New Insights On Hydrocarbon Plays in The Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan

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New Insights on Hydrocarbon Plays in the Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan

Davies Okere & Steve Toothill

New exploration opportunities and improved imaging of already known prospects in the Caspian Sea,
Kazakhstan, are presented, based on the acquisition, processing and interpretation of long-offset 2D
seismic data acquired by CGGVeritas from 2006-2009.
We have identified further examples of three already successful plays in the Caspian Sea and onshore,
within open blocks in the North Caspian and North Ustyurt Basins and a fourth, relatively unknown
play, in the North Ustyurt Basin. The already known plays include Devono-Carboniferous carbonate
reefs and clastics, Triassic-Cretaceous post-salt clastics and carbonates in the North Caspian Basin
and Jurassic-Cretaceous post-thrust clastics and carbonates in the North Ustyurt Basin. The fourth
play that we have identified comprises thrust fault, anticlinal structures with Late Palaeozoic-Early
Mesozoic clastic and carbonate reservoirs in the North Ustyurt Basin which, to our knowledge, has
not been tested elsewhere in the region.

Key words: North Caspian Basin, North Ustyurt Basin, post-thrust, post-salt and pre-salt

The North Caspian Basin is a pericratonic depression that formed during Late Proterozoic-Early
Palaeozoic time (Caspian Energy Inc; 2006). It is bounded to the north by the Palaeozoic carbonate
platform of the Volga-Ural province, to the west by the Ural; with the South Emba and Karpinsky
Hercynian foldbelts to the east and south ( Fig 1-Ulmishek, 2001). The sedimentary fill of the North
Caspian is made of a pre-salt Devonian to Early Permian package and a post-salt Late Permian to
Tertiary package (Schamel et al.1995, Barde et al, 2002). These packages are separated by a highly
diapiric section made up of Kungurian age salt. The major structures within the pre-salt section are
reef build-ups, which accommodate significant hydrocarbon accumulations both onshore and offshore
with a large proportion of the undiscovered accumulation possibly located offshore. The post-salt is
highly affected by extensional faults due to halokinesis. The majority of discovered fields with postsalt accumulation are formed by salt-induced closures.
The North Caspian Basin contains an estimated oil reserve of nearly 15.7 billion barrels and has a
potential for undiscovered mean oil reserve of about 45 billion barrels (Ulmishek and Masters,1993;
Barde et al; 2002). The basin also contains an identified gas mean reserve of about 98Tcf and a
potential for undiscovered gas with a mean reserve estimated at 260Tcf (Barde et al, 2002).
The North Ustyurt Basin, on the other hand, is a triangular-shaped basin situated between the Aral
Lake in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and extends offshore to the northwest into the Caspian sea
(Ulmishek, 2001). It is bound to the north by the North Caspian Basin and to the south by the
Mangyshlak-Ustyurt Foldbelt (Fig 1). The basin was formed during the Early Permian on a cratonic
microcontinental block that was accreted northward to the Russian craton (Ulmishek, 2001). During
the Late Triassic, the basin underwent strong compression that resulted in intrabasinal thrusting and
faulting (Ulmishek, 2001). The sedimentary fill of the North Ustyurt Basin is made up of Jurassic to
Tertiary, mostly clastic sediments, overlying Devonian to Middle Carboniferous carbonates, Upper
Carboniferous to Lower Permian clastics, carbonates and volcanics, and Upper Permian-Triassic
continental clastic sequence (Ulmishek, 2001). The post thrust section of this basin has been
significantly explored onshore, with a few wells penetrating the pre-Jurassic sequence. However, in
the offshore sector of the North Ustyurt Basin, there is no record of any well penetrations of the preJurassic sequence and some descriptions have even attempted to place the North Ustyurt Basin within
the context of the North Caspian Basin. Wells drilled so far have recorded significant accumulation
within the Jurassic-Tertiary sequence of the North Ustyurt Basin. Jurassic-Tertiary reservoirs are thin
with thickness in the range 20-70m and of continental depositional environment (Barde et al. 2002)
The North Ustyurt Basin contains an estimated discovered oil and gas reserve of about 2.8 billion
barrels of oil equivalent (Ulmishek, 2001)
In the recent past, little was known about the geology of both the North Caspian and the North Ustyurt
Basins offshore. Exploration efforts were focussed on the onshore areas of both basins and led to
significant discoveries. Recently, however, the discovery of the giant Kashagan, Kalamkas-sea and
Aktoty fields offshore have elicited greater interest in what lies beneath the offshore sector of both the
North Caspian and the North Ustyurt Basins.
This paper focuses on the offshore section of the North Caspian Basin and its adjoining North Ustyurt
Basin. Within both basins, we have identified the offshore extension of already established plays in
the fields onshore. For the North Caspian Basin, the plays include a sub-salt Devono-Carboniferous
carbonate reef/clastic play and a post-salt Upper Permian-Mesozoic-Early Cenozoic play with both
clastic and carbonate reservoirs. The key source rocks for both plays are Carboniferous shales and
Devonian shaley carbonates. The pre-salt play in the Caspian Sea is deep and overpressured and the
oil tends to be light but with very high Hydrogen Sulphide content. The post-salt play is generally
shallow and in most cases contains viscous oil.

Fig 1: Location map of North Caspian and North Ustyurt Basins

The North Ustyurt Basin, as described above, shows complex thrust deformation within the Late
Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic section. The post-thrust, Jurassic-Cenozoic section is very similar to that
observed in the North Caspian Basin but in the absence of diapiric salt, does not show any significant
structural closures, except in the vicinity of thrust anticlines in the Permo-Triassic section.
Hydrocarbons in reservoirs above the thrust anticlines are shallow and may be highly viscous.
The new data, acquired, processed and interpreted by CGGVeritas, have been in the forefront of
unravelling the huge potential within this area of the North Caspian and North Usyurt Basins which,
until now, has remained highly under-explored.
This study therefore, gives an insight on the geology and new exploration opportunities within the
offshore sector of both the North Caspian and North Ustyurt Basins.

Study Area and Dataset

The study area covers the offshore sector of the North Caspian and North Ustyurt Basins. The seismic
database consists of 2091kms of 2D seismic lines acquired between 2006 and 2010 (Fig 2) over
unlicensed blocks within both basins. The survey is the result of an exclusive agreement with the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan for the acquisition of non-exclusive seismic
data over the entire open acreage of the Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea. It is officially entitled The
State Geophysical Survey of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Fig 2: Seismic Database

Acquisition and Processing
Seismic data was acquired over the open blocks-Madina, Sholpan, Bobek, III-P-2, Shattyk and
Shagala in 2006 through 2010 as part of The State Geophysical Survey of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. The survey was designed to supplement and infill existing 1995 data in the region.
The survey was recorded using a 480 channel, split-spread, 6 + 6km ocean bottom cable with sleeve
airgun array source. The newly acquired lines show enhanced frequency content, improved noise
suppression and multiple attenuation and benefit greatly from Fully Ray-traced Kirchoff Pre-stack
Time Migration. A comparison of the existing 1995 data to the newly acquired 2006-2010 data shows
a significant uplift in the imaging of pre-salt structure and the carbonate reefs, even revealing detail of
the internal architecture of the reefs. There is also much improved post-salt event frequency and
continuity (Fig 3).

Fig 3: Seismic data processing comparison between original 1995 dataset and the 2006 dataset
3D Test Line
In an attempt to improve imaging of the complex structure further a test 3D seismic survey was
carried out along a 2D line in the Shagala block where conflicting seismic events were observed
crossing what appeared to be a salt diapir (Fig.4). The line was acquired employing two receiver lines
250m apart and 400 stations per line with 25m station interval. 19 shot lines were acquired orthogonal
to the receiver lines, with 1000m separation, 50m shot point interval and 235 shot points per line. This
geometry allowed a cross line migration window of 6km and resulted in a nominal 30 fold coverage
along the line. The resulting, fully 3D migrated stack section shows significant improvement in the
imaging of salt-walls as out of plane energy, which gave the spurious, conflicting reflection events on
the 2D line, were eliminated in the 3D dataset (Fig 4). In addition, imaging below the salt is
significantly improved with enhanced frequency and better continuity of events making it possible to
differentiate accurately the internal geology of the reef and the stratigraphy of the post-salt deposits. It
should be noted that this improvement was obtained even though the fold of the 2D line was 240
whilst that of the fully 3D migrated test line was a nominal 30 fold.

Fig 4: 2D/3D seismic data comparison showing the elimination of spurious salt walls that could
obscure potential pre-salt reef targets and an improvement in the frequency content and event
continuity in the 3D dataset.

Data Interpretation and Examples

Up to twelve horizons were interpreted across both basins. In the absence of well data to correlate
these horizons with chronostratigraphic events, they have been identified on the basis of published
regional geology and named accordingly as shown in Figure 5.
The interpretation shows a clear distinction between the North Caspian and the North Ustyurt Basins
(Fig 5). The key distinctions include:
A Permo-Triassic thrust system in the North Ustyurt Basin which replaces a diapiric
Kungurian salt package in the North Caspian Basin.
Post-salt structuration in the North Caspian Basin is entirely due to halokinesis whilst in the
North Ustyurt basin it is less pronounced and is created by drape over deeper folds and
However, both basins show similarities which include:
A basin-wide angular Base Jurassic unconformity that cuts across both basins.
A post-salt/post-thrust section that contains rocks of similar facies character and structural

Fig 5: Interpreted regional seismic line across the North Caspian and North Ustyurt Basins
Pre-Salt Play
The pre-salt play has been the key target in the onshore/offshore sectors of the North Caspian Basin
for some years. Amongst pre-salt onshore fields are Tengiz, Karachaganak and Zhanazhol while presalt fields located offshore include Kashagan, Kayran and Aktoty. The reservoirs for these fields are
Devono-Carboniferous reefs and clastics. The seal is provided by overlying Kungurian salt whilst
hydrocarbons are sourced from Carboniferous shales and Devonian shaley carbonates (Fig 6). Subsalt carbonates are widely distributed in the North Caspian Basin and consist of Middle Devonian,
Upper Devonian to Tournaisian, Upper Visean to Lower Bashkirian, and Muscovian to Lower
Permian sequences (Talwani et al, 1998). The reservoirs in Karachaganak, Tengiz, Astrakhan, and
Zhanazhol fields are shallow-water carbonate facies and reef build-ups (Talwani et al, 1998). The
upper productive unit of the Zhanazhol field shows permeability up to 2 Darcys and porosity of 2528% (Talwani, 1998). At Tengiz, the porosity is up to 18.6% for the Upper Productive Unit
(Talwani, 1998). The Karachaganak reservoirs are similar to those of Tengiz with porosity values
from 7.5 to 18.7% and permeability from 1 - 98 mD. (Talwani et al, 1998).
Figure 6a shows a seismic section across the super giant Tengiz field illustrating a massive, 1.5km
high, isolated carbonate platform that forms the reservoir for the field. The field is located on the
northeast shore of the Caspian Sea and has estimated oil and gas recoverable reserves of more than 6
billion barrels and 12Tcf respectively. Figure 6b shows a similar isolated platform in the offshore
sector of the Caspian Sea that has not yet been drilled. The two isolated platforms show a lot of
similarities: The platform edges are abrupt and steep, shoaling out to a gentler slope into the basin
with the basin centre evacuated of Kungurian salt. Figure 6b, which is a line acquired in 2007, shows
significant improvement when compared to the older 3D line shown in Figure 6a. There is improved
resolution in the internal geological architecture of the platform and improved imaging of the edges of
the platform.

Fig 6a

Fig 6b
6a-3D seismic line across Tengiz field . Fig 6b-CGGVeritas line across an open block illustrating an
undrilled pre-salt isolated platform offshore similar to the Tengiz field platform (Source-Fig 6a,
Harris, 2008).
Post-Salt Play
The post-salt plays have been successfully explored onshore for many decades. In 2002, shortly after
the discovery of the pre-salt Kashagan field a further discovery was made by AgipKCO on the
Kalamkasmore licence. The Kalamkas-Sea discovery, with approximately 733mmbbls of reserves
(Petroview Upstream database, 2010), has reinvigorated interest in the post-salt play offshore. The
reservoir for this play is provided by carbonates and clastics of Jurassic and Cretaceous age whilst the
source rock comprises pre-salt Carboniferous shales and Devonian shaley carbonates. Shales within
the Cretaceous and Jurassic provide sealing for the post-salt play. The trap for this play is provided by
salt-induced closures within the overlying Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments (Fig 7). Reservoir
properties of Jurassic and Cretaceous sandstones that occur above salt domes tend to be excellent with

porosity ranges from 25to35%, and permeability of several hundred milliDarcies. In the more deeply
buried Triassic and Upper Permian strata reservoir properties are somewhat reduced but in some of
the fields where these rocks are productive, porosity remains slightly above 20% and permeability
varies from 30-500 mD (Ulmishek, 2001). Reservoir thicknesses range from 20 to 70m and comprise
mainly channel deposits.

Fig 7: 2D line across the post-salt sequence illustrating the structure and stratigraphy within the postsalt sequence.
Thrust Play
At the time of this presentation there is no record of any well penetrations into the thrust section
within the North Ustyurt Basin offshore and only a few wells have penetrated the section onshore. As
far as is known all of the fields within this basin produce from the post thrust section. The example in
Figure 8 shows a Permo-Triassic thrust anticline which provides a potential structural trap for this
play. Reservoir sections may be located within the thrust sheets and seals may be provided by
interbeded shales (Fig 8). It is expected that migration of hydrocarbons into these structures would be
from deeper source rocks within the Palaeozoic sequences.

Fig 8: 2D seismic line across the North Ustyurt Basin offshore illustrating thrusting and associated
anticlines within the Permo-Triassic section.
Post-Thrust Play
Until now the post-thrust section has been the key target within North Ustyurt Basin and even this
remains significantly under-explored in the offshore areas. However, recently discoveries have been
made on the Pearl block offshore and it is believed that these lie within the post-thrust section. It is
expected that, similar to the discoveries made in the onshore area, the reservoirs will consist of
interbeded sand-shale layers as shown in the well profile from the Karazhambas field in Figure 9. The
closure for the play is in most cases provided by drape over Permo-Triassic thrust anticlines such as
that illustrated in Figure 10. Within known fields such as Karazhanbas, Kalamkas and Arman,
Jurassic sediments vary from 200 to 1000m and are made up siltstones and sandstones interbeded with
shales (Talwani, 1998). Cretaceous sediments which range in thickness from 150 to 850m also
contain interbeded sand-shale sequences (Talwani, 1998). Individual sandstone beds comprise fluviodeltaic sediments and tend to be in the range of 1 to 10m thick. However, the sandstone shale
sequences are massively stacked so that multiple stack reservoirs are present in each field.

Fig 9: Well profile across Karazhanbas field showing the nature of its Jurassic/Cretaceous reservoirs
(Nations Energy Company, Alberta)

Fig 10: 2D Seismic line across the North Ustyurt Basin illustrating structure and stratigraphy of the
post-thrust section.
We have attempted to showcase exploration targets within the open blocks of the offshore North
Caspian and North Ustyurt Basins that are similar to already known plays both onshore and offshore.
In addition, we have identified a possible Permo-Triassic thrust play which has not been drilled
offshore and have also established that the offshore extension of the North Ustyurt Basin
demonstrates a significantly different structural and depositional development from the North Caspian
Basin from the mid-Permian to Early Triassic.
The data for this study was provided by CGGVeritas Data Library. We are also grateful to the
members of the Geological Services Department CGGVeritas Crawley, UK
Barde, J; Gralla, P; Harwijanto, J and Marsky, J (2002) Exploration at the Eastern Edge of the
PriCaspian Basin: Impact of data Integration on Upper Permian and Triassic Prospectivity. The
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin , V.86,No.3, PP.399-415
Harris, P.M. (2008) Geologic Framework for the Tengiz and Korolev Fields, KazakhstanCarboniferous Isolated Carbonate Platforms. Search and discovery article No.20060. Chevron
Petroleum Technology Company, Houston, Texas. Adapted from 2000-2001 AAPG International
Distinguished Lecture.
McDaniel and Associates Consultants (2006) Evaluation of Crude Oil Reserves East Zhagabulak
Field, Kazakhstan. Prepared for Caspian Energy Incorporated Alberta.
National Energy Company Alberta, Canada. KBM in Kazakhstan Promise + Potential. Investor
Schamel, S., Pilifossov, V.M. and Votsalevsky, E.S (1995) Geologic controls on style of salt
piercements in the PriCaspian basin, Kazakhstan: contrasts with the Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Coast

Section SEPM Foundation, 16th Annual Research Conference (Salt, Sediments and Hydrocarbons), p.
Talwani, M; Belopolsky, A and Berry, D.L. (1998). Unlocking the Assets: Energy and the Future of
the Central Asia and the Caucasus. The James Baker III Institute of Public Policy of Rice University.
Ulmishek , G. (2001) Petroleum Geology and Resources of the North Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan and
Russia US Geological Survey Bulletin 2201-B
Ulmishek, G. F., and Masters, C.D.(1993) Oil and gas resources estimated in the former Soviet
Union: Oil & Gas Journal, v. 91,no. 50, p. 5962.

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