Cologne Mani Codex
Cologne Mani Codex
Cologne Mani Codex
". . . little by little . . . I have shown you unholy . . from many . . . . But you will be able to
behold that mystery magnificently and most lucidly.' And then the angel was hidden from .
......I (Mani) was protected through the might of the angels and the powers of holiness
who were entrusted with my safekeeping, and they nourished me with visions and signs
which they made known to me, slight and quite brief, as far as I was able to bear. For
sometimes like a flash of lightning he came . . .
. . . but he was reassuring me also about this power which is steadfast in affliction.
Now very many are the visions and exceedingly great are the sights which he showed to
me during all that time of my youth. But I . . remained in silence. Except . . .
...... with wisdom and skill (I was) going about in their midst, keeping the Rest, neither
doing wrong, nor inflicting pain, nor following the Law of the Baptists, nor speaking in the
way they did.
Salmaios the ascetic
". . . to him . But neither do you take vegetables from the garden, nor do you carry wood
for his use."
But that Baptist constrained me, saying: "Get up and come with me to the place where
there is wood; take it and carry it." We went away to a certain date-palm tree, and he
climbed up . . . .
........"If you keep the pain away from us (trees) you will not perish with the murderer."
Then that Baptist, gripped by fear of me, came down from it in confusion, and fell at my
feet and said: "I did not know that this secret mystery is with you. Whence was the agony
of the date-palm tree revealed to you?" . .
(Mani is now speaking) ". . . When the date-palm tree said this to you, why did you
become greatly frightened and change your complexion? How much more will that one,
with whom all the plants speak, be disturbed?" Thereupon he was dumbfounded, beside
himself in amazement over me. He said to me: "Guard this mystery, tell it to no one, lest
someone become envious and destroy you. . . .
. . . for the sake of the Rest, one of the leaders of their Law spoke to me, having observed
that I did not take vegetables from the garden, but instead asked them (for the
vegetables) as a pious gift.
He said to me: "Why did you not take vegetables from the garden, but instead ask me (for
them) as a pious gift?" After that Baptist had spoken to me . . . .
Annimo wasted away, wailing like human beings, and, as it
The blood was streaming down from the place cut by the
his hands. And they were crying out in a human voice on
Baptist was greatly moved by what he saw, and he came
then, . . . . .
........until the fourth year. Then I (Mani) gained entrance to the teaching of the Baptists in
which I was reared, while my body was young, being guarded by the might of the Lightangels and the exceedingly strong powers, who had a command from Jesus, the Splendor,
for (my) safekeeping. They, then, immediately . . .
.......from the waters a face of a man appeared to me, showing with his hand the Rest, so
that I might not sin and bring trouble to him. In this way, from my fourth year until I
attained my bodily maturity, by the hands of the most pure angels and the powers of
holiness I was protected without anyone's notice . . .
. . at another time a voice, like that of the Twin, spoke to me out of the air, saying:
"Strengthen your power, make your mind firm, and receive all that is about to be revealed
to you." And again, he said the same: "Strengthen your power, make your mind strong,
and submit to all that is about to come upon you." . ". . . we have been sent out by the
great fathers ."
Baraies the Teacher
My lord (Mani) said thus: "Just as nowadays a young horse, used by a king, becomes the
king's mount through the capability of the horse trainers, so that he might sit upon it in
honor and glory and carry out his particular task, in this same way the mind possesses the
body, in order to do the good. . . . . .
....... of . . . place . . . for the king's rest; and a certain garment was fitted for the one
who put it on; the ship was equipped for the best skipper so that he might catch valued
treasures from the sea; the holy place was set up for glory of the mind; and the most holy
shrine, for revelation of its wisdom; the . . . interest . . . has been paid fully . . . .
......... in (the) body), (that) he might ransom those enslaved from the powers (of the
other world) and set free their members from the subjection of the rebels and from the
authority of those who keep guard, and through it (i.e., the body) he might disclose the
truth of its own knowledge, and in it open wide the door to those confined within, and
through it he might hold out well-being to those . . . .
.......... and from all laws, and (that) he might free the souls from ignorance by becoming
Paraclete and leader of the apostleship in this generation. Then, at the time when my body
reached its full growth, immediately there flew down and appeared before me that most
beautiful and greatest mirror-image of my self . . . .
.........When I was twenty -four years old, in -the year in which Dariardaxar, the King. of
Persia, subdued the city Atra, also in which his son Sapores, the King, crowned himself
with the grand diadem, in the month of Pharmouthi, on the eighth day of the lunar month,
the most blessed Lord was greatly moved with compassion for me, called me into his
grace, and immediately sent to me from there my Twin, appearing in great glory . . . . .
.........he (is) mindful of and informer of all the best counsels from our Father and from the
good first right hand far away."
And again, he (Mani) spoke thus: "When my Father was pleased and had mercy and
compassion on me, to ransom (me) from the error of the Sectarians, he took
consideration of me through his very many revelations, (and) he sent to me my Twin . . . hope and redemption for (those who) suffer patiently, the truest instructions
and counsels, and the laying on of hands from our Father. When, then, he (the Twin)
came, he delivered, separated, and pulled me away from the midst of that Law in which I
was reared. In this way he called, chose, drew, and severed me from their midst . . .,
drawing me to the divine side. .
(the Twin is instructing Mani concerning) ...... who I am, what my body is, in what way I
have come, how my arrival into this world took place, who I am of the ones most
renowned for their eminence, how I was begotten into this fleshly body, by what woman I
was delivered and born according to the flesh, and by whose passion I was
engendered . . . . .
........and how . . . came into being; and who my Father on high is; or in what way,
severed from him, I was sent out according to his purpose; and what sort of commission
and counsel he has given to me before I clothed myself in this instrument, and before I
was led astray in this detestable flesh, and before I clothed myself with its drunkenness
and habits; and who that one is, who is himself my ever-vigilant Twin.....
(the Twin showed Mani)
. . . the secrets and visions and the perfection's of my Father; and concerning me, who I
am, and who my inseparable Twin is; moreover, concerning my soul, which exists as the
soul of all the worlds, both what it itself is and how it came to be. Beside these, he
revealed to me the boundless heights and the unfathomable depths; he showed me
all . ......
.......reverently . . . and I acquired him as my own possession. I believed that he belongs
to me and is (mine) and is a good and excellent counselor. I recognized him and
understood that I am that one from whom I was separated. I testified that I myself am
that one who is unshakable. . . . .
.......And again he (Mani) said thus: "With the greatest possible ingenuity and skill I went
about in that Law, preserving this hope in my heart; no one perceived who it was that was
with me, and I myself revealed nothing to anyone during that great period of time. But
neither did I, like them, keep the fleshly custom . . .
I revealed nothing of what happened, or of what will happen, nor what it is that I knew, or
what it is that I had received."
The teachers say
When, then, that all-glorious and all-blessed one (the Twin) disclosed to me these
exceedingly great secrets, he began to say to me: "This mystery I have revealed to you . .
. to reveal.
{pages 27 and 28 are missing}
while it cuts away the weeds and the fruits of the earth to cut off the branches of all the
rebels (thus) it is, truth that alone is glorified and reigns like the . . . of Height . . .
to those bound together according to the flesh; but also in this way, little by little, I
detached myself from the midst of that Law in which I was reared, marveling beyond all
measure at those mysteries . . . many . . .
in number, but I am solitary. For these are rich, but I am poor . How then shall I, alone
against all, be able to reveal this mystery in the midst of the multitude entangled in error?
with which also there are associated very many helpers. Now while I was considering and
pondering these things in my heart, immediately my most glorious Twin appeared,
standing directly opposite to me, saying to me: " . . . to you I shall be revealed as a good
counselor of all counsels. And now I am . . . of all your plans . . . counselor. . . . ready . . .
I shall be revealed .......
and for this very thing you were begotten. You, then, expound all that I have given to you.
I shall be your ally and protector at all times."
. . . of the Fathers of Light. All that occurs in the ships he revealed to me. And again, he
disclosed the womb of the pillar, the Fathers, and the mightiest powers which are
hidden ......
to be chosen and appear to me; prepared and perfected with its teachers and bishops,
elect and catechumens, with the dining tables of piety and greatest helpers, and all who
are about to become . . .
. . . (when) he revealed to me (the) hidden and secret (things), I fell down before him and
said: "These things which I ask from you are given to me and will remain with me at all
times, not hidden but clearly manifested through my hands . . . to all eyes . . .
(that) I might forgive those who err, and again, (that) no one might get the better of me
in wisdom, and that I may be healthy and free from danger. Also that the souls of the
victors may be seen, coming out from the world, by every human eye. Likewise . . .
and again, when I am beset by affliction or persecutions, (that) I might be hidden from
before my enemies."
Then that most glorious one said to me: "These gifts which you asked of me, one of them
is given to some of the brothers and the sisters, who according to . . .
(the Twin continues speaking) as it befits the generation in which you were revealed, in
order that you might impart pardon of sins to those sinners who accept repentance from
you and rely on holiness, so that you might set free and impart forgiveness of trespasses
and accusations to your Elect . Still.....
And again, if you ever are in affliction and call upon me, I shall be found standing near
you, to be your shield in every affliction and danger. These signs for which you asked me
will be made known through me, so that they may be revealed most clearly to you. For I
shall show . . .
wonders of the lie which are pitted against them. For it is through the signs of the truth
that those of the lie are nullified. "Now after the most glorious one said these things to
me, and strengthened and encouraged me regarding the . . .
Baraies the teacher
. . . . Know, then, brothers, and understand all these things written herein: concerning the
way in which this apostleship in this generation was sent, just as we have been taught
from him; and also concerning his body . . .
(concerning) this apostleship of the Spirit, the Paraclete, (so that no one) will change
allegiance and say: "These alone have written about the rapture of their teacher in order
to boast." And again, concerning the origin of his body . . .
he sins. For let the one who is willing hear and pay attention, how each one of the
forefathers showed his own revelation to his elect, which he chose and brought together in
that generation in which he appeared, and how he wrote (it) and bequeathed (it) to
posterity. Now he (i.e., each forefather) explained about his rapture; and they (i.e., the
elect) preached it to outsiders . . .
to write and demonstrate hereafter and to praise and extol their teachers and the truth
and the hope which was revealed to them. So, then, during the course and circuit of his
apostleship each one, as he saw, spoke and wrote for a memoir -- as well as about his
Thus first Adam . . . said in his Apocalypse: " . . angel . . .
of the radiant face of you whom I do not know. Then he said to him: 'I am Balsamos, the
greatest angel of light. Wherefore take and write these things which I reveal to you on
most pure papyrus, incorruptible and insuceptible to worms"- and he revealed to him very
many other things in the vision as well. For very great was the glory about him. Now he
(Adam) beheld also the angels, commanders-in-chief, very great powers. . .
Adam. And he became mightier than all the powers and the angels of creation. Now many
other things like these are in his writings.
Likewise, also Sethel, his son, has written thus in his Apocalypse, saying: ' I opened my eyes
and beheld before my face an angel, whose splendor I was not able to speak of from my
experience. For it was nothing other than flashes of lightning. ...
when I listened to these things, my heart rejoiced and my mind was changed, and I became like
one of the greatest angels. When that angel placed his hand on my right hand, he wrenched me
from the world from which I was born and carried me off to another place exceedingly great.
Now I heard behind me a very great uproar from those angels whom I left behind in this world
and . . . And I saw . . . human .......
Now many things like these were mentioned in his writings, how he was snatched up by that
angel from world to world and (how) he revealed to him very great mysteries of majesty.
Again in the Apocalypse of Enosh it reads thus: "In the third year, on the tenth month, I went
out for a walk into the desert land, reflecting in my mind about heaven and earth and about all
the works and things --by what reason they have come into being and by whose will they
exist. ......
of death and he snatched me up with very great silence. My heart became heavy, all my limbs
trembled, my backbone was shaken violently, and my feet did not stand on their pins. I went
away to many flat plains and saw there extremely high mountains. The Spirit snatched me up
and carried me off to the mountain in silent power. There many great visions were revealed to
me." Again he said . . 'The angel . ....
to the north and I beheld there enormous mountains and angels and many places. Now he spoke
with me and said: 'He who is eminently most powerful sent me to you so that I may reveal to
you the secrets which you pondered, since you were singled out for the truth. Now all these
things that are hidden, write upon bronze tablets and store them up in the desert land. All that
you write, write most clearly.
For this revelation of mine, which never dies, is ready to be revealed to all the brothers and
sisters.'" Now many other things like these are in his writings, which tell about his rapture and
revelation. For all which he heard and saw he wrote down and bequeathed to all posterity of the
Spirit of Truth.
Likewise, also, Shem spoke in this way in his Apocalypse: "I was reflecting about how all the
works came to be. As I pondered, suddenly the living Spirit snatched me, lifted me up with
greatest force, set me down on the pinnacle of a very high mountain, and said to me: . .
give glory to the greatest King of honor.'" And again he said: "Silently doors were thrown open
and clouds were parted by the wind. I saw a glorious throne room coming down from the highest
height and a angel standing by it. The image of the form of his face was lovely and fresh, more
so than the gleaming splendor of the sun still more so than lightning . .....
of embroidery (like) a crown plaited with May flowers. Then the features of my face were
changed, so that I fell upon the ground. My backbone was shaken violently; my feet did not
stand on their pins. A voice stole in at me, calling from the throne room. It came over to me,
took hold of my right hand and picked me up. It blew a breath of life into my face and brought
an increase in my power and glory."
Now many other things like these are in his writings, including also what the angels revealed to
him and said to write down for a memoir.
Again Enoch spoke in this way in his Apocalypse: "I am Enoch, the just. Great is my distress and
there is an outpouring of tears from my eyes, because I have heard the reproach which came
from the mouth of the impious." Now he was saying: "With tears in my eyes and a prayer on my
lips, I beheld standing before me seven angels coming down from heaven. When I saw them, I
was shaken by fear, so that my knees knocked against each other."
And again he said thus: "One of the angels, Michael by name, said to me: 'For this reason I have
been sent to you, so that we may point out to you all the works and reveal to you the realm of
the pious, and that I may show you the realm of the impious and what the place of punishment
of the lawless is like.'" Again he said: "They set me on a chariot of wind and carried me off to the
ends of the heavens. We passed through the worlds, the world of death and the world of
darkness and the world of fire. After these things they brought me into an extremely rich world,
which was most glorious in its light, more splendid than the luminaries which I saw." He beheld
everything and carefully questioned the angels; and whatever they said to him, he would
inscribe in his writings.
Likewise, we know that the apostle Paul was snatched up to the third heaven, just as he says in
his Letter to the Galatians: "Paul an apostle--not from men nor through man, but through Jesus
Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead ." And in the second Letter to the
Corinthians he says: "I shall go on to visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a man in
Christ--whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows--that this one was
snatched up into Paradise and heard secret words which are not permitted for a man to utter.
About such a one I shall boast, but about myself I shall not boast." Again in the Letter to the
Galatians: "I show, brothers, the gospel which I have preached to you, that I have not received
it from man, nor was I taught it, but through a revelation of Jesus Christ." Now while he was
outside of himself, and snatched up into the third heaven and into Paradise, he both saw and
heard, and it is this very thing that he recorded in riddles about his rapture and apostleship for
the fellow initiates of the mysteries.
In conclusion, all the most blessed apostles, saviors, evangelists, and prophets of the truth-each of them beheld insofar as the living hope was revealed to him for proclamation.
And they wrote down, bequeathed, and stored up for remembrance for the future sons of the
divine Spirit, who will understand the sense of his voice.
Also in this way, it is fitting for the all-praiseworthy apostle (Mani), through whom and from
whom has come to us the hope and inheritance of life, to write to us and to interpret to all
posterity, the householders of faith, and those who are spiritual offspring, increasing through his
most limpid waters, so that his rapture and revelation may be known to them. For we know,
brothers, with this arrival of the Paraclete of Truth, how great the magnitude of (his) wisdom is
in relationship to us. We acknowledge that he has received it neither from men, nor from the
reading of books, just as our father (Mani) himself says in the letter which he sent to Edessa. For
he says thus:
"The truth and the secrets which I speak about--and the laying on of hands which is in my
possession--not from men have I received it nor from fleshly creatures, not even from studies in
the Scriptures. But when my most blessed Father, who called me into his grace, beheld me, since
he did not wish me and the rest who are in the world to perish, he felt compassion, so that he
might extend his well-being to those prepared to be chosen by him from the sects. Then, by his
grace, he pulled me from the council of the many who do not recognize the truth and revealed to
me his secrets and those of his undefiled Father and of all the cosmos. He disclosed to me how I
was before the foundation of the world, and how the groundwork of all the works, both good and
evil, was laid, and how everything of this aggregation was engendered according to its present
boundaries and times ."
He wrote thus again and said in the Gospel of his most holy hope:
"I, Mani, an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, the Father of Truth, from whom I
also was born, who lives and abides forever, existing before all and also abiding after all. All
things which are and will be subsist through his power. For from this very one I was begotten;
and I am from his will. From him all that is true was revealed to me; and I am from his truth.
The truth of ages which he revealed I have seen, and (that) truth I have disclosed to my fellow
travelers; peace I have announced to the children of peace, hope I have proclaimed to the
immortal race. The Elect I have chosen and a path to the height I have shown to those who
ascend according to this truth. Hope I have proclaimed and this revelation I have revealed. This
immortal Gospel I have written, including in it these eminent mysteries, and disclosing in it the
greatest works, the greatest and most august forms of the most eminently powerful works.
These things which he revealed, I have shown to those who live from the truest vision, which I
have beheld, and the most glorious revelation revealed to me."
Again he said: "All the secrets which my Father has given to me, while I have hidden and
covered (them) from the sects and the heathen, and still more from the world, to you I have
revealed according to the pleasure of my most blessed Father.
And if again he would be pleased, once more I shall reveal (them) to you. For, indeed, the gift
which was given to me from the Father is very great and rich. For if the whole world and all
people obey it, I would be able from this very possession and advantage, which my Father has
given to me, to enrich them and establish Wisdom as sufficient for the entire world. Again he
said: "When my Father was pleased and had shown compassion and care for me, he sent out
from there my most unfailing Twin, the entire fruit of immortality, so that he might redeem and
ransom me from the error of those followers of that Law.
In coming to me, he has provided me with the best hope, redemption which is based on
immortality, true instructions, and the laying on of hands from my Father.
Now when that one came, he preferred and chose me, severed and pulled me out of the midst of
those followers of that Law in which I was reared." Now very many other extraordinary things
like these are in the books of our father, which demonstrate both his revelation and the rapture
of his apostleship. For very great is the abundance of this coming which, through the Paraclete,
the Spirit of Truth, is coming to us. Now concerning these things, why are they sifted thoroughly
by us, who are once and for all convinced that this apostleship excels in its revelations? For this
reason we have repeated from our forefathers their rapture and the revelation of each one,
(namely,) for the sake of the considerations of those who have put on unbelief and who think
they know something about this revelation and vision of our father (Mani), so that they might
acknowledge that such "as also the commission given to the earlier apostles. For when each of
them was snatched up, all these things which he beheld and heard he wrote down and set forth,
and he, himself, became a witness of his own revelation. But his disciples became seals of his
Baraies the Teacher
We, then, brothers, being children of the Spirit of our father (Mani), who also have heard and
listened to these things, thus let us rejoice in them and recognize his coming spiritually, how he
was sent by a command of his Father and in what way he was begotten according to the body,
and how his most august Twin came to him and set him apart from the Law in which his body
was reared. For in his twenty-fifth year he (the Twin) was revealed magnificently to him. For,
while he was still in that sect of the Bapstists he was like a lamb dwelling in a strange flock, or
like a bird living with other birds of a different song. For always with wisdom and skill he dwelt in
their midst during all that time; none of them recognized him (as to) who he was, or what he
had received, or what had been revealed to him. Rather, they regarded him among themselves
in this manner, according to the estimate of the body.
Abiesous the Teacher and Innaios the Brother of Za
The lord (Mani) said: "When I was dwelling in their midst, one day Sitaios, the elder of their
council, the son Gara, took me by the hand, because he greatly loved me and regarded (me) as
a beloved son. He took me, then, by the hand--no one else was with us--and went, dug up and
showed me very great treasures, which he kept secretly buried. He said to me: 'These treasures
are mine and I have control of them. From now on they will be yours. For I love no one else like
you, (and) to you I shall give these treasures.' When he had thus spoken to me I said in my
heart: 'My most blessed Father preferred me and has given to me an immortal treasure which
does not pass away. Whoever inherits it will receive immortal life from it.' Then I spoke to Sitaios
the elder: 'Where are the forefathers who acquired these earthly treasures before us, they who
inherited them? For, consider, they are dead and gone and they did not keep them as their own,
neither did they carry (them) off with themselves.'" He (Mani) spoke to him: "'What good, then,
are these treasures to me, which introduce sins and offenses to everyone who (possesses)
them? For the treasure of God is very great and exceedingly rich and will bring everyone who
inherits it to life.' When Sitaios saw that my mind was not persuaded to the acquisition of the
treasures which he showed me, he was altogether astonished at me."
Then after a little while I (Mani) determined thus to declare to Sita and those of his council what
my most blessed Father had revealed to me, and to show them the path of holiness. But, while I
was considering these things, there appeared to me the entire world which had become like a
sea full of very black waters; and I saw thousands and tens of thousands brought down into it,
plunged down, bobbing up, and spinning about the four corners of the sea. I saw in the midst of
it a foundation laid and of very great height, and over it alone a light rising, and a road laid upon
it, and myself walking on this. When I turned round I beheld Sita, holding on to some man who
was held by someone else, and perishing in the midst of the sea and the darkness, after he had
fallen and gone under the surface. I could see only a little bit of his hair, so that I was distressed
greatly on account of Sita. But that one who cast him out said to me: "Why are you distressed
about Sita? For he is not of your Elect, nor will he walk on your way." Then, when I saw these
things, I revealed nothing to him (Sita). But later, when I was preaching the Word of Truth, I saw
him opposing my teaching.
Baraies the Teacher
"Therefore, make an inspection of yourselves as to what your purity really is. For it is impossible
- to purify your bodies entirely--for each day the body is disturbed and comes to rest through
the excretions of feces from it--so that the action comes about without a commandment from
the Savior. The purity, then, which was spoken about, is that which comes through knowledge, a
separation of light from darkness, of death from life, of living waters from turbid, so that you
may know that each is . . . one another and . . . .the commandments of the Savior, so that . . .
might redeem the soul from annihilation and destruction. This is in truth the genuine purity,
which you were commended to do; but you departed from it and began to bathe, and have held
on to the purification of the body, (a thing) most defiled and fashioned through foulness;
through it (i.e., foulness) it (the body) was coagulated and having been founded came into
"When I said these things to them, and destroyed and demolished that very thing they were
zealous for, some of them, marveling at me, praised me and regarded me as) a leader and
teacher; but there arose much slander in that sect on account of me. Some of them regarded
me as a prophet and teacher. Some of them were saying: 'A living word is uttered by him; let us
make him a teacher of our doctrine.' Others were saying: 'Has a voice really spoken to him in
secret and does he say those things which it revealed to him?' Some were saying: 'Did
something appear to him in a dream and does he say that which he saw?' Others were saying:
'Is this really the one about whom our teachers prophesied, saying, "A certain young man will
rise up from our midst and a new teacher will come forth to overturn all our teaching in the way
our forefathers spoke concerning the Rest of the Garment."' Others were saying: 'Surely, then, is
it not error that speaks through him, and does he not wish to lead our people astray and divide
our teaching?' Others of them were filled with jealousy and rage,
some Others were saying: ' He is the enemy of our Law. Some were saying: ' He wishes to go to
the Gentiles ( and eat Greek bread, for we have heard him saying, "It is necessary to partake of
Greek bread." Likewise, he says it follows to partake of drink, bread, vegetables, and fruit, which
our fathers and teachers enjoined (us) not to eat. Likewise, the washing by which we wash
ourselves he destroys and does not wash himself like us, nor does he wash his food as we do.
"So, then when Sita and his companions saw that I would not give in to their testing, but (that)
little by little I was destroying and bringing to naught their own Law and the food which they
rejected, and (that I) was not practicing the washing as they (were); when they saw me
opposing them in all these things, then Sita and the group of his fellow presbyters set up a
synod on my account. They also summoned the master of the house, Pattikios, and said to him:
'Your son has turned aside from our Law and wishes to go into the world. Wheat bread and fruit
and vegetables which we exclude and do not eat, all these things he does not follow and says it
is necessary to overturn these things. He makes of no avail the washing in the way it is practiced
by us. And he wishes to eat Greek bread.'
Now Pattikios, because he had beheld their very great uproar, said to them: 'Summon him
yourselves and persuade (him).' "Then, when they summoned me to them, they gathered
around and said to me: 'From youth you have been with us, doing well in the ordinances and
customs of our Law. You have been like a demure young girl in our midst. Now what has
happened to you, what has appeared to you? For you oppose our Law and destroy and bring to
naught our teaching. You have changed your lifestyle from ours.
We hold your father in greatest esteem. Why, then, do you now destroy the washing of our Law
and that of the fathers, in which we have walked from of old? You even destroy the
commandments of the Savior; you even wish to eat wheat bread and vegetables which we do
not eat. Why do you live so, not submitting to till the earth like us?'
"Then I said to them : 'In no way would I destroy the commandments of the Savior. But, if you
reproach me on account of wheat bread, because I have said, "It is necessary to eat of it,' this
the Savior has done; as it is written, that when he had blessed (it) and shared (it) with his
disciples, "over bread he said a blessing and gave (it) to them. Was not that bread from wheat?
It (Scripture) points out that he reclined to eat with tax collectors and idolaters. Likewise, he
also reclined to eat in the house of Martha and Mary on the occasion when Martha said to him:
"Lord, do you not care (enough) for me so as to tell my sister to help me ?" The Savior said to
her: "Mary has chosen the good portion and will not be taken away from her. Consider,
moreover, how even the disciples of the Savior ate bread from women and idolaters and did not
separate bread from bread, nor vegetable from vegetable; nor did they eat, while laboring in the
toil and tilling of the land, as you do today. Likewise, when the Savior sent his disciples out to
preach in each place, neither mill nor oven did they carry with them, but made haste, taking one
garment from . . .
If, then, you accuse me (Mani) about the washing, look, again I prove to you from your Law and
from those things revealed to your leaders that it is not necessary to wash. For Elchasai, the
founder of your Law, points this out: when he was going to bathe in the waters, a image of a
man appeared to him from the source of the waters, saying to him: "Is it not enough that your
animals injure me, but do you yourself also mistreat me without reason and profane my
waters ?" So Elchasai marveled and) said to it: "Fornication, defilement, and impurity of the
world are thrown into you and you do not refuse (them), but are you grieved with me?" It said
to him: "Granting that all these have not recognized me (as to) who I am, you, who say that you
are a servant and righteous, why have you not guarded my honor? And then Elchasai was upset
and did not bathe in the waters.
Again, a long time after, he wished to bathe in the waters. He commanded his disciples to look
out for a place not having much water, so that he might bathe. His disciples found such a place
for him. As he was about to bathe, the image of a man appeared to him again, a second time,
from that source, saying to him: "We and those waters in the lake are one. You have come,
therefore, even here to wrong and injure us." Trembling greatly and upset, Elchasai allowed the
mud upon his head to dry, and thus he pointed it out.
Again he (Mani) demonstrates that Elchasai had ploughs in storage and went to them. The earth
spoke to him, saying: " Why do you make your living from me? Elchasai, having taken soil from
that earth which spoke to him, wept, kissed (it) and placed (it) upon his breast and began to
say: "This is the flesh and blood of my Lord."
He (Mani) said again that Elchasai found his disciples baking bread. The bread spoke with
Elchasai, and he commanded (them) to bake no longer.
Again he (Mani) points out that Sabbaios, the Baptist, was carrying vegetables to the elder of
the city. And immediately that produce said to him: "Are you not righteous? Are you not pure?
Why do you carry us away to the fornicators?" Thus Sabbaios was upset on account of what he
heard and returned the vegetables. Again he (Mani) points out that a date-palm tree spoke with
Aianos, the Baptist from Koche and commanded him to say to its lord: "Don't cut (me) down
because my fruit is stolen but grant me this year And in the course of this year I shall give you
fruit proportionate to what has been stolen, and in all the other years hereafter ." But it also
commanded (him) to say to that man who was stealing its fruit. "Do not come at this season to
steal my fruit away. If you come, I shall hurl you down from my height and you will die."