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CAE CAD Manipulation

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Title Page

Catia V5
CAD Manipulation
CATIA V5 Release 18
Version: 1.0

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

July 2011

About the Course

Course Duration
This module is 1.5 day in duration.

Course Objectives

To understand the fundamentals of Catia V5

To understand how to manipulate and modify native V5 data for CAE usage
To understand how Teamcenter is used within Jaguar Land Rover


Basic Teamcenter skills

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

About the Course

Course Material
This document is based on JLR methods available MADCAP
This document and its contents are proprietary legally protected and comprise legally
protected subject matter belonging to the Jaguar Land Rover. It is loaned on the basis of a
confidential relationship. All use, its reproduction, and disclosure are strictly controlled and
prohibited without the prior written consent of the Jaguar Land Rover

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Change History

M Pugh

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

July 2011

Initial Release

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to Catia V5
Catia V5 Overview
Loading Catia V5
User Interface
Workbench Concepts
Managing Files
Model Navigation
Model Visualisation

Unit 5: DMU
Cross section
Image Capture

Unit 6: Geometry Manipulations

Unit 2: Load Data

Teamcenter Integration
Data directory
Alternative file types
Translating data into V5

Deactivating Features
Modifying Features
Creating an Orphan Part
Change Part Body

Unit 3: Saving Data

Saving to Data directory
Exporting CAD geometry

Unit 4: Part Interrogation

Tree structure
Axis System
Part bodies
Geometrical sets
Boolean Operations

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Introduction to Catia V5

Catia V5 Overview
Loading Catia V5
User Interface
Model Navigation
Workbench Concepts
Managing Files

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Introduction to Catia V5

CATIA, which stands for Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application, was developed
in the early 1970s by Dassault Systems of France. It is widely used within Automotive, Aerospace
and the Consumer Products industries.

Shown below is a list of some of its capabilities:


Part Design
Assembly Design
Surface and Shape Design
Generative Drafting
Digital Mock-Up Analysis
Sheet Metal Design
Kinematics or Fitting simulation
Data Translation (IGES, STEP)
Rapid Prototyping
Component / Assembly meshing
FE Analysis
Much More................!

The areas in Italics will make up the focus of this training

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Introduction to Catia V5
Loading Catia V5
CATIA Version 5 operates on both Windows and Unix workstations. It can be used as standalone or
with Teamcenter.
To start CATIA Version 5 on Windows workstation there are 3 choices:
Start All Programs CATIA

Double clicking with the left mouse button on the CATIA shortcut icon

Double clicking with the left mouse button on an existing CATIA document

The CATIA main screen will then appear. Teamcenter can be started in the same way

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Introduction to Catia V5
Loading Catia V5
To start V5 on a Unix workstation use the following steps:


Login to the Unix workstation

On a blank area of the desktop click the Mouse Button Three (MB3)
Select CAD C3P NG Production (select Training for the training course)

Select MyV5 and Tce from the Environment starter form and OK from the Confidentiality form

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Introduction to Catia V5
User Interface
The CATIA screen is divided into several main areas :



A. Menu Commands
B. Working Area
C. Workbench Toolbar
D. View Toolbar
E. Standard Toolbar
F. Filename of open document
G. Specification Tree
H. Compass
I. Dialogue Area

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Introduction to Catia V5
Model Navigation
The display of the geometry on the screen can be managed
using the following options

n The Mouse Buttons

n The Compass

n The View toolbar

Left Mouse Button (LMB)

Used for selecting, it can be used to pick geometry directly from
the screen or commands via the
workbench icons

Middle Mouse Button (MMB) or Wheel

Used during Panning, Zooming or Rotating operations

Right Mouse Button (RMB)

Used to activate the Contextual Menus

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Introduction to Catia V5
Model Navigation
Zooming can be achieved by four methods:
n Hold down the MMB and then click either LMB or RMB once, continue to hold down the MMB and
then move the mouse up to zoom or down to zoom out

n Hold down MMB and then press the CTRL key once, continue to hold down the MMB and then
move the mouse up or down

n Select one of the Zoom commands from the View toolbar:

n Select VIEW > MAGNIFIER. This displays a window that magnifies a certain area of the screen
represented by a square. The square can be dragged and resided as needed.

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Introduction to Catia V5
Model Navigation
Panning can be achieved by three methods:

n Hold down the MMB and move the mouse. The camera moves across the plane of the screen

n Select the Pan command from the View toolbar, hold down LMB and move the mouse

n Place the mouse over an edge or plane of the compass hold down LMB and the camera will
either move along the selected edge or over the selected plane

Compass Edge
Compass Plane
n Hold down the CTRL key and then use the arrow keys

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Introduction to Catia V5
Model Navigation
Rotating can be achieved by five different methods:

n Hold down the MMB and then hold down either LMB or RMB. Hold down both buttons and then
move the mouse

n Hold down MMB and then hold down the CTRL key continue to hold down both buttons and then
move the mouse.
n Select the Rotate command from the View toolbar, hold down LMB and move the mouse

n Place cursor over the compass point hold down the LMB and
move the mouse

n Hold down the Shift key and then use the arrow keys

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Introduction to Catia V5
Model Navigation
Any point or feature on the geometry can be centred by clicking MMB on that area of the geometry.
This also moves the centre of rotation

MMB this area to Centre

Resulting in:

You can also use the Fit All In icon to ensure that all visible geometry is displayed on the screen.

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

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Introduction to Catia V5
Model Navigation
There are default views such as
Isometric, Front View, etc.

User defined views may be created.

To create a user defined view, set the
image into the desired orientation
and then select the option Add.
Views can be deleted or modified
Changes to standard views can be made
under properties

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

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Introduction to Catia V5
Model Navigation
Rendering styles specify how parts
are visualised

You can have a Customised the

display. This is very useful when it
comes to working with meshes

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

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Introduction to Catia V5
Model Navigation
Any Geometry can be hidden from the main
view of the document. Geometry that is
hidden is placed in the Non-Visible space.
Hiding and Showing can be accomplished using the Hide/Show icon or by using the contextual menu
accessed using the RMB

To switch between Visible and Non-Visible space use the

Visible Space

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Non Visible space

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Introduction to Catia V5
Model Navigation
To hide and show geometry of the same type (points, lines, planes, sketches etc) use the pull down
menu under Tools

Hidden objects on the tree will have their symbols ghosted

Note: if an individual Body or

Geometrical set is hidden all of
the objects within
it will be hidden

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

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Introduction to Catia V5
Workbench Concepts
CATIA assigns different workbenches to work with different functionality.
Each workbench contains only the tools that are relevant to the current activity.
Some of the common workbenches are:

Part Design

To design parts using Solid Modelling techniques

Generative Shape Design

To deign parts using Surface Modelling techniques

Assembly Design

To assemble multiple parts in positional context

Generative structural analysis

To perform FE analysis on parts and / or assemblies

Advanced Mashing Tool

For performing and analysing FE Mesh

Healing Assistant

To repair and modify problem surfaces

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

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Introduction to Catia V5
Workbench Concepts
Workbenches can be accessed by a number of different methods:
n Select the Start command

n Right Mouse Button (RMB) over the workbench icon

n Left Mouse Button (LMB) over the workbench icon

n Use the Workbenches toolbar

Note: the workbenches have to be
configured as Favourites in
Tools - Customize

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

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Introduction to Catia V5
Workbench Concepts
Each workbench contains a number of toolbars. visibility of these toolbars can be controlled using
the command View Toolbars.
Any toolbar with a tick against will display.

A toolbar can be relocated by selecting

and dragging its separator.

A tool bar can be Floating or docked

into a fixed location



Note: Any icon displayed with a small

black triangle beneath it
denotes that there are
additional commands
contained within a Fly Out

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

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Introduction to Catia V5
Managing Files
CATIA has several different file types, some of the most common ones are shown below:


Used for PARTS




Used for 2D DWAWINGS


Used for All ANALYSIS including Meshing


Used in V4

For a new, Part, Assembly or Drawing etc select the option File New and then choose the type of
CATIA entity required.

Note: Note that for new Parts, JLR recommend that the part is created
and loaded from Teamcenter

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

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Loading Data

Teamcenter Integration
Data directory
Alternative file types
Translating data into V5

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Loading Data
Teamcenter Integration
Teamcenter Integration connects CATIA and Teamcenter through hooks in both applications and is
required for both applications to communicate with one another.
Within CATIA there is a Teamcenter Integration toolbar.
Within Teamcenter there are Teamcenter Integration menus.
It is very important to use the Teamcenter Integration commands when moving between the two
CATIA V5 and Teamcenter do not communicate directly with each other. Teamcenter sends files to a
local staging area where they are retrieved by CATIA.

Local Staging




Note: The local staging area is a temporary directory created at

the launch of CATIA V5 and Teamcenter. When the
applications are closed, the local staging area is cleared.
However it is good practice to purge the staging area
manually from time to time using the Purge command
The staging area is located in: /ngx/.catiman/catuii

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Loading Data
Teamcenter Integration
The Teamcenter Integration Toolbar is usually located along the left side of the CATIA window.
These icons should always be used to move between CATIA and Teamcenter as this guarantees an
active connection between the two applications through which CATIA and Teamcenter synchronise

Note: If the Teamcenter Integration Toolbar is not visible it may

need to be activated from CATIA.
to switch on the toolbar

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Loading Data
Teamcenter Integration
Launch / Return to Teamcenter
The Launch / Return to Teamcenter icon is used to launch Teamcenter
from CATIA V5 or to return to the Teamcenter application from CATIA V5.

Load Data
The Load Data icon forces CATIA to look in the local staging area for CATIA
documents (eg CATParts/CATDrawings/CATProducts). The Load Data
command is initiated in conjunction with one of the Teamcenter menu options
for sending data to CATIA V5.

Save All
The Save All is used for saving data. This icon accesses the Teamcenter
Save Manager panel. It is also used for creating new revisions and has check
out / check in options

Check Out
The Check Out icon is used to check out selected items in CATIA from
Teamcenter. If a CATPart or CATDrawing is selected, the dataset is checked
out. If a CATProduct is selected, the dataset and BOM view revision are checked
If the data is already released or checked out by a concurrent user, a warning
message appears indicating no write access to check out data

Check In
The Check In icon is used to check in selected items in CATIA into
Teamcenter. If a part or drawing is selected the dataset is checked in, if a
product is selected the the dataset and BOM view revision are checked in.
If the data is released or already checked out by a concurrent user, a warning
message appears indicating no write access to check in the data

Note: Multiple selections are supported for Check In and Check


Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Loading Data
Teamcenter Integration
Check Out Status
The Check Out Status icon is used for checking the status of selected
items a list of checked out items is created

Purge Staging Area

The Purge Staging Area icon is used to delete all files from the local
staging area. When the file is closed in CATIA V5, it should also be cleared
from the staging area. However, it is sometimes necessary to purge the
directory manually.

Item Status
The Item Status icon is used to display useful information from Teamcenter
items in the active CATIA session. The status window displays information
such as dataset or BVR checked out, checked out by user ID, and release
status. The Item Status command is run against selected items in the
specification tree.

Note: The Update button refreshes or updates the status

information listed in the Status window

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Loading Data
Teamcenter Integration
The Teamcenter Integration Menu has different options when used from the My Teamcenter tab
(below) and the PSE tab (not shown). However, the options shown below are common to both.

Load in CATIA V5
Use Load in CATIA V5 to send selected items to CATIA V5. The Load command must be initiated
in CATIA. Multiple selections are not supported.

Load for Compare in CATIA V5

Use Load for Compare in CATIA V5 to
load multiple revisions of the same CATPart
or CATProduct into one CATIA session to
compare. The compare file is renamed by
adding a prefix (REF <revision No> to
avoid naming conflicts in CATIA.

Note: Document links may appear broken in assemblies loaded using this function
as the file names are changed during loading

Return to CATIA
Use Return to CATIA to return from Teamcenter to the CATIA V5 session. If a Load command was
selected from the Teamcenter Integration toolbar in CATIA V5, the user can select Return to CATIA to
cancel the load command.
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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Loading Data
Teamcenter Integration
Teamcenter can be launched independently or from within CATIA V5. Launching Teamcenter
independently was covered in the unit Getting Started. To launch Teamcenter from CATIA V5
use the Launch / Return to Teamcenter icon.

Note: Once Teamcenter has been launched, the Launch /

Return to Teamcenter icon is used as a command to
move from CATIA V5 back to Teamcenter

After launching Teamcenter from CATIA V5, login as normal using your Teamcenter login and
password (when launching from CATIA V5, there is no need to launch My Teamcenter).

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Loading Data
Teamcenter Integration
Procedure for Loading Existing CATParts into V5 from Teamcenter

Select the Load Data icon from the Teamcenter Integration Toolbar in CATIA V5


If necessary, search for the required item in Teamcenter. Select the item in My

Note: If a particular item revision is selected in Teamcenter, that revision is loaded

into CATIA. If the item is selected, the latest revision will be loaded.

Select the CATIA V5 - Load in CATIA V5 from the My Teamcenter window. The
corresponding data is loaded into CATIA V5.

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Loading Data
Teamcenter Integration
Procedure for Loading parts and / or assemblies into carline position
If loading parts from Teamcenter it is necessary to use the PSE (Product Structure Editor)
The Product Structure Editor (PSE) is used to create, view and modify a product structure, its
associated data and to configure revisions and variants. The PSE displays the structure in an
indented Bill of Materials (BOM) format.

In practice, a user can search for an item or item revision and open it into My Teamcenter. The item
can then be opened into PSE using the various options. Items can also be sent from PSE back into
Teamcenter or opened into CATIA V5
To insure a Part or Assembly is loaded into V5 in carline position. It needs to be loaded from a PSE
session containing a F_DesignSolution (DS)
1.Select the Load Data icon from the Teamcenter Integration Toolbar in CATIA V5
2.Select the item(s) required from the PSE window.
3.Select the CATIA V5 - Load in CATIA V5 from the PSE window. The corresponding data is loaded
into CATIA V5.
If there is no intention to save the items back to Teamcenter you can use
CATIA V5 - Load for Consulting from the PSE window.
Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG
C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Loading Data
Opening from a file based environment

To open and existing file into CATIA select File Open

From the window that displays select the option Show Preview

Select the required file

CATIA will open the selected file and activate an appropriate Workbench

Alternatively select the Open icon from the Standard Toolbar

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Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

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Loading Data
Alternative file types
It is possible to open a variety of file types within Catia V5. These can be opened in the normal way,
however the structure and functionality of the converted geometry will vary depending on the file type.
Some common examples are shown here. The functionality will be discussed later in the Tree
structure section.

Catia V5 data

Converted Iges file

Converted Step File

V4 data viewed in V5

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Loading Data
Translating data into V5
This shows how to copy V4 geometry to V5. Geometry changes can then be made to the model
within V5.
1.Load the V4 model into V5. This can be done from a data directory or through Teamcenter using
the Teamcenter integration toolbar. The model will have tabs for *MASTER and *DRAFT and perhaps
some detail workspaces

2. With this model displayed, open a new part document and enter a name for the V5 part. For the
sake of convenience, it is recommended that you use the name the part had in V4. The part will
display in the specifications tree.
3. Expand the specification tree until you see the part body entry (e.g., PartBody, Open body, Layout,
etc.). Double click on it to make it active
4. Click Window - Tile, horizontal or vertical to display both documents

5.To copy geometry from a detail workspace,

select the tab for that workspace. You can
select the geometry individually, or with a trap box.
Click Edit Copy

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

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Loading Data
Translating data into V5
6. In the V5 part document, expand the specifications tree until you find the part body entry (e.g.,
PartBody, Layout, etc.). Double click on it to make it active. Paste the geometry to this part
body. If you get a Paste error, you have lost your geometry and you need to go back to the V4
model and carefully Edit - Copy again, then go to the V5 document and paste it into the part body.
(Some types of geometry, such as solids, may automatically create a new part body or save a
new document.)

7. Review the copied geometry and make sure it is what you want. You may want to hide some of
the features. Save the part as a V5 CATPART

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Loading Data
Translating data into V5
A CAD2CAD request is for converting IDEAS mastered parts to CATIA V5.
This outlines the steps required to request a CAD2CAD translation in C3PNG.

For all CAD2CAD requests please visit the J&LR CAD Translation Services Hub which can be
found by following the link given in CADSUP

All CAD2CAD requests will need authorising before translation takes place. You WILL be asked why
you need this translated.

In many cases a CAD2CAD is not required as all the information needed can be obtained from the JT

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Saving Data

Saving to Data directory

Exporting CAD geometry

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

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Saving Data
Saving to Data directory
To Save a model chose File Save. The first time a file is saved the system defaults to using the
option Save As which allows you to choose the directory, file type and file name required
The command File Save on an existing file will overwrite the file

To save and existing file either with a new name, directory location or file type use the option File
Save As
Note: The command File-Save As will
change the filename but not the name on
the specification tree, this could cause
problems later particularly when working
with assemblies.
It is generally recommended that the
name on the tree corresponds to the

Alternatively select the Save icon from the Standard Toolbar

Note: The save icon on the Teamcenter

Integration toolbar allows saving to
TeamCenter and NOT to any file
based location.

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Saving Data
Exporting CAD geometry
If an alternative format is required, this can be selected from the Save as type list when saving in the
normal way.

Note: It is also possible to export a STEP file

from PSE in Teamcenter.

Jaguar and Land Rover C3PNG

C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Part Interrogation

Tree structure
Axis System
Part bodies
Geometrical sets
Boolean Operations

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Part Interrogation
Tree structure
CATIA V5 has a tree which keeps a hierarchy of all the Features, Sketches and Constraints within the
The tree provides a record of the features and the their order of creation for the solid model.
It is possible to edit, remove or reorder
these steps in order to create a modified
Part without having to recreate the feature.
Features can also be temporarily suppressed so
that they are not considered as part of the model
Specification Tree. The model is rebuilt to reflect this.
Part specification trees will contain Bodies for Solid
Features and Geometrical Sets for Surface Features
and 3D wireframe data.
Sketches are located inside either bodies or
alternatively geometrical sets.

Other items that will appear on the tree will be

measures, surface analyses, etc Here a Publication
of the final part is shown

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Part Interrogation
Tree structure
Objects can be selected from the Specification Tree or from the screen. Selecting from the tree and
the screen does not necessarily result in the same selection being made.
Selecting a face from the screen highlights the owning feature on the tree however using this method
only one face of the feature will be selected. This will be shown in the dialogue area

Selecting an object directly from the tree ensures that the complete entity has been selected again
this will be shown in the dialogue area

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Part Interrogation
Axis System
All parts in CATIA will have a global coordinate system represented by three planes. In some cases,
the model may also have another system (local cs) from which you can reference objects.
Global Coordinate System (gcs): The absolute cs of the car. When parts are exported from CATIA
(IGES, STEP, etc) the element and part transformations are from the global coordinate system.

Global Coordinate System
Local Coordinate System (lgc): During the design process, many times it is easier to use a local
temporary axis system to position elements and parts than it is to design the part on global 0,0,0 (cs)
and then move the part into position.



Local Coordinate System

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C3P-NG P2.0, CATIA V5R18

Copyright 2010, Jaguar Land Rover

Proprietary and Confidential. All rights

Part Interrogation
Part bodies
The PART Body is a combination of one or more features created in the Part Design Workbench


FEATURES are components in the part which are

either based on sketches (sketch-based) or on existing
features (dress-up and transformation).

Features can also be generated from surfaces.

The combination of features will determine the shape of the part.
Features can be combined with unions, subtractions, intersections

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Part Interrogation
Part bodies
Once a feature has been created it can be modified. This applies to Reference elements, sketches,
sketch based features or dress up features.
Modification can be achieved using two methods
Method 1 Double click the feature either from the specification tree or the graphics screen. Clicking
on the sketch will modify the sketch that drives the feature, clicking on the feature its self will modify
the features properties.

Double click to modify

Method 2 RMB over the feature either from the specification tree or the graphics screen
From the contextual menu select the object and then either Edit or Definition


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Part Interrogation
Geometrical sets
A Geometrical Set is the container of wireframe (points, lines and planes) and surface geometry. It is
possible to modify geometry in the geometrical sets in a similar way to that shown for the part body.

Example of Geometrical set usage

If any wireframe or surface geometry is created within a part that has no geometrical set CATIA will
create one automatically
To create a new Geometrical Set use Insert Geometrical Set

The data within a Geometrical Set is not ordered

The Geometrical Set which is defined as the In Work Object (Underlined) will
be the container of any additional wireframe or surface geometry

In Work Object

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Part Interrogation
A Sketcher workbench enables the creation and editing of 2D wireframe profiles which is necessary
when creating or editing many of the solid features found in the Part Design workbench.

Sketches can comprise of two types of geometry:

Standard elements which are visible outside of the Sketcher workbench is the geometry used to
create the solid 3D feature
Construction elements which are only visible within the Sketcher workbench and are used to control
the shape or size of the sketch but are not used in the creation of the 3D solid feature
The basic process for sketch creation will have been :

Create a sketch on the plane / location required

Create the 2D wireframe geometry
Constrain the geometry (including dimensions if required)
Create a feature using the sketch geometry

Any of these aspects can then be changed to modify the model. These changes must be made in the
sketcher workbench which is entered automatically.


Double click to modify

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Part Interrogation
Boolean Operations
When a CATIA part is created it contains one body known as the Part Body. However, a single
CATIA part can contain multiple bodies where each body could be considered to be a separate solid.
The Part Body cannot be deleted but any new body added to the part may be deleted any time.
Multiple bodies are often created for complex parts when it may be easier to model individual pieces
and then use Boolean Operations to integrate the individual bodies into a single solid.

An example when this could be used is when the core of a cast part is finished machined by removing
material a additional body.

Material removed

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Clash analysis
Image Capture

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Physical Properties and measurement calculations may be required for CAE analysis. Measurement
calculations will be used to examine and identify the small surfaces, features (bolt holes, fillet areas),
and wall thickness, which may require extra attention.
For example, the fillet or chamfer that is smaller than the recommended element size can be
identified and will then be deactivated. Also, ICE and CFD Analysts may need to cut a cross section
on a core to measure the cross section area or the length of the flow path of a manifold, etc.
The Measure command gives three types of measurement:

Measure Between
Measure Item
Measure Inertia

Measure Between Measures the distance, angle, etc between the selected elements
Measure Item Measures the selected element
Measure Inertia Calculates information such as mass and centre of gravity
Step by Step to Perform Measure Between
n Select the MEASURE BETWEEN icon from the Measure toolbar.
n Based on the entity to be selected, use Selection 1 and 2 Mode from the pull down menu to change
the selection options to point, edge, etc., as a selection filter.

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n Select the entities to measure. Note: If desired, toggle on the check box for Keep Measure to
include the Measurement in the Specification Tree. Double-click on the Measurement to bring the
measurement window back.

n Look at the Results column for the measurement results.

n Select the Customise button to include more detail calculations.

n Minimum Distance: Used to measure the minimum distance between selected entities.
n Maximum Distance: Used to measure the maximum distance between selected entities.

Step by Step to Perform Measure Item

n Select the Measure item icon from the Measure toolbar.
n Select the Customise button. The Measure Item Customization window displays.

n Toggle on the desired calculations.

n Select the entity from the Specification Tree to measure. Notice that the results display.
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Depending on the design process in design, sometimes the Analyst will need to assign the material
properties to a part. Make sure it is applied to the final part body or the body which will be used to
perform the analysis.
Step by Step to Assigning Material Properties

Select the Part Body from the Specification Tree.

Select the apply material icon
Select the open a material library folder icon
Navigate to the required material from the File Selection window.
Double-click on a material. The Properties window displays.
Select the Analysis tab for materials properties information. Select OK.
Select Update All for an update.
Shade the part with the Material option selected to see the material displayed

Apply Material icon

Material is
applied to
Part Body
for FE
Analysis Tab
for relevant

When the part is out of date, there will be a swirl symbol on the Specification Tree. Also the update
all icon is activated. Make sure to update the part if it is out of date

Out of date
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Update all
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For Durability, NVH, and Dynamics, the inertial calculations will be used as part of the analysis. Make
sure the final part body (forging, cast, machined body) is selected with material properties defined.
Step by Step to Perform Inertial Calculations
n Select the measure inertia icon from the Measure toolbar.
n Select the final part body for the calculations. Select the Customise button
n Toggle on the desired calculations.
n Select Apply/OK.
n Select the individual tabs to see the results.
n If needed, toggle on Keep Measure to include the calculation in the Specification Tree To calculate
inertia properties of a cross section, use the measure inertia 2D icon.
3D or 2D Measurements
Measure Between
Measure Item
Measure Inertia
Adds results to the specification tree


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Note: Definitions and Differences between G, O and P Inertia
Inertia /G: The Analyst will get the inertial matrix with respect to the centre of gravity of the part.
This calculation is exactly the same as the inertial properties calculation with Centre of Gravity option

Inertia/O: the Analyst will get the inertial matrix with respect to global origin.
This calculation is same as inertial properties calculation with Global Origin option in I-DEAS.

Inertia/P: the Analyst will get the inertial matrix with respect to the selected point.
This calculation is the same as the inertial properties calculation with the User Point option in I-DEAS

Coordinates of

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Cross Section
To inspect the integrity of the geometry (e.g. wall thickness), perform a cross section on a part. In
order to do this, the you need to switch the workbench from Part Design to Assembly Design.
Sectioning is not available in the Part Design workbench.
Step by Step to Cut a Cross Section
To place a part into a new assembly:
n Select the part from the Specification Tree.
n RMB Copy

n Select Start Assembly Design from the CATIA pull down menu

Opens a new blank

assembly and sets to the
assembly work bench

n Select the product (empty assembly) from the Specification Tree.

n MB3 Paste

The single
part is now
inside a

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Cross Section
The following steps must be performed in the assembly workbench

To make the section cut:

n Select the Sectioning icon from the Space Analysis toolbar.

The Sectioning Definition window displays. Also, notice that two windows display. One is a section
window, the other is the original window

Cross section

Model showing the defined section plane

Note: The user has the option to choose Section Plane Cut or
Volume Cut by selecting the volume cut and section
plane icons

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Cross Section
n Move the cursor to the Cutting Plane. Notice that a directional arrow displays. Use LMB to adjust
the size of the Cutting Plane as desired.

n Set the positioning and orientation for the cutting plane.

There are three ways to control the cutting plane:
1.Using Normal Constraint toggle.
2.Using the Edit Position and Dimensions icon.
3.Using the Geometrical Target icon
Using Normal Constraint:
nSelect the Positioning tab from the Sectioning Definition window.

Resets position

nUse the check box to switch the default cutting planes. (X,Y,Z)
nUse LMB to grab the cutting plane and slide along the selected axis.
Note: Notice that the section window displays the results of the cross section
as the user moves the cutting plane.
nMove the cursor to the red coordinate system (U,V,W). Notice that a rotational arrow displays.
Based on a particular plane in which the cursor is pointed, the plane can be rotated with respect to
that axis. Use LMB to rotate the cutting plane as desired
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Cross Section
Using the Edit Position and Dimensions icon
n In the Positioning tab, select the edit position and dimensions icon. The Edit Position and
Dimensions window displays. This allows the user to control the translation and rotation of the cutting
plane as well.

Defines the size

of the cutting

Defines the location of

the red coordinate system
of the cutting plane with
respect to global origin

n Use the Translation Vectors (+Tu, +Tv, etc) to change the location of the cutting plane based on
the value of the translation.

n Use the Rotation Vectors (+Ru, +Rv, etc) to rotate the cutting plane based on the value entered.
Note: All the translation and location moves are based on the W,U,V axis of the cutting plane.

n Select the reset position icon to go back to the original default cutting plane.

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Cross Section
Using the Geometrical Target icon

n In the Positioning tab, select the geometrical target icon. This command allows the user to select
an entity to define the cutting plane.

n Pick the geometry to define the cutting planes location.

Picking on the geometry

Note: Notice that as the cursor moves to the surface or feature of

the part, a square with an arrow displays which indicates the
position and orientation of the cutting plane that will be
created. Use LMB as desired position and orientation are
determined to create a cutting plane.

n Select the reset position icon to go back to the original default cutting plane.

Note: All these methods of controlling the cutting plane can be used
in combination as well

Note: By Selecting OK in the Sectioning Definition window. The tool

will add the section into the Products Specification Tree. To
get back to the section, double click the section in the
products Specification Tree

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Image Capture
To save and read the section in different graphical formats, CATIA has a built in image tool to capture
and save a section or indeed any graphical entity on the workbench.
Step by Step to Capture
n Select Tool Image Capture from the pull down menu. The Capture window displays.

n Select the options icon. This is used to set the Capture options.
Use the Colour Mode pull down menu to set the colour.

Set the Pixel tab and toggle on White Background.

The tool will automatically capture the picture with a
white background.

n Select the select mode icon to use the window selection to define the area of the captured
n Note: Make sure Pixel Mode is toggled on which will provide a better image quality.
n Select the capture icon to capture the picture. The Capture Preview window displays
n Select Save As to save the file in Tiff, Jpeg, etc format into the appropriate folder

Image capture can

be of any window
including sections or
the part itself

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Exercise - DMU

Find Data in Teamcenter

Load Data into V5
Saving a CAE copy of the model
Measuring part features
Taking a cross section
Adding a material
Measuring Inertia
Image Capture

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Exercise - DMU
Find Data in Teamcenter
The purpose of this part of the exercise is to use the search feature of Teamcenter to find the correct
part, check its details and display it in the Teamcenter Viewer for conformation

Use the Quick Search tool and search for *CW8M*3K171*A*

How many items are found?


How many revisions does it have?


Use the summary pane to answer the following regarding the latest revision:
Who is the owner?
Which group does it belong to?
Who Last modified it?


Looking at the latest item revision identify the type of CAD dataset?

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Exercise - DMU
Find Data in Teamcenter
5. Use the viewer to display the JT File representation of the model as additional conformation

Note: Rather than using the Search

Feature, The correct item may
alternatively be emailed to your
TC inbox.

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Exercise - DMU
Load Data into V5
The purpose of this part of the exercise is to get the part into Catia V5. In this case we are not worried
about ensuring carline position.

Note: If the component was required in

carline position we would need
to load the DC into PSE and
then load the FDR Part into V5
from PSE

1. Prepare Catia / Stating directory to receive the part. Within Catia V5 use the Load Data button to
return to Teamcenter

2. Load the part. From My Teamcenter, select the Latest item revision and use Catia V5 Load in
Catia V5

3. Ensure the part is up-to-date. Use the Update all icon if not

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Exercise - DMU
Saving a CAE copy of the model
In this exercise, we are not going to wok with the Teamcenter saved model. Instead a copy will be
saved to the relevant file space / Data directory.

Note: It would also be possible to save a

CAE copy back to Teamcenter
which would be independent of the
original if required. See Teamcenter
CAE methods for details


Save a copy of the Catia part. Use File Save As


Define a suitable storage area and file name

Note: The new File name will not replace

the existing one on the part
specification tree. That can however
be changed under properties if


Change the properties of the specification tree.

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Exercise - DMU
Measuring part features
Here the aim is to interrogate the part using the Measure toolbar. This could be done using any of the
main Catia Workbenches.

1. Take the following single measurements

Note that these measurement

will be added to the
specification tree

2. Hide these measures but do not delete them.

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Exercise - DMU
Measuring part features
3. Find the Minimum thickness of the ribs shown.

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Exercise - DMU
Measuring part features

Take fan measurements to confirm the following measurements

Note: It is possible to add

in geometry such as
points / lines / planes
to allow
measurements if
existing geometry is

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Exercise - DMU
Measuring part features
5. Take the X, Y, Z coordinates of the Hard points listed.


Note: This part happens to

be in vehicle position.
However it maybe
necessary to load
parts though PSE
with reference to the
DC in Teamcenter to
guarantee its in
vehicle position.

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Exercise - DMU
Taking a cross section
The purpose of this part of the exercise is to create a cross section and save it.
To create a cross section it is necessary to be working in the Catia Product Workbench.

Copy the part onto the clip board

2.Create a new Catia Product

3. Paste the part into the new product.

This results in the part sitting in a

new assembly. Note that any
changes made to the part in the
part window will be seen in the

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Exercise - DMU
Taking a cross section

Use the section icon on the Space Analysis toolbar


Use the Geometrical Target option to position the section as shown

6.The Results section can be seen in a additional window. This can be saved in a number of formats
if required. Note the section is also added to the specification tree

7. Close the section and Product and return to the part

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Exercise - DMU
Adding a material
The purpose of this part of the exercise is to add a material to the model. This is used when
calculating the inertia properties as well as in any FE applications.

Use the Apply material icon


Browse through the JLR materials library as shown and choose the material indicated

3.Drag and drop the material over the part body. It should be shown in the specification tree.

4.Change the material shading to confirm new material.

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Exercise - DMU
Measuring Inertia
Now that a material has been added to the part, use the measure item command to calculate its


Use the Measure tool bar and Measure Inertia command.


Select the part body from the Tree structure

3. Confirm the following values. Also notice the value for material density should correspond to the
material applied

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Geometry Manipulations

Deactivating Features
Modifying Features
Create an Orphan Part
Change Part Body

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Geometry Manipulations
Deactivating Features
Deactivate, allows you to temporarily ignore a feature (or features). For example, deactivating fillets,
chamfers, bolts holes, etc is done by Analysts when preparing a part for meshing.
Step by Step to Deactivate a Feature
nSelect the feature from the Specification Tree
nSelect RMB Feature Name Object Deactivate.

Depending on how a particular feature is created, sometimes the Deactivate window is shown and
the user can toggle on Deactivate all Children. If these are the same type of features (children) that
are desired to be deactivated), toggle off Deactivate all children, only deactivate the selected
feature (parent).

Update all
nSelect the update all icon.

Feature Deactivated symbol

Feature is removed from the model

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Geometry Manipulations
Deactivating Features
Sometimes during the updating, an Update Diagnosis window displays with the issue(s) that may
have negative impact on the creation of the part. The tool will indicate the problematic feature in the
Feature column and the diagnosis of the issue. The Analyst can then select the Edit button to try to fix
the problem or use Deactivate to deactivate the feature that may have caused the problem.

Deactivate Features in a MML (Multiple Model link) Part

n Select the MML Assembly RMB Representations Design Mode.
Note: Switch the workbench to Assembly Design when working on the MML Assembly.
n Select the UPDATE ALL icon (if required).
n Select Edit Search from the CATIA pull down menu. The Search window displays

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Geometry Manipulations
Deactivating Features
n Type in the feature name with an asterisk.
n Select the SEARCH AND SELECT icon

n Identify where the features are located among the core models in the MML assembly.
n Select the core model
n RMB Part Name Object Open in New Window.
n Perform the feature search again and deactivate the feature using Shift Key + RMB Selected
Objects Deactivate.

Shows a link or feature is deactivated


n Select the UPDATE ALL icon

Note: If an Update Diagnosis window displays when performing an update, select Edit or Deactivate
to try to fix the problem.
n Go back to the MML assembly to propagate the result by updating the MML Assembly using the

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Geometry Manipulations
Modifying Features
Step by Step to modify any features (operations) in CATIA

n Double-click on the feature (operation) in the Specification Tree.

Note: The Analyst can pick an entity from the graphic RMB Centre Graph and it will be highlighted
in the Specification Tree.
n A feature definition window displays.


Change the size or any definitions as desired.

Select OK.
Select the UPDATE ALL icon.

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Geometry Manipulations
Create an Orphan Part
The Analyst can create a part without any Specification Trees features (history) in CATIA. The
Analyst could create an orphan part when the geometry manipulations that are going to be performed
do not require the use of the Specification Tree. This is because, with an orphan part the update is
faster and easier, the tool doesnt need to update all operations (features) in an orphan part as
opposed to the part with a Specification Tree.
It is still possible to add features to a orphan part, although it is not possible to modify existing ones.

To Create an orphan part.


Select the PartBody from the Specification Tree RMB Copy.

n Select File New. The New window displays.

n Select Part.
n Select OK.
n Select the new part from the Specification Tree MB3 Paste Special. The Paste Special
window displays.


Select As Result.
Select OK.

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Geometry Manipulations
Change Part Body
In most cases only one body is required to define the part. This is usually the Part Body
Once Boolean operations have been completed or a orphan part created it may be that the finished
geometry is in a user created body and the Part Body is empty. The part cannot be meshed within V5
unless the geometry is inside the part Body
To resolve this the command Change Part Body can be used:
To Change the Part Body

RMB over the body containing all of the part geometry

Select the Body object from the list and then select Change Part Body
OK the warning message

The contents of the selected body have now been transferred to the Part Body.
The empty Body can now be deleted

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