William P. Harrison Jr.
William P. Harrison Jr.
William P. Harrison Jr.
com > News > Free Energy > Directory > Magnetic Motors >
Howard Johnson > 1979 Paper: "The Permanent Magnet Motor"
Table of Contents
(links to content below)
Cover Page
I. Introductory Remarks (by Howard Johnson) pp. 1-7
1. Introduction . . . p. 8
[transcribed to here]
References . . . p. 18
All content is now posted and transcribed. July 19, 2003.
In original copy, all figures came at the end as an appendix. Here they are
inserted within the text where the transcription has been complete. Pages and
Figures not yet transcribed are included at the end of the transcription. Page
numbering on original was added later, and is off a little. It has been corrected
here. Paper scanned by Douglas Mann. Transcription by Sterling D. Allan.
Johnson had working model before Harrison composed
mathematical model -- Douglas Mann
-- Cover Page --
-- Page 1 --
-- Page 2 -best magnetic materials I could find in combination with an interstitial material that was
highly diamagnetic to force the electron spin to stay in place.
The U.S. Navy later made such a compound using bismouth [bismuth] and good magnetic
materials, but the internal coercive forces were so great that this strong magnet would fall
apart if not encased in glass. It was also expensive.
So I kept checking magnetic materials while I worked on designs that I thought should be
implemented. It was a quiet, sometimes lonely job over the years, for I didn't share my plans
with my associates. My self-imposed security would not permit it, and I knew of few people
who would be interested anyway.
In the fifties, as ceramic magnets became better and harder, and long-field metal magnets
appeared on the scene, I began to freeze some designs and to have magnets custom made to fit
It was about this time that I mentioned the fact that just as I believed electron spins made
permanent magnets, I also believed that they were responsible for the 60 angles in the
structure of snowflakes giving the six-spoked wheel, the six-sided spokes, etc. The dean of
the school where I was teaching said, "Maybe so" and ask me if I knew that snowflakes were
mentioned in the Bible as being important. I told him, "No, I didn't know that," but I looked it
up. It said: "Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? Or hast thou seen the treasures
of the hail? Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and
My comment was, "Well, maybe this is more important than I thought." So I went ahead
and worked on it another ten years.
-- Page 3 -I went to the Library of Congress and looked up snowflakes. I found a wonderful book
there by Dr. Bentley of New Hampshire. He has spend many years making these studies, and
he had learned a lot, as well as turning out one of the world's most beautiful books. He had
found that snowflakes have gas pockets oriented on 60 angles and that the gas has a higher
percentage of oxygen than air. That's one reason why snow water rusts so well. This higher
concentration of oxygen also interested me because oxygen is more attracted to a magnetic
field than other gases.
Finally, using the best ceramic magnets I could find and the best metal magnets, I worked
out a scheme for a linear motor. The stator would be laid out as if it were unwound from
around a motor. The parts of the armature would ride just above the stator and have the same
beveled angular orientations I have just mentioned.
Dies were made for the curved armature magnets, and an order was placed for these shapes,
despite the objections of magnet manufacturers who said it was a bad design. They didn't
know what it was for, but they were sure it was a bad design. They wanted to make horseshoe
magnets. They even begged me to content myself with half an order. I did not agree -- and
once again you have that little matter of faith; faith to try to implement a new theory; faith to
spend your own limited funds when you have a a family and other financial responsibilities
staring you in the face; faith to buck the recognized authorities and manufacturers in the field;
faith to believe that your work is good and that some day, despite all the hazards, you will
apply for and receive patent rights in your own country and perhaps throughout the rest of the
world; and finally, faith that you can resist being smashed into dust by industrial giants and/or
takes place. There is a large decrease in the reading at south pole of the armature and an
increase in the
-- Page 6 -reading at the north pole. Thus, a Hall-effect sensing probe will give a higher gauss reading at
the north pole and a decreasing count at the south pole. This helps explain why the thrust is
better with a larger air gap than a smaller one. The attracting field is minimized and will not
produce a locking force, while the repulsion of the crescent magnet is great enough to
generate a thrust vector component that will drive the armature.
As I tried to explain in the patent, I believe that the permanent magnet is the first room
temperature super conductor. In fact, I believe that super conductors are simply large wound
magnets. The current in a super conductor is not initiated by a strong emf, such as a battery,
but is instead actually induced into existence by a magnetic field. Then, in order to determine
how much current may be flowing in the super conductor coil, we measure its magnetic field.
This appears to be something like going out the door and coming back in the window.
Another rather unique feature of super conductors is the fact that their magnetic lines of
force experience a change in direction. No longer do these lines flow at right angles to the
conductor, but they now exist parallel to the conductor. Theoretically, the heavy conductor
currents exist in the fine filaments of niobium within each small wire of niobium tin from
which such super conductors are made. Isn't it interesting that the finer the wire the less the
resistance until eventually there is no resistance at all?
-- Page 7 -II. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS [by William P. Harrison, Jr.]
1. Introduction
Despite the fact that the linear version of the permanent magnet motor (Johnson, 1979) may
appear conceptually simple (see Fig. 1), the complex interactions of the fields alone place it in
a class with other quite sophisticated motive systems.
Figure 1. Partial front and plan views of a linear model of the Howard Johnson
permanent magnet motor.
Many parameters play an important part in making possible the successful design
of a permanent magnet motor. A number of these variables relate directly to the
geometry of the system and its components. Mathematical models for both the
linear and circular versions of Mr. Johnson's motors are presently under
development, and include such controllable parameters as stator-to-armature air
gap, stator element air gap spacing, armature pole length, stator magnet
dimensions, magnet material variations, magnetic permeability and geometry of
backing metals, and multiple armature couplings, to mention only a few.
However, much of the early work involved quit simple mathematical
investigations, and even at this level some remarkable revelations resulted. Also,
as often is true with simple models, considerable insight into the mechanisms
that might prove predominant was gained. Therefore, it is our intention to share
with you some of those early analytical investigations and findings.
Even though Coulomb's Law, embodying the inverse square relationship as it
does, may yet prove suspect, it nevertheless provides an exceedingly simple yet
viable form upon which to base an elementary model of the linear version of the
permanent magnet motor. Describing the interaction between two magnetic
-- Page 8 -where M and M' are the pole strengths (positive if north, negative if south), u [mu] is the
permeability of the medium in which the poles are located, r is the straight-line separation
distance between the two poles, and f [with line over top] is the vector of force (see Fig. 2)
acting at each pole (positive in magnitude for repulsion and negative for attraction).
Figure 4. Spatial orientation of thin, magnetized sheet having high aspect ratio and
with south face up.
The sheet, of finite length L, is a permanent magnet magnetized across its y-direction
thickness and having high aspect ration (to eliminate z-direction edge effects). The south-pole
face will be oriented up, with north facing downward on the underside of the sheet.
Underside effects will be ignored as though the sheet represented a continuous distribution of
only south monopoles along the x-axis. To incorporate such distributions into Eq. (1) we
replace M' with the differential dM' and introduce the function B(x) so that
dM' = B(x) dx.
Then the magnitude of the total force vector, F [with line over top], acting on an
isolated north monopole of strength M situated somewhere within the upper half
of the x-y plane, becomes
-- Page 10 -where x [chi] is the ratio x/L. Assuming that the magnetic density along the
sheet can be represented by the southern constant - B [beta(?)], and neglecting
end effects at x = 0 and x = L, Equation (5) reduces to
the strength parameter M' having been determined by integrating Eq. (4) over the sheet length
L, and p [rho] is the ratio r/L.
If the north monopole is placed directly above the center of the sheet, at coordinate
(E[epsilon], n[eta]), with E[epsilon] = L/2 and the vertical air-gap separation distance n (eta)
taken as arbitrary, the symmetrical distribution of incremental force vectors acting at (E,n)
will appear as shown in Fig. 5.
(2) we write
-- Page 11 -For any fixed position (X,Y) of the north monopole in the upper half plane, Eq. (8)
can be integrated to give
This ratio is shown in Fig. 7 as a continuous function of X locations with Y treated
This function is show in Fig. 8 with a Y value of 0.20.
[figure 8 is omitted (unless it is the last, unlabeled figure)]
In dimensionless form the equations of motion for trajectory paths of the
monopole above the sheet in planar X - Y space become
-- Page 12 -(15)
In these expressions t is real time and T is simply a time constant chosen arbitrarily. As
previously noted on page 9, L is the length of the sheet; whereas, g is the gravitational
acceleration constant and W is the downward weight force of the moving monopole above the
sheet. For the magnetic force terms (T[Gamma]X)mag and (TY)magwe substitute directly Eqs.
Figure 10. X-direction distributions of (rX)mag and (rY)mag for the repulsive field of a thin,
magnetized sheet acting on a moving north monopole.
Again (TX)mag will have an equilibrium point at X = 1/2, but now it is destabilizing. As a
consequence, resulting trajectories for the north monopole are much more interesting in this
case than they were with the attractive sheet. Several paths are shown in Fig. 11 with
different values used for the W/F ratio in Eq. (17).
Figure 12. Pole strength influence factor, M', as a cosine function of linear
displacement distance, x.
Figure 13. Experimentally determined magnetic flux density, B, along a linear model
substituted into Eq. (4) should prove interesting to pursue as a more challenging test of what
might be gleaned from this simple Coulomb model we have been discussing. It should be
noted that one of the important differences between the function (18) and that shown in Fig.
12 is that in (18) the period length parameter, xp , is double that shown in Fig. 12.
Using (18), the total force magnitude expression (5) becomes
-- Page 15 -where a total track length distance of L has been used to form the dimensionless ratios
Also, if Eq. (7) is used for F[flourish] in (19),
then in that expression one must substitute the product B[beta]L for M'.
Now we plan to hold Y constant while investigating linear motion of the
monopole along this track in the X-direction only. So we need consider only the
X-component of F from Equation (19) which yields
With this expression substituted into Eq. (13), integration becomes straightforward and yields
the typical oscillatory type of trajectory path shown in Fig. 14.
Figure 14. Oscillatory path of a north monopole restrained to X-direction motion over
a three-element linear stator assembly.
As Mr. Johnson has brought out, the focusing armature magnet of his linear model will start at
either end of the stator track simply by insuring that the north end of this bipoled crescent is
leading the south (see Fig. 1). So, in Fig. 14, we are showing the X-direction motion from
right to left instead of from left to right as in our previous examples. Also, by simply rotating
the figure clockwise through ninety degrees, it becomes easy to follow the behavior of
dimensionless velocity, VX, in Fig. 11, since VX is defined as
-- Page 16 -It will be noted in Fig. 14 that the north monopole has been allowed to self-start its motion
at the origin with VX initially zero.
We now discuss our final adjustment which proved to be an exciting revelation at the time
it was first investigated several months ago. Johnson (1979, col. 5, line 39) states that the
horizontal air-gap spacing between the magnet elements which the stator track comprises
should vary slightly from nominal in order to smooth out movement of the armature.
Introducing this type of variation into a two-dimensional model, provided the change is
nonuniform, would certainly transform the field from conservative to non conservative. (It
should by now be apparent that only a nonconservative model has any chance at all of even
partially explaining the phenomenon of the permanent magnet motor.)
With these thoughts in mind, an attempt was made to drive the armature monopole of Fig.
14 on to the second stator magnet and beyond by varying the horizontal gap parameter xp
during the integration process (i.e., during the motion). The results are shown in Fig. 15.
Harrison, William P., Jr., "A Solution for the Optimal Gap of a Monopole Element
See also
FE Speculation >
Mystery Figure in Howard Johnson's 1979 Paper - There is a
missing "figure 8" and an unlabeled figure at the end of Howard
Johnson's 1979 paper "The Permanent Magnetic Motor."
Possible significance.
More Coming; Plans for Posting, Implementing links to July 14, 2003 comment.
Index > Howard Johnson Magnetic Motor
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