are advantages and disadvantages for all of
them, the very best strategy is to use more than one independent method. Radiocarbon is the
most important for the New World and later Old World prehistory, but if you can confirm your
radiocarbon date in some other way, your results are much more reliable. At a site in northwest
Florida where we were working during 2002, we had already excavated typical prehistoric
pottery that has been dated often to between A.D. 1200 and the time of European contact when
we got that tiny glass bead from the fine screen of the flotation machine. We know the Native
Americans had no glass until the Spanish brought it in the sixteenth century. I found enough
charcoal to get a radiocarbon date from a small pit feature that had the bead in it, and the date
was returned as about A.D. 1500very early in historic times (White 2000). There are no
historic records for this part of Florida that early. So I am returning to dig a little more and see if
more accurately dateable evidence might be found.
much about material culture, which is what you are digging. The records might describe
pyramids or clothing or houses, but not what the garbage looks like or where it is deposited.
What classic example of ethnographic analogy is described in your book (p. 170-71)? Lewis
Binford, a major archaeological theorist, encountered at midwestern late prehistoric sites many
pit features filled with charred wood and corncobs that he reasoned would have produced a lot of
smoke. To figure out what they were for, he read through the literature about Native Americans
in this region and found that they processed deer hides by drying and smoking them over small
smoldering fire pits during historic times; he reasoned that this activity could be traced back in
time to the sites dating A.D. 1000 that he was excavating (Binford 1967).
Does this mean that all such pits found in the eastern U.S. were for hide smoking? At the San
Luis mission site in Tallahassee, archaeologists excavated the large Apalachee Indian council
house that we know from historic documents was the political center of the native town, not far
from the Spanish church and other colonial buildings. The council house is now reconstructed
and wonderful to visit because you can see the huge circular building with the very tall thatched
roof in downtown Tallahassee. Large postmolds in a big circle delimited the building in the
ground, and around the inside there were small postmolds indicating what the historic documents
say were sitting and sleeping platforms. Under these were pits full of charred corncobs that
would have made lots of smoke. Were they processing hides? The Spanish documents say they
were making smoke to keep out mosquitoes, and it makes more sense, given the public function
of the building and the abundance of bugs in Florida! When we find corncob-filled pits at
prehistoric sites in the northwest Florida area we can suggest they were similarly for bug control.
This kind of specific analogy can work very well, in these two cases, because there is clear
cultural continuity from the prehistoric archaeological record forward into historic times.
What if there is no continuous or appropriate cultural record into historic time? We can use more
general analogies, such as with cultures in similar environmental settings and sociopolitical
organizations. Sometimes this is better than historic cultures in the same area for interpreting
remains of foraging peoples in the more distant past. So, for example, during the Archaic, some
5,000-8,000 years ago in Florida, we know people were hunting and gathering modern species.
To understand their remains we might not want to use historic documents describing complex
chiefly sedentary societies supported by maize agriculture that were first encountered by the
Spanish; these evolved thousands of years later than the Archaic and were very differently
organized. Examining the ethnographic records of hunter-gatherers elsewhere in the world in
similar forested warm temperate environments might give us better clues to the prehistoric
adaptation. General analogy of this type is common in archaeological interpretation, but is more
Uncritical use of the ethnographic record is a common abuse. There are so few hunter-gatherers
left that those who are well-studied are subjected to this kind of analogy all the time. The !Kung
foragers (San or Ju/hoansi) of South Africa, made famous in The Hunters, the classic 1957
anthropology movie that many of you have seen, are often used in analogies to explain Archaic
sites in the eastern U.S. (mainly because archaeologists now in practice saw that movie during
their training!). This is usually inappropriate, since the southern African Kalahari desert is
enormously different in environment and cultural adaptation from the wet, forested climate we
had here after the end of the Pleistocene (Ice Age). European Paleolithic cultures tens of
thousands of years old have been explained using Australian aboriginal cultures, with the
justification that, well, the latter are still in the Stone Age! This unilineal model of cultural
evolution, nicely diagrammed on p. 172 in the book, assumes every society has to pass through
stages of complexity and some, like the native Australians, who never did develop agriculture,
are assumed to be moving far more slowly than the superior Europeans! You can see this attitude
all the time with the sensational geographic shows showing Stone Age people or our living
ancestors (oxymoronic or just moronic phrase!).
What is ethnoarchaeology? Archaeologists developed this method to counteract some of the
abuses of ethnographic analogy. It means that the archaeologist is doing the ethnography,
studying living peoples, with special attention to the relationship of behavior and the material
remains. Your book mentions Longacre and Ayress (1968) study of a recently abandoned
Apache house, which is still a classic. They looked at the stuff lying around and tried to
reconstruct what they thought had gone on there and the composition of the family. They did a
pretty good job, as measured by later obtaining direct information on the family itself. Another
classic is Lewis Binfords (1981) study of the Nunamiut, an Eskimo people with whom he
lived and studied. Though in the 20th century they used guns and other modern items, he
reasoned that some of their hunting behavior would retain more traditional aspects, and he
described, for example, the butchering of animals and deposition of different kinds of bones in
different ways. This could be compared with ancient Arctic hunter-gatherer cultures or other
cold-climate peoples such as Europeans during the Ice Age. Are there fewer biases in
ethnoarchaeology than in ethnographic analogy? Probably not fewer, just different kinds.
Binford, for example, was far less interested in the activities of women among the Nunamiut,
though their domestic work arguably leaves at least an equal amount, if not more, of an
archaeological record than mens activities.
What is experimental archaeology? Sometimes also called actualistic studies, this is the attempt
to replicate past human behavior, usually specific technologies. Flintknapping is an especially
popular form. Other experiments have included recruiting large groups of people to build
mounds or earthworks with basketloads of dirt and recording how long it took, how many
worker-hours and so on; recreating native houses out of local raw materials; or making pottery
out of local clay from the riverbank and coiling it and using prehistoric techniques and designs.
Some experiments have had participants living in recreated ancient villages for a set period of
time just to see what it was like and what they could learn. This is very different from a Survivor
type of television show. Participants would have the knowledge of past technologies, food
sources, and so on.
Since we are trying to emphasize really practical applications of archaeology in this class, we
might mention that archaeologists, familiar with all kinds of past technologies, would be very
useful in getting along after major disasters, when there is no electricity or other power sources
we are used to having at the flick of a switch.
What kinds of human behavior can be reconstructed from the archaeological evidence? The
easiest kinds of things to see are those technological/environmental aspects of culture that the
cultural materialist perspective perceive as the major constraints structuring cultural systems. We
can see what artifact manufacturing methods and raw materials were used, what people ate,
where they lived, and how old the sites are. We can do settlement pattern archaeology and see
how different kinds of sites, say, camps and villages, are arranged across the landscape, and
cultural ecology, relating the cultural behavior to the kinds of natural (and even social)
environments the sites are in. This is the major reason that most archaeologists, especially those
who do fieldwork often, are cultural materialists, interpreting everything in terms of
environments and technology. Because this is what we CAN do best; it is much more difficult to
see social behavior, and even more so to find ideological systems, what the people believed.
Even with techno-environmental issues, we could be very mistaken. We can reconstruct
prehistoric diet from the animal bones preserved at the site, but are remains of everything people
ate left in their garbage pile? What if some garbage is treated differently, perhaps disposed of
farther away because it smells? Does your trash can reflect everything you ate today? If you got
fast food on the way to class, we will never know that from your own kitchen garbage. There are
many sources of error even for the easier task of interpreting past technology and subsistence
(making a living, using environmental resources).
What ways are used to reconstruct past social systems? We have to look for material evidence of
social relationships, of political power and economic systems. Your book does a fine treatment
of using settlement patterns to reconstruct such issues (pp. 183-193). What would be obvious
material clues to social status? Wealth items or lack of them, differential treatment of burials,
different house sizes; we could list many. Processual or scientific archaeologists have been
looking for decades at the social dimensions of mortuary practices, the way the treatment of the
dead reflects not only the rank or status of the dead person but also the family and other kin ties
and relationships and statuses of the living (not to mention their religious or other belief
systems). Studies that can trace raw materials or finished artifacts back to their sources can
document economic patterns of how the items move around the map, showing various kinds of
interaction. When we get Florida conch shells in 1,700-year-old human burials in Ohio mounds,
we know somehow these rare items were of great importance to make it that far. But can we say
that people came from Ohio to Florida to collect them like tourists do today? Or could they move
north in what we call a down-the-line (domino effect) fashion? This is harder to reconstruct in
Can we ever reconstruct past belief systems and ritual? This is the hardest to do, especially in
prehistoric times, without any written record of what people were thinking and believing.
Postprocessual archaeologists really emphasize social and ideological issues too. The discussion
in your book of the famous Turkish Neolithic site of atalhyk is an excellent introduction to
the exciting work going on there lately, which reinterprets older excavations in light of new
findings. Instead of seeing rooms with images of bulls and women as ceremonial shrines, the
reinterpretation is that regular dwelling places might be decorated with such images. Are they
deities or other important spiritual figures? How can we tell? In this classroom, how many
people are wearing or carrying an artifact with a bull image on it? Do those images reflect your
ideological system? Yes, because the USF team logo is Rocky the Bull, and you are presumably
rooting for sports teams and generally supporting the totem of your school. But does it mean you
worship bulls? If we had no written record to explain this, what would we say when we
excavated such items? Must be ceremonial?
Discussion of past ideology and how to make testable hypotheses concerning the archaeological
record is endless in archaeology. The atalhyk project has a great website (Wolle 2002) where
you can see cool discussions of whether the female figurines indicate goddess worship. [By the
way, this is a reminder that website papers are due in two weeks at midterm {see Student
Exercises section of this course design package}]. It is enormously difficult to arrive at
prehistoric beliefs. By comparison, let us look at Western culture over the last 1,000 years, with
its Christian focus. Images of the Virgin Mary are all over the place and presented in very
different ways (though she usually has blue clothing!). Look at European religious painting, at
Catholic icons such as the Virgin of Fatima or of Lourdes. Mexicans have the Virgin of
Guadaloupe, based on a colonial tale of a lady appearing to a poor Indian peasant and telling him
to get the bishop to build a church there, and making roses appear in the snow. This story was a
great marketing device for the Church because the Virgins image appeared on the guys cloak,
and she had Indian features, not to mention the blue outfit. The image is now enshrined over the
altar in the famous church in Mexico City, in what is today a very Catholic country. All this
imagery and devotion to the Virgin Mary, but is she a goddess, with any power? Are Catholics
goddess worshippers, and do women therefore have a powerful position in the Catholic church?
No, they are not even allowed to be priests. The sheer ubiquity of an image does not mean it has
power in itself or can easily tell who had spiritual or social power.
What is archaeoastronomy? Just what it sounds like: looking for reflections of astronomical
knowledge in the archaeological record. As we use patterns in the distribution of material culture
to try to reconstruct past belief systems, we might see alignments of buildings or other
constructions that reflect alignments of stars, planets, the sun, and the moon. With computer
assistance we can now find out, say, where the sun was rising on the day of the summer solstice
in A.D. 200, the date of our mound complex, and see if the mounds line up with this particular
sunrise. Once you get archaeological features on a map you can play around with them to see
such things. We know from ethnographic analogy and archaeology that the Maya gave great
importance to the planet Venus, which guided many of their rituals and other activities; recent
deciphering of the written texts now confirm this. Once there are written records, interpreting
ideology becomes a little easier (depending upon what the people wrote!).
How can we summarize the different frameworks for interpreting the past? Though the book puts
all of this into one chapter (chapter 9), we have been discussing these all along throughout the
class. So this is a review before the midterm exam and also to help us understand the emphases
in the second half of the class, where we will not simply go through the culture history of the
whole world, 2 million years in a half-semester, but also will look at the scientific interpretations
and how we might question their biases.
What are the mechanisms of culture change or stability? For a long time archaeology was doing
only culture history, saying what happened and when, and explaining change through just simple
assumptions of invention and diffusion. Invention or innovation might become accepted in the
wider society and diffuse gradually out to other cultures. So you could trace a particular trait,
such as building conical burial mounds or making red-painted pottery, from its point of origin
and see how widespread it becomes in space and time. Trait lists are a hallmark of culture history
How is diffusion investigated? The book (p. 206) notes how diffusion is an elusive mechanism of
culture change. In historic times we can clarify it by speaking of trade in material items,
movement of ideas, and movements of people through migration, enslavement, invasion, and
other more specific cultural processes, but these are harder to see in the prehistoric record. We
cannot even use the term exchange because it might have been tribute to a ruler or gift-giving
(in other words, one-sided). Sometimes mechanisms such as conquest can sometimes be seen
very dramatically in prehistory, such as shown in the picture on p. 208 of the book, in which
human skeletons are fallen sprawled in the remains of burned buildings at a site in ninth-century
B.C. Iran. Pretty clearly something dramatic happened here! But most of the time even largescale culture change such as population movements cannot be detected in the prehistoric record
with great certainty.
How can we see archaeologically when culture change is caused by environmental change? The
volcano covering Pompeii in A.D. 79 is a pretty clear example, not only from the deposits in the
ground but from written records. A prehistoric example is noted in the book (p. 209) from
eleventh-century Arizona. It is also mentioned that we can learn of environmental change that
humans create, one of the most useful areas of archaeology, since we can see the effects upon
society of such actions as deforestation and overutilizing other resources.
How do we tell if changes in natural ecosystems caused changes in human systems, or vice
versa? Often it is impossible to look for causal explanations, and we are better off determining
interrelated aspects of the whole system. What are systems models? Developed in cybernetics,
engineering, and computing, such models identify interrelated parts and their operations. In a
closed system, such as your air-conditioning, equilibrium is maintained through negative
feedback. When the temperature rises the air kicks on until the thermostat shows it has reached
the right point, then it goes off. A steady state is maintained by the response from the component
In an open system, which most are, there might be perturbations of the system, positive feedback
that stimulates changes in the other components. The book describes (p. 211) the classic
archaeological model by Kent Flannery of the origins of plant domestication in Mexico. We can
draw the system on the BlackBoard, showing the component parts in different connected boxes
(or look at the ones in the book, p. 212-213). The yearly round of hunter-gatherers includes
obtaining various resources. One of them, maize, was apparently very responsive to human
action and easily able to change genetically to become a more important component in the
system, a bigger box. Archaeologists want to see which systems are in a steady state and which
change and how and why. But systems models have been criticized for not dealing with causality
at all, just naming and connecting the parts. We will look at this again when we talk about the
origins of food production.
What are multilinear evolutionary models? They are explanations of culture change that
recognize more than one prime mover or single cause, and emphasize various factors, natural
and cultural. We can also look at internalist vs. externalist models for change, that is, from
within, such as corruption in the political system or revolution, or without, such as climate shifts
or earthquakes.
What do we mean by prehistoric cultural ecology and adaptation? Systems models that include
the natural ecosystem in which cultures exist and how the social systems relate to the natural
components. Cultural adaptation to natural conditions can change when the environment
changes, or not. Often change comes NOT because people wanted to do something different all
of a sudden (since culture is inherently conservative or resistant to change), but because they
want to keep doing what they are doing in the face of external change. When will we find an
energy source that is not finite but renewable? Right now, when we know there will soon be no
oil left in the earth? No, probably when it is mostly gone and people still want to keep driving
and using the electricity, so we will finally throw lots of money at solar and wind and other
power sources.
All cultural systems are not necessarily adaptive. Many are NOT, and this is part of the reason
why cultures become extinct. Others maintain an identity while changing radically. Besides the
natural environment, cultures must deal with the social environment: who else is living nearby,
where are potential mates and family, what are the total pressures on the resources, and other
demographic variables.
What about ideological variables connected with adaptation? Cultural materialists often think
that ideology too is structured by technoenvironmental conditions. The sacred cows of India are
a classic example. An emic explanation of why beef is not eaten and cows can roam the street at
will is that they are sacred in the belief system. An etic, materialist view might be that they are
more economically valuable alive, to provide labor pulling plows, dung for fuel, milk, and other
resources that otherwise would be missing in this poor country. Another example we can use,
from the past, is the ideological explanation for the location of the Aztec state in ancient Mexico,
that an eagle appearing on a cactus plant led the people to settle where they did, in the middle of
an apparently unhealthy, marshy lake. Today you can see the eagle and cactus on the Mexican
flag, and when you fly into Mexico City you land on the solidified, gelled remains of the filled-in
lake. A materialist explanation of the location for the prehistoric capital is that it shows strategic
genius. Connected only by easily defendable causeways to the surrounding land, and situated in
the center of the central valley of the country, this native capitols location was part of the
military and political strategy ideal for the founding of an empire.
Does cultural materialism explain all human adaptations, even ideological? No. Often they are
criticized for being too functional, too capitalist and efficient. Humans do many things that are
inefficient. There are many belief systems that seem completely maladaptive. The Shakers, for
example, were a Protestant, millennial-type sect of the eighteenth century who had some beliefs
that led them to become extinct: they did not believe in sex!
Postprocessual archaeologists like to point out that more than economic and environmental
factors influence human behavior and that some are not efficient or rational. An important area
of inquiry lately is to recognize the individual human actors in the past, to look for specific
human agency and decision-making by persons who are not just facelessly grouped within the
systems model boxes, but real people choosing to do this or believe that. However, it is very
difficult to do this in prehistory, but easier when there are historic records to document things.
Many of the hypotheses deriving from postprocessual models are untestable.
An example I can recount from my excavations two years ago involves an unusual feature we
found within a shell midden. Among the bone bits, potsherds, and other species of shells and
black soil making up the midden matrix was an unusual pile of sunray venus clamshells, about a
dozen of them, maybe 6" long each. These are long, slender shells, and they were nested inside
each other and standing on end and arrayed in an arc, like a necklace, but they were not pierced.
Upon seeing this unusual feature we of course said, must be ceremonial! Then I remembered
the night before we had eaten in a restaurant and entertained a visiting archaeologist, talking on
and on after dinner. My 11-year-old of course got bored and began taking the little containers of
butter (actually it was called whipped spread!), little tubs, and stacking them into pyramids and
inverted pyramids that fell down and went up again until they were all over the floor. This gave
me the idea that our sunray clamshell feature must have been a kid playing and leaving toys out
on the floor when it was time to go! This proposition is not testable at the present time, but I just
know it has potential.
Can there be alternate, and sometimes conflicting, interpretations of the same material record at
the same site? Of course. How much depends upon who is doing the interpreting? Would only a
mother who has picked up the darn toys a million times come up with such a hypothesis? Why
not a father in our culture? How many different interpretations of this feature can you think up?
[good time for some class discussion and maybe I can get new ideas for my report on the site
with this feature!]
Lesson Objectives: Categorize public archaeologys many components, including CRM, legal
and ethical issues, curation, conservation, looting,
stewardship, colonial legacies, and ethics.
archaeological and historic sites, from preservation to excavation to interpretation to the public.
Cultural resources managers may be local, state, or federal archaeologists charged with
protecting significant resources during construction of a highway or park. Before they can
protect them they must first identify them, then determine which are significant. Often the Park
Service or Department of Transportation archaeologist cannot do all this alone for large tracts of
land, and so may hire specialists in contract archaeology, usually a small business or university
research institute or consultant.
Contract archaeologists do the fieldwork, often a great number of Phase I surveys, shovel testing
and doing background research, then they prepare a report with recommendations. If they find
sites that are not significantsay, a scatter of chert flakes with little stratigraphic depththey
often recommend no further action and going ahead with the construction. They have to do a
good job because that is usually all the scientific attention that site will ever get before it is
nuked. If significant sites are identified, often during Phase II test excavation, they might work
with the managers toward preservation, redesign of the development, or rerouting of the road.
Usually the work is evaluated by the cultural resources manager at the public agency, who will
concur with the recommendation if the work is done well and within official guidelines.
Preservation is sometimes cheaper than digging more, but sometimes not. If preservation is not
an optionif the road must go through here or the public hospital must be built herethen
Phase III data recovery excavation may be
What laws protect archaeological sites? As early as
1906, the Antiquities Act protected sites on federal
lands. But see the list of laws on p. 236 of the book.
With the environmental consciousness of the 1960s
and 1970s came many laws protecting cultural as well
as natural resources. You do not need to memorize all
the federal laws, and state laws differ across the
country a bit, not to mention local ordinances.
However, the general picture is that public lands are
protected, as we already discussed, but private lands
are not very much. In Florida, if a developer wants to
build yet another big gated community, it will require
various permits and compliance with state laws. If it is big enough, it will be a development of
regional impact or DRI. On the DRI application form, right in there with questions about the
projected traffic patterns, water use, endangered species on the land, and others, is question 19,
asking if there are any significant cultural resources that will be disturbed by the development.
To answer that question the developer usually hires an archaeologist to do a survey, and so on.
Sometimes the developer will say, no, there are no archaeological sites identified on this land, to
which the state reviewer will say, how do you know? Has anyone ever looked? Sometimes the
developer will change the development to be slightly smaller, so as to fall below the threshold
for a DRI (I think in Florida it is 600 units, apartments or houses or whatever).
engine if you are simply asking about archaeological topics, and provide you with places to buy
ancient artifacts! Remember this when you are finishing your assignments this week for a paper
comparing some archaeological websites; this does NOT include websites selling artifacts. The
Slack Farm example from the very opening page of the book shows how systematic, widespread
destruction is done by people looking either to acquire items for sale and profit or have items for
their personal collections.
What are the antidotes to looting and other destruction of the past? Archaeology education in the
schools, in the chamber of commerce meeting rooms, in the law-enforcement agencies and really
all public agencies, and in the public communications media.
What is the meaning of stewardship? This is an important concept we try to encourage:
understanding the archaeological record as the fragile remains of the past of all people and how
we are all responsible for preserving it as much as possible. There are many ways to do this,
including lobbying for better preservation laws, engaging the local community in monitoring
sites and protecting them against looting, and joining or donating to several preservation
How can a non-professional participate in archaeology besides just visiting sites and museums as
a tourist? There are many societies for amateur or avocational archaeologists who work side-byside with professionals because they love it. Hester Davis, who just retired as the state
archaeologist of Arkansas and taught in a program that certified volunteer field archaeologists in
that state, once said that avocational archaeologists are the professionals secret weapon to help
preserve sites (Davis 1991). They love it as a hobby and are often able to accomplish things
professionals cannot.
What kinds of private agencies and foundations help protect archaeological sites? The Nature
Conservancy was founded to gather private donations to purchase and protect ecologically
important and endangered lands, sometimes with archaeological sites on them. Modeled after it
is the more specific Archaeological Conservancy, which targets significant cultural resources to
buy and protect, often then donating the land to a public agency such as the Park Service to
manage and conserve. In Florida there is the Archaeological and Historical Conservancy based in
Miami, and many other such foundations are out there, usually with informative websites.
What international agencies work to preserve archaeological resources? The United Nations
Educational, Social, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) drafts statements to help prevent
illegal international trade in antiquities and cultural properties. The U.S. and many other
countries have made agreements through UNESCO to return illegally imported artifacts. Even
though U.S. Customs is more worried about what drugs you are bringing into the country,
occasionally and with good work from legal professionals, they catch smugglers of looted
materials. But, I take calls nearly every week from people who have artifacts brought into the
country from Peru or Mexico or Costa Rica and want them identified. I have to explain that if
they were obtained recently, they are illegal! There are also lots of fakes out there made for the
tourist trade and authenticating antiquities often takes special skills. As already mentioned,
authenticating them for sale or profit, or even evaluating them in market terms, is unethical. It is
often hard for people to understand why this should be so. Usually the medical model works. We
dont buy and sell body parts. And they are from only one body, while archaeological materials
are part of the entire human past.
How is archaeology useful in supporting national identity and cultural heritage? Providing
information on the ancestral past can give different ethnic groups a pride in their heritage and
information that may be enormously useful and practical, such as in Native American land
claims. In many countries outside the U.S., archaeological images figure prominently in
everything from postage stamps to popular culture to fine arts. Designations of important sites as
world heritage monuments or other landmarks can bring not only national and international
recognition but real dollars in heritage tourism. Florida is acutely aware of archaeo-tourism and
has good publicity campaigns to urge visitors to visit historic sites as well as Disney World.
What are the negative aspects of the colonial legacy of archaeology? War, vandalism, and
looting of treasures for the museums of colonial powers have all devastated archaeological sites.
The imperialist mentality used to be well-illustrated in the patronizing treatment in such familiar
places as National Geographic magazine (Gero and Root 1990), where the archaeologists were
dashing white guys in pith helmets and the actual workers digging and carrying were the darkskinned natives whose heritage was being taken away to museums in far distant lands with or
without their understanding, not to mention proper monetary compensation.
Have we become enlightened about our responsibilities in investigating the past of others? What
ethical considerations should guide archaeologists so as not to abuse the heritage of others?
Relations between Native Americans and archaeologists, for example, have changed in the past
decades. Indians are demanding that their ancestors not sit on some dusty museum shelf waiting
to be measured, but be treated with respect, returned to the community of origin, or not dug up in
the first place. As anthropologists we have no trouble understanding this, though as scientists we
lament the missed opportunities to learn more about ancient health, disease, and society in
general when remains must be immediately reburied. These are also of course hotly debated
issues in the scientific community, among Native Americans, legal scholars, land-management
agencies, and other interested parties who are stakeholders in the human past, who have
something to gain, if only the pleasure of historic identification, by the knowledge of the past.
Not only is there enormous legal and ethical responsibility in the treatment of human remains,
but also just locating and consulting with descendant communities before investigations are
underway is required. The permission and cooperation of landowners, local communities, and
religious and other authorities must often be obtained before any excavations, but most important
is the permission and interest of any living representatives of the cultural group being
What decisions about archaeology should be made in consultation with the diverse groups who
have an interest in the past? Besides if and how to excavate and what studies to do afterwards,
there is the question of the disposition of the materials. Artifacts are the property of the
landowner, unless they are cultural properties that can be identified as belonging to a particular
living group or associated with identifiable human remains.
What should be done with standing ruins? Should ancient buildings be reconstructed, restored as
someone thinks they once were, left in place, or preserved at all? Can archaeo-tourism help or
hurt? What about modern communities around famous sites? Should they not be involved in
designing tourist attractions, museums, and restoration of monuments? Will the plans include
any jobs for the local community members? Will the materials once preserved just fine in the
ground be conserved well, so they will last while they are investigated or displayed?
What benefits can come to the archaeologist by working with local people and descendant
communities? Not only good public relations and support for the project, but also real research
information, such as the identification of artifacts and their past functions in the cultural context.
Though I have no remaining Native Florida people in the region where I work, the local hunters
and fishers are enormously helpful in identifying methods of catching different species and
making a living off the river and the sea. In return, I can show them the kinds of species the
ancient people used to make a living and how fishing might have been the same or different.
What other obligations to the public remain after the project analyses are completed and the
scientific report submitted? Archaeologists should always try to produce popular accounts and
interpretations of what they have found for the general audience. This can be in the form of
displays, booklets, videos, lectures, or other media presentations. Since most of the work is done
with public money, it is only fair that the public benefits. Archaeologists also need to learn to
write for the public, in understandable but not condescending terms. All archaeology today is
public archaeology.
Lesson Objectives: Model lifestyles of earliest hominid forms and Lower Paleolithic based on
cultural remains and other evidence, understanding
political issues.
What do the earliest archaeological remains look like?
Remember this is archaeology class, so we will not
discuss the details of different early hominid skeletal
forms and which of the many species is an
evolutionary dead end as opposed to a true human
ancestor (not that all the paleoanthropologists can
agree on this anyhow!). But the true archaeological
remains are the result of cultural behavior, and they are
mostly stone tools.
Was stone the earliest material made into tools?
Probably not, but it is the only one preserved from as
much as 2.5 million years ago. The tool forms are minimally flaked to have a sharp edge, and
they are called pebble tools or Oldowan tools, after the famous Olduvai Gorge in East Africa
investigated by Louis and Mary Leakey. It is highly likely that the very first tools were made of
perishable materials such as plant fibers or bone. We know that chimps make and use tools in the
wild, such as shaped grass stems for pulling termites out of their mounds and wads of leaves for
sponges to drink water from small pools.
Who made the stone tools? This class will not go into
hominid evolution, which is the realm of physical or
biological anthropology class. Suffice it to say that the
early human-like forms were first discovered in the
early 20th century in South Africa; then the Leakeys
spent 30 years in Tanzania, East Africa, looking for
hominid remains he knew would be there because he
had found the crude-looking but clearly manufactured
stone tools. By the 1970s other now-famous
researchers were discovering more remains, such as
Donald Johansons find of the Lucy skeleton in
Ethiopia at the Hadar site. Now we are up to a dozen
species of australopithecines and counting, plus a few
other taxonomic names. We do not know which one, if
any, made the stone tools. Contemporaneous with many of these species at the 2.5 million year
point, when the first stone tools appear, is another species, Homo habilis, which translates to
handyman and is supposed to be the toolmaker. Do you need a larger brain and longer
evolutionary history to know how to make tools? Apes have been taught flintknapping, so the
answer is no. Might there be any prejudice against attributing tool-making behavior to hominid
forms that look older or uglier or less like us? Maybe.
What other kind of very early archaeological evidence was found at the Laetoli site? Fossilized
footprints of hominids, excavated by Mary Leakey, demonstrating archaeologically the
bipedalism that the bones also showed. Mary was an archaeologist in England who teamed up
with Louis to do paleoanthropology. The book shows a photo of her digging the footprints (p.
41); she was a colorful character in her own right (show family picture, p. 53, in color in Fagan
1985 of Mary with Louis, boys, dogs).
Where is the Swartkrans site and are there differences in interpretations of its evidence? It is in
South Africa and has produced skull fragments and other hominid fossils. One investigator,
Raymond Dart, who named the original Australopithecus africanus specimen, saw the fragments
as broken in such a way as to suggest that not only were these early human creatures hunting lots
of other animals, but they were hunting their own species as well. The many skulls had the bases
broken away, often seen as a sign of cannibalism because this is how you process animal skulls
from which you want to eat the brains (yummy, and very nutritious too!). Another investigator,
Robert Brain, interpreted them as evidence that something else broke the bones, site formation
processes acting upon them after they were deposited as remains of meals of other carnivores
such as big cats.
were obvious. One alternative model, called Woman the Gatherer (Dahlberg 1981), suggested
that foraging for foods other than meat, done by women, was what increased intelligence and
drove hominid evolution. In this scenario the earliest artifacts were of fiber, were probably
invented by women, and were probably containers, slings and strings made for carrying things
that were gathered. Another model suggested that a three-foot-tall creature of Lucys type was
not going to be hunting large game animals often, but that meat is easily available on the African
savanna through scavenging, grabbing the remains of whatever was already killed by a lion or
something else.
Is the scavenging model testable? Yes, to an extent, because we can see if the bones on possible
living floors bear signs of human action. They might be broken open in a distinctive way to
extract the marrow, something only humans would do. Further, they might have teeth marks
from gnawing animals and cut marks from stone tools. Each is distinctive under magnification. If
cut marks overlie chewing marks it suggests that something else killed and began eating the
animal before hominids got it to eat.
Which reconstruction of australopithecine lifeways is the most popular? As detailed in Lucy
(Johanson and Edey 1981) and many other introductory texts, the provisioning model (p. 62-63
in the textbook) seems to be the most popular. It portrays the hominid male as scavenger,
gatherer, all-around guy who obtains the food and brings it back to camp where the female and
kids are staying, supposedly increasing the reproductive success of the species. What keeps him
coming back is supposed to be the hidden estrus cycle of the female. Women do not have
monthly periods in which the sex organs become swollen and bright pink, as some monkeys and
apes do, advertising fertility and sexual receptivity. The idea was that the attraction of sex at any
time led to the early institution of monogamy. You can see the implication of this in the artists
reconstruction of how the Laetoli footprints were made. Though we have three sets of footprints,
larger and smaller, the painting shows the male hominid striding ahead, holding some kind of
tool, while the female is the requisite number of paces behind, carrying the kid. What other
interpretations could have been possible? Obviously many, including that the prints were made
hours apart by individuals who did not even see each other.
What is the real evidence for all the models and what is sheer speculation? The only hard data
are the bones, the tools, the footprints, and the landscape. First-level inference can tell us about
scavenging or living floors, but there are alternative interpretations. What one scientist calls a
living floor another may see as a cache of meat stored for future use but covered in rocks to
prevent other animals from getting it. The supposed constant sexual receptivity of human
females is a pretty sexist notion, and now it is clear that it is characteristic of many primates and
that the marked estrus cycle is the derived characteristic, in other words, evolved later. The
notion of monogamy does not jive with the social organization of ape troops (which are usually
matrilinealapes know their mothers and siblings but not their fathers). Nor is it supported by
ethnographic analogy, since monogamy is a minority marriage type among human cultures. Nor
does the ethnographic record support the idea of sedentary women staying home with the kids
and waiting for food to show up with the hubby. We know that women hunt in many cultures,
and even if the division of labor means that they are the plant gatherers, they work hard and
move around; note this picture (Zihlman 1981:92) of a !Kung woman on a gathering trip from
camp, carrying the child and the bag of plants obtained and seven months pregnant! She is
averaging many km per day in obtaining the needed resources.
Why is it important to model the earliest human social organization? How can this have any
importance for us today, so far removed from those small early creatures in our ancestry? Since
characteristics are attributed to humans based on our supposed evolutionary past, it is crucially
important to characterize the way we originally were. If monogamy or inactive women are part
of the natural human condition, then they must be the right thing to do! Since the biases of the
researchers and lack of any (let alone good) evidence are so obviously a part of the
reconstruction, we must be cautious in accepting these speculations about early human-like
What is the Paleolithic time period? We have already commented on the artificial division of
time into classifications for making it easier to understand. We can see the obvious bias in
naming time periods Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, or Old Stone Age, Middle, and
New! We further continue the division into the sacred Western number three as we classify
cultural remains from the Upper, Middle, and Lower Paleolithic, or Early, Middle, and Late!
Since those classifications have been used for so long, however, they are convenient.
What is the Pleistocene period? A geological term, this is the time of the Ice Age, during which
most human evolution took place and most of the archaeological record was formed, beginning
around 2 million years ago (see chart p. 67 of the book; it shows the sudden cooling of the
earth). The Lower Paleolithic is the cultural name for what is happening during the geological
time of the Lower and Middle Pleistocene. During this Ice Age large glaciers, ice sheets, covered
northern latitudes (pictured on map, p. 76 of text), and world regional climates were much
different, as we will explore.
What hominids and archaeological remains characterize the Lower Paleolithic? Some time
around or shortly after 2 million years ago, hominids spread out of Africa into Europe and Asia.
The most frequently described species is Homo erectus, but others have lately been suggested.
For archaeology class we will not discuss the finer points of biological evolution and skeletal
characteristics. Suffice it to say that the Lower Paleolithic hominids were in the genus Homo, so
closer to physically modern humans. What concerns us here is their culture. It is generally
assumed that during the Lower Paleolithic the stone tools get more sophisticated and the use of
fire becomes known (though some are suggesting that fire may have been known to earlier
australopithecines in East Africa, but the evidence is hard to tell from the remains of natural
Why was the use of fire a good idea for moving into these new regions? Because spreading from
equatorial African regions into colder areas may have required it for survival. Fire is equally
useful in warm areas for cooking, protection from predators, chasing game, and other uses,
What are diagnostic Lower Paleolithic stone tools? Bifacially chipped handaxes (pictured on
pp. 68, 92-4 of the book) are pear-shaped tools made on the stone core by chipping off the flakes
on both sides. These are especially common at sites in Europe.
Where are some important Lower Paleolithic sites? Your book focuses upon classic sites, such as
the Trinil site in Java where the first Homo erectus bones were found and named in the 19th
century. It is a romantic story, about the Dutch army surgeon Eugene Dubois and his obsession
with the bones. But there were no tools, and still-controversial dates in more recent years.
What is important at the site of Zhoukoudian? Another classic site with a romantic story, these
caves near Beijing also produced many Homo erectus skeletons early in the 20th century. The
bones are now lost, though we have casts, but also there was some good archaeology. Animal
remains and fires suggest hunting and cooking of some 96 mammal species, including extinct
deer, elephant, and bear, though Lewis Binford and others are now questioning the site formation
processes and asking if these can also be the remains of scavenging killed meat. The stone tools
here include types of choppers, scrapers, and even small points, but no handaxes.
What happened at the Terra Amata site, and where is it? On the French Riviera, it another classic
site, saved from being destroyed by construction of apartments. (Is there is a stronger sense of
stewardship of the past going on in Europe because they are saving the remains of their own
ancestors, unlike in the U.S., where people are not often descendants of the native inhabitants?)
It is famous for producing remains of both terrestrial animals and coastal species, both fish and
shellfish. Original interpretations of features indicating structures, huts on the beach, are now
under question with new reanalyses. You can see the excellent picture (p. 86) of the lithic
refitting analysis, putting the flakes back together to see the original piece and how it was
chipped. There was a hearth with a pattern of rocks on one side of it suggesting a windscreen.
Why do we have less evidence of Paleolithic coastal dwellers in general? Because rising sea
levels after the Pleistocene, from the melting of the glaciers, have drowned most of the original
shoreline and any sites that may have been on it.
What was found at the East African sites of Kalambo Falls and Olorgesailie? The former
produced Lower Paleolithic plant remains, such as nuts and seeds, and the latter had preserved
bones of baboons presumably hunted by Homo erectus. Both had handaxes.
What important points should we remember about the Lower Paleolithic? First, there are many
debates about which hominid species are present or which species names should be used. Some
sites have bones and no archaeological remains; some have tools and animal bone but no
hominid remains. It would be nice to classify everything neatly, but that is not possible. The map
in the book on p. 64 shows other Lower Paleolithic sites not even discussed in the text which are
yielding more fascinating evidence lately and probably will be described in greater length in the
next edition of the book. One of these is Longgupo in south China, where the finds were a few
teeth and some pebble or Oldowan-like tools, dating to just under 2 million years ago.
What about social organization during the Lower Paleolithic? Your book is clear in its opinion
that there was a sexual division of labor, that men hunted because they were faster and larger and
women gathered and did child care (p. 95). They are less certain about family structure, and say
that monogamy or polygamy were both possible. What is the evidence for such statements? Are
they testable hypotheses? There is no evidence, and we have not yet figured how to test them. By
analogy, we can say there does not have to be a division of labor based on sex as much as on age,
since children cannot do things adults can. But men can gather plants and nurture babies, and
women can hunt, and the stereotypes given above for now just reflect Western biases.
Middle and Upper Paleolithic Hunter-Gatherers The Emergence of Modern Humans, The
Lesson Objectives: Compare models of Neanderthal and early modern humans and their
lifestyles based on cultural evidence; understand political contexts; understand the Upper
Paleolithic lifestyles and interpretations of art; the
hominids all over the Old World. Replacement is considered to include everything from violent
conflict to genetic superiority, from no mating with the other to some exchange of genes. The
multiregional model has modern humans evolving in place all over the world; in other words,
gradually developing from whatever hominid is there because there would be enough gene flow
(translation: mating across geographical regions) to assure continuity of the evolution of the
species all over the map.
How can archaeology contribute to the debates on
modern human origins? In this class, we will not
discuss very much the details of biological evolution
nor the evidence from both fossil skeletal remains and
molecular evolutionary studies such as changes
through time in DNA. There have been a couple of
DNA studies done on European Neanderthals which
found that there was enough difference from modern
humans so as to make them not ancestral. But this is a
small sample size, and those individuals may have
simply had family lines that died out. There will be
more such studies soon. Meanwhile, the archaeology is
not simple either. There have been Upper Paleolithic
tools found with Neanderthal skeletal remains and
Middle Paleolithic artifacts with modern humans. The
question of whether Neanderthals or even earlier
hominids could talk is also difficult to solve. How could Homo erectus have made it across the
hemisphere without language? Can you teach someone to chip fancier stone tools without
talking? There is even debate on whether skeletal remains can demonstrate that the vocal
apparatus was present in earlier hominids; it is not
there in apes.
What behavior can we attribute to Neanderthals from
the archaeological remains? Mousterian tools of the
Middle Paleolithic were made on flint flakes; they
were scrapers and gravers and many other types,
including triangular, unifacial points. Deliberate
burials are known, possible evidence for cannibalism,
and many features that are interpreted as ceremonial,
often including deposits of cave bear bones or other
What evidence is known from Shanidar Cave? This
famous site in Iraq produced, among other things, a
Neanderthal skeleton of an older adult male who had been severely disabled from birth yet
apparently cared for within his society. Another burial had pollen from plants in different kinds
of environments, suggesting the placement of flowers over the dead. This has been disputed
lately too, however.
How far did people go during the Upper Paleolithic? The earliest people in Australia and in the
New World, North and South America, arrived during the Upper Paleolithic. How did they get
there? Walk or take the boat.
Australia has archaeological evidence dating back at least 40,000 years, and it was an island
then, so it required knowledge of boats to cross some 100 km of water. Coastal and inland
forager sites and rock art are common here as well. People were still hunting and gathering, with
no development of agriculture, when Western culture discovered Australia (in the person of
Captain Cook). Does this mean that there was no culture change since the Pleistocene? No, of
course not. There is always culture change. The direction, speed, and characteristics of change
are different from place to place, however.
People reached North America at least 13,000 years ago and maybe much earlier; we will discuss
this when we return to the North and South American archaeology sections later in the class.
What does the archaeology of the Mesolithic look like? What environmental changes might be
tied to culture change? The end of the Ice Age began around 10,000 years ago, or 8000 B.C.
(before Christ, which can also be written B.C.E., before the common era, or 10,000 B.P.,
before the present; what values are expressed in different ways of writing dates?). Was the
extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna at this time due only to climate change? Probably
humans helped along the extinctions of various species, as we do today. Archaeological evidence
from Pacific islands shows clearly that shortly after humans arrive, just a couple centuries, the
largest game animals, whatever they are (usually large terrestrial birds) disappear from the
middens because they have already been hunted to extinction. Is there some lesson here for us
So what did people eat during the Mesolithic? Modern fauna were hunted after about 8000 B.C.,
the spectacular cave art apparently disappears, and different distinctive regional traditions
emerge around the world. The New World time period equivalent to the Mesolithic is the
Archaic. During this time it appears that hunter-gatherer peoples expanded the diversity of
species that they used and exploited smaller regions more intensively. There are more plant
remains in general, but that may just be from better preservation, not necessarily an indication
that Paleolithic meat-eaters were now getting a different diet with more fruits and vegetables!
Similarly, the higher number of coastal sites does not necessarily mean a sudden change toward
favoring saltwater fish and clams, but results from the elimination of earlier coastal evidence
under rising postglacial sea levels. In addition, the rising water backed up river mouths to create
estuaries and bays, much like we have in the Tampa area, with more environmental niches and
thus more diverse species available to collect. Many shell midden sites appear during this time
period. These are ancient trash piles with animal bone and plant remains and shells left from
harvesting various molluscs or gastropods; the shell makes the sites more visible and easier to
What is the evidence for postglacial foragers in the Old World? In Ireland, for example, there
was no Paleolithic occupation because it was under or too near the ice (go back to map, p. 76).
By 7,000 years ago, people had arrived. The Mount Sandel site shows
posthole patterns of round, possibly sod-covered huts, with animal bone and seeds and other
plant remains that suggest year-round occupation of this favorable coastal location. Page 165
shows a very nice frequency seriation chart of what species were available at what times of year,
indicating that there was always something that could be harvested from the wild resource base.
This is an important aspect of the Mesolithic/Archaicthat sedentism is becoming possible,
often in coastal locations.
What subsistence and ceremonial materials were found at Vedbaek site in Denmark? Another
nice diagram (p. 169), this time a cross section of the coastal landscape, shows the range of
species from land, water, and air that were utilized at camps in this region, according to the
faunal remains. The Mesolithic cemetery dated to 4800 B.C. included many graves with
decorative items and things we can interpret possibly as giving social and ceremonial
information. The mans skeleton with a bone point in the throat, accompanied by skeletons of a
woman and child, p. 161, are described as evidence for nuclear families. The child burial on the
wing of a swan next to an adult womans skeleton is interpreted as a mother and child. What
could the swan wing symbolize? Belief of the flight of the soul up to heaven, or just a soft baby
bed? Can we assume these family relationships? How could we test these very Western
assumptions? DNA studies might at least give genetic family data, but if the child was adopted,
they would not!
How was subsistence and seasonality interpreted and tested at Elands Bay Cave in South Africa?
Interpretation of inland and coastal hunter-gatherer sites discovered during a large survey
suggested to the researcher that people established a pattern of transhumance, moving across the
landscape annually to take advantage of available resources. Both faunal assemblages of animals
available only during certain times of the year and stone tool assemblages with different
diagnostic artifacts suggested that people wintered on the coast and moved inland during the
summer. But bone chemistry studies did not show any marine diet in the carbon isotopes of their
skeletons, providing negative support for the model. A frequency seriation chart (p. 176) nicely
shows the change through time in the faunal assemblage at the site, with more fur seals and
smaller bovids (horned terrestrial mammals such as antelope and cow) through time.
What notable characteristics mark the Jomon culture? Dating from 10,000 to 300 B.C., Jomon
sites in eastern Japan have similar evidence of terrestrial hunting and coastal gathering and
fishing, with elaborate gear including net weights and floats, harpoons, fishhooks, and dugout
canoes. There is also evidence of early plant cultivation and much wild plant gathering, as
judged from the various species recovered archaeologically and also the mortars, pestles, and
other grinding stones and chipped stone hoes. There are circular house patterns and faunal
evidence of year-round settlement on the coast. The earliest pottery known so far appears in
Jomon. Remember that the technology of fired clay artifacts was known, since people made
figurines in the Upper Paleolithic, perhaps 25,000 years ago. But then it disappeared until
earthenware vessels appeared in Japan.
Lesson Objectives: Compare models of origins of food production and understand what was
Why is the origins of plant and animal domestication
considered an important milestone in human
prehistory? How did it happen and when and where?
We might figure that deliberate production of food, as
opposed to gathering it wild, is important to us because
it marks innovation and more complex technology.
This may or may not be the case. Traditional theories
suggested people had to struggle and work harder to
hunt and gather, and had a life that was nasty, brutish,
and short, in the terms of seventeenth-century English
philosopher Thomas Hobbes. The explanation
continued to describe the Neolithic Revolution as a time when the invention of food production
allowed people to slow down and have leisure time to do fancy things with monuments or art or
other pursuits. This is a very elite view, of course, since we know now that food production is
MORE work than just collecting it wild. Most food-producing cultures involve the majority of
the people in this production so that a few elites, rulers or artists, can indeed do their specialized
thing. Ethnographic data show hunter-gatherers only work a few days a week to provide for their
needs and get to loaf the rest of the time. So why
would they want to do MORE work?
What are some explanations for the origins of food
production? Remember, domestication of species
means cultural selection of the desired biological
characteristics so that you get real genetic change.
Much of the change involves dependence upon
humans for various requirements, such as food for
animals and reproduction for plants. Remember also
that we characterized cultures as conservative or
resistant to change, and that we often see change
happening as a result of trying to do the same thing.
Changes in the surrounding environment that would
have made it more difficult to obtain wild resources might have made people try to control the
species more themselves. The oasis hypothesis, suggested by famous early twentieth-century
archaeologist V. Gordon Childe, portrayed the drying of the climate at the end of the Pleistocene
in the Near East as an external factor in early domestication. Both humans and animals and
plants would have gathered around the few oases or water sources, and humans would gradually
come to control many other species. Robert Braidwoods natural habitat hypothesis suggested
species would be domesticated in areas where they first grew wild, as part of the gradually
increasing association with humans.
The population pressure hypothesis, advocated by Binford and others, pointed to increasing
human populations that required more food than could be obtained in the wild, resulting in
intensification of production. But there was no explanation of how population sizes grew so
much. We know that population sizes of any animal are usually naturally regulated, and humans
should be no different. By what cultural ways did these systems get adjusted? It is no surprise
that population growth models emerged in the 1970s, when Americans and others began to
realize that we are currently overpopulating our planet and using up all the resources.
We already discussed the systems models for agricultural origins in Mexico, in which the genetic
responsiveness of maize worked to make it more and more important in the diet. Lately more
fashionable are social models (described in the book, p. 202) in which the behavior of
particularly self-aggrandizing individuals is highlighted; they would be the ones to try to acquire
influence and wealth by building up food surpluses and exchanging them for goods and services
and followers. My take on such explanations emphasizing this kind of human agency is that they
are direct results of the late-twentieth-century social climate of Wall Street greed: not all cultures
value such individualism as we do; in fact, many abhor it.
All these models do not always explain things and are not often testable (especially the social
ones). Especially difficult is being able to tell which came first: the population growth, the food
production, the sedentism, or the evidence of social inequality and elites?
What are the important species domesticated in the Old World? For animals, the earliest
anywhere in the world is the dog. For what purposes would dogs be domesticated? We think of
them as companions, as they may have been, but it is possibly more likely they were for work
and protectionpulling loads on sleds, helping the hunt, and warning of intruders. What about
as a food source? Many cultures still eat puppy stew; you can get it in the butcher shop in the Far
East, and the Aztecs bred a small hairless dog for eating (Chihuahua!). Sheep and goats, as you
can easily imagine, were early under human control in the Middle East. Species such as pigs and
chickens were also early in east Asia. Cattle, horses, and other larger mammals came much later;
as you can imagine, the wild aurochs was probably not easy to tame and control.
What Old World domesticated plants are important? You are familiar with the grain crops
wheat, barley, rye; these are all grasses. Lentils, pistachios, and dates in the Middle East, and rice
and millet and many others in the Far East, were important early. Many students do not know
about some of these plants. (I pass around some dates, red and green lentils, millet that we know
from salad bars and birdseed). Dont forget plants that are for things other than eating. Cotton
and flax have seeds that give oil and fiber that gives fabric (flax makes linen for mummy
wrappings). Spices, drugs, many other important species are known archaeologically.
What domesticated plants were important in the New World? A major staple was maize, but
before it came along in some areas were domesticated squashes, and manioc in South America.
Many students are unfamiliar with manioc; some of us only see it in tapioca pudding, but we in
Tampa can eat it in Cuban restaurants, where it is called yuca or cassava. It is important to
distinguish it as a root crop from all the seed crops. Seeds can be preserved more easily, but
propagation of manioc by sticking new canes into the ground leaves very little archaeological
Other important New World crops are beans, chili peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, and peanuts,
many crucial today to world economies and international cuisines. Dont forget those non-food
crops, tobacco, coca, and other drugs and industrial materials.
What animals were domesticated in the New World? The dog came in early, probably with the
first Paleolithic hunters. Others were South American camelids (llama, alpaca, vicuna) and
guinea pigs, with occasional wild turkeys under human control.
Why so few? Probably because there were few around to control. Horses and other large
mammals became extinct at the end of the Ice Age, not to return until brought back by the
Europeans. Was this the reason that there were no wheeled vehicles in North and South
Americathat there were no large animals to pull them? Probably not, since we do have
prehistoric Mexican toys with wheels, and humans can pull carts too. What about the hogs that
run around Florida and get shot during hog season? These are not native but are descendants of
the pigs brought by the Spanish, which got loose and went feral in the forest!
What will look different about archaeological sites after the beginning of food production?
Besides evidence of genetically changed species, we will see larger settlements, more dense
populations, more storage space, some evidences of social inequality, and more permanent
structures, but not everywhere and not all at once.
How does some of this evidence appear at the Ain Mallaha site in the Jordan valley of Israel?
This very early village dates from 11,000 to 9000 B.C. Stone houses with querns, grinding
stones, set into the floor indicate more permanent settlement. But there are wild grains and
remains of gazelle and other wild animals.
What does the evidence show of the development of domestication at Tell Abu Hureya in
northern Syria? A tell is a mound of debris from successive habitation sites. Here we have
uninterrupted occupation from 10,500 to 6000 B.C., with a record of the changes that happened
during the transition from wild food collecting to farming and herding. Wild wheat, rye, lentil,
and gazelle become replaced by cultivated cereals and domesticated sheep and goats over a time
span of 2,500 years. Plastered mud brick houses were relatively permanent.
How does the 10,000 years of occupation of the tell at Jericho tell us of culture change? A rich
oasis in the Jordan Valley, it was a biblical city, but much earlier Neolithic levels were excavated
by Dame Kathleen Kenyon (shown digging in a skirt, p. 215 and color picture in Fagan 1985).
Similar grinding stones, permanent houses, traces of grain, and wild gazelle giving way to sheep
and goats were found. But this article also emphasizes trade items from long distances, such as
salt, tar, and sulphur from the Dead Sea and turquoise, shell, obsidian, and greenstone from
elsewhere in the region. A Neolithic=period stone tower, wall, and ditch surrounded the site; this
was a major group construction project requiring some direction and fancy planning. Was it all
for defense, and if so, from whom? Later interpretations suggest that it was fortification against
flooding and a tower for storage or community gatherings for social or ritual reasons. Jericho is
also famous for early Neolithic human burials with plastered skulls remodeled to look like heads.
What might this ritual treatment mean?
Lesson Objectives: Compare models of the peopling of the Americas; understand the Archaic
and early food production; late prehistoric societies.
When did the first people arrive in America and what were they doing? The peopling of the
Americas is a hot topic in archaeology. We can go back to the Pleistocene and the article on the
land bridge between northeast Asia and North America, called Beringia, that was exposed when
the sea level was lower due to water being taken up into the ice of the glaciers. Did people need a
land bridge to cross into North America? No, they could have traveled on water or even on ice.
How early did they get here? At least 12,000-15,000 years ago, according to most estimates.
Note the picture of the extent of the glacier (p. 144). There was an ice-free corridor extending
down into the heart of North America, which they could have used to populate the continent. But
they could also have come by a coastal route, hugging the shoreline, which would be more
sheltered, perhaps more moderate in climate because of the proximity of water, and perhaps
more abundant in resources from both land and sea. Archaeologists debate these routes and
timing constantly, and the evidence is tricky since sea level rise would have drowned all the
early sites.
What is Paleoindian culture, and how do we recognize
the diagnostic artifacts? The photo in your book of
Paleoindian projectile points is mislabeled (p. 146);
the two larger ones are called Clovis and the smaller
are Folsom points. They are types that show a large
flute or channel flake running up the middle of the
point. This is very clearly diagnostic of a cultural
tradition seen in the New World only, mostly North
America. For a long time it was thought that the
people who made fluted points were the first
Americans, and they used these artifacts for big-game
hunting. Slightly later Paleoindians made other finely
shaped lanceolate (long, thin) points. The discussion in
the book (p. 152) of the Lindenmeier site in Colorado is one of these classic sites, showing a
bison kill out on the plains. Though some recent evidence supports this view, the picture is far
more complex. Many of the sites yielding the oldest dates are in South America, which appears
counterintuitive, since it would take longer for people
to reach there.
What is preserved at the Monte Verde site in Chile?
Since it is a wet site, preservation is excellent, but the
archaeologist, Tom Dillehay, has had a hard time
getting it accepted because the dates are so early and
there are no chipped stone points. He did find evidence
of wooden structures in a row with common walls,
hearths, wooden tools, bones of large and small
animals such as mastodon and llama, and 42 plant
species, including wild potato and medicinal plants.
The radiocarbon date of 13,000 B.P. was not believed
by many of the famous scientists specializing in
Paleoindian archaeology. Dillehay had to get funds to
bring a bunch of them to northern Chile and show
them the site to get professional approval! Two big reports have been questioned, despite their
detail, because of the confusion of stratigraphic layers and other missing data. When you
challenge the accepted wisdom you have a huge burden of proof to come up with. But there has
been a gradual change toward expanding the view of what the earliest Americans were doing.
There were many different kinds of adaptations in different regions. Anna Roosevelt is an
archaeologist who has found that the earliest people in the Amazon, contemporaneous with
Paleoindian folks elsewhere, were making small stemmed projectile points, fishing and eating
nuts from the jungle, even manipulating the forest for
human needs.
There have been more Clovis points found in the
eastern U.S. than in the west, where the bison and
mammoth kill sites are. Some exciting newer finds in
Florida have come from underwater. Years of diving
and working with amateur archaeologists in north
Floridas clear, spring-fed rivers have produced Paleo
points with bison and elephant remains, such as tusks
with cut marks on them, and dates a little older than
12,000 years ago. An exciting new find is a fluted
point underwater out in the Gulf of Mexico, several
miles offshore. Under some conditions, those drowned
sites can be found! This work is being done by Florida
State University (check out their anthropology
department's underwater archaeology website).
How do Archaic period sites show changing
adaptations after the Pleistocene? At Carrier Mills in
southern Illinois, found during cultural resources
survey before the area was strip-mined, the black earth
stains in aerial photos showed where Archaic middens
contained remains of modern animal species,
especially fish, turtles. and deer. Plant remains were
dominated by hickory nuts, but that may be just
because nutshells preserve well. Grave goods with
only 25 percent of the burials showed no real social
differences except in male and female tools and the
lack of decorative items with females. The Desert
Archaic is represented at Gatecliff rockshelter in Nevada. Here mountain sheep bones dominate
the midden, suggesting it was hunted the most. Dry conditions preserved cordage and basketry,
but only a few food remains such as seeds and nuts. A different kind of Archaic adaptation, to
the wet northwest coast, is seen at the Ozette site in Washington State, where mudslides covered
and preserved a late prehistoric settlement complete with fancy fishing gear and beautiful wood
and fiber craftwork.
lately indicating more corn or other grasses were eaten than we would think, given the record of
animal bone at the site. Meanwhile, the people were still moving around the landscape, not
settling down at all as they domesticated corn, in fact not until thousands of years later. So in this
case sedentism comes after food production, whereas elsewhere, such as southeast Asia or south
Florida, it comes before.
The sites of Guil Naquitz cave in Mexico and
Guitarrero Cave in the Peruvian Andes also document
Archaic foraging lifestyles on the verge of
domesticating plants and have produced, among other
things, notable examples of fiber artifacts such as nets
and basketry.
What is the evidence for elaborate ceremonialism and
more complex society during the Archaic? The
Poverty Point site in northeastern Louisiana was once
considered an anomaly, a bunch of mounds and
parallel earthworks that would have needed great
coordination and leadership to construct, but dating to 1200 B.C., too early for food production.
Can mobile hunter-gatherers settle in one place and build such monuments? Possibly the
dependable resources of the Mississippi River floodplain allowed permanent, long-term
settlement. Evidence for long-distance trade is seen in the distribution of other artifacts
manufactured in this region of Louisiana. A complex lapidary industry produced fancy polished
stone beads in the shape of owls and other birds. Some of these have been found as far away as
north Florida, as have other associated items, such as weirdly shaped clay balls and microlithic
tools. The clay balls may have been for cooking, since this was before the time of widespread
pottery use.
Now even earlier large-scale constructions have
become known in the Southeast. I already mentioned
the large shell middens in south Florida. In northeast
Louisiana a complex of 11 mounds and connecting
earthworks known as Watson Brake has been dated to
earlier than 3000 B.C. This is far earlier than anything
so complex in Mesoamerica. Does it mean complex
society? Can you design and build such monuments
without hierarchy or central leadership? I think so, but
many do not.
How can we characterize North America after the
Archaic period? In many parts of Canada and the
western U.S., California, and northern Mexico, an
essentially Archaic adaptation meant that foragers
were still moving across the landscape when
Europeans and other outsiders arrived to change
history. But in the eastern U.S., the Southwest, and
distinguish between achieved status, accomplished by the deeds of a lifetime, and ascribed status,
given to a person at birth. Grave goods with different individuals may tell us some things. Many
archaeologists think that children buried with wealth items must have had ascribed status, but
they could be just beloved of families who had achieved the power to obtain such wealth. We
also must differentiate between differences in social status, esteem, and rank, which might be
indicated by fancy clothing or other grave goods, and real economic differences, which might be
better shown by nutritional differences seen in bone and teeth.
What about complex society in the rest of the U.S.? Northeastern Native Americans such as the
Iroquois had clan-based, stockaded agricultural villages traceable back into prehistoric times at
such sites as Draper, in southern Ontario. Early forms of the traditional longhouse can be seen as
archaeological features. Interestingly, in the eastern U.S., though many warlike chiefdoms
engaged in conflict over resources and power, according to our historic as well as archaeological
evidence, most of the societies were matrilineal. This means that clan mothers and women in
general had a high social standing and access to political power and abundant economic
resources, including ownership of their children, households, and agricultural fields. Many
archaeologists are now trying to look for different aspects of gender in the archaeology of the
This kind of matrilineal kinship and social
organization was also present in the Southwest, where
maize agriculture came in as early as 1000 B.C. and
sedentary villages shortly thereafter. The Hohokam
culture manifested at Snaketown in southern Arizona
and northern Mexico developed irrigation systems and
platform mounds associated with large villages.
Anasazi settlements in New Mexico, such as at Chaco
Canyon, included large multi-roomed pueblos and
extensive transportation and exchange systems running
over a network of roads; later the shift was to more
defensible cliff dwellings, some of the most
spectacular archaeological ruins in the country.
What happened to Native Americans in the U.S. after
contact and colonization by Europeans and others in the sixteenth century? Contact period
studies are very popular in contemporary archaeology because they show what happens when
cultures clash. British, Spanish, French, and other colonial powers treated natives slightly
differently, with the medieval Catholic countries out for gold and souls for the church and the
mercantile British moving in with consumer goods and mostly wanting the natives out of the
way. In Florida, mission period archaeology is now just as hot as it is in the Southwest, even
though there is more standing architecture in the latter region. But models in archaeology can be
of different kinds; now we have the reconstructed Spanish mission church and Apalachee Indian
chiefs house and council house on their original locations at the Mission San Luis in
Tallahassee. Are the reconstructions accurate? As much as possible, based on the postmold
patterns and architectural possibilities for high thatched roofs with open ventilation for smoke
from the central fire. How native and European changed with contact and colonization is also
the rubber tree (show books on Mesoamerican ball game, Scarborough and Wilcox 1991 and
Whittington 2001, and relate to team sports fanaticism
in our society).
Who were the Olmec? Along the Gulf Coast of
Mexico, the term is used for the art style and
associated early culture that is sometimes seen as
ancestral to all the later great Mesoamerican states
(themother culture; certainly elements of later
cultures are first seen in the Olmec horizon). Major
characteristics are the huge carved basalt stone heads,
stylistic attributes that emphasize jaguar faces and jade
carvings, and earthen pyramid complexes, as seen at
San Lorenzo. Olmec sites date to between 1500 B.C.
and A.D.1, and there is debate over whether they were
complex chiefly societies or the first true
Mesoamerican civilization.
Who were the Maya? An early Mesoamerican
civilization that lasted from about A.D. 250-900 in the
Yucatan area of Mexico and the lowlands of
Guatemala and Belize. In Guatemala, El Mirador is an
early site, and Tikal is a Classic period major center,
with several huge pyramid complexes. Palenque, in
Chiapas state, Mexico, is the center, with the tomb of
the Lord Pacal. Chichn Itz is a center in northern
Yucatan that lasted longer after the collapse of major
centers in the south. Advances in reading Mayan
writing have allowed us to learn the names of rulers
and the history of the rise and fall of different centers
of political power. Agricultural production to support
great populations of large Maya centers was made possible through construction of massive
raised field complexes in the lowlands, which archaeologists often could not see without
sophisticated remote sensing methods (see picture p.
339 of raised fields).
Where are the sites of San Jos Mogote and Monte
Alban, and what culture history do they relate to? In
the Valley of Oaxaca, in the southern highlands of
Mexico, they relate to the development of the Zapotec
state, with major monuments and carved images of
danzantes (dancers) who probably really represent war
What sites relate to culture history in the Valley of
Mexico? In the center of Mexico the highland valley
where Mexico City is located today was the home of an early great city-state called Teotihuacan.
Reasons for its importance may have been irrigated farmland, abundant obsidian sources,
religious prominence, and abundant temples. Neighborhoods of foreigners such as Zapotec and
Maya have been identified within the huge city. Lasting for nearly 1,000 years, the city was
abandoned after A.D. 750, to become a vacant sacred
place by the time the Aztecs came along.
Who were the Aztecs? The last great civilization in
Mesoamerica. They came to the Valley of Mexico and
established their capital in A.D. 1325 at Tenochtitln,
under modern Mexico City, on a swampy island. They
constructed chinampas (raised farm plots), causeways,
and an impressive capital, and through conquest and
alliance created a large empire by the time the Spanish
arrived in the early sixteenth century. Then Cortez and
his conquistadors from Europe defeated the native
rulers, mostly with their germs, and built their own
city on top of the site. But recently excavations
downtown have uncovered a great deal of this native history in Mexico, which can be compared
with both Indian and Spanish written documents to learn more of the precolonial and colonial
past. The photo on p. 358 showing downtown Mexico City with the Aztec principal temple
superimposed on its original location is wonderful to show how one invading culture used
sacredness of place to defeat the other, and the Spanish
built their cathedral in the same spot.
Do not confuse the words Tehuacan (the valley where
early maize was found in dry caves), Teotihuacan (the
ancient city in the Valley of Mexico), and Tenochtitln
(the Aztec capital).
Are there any Maya, Zapotec, or other Mesoamerican
native peoples left today? Yes, millions. Though some
of these civilizations declined or disappeared before or
at the time of Spanish conquest, the people are very
much alive and speaking several native languages. They also have enormous pride in their native
heritage. Mexicos national archaeology program investigates, reconstructs, and interprets sites
and monuments.
Discuss archaeo-tourism. In Mexico and elsewhere in
Central America, visiting archaeological sites is the
principal component of tourism. It is also economical
travel for people from the U.S., who are incredibly rich
compared with the average citizen of these poorer
countries. If you plan your vacation with efficiency
and also respect for the values of other cultures, you
can see a lot of archaeology. You can also buy
Lesson Objectives: Trace the development of several cultures on the continent; compare early
civilizations here with others elsewhere on earth.
and craftworkers, especially goldsmiths, who made highly prized wealth items. This state lasted
from about A.D. 800 until 1470, when it was conquered by the Inca, who brought Chimu
goldsmiths to their own capital.
Who were the Inca? The last great civilization of
South America, they were similar to the Aztec of
Mexico in gaining power by militaristic conquest and
strategy, and only began creating an empire in the
fifteenth century, shortly before the Spanish arrived.
Our knowledge of them is historic archaeology
because we have Spanish documents, but the Inca had
no writing system. Instead they used the quipu, a
system of colored, knotted cords, to keep records.
They built the largest empire in the world up to that
time and connected it with an elaborate road system
through the Andes. The capital was Cuzco, a highland
city which retains much of its prehistoric construction plan. Machu Picchu is a highland fortress
and royal estate famous for its inaccessibility and was apparently little-known or altered by
Spanish conquerors. Inca construction techniques used huge pillow-shaped stones that fit
together well without mortar. Construction was done by the mita system of groups of laborers
drafted into state service for specific tasks. Communication over the vast network of roads was
done by a relay messenger service of runners. The socialistic governmental system was unlike
anything known in Western society. The state owned all the land and goods and people were fed
and cared for, but owed labor taxes or tribute in textiles and other goods. The Inca empire fell to
Spanish conquistadors under Pizarro, who arrived in
Are the Inca and other native South Americans gone?
No. The large Indian populations of course reflect all
the change occurring over 500 years of European
dominance, but some native languages such as
Quechua, the language of the Inca, are still spoken.
Indigenous peoples in South America remain mostly
dominated by elites, however, of Euro-American or
other foreign descent.
What about archaeo-tourism and antiquities problems?
There are many sites that can be visited, and museums filled with beautiful pottery, gold, and
textiles. While it is similar to Mexico in that Americans can visit economically, the poverty of
Peru and the region today is great. Looted antiquities are often the major means of subsistence of
poor farming communities. The Sipan discoveries came after a disgruntled looter reported others
to the police; it is famous because there had never been an unlooted grave discovered before. The
market for such antiquities is high, such that the local looter gets a pittance compared with what
the piece brings the dealer at auction in New York or London. It is hard for the public to
understand that this is destruction of someones heritage. It is hard to care about heritage when
you are starving or, alternately, when it is not thought to be your own heritage and all you want
is some beautiful decoration for your wall. While public education is crucial, archaeo-tourism
can have its negative sides too. Recently the ceremonial stone pillar at Machu Picchu was
cracked by a crane involved in filming a beer commercial there!
this history relate to what is going on in this region of the world today? Can constant conflict
become a part of culture history destined to continue?
Describe the rise and fall of early civilization in the
Indus Valley of Pakistan and India. The Harappan
civilization, as we just saw in the movie about
Mohenjo-daro, arose in a river valley environment
similar to that of Mesopotamia between 2600-1900
B.C. Incredibly well-planned cities had covered drains,
periodic rebuilding possibly due to flooding, standard
weights and measures, evidence of extreme craft
specialization, and a writing system we cannot yet
read. There was far less socioeconomic
differentiationno rich tombs or elaborate palaces.
For this reason, and because of the lack of evidence for
military might, some want to bump down this culture
to the level of chiefdom and not a true civilization.
And yet there are many connections with modern
civilization in the region seen in the archaeological
record, such as depictions of yoga, ritual burning and
bathing, costumes, and bull and elephant symbolism.
Do cultures have to be aggressive and military to be
How early did Egyptian civilization develop, and how
was it different? It was centered along the Nile River, whose dependable annual flooding
supported extensive agriculture, and after emerging before 3000 B.C. lasted as a centralized
entity for over 2,500 years. The Upper and Lower Egypt segments were unified by the first
pharaoh, and there followed different kingdoms and dynasties recorded in written hieroglyphs
that we can read well. Famous pyramids and other monumental architecture were built at Giza
and many other places for individual rulers, reflecting power and complex organization and
engineering. Many think Egyptian civilization in general was more conservative and insular, but
of course there were connections with other complex Old World cultures. We are perhaps more
familiar with Egypt from the popular media; King Tut was not all that important; he just
happened to have a tomb that remained unlooted until recent times and was able to be studied
What are the highlights of the rise of the state in
China? Beginning in 2205 B.C., we have written
records of the earliest dynasties, and we try to establish
the archaeology of each of them. An-yang is an ancient
capital city of the Shang dynasty, 1766-1122 B.C.,
which has a royal center and household at its center,
bronze foundries and other craft centers, and royal
burials with sacrificed retainers, horses, chariots, and
luxury items such as huge bronze pots. During the Qin
dynasty, conquest of many regions led to the first imperial state (221 B.C.), with the capital at
Xianyang. The Great Wall was completed on the northern border, the legal system codified and
writing system standardized, and paper was invented. The first emperors tomb was built over
many decades; it covered a 500-acre complex and contained some 8,000 life-sized terra-cotta
figures of warriors and horses with wooden chariots, arrayed for battle with thousands of swords
and other artifacts. Clearly there was enormous
sociopolitical stratification.
Where else did states emerge in the world? Nearly
everywhere, eventually, as secondary states built upon
or were influenced by earlier forms. We will not have
time in this class to discuss the Mediterranean, Rome,
or Greece, not to mention Southeast Asia and other
locales, though these places have rich archaeological
records as well.
Why are west and south African sites included in the
textbook but not other places? Probably because subsaharan Africa is still ignored, just like all of eastern
South America and much of Southeast Asia, in
standard courses and textbooks. These regions are all
hot and forested, and/or in the Southern Hemisphere,
and still relatively alien to Western culture. But there
is much to learn, and we can now abandon the
ethnocentric interpretations of the past that saw
development of cultural complexity as the product of
diffusion from external, more superior cultures. The
city of Jenne-jeno, inland on the Niger River in
southwestern Mali, had been settled for a millennium
when it became prominent around A.D. 800 as a trade and ironworking center, declining after the
arrival of Arab traders and the introduction of Islam.
The civilization represented at Great Zimbabwe in
south central Africa is now recognized as a product of
the indigenous Shona (Karanga) people. Beginning
about A.D. 1250, enormous stone structures and
enclosures were built into the natural rock outcrops
and on the open plain. The conical tower is solid and
of unknown function. This center and others grew in
power, with cattle herding and commercial
connections with Indian Ocean settlements, including
trade with Arab and Indian merchants. Its importance
declined after the sixteenth century, when the
Portuguese established a fort on the coast and disrupted trade. The name of the site became the
name of the country after colonial dominance was thrown off and Rhodesia became Zimbabwe.
The famous stylized depiction of a bird, from stone statues at this and other sites, is now on the
face of the Zimbabwe dollar. Part of the post-apartheid African renaissance, the archaeology of
this region has come a long way since a government archaeologist was fired in the 1950s for
suggesting that Great Zimbabwe was created by indigenous people and not intruding superior
Arabs or other outsiders. The archaeology director at the site today is Edward Matenga, who is
native to the area.
Why does the book go from a few places on the map to
more intensive treatment of European archaeology?
Because it is ethnocentric and geared for the Englishspeaking audience whose ancestral home is Europe,
and because more archaeology has been done in
Europe so we do know a lot.
Why spend a class on tzi, the Ice Man of Europe? He
is one of the most sensational recent discoveries, is the
subject of lots of hot new scientific study, and is an
archaeological resource embroiled in political and
interpretive and professional issues and controversies
that can illuminate some of the realities of twenty-firstcentury archaeology. Though he only gets three pages
in the text (479-481), he will probably get more in the
next edition. After this frozen guy started melting out
of an Alpine glacier in 1991, he was found by lay
people, climbers who tried to hack him out with ski
poles and with a stick they later found to be one of his
ancient artifacts. Encounters with the law and with
others who tried to help preceded his excavation by
local archaeologists. They had to go back to do the job properly and record other associated
artifacts. Experts fought to have him, and surveyors were brought to redo the international
boundary, determining that he was actually found in Italy. He was examined in both Austria and
Italy and now, finally, sits in a special cold room in the museum in Bolzano, Italy. Tattoos on the
body are in places where there was arthritis, so they may be medical or magical. Stomach
contents showed diet, and pollen indicated that the time of death was in the spring. Artifacts
included bow and arrows, a chipped stone knife, and an ax determined to be of copper; he was
thought to be of a Bronze Age culture, but the ax and a radiocarbon date indicated a late
Neolithic placement, about 5,300 years ago. Scanned images just detected an arrowpoint in his
back, and reconstructions of his violent death scene are legion, though he could easily have been
killed by a hunting accident of the kind we have in Florida all the time! Medical, diet, genetic,
and other fancy studies continue, and each one brings new sensational imaginings about his
culture and means of death.
Lesson Objectives: Demonstrate knowledge of the Seven Principles and expand on them to relate
archaeology to modern society and the students' own lives.
Class discussion of the following questions, including material from a good book on public
archaeology (Little 2002).
Basic Archaeological Methods: How have you have seen them used to uncover the culture
history and process of culture change throughout the world? Whether pollen analysis,
radiocarbon dating, or remote sensing, you should know how they are applied in different
situations. How do we know where to dig? How do we set up a survey or excavation? What
different kinds of analysis will be possible with materials recovered? What different interpretive
frameworks can we use to reconstruct the past?
Communication Skills: What is your primary responsibility to establish the basic principles of
archaeology? At your next cocktail party conversation, can you clarify how it is NOT dinosaurs,
NOT ancient astronauts, how radiocarbon dating must have some carbon, etc.? Can you explain
in clear, non-technical language why and how archaeologists sample? You also must know how
to write well-organized essay questions on your test.
Professional Ethics and Values: How have disputed interpretations and personal situations
affected our reconstructions of the past by different professionals? How does an archaeologist
surveying for a new construction respond to offers of more money if nothing is found? How
about a donor who wants to give a million dollars to dig the whole thing up? We must remember
conservation archaeology. What do you think of the popular kids magazine put out by the
Archaeological Institute of America whose title is Dig? What about museum exhibits
encouraging kids to dig? Was archaeology of the past and as shown in modern movies more
looting than science?
Diverse Interests in the Past: Who are all the communities affected by a local dig? In our
excavations on campus I tried to include them all: the students who were learning in field
methods class; the Native American community; the campus officials who needed to build new
construction on the site and so needed compliance with state law; the public, especially local
communities, university students, and schoolkids, whom we invited out to see the excavations;
and the communications media who came with cameras and tape recorders. I forgot one
important community, and it almost was a disaster. The campus parking services required
permits for all of usstudents, professor, and the publicto be in the lot next to the
excavations, and everyone almost got ticketed until I worked things out with the director!
Stewardship: How can the public be encouraged to help protect the sites and artifacts when there
are so many other worthy causes out there? Public education is always the answer. The Cub
Scouts who came to our site on campus learned of a shell midden on the beach where they meet;
they can monitor site erosion and bring exposed features to the attention of officials.
Social Relevance and Real-World Problem Solving: Who cares if the early human cultures
succeeded or failed, if monogamy was or was not the original human condition, if warfare is
important to build major civilizations, or if Romans died out from lead poisoning in their fancy
plumbing systems? Why should we care if all these peoples are extinct anyway and not relevant
to the advances we hope to make in modern life?
Many answers should be obvious. What is the original character of human nature? Now even
chimp field studies are showing that cultural diversity is natural (e.g., Gibbons 1992). What
biases in the Paleolithic man the hunter and other models relate to controversial current
debates about the nature of humanity, not to mention male vs. female nature? When did hunting
become common in our past? (see Binford 1988). What do overkill models for the Pleistocene
have to tell us today? How is knowledge of massive environmental change at the end of the Ice
Age pertinent now? What about gender in prehistory in terms of plants and animals, not to
mention social learning?
How can we relate evidence of prehistoric violence in the Middle East or coca use in Peru or
such issues anywhere else to modern politics? How can the heritage of the past be preserved in
different parts of the world today when other problems, such as wars and terrorism, may be more
pressing? What are the ethical obligations of the archaeologist in foreign countries vis-a-vis
artifacts, national and foreign students, local populations, economics, political tensions, wealthy
collectors, and other stakeholders? Can you do emic archaeology (see Wolle and Tringham
What about truly practical contributions of archaeology? Maybe the most important is to
contribute long-term data on the effects of humans upon their environments and the effects of
environments and ecosystemic changes on human cultures. How has the garbage project (or any
other) produced practical applications about our massive waste disposal, pollution, and resource
use and wasting problems? (Rathje 2002)?