Oil Water Meter Training Manual
Oil Water Meter Training Manual
Oil Water Meter Training Manual
Table of Revisions
Description of Changes
Technical Reviewer
Tony Phillips
Hakim Chekaba
Michael Kenny
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Table of Contents
SECTION 1: Purpose and Scope ............................................................................................................................ 6
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Scope ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Glossary ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
References ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
PowerPoint Overview..................................................................................................................................... 30
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................. 54
4.4.1 Technical Support ............................................................................................................................. 54
4.4.2 OW-200 Power Issues ...................................................................................................................... 54
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The purpose of Agars technical training is to ensure proper competency for installation, power up, basic
configuration and calibration, and troubleshooting for repair and calibration of Agar Oil/Water Meters
Agars technical training will be delivered at varying levels of competency for internal and external
technicians, providing more detailed discussion of product components with hands-on exercises to simulate
installation, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting procedures.
Certification Levels
Agar currently offers three of four certification levels (A, B, and C) through an in-house four-week training
program. Weekly agendas have been formulated based upon certification requirements and allows
attendees to choose the level of certification. Certification is granted sequentially and is available for each
product line including: the ID series, the OW 201 series, the OW 301 series and the MPFM Series (MPFM50, 300, 400 and 408). Attendees will not be allowed to bypass levels unless previous training and
certification has been obtained. Level D is considered an expert level and includes the previous three
levels plus additional field training. Level D field training must be arranged with Agar training personnel. All
levels are outlined in the Certification Table.
Level A provides certification for basic knowledge of the product and applications.
Level B provides certification for connection, power-up, basic configuration and calibration with Agar
Level C provides certification for connection, power-up, basic configuration and calibration without Agar
supervision, and troubleshooting for basic repair and calibration with Agar supervision.
Level D provides certification for connection, power-up and basic configuration and calibration without
Agar supervision, and troubleshooting for basic repair and calibration without Agar supervision.
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In-house Training
Week Obtained
In-house Training
Week Obtained
Level A
Level A
Level A
Level A
LEVEL C Certification: verifies certification for connection, power-up, basic configuration and
calibration WITHOUT Agar supervision, and troubleshooting for repair and calibration WITH Agar
Product Line
In-house Training
Week Obtained
Level B
Level B
Level B
Level B
LEVEL D Certification: verifies certification for connection, power-up and basic configuration and
calibration WITHOUT Agar supervision, and troubleshooting for repair and calibration WITHOUT
Agar supervision.
Product Line
In-house Training
Week Obtained
Not Available In
4-Week In-house
Training Program
Level C
Level C
Level C
Level C
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Training Agenda
Agar offers In-house product training over a four-week period. The Sales/Application Training three-day
agenda provides an overview of Agar products and applications, answering such questions as: how
instruments work; what are the applications; and where are the instruments being used. Sales training is
delivered by the Agar Engineers and the Sales Group.
The Technical Training three-week agenda provides more detailed information on product components and
applications including PowerPoint presentations, classroom lecture, classroom demonstrations, hands-on
exercises for connection, startup, configuration, troubleshooting and minor repairs under Agar supervision.
Technical training is delivered by Agar Engineers and Technicians in the following product lines.
See the Product Training 4-Week Agenda for specific topics by day and week.
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Product Training
4-Week Agenda
5 hrs
6 hrs
4 hrs
MPFM Competition
Coming Soon
Sales Training Survey
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6. hrs
6 hrs
OWM-200/ID Behavior
OWM-200 Diagnostic Programs
OWM-200 Configuration
OWM Field-200 Calibration
OWM-200/PAMS Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
6 hrs
6 hrs
5.5 hrs
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6 hrs
6 hrs
6 hrs
6 hrs
6 hrs
Advanced DOS
Detailed Interconnection Block Diagrams
Advanced DAS Operation (DOS)
Diagnostic and Configuration Programs
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MPFM Configuration
MPFM Valves (Intermediate)
PD Meter Mechanical Procedures
Communicator Interface
Intermediate Pressure Transmitters
MPFM 50 Electrical
ID Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Temperature Transmitters
Advanced Maintenance
Troubleshooting Basics
6 hrs
6 hrs
6 hrs
6 hrs
6 hrs
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OW Certification Competencies
Upon completion of the OW-200 and OW-300 series technical training, field technicians should be able to
exhibit competencies in basic product knowledge, start-up, troubleshooting and basic repair. Seven
sections are detailed as follows:
Unit Description
Technician will be able to define and discuss what the OW instrument does and does not do.
Technician will be able to give similarities and differences between OW-200 and OW-300
instruments. Technicians will be able to identify unit attributes: inline/insertion, measurements in
GHz or MHz, high cut/low cut, water cut ranges, PAMS/puck, remote capabilities, and
conductive/nonconductive phase. Technicians will be able to identify advantages of the Agar OW200 and OW-300 over competitors products.
Major Components
Technician will be able to identify and discuss relationships between major components in OW-200
and OW-300 units.
Probe/ID: interface detector with probe or spool with junction box.
PAMS: Phase and Amplitude Measuring System
DAS enclosure: what is inside the enclosure, what can and cannot be seen,
110VAC/220VAC/24DC, wiring connections to other components. SBC/MPC555 type
and how to identify it, jumpers, CF, connections, indicator lights. Interface board - version
and how to identify it, differences, jumpers, connections, indicator lights.
Microwave cable and barrier: wire connections and barrier placements.
Sensor: sensor types, guard/no guard, inline/insertion, seal housing, installation
(orientation and place in line), sample port and/or where the sample is taken in relation to
the sensor.
Puck: serial number, fuse, wiring and proper mounting.
Barrier box: identify what is inside the enclosure, connections, and wiring to other
DAS enclosure: what is inside the enclosure, what can and cannot be seen
110VAC/220VAC/24DC, wiring connections to other components. SBC/MPC555 type
and how to identify it, jumpers, CF, connections, indicator lights. interface board - version
and how to identify it, differences, jumpers, connections, indicator lights.
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Initial Power Up
Technician will be able to identify what to look for before powering up including a visual check of
the unit and component connections. Technician will be able to identify visual factors and actions
required once the unit is powered on including: visual indicators (lights, LCD) and error messages
on LCD.
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PC configuration
PC configuration
Ethernet ports on PC and unit: identify types, uses and how to connect, VNC passwords.
OWM300Win: what the program looks like, what to look for, how to navigate through tabs, line
saves, login and access levels, configuration tab, graph tab, resonator tab, messages tab,
calibration tab, command info tab, software updates, file transfers, and calibration folder.
Technician will identify resources for technical support including contacts and contact information.
Technician will identify information needed prior to contact to ensure prompt and proper technical
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Qualitative expression for the closeness of the agreement between the result of a
measurement and the true value of the quantity subject to measurement.
Air is used interchangeably with the word gas when discussing the ID-201. Any gas will
give the same raw signal as air.
The part of the probe that emits the signal which is used to make the measurement of the
percent water. Antennas come in different configurations: bare, coated and with guards
for various applications.
Coriolis Meter
Current Loop
Colloidal mixture of two immiscible fluids, one being dispersed in the other in the form of
fine droplets.
Error of Measurement Result of measurement minus the true value of the quantity subject to measurement.
Flow regime
The physical geometry exhibited by a multiphase flow in a conduit; for example, liquid
occupying the bottom of the conduit with the gas phase flowing above, or a liquid phase
with bubbles of gas.
A substance readily assuming the shape of the container in which it is placed; e.g. oil,
gas, water or mixtures of these.
Gas-liquid-ratio (GLR) The gas volume flow rate, relative to the total liquid volume flow rate (oil and water), all
volumes converted to volumes at standard pressure and temperatures.
Gas-oil-ratio (GOR)
The gas volume flow rate, relative to the oil volume flow rate, both converted to volumes
at standard pressure and temperatures.
The gas volume flow rate, relative to the multiphase volume flow rate, at the pressure and
temperature prevailing in that section. The GVF is normally expressed as a percentage.
The cross-section area locally occupied by one of the phases of a multiphase flow,
relative to the cross-sectional area of the conduit at the same local position expressed as
a percentage.
Multiphase Flow
A multiphase flow in which all phases are evenly distributed over the cross-section of a
closed conduit; i.e. the composition is the same at all points.
Interface Detector
The mass of fluid flowing through the cross-section of a conduit in unit time.
Multiphase Flow
Two or more phases flowing simultaneously in a conduit; this document deals in particular
with multiphase flows of oil, gas and water.
Multiphase Flow Meter A device for measuring the flow rates of oil, gas and water of a multiphase flow through a
cross-section of a conduit.
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The total amount of the two or three phases of a multiphase flow flowing through the
cross-section of a conduit in unit time. The multiphase flow rate should be specified as
multiphase volume flow rate or multiphase mass flow rate.
Hydrocarbons in the liquid state at the prevailing temperature and pressure conditions.
Oil/Water Monitor
Multiphase Flow
The amount of one phase of a multiphase flow flowing through the cross-section of a
conduit in unit time. The phase flow rate may be specified as phase volume flow rate or
as phase mass flow rate.
Phase Velocity
The velocity of one phase of a multiphase flow at a cross-section of a conduit. It may also
be defined by the relationship (Superficial phase velocity x Phase area fraction).
Phase Volume Fraction The phase volume flow rate of one of the phases of a multiphase flow, relative to the
multiphase volume flow rate.
Pressure Transducer
The unit which contains the antenna and transmitter that is mounted into the process
being monitored.
Power Supply/Signal Conditioner used to power the ID or OW probe and receive its raw
signal and condition it to a customer-usable output.
Type of PCB assembly, so called because of its round shape and resemblance to a puck
used in ice hockey. It provides a raw signal to the PS for conditioning.
Raw Signal
The DC current or voltage signal, from a transmitter, that is sent to the PS for conditioning
into a customer-usable output.
Single-Board Computer
Seal Housing
The patented Agar Seal Housing is the piece of equipment used to house the probe
antenna when the antenna is out of the vessel. When used with a blocking (isolation)
valve, it allows insertion or retraction of the probe while the vessel is in service.
Watchdog Timer
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The DAS is a single-board computer running the DOS operating system and an interface board.
The DAS receives phase and amplitude data from the PAMS and, with software modeling,
calculates the water concentration of the fluid in the sensor. The DAS has four 4-20mA output
channels and 4 pulse output channels for transmitting the water concentration, temperature, oil flow
rate, water flow rate, liquid flow rate and alarms. By integrating the flow rate, from a flow meter over
time and measuring the water concentration, the DAS is calculates the liquid flow totals for oil and
water. The DAS can communicate to a distributed control system, DCS, or other user equipment
using either MODBUS or HART protocols. User configurable parameters for field calibration of the
sensor, setting flow parameters (like meter K factor, units, ranges, etc.) are accessible through the
user serial communication port using Hyperterminal or OWMWin.
The PAMS consists of several RF electronic modules along with a dedicated control
microprocessor. It is located, along with the DAS, inside the enclosure. A known microwave signal
is transmitted over two paths, one that goes through the sensor and another that is a closed loop.
The path through the sensor travels through the center antenna (TX) and the process medium and
is received by the short channel (A) and long channel (B) antennas. The PAMS then calculates
phase shift and amplitude attenuation of the signal. Typically, the long channel is the primary
measurement channel with the short channel being used to resolve phase ambiguity, but in high
salinity applications that attenuate the long channel signal to less than -70db, the short channel
becomes the primary measurement channel. The signal on the closed loop, or Reference channel
(R) is not affected by the process medium and is used to fix temperature drift. All of the signal data
is then sent to the DAS where it is related to water concentration through a mathematical model
used in the software.
The OW-200 electronics are supplied in a certified enclosure designed for electrical zone EEx d [ia]
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box that is a flameproof enclosure designed for CL1, Div 1 Group C & D. The OW-200LC
monopole antenna is intrinsically safe.
The OW-200 works as follows. The transmitter generates a high frequency signal that sweeps in
the frequency range of interest. The transmitter signal goes through the DC block and comes to
the resonator probe. When the transmitter frequency matches the probe resonator frequency, the
received signal appears to be the maximum on the output of the resonator. This signal is
converted to a DC voltage in the receiver and sent to the ADC on the SBC. Because the resonance
frequency depends on the permittivity of liquid surrounding the monopole antenna, the resonance
frequency provides WC information. This information is analyzed by the SBC and the result of WC
calculation appears on the LCD. The quality factor of the resonator probe is used to compensate
the salinity effect on the OW-200LC readings.
The OW-200LC can accept flow meter input via either pulse input or 4-20mA input. By integrating
the flow rate over time and measuring the water concentration, OW-200LC calculates the total
liquid flow and volume of water and oil passing through the sensor. The DAS has four 4-20mA
analog and pulse output channels for transmitting the water concentration, temperature, flow data,
and alarms. AOUT 0 is a -compatible channel. In addition, the OW-200LC can communicate with
a distributed control system (DCS) or other user equipment through RS-232 or RS-422/485 serial
communication channels via Modicon MODBUS or HART protocols.
The Oil/Water Meter is made to measure the flowing process; how does that differ from the ID?
What is the difference between the inline and insertion type meter?
What operating system does the OW-200 use?
What is the water cut range of the OW-200?
Is the measurement for the OW-200 oil-continuous or water-continuous?
What three sub units make up the OW-200?
Where does the OW-200 DAS receive data from?
The OW-200 communicates using what protocols?
What software is used to configure the unit?
What are the OW-200 DAS output channels used for?
Where is the PAMS located?
The OW-200LC is replaced with what model?
What is the difference between a work order number and a serial number?
What effect does stray magnetic or electric field of high intensity have on OWMs?
Can you describe how the PAMS works?
Why is it necessary to only hand-tighten the ferrules on the compression fitting?
Why is the seal housing connected to an isolation valve in the OW-202?
When is an insertion tool recommended or required and what is the maximum operation pressure
of the standard insertion tool mechanism?
What is the purpose of the safety chain on the probe? Why should you eliminate chain slack after
every 3 of probe travel?
What is the first step in removing the OW-202 sensor?
What is the intention of the pressure test prior to OWM operation?
How are the OW-200 sensor and the DAS connected and how far can the connection be?
What is the relation between the short and long channels of the OW-200?
How many 4-20mA output channels are available from the DAS?
How is the output of a flow meter connected to the OW-200?
What is the relay output configured as?
What should be completed after electrical & mechanical installation but prior to startup?
Before applying power to the OW-200, what is the first step for the technician?
The OW-200 DAS will receive data from the PAMS and calculate what?
The OW-200 will receive flow meter pulse information from the PAMS and calculate what?
The OW-200 MiniDAS can direct outputs to which three components?
What is the purpose of the null modem cable?
What terminal emulation program is used with Windows?
What is auto toggle mode in the LCD?
In the mini-owm.exe program, what 3 types of info are shown on the PAMS data screen?
What is the OWM Output Test screen used for?
What are the two lines on the Logging configuration screen of the config.exe program that most
end users will use?
The settings on the Low Cut Density screen should not be changed, with what exception?
To transfer a file from the Laptop to the MiniDAS, why must a technician disconnect
What is the purpose of FastLynx?
What is the purpose of OWMWin?
Where can a technician get the SAT procedure and form?
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Diameter 6
Length 12
Spool Design
Flange Rating
Shipping Weight
For larger pipeline sizes, the OW-302 can be provided which is an insertion-type sensor. An RTD
temperature sensor and an ID-201 are installed in the sensor and used to measure additional fluid
Figure 3-7. OW-302 with Insertion Tool and Without Insertion Tool
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Diameter 6
Length 12
Probe Diameter
Shaft 1.25
Sensor 1.8
Probe Length
Insertion Design
Flange Rating
Shipping Weight
Insertion Tool
The OW-300 water cut meter consists of three main sub-modules: a Sensor Unit (SU) and a Data
Acquisition System (DAS) and the Safety Barrier Box. The Sensor Unit (SU) consists of a probe/antenna
with or without an open guard, an enclosure with the sensor transmitter - Measuring Electronics Board
(MEB), and seal housing in the OW-302 and a spool in the OW-301. The antenna assembly consists of an
antenna, a cylindrical open guard and a cylindrical shaft where coaxial feeder to antenna is mounted
together with the Platinum RTD (temperature sensor). The enclosure with the Sensor Transmitter (MEB) is
mounted on the top of the antenna. The seal housing provides a sealed connection to the isolation valve
mounted on the pipeline nozzle. The OW-300 antenna is intrinsically safe.
The MEB generates multiple high frequency signals that are transmitted to the antenna. The antenna
radiates high frequency signals into the measured fluid that is surrounding it and the reflected signals from
the measured fluid are transmitted back to the MEB where the voltage and frequency of multiple high
frequency signals are measured The fluid complex permittivity is calculated from this measurement. After
all needed corrections (i.e. temperature, water salinity, crude oil pattern recognition) the value of water cut
is calculated in the DAS.
The DAS is a Single-Board Computer (SBC) running the XP Embedded operating system. The DAS
receives frequency and voltage data from the Sensor Transmitter (MEB), and with software modeling,
calculates the water concentration of the fluid in the sensor.
The OW-300 has a flow meter input channel available that can be a pulse input or a 4-20mA input to obtain
liquid flow rates as outputs from the water cut meter. The DAS has six 4-20mA output channels that
represent the water concentration, temperature, oil flow rate, water flow rate and liquid flow rate. By
integrating the flow rate from a flow meter over time, and measuring the water concentration, the DAS
calculates the liquid flow totals for oil and water. The DAS can communicate to a distributed control system
(DCS) or other user equipments using MODBUS or HART protocols through an RS-232, RS-422 or RS485 output serial communication channel. Status, process temperature, water concentration, liquid flow
rate, oil flow totals and water flow totals are the DAS outputs provided. User configurable parameters for
field calibration of the sensor, setting flow parameters (meter K factor, units, ranges, etc.) are accessible.
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For convenience the DAS has Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which has four lines and shows the current status of
the system as seen below.
The first line shows the current time in 24
hour format. The second line shows the
current water cut or air if the sensor is in
air or fault if there is a problem with the
sensor. The last two lines show any
warning messages.
Water cut 1.2%
Status: No warning
The OW-301 is designed for what size pipelines? And the OW-302?
For OW-301, which flow direction is preferred?
What effect will gas in the line have on the OW-300?
Which OW-300 model is installed with an isolation valve? For what purpose?
What size full-port valve is required for the OW-302?
High or low frequency, which measures water cut and what is the other used for?
What is the first step to remove an OW-302 sensor?
What is the maximum cable length between the DAS and barrier box?
What can the analog outputs be configured for on the OW-300?
What can the pulse outputs be configured for on the OW-300?
Is the OW-300 connected to a flow meter using an analog or pulse input?
What is the Relay Output configured as?
Where does a technician get the OW-300 pre-startup checklist?
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Before applying power to the OW-300, what is the first step for the technician?
The OW-300 DAS receives data from the MEB to calculate what?
The OW-300 receives flow meter pulse or analog output to calculate what?
What does the term embedded Windows-based meter mean?
What software is used for the OW-300 operation and configuration?
How does the technician access the software?
What is VNC software?
Where does the technician connect the DAS to a network?
Once in the OWM300Win application, what does the fail message indicate?
From the OWM300Win diagnostic screen, what is the importance of the line save?
In the COM Port setup box, what are the settings for the sensor puck? LCD? Calibration loop?
Which OWM300Win screen would the technician access to configure the sensor puck?
What are the consequences of entering the wrong values in the resonator screen?
A full-field calibration of the OW-300 meter begins with which element?
Where can a technician get the SAT procedure and form?
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PowerPoint Overview
Two PowerPoint presentations have been developed to use with the training manual; they can be found
in the APPENDIX.
4 to 20mA Calibration
Run test.exe. (On some older units, there was t.bat that ran test; this was done away with at
some point. So at the C:\owm prompt, try typing t and ENTER. If that doesnt work, then type
test and ENTER.)
Using either a multi-meter or a loop calibrator (recommended), take a reading at TB4 on the
interface board, type in the reading, and then hit ENTER. It must be below 4.00mA or an error
message will appear and the program will end and return to the C:\ prompt.
Take a reading at TB4 on the interface board, type in the reading and hit ENTER. It must be
above 20.00mA or an error message will appear and the program will end and return to the C:\
When the last channel is finished, at the Done? (Y/N) type Y and hit ENTER.
It should return to the Test Menu. Either test the outputs here by typing A for Analog Outputs
or type X to exit and test the outputs via the OW diagnostic screen.
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PAMS Calibration
Course content includes the procedure for performing a PAMS calibration in the field. This
procedure must be performed anytime an RF cable, the sensor, or the PAMS RF electronics are
serviced or replaced. Also, PAMS calibration should be performed if the unit system software is lost
and a recent backup of the software is not available. The in-class training will refer to the OW-200
Instruction Manual, Section 7.11 or ACI-A-7.5.1-PRO-071 for the steps to be taken while using the
class demo unit. Training will also include procedure variations depending on if the unit has an
inline sensor (OW-201) or an insertion sensor (OW-202).
To calibrate the PAMS, technicians require what computer files and where are they located?
How is a laptop connected to the DAS for PAMS calibration?
How does the technician gain access to the SMA connectors?
The A, B and TX cables connect the PAMS to what component?
What rating should the torque wrench be?
Over-wrenching may cause what?
What are the two ways to run CALIBRAT.exe?
What does XXX represent in the Kit.xxx file?
Once new PAMS calibration files are created, how does the technician download the files to the
acquisition board?
On the Configuration screen on the DAS, change the configuration of relay out 2 to the
Sensor Power Mgmt option.
Install the correct calibration files for the puck installed on the unit.
Conduct basic field sensor calibration (air, oil, span) as possible for the particular installation.
Conduct a 24-48 hour line save at 1 line every 30 seconds. When the line save is complete,
send the line save file and the calibration folder to steven.bates@agarcorp.com and
Agar will perform Field Temperature Calibration calculations and send a new set of calibration
files via email to be installed on the unit.
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Step 1.
Use a PC (laptop or desktop) to connect to the DAS using VNC. Follow the procedure for
connection outlined in the OW-300 Series Instruction Manual or ACI-A-7.5.1-PRO-070.
Step 2.
Step 3.
On the login dialog box, type user name: guest and password: guest and click OK.
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Step 4.
Step 5.
Click the Line Save button and the Line Save Options dialog box will appear.
Save as button
Step 6.
Select Specify Interval and type 30. This will cause the unit to save one line of data every 30
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Step 7.
In the Limits box select Stop at specific time and date. Enter time and date about 24 hours
Step 8.
In the Line Save File Name box click the button and the Save Data dialog box will
appear. This will allow the user to browse for a location to save the file.
Step 9.
Type a file name for the line save file and choose a location to save the file.
i. The desktop is a convenient location for line save files.
ii. The file name should include information to identify the unit such as the tag number.
iii. The file name should include the date the log was taken.
Step 10.
Step 11.
Once the logging data is complete, recover the data and send it to Agar for analysis. The
following steps should be taken to gather the log files from the unit and return it to normal
Step 12.
Use a PC (laptop or desktop) to connect to the DAS using VNC. Follow the procedure
outlined in the OW-300 Series Instruction Manual or ACI-A-7.5.1-PRO-070.
Step 13.
Step 14.
On the login dialog type user name: guest and password: guest and click OK.
Step 15.
Step 16.
If the line save is still saving data, click the Stop Saving button.
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Step 17.
Once all logging data is complete, the user is ready to transfer the log files from the DAS to
the local computer.
Step 18.
Click the UltraVNC icon in the upper left hand corner of the VNC window.
Step 19.
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Step 20.
Select File Transfer to bring up the VNC file transfer dialog box.
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Step 21.
The left side shows the file system on the PC and the right side shows the DAS.
Step 22.
On the right side, browse to the location of the log file created previously with the Line
Save. Click on the file to retrieve.
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Step 23.
On the left side, browse to a destination location on local computer to store the log file.
Step 24.
Click the << Receive button and the file will be copied from the DAS to the PC computer.
Step 25.
Step 26.
Step 27.
Click the << Receive button and the files will be copied from the DAS to local computer.
Step 28.
The log files have been successfully recovered from the OW-300 meter in addition to calibration and
configuration information for the meter onto local computer. Send these files to Agar for analysis.
What is the purpose of logging diagnostic data?
What data is captured?
Where is data captured?
At what intervals is data being captured? Why?
How is information retrieved from the DAS and sent to the PC?
Once the data is transferred to the PC, what does the technician do with the information?
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Step 4: Select File Transfer to bring up the VNC file transfer dialog box.
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Step 5: The left side shows the file system on the PC and the right side shows the DAS. On the left
side of the screen, browse to the location of the upgrade files on local computer.
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Step 9: Click the Yes for All button to complete the file transfer.
Once the software is successfully upgraded on the OW-300 meter, either re-boot the machine to
run the new software or click the shortcut on the DAS desktop to start the meter software.
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Step 3: For older versions, refer to Procedure for Upgrading OW-300 Software, ACI-A-7.5.1-PRO061.
Step 4: Login with user name agar and password agaradmin.
Step 5: Navigate to the Resonator screen.
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Step 6: Click the Export Puck Settings button and the Select File dialog box will appear.
Step 7: Select a folder and type a name for the sensor settings file to be saved. Often the desktop
is a good place to save the file since it is easy to find for the file transfer.
Step 8: The green OK should flash several times, indicating that the software is reading the puck
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Step 4: If the version of software is older, it should be upgraded by following the procedure in the
Procedure for Upgrading the Software on an OW300, ACI-A-7.5.1-PRO-061.
Step 5: Login with user name agar and password agaradmin.
Step 6: Navigate to the Resonator screen.
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Step 7: Click the Export Puck Settings button and the Select File dialog will appear.
Step 8: Select a folder and type a name for the sensor settings file to be saved. Often the desktop
is a good place to save the file since it is easy to find for the file transfer.
Step 9: The green OK should flash several times, indicating that the software is reading the puck
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Step 12: Once the sensor settings file is transferred to the local PC, the file can be emailed to Agar
for analysis or imported to a new puck.
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Step 4: If it is an older version of the software, it should be upgraded by following the procedure in
the Procedure for Upgrading the Software on an OW300, ACI-A-7.5.1-PRO-061.
Step 5: Login with user name agar and password agaradmin.
Step 6: Navigate to the Resonator screen.
Step 7: Click the Import Puck Settings button and the Select File dialog box will appear.
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Step 9: The green OK should flash several times, indicating the sensor is accepting the new
Step 12: Navigate to the Diagnostic screen and take a short line save and send the resulting line
save file back to Agar for confirmation that the sensor settings are correct for the
application. For more information on line saves, see Procedure for Logging Diagnostic
Data from an OW300, ACI-A-7.5.1-PRO-073.
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Step 5: If it is an older version of the software, it should be upgraded by following the procedure in
the Procedure for Upgrading the Software on an OW300, ACI-A-7.5.1-PRO-061.
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Step 6: Use the VNC file transfer to send the sensor settings file to the DAS.
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Step 9: Click the Import Puck Settings button and the Select File dialog box will appear.
Step 10: Select the sensor settings file just copied to the DAS via VNC and click OPEN.
Step 11: The green OK should flash several times, indicating the sensor is accepting the new
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Step 14: Go to the Diagnostic screen and take a short line save and send the resulting line save file
back to Agar for confirmation the sensor settings are correct for the application. For more
information of line saves see the Procedure for Logging Diagnostic Data from an OW300,
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Technical Support
To ensure quicker response to inquiries, technician must have the following information before
contacting Agar for technical support:
Unit serial number
If possible, a current copy of the units OW directory from the units compact flash card
A set of line saves taken during a point when the water cut of the process is known,
preferably verified by a lab sample of the process
A clear definition of the problem with the unit. Its not working. is not overly helpful. Also,
provide a description of what has been done, if anything, to attempt to fix or diagnose the
Customer connection
Power supply, 110/220VAC to 24VDC converter and differences between 24VDC and
PAMS acquisition board
Interface board and SBC
Barriers and ID-201
Optional 24VDC to 24VDC power conditioner
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Recommended Action
Water Calibration
Unreasonable epsilon
Calibration Failed
Unreasonable epsilon
ID Error
ID is reading
Temperature Error
Stream temperature is
reading unreasonable.
Maximum output 1
pulse per scan.
Reconfigure K factor.
PAMS error.
PAMS error.
ALARM! RF Source
PAMS error.
PAMS error.
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Step 1: Open the DAS and look for TB3 shown below in Figure 1. The numbers may be different
on the TB, but the signal names are the same.
Figure 1
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Step 2: Using a voltmeter, measure the voltage between V- and V+. It should get between 23.5V
and 26.5V as seen in Figure 2
Figure 2
Step 3: If the voltage is not correct, the sensor will fail to start properly. Too high a voltage will burn
out the fuse in the barrier and too low a voltage will cause the sensor to fail to startup. If
the system is 24V powered, supply a full 24V to the system UNDER FULL LOAD. If the
voltage is too low and the voltage can not get higher from the 24V supply, then Agar offers
a 24VDC to 24VDC converter that can be taken anywhere from 18VDC to 36VDC and
convert it to a steady 24VDC. If the unit is AC powered and the 24V is too low, there is a
problem with the AD/DC power supply. Contact Agar for assistance.
Step 4: The V- terminal should be connected to terminal 2 of the STAHL barrier and terminal 13 of
the MTL5051 barrier.
Step 5: The V+ terminal should be connected to terminal 1 of the STAHL barrier and terminal 14 of
the MTL5051 barrier.
Step 6: The green LED on top of the MTL5051 barrier should be illuminated.
Step 7: The GND terminal should be connected to terminal 11 of the MTL5051 barrier.
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Step 8: Measure the voltage between GND and TX. It should get between -5V and -12V. It is
usually closer to -9V as seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3
Step 9: If the voltage is not correct, check the wiring between the DAS and the barrier. This
terminal should be connected to the RX input (terminal 12) of the MTL5051 barrier.
Step 10: Measure the voltage between GND and RX. It should get between -5V and -12V. This
voltage may be changing between 0V and the negative voltage indicated. It is usually
closer to -7V as seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4
Step 11: If the voltage is not correct, check the wiring between the DAS and the barrier. This
terminal should be connected to the TX output (pin 10) of the MTL5051 barrier.
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Figure 5
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Step 2: Measure the voltage between terminal 1 and terminal 2 of the Stahl barrier (1) and
between terminal 14 and terminal 13 of the MTL barrier (2). It should get between 23.5V
and 26.5V as seen in Figure 6. This should be the same voltage seen between V+ and Vin Step 1 above.
Figure 6
Step 3: If the voltage is not the same as seen in Step 2 above, check the wiring between the DAS
terminal block and the barrier terminals.
Step 4: On the MTL5051, measure the voltage between GND (terminal 11) and RX (terminal 12). It
should get between -5V and -12V. It is usually closer to -9V as seen in Figure 7. This
should be the same voltage see in the DAS Section, Step 8 above.
Figure 7
Step 5: If the voltage is not correct, check the wiring between the DAS and the barrier. This
terminal should be connected to the TX terminal on the DAS terminal block. The GND
(terminal 11) should connect to the GND terminal of the DAS terminal block.
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Step 6: On the MTL5051, measure the voltage between GND (terminal 11) and TX (terminal 10).
It should get between -5V and -12V. This voltage may be changing between 0V and the
negative voltage indicated. It is usually closer to -7V as seen in Figure 8. This should be
the same voltage seen in Step 9 above.
Figure 8
Step 7: If the voltage is not correct, check the wiring between the DAS and the barrier. This
terminal should be connected to the RX terminal on the DAS terminal block. The GND
(terminal 11) should connect to the GND terminal of the DAS terminal block.
Step 8: At this point, the connection from the DAS to the barrier should be complete and verified.
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Figure 9
Step 3: If the voltage is much higher, then the sensor is probably not connected properly and is
therefore not loading the supply lines. Check the wiring and ensure the V- terminal in the
barrier box connects to the Supply V- terminal of the sensor, and the V+ terminal
connects to the Supply V+ terminal of the sensor.
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Step 4: On the terminal block, measure the voltage between GND and TX. It should get between 5V and -12V. It is usually closer to -5V as seen in Figure 10.
Figure 10
Step 5: If the voltage is not correct, check the wiring between the terminal block and the sensor.
The GND terminal should be connected to the RS232 GND terminal of the sensor and
the TX terminal should be connected to the RS232 RX terminal of the sensor.
Step 6: On the terminal block, measure the voltage between GND and RX. It should get between
-5V and -12V. It is usually closer to -5V as seen in Figure 11.
Figure 11
Step 7: If the voltage is not correct, check the wiring between the terminal block and the sensor.
The GND terminal should be connected to the RS232 GND terminal of the sensor and
the RX terminal should be connected to the RS232 TX terminal of the sensor.
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Step 1: Open the sensor enclosure and take a look at the sensor terminal block. Notice the
terminals are labeled on the green board: Supply V+, Supply V-, RTD+, RTD+, RTD-,
CanL (not used), CanH (not used), RS232 GND, RS232 RX and RS232 TX. Remove the
green connector to make the wire connections to the terminal block. Replace the
connector before proceeding with the following steps. Do not remove the sensor puck
electronics from the enclosure unless specifically asked to do so by Agar.
Figure 12
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Step 2: Measure the voltage between the Supply V+ terminal and the Supply V- terminal. It
should get between 17V and 19V as seen in Figure 6. This should be the same voltage,
between V+ and V- as seen in Barriers-Sensor Side Section, Step 2.
Figure 13
Step 3: If the voltage is not the same as seen in Barriers-Sensor Side Section, Step 2; check the
wiring between the sensor terminal block and the barrier terminal block.
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Step 4: On the sensor, measure the voltage between RS232 GND and RS232 RX. It should get
between -5V and -12V. It is usually closer to -5V as seen in Figure 14. This should be the
same voltage as seen in Barriers-Sensor Side Section, Step 6.
Figure 14
Step 5: If the voltage is not correct, check the wiring between the sensor terminal block and the
barrier terminal block. The RS232 RX terminal should be connected to the TX terminal
on the barrier terminal block and the RS232 GND terminal should connect to the GND
terminal of the barrier terminal block.
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Step 6: On the sensor, measure the voltage between the RS232 GND terminal and the RS232
TX terminal. It should get between -5V and -12V. This voltage may be changing between
0V and the negative voltage indicated. It is usually closer to -5V as seen in Figure 15.
This should be the same voltage as seen in Barriers-Sensor Side Section, Step 4.
Figure 15
Step 7: If the voltage is not correct, check the wiring between the sensor terminal block and the
barrier terminal block. The RS232 TX terminal should be connected to the RX terminal
on the barrier terminal block and the RS232 GND terminal should connect to the GND
terminal of the barrier terminal block.
Step 8: At this point the connection from the sensor to the barriers should be complete and verified.
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At the MiniDAS interface, verify the 24VDC at TB10. Verify the 24V after
the fuse F201. If the fuse is blown, replace it. If the fuse F201 blows
repeatedly, MiniDAS interface or the SBC has a problem.
Turn OFF the power; unplug the white connector from TB5 to the SBC
board. Replace the fuse F201 and turn ON power. If the Fuse F201
blows again, replace the MiniDAS interface.
If the fuse F201 doesn't burn after disconnecting the white connector to
the SBC, the SBC may have a problem or the polarity +5V (RED) and
ground (black) of the white connector to TB5 is not correct.
If the +5V is present, and no LEDs are turned ON at the SBC, replace
the SBC with COMPACT FLASH memory and the MPC555.
If the +5V is not presented at the white connector, go to the next step.
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Step 3 above needs to be conducted before checking this step.
Unplug the 2 pin white connector from the MiniDAS to the SBC.
Verify the +5V at TB15 of the MiniDAS interface.
At this point, the absence of the +5V at the SBC can be caused by:
2 pin white connector and cable from SBC to MiniDAS TB10
MiniDAS interface is faulty
SBC board is faulty.
Replace components or call Agar representative for support.
Make sure to use a straight Ethernet cable instead of a cross over. Run
VNC and verify that the IP address of the meter is correct based on the
user manual. If it's not successful, reset the OWM300 with the external
reset button located at the communication box. Run the UltraVNC viewer
If it still fails, open the enclosure cover and verify if the red LEDs are
circulating on the MPC555 (located on the top of the SBC).
If the LED is stuck at one position, then press the reset button at the
communication box.
If after resetting and the communication still fails, turn OFF the OWM300
power and turn ON again. The SBC may be faulty, ask the Agar
representative for assistance. Agar may need to connect a keyboard and
a monitor to the SBC for direct troubleshooting.
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Open the OW300 hockey puck blue enclosure. Measure the voltage at
the green terminal block (J101) at pins +V and -V, it should be +18VDC.
If there is no voltage present, verify the wiring from the green terminal
to the safety barrier inside the OWM300 enclosure (use a correct
customer wiring diagram). Verify the 24VDC input to the STAHL white
safety barrier pins 1 and 2. If the 24V is shown and no voltage output at
pins 3 and 4, the safety barrier is damaged.
Verify also the 24VDC is presented at pins 13(-V) and 14(+V) of the
safety barrier MTL5051, and the green LED is turned ON. If the 24VDC is
connected correctly and the LED (power) is not ON, replace the safety
Follow the OWM Communication Error troubleshooting procedure as
outlined in ACI-A-7.5.1-PRO-058.
If the fails message appears when running OWM300Win, the hockey
puck is damaged or the communication between the hockey puck is
interrupted due to broken wires, damaged hockey puck or wrong
configuration in the OW300Win. Default communication port setting for
the OWM300 is 3. Contact Agar technical support for further assistance.
Shows high or very low temperature: Unscrew and unplug the green
terminal block J101. On the plug toward the sensor RTD, verify with an
ohm meter the resistance between RTD+ and RTD-. The 2 RTD+ should
show around 0 ohms. Based on the measured resistance, Agar can
determine if something is wrong with the RTD (PT100). Ask Agar support
for assistance if the resistance is measured but the temperature shown
on the diagnostic screen is still wrong.
If the LCD display and the water cut output 4 to 20mA is wrong: perform
the oil calibration and span calibration.
If the water cut is still not correct, the OWM sensor may need to be
extracted, inspected and cleaned. Conduct the oil calibration and the
span calibration again after cleaning the sensor.
If the water cut is still not correct after cleaning and calibration, take
some line saves and contact Agar support.
If the LCD display is good but the 4 to 20mA is wrong: verify the 4 to
20mA setting in the configuration menu by clicking on the configuration
tab or go to step 16 (analog output is wrong).
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Make sure there is no air in the system, and the liquid flow rate is high
enough to have a good mixing.
Inspect the sensor for anything loose or too much deposit; clean if
necessary. Take some line saves and a copy of the diagnostics screen
and send it to Agar for assistance.
Verify the stream temperature versus the one shown in the OWM300Win;
if the temperature is okay, then ask Agar support for advice.
Verify if the connection at TB1 pins 7 and 8 for pulse input, pins 9 and 10
for 4 to 20mA input.
If using pulse input, verify the K factor (default 1) at the configuration
screen, section flow meter input.
If using 4 to 20mA, verify the input setting input in the configuration
The measurement unit can be changed in the configuration screen. Click
on Save Configuration after any change.
Contact Agar technical support for more assistance.
In the configuration screen at the flow meter output section, verify the
setting of the unit, K factor, and the relay status.
Verify the opto relay output assignment. By default, the oil total is
assigned to pulse output 1 (TB1 pins 11 and 12). Change the setting if
required. Click on Save Configuration after change.
Since it is an NPN open collector, it may require some electronic setting.
Contact Agar technical support for assistance.
If the water cut alarm is shown on the LCD, verify in the configuration
setting the alarm 1, 2 and relay alarm setting if required. Save
Configuration after any change.
Contact Agar technical support for more assistance.
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At the Agar factory, the auto logging is not activated. At the configuration
screen, check on the enable AP LOG at the logging section. The logging
file will have a name aplog, and it is located in the same folder
OWM300Win. Save Configuration.
After finishing the logging, remove the aplog file. At the configuration
screen, uncheck the enable APLOG, and Save Configuration.
Contact Agar technical support for more assistance.
MODBUS problems.
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Written Test
At the end of OW technical training, technicians will be given a written test in the form of questions
regarding the OW series instruments. Technicians must be prepared to briefly respond (in writing and
using notes) in the following areas:
Describe major OWM instruments and components; operating ranges, accuracies and pressures;
operating systems, and preferred installation.
Discuss the similarities and differences between OW-200 and OW-300 instruments; how to change
the flow input and output on each meter type; and low and high frequencies on the OW-300.
Describe PAMS, how it works, communications errors, and power supply (voltages and
Discuss water cut readings and the affect of gas on the cut.
Discuss advantages of Agar OW-200 and OW-300 instruments over competitors products.
Use the Quick Review Questions located throughout the training manual to help prepare for the written test.
Technicians will be able to find the answers to these questions in this training manual and the OWM
Instruction Manual. The answers are not collected by the trainer; they are posed so the technician/trainee
can make sure to find the answers while the training is held or talk with a trainer before the training is
completed. Most of the test questions are Quick Review Questions. Otherwise they are topics that will be
highlighted during the lecture or hands-on portion of the training.
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Situational Test
During the course, technicians will be given demonstration and opportunities to experience hands-on
exercises on OW-200 and OW-300 instruments. The trainers will note technicians proficiency during the
training exercises and then determine testing situations at the end of the course. A technician will be given
a set of circumstances (connection, error messages, meter adjustments, readings, etc.) and then the
technician will be asked to complete the next steps in operation on real or training equipment.
Competency Evaluation
Trainers will combine scores of written examination and situational tests to determine competency levels.
Technicians can be certified as:
Level A technician exhibits basic understanding of OWM products and applications. Level A technicians
are not yet competent to operate, maintain, troubleshoot and repair OWM instruments.
Level B technician can connect, start up and configure OWM instruments with Agar supervision.
Level C technician is fully competent to connect, power up, configure and calibrate OWM instruments
using service tools, diagnostic tools, and manuals, in addition to determining when and where to call for
technical support. Technician is not yet competent to troubleshoot for basic repair and calibration without
Agar supervision.
Level D technician is fully competent to connect, power up, configure, and calibrate OWM instruments in
addition to troubleshooting for repair and calibration without Agar supervision.
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Competency Checklist
Competency Checklist
Competency Level
(Check Only One Box)
Level A
Levels B or C
Level D
Not Yet
with Direction
2.3.1 Unit Description. Technician can define and discuss what OWM
instruments do and do not do - specifically the OW-200 and OW-300.
2.3.2 Major Components. Technician can identify and discuss
relationships between major components:
OW-200 Components
ID: Interface Detector with probe or spool with junction box.
PAMS: Phase and Amplitude Measuring System.
DAS Enclosure: identify what is inside the enclosure, what can and
can not be seen, 110VAC/220VAC/24DC, wiring connections to
other components. SBC/MPC555 type and how to identify it,
differences, jumpers, connections, and indicator lights.
Microwave Cable and Barrier: wire connections and barrier
OW-300 Components
Sensor: sensor types, guard/no guard, inline/insertion, seal housing,
installation (orientation and place in line), sample port and/or where
the sample is taken in relation to the sensor.
Puck: serial number, fuse, wiring and proper mounting.
Barrier Box: identify what is inside the box, connections, and wiring
to other components.
DAS: MiniDAS with hyper terminal
2.3.3. Service Tool Kit. Technician can identify and use hand tools and
test equipment to maintain, troubleshoot and repair OWM series
2.3.4 Initial Power Up. Technician can identify what to look for before
powering up including a visual check of the unit and component
connections. Technician can identify visual factors and actions required
once the unit is powered on including visual indicators (lights and LCD)
and error messages on LCD.
2.3.5. Connection to the Unit. Technician can configure and install unit components:
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OW-200 Connections
PC configuration
OWMWin: technician can demonstrate a working knowledge of
navigating through configuration screens, in addition to the DOS
operating system.
COM ports: can identify uses and how to connect
Output calibration (4-20 mA) and connection to control room
(4-20 mA, or MODBUS).
OW-300 Connections
PC configurations
Ultra VNC installation and configuration
Ethernet ports on PC and unit: Technician can identify ports and
uses, and how to connect VNC passwords
OWM300Win: Technician can demonstrate a working
knowledge of navigating through tabs, software updates, file
transfers, and calibration, in addition to the XP operating
Output calibration (4-20 mA) and connection to control room (420 mA, or MODBUS).
2.3.6. Troubleshooting and Calibration. Technician can troubleshoot
power up issues including no power to the unit or component and
component failures (interface board, SBC, watchdog timer, barriers and
puck). Technician can determine what to do with a communications
error. Technician can execute a quick test for a bad puck or bad sensor.
Technician can demonstrate knowledge of field calibration.
2.3.7. Support. Technician can identify resources for technical support
including contacts and contact information. Technician can identify
information needed prior to contact to ensure prompt and proper
technical support.
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Course Survey
Evaluation of OW 200 and OW 300 Series Instrument Training
Please take a moment to answer the following questions. Your comments are an important contribution as
we design learning experiences to meet your professional needs. Specifically, concentrate on the OW
Series of training materials, hand-on exercises, and training personnel as you complete this survey.
Choose the best answer for each of the following.
What will you do differently in your practice/service setting as a result of this training?
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The APPENDIX for the OWM Training Manual should include:
1. OW-200 Series Technical Training PowerPoint Presentation color printed in the handouts form
with 2 slides to a page.
2. OW-300 Series Technical Training PowerPoint Presentation color printed in the handouts form
with 2 slides to a page.
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