Dar Administrative Order No. 01-99: Lands To Non-Agricultural Uses

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March 30, 1999


SUBJECT : Revised Rules and Regulations on the Conversion of Agricultural
Lands to Non-Agricultural Uses
Pursuant to Section 65 and 49 of Republic Act (RA) No. 6657, the
''Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988", Sections 4 (j) and 5 (l)
of Executive Order (EO) No. 129-A, the "Reorganization Act of the Department of
Agrarian Reform", and the pertinent provisions ofRA 8435, the "Agriculture and
Fisheries Modernization Act", and in compliance with the President's directive on
December 28, 1998, the revised rules and regulations on the conversion of
agricultural lands to non-agricultural uses are hereby promulgated as follows:
Preliminary Provisions
SECTION 1. Statement of Policies. The conversion of agricultural lands to
non-agricultural uses shall be governed by the following policies:
The State shall preserve prime agricultural lands to ensure food
security, including sufficiency in our staple food, namely rice and corn;


The State shall ensure that all sectors of the economy and all
regions of the country are given optimum opportunity to develop through the
rational and sustainable use of resources peculiar to each area in order to
maximize agricultural productivity, promote efficiency and equity, and
accelerate the modernization of the agriculture and fisheries sectors of the
country; and
Conversion of agricultural lands to non-agricultural uses shall be
strictly regulated and may be allowed only when the conditions prescribed
under RA 6657and/or RA 8435 are present.
SECTION 2. Definition of Terms. As used in this Order, the terms are defined
as follows:

Agricultural Lands refer to lands devoted to or suitable for the
cultivation of the soil, planting of crops, growing of trees, raising of livestock,
poultry, fish or aquaculture production, including the harvesting of such farm
products, and other farm activities and practices performed in conjunction
with such farming operations by persons whether natural or juridical, and
not classified by law as mineral land, forest or timber, or national park, nor
reclassified as residential, commercial, industrial or other non-agricultural
uses before June 15, 1988.
Areas Highly Restricted from Conversion refer to agricultural lands
enumerated in Section 5 of these Rules whose conversion, if at all, shall be
subject to certain additional requirements as prescribed therein and to the
Secretary's approval regardless of the area.
Areas Non-Negotiable for Conversion refer to agricultural lands not
eligible for conversion as enumerated in Section 4 of these Rules.
Comprehensive Land Use Plan refers to a document accompanied
by maps and similar illustrations which represent the community-desired
pattern of population distribution and a proposal for the future allocation of
land to the various land-using activities. It identifies the allocation, character
and extent of the area's land resources to be used for different purposes
and includes the process and the criteria employed in the determination of
the land use.
Conversion Moratorium refers to the policy enunciated in RA
8435 which prohibits the conversion of irrigated lands, irrigable lands
already covered by irrigation projects with firm funding commitments, and
lands with existing or having the potential for growing high-value crops so
delineated and included within the Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries
Development Zones (SAFDZ) for the period starting 10 February 1998 to 9
February 2003.
Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) refer to areas which are
ecologically, socially, or geologically sensitive as declared by law such as:
Areas declared by law as national parks, watershed reserves,
wildlife preserves and sanctuaries;


Areas set aside as potential tourist spots;

Areas which are the habitats of endangered or threatened
species of indigenous Philippine plants and animals;

Areas of unique historic, archeological or scientific interest;

Areas which are traditionally occupied by indigenous people or
cultural communities;
Areas frequently hit by natural calamities (geologic hazards,
floods, typhoons and volcanic activities);

Areas with critical slopes;


Areas classified as prime agricultural lands;


Recharged areas of aquifers;

(10) Water bodies which are used for domestic supply, or support
fisheries and wildlife;
(11) Mangrove areas which have critical ecological functions or on
which people depend for livelihood;

Coral reefs;


Mossy and virgin forests;


River banks; and


Swamp forests and marshlands.

Illegal Conversion is the conversion by any landowner of his
agricultural land into any non-agricultural use with intent to avoid the
application of RA 6657 to his landholding and to dispossess his tenant
farmers of the land tilled by them; or the change of the nature of lands
outside urban centers and city limits either in whole or in part after the
effectivity of RA 6657, as provided in Sec. 73 (c) and (e) respectively of the
said Act.

Irrigable Lands refer to lands which display marked characteristics
justifying the operation of an irrigation system;

Irrigated Lands refer to lands serviced by natural irrigation or
irrigation facilities. These include lands where water is not readily available
as existing irrigation facilities need rehabilitation or upgrading or where
irrigation water is not available year-round;
Land Use refers to the manner of utilization of land, including its
allocation, development and management;
Land Use Conversion refers to the act or process of changing the
current use of a piece of agricultural land into some other use as approved
by DAR
Network of Protected Areas for Agricultural and Agro-industrial
Development (NPAAAD) refers to agricultural areas identified by the
Department of Agriculture through the Bureau of Soils and Water
Management in coordination with the National Mapping and Resources
Information Authority in order to ensure the efficient utilization of land for
agriculture and agro-industrial development and promote sustainable
growth. The NPAAAD covers all irrigated areas, all irrigable lands already
covered by irrigation projects with firm funding commitments; all alluvial
plains highly suitable for agriculture, whether irrigated or not; agro-industrial
croplands or land presently planted for industrial crops that support the
viability of existing agricultural infrastructure and agro-based enterprises;
highland or areas located at an elevation of five hundred (500) meters or
above and have the potential for growing semi-temperate and high-value
crops; all agricultural lands that are ecologically fragile, the conversion of
which will result in serious environmental degradation, and mangrove areas
and fish sanctuaries; all fishery areas as defined pursuant to the Fisheries
Code of 1998;
National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) refers to the
classification and administration of all designated protected areas to
maintain essential ecological processes and life-support systems, to
preserve genetic diversity, to ensure sustainable use of resources found
therein, and to maintain their natural conditions to the greatest extent
possible. NIPAS includes areas designated as initial components of the
system under Sec. 5(a), RA 7586 and those proclaimed as part of the

system in accordance with the procedure established under the said Act
such as strict nature reserve, natural park, natural monument, wildlife
sanctuary, protected landscapes and seascapes; resource reserve; natural
biotic areas; and, other categories established by law, conventions or
international agreements wherein the Philippine Government is a signatory;
Premature Conversion of Agricultural Land refers to the undertaking
of any development activity, the results of which modify or alter the physical
characteristics of the agricultural lands to render them suitable for nonagricultural purposes without an approved order of conversion from the
Prime Agricultural Lands refers to lands that can be used for various
or specific agricultural activities and can provide optimum and sustainable
yield with a minimum of inputs and development costs as determined by the
Department of Agriculture (DA).

Private Agricultural Lands refer to agricultural lands as defined herein
and owned by natural or juridical persons or by the government in its
proprietary capacity;
Project Feasibility Study involves the investigation of the market,
technical, financial, economic, and operational viability of the project.
Specifically, it looks into alternative technical schemes to attain the project's
objectives including possible size, location, production process, and
physical and financial resource requirements. The study also determines
whether the project would generate sufficient benefits to offset estimated
investment and operating costs. Similarly, it ascertains which of the
alternatives would yield the largest positive returns to the economy that
would justify the allocation of resources. Finally, it seeks the most suitable
legal, administrative and organizational arrangements to ensure that
implementation would proceed as planned and that completed facilities
would be properly maintained operated.
Reclassification of Agricultural Lands refers to the act of specifying
how agricultural lands shall be utilized for non-agricultural uses such as
residential, industrial, commercial, as embodied in the land use plan,

subject to the requirements and procedure for land use conversion. It also
includes the reversion of non-agricultural lands to agricultural use;
Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries Development Zones
(SAFDZ) refer to areas within the NPAAAD identified for production, agroprocessing and marketing activities to help develop and modernize, with the
support of the government, the agriculture and fisheries sectors in an
environmentally and socio-culturally sound manner;
Socio-Economic Benefit Cost Study is an assessment of the project's
net contribution to the national economic and social welfare which is done
through a comparison of the economic and social benefits expected to be
generated from the project with the social and economic costs of its
implementation and operation.
Socialized Housing refers to housing programs and projects covering
houses and lots or homelots undertaken by the government or the private
sector for the underprivileged and homeless citizens where the maximum
cost per unit does not exceed the maximum amount as prescribed by the
Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) which
shall include sites and services development, long-term financing,
liberalized terms on interest payments, and such other benefits in
accordance with RA 7279;
Special Economic Zone or ECOZONE refers to selected areas which
are highly developed or which have the potential to be developed into agroindustrial, tourist, recreational, commercial, banking, investment and
financial centers whose metes and bounds are delimited by Presidential

Unauthorized Conversion is the act of changing the current use of the
land from agricultural (e.g. riceland) to another agricultural use the effect of
which is to exempt the land from CARP coverage (e.g. livestock) without an
order of conversion from DAR, or changing the use of the land other than
that allowed under the order of conversion issued by DAR;
Watershed refers to a catchment area or drainage basin from which
the waters of a stream or stream system are drawn;

Zoning is the delineation/division of a city/municipality into functional
zones where only specific land uses are allowed. It directs and regulates the
use of all lands in the community in accordance with an approved or
adopted land use plan for the city/municipality. It prescribed setback
provisions, minimum lot sizes, building heights and bulk;
Zoning Ordinance refers to a local legislation approving the
comprehensive land use plan and providing for the regulations and other
conditions, on the uses of land including the limitation on the infrastructures
that may be placed thereon within the territorial jurisdiction of a city or
SECTION 3. Applicability of Rules. These Rules shall apply to the following
agricultural lands:
Those to be converted to residential, commercial, industrial,
institutional and other non-agricultural purposes;
Those to be devoted to another type of agricultural activity such as
livestock, poultry, and fishpond the effect of which is to exempt the land from
CARP coverage;
Those to be converted to non-agricultural use other than that
previously authorized; and
Those reclassified to residential, commercial, industrial, or other nonagricultural uses on or after the effectivity of RA 6657 on June 15, 1988
pursuant to Section 20 ofR.A. 7160 and other pertinent laws and
regulations, and are to be converted to such uses. However, for those
reclassified prior to June 15, 1998, the guidelines on securing exemption
clearance shall apply.

SECTION 4. Areas Non-Negotiable for Conversion. The following areas shall

not be subject to conversion:

Agricultural lands within protected areas designated under the
National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS), including watershed
and recharged areas of acquifers, as determined by the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR);
All irrigated lands, as delineated by the Department of Agriculture
(DA) and/or the National Irrigation Administration (NIA), where water is
available to support rice and other crop production, and all irrigated lands
where water is not available for rice and other crop production but are within
areas programmed for irrigation facility rehabilitation by the DA and/or the

All irrigable lands already covered by irrigation projects with firm
funding commitments, as delineated by DA and/or NIA; and
All agricultural lands with irrigation facilities operated by private
Applications for conversion involving areas non-negotiable for conversion shall
not be given due course, regardless of whether all or some portions thereof are
within areas highly restricted from conversion or within priority development areas
for conversion.
SECTION 5. Areas Highly Restricted from Conversion. The following areas
shall be classified as highly restricted from conversion:
Irrigable lands not covered by irrigation projects with firm funding
Agro-industrial croplands, or lands presently planted to industrial
crops that support the economic viability of existing agricultural
infrastructure and agro-based enterprises;
Highlands or areas located in elevations of 500 meters or above and
have the potential for growing semi-temperate and usually high-value crops;
Lands issued with notice of land valuation and acquisition, or subject
of a perfected agreement between the landowner and the beneficiaries
under the voluntary land transfer/direct payment scheme (VLT/DPS) under
the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP); and

Environmentally critical areas (ECAs) as determined by the DENR in
accordance with law.
Applications for conversion involving areas highly restricted from conversion shall
require apart from the standard requirements, a project feasibility study and
environmental compliance certificate (ECC) if within ECAs; The application shall
be deliberated upon by the PARC Land Use Technical Committee (PLUTC) and
shall be approved by the Secretary regardless of the area.
SECTION 6. Priority Development Areas. In accordance with EO 124, s.
1993 E.O. 184 s. 1994 and RA 7916, the following are considered priority
development areas for land conversion:
Specific sites in regional agri-industrial centers/regional industrial
centers (RAICs/RICs) identified by the Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI) and the DA;
Tourism development areas (TDAs) identified by the Department of
Tourism (DOT) as indicated in the current Medium Term Philippine
Development Plan;
Sites identified and proposed to be developed by local government
units (LGUs) into socialized housing projects which are presently used for
agricultural purposes;
Sites intended for Socialized Housing Projects under EO 184 s.
Agricultural areas intended for ECOZONE Projects pursuant to RA
In priority development areas, an ECC shall not be a pre-condition to the approval
of the conversion application; instead, it shall form part of the conditions thereof
where applicable.

SECTION 7. Lands within SAFDZs. In accordance with Section 9 of RA

8435, the following rules shall govern conversion of lands within SAFDZs:
All irrigated lands, irrigable lands already covered by irrigation
projects with firm funding commitments, and lands with existing or having

the potential for growing high-value crops included within the SAFDZs shall
be subject to a conversion moratorium for a period of five (5) years from 10
February 1998 to 9 February 2003.
During the effectivity of the moratorium, conversion may be allowed
with respect to only 5% of said lands within SAFDZs upon compliance with
existing laws, rules and regulations.
The maximum of 5% equivalent to the total area of land eligible for
conversion to non-agricultural use shall be jointly determined by the DA and
the DAR, upon the recommendation of the Regional and National SAFDZ
Committees pursuant to Rule 9.5.2 of DA Administrative Order No. 6, Series
of 1998, or the implementing rules and regulations for RA 8435.
After the expiration of the conversion moratorium, conversion may be
allowed, if at all, on a case to case basis, subject to existing laws, rules and
regulations on land use conversion.
Conversion Procedures
SECTION 8. Criteria for Conversion. The following criteria shall guide the
resolution of applications for conversion:
Conversion may be allowed if the land subject of application is not
among those considered non-negotiable for conversion as provided in
Section 4 of these Rules;
Conversion may be allowed, in accordance with Section 65 of RA
6657, when the land has ceased to be economically feasible and sound for
agricultural purposes; or the locality has become urbanized and the land will
have greater economic value for residential, commercial, industrial or other
non-agricultural purposes;
Conversion of lands within SAFDZs, as provided in Rule 9.5.2 of DA
Administrative Order No. 6, Series of 1998, shall take into account the
following factors:

The conversion of land use is consistent with the natural
expansion of the municipality or locality, as contained in the approved
physical framework and land use plan;
The area to be converted in use is not the only remaining food
production area of the community;
The land use conversion shall not hamper the availability of
irrigation to nearby farmlands;
The areas with low productivity will be accorded priority for use
conversion; and
Sufficient disturbance compensation shall be given to the
farmers whose livelihoods are negatively affected by the land use
conversion as provided for by existing laws and regulations.

Conversion may be allowed when the environmental impact
assessment or initial environmental examination, as may be appropriate,
shall have determined that it shall not adversely affect air and water quality
and the ecological stability of the area.
SECTION 9. Who May Apply for Conversion. The following persons may
apply for conversion:
Owners of private agricultural lands or other persons duly authorized
by the landowner;
Beneficiaries of the agrarian reform program after the lapse of five
(5) years from award, reckoned from the date of the issuance of the
Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA), and who have fully paid their
obligations and are qualified under these Rules, or persons duly authorized
by them; or,
Government agencies, including government-owned or controlled
corporations, and local government units, which own agricultural land as
their patrimonial property.
SECTION 10. Documentary Requirements. The documents required of
applicants for conversion are as follows:


Standard Requirements
Duly accomplished application for conversion subscribed and
sworn to before a notary public;
Special power of attorney if applicant is not the registered
owner, or board resolution authorizing applicant if the owner is a
True copy of OCT or TCT as certified by the Register of Deeds
not later than thirty (30) days prior to filing. In case of untitled land, the
following shall be required in lieu of title:
Certification from the DENR Community Environment and
Natural Resources Officer (CENRO) that the landholding has
been classified as alienable and disposable; and

Certification from the DENR CENRO (for administrative
confirmation of imperfect title) or the Clerk of Court (for judicial
confirmation of imperfect title) that the titling process/proceedings
has commenced and there are no adverse claimants.
Recent 5R photographs of the property duly certified by the

Socio-economic benefit cost study inclusive of detailed site
development plan and work and financial plan;
Proof of financial and organizational capability to develop land
to include: profile of developer, financial statement duly authenticated
by a certified public accountant, and articles of incorporation or
partnership if applicant/developer is a corporation or
partnership: Provided, That if the land is to be used for socialized
housing by the LGU under EO 124, s. 1993, a sanggunian resolution
appropriating funds for the project and authorizing the LGU to
undertake the same shall be required: Provided, further, That if the
socialized housing shall be undertaken by other government agencies
such as the National Housing Authority and the like, a board resolution

approving the project and appropriating funds therefor shall likewise be

List of tenants/farmworkers/bona fide occupants who will be
affected by the land use conversion and proof of payment or
agreement to pay disturbance compensation, duly attested to by the
MARO. Bona fide occupants shall refer to those authorized by the
landowner to stay in the property;
Certification from the HLURB Regional Officer or the Deputized
Zoning Administrator on the actual zoning or classification of the land
based on the approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan citing the
Municipal or City Zoning Ordinance and the date of its approval by the
HLURB or the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, as the case may be;
Certification from the authorized DA official stating, among
others, the classification of the property under the NPAAAD; its
convertibility status whether non-negotiable or highly restricted from
conversion; and its irrigation coverage and suitability for agriculture;
(10) Certification from the DENR Regional Executive Director that
the area subject of application for conversion is not within the NIPAS,
not within environmentally critical areas, and will not involve the
establishment of an environmentally critical project (ECP); and

Official receipt showing proof of payment of filing fee.

Special Requirements
If applicant is beneficiary of agrarian reform program:
Certification from the Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer
(PARO) that at least five (5) years have lapsed since the award of the
Certification from the local office of Land Bank of the
Philippines (LBP) that the beneficiary has fully paid his obligations with
the LBP: Provided, That if the land involves landed-estate or those
acquired under voluntary land transfer/direct payment scheme

(VLT/DPS), the certification of the PARO that the same has been fully
paid by the applicant shall be required in lieu of that of the LBP;
Joint venture agreement or any other business arrangement on
the use of the land between the EP/CLOA holders and the developer
where the land was awarded under the agrarian reform program;
If application involves priority development areas:
Endorsement from the concerned government agencies in case
of priority development areas pursuant to Sec. 6 hereof: Provided, That
an endorsement from the HLURB is needed if the project to be
undertaken is for socialized housing: Provided, further, That a board
resolution approving the project from Philippine Economic Zone
Authority (PEZA) shall be required if the area is intended for
ECOZONE projects.

If area is highly restricted from conversion:


Project feasibility study.

If application involves ECAs or ECPs:


Environmental Compliance Certificate.

SECTION 11. Filing of Application. The procedures in applying for conversion

are as follows:
The applicant secures application form either from the DAR Regional
Office or the DAR Central Office.
The applicant accomplishes the application and secures/prepares
the documents required under Section 10 hereof.
The applicant files three (3) sets of the application under oath
(inclusive of original) together with the required documents before the
Regional Office or the Central Office.
The receiving office shall review the completeness of the application.
If found complete, the applicant shall be advised to pay the filing fee and
post the cash bond prescribed herein. Applications with incomplete
requirements shall not be accepted.

SECTION 12. Filing Fees. The filing fees for application for conversion shall
accrue to the Agrarian Reform Fund pursuant to Section 1 RA 8532. The rates
are as follows:
Applied Area

Fixed Fee

Inspection Fee

Five (5) hectares or

More than five (5)





SECTION 13. Processing of Application.


Posting of Notice
Upon receipt of the application, the Regional Office/Central
Office shall immediately prepare the Notice of Application for Land Use
Conversion on the same day the application is received and shall
transmit the same to the DAR Municipal Office for posting.
The MARO shall, within two (2) days from receipt of the Notice
of Application, post the same in two (2) conspicuous places in the
municipality, in the barangay(s) where the property is located, and in
the property itself for a period of fifteen (15) days.
The MARO shall issue a Certificate of Posting of Application
within one (1) day from the lapse of the prescribed period for posting.


Field Investigation
Within two (2) days from receipt of the application, a briefer
shall be prepared by the Regional Office/Central Office for the field
investigation and ocular inspection.
The field investigation and ocular inspection shall be conducted
on the property on the eighth day from posting of the notice of
The team designated to conduct the field investigation shall
verify, among others, the following:

Veracity of information contained in the application for land
use conversion;

Coverage under CARP;

(iii) Whether or not the land falls within the appropriate zone in
the land use plan of the city or municipality;


Existence of tenant/farmworkers/bona fide occupants;

Whether or not the tenants/farmworkers /bona
fide occupants have been paid or have agreed to the terms of the
disturbance compensation; and
Other information relevant and useful in deciding whether
to approve/disapprove the conversion.
The investigation shall be completed within seven (7) days from
start of the inspection and the report shall be submitted within three (3)
days from completion thereof.

Deliberation and Approval of Application

On the twentieth day from posting of the notice and after
completion of inspection, the Regional Office/Central Office shall
deliberate on the merits of the application and recommend appropriate
action thereon. The deliberating body at the Regional Office/Central
Office may call the applicant and/or the oppositors, if any for
clarificatory questioning in order to judiciously resolve the application
for conversion.
The recommendation on the application for conversion shall be
forwarded to the Regional Director, the Undersecretary concerned, or
the Secretary, as the case may be, within ten (10) days from the date
of deliberation.
Within ten (10) days from the submission of the
recommendation, the approving authority shall resolve the application
furnishing copies thereof to the applicant and the oppositors, if any.


Reimbursement for Government Investment

Pursuant to DA Administrative Order No. 6, Series of 1998,

in case of approved conversion of land within SAFDZs, the
registered owner will pay the Government, through the
Treasurer of the Philippines, the amount equivalent to the
government's investment cost including inflation, estimated
to include all expenditures for capital goods expended by any
and all agencies. financed from public, national or local
budget resources, whether sourced from domestic or foreign,
on the land applied for land use conversion: Provided, That

The valuation of such investments will be equivalent to the total
government expenditure made on the land in question, adjusted for
average inflation over the period since the beginning of investment up
to the month of approval of conversion;
The valuation shall be determined jointly by the Municipal
Assessor and Municipal Treasurer, in consultation with those agencies
which have made public investments in the area, and reviewed by the
Provincial Assessor; and
The payment by the landowner shall be made in a single lump
sum payment to the Treasurer of the Philippines, through the Municipal
Treasurer of the Municipality where the farmland concerned is located.
SECTION 14. Processing of Applications Involving Priority Development Areas.
The following steps shall be observed in the processing of applications
involving RAICs/RICs, socialized housing, tourism development, and PEZAapproved ECOZONES:
The applicant submits the duly accomplished application form
together with the supporting documents to the Regional Office/Central
Office. Only applications with complete requirements shall be accepted
and given due course.
The Regional Office/Central Office shall immediately prepare
the Notice of Application and transmit the same to the DAR Municipal
Office for posting.

The MARO posts the Notice of Application within three (3) days
from receipt thereof in two (2) conspicuous places in the municipality,
in the barangay(s) where the property is located, and in the property
An ocular inspection shall be conducted by a team assigned for
the purpose within five (5) days from acceptance of the application.
The inspection shall be completed within three (3) days.
The team shall submit its report together with a draft order
involving the application within three (3) days from inspection.
The approving authority shall resolve the application within two
(2) days from receipt of the draft order.
SECTION 15. Cash Bond and Performance Bond. (a) To guarantee that the
applicant shall not undertake premature conversion pending consideration of the
application and ensure faithful compliance with the conditions of the conversion
order by the applicant/developer, a cash bond and a performance bond shall be
required pursuant to Section 35, Chapter 6, Book IV of the Administrative Code of

The cash bond shall be posted upon filing of the application
equivalent to two point five percent (2.5%) of the total zonal value of the
land. It shall be refundable upon issuance of the order of conversion or
convertible into performance bond at the applicant's option. The cash bond
shall be forfeited in favor of the government in the event actual conversion
activities are conducted by the applicant prior to approval of the application.
The forfeiture shall be without prejudice to the filing of criminal charges
against those responsible for the premature conversion.
On the other hand, the performance bond shall be posted within five
(5) days from issuance of the order of conversion in the form of either of the
Cash, manager's check, cashier's check, irrevocable letter of
credit, bank draft equivalent to two point five percent (2.5%) of the total
zonal value of the land; or

Bank guarantee equivalent to five percent (5%) of the total
zonal value of the land; or
(iii) Surety equivalent to fifteen percent (15%) of the total zonal value
of the land.
The performance bond shall be in favor of DAR to guarantee the payment of
the amount of security as penalty in the event it is established that the
applicant/developer is in default of their obligations under the order of
conversion. It shall be co-terminous with the final completion of the project
and shall be forfeited in favor of the government in case of violation of any of
the conditions of the conversion order.
SECTION 16. Disturbance Compensation. (a) Disturbance compensation, in
cash or in kind or both, shall be paid by the landowner or the developer, as may
be appropriate, to tenants, farmworkers, or bona fide occupants to be affected by
the conversion in such amounts or under such terms as may be mutually agreed
upon between them and the landowner or the developer, but which shall not be
less than five (5) times the average of the gross harvests on their landholding
during the last five (5) preceding calendar years, pursuant to Section 36 of RA
3844, as amended by Section 7 of RA 6389, particularly in the case of tenants.
Compensation in kind may consist of free housing, homelots,
employment, and other benefits. The DAR shall approve the terms of any
agreement for the payment of disturbance compensation and monitor compliance
therewith. In no case shall compliance with the terms and conditions thereof
extend beyond sixty (60) days from the date of approval of the application for
In the event the parties do not agree on the amount of disturbance
compensation, the issue may be brought by either of them before the DAR
Adjudication Board for resolution pursuant to existing rules.
SECTION 17. Role of PARC Land Use Technical Committee. the PARC Land
Use Technical Committee (PLUTC) shall assist in resolving applications for
conversion particularly in cases where inter-agency inputs are crucial to the
judicious disposition thereof. For this purpose, the Secretary or his duly
authorized representative may endorse to the PLUTC for inspection and

deliberation applications for conversion such as, but not limited to, those involving
areas highly restricted from conversion.
Protests and Oppositions
SECTION 18. Who May File. Any person who will be displaced or directly
affected by the proposed land use conversion such as occupants, tenants,
farmworkers, identified beneficiaries, bona fide residents of adjoining properties
or communities may file a written protest against the application for conversion
within fifteen (15) days from the date of posting of the Notice of Application as
prescribed under Section 11 hereof. Thereafter, the protestant/oppositor shall be
furnished with copies of all orders or actions taken relative to the subject
application: Provided, that in case the protestant or oppositor is an identified
beneficiary under the agrarian reform program of the land applied for and who
failed to file a written protest within the said period due to fraud, accident, mistake
or excusable neglect, he shall have the right to intervene at any time during the
pendency of the application.
SECTION 19. Where to File. Protests/oppositions against the application for
conversion may be filed with the Regional Office/Central Office, as appropriate.
SECTION 20. Grounds. Protests/oppositions may be instituted on the
following grounds:

Proof that the area applied for is non-negotiable for conversion;


The adverse effects of the displacement to be caused by the
proposed conversion far outweigh the social and economic benefits to the
affected communities;

Misrepresentation or concealment of material facts;


Illegal premature conversion;

Existence of proof that conversion was resorted to as a means to
evade CARP coverage and to dispossess the tenant farmers of the land
tilled by them.

SECTION 21. Resolution of Protest or Opposition. Protests or oppositions

against an application for conversion shall be resolved by the approving authority
simultaneously with the application.
Approving Authorities
SECTION 22. Officials Authorized to Approve/Disapprove Conversions.
The following DAR officials shall approve or disapprove applications
for land use conversion:
The Regional Director for areas of not more than five (5)
The duly authorized Undersecretary for areas above five (5)
hectares but not more than fifty (50) hectares.
The Secretary for areas of more than fifty (50) hectares, except
for those highly restricted from conversion which shall be subject to his
approval regardless of the area.
To determine the appropriate approving official, the total area for
conversion shall refer to the aggregate area of all applications regardless of
the number of applications and the nature of the proposed projects where:
The properties are owned by the same person or entity or the
owners of which are represented by the same person or entity; and
The properties are located in the same barangay or adjacent
barangays within the same municipality/ies or city/ies.
In case the subject of the application is adjacent to an area
previously issued with conversion order, the foregoing test shall be applied
for the purpose of determining the appropriate approving authority.
Copies of the order approving or disapproving the application shall
be furnished to the applicant, the protestant or oppositor if any, and the
concerned DAR officials.

SECTION 23. Effects of Approval of Conversion. The approval of an

application for conversion shall have, but not limited to, the following effects:
It shall be limited to the specific use of the land authorized in the
conversion order;
It shall be subject to the schedule indicated in the detailed site
development plan and work and financial plan, but in no case shall the
period of development extend beyond five (5) years from issuance of the
conversion order except as authorized by the Secretary or the approving
official on meritorious grounds;
The conditions thereof shall be binding upon successors-in-interest
of the property;
The applicant shall allow duly authorized representatives of DAR free
and unhampered access to the property subject of the conversion order in
order to monitor compliance with the terms and conditions thereof;

The use authorized in the order of conversion shall be annotated on
the title of the subject property; and
It shall be without prejudice to ancestral domain claims of indigenous
peoples, if any, pursuant to Republic Act No. 8371 or the "Indigenous
Peoples Rights Act";
SECTION 24. Motion for Reconsideration. (a) The applicant or the protestant
may file a motion for reconsideration of an order of conversion or denial rendered
by the Regional Director, the duly authorized Undersecretary, or the Secretary
within fifteen (15) days from receipt of a copy thereof, with proof of service on the
adverse party.
No second motion for reconsideration of an order of conversion or denial
by the same party shall be entertained.
The pendency of motion for reconsideration filed on time and by the
proper party shall stay the execution of the order sought to be reconsidered. If the
motion for reconsideration is denied, the movant shall have the right to perfect his
appeal during the remainder of the period for appeal, reckoned from receipt of the
resolution of denial. If the order is reversed on reconsideration, the aggrieved

party shall have fifteen (15) days from receipt of the resolution of reversal within
which to perfect his appeal.
SECTION 25. Who May Appeal. The applicant and/or the protestant may
appeal from the decision of the Regional Director, the duly authorized
Undersecretary, or the Secretary within the period prescribed hereof.
SECTION 26. When to Appeal. Appeals may be taken within fifteen (15) days
after notification to the party of the order of conversion or of the resolution on the
protest. However, appeals to the Office of the President shall be taken within
thirty (30) days from receipt by the aggrieved party of the
decision/resolution/order complained of or appealed from pursuant to OP
Administrative Order No. 18, Series of 1987.
SECTION 27. Where to File Appeal. (a) Appeal from the decision of the
Regional Director to the Secretary shall be made by filing a notice of appeal with
the Regional Office concerned together with payment of P500.00 appeal fee to
the Cashier of the said Regional Office.
Appeal from the decision of the Undersecretary shall be made to the
Secretary through the filing of a notice of appeal and payment of P500.00 appeal
fee of the Cashier of the DAR Central Office.
Appeal from the decision of the Secretary may be taken to the Office of
the President (OP) pursuant to OP Administrative Order No. 18, Series of 1987 or
to the Court of Appeals (CA) by certiorari in accordance with Sec. 54 of RA 6657.
SECTION 28. Appeal by Pauper Litigant. A party protesting or opposing an
application for conversion who is an agricultural lessee, share tenant, actual tiller,
farmworker, member of farmers' organization, association or cooperative,
affected by the proposed conversion, as alleged and applied for in a sworn
complaint or motion, shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of a pauper
litigant such as exemption from the payment of appeal fee, without need of
further proof thereof.

SECTION 29. Appeal Memorandum. An appeal memorandum shall be

submitted by the appellant within fifteen (15) days from the perfection of the
SECTION 30. Perfection of Appeal. (a) If the notice of appeal is filed and
appeal fee is paid in due time, a party's appeal is deemed perfected as to him
with respect to the subject matter thereof.
The office that rendered the challenged order or decision shall lose
jurisdiction over the case upon the filing of the notice of appeal and payment of
the prescribed appeal fee in due time and the expiration of the period to appeal
by the other party.

SECTION 31. Appeal to Office of the President or Court of Appeals. (a) In all
cases of appeal to the Office of the President, the Office of the Secretary shall
represent the DAR and ensure that all necessary pleadings relative to the case
are filed. It shall monitor the case until its termination.
In cases of appeal to the Court of Appeals, the Office of the Solicitor
General (OSG), or any DAR lawyer duly deputized by the OSG, shall represent
the DAR.
SECTION 32. Effect of Appeal. Appeal to the Secretary, Office of the
President, or the Court of Appeals shall have the following effects:
Appeal from the Regional Director or Undersecretary to the
Secretary The appeal shall stay the order appealed from unless the
Secretary directs execution pending appeal, as it may deem just,
considering the nature and circumstances of the case (E.O. 292 [1987],
Book VII, Chapter 4, Sec. 21).
Appeal to the Office of the President Except as otherwise
provided by special laws, the execution of the decision/resolution/order
appealed from is stayed upon the filing of the appeal within the period
prescribed. However, in all cases, at any time during the pendency of the
appeal, the Office of the President may direct or stay the execution of the
decision/resolution/order appealed from upon such terms and conditions as

it may deem just and reasonable (OP Admin. Order No. 18, Series of 1987,
Sec. 4).
Appeal to the Court of Appeals In accordance with the last
paragraph of Sec. 50 of RA 6657, the decision of the DAR shall be
immediately executory notwithstanding an appeal to the Court of Appeals.
SECTION 33. Finality of Conversion Order. The order of conversion shall
become final executory fifteen (15) days after receipt of a copy of the order by the
applicant and the oppositor, if any, and no motion for reconsideration or appeal
has been filed.
Cancellation or Withdrawal of Conversion Orders
SECTION 34. Filing of Petition. A petition for cancellation or withdrawal of the
conversion order may be filed at the instance of DAR or any aggrieved party
before the approving authority within ninety (90) days from discovery or facts
which would warrant such cancellation but not more than one (1) year from
issuance of the order: Provided, that where the ground refers to any of those
enumerated in Sec. 35 (b), (e), and (f), the petition may be filed within ninety (90)
days from discovery of such facts but not beyond the period for development
stipulated in the order of conversion: Provided, further, that where the ground is
lack of jurisdiction, the petition shall be filed with the Secretary and the period
prescribed herein shall not apply.
SECTION 35. Grounds for Petition. The following acts or omissions shall
warrant cancellation of conversion order.
Misrepresentation or concealment of facts or circumstances material
to the grant of conversion;

Non-compliance with the conditions of the conversion order;


Lack of jurisdiction of the approving authority;


Non-compliance with the agreement on disturbance compensation;

Conversion to a use other than that authorized in the conversion
order; and/or


Any other violation of relevant rules and regulations of DAR.

SECTION 36. Disposition of Petition. The petition for cancellation or

withdrawal of conversion shall be disposed of in accordance with the following
Upon receipt of the petition, the applicant shall be directed to
comment/oppose within fifteen 15 days from receipt of notice of the petition
together with a copy thereof.
The proceedings involving the petition shall be non-litigious in nature.
Subject to the essential requirements of due process, the technicalities of
law and procedure and the rules governing the admissibility and sufficiency
of evidence obtaining in the courts of law shall not strictly apply.
The concerned DAR official shall undertake reasonable means to
ascertain the facts of the controversy, including a thorough examination of
witnesses, as may be necessary, and ocular inspection of the premises in
The concerned DAR official shall render a decision on the merits of
the case within thirty (30) days from the time the case is deemed submitted
for resolution or upon completion of the ocular inspection.

SECTION 37. Effect of Cancellation/Withdrawal of Conversion Order. In the

event the conversion order is cancelled or withdrawn due to misrepresentation or
concealment of facts, non-compliance with the conditions thereof, serious
violation of DAR rules and regulations, and such other substantial grounds as the
Secretary or the approving authority may deem appropriate, the land subject
thereof shall revert to the status of agricultural lands and shall be subject to
CARP coverage as circumstances may warrant.
Monitoring of Land Conversions
SECTION 38. Responsibility for Monitoring Illegal Conversions. The
Provincial/City Task Forces on Illegal Conversion, created pursuant to DAR-DOJ
Joint Administrative Order No. 05, Series of 1994, shall monitor cases of illegal
conversion of agricultural lands in the provinces or cities, as the case may be.

SECTION 39. Compliance Monitoring. Compliance with the terms and

conditions of the conversion order shall be monitored as follows:
The landowner or developer shall submit quarterly reports on the
status of development to the DAR Regional Office with jurisdiction over the
subject property.
The Regional Office shall monitor compliance by the
applicant/developer with the terms and conditions of the conversion,
including the posting of the approved order. It shall submit quarterly reports
to the Central Office of the Status of all land use conversions, copy
furnished the DAR Provincial and Municipal Offices concerned.
The Central Office shall evaluate and consolidate the reports
submitted by the Regional Office, and render quarterly reports on the status
of all land use conversion applications to the Secretary, through the
Undersecretary for Field Operations, copy furnished the National Task Force
on Illegal Conversion.
The Barangay Agrarian Reform Councils (BARC) and
representatives of non-government organizations/people's organizations
(NGOs/POs) may be authorized by the DAR Secretary or Regional Director
to assist in monitoring compliance with the terms and conditions of the
conversion order, as may be necessary.
Investigation and Prosecution of Illegal, Premature, or Unauthorized
SECTION 40. Prohibited Acts and Omissions. The following acts or omissions
are prohibited:
The conversion by any landowner of his agricultural land into any
non-agricultural use with intent to avoid the application of CARP to his
landholdings and to dispossess his tenant farmers of the land tilled by them,
as provided for under Sec. 73 (c) of RA 6657;

The change of the nature of lands outside urban centers and city
limits either in whole or in part after the effectivity of RA 6657, as provided in
Sec. 73(e) thereof;

Premature conversion as defined under Sec. 4 of RA 8435; and


Unauthorized conversion as defined under Sec. 2 (y) of these Rules.

SECTION 41. Who May be Held Liable. (a) Any landowner or developer who
commits any act which constitutes illegal, premature or unauthorized conversion,
including their accomplices and accessories, if any, shall be investigated
pursuant to these Rules.
If the offender is a corporation or association, the officer responsible
therefor shall be held liable.

SECTION 42. Investigating Officials. (a) The DAR officials, who are designated
members of the Provincial/City Task Forces on Illegal Conversion pursuant
to DAR-DOJ Joint Administrative Order No. 5, Series of 1994, shall be primarily
responsible for the investigation, gathering of evidence and the filing of
complaints against illegal, premature, or unauthorized conversions within their
respective areas of jurisdiction.
The Secretary may, however, direct such other officials as may be
appropriate to investigate cases of illegal, premature, or unauthorized conversion.
He may constitute a team composed of national and/or local DAR officials,
representatives from other law enforcement agencies, and volunteers from nongovernment organizations and people's organizations (NGOs/POs) for this
The Secretary or his duly authorized representative shall be furnished
copies of the investigation reports and other relevant documents for appropriate
SECTION 43. Duties of Provincial/City Task Forces on Illegal Conversion. In
accordance with DAR-DOJ Joint Administrative Order No. 5, Series of 1994, the
Provincial/City Task Forces on Illegal Conversion shall perform the following
duties and responsibilities:

DAR Members


Conduct actual field investigation and case build-up;

File the necessary complaint-affidavit together with supporting
documents before the task force member prosecutor;
Investigate all ongoing development project and conversion of
agricultural land;
Monitor the conversion situation in the province and cities within
the province;
Report to the National Task Force on the conversion situation in
the province and cities within the province; and
Perform such other related functions which may be assigned by
the National Task Force on Illegal Conversion.

DOJ Prosecutor Members


Conduct inquest or preliminary investigation, as the case may

Recommend and file criminal cases against the landowners
and developers involved in illegal conversion of agricultural lands
under RA 6657;
Submit to the National Task Force monthly progress/status
report of all cases involving illegal conversion of agricultural lands; and
Perform such other related functions which may be assigned by
the National Task Force in illegal Conversion.
SECTION 44. Evidentiary Requirements. In illegal, premature, or unauthorized
conversions, investigating officials shall secure the following evidence:

Sworn statements of complainant and the witnesses;


Sketch map;

Photographs of the property showing the developments or
improvement duly authenticated by the photographer;

Certification from the concerned DAR office that no conversion
application was filed or conversion order issued, or certified copy of order of
denial of application or order revoking or cancelling conversion order, or
certified copy of order showing the particular non-agricultural use authorized
for conversion;


Investigation report of concerned DAR officials; and


Other evidence as appropriate.

SECTION 45. Administrative Action. The following procedures shall be

followed in the administrative investigation of illegal, premature, or unauthorized
On the basis of the complaint or report received, the Secretary or his
duly authorized representative shall conduct an investigation to determine if
a prima faciecase of illegal, premature, or unauthorized conversion exists.
Upon determination of a prima facie case, the Secretary or the duly
authorized DAR official shall issue a cease and desist order (CDO) directing
the respondent to stop any and all development activities in the area and
requiring him to explain within ten (10) days from receipt why he should not
be penalized for violation of existing laws, rules and regulations on land use
After the lapse of the period to answer, with or without the answer,
administrative proceedings shall be conducted to determine if the
respondent can be held liable for illegal, premature, or unauthorized
conversion. The proceedings shall not be bound by the technical rules or
procedure and evidence but shall proceed in a most expeditious manner,
employing all reasonable means to ascertain the facts of every case in
accordance with justice and equity and the merits of the case. The
investigating official shall have the power to summon witnesses, administer
oaths, take testimony, require submission of reports, compel the production
of books and documents and answers to interrogatories an
issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum and to enforce its writs through
sheriffs or other duly deputized officers. He shall likewise have the power to
punish direct and indirect contempts in the same manner and subject to the

same penalties as provided in the Rules of Court, in accordance with Sec.

50 of RA 6657.
Upon determination that the respondent committed illegal,
premature, or unauthorized conversion, the cash bond or performance
bond, if any, shall be cancelled and forfeited in favor of the government,
without prejudice to the imposition of other penalties or sanctions as may be
Any government official who, directly or indirectly, assisted or took
part in the commission of illegal, premature, or unauthorized conversion
shall be administratively charged or dealt with in accordance with pertinent
laws and regulations.
SECTION 46. Institution of Criminal Action. (a) The DAR members of
Provincial/City Task Forces on Illegal Conversion shall be primarily responsible
for filing complaints of illegal or premature conversion pursuant to RA 6657 or RA
8435 before the Office of the Provincial or City Prosecutor. However, the
Secretary or the National Task Force in Illegal Conversion may directly institute
such criminal action in flashpoint cases or those which, in his judgment, would
require immediate action to protect public interest.
The DOJ prosecutor-members of the Provincial/City Task Forces on Illegal
Conversion shall conduct inquest or preliminary investigation, as the case may
be, and recommend the filing of criminal cases in court against the landowners,
developers and all those responsible for illegal or premature conversion, as the
evidence may warrant.
However, unauthorized conversions as defined herein shall not warrant
criminal prosecution but only administrative sanctions as may be appropriate.
SECTION 47. Prosecution of Illegal Conversion Cases. The prosecution of
illegal conversion cases shall be the primary responsibility of the designated
provincial/city prosecutors, with active support from the concerned DAR officials.
SECTION 48. Role of National Task Force on Illegal Conversion. Pursuant
to DAR-DOJ Joint Administrative Order No. 4, Series of 1993, the National Task
Force on Illegal Conversion shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:

Identify and set priority areas or provinces where illegal conversion of
agricultural lands are rampant;
Report to the Secretaries of the DAR and DOJ on the conversion
situation in the country;
Recommend the issuance or amendment of guidelines and circulars
on conversions and illegal conversion of agricultural lands;

Designate such persons who will coordinate and monitor the
activities of the Provincial Task Forces on Illegal Conversion; and
Perform such other related functions as may be assigned by the
Secretary of Agrarian Reform and the Secretary of Justice.
Penalties and Sanctions
SECTION 49. Administrative Sanctions. The DAR may impose any or all of the
following sanctions after determining, in an appropriate administrative
proceedings, that a violation of these Rules has been committed:
Cancellation or withdrawal of the authorization for land use

Blacklisting of the applicant, developer, or representative;

Automatic disapproval of pending and subsequent conversion
applications that the offender may file with the DAR;
Issuance of cease and desist order (CDO) by the Secretary or the
duly authorized DAR official upon verified reports that premature
conversion/illegal conversion activities are being undertaken; or
Forfeiture of cash bond or performance bond in accordance with
Section 16 hereof.
SECTION 50. Criminal Penalties. (a) Pursuant to Sections 73 (c)(e) an 74
of RA 6657, any person who knowingly or willfully converts agricultural land into
any non-agricultural use with intent to avoid the application of said Act and to
dispossess his tenant farmers of the land tilled by them; or who changes the

nature of lands outside urban centers and city limits in whole or in part after the
effectivity of RA 6657, shall be punished by imprisonment of not less than one (1)
month to not more that three (3) years or a fine of not less than fifteen thousand
(P15,000.00) pesos, or both, at the discretion of the court.
Any person found guilty of premature or illegal conversion under RA
8435 shall be penalized, in accordance with Section 11 thereof, with
imprisonment of two (2) to six (6) years, or a fine equivalent to one hundred
percent (100%) of the government's investment cost, or both, at the discretion of
the court, and an accessory penalty of forfeiture of the land and any improvement
Transitory Provisions
SECTION 51. Lifting of Suspension. Pursuant to the President's Memorandum
dated December 28, 1998, the suspension of approval of applications for land
use conversion is hereby lifted upon the effectivity of this Order. The suspension
of acceptance of applications provided under DAR Memorandum Circular No. 1,
Series of 1999 is likewise lifted, and new applications for conversion may,
thereafter, be accepted by the concerned DAR Regional/Central Offices in
accordance with these Rules.
SECTION 52. Effect on Pending Applications. This Order shall apply to all
applications filed upon its effectivity. All other applications filed previous thereof
shall be governed by the pertinent administrative orders or issuances in force at
the time of the filing of said applications, except as to the procedures herein
which shall be made applicable to all pending applications.
SECTION 53. Applicable Rules Pending Delineation of SAFDZs. Pending
delineation and establishment of the SAFDZs, applications for conversion filed
upon the effectivity of this Orders hall be governed by the rules provided herein
and other pertinent guidelines on land use conversion.
Final Provisions

SECTION 54. Repealing Clause. This Order repeals DAR Memorandum

Circular No. 23, Series of 1997, DAR Administrative Order No. 7, Series of 1997,
and all other issuances inconsistent hereof.
SECTION 55. Separability Clause. In the event that any of the provisions of
this Order is declared unconstitutional, the validity of the other provisions shall
not be affected by said declaration.

SECTION 56. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect ten (10) days after its
publication in two (2) national newspaper of general circulation.

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