2015 March CSHS Premium

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General Information:

Show Fees:
$15 per class/$40 Division
$10 per Unjudged class or round
$20 Office
$20 post entry (entries are due on the Wednesday
before the date of show)
$25 Saturday Schooling (Call ahead for times)
$15 Haul In/Grounds fee (unless Stalled)
$1 AHJA fee, $1 Refundable number fee
There is no charge for adding or scratching classes at
the show.
Schooling only/not showing fees: number, haul-in or
stall fee, office and ($25) schooling fee. All riders must
sign a release form, and horses must display a show
number when ridden on show grounds, no exception.
Pens: $30.00 - Limited quantity. Reservations must be
made in advance through Anna Lewis, not through
Welcome Home Ranch. Shavings avail: $11/bag
Schooling: Numbers and proper head/foot wear
Attire/Equipment - riding boots with a heel and an
ASTM approved riding helmet are mandatory for
riders. USEF rules will be followed for horse
equipment, exception: wraps allowed. Martingales are
prohibited in non-jumping and Hunter Hack classes.
Awards & Prizes: Ribbons awarded 1st through 6th
place. Championship and Reserve Championship
Ribbons awarded for each (Hunter & Eq) division. For
championships to be awarded, there must be a
minimum of 3 entries per class, and exhibitor must
enter in all 3 classes in the division.
CSHS Year End Hi Point Awards (Dec 2014-Nov
2015): Pre-Short Stirrup, Hunter Pleasure, Mini
Crossrail Hunter, Pony Hunter & Open Hunter. (Must
have shown in the division at least 2 times, and been
Champion at least once to be eligible)
Concession: Welcome Home Ranch. Donations go to
Welcome Home Life Skills Academy
Vendors: Halo Horses and The Stable Door
Photography: TBA
Payment Methods: M/C, Visa, AMEX, Cash, or
Show management reserves the right to refuse any
entries at its sole discretion.
Returned check fee is $50.00.

25 Divisions:
Pre-Short Stirrup Equitation
AHJA Walk/Trot Hunter
AHJA Walk/Trot Equitation
Mini Crossrail Hunter
AHJA Crossrail Hunter
AHJA Crossrail Equitation
AHJA Future Hunter
AHJA Future Hunter Rider Equitation
Low Schooling Hunter
Schooling Hunter
Pony Hunter
AHJA Short Stirrup Hunter
AHJA Short Stirrup Equitation
AHJA Medium Stirrup Hunter
AHJA Medium Stirrup Equitation
AHJA Long Stirrup Hunter
AHJA Long Stirrup Equitation
AHJA Pre Childrens/AA Hunter
AHJA Pre Childrens/AA Equitation
AHJA Low Childrens/AA Hunter
AHJA Low Childrens/AA Equitation
AHJA Childrens/AA Hunter
AHJA Childrens/AA Equitation
Open Hunter
Entering Tips for Show Parents:
Pre-enter if possible: Youll save the $20 post entry fee and
time spent in line. Entries received by the Wednesday preceding
the show are considered on time or pre-entries. Changes in
classes (Add/Scratch) may be made the day of the show without
penalty. No deposit is required. Plus, it makes us very happy.
Day of the show: Check in at the Secretarys booth. Leave an
open, signed check (show your ID) to cover your show fees.
(You can return after your last class to fill out the amount, or to
exchange it for a credit card payment.) If you have pre-entered,
youll simply sign the waiver/entry form and pick up your
number. If you are post-entering, be sure to fill out the entry
form at least an hour before your first class.
3 Ways to Enter:
1. Pre-enter by Wednesday, March 25 online at
copperstatehorseshows.com (very easy) or:
2. Print out an entry form from our website or fb page and mail
it (in time to be received by the dates above) to:
Copper State Horse Shows
6801 E Mescal St
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
or scan and email it to: anna@copperstatehorseshows.com
3. Post enter (Day of) at the show, at least one hour before
your first class. Secretary booth opens at 6:45am.
For more show tips, visit our website.



March 29, 2015

AHJA CAT II approved
$50 Hi Point Trainer
Welcome Home Ranch
26601 S Val Vista Dr
Chandler, AZ

Upcoming Shows:
Welcome Home Ranch:
April 19,
May 3
Coconino Co Fair Grounds:
June 5-7
Contact info:
Anna Lewis: (480)206-3604
enter online/forms available at

Hunter & Equitation Classes:

Ring 2: 9:00 AM Leadline (free class - noonish)

1. Pre-SS Equitation Walk

2. Pre-SS Equitation Walk/Trot
3. Pre-SS Equitation Walk/Trot and poles
4. AHJA Walk-Trot Hunter U/S
5. AHJA Walk-Trot Hunter Over Poles
6. AHJA Walk-Trot Hunter Over Poles
7. AHJA Walk -Trot EquitationOver Poles
8. AHJA Walk-Trot Equitation Over Poles
9. AHJA Walk-Trot Equitation Flat*
10. AHJA Pleasure Walk Trot
11. Pleasure Go As You Please
12. Pleasure W/T/C
13. Adult Pleasure GAYP - Fun class!
14. Mini Crossrail Hunter Eq w/ Individual Canter-flat
15. Mini Crossrail Hunter Eq 9
16. Mini Crossrail Hunter Eq 9
17. Crossrail Hunter Hack Open 12
18. AHJA Crossrail Hunter- U/S
19. AHJA Crossrail Hunter 12
20. AHJA Crossrail Hunter 12
21. AHJA Crossrail Eq 12
22. AHJA Crossrail Eq 12
23. AHJA Crossrail Eq Flat
23. AHJA Future Hunter U/S
24. AHJA Future Hunter 18
25. AHJA Future Hunter 18
26. AHJA Future Eq 18
27. AHJA Future Eq 18
28. AHJA Future Eq Flat*
29. Green Horse or Rider Xrail or 2
30. Green Horse or Rider Xrail or 2

Main Ring: 8:00 AM (No oxers at 2 and 23)

200.Open Warm-up 2, 23, 26, 29 - all day
31. Low Schooling Hunter 2
32. Low Schooling Hunter 2
33. Low Schooling Hunter U/S
34. Pony Hunter 2
35. Pony Hunter 2
36. Pony Hunter U/S
(AHJA Short, Med, & Long may be combined)
37. AHJA Short Stirrup Hunter 11 & Under
38. AHJA Short Stirrup Hunter 11 & Under
39. AHJA Short Stirrup Hunter 11 & Under U/S
40. AHJA Short Stirrup Eq 11 & Under
41. AHJA Short Stirrup Eq 11 & UndeR
42. AHJA Short Stirrup Eq 11 & Under Flat


(Main Ring continued)

43. AHJA Medium Stirrup Hunter 12-17
44. AHJA Medium Stirrup Hunter 12-17
45. AHJA Medium Stirrup Hunter 12-17 U/S
46. AHJA Medium Stirrup Eq 12-17
47. AHJA Medium Stirrup Eq 12-17
48. AHJA Medium Stirrup Eq 12-17 flat*
49. AHJA Long Stirrup Hunter 18 & Over
50. AHJA Long Stirrup Hunter 18 & Over
51. AHJA Long Stirrup Hunter 18 & Over U/S
52. AHJA Long Stirrup Eq 18 & Over
53. AHJA Long Stirrup Eq 18 & Over
54. AHJA Long Stirrup Eq 18 & Over Flat
55. AHJA Pre Childrens/Adult Hunter
56. AHJA Pre Childrens/Adult Hunter
57. AHJA Pre Childrens/Adult Hunter U/S
58. AHJA Pre Childrens/Adult Eq
59. AHJA Pre Childrens/Adult Eq
60. AHJA Pre Childrens/Adult Eq Flat
61. AHJA CAT II Childrens Medal 23*
62. AHJA CAT II Adult Medal 23*
63. Schooling Hunter 26
64. Schooling Hunter 26
65. Schooling Hunter U/S
66. AHJA Low Childrens/Adult Hunter 26
67. AHJA Low Childrens/Adult Hunter 26
68. AHJA Low Childrens/Adult Hunter U/S
69. AHJA Low Childrens/Adult Eq 26
70. AHJA Low Childrens/Adult Eq 26
71. AHJA Low Childrens/Adult Eq Flat
72. AHJA Child/AA Hunter 29
73. AHJA Child/AA Hunter 29
74. AHJA Child/AA Hunter U/S
75. AHJA Child/AA Equitation 29
76. AHJA Child/AA Equitation 29
77. AHJA Child/AA Equitation-flat
78. Open Hunter 29 or 3
79. Open Hunter 29 or 3
80. Open Hunter U/S
CSHS Pointed Classes

Find us on

Ring: (starts after Hunter classes, but not
before 2pm)
100. Xrail Clear Round - Blue Ribbon
101. Xrail Jumper II.1
102. Xrail Jumper II.1.
103. Clear Round - Blue Ribbon - 2
104. Green Jumper or Rider II.1 - 2 (no oxers)
105. Green Jumper or Rider II.2.b - 2 (no oxers)
106. Puddle Jumper II.1 - 23
107. Puddle Jumper II.2b - 23
108. AHJA/Training Jumper II.1 - 26
109. AHJA/Training Jumper II.2b - 26
110. AHJA Jumper II.1 - 29
111. AHJA Jumper II.2b - 29
112. Open Jumper II.1 - 3
113. Open Jumper II.2b - 3
114. Open Jumper II.1 - 33
115. Open Jumper II.2b - 33
116. Open Jumper II.1 - 36
117. Open Jumper II.2b - 36

Class/Division Descriptions:
Pre-Short Stirrup Equitation - Open to riders 10 years and
younger, as of Dec 1, 2014. Riders may be accompanied in the
ring by adults. No cross-entering in canter or o/f or o/p classes.
Walk Trot Divisions - open to beginner riders. Riders may not
cross enter into any other classes except 10, 11, and 14. In
class 11 (GAYP) these riders must choose to trot.
Pleasure Division - open to any horse or rider. To be judged
on manners, obedience and way of going. In the Go As You
Please phase, riders must choose the same gait in both
Mini Crossrail Equitation Division open to novice riders.
Trotting not penalized. Riders may not cross enter into any
classes with fences higher than 12.
Hunter Hack - open to any horse or rider. Horses to work on
the flat in both directions and then jump two X-rails according
to the judges directions. Martingales prohibited.
Crossrail Division - Riders may not cross enter into any
classes with fences higher than 2. Trotting not penalized.
Future Hunter Divisions same (rules) as Crossrail Division.
There may be changes of direction and flowers, no oxers.
Green Horse or Rider - trotting allowed.
Pony Hunter Division Open to all ages, (Non-Pros only
unless unjudged). May be split Juniors & Adults if entries
2015 AHJA Category II Class Descriptions: http://
www.copperstatehorseshows.com/new-ahja-category-iisections-for-2015. Horses may be shown more than once in
over fence classes in (AHJA) hunter and equitation classes
with different riders.

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