Parent Bulletin Issue 23 SY1415

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ISSUE # 23

SY 2014 2015


Friday Bulletin

Weekly Publication for Middle School Parents


Inside this issue:

Dear Middle School Parents,
This past week has been one of the busiest and most exciting times of the year in
Middle School with 700 students engaging in a wide variety of activities across both
provincial and Metro Manila sites. Some students have been away all week while
others have been away for a few nights and some on day trips. We welcome everybody back home today and I hope parents enjoy the resulting conversations and
reflections over the coming weekend about your child's CWW experiences (once
they catch up on some sleep!). We look forward to hearing about the deeper connections made with the Philippines during the past week; specifically the people,
places, history, culture and the environment.

Operations & Security

Athletics & Activities

Admissions & Advancement

ISM Upcoming Events

Events & Activities:

Next week we have a Middle School Parent Coffee on Tuesday February 17 at 7:45 9:00am in the Little Theater. Our MS Honor choir will perform and we will be sharing about what is happening in our Middle School along with learning about digital FEBRUARY
citizenship. On Thursday Feb 19th faculty will be engaged in an in-service day on
campus and there will no classes for students. Friday Feb 20th is a public holiday
Parent Coffee
with no classes.
We have begun transition meetings for next year recently meeting with Grade 4
parents and the next parent meeting is on Monday 23rd February 5:30-6:30 in the
Little Theater to begin the process for grade 8 students transitioning to High School.
We will also be sharing with students and parents for the other grade levels course
offerings for next year and decisions that need to be made. Please look out for information relating to this in the first week of March.


No Classes


G8 Transition Meeting


No Classes

Also looking ahead next month we begin our second MAP testing for the year in
grades 5 - 8. This is a standardized test students take twice per year for Reading,
Language Use and Mathematics. Students will each take part in 3 sessions, the test
MAP Testing
is taken online. Results will be shared with parents at a later date along with a com- 2-13
plete description of the assessment. We use this to get a better understanding of
student growth along with an overall look at student learning at ISM. This is one
After-School Activities Office:
piece of data we use to analyze student learning. Three are 550 schools internaSeason Dates for Season 3 and 4:
tionally that use this assessment so we are able to get effective benchThird Season: February 16 - March 31, 2015
marking data.
Have a great week ahead.
Yours in Education,
Simon Gillespie, Middle School Principal
Amanda Pekin, Middle School Assistant Principal

Fourth Season: April 13 - May 29, 2015

(NO MS AFAC on March 19, 2015)

The Salinlahi Yearbook photo retakes

will be on Tuesday, March
the FAT changing room.

3 in

A few reminders from Operations and Security

Access and parking within the campus are important security and safety issues. For the well-being of all members of the
ISM community, those entering the school campus are requested to follow the procedures outlined below.

Vehicular Access
During drop-off and pick-up times, vehicles may enter through Gates 2 and 3. Those entering through Gate 2 should
proceed to the drop off area and, once the student has alighted or boarded, they should exit via Gate 1. Those vehicles
entering through Gate 3 must turn into the covered parking area and use the designated drop-off areas. All vehicles
must exit through Gate 1.
Alternatively, vehicles entering through Gate 3 may park in the covered car park. The spaces reserved for parent-driven
cars should only be used by those vehicles which are driven by parents themselves. Vehicles in which parents are traveling, but which are driven by a driver, should not use these spaces. Rather, they should park elsewhere in the covered
park or make use of the outside spaces next to the power center.
Please note that Gate 2 may only be used by members of the ISM community in possession of a valid ISM ID and vehicles
displaying a valid ISM vehicle sticker.
Family/company drivers should not remain within school once they have delivered a student. They should exit the
school and return no sooner than 1:45 pm for pick up.
Visitors to ISM may only enter through Gate 3. There is an area for short stay visitors parking near Gate 1.

The Pedestrian Gate

The pedestrian gate is located in the perimeter fence mid-way between Gate 1 and Gate 2. There is a paved area between the road and the perimeter fence, allowing easy access to the gate.
The pedestrian gate is solely for the entry of members of the ISM Community at the beginning of the school day. It will
only be open between 7:00 and 7:45 (8:00 to 8:45 on Wednesdays). Due to parking restrictions and in the interests of
security it will not be open in the afternoon for pick ups. During the time it is open, it will be under the supervision of
members of the ISM Guard Force.
Drivers should stop adjacent to the paved area and students should alight from the right side of their vehicle. The driver
should then move off, clearing the space for other vehicles dropping off students. Under no circumstances should a student be dropped off from the outside lane. This is dangerous as the student would need to walk across the front of another vehicle.
Drivers are reminded that traffic regulations forbid parking on the roads around ISM. Therefore, vehicles should only be
stopping for the brief time it takes for a student to alight. Drivers must not wait for anybody to return to the vehicle.

ID Cards
ID cards should be worn at all times while on campus. If you have not been issued an ID card, or you have lost it, you
should obtain one by visiting the security office and completing the appropriate application form.

Vehicle checks
The practice of inspecting vehicles will continue. During off-peak hours all vehicles will be checked before they are allowed to enter the campus. During peak hours (drop off and pick-up times), all vehicles without valid stickers and randomly selected vehicles with stickers will be asked to undergo an examination.
Whether an examination is conducted or not, it is important that the security staff at the gates are able to identify the
occupants of vehicles entering the campus; therefore IDs must be clearly displayed. Vehicles with tinted windows must
roll down windows to allow a clear view of the interior of the vehicle.

Drivers, Helpers and Bodyguards

Drivers, helpers and bodyguards should not be waiting on campus for students throughout the school day. After dropping off students they should exit the school grounds and not return more than 30 minutes before dismissal time. Those
who repeatedly fail to comply with the regulation will have their access privilege suspended.
Only those vehicles carrying parents or other people with business within the school will be allowed to return to the
campus before 1:45 p.m.
There are designated areas for unaccompanied drivers, yayas, helpers and security escorts to wait for parents and students. Unless specifically authorized, they may not enter any other area. In the interest of security, and to prevent congestion at the pedestrian entrances to the covered parking area, parents are requested to emphasize to their employees
the importance of cooperating with the security staff and remaining in the appropriate areas.

Termination of Employment
In the event of the termination of service of a family employee, parents are asked to secure the former employees ISM
ID card and return it to the Security office. If this is not possible, it is important tat the Security Office is still informed of
the change of circumstances.

All members of the ISM community are reminded that it is strictly forbidden for firearms to be brought onto the campus.
This includes concealed weapons carried by bodyguards for close protection. Any person arriving at the school with a
firearm should inform the gate guard and arrangements will be made for the weapon to be safely and securely stored
during the visitors stay.

Security staff directions

Our security team is endeavoring to make the school as safe and secure an environment as possible for all members of
our community. We ask that everybody cooperate with us in this important task and that parents ensure their employees are aware of our regulations. In particular, all those entering our campus are requested to comply with any direction
given to them by members of our guard force. In the event that anyone is unclear as to the purpose of such instructions
they can seek clarifications from the security office.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Operations & Security

Season 3 tryouts have finished for HS teams and

for MS Badminton and Track and season practices
are underway. The practice schedule for the remainder of the season is posted on notice boards
and on the ATAC blog. Season 3 will run from Feb
9th to March 31st.
Season 2 HS sports awards banquet is Tues Feb
15th from 5:30pm at the lofthouse for all 2nd season HS team members and parents. We look forward to seeing you there! (Basketball/Swimming/
Saturday Community Tennis for semester 2 starts
again Feb 21st. See link for information on dates
and how to book. Use of the courts is only available to ISM community members. Outside guests
are not allowed
The first track meet for the season is tomorrow Feb 14 at Brent for MS and HS teams.

ATAC programs: ATAC all year round teams- 3:154:30. Sailfish/Gymnastics and all HS seasonal
teams now conclude practice at 4:50pm each day.
MS seasonal teams 3:10-4:45pm. The last bus is
now 4:55pm and all after school programs will conclude by 4:50pm in order to try and clear the campus prior to 5pm due to the ever increasing traffic
concerns in our area.
Parents and students please take some time to
peruse the ATAC blog it has a wide variety of information and links to our sports and activities program. If you have any questions regarding the
competitive program of sports at ISM after reading
the information on the blog please send an email
to and I will endeavor to assist you as best I can.
Bearcat Den- drop by our fantastic spirit store.
There is a range of new products and items to purchase including items from our service partners.
Bearcat Den hours of operation- 7am-4pm MonFri.

MS training will resume from next Monday Feb

16 after the CWW break this week.

The ATAC game schedule pdf which is updated regularly by Triz Gonzalez (ATAC Athletics CoordinaFeb 16 & 18 MS Mixed Touch tryouts see Coach
tor) gives the most up to date information on
Diana Van De Merwe for details.
where/when and who our Bearcat teams will be
playing throughout the school year. Access to the
Well done to our MS girls Green tennis team who game schedule is via the ISM parent portal. Use
tried hard but lost their ISTA tennis semi final last this link to access the parent portal, log in with
Saturday vs St. Paul. The girls finished the season
your user name/password and look for the ATAC
in 3rd place. Congratulations to all players for their Game Schedule tab. Remember to refresh the
efforts during the season.
page when the pdf schedule appears so you view
the most current schedule.
A big thanks to Coach Jeremy and his team of wall
climbing coaches who ran a successful speed track
climbing competition last Saturday. It was a fun
event for our climbing team and we even had
some parent vs student races as well to finish the Regards,
Mark Pekin
Athletics and Activities Director
Please note the practice times for the following

Leaving ISM?
Please be reminded that parents are obliged to officially inform the School in writing through a
WITHDRAWAL NOTIFICATION FORM if their children will not be returning in August for School
Year 2015-16. Families are encouraged to submit the Withdrawal Notification Form, stating the
student's final date of attendance, immediately. Forms must be submitted on or before May 8.
Failure to submit the form by that date may lead to a deduction of US$1,000 from the Facilities
Upgrade Deposit (FUD), in compensation for having held a space for your child, preventing the
School from offering that space to another candidate.
The Withdrawal Notification Form can be obtained from the Admissions Office or directly from
the ISM website under Admission > Re-Enrollment & Withdrawal > Withdrawals
Please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at 840.8601 for questions or clarifications.

Join fellow ISM parents and alumni for a fun day on the green! All ISM Parents are invited to join the 95 FORE 95 Alumni Golf Tournament on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at the South Course - Canlubang Golf & Country Club.
All proceeds go to the Vicky SyCip Herrera Philippine Scholarship Foundation.
ISM Parents must register in a team of four. To REGISTER, please click on link on or before February 6 (Friday).
Registration Fee: P4,000/player (Inclusive of Green Fee, Caddy Fee, Golf Cart & Lunch)
7:00 a.m.: Coffee and registration on-site
9:00 a.m.: Shotgun start
12:30 p.m.: Lunch and Awarding of Prizes

Tournament format will be System 36 Please view mechanics here -

Registration opens at 7:00 AM, coffee will be served.
Please check registration table for assigned tee off holes and flights.
ISM Parents must be a complete flight of four (4) players
Friends of ISM alumni must be in a flight of at least two (2) alumni players
Green fee and caddy fee are covered by registration fee. Caddy tips will be at the player's discretion
Scrip money will be available at the registration table, cash transactions are not accepted at tee houses.
Lunch buffet will be served at 12:30 PM at the Clubhouse
Please observe the Canlubang Golf & Country Club dress code - No sleeveless tops and open toe footwear/slippers.
Success in fun holes (2, 4, 8, 11, 13 & 17) qualify player for raffle prizes

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