Cefr Vocab b2 c1
Cefr Vocab b2 c1
Cefr Vocab b2 c1
2 Functions/ notions
20 Describing experiences
Q I was walking the dog in the park when
I heard a loud crash. I looked in the
direction of the noise and saw that
a huge tree had fallen down. There were
some people screaming and calling
for help and some children were trapped
under one of the fallen branches.
specialising in finance.
Q You need to place the pizza dough in
before 10 oclock.
Q Hes probably gone to the library.
Q Were definitely not going to Spain
this year.
very helpful
Q More often than not he shops in the
High Street.
Q Taking into consideration the cost of
on the cost.
Q Provided that there is no rain, the
Q Fantastic idea!
Q Whatever.
Q Thats ridiculous!
29 Expressing opinions
Q If I were you, Id just say no.
Q From her point of view, we have to do
Q Brilliant!
Q Great!
34 Developing an argument
Q To begin with its a bigger problem
than you think.
Q As far as I am concerned this has
Q I totally agree.
Q Thats a good point.
Q No Im afraid I cant agree with you there.
Q You cant be serious!
Q Dont be silly!
Q Thats ridiculous.
there anymore.
Q One reason why
Q Another argument for/against . . . is . . .
Q X maintains that . . .
Q Y states that . . .
Q It could be argued/asserted that . . .
Q In conclusion . . .
39 Discourse Functions
32 Expressing reaction, e.g. indifference
Q Why ask me?
Q Thank gooodness
41 Checking understanding
From speakers point of view
Q Are you following me?
Q Shall we begin?
right now?
Q Are you trying to say you dont want
you correctly.
Q So what youre really saying is . . .
Q Am I right in assuming . . .
department, Rosa?
right now.
Q Lets get back to the issue under
Q Hold on!
Q Before I forget . . .
Q Anyway, I was telling you about Johns
party . . .
Q To get back to what I was saying . . .
Q Really?
the country.
Q Im all ears.
Q Tell me more
Q What makes you say that?
Q Im listening.
Q Mmmmmm.
Q Dont stop.
didnt you?
46 Discourse Markers
Q Go on.
on this.
Q On another subject..
Q Carry on.
Q Hang on!
Q That reminds me . . .
55 Verb forms
67 Simple past (narrative)
Q To help pay for his keep and to help
his family, Andrew, who was still only
15 years old, began working ten-hour
days at a Kensington hotel washing
dishes and cleaning the kitchen.
He earned just 6 pounds per week.
The harsh working conditions and the
cruelty of the kitchen staff had a strong
influence on his later political outlook,
and informed his work when he began
his literary career, particularly the novel
that made him famous, Working Boy.
68 Past continuous (narrative)
Q Antonio was walking away from the
crowd when the trouble started. He was
72 Past perfect continuous
Q I was tired. Id been working for
sixteen hours.
Q They had been driving so fast that the
73 Future
76 Future time (will & going to)
Q You will succeed where I have failed.
Q Here comes the bus now. We arent
78 Future perfect
Q Id better go and collect the girls.
Theyll have finished school by now.
Q Ill call you at six. Will you have arrived
by then?
Q She wont have left by then.
94 Phrasal Verbs
96 Extended phrasal verb
Q Lets splash out on a bottle of
Q Watching that programme has put me
off chicken.
Q Ill take you up on that offer.
97 Passives
99 All passive forms
Q Im being eaten alive by these
Q I wasnt told about the new rules.
80 Present Perfect
our time.
Q Have you been seeing Julie behind
my back?
Q The new treatment for malaria has been
89 Conditionals
92 Mixed conditionals
Q If I had studied harder, Id be at
university now.
Q If Id got that job I applied for Id be
working in Istanbul.
Q I would have driven you to the match
93 Wish
Q I wish I was rich.
Q She wished she hadnt hurt his feelings.
Q The children he played with thought
Q Shelly and Byrons poetry, which used
now. (Assumption)
Q I knew we might have to pay to get in.
Q You shouldnt have shouted at him.
of betrayal.
Q Happiness in marriage is something
developing countries.
151 Adverbs
155 Adjectives and adverbs
Q He scored a direct hit.
Q The train goes direct to London without
of the paper.
158 Attitudinal adverbs
Q Frankly, I couldnt care less
Q Clearly, he was in the wrong.
Q Apparently, he was in line for promotion.
Q Fortunately, he had a spare pair of shoes
with him.
accommodation to offer.
Q Hes a very heavy smoker.
Q Im retaking the exam next week.
160 Intensifiers
165 Collocation of intensifiers
Q After working all day and all night he was
totally exhausted.
Q He was absolutely horrified when
it comes to housework.
Q I am entirely satisfied that he followed
an hour or two.
Q I cant be bothered with the hassle.
Q She fell and landed on her bum.
189 Topics
196 Education
197 Film
198 Books and literature
199 News, lifestyles and current affairs
200 Media
201 Arts
2 Functions/ notions
21 Expressing attitudes and
feelings precisely
Q Well it would be all right if they came out
and said it, but I have a bit of a problem
with . . .
Q I dont really feel comfortable with . . .
Q I couldnt care less whether . . . or not.
Q Im afraid this is something I feel quite
strongly about.
Q Cristina became a vegetarian and her
the meeting.
27 Synthesizing, evaluating,
glossing information
Q In a nutshell, it was the headmaster
who had to take responsibility.
Q To cut a long story short, he ended
up sleeping on my floor.
Q All things considered, I think weve made
to say . . .
Q To recap on what has been said
so far, . . .
28 Speculating and hypothesising
about causes, consequences etc.
Q Supposing he had missed his train?
Q If the pound did drop to parity with the
the surprise.
Q It could well be the best solution.
Q Thats amazing!
a problem here.
Q I suppose that could be an option.
Q I rather doubt that hell come.
Q Its not something I feel strongly about
Q Well one option/possibility might be
to go earlier.
Q I really think that the people who produce
Q Absolutely!
Q I dont believe it.
However . . .
Q Opponents of this idea try to suggest
that . . . However . . .
that . . .
Q Thus to conclude, the central issues are .
to . . .
35 Conceding a point
Q I see what you mean, but . . .
Q I take your point. I agree we need . . . /
that . . .
Q But surely one still needs to take X into
38 Responding to counterarguments
Q What you say may be true in some
contexts, however in this case.
Q You may be right, but I still think
that . . ..
Q Whilst it may indeed be true that . . . ,
I still think . . .
Q It is true that . . .
Q On the contrary, . . .
right that . . .
Q That may be true, but . . .
I was making . . .
Q I can see where you are coming from
a mistake.
Q All the same, she deserves another
people nowadays
46 Discourse Markers
55 Verb forms
Q My grandmother used to live by the
is going to lose.
Q I just got a phone call from Raoul. Hes
dont you?
Q If only hed take more care of his health.
Q If only I had behaved a bit better,
94 Phrasal Verbs
96 Extended phrasal verbs (splitting)
Q The policeman broke the fight up
very quickly.
Q She talked me into going to her parents
up to it.
97 Passives
166 Lexis
job tomorrow.
Q The seats will all have been taken by
like that.
Q Having been beaten so many times,
We had some.
Q I dont think anyone could have done
Q Its a no go area.
up at the party.
Q The whole thing was a cock-up from
beginning to end.
Q He tried to flog me an old banger.
like that.
200 Media
201 Arts
151 Adverbs
159 Inversion (negative adverbials)
Q Little did I know that he had already left
the company.
Q I wouldnt say shes antisocial, just
a bit shy.
Q It wasnt bad, just a bit disappointing.
British Council/EAQUALS 2010
The British Council is the United Kingdoms international organisation for cultural relations
and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland).
EAQUALS is an international accreditation body for language education providers.
An NGO to the Council of Europe.