When Is An Independent Protection Layer
When Is An Independent Protection Layer
When Is An Independent Protection Layer
We are going to continue discussing the results from exidas recently published industry
benchmark survey on the practices for the use of alarms as safeguards and IPLs. Over
200 safety practitioners from around the world provided responses. This entry will
discuss the relationship between alarms identified as safeguards and those that
become IPLs. One industry reference defines a safeguard as a potential protection
layer that has yet to be evaluated in a LOPA to determine effectiveness and
independence [1]
Respondents provided feedback to the following question: What percentage of the
alarms that are considered during a Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) were identified
during a Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)?
Ideally 100% of the alarms that are considered in a LOPA would have first been
identified as a safeguard/recommendation in the PHA. Figure 2 shows that in practice,
this is far from the case. Only 12.4% of the respondents indicated that all (100%) of the
alarms in the LOPA had come from the PHA. 51% of the respondents appear to
frequently identify new alarms during LOPA that were missed during the PHA. This
would seem to indicate poor PHA practices. Failing to identify alarms during a PHA could
signal various issues, such as a lack of thoroughness, lack of documenting all
safeguards in order to save time, or a lack of understanding of the process. This blogger
wonders whether this pattern is unique to the treatment of alarms or is present for
other safeguards as well.
Safety Instrumented System (SIS) logic solver. Less commonly, some also use these
same three signals as inputs to the basic process control system (BPCS), usually with a
mid-select function for feedback control of a process variable. This practice involves
splitting each of the three signals with one analog input to the Safety PLC and one
analog input to the BPCS. Signal repeaters are typically powered by the SIS.
ISA and IEC standards for SIS encourage users to separate field devices used in BPCS
from field devices used in the SIS. The intent is to ensure that no device that is used in
BPCS can fail in a way that inhibits or degrades the performance of the SIS. This
position would argue that the shared transmitter practice of shared BPCS and SIS
transmitters in a 2oo3 vote is not compliant with ISA and IEC standards for SIS. The
ANSI/ISA 84.00.01-2004 standard Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for
the Process Industry Sector (harmonized with the IEC-51511 standard) states:
Clause 11.2.9 The design of the SIS shall take into consideration all aspects of
independence and dependence between the SIS and BPCS, and the SIS and other
protection layers. And
Clause 11.2.10 A device used to perform part of a safety instrumented function shall
not be used for basic process control purposes, where a failure of that device results in
a failure of the basic process control function which causes a demand on the safety
instrumented function, unless an analysis has been carried out to confirm that the
overall risk is acceptable.
Therefore, allowance is made for situations where sharing BPCS / SIS field devices is
suitable from the perspective of risk. In precise terms used in risk analysis, shared
signals for BPCS and SIS only become a problem when there is a potential for a
transmitter failure that inhibits or degrades the performance of the SIS while
simultaneously creating a demand for the SIS to take action by causing the BPCS to
malfunction in a way that initiates a hazardous condition. For example, if loss of liquid
level in a vessel could result in a hazardous gas blow-by event, a single level
transmitter that is used for both control and safety could fail in place above the set
point. This would falsely indicate a high level. In this scenario with a single transmitter
and a 1oo1 vote to trip, the SIS would be unaware of any subsequent low level
conditions. Simultaneously, the BPCS would sense high level and take action to drive
the level in the vessel lower. Because the transmitter has failed in place, the level would
continue to drop until a hazardous low level condition occurred. Clearly, this is not an
acceptable level transmitter configuration for safety-critical applications.
Conversely, shared signals for BPCS and SIS are not an issue in risk analysis terms,
when there is no potential failure mode of the BPCS control loop that would place a
demand on the SIS. One example would be backflow prevention safeguards afforded by
shared flow transmitters. The SIL Selection team identified no failure modes for flow
control loops that could result in a potential hazardous backflow condition occurring.
This hazard would only occur if charge pump fails. No demand would occur for the SIS
to trip even if flow transmitter(s) were in a failed state.
In the refining industry, we see use of three transmitters in a 2oo3 vote to trip in the SIS
and a mid-select function in the BPCS. When 3 transmitters are operational, no single
transmitter failure would simultaneously inhibit the SIS and initiate a hazardous
condition that would place a demand on the SIS. However, not all transmitter modes-offailure, that would traditionally be safeguarded by a typical 2oo3 vote to trip, are being
safeguarded by this practice.
Kenexis has identified the following failure modes that are unprotected by the SIS:
Two transmitters failed in a dangerous undetected mode such as fail-in-place. This
would defeat the protection afforded by the SIS. In this case, the demand for the
hazardous condition would occur simultaneous with the failure of the second
transmitter. Because three transmitters are used to sense the same process variable,
deviation alarms could be used to diagnose a single transmitter being failed-in-place.
A common cause failure mechanism that simultaneously defeats all three transmitters.
Note: this failure mechanism could not be argued to be safeguarded against by
providing additional transmitters that physically separate the BPCS and SIS.
The SIS has degraded to a 1oo1 vote due to diagnosed failures of two out of three
transmitters. Repair to either transmitter has not yet occurred. In this time interval, a
single transmitter is now being used for both control and SIS protection. If this
transmitter were to fail dangerous undetected mode (e.g., fail-in-place) prior to repair of
the remaining two, the SIS would be inhibited and the BPCS would simultaneously
initiate a hazardous condition that would result in a demand on the SIS. Using
administrative procedures that ensure faulted transmitters are repaired within a
relatively short time-frame (e.g., 72 hours) would greatly reduce the likelihood of this
scenario. This would be covered under procedures for defeat of critical safety systems
and temporary operation with Safety Instrumented System in bypass.
Kenexis advises our customers that ISA / IEC standards do not promote use of the
practice of sharing BPCS/SIS transmitters. Further, Kenexis advises our customers on
the potential failure modes which are not protected by the SIS when using this practice,
which are limited to the above four identified interlocks.
Some customers deem these risks to be tolerable given the engineering design and
strong administrative controls that are in place for these systems. Others prefer the
more traditional separation of BPCS and SIS transmitters. ANSI/ISA standards on SIS
allow sharing, but require additional analysis of failure modes, the likelihood of failure,
and an assessment of the risk.
Acceptance Test (SAT) in which Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) is thoroughly tested.
The plan involved exercising each transmitter through its range of normal operation,
alarm points, and trip points. Final elements were reset and observed to change state
during a trip, thereby proving that the SIF logic as well as all field devices were
functioning properly. We encountered a non-conformance when testing for transmitter
fault conditions. The procedure involved driving the transmitter outside the normal 4 to
20 mA range. The expected behavior is for this to be detected by the SIS logic solver,
and the associated process variable to be placed in a vote-to-trip state. In the first,
when we drive the transmitter below the calibrated range resulting in a signal below 4
mA at the PLC. However, no vote-to-trip occurred. The signal was lowered to 3 mA, 2
mA and so forth, but no change in state was observed. We discovered that the
configuration of the logic solver relied upon fault detection at the Analog Input module,
which would set a fault bit and communicate this to the processor. It was noted that this
logic was not properly functioning. The resolution was to program logic in the SIS
application for the processor to detect the out of range condition and properly place the
process variable in a vote-to-trip state.
A thorough examination of the SIS should include defining the saturation current of
each transmitter or type of transmitter being used as input to the SIS. Saturation
current is the lowest current that a transmitter will generate while still functioning
within the calibrated range. For example, a transmitter may be able calibrated to read
100 psig to 1500 psig. 4mA would correspond to 100 psig. The saturation current may
be 3.9 mA for a transmitter. The fault detection is typically set at 0.1 mA below the
saturation current, or other value specified by the vendor. This results in a fault
detection at 3.8 mA or below for this example. Logic was also programmed to detect an
over-range fault as well; however, each transmitter is configured to drive the signal
downscale on a self-diagnosed fault condition. Again, the exact value of the fault
current will vary from vendor to vendor, but it will be significantly lower than the
saturation current. For example, the fault current may be 3.75 mA, which would be
detected by our 3.8 mA or less PLC diagnostic.
The important concept here is to understand the engineering techniques used to verify
that the design of the SIF meets the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) target. This is known as
SIL Verification, which involves a reliability engineering principals and an examination of
possible device failure modes. Each transmitter will have a characteristic failure rate for
failure modes such as Fail High, Fail Low, and Fail in Place. Self-diagnosed fault
conditions are usually configured to result in a Fail Low effect. The SIL verification
calculations typically assume that all over-range (>20mA) or under-range (<4mA)
conditions result in a vote-to-trip, which results in a potentially dangerous failure mode
being converted to a safe outcome. This reduces the SIF probability of failure on
demand (PFD) and increases the achieved Risk Reduction Factor (RRF). It would be a
significant gap if the SIS configuration for fault detection does not match with these
assumptions used in SIL verification.
At Kenexis, we always require function test plans to verify proper handling of
transmitter faults by the SIS Logic Solver. When using a Safety PLC that is certified for
SIS applications, this fault handling is typically the default configuration. However, when
using a general purpose industrial PLC with a safety configuration, this type of fault
handling may require application programming. Please contact Kenexis is youd like
more guidance on SIS function testing, also called proof testing.
defined action, which could theoretically include automatic shutdown of the process.
Albeit safe, this would not be desirable in most situations, so other configuration
options should be considered.
Typically, Kenexis recommends the SIS be provided with physical switch that is
hardwired to an SIS digital input channel. This is usually a keyswitch that is designated
Bypass Enable. When the switch is in the NORMAL position, the input channel is
OFF, and the SIS is programmed to ignore any requests to bypass any SIS input from
the HMI. When the switch is in the ENABLE position, the input channel is ON, and the
SIS will permit bypasses to be requested from the HMI.
Failure of the communication link between the HMI and the SIS would be a revealed
condition that would generate a fault alarm; however, the state of bypasses would not
change in the SIS. Even though the comm link is down, operators can remove any
bypasses by switching the Bypass Enable keyswitch to NORMAL.
If a Bypass Enable switch has not been provided in the design, then operators would not
have this ability to remove bypasses that were in effect at the time of the
communications failure. This does not conform to Clause To resolve this
without adding a bypass enable switch, we would require the SIS to be configured to
automatically remove any bypasses that might be in effect at the time of comms
failure. Obviously, this could result in a SIF to activate if an input were not in service or
otherwise outside the safe operating limits at the time of the comms failure. As this
may result in an unwanted shutdown of the process, the bypass enable switch avoids
the need for this configuration of the SIS.