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NE Heineman SFI

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11 th Floor, State Capitol
P.O. Box 95086 OF OFFICE
Lincoln, NE 68509 'FINANCIAL
(402) 471-2522 INTERESTS

• Candidates for designated offices and holders of designated offices' and' positions must file.this statementp~e $ections, 1.Aand
1B of the instructions. '.' ", ",', ,
• Candidates (including incumbents) subject to this filing requirement must file with the Commission 'and with the appropriate
election official (See Instructions). ','F.", .: , ",'
• Designated officeholders and holders of designated positions must file this statement with the Commission annually,
• Dollar values need not be report for any item, except ltemt t. . '..' , A- ~
• Persons who fails to file as required is subject to a civil penalty of up to $2,000.. .•

l iR..!' "'-~ tFIRST
o-VI ~ EJ:j'~
Telephone No.

Address I 4 ;2-~ H 51-1\ .e, 'L t . ,.-

f'-JC C:.<iSS-oB

ITEM 2 I OCCASION FOR FILING (Check Appropriate Box)

• .' t..,' ~'. .. "" . ,;: i',.

o A candidate for elective office o Left office or position ' =s, .: ,'
E3-Annual officeholder's or state employee's report o Newly appointed-to office or position

ITEM 3 I OFFICE HELD & TERM OF OFFICE (Incumbent elected/appointed

IB of instructions),
officials and state employees, See
• ' " , ',',.
List the office or position you currently hold which requires this filirig. If you have left office.fist the office youheld. ..
Office or Position: c:; c) '-.l ~"-_() f\.. Term: ]";, :2..0Co7 :r; 1..c ( I
Name of City, County, District, or State Agency:

ITEM 4 I OFFICE SOUGHT (Candidates only. See 1A of instructions),

List the office sought which requires this filing.

Name of City, County, District, or State Office:


This statement must cover all financial interests for the entire "preceding calendar year" and not just as of year-end. If you have
left office, this statement must cover all financial interests from the end of the calendar year for which you previously filed up to and
including the date you left office.

~ This statement covers the preceding calendar year January1 through December 31, ;Lo 0 e
o Left office, this statement covers the period January 1, to

Revised August 2007

o ()
lncome includes money or any other form of recompense constituting income under the Internal Revenue Code. (See definitions)
Name and address of any source' (including an individual, business, List the nature of the source's business and the nature of the services you
body of government, political subdivision or body corporate) from rendered or the circumstances under which income was received. NOTE: Da not
wham income of aver $1 ,000 was received. list the amount of the inca me.
1.) 5'ter-k.. bf
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. ASSOCIATED - (See .definitions)
Name and address of all businesses, orqanizatlons, or associations (profit and non-profit) with which you held a position of officer, director, limited liability
company member, partner, or stockholder and any entity in which yau held a position of trustee. Such reparting is required based an the position held, not
an whether incame was received. You need not report business associations which are otherwise listed under Item 6.
Name and Address of Business or Organization Nature of Association
1.) R~k.rc...\ ..•....••..1-\. 0-(1,... Q...u.l O-J..,o 1a.) $"'k~"'-e. {d..lU\...
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6.) 6a.)

7.) 7a).
Exception: Loans from a relative and land contracts which have been recorded with the County Clerk or Register of Deeds need not be
reported. Accounts payable, debts arising out of retail installment transactions or loans made by a financial institution in the ordinary
course of business rieed not be reported.
Name Address

Prt~ f\A.. b "'- +- J'Q.-? - .r ~'c...R:..S

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(See definitions)
Name and address of Donor Occupation or nature of business of Value of Gift Description of Gift and
. _·_0 _
Donor (See Key Below) Circumstances or Occasion for
Choose Value:
<\..R. teL ~*r...c- t A ( .-sf-
Choose Value:

Choose Value:

Choose Value:

Choose Value:

Choose Value:

Choose Value:

Choose Value:

The monetary value of each gift shall be categorized based on the good faith estimate of the filer. For each reported gift insert in the
Value column the letter which corresponds to the value category of the gift. The value categories are:

A) $100.01 to $200; B) $200.01 to $500; C) $500.01 to $1,000; D) $1,000.01 or more.

I hereby state that I have used all reasonable diligence in the preparation of this Statement and that to the best of my knowledge it is true
and complete.

1Jn »»:
(Signature of Filer)
..JL.,... c:.-- )-r-O~
. residence need not be.
.' .
IN NEBRASKA (Real property valueL~
.. " ' ,"
less than $1,000 and your
'. . . '.'
List all real property in your name or in which you have a direct ownership interest. The description required must be sufflcientto identify
the location of the property., Exceptions: You- need not report real estate owned by a business listed in Item 6 or 7, your personal
residence of real property valued at less than $1,000. Personal residence refers to your principal dwellinq-house and adjacent land used
for house-hold purposes, such as lawns and gardens ..
Location of Property Nature of Property
(Description or Address (such as: agricultural, commercial, industrial, residential-rental)

..~.5"D2..'~~ "

~;J~f;~ ~~~

r-~ NE b8~2..-S-


(a) List thenames and addresses of the institutions in which you had checking and savings accounts and certiticates of deposit.

Financial Institution Address

(b) List the names of the issuers of all stocks, bonds, and government securities, not otherwise listed under Items 6 or 7.

(c) Describe other property owned or held for the production of income not otherwise disclosed in Items 6, .7, 8 or .9(a)(b). Include
leaseholds and other interests in real estate, promissory notes and other obligations owed to you, beneficial interests in trusts and
estates, cash value life insurance, IRAs" deferred income and retirement plans. Exception: Do not include accounts receivable,
inventory.fixtures and equipment owned or used by a business listed in Items 6 & 7 or household goods, personal automobiles and
other tanqible personal property unless such property was held primarily for sale or exchange .


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() 2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
11112008 Edmund F. Bruening, President, Hillcrest 8901 0 Street, Lincoln, NE 68520 Club Honorary Membership & D
Country Club Monthlv Dues.
113/2008 Highway 14 Association, % Gretchen Fullerton, Nebraska Association T-shirt, presented to Lt. Gov.
Treadway for the Governor, attendance at
118/2008 Currency Means Business, % Meredith 1745 Broadway, New York, NY Publishing company Book - Make the Impossible
McGinnis 10019 Possible promotional bv mail.
118/2008 Rosann Kevil Wilderness Ridge, 1800 Wilderness Director of Sales Small notebook pad and holder,
Woods Place, Lincoln, NE 68512 gift for Governor given to Peg
King at a meeting.

119/2008 Henry Hu, President 24305, E. I 13th St., Broken Arrow, International Olympic Pin, presented to Jen
OK 74014-7744 Hein for the Governor at an in-
office meeting.
119/2008 David Livingston Douglas Theatre Company, 20 I N. Theater Complimentary Pass, received
13th Street. Lincoln NE 68501 bvmail. -
1110/2008 Nebraska & Western Iowa Oldtimers 5638 S. 22nd Street, Omaha, NE Association Complimentary yearly
Baseball Assn, Inc., % Joe Riha 68107 membership - Oldtimers ,
Baseball Assn, Inc. ($12/vr.)
1110/2008 WorkWell, Inc., % Lisa Hennings 3140 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 Corporation T-shirt, attendance at event.
111112008 Dave and Chrystal Minarik 8030 S. 33rd Street, Lincoln, NE Constituents Mona Vie fruit juice, delivered
68516 to office.
1114/2008 Nebraska School Nutrition Association P.O. Box 22148, Lincoln, NE 68542 Association School breakfast, delivered to
1118/2008 Joba Chamberlain 1936 Griffith Street, Lincoln, NE Constituent Sportagz Keychain &
68503 Chamberlain lapel pin,
attendance at event
1118/2008 Douglas County Republican Party 11263 Wright Circle, Omaha, NE Political Complimentary ticket to The A
68144 Elephant Remembers event
1119/2008 Pres. J.B. Milliken 2221 Sheridan Blvd., Lincoln, NE President ofUNL Ticket to NU v Baylor Men's
68502-4039 Basketball Game on 1119/8,
attendance at game.
1120/2008 State Patrol Executive Patrol Troopers State Patrol, 1600 Hwy 2, Lincoln, State employees Inscribed wooden desk pen set,
NE68502 Christmas gift to the Governor.

1120/2008 Bob and Brenda Wiese 84948 556th Avenue, Pierce, NE Constituents Flower arrangement, attendance
68767 at event.
1/20/2008 Sesostris Shrine, % Gary Hahn 1050 Saltillo Road, Roca, NE 68430 Organization Lapel pens, Proclamation
Sizninz Ceremonv.
1120/2008 Nebaska Library Commission, % Mary Jo 1200 N Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, State agency Book - The Conquerors by
Ryan NE68508 Michael Beschloss,
Proclamation Signing
1122/2008 Jessica Doolittle, IDCN P.O. Box 85362, Lincoln, NE 68501 Coalition Water bottle with instant drinks
and breakfast bars, delivered to
office with letter.
1/22/2008 Nebraska Right to Life P.O. Box 80410, Lincoln, NE 68501- Organization Rose in a vase, delivered to
0410 office.
1122/2008 Department of Education, % Greg Stahr 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, State agency Stress ball & pen, Proclamation
NE 68509 Signing Ceremony.

1122/2008 Kerry Winterer, State Board of Education % Republican Party, 1610 N Street, Political Complimentary ticket to Kerry
Member Lincoln. NE 68508 Winterer Fundraiser ($25l.
1124/2008 Native American Fatherhood and Families 123 N. Centennial Way, Suite ISO, Association T-Shirt, attendance at meeting
Association % Albert Poolev Mesa Arizona 85201 in office.
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
1125/2008 Nebraska School Activities Association, % 500 Charleston, Lincoln, NE 68501- Association Passes to winter state
Dr. Jim Tenopir 5448 championship events -
wrestling, girls basketball &
boys basketball, received by
1128/2008 Bellevue Chamber of Commerce 1102 Galvin Road So., Bellevue, NE Chamber of Commerce Dozen - cupcakes, delivered to
68005 office.
1130/2008 Omaha Jaycees, % Carly Wendt P.O. Box 24003, Omaha, NE 68124 Organization Two bottles of wine, attendance
at event.
1130/2008 Nebraska Association of School Boards, % 1311 Stockwell Street, Lincoln, NE Association "Leading Nebraska by
John Bonaiuto 68502 Example" Plaque, stuff animal
and box of dozen Cookie
Company Cookies, attendance
at event.
1130/2008 Nebraska Physical Therapy Association P.O. Box 540427, Omaha, NE 68154 Association Pedometer, received by mail.
0427 - ...•. "

2/I7io08 O'Neill Chamber of Commerce 125 So. 4th Street, O'Neill, NE Chamber of Commerce Green sun glasses/battery
68763 operated to "flash", attendance
at event.
2/112008 Covington Elementary School 2116 A Street, South Sioux City, NE School Bound booklet with Governor's
68776 photo, attendance at event.

2/112008 Transformation Project, Prison Ministry 5209 Montview Boulevard, Denver, Ministry Maximum Saints, Make No
CO 80207 Little Plans by Yong Hui V.
McDonald & DVD,
promotional bv mail.
2/112008 Northwest Territorial Mint Springfield Office, 6551 Loisdale Custom Coin Sales. Three coins with brochure,
Ct. Ste 525 Snrinzfield VA 22150 oromotional bv mail.
2/1/2008 Covington Elementary School 2116 A Street, South Sioux City, NE School T-shirt, framed plaque and
68776 framed Covington School song,
attendance at event.
2/112008 South Sioux Chamber of Commerce 3900 Dakota Avenue, Suite 11, South Chamber of Commerce White Boxer Shorts, attendance
Sioux City. NE 68776-3696 at meeting.
2/3/2008 L.M. Wood, Republic Design Company 3601 N. 22nd Street, Lincoln, NE Design company Two T-shirts, delivered to
68512 office.
2/4/2008 La Teinda & the Harris Family Address not available International Jamon (boar's leg), received by
mail at the Governor's
2/4/2008 Two Cedars Students, % Nick Juliano, 13603 Flanagan Blvd., Boys Town, Association Coaster and small bag of
Nebraska Association of Homes & NE68010 snacks, delivered to office.
Services for Children
2/4/2008 Bellevue Chamber of Commerce 1102 Galvin Road So., Bellevue, NE Chamber of Commerce Sculpture, attendance at event.
2/4/2008 XenelInternational 2637 Townsgate Road, suite 300, Publishing company Book - Out of Energy Labyrinth
Westlake Village, CA 91361 by David Howell and Carole
Nakhle, promotional by mail.

2/5/2008 Creighton University, % Jim Cavanaugh 1905 Harney Street, Suite 710, University Ticket to Creighton v. Northern
Omaha, NE 68102 Iowa basketball game,
attendance at event.
2/5/2008 Suzanne Wise, Executive Director Nebraska Arts Council, 1004 Farnam Council Framed artwork and hat,
Street, Plaza Level, Omaha, NE attendance at event.
2/5/2008 Creighton University, % Jim Cavanaugh 1905 Harney Street, Suite 710, University Creighton hat and T-shirt,
Omaha, NE 68102 attendance at event.
() (J
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
2/6/2008 Scottsbluff Chamber of Commerce 1517 Broadway, Scottsbluff, NE Chamber of Commerce Key Chain, Paper Cube and
69361-3184 Pen attendance at event.
21712008 Madison Elementary School, % Dave 405 E. 8th Street, Madison, NE School Black T-Shirt, attendance at
Melick 68748 event.
21712008 Madison High School, % Dave Melick 700 S. Kent, Madison, NE 68748 School Red Sweatshirt, attendance at
2/10/2008 Bryan Slone 1717 No. 128th Street, Omaha, NE Business associate Ticket to Creighton Men's
68154-3891 basketball game, attendance at
I game.
2/12/2008 NE State Volunteer Firefighers P.O. Box 101, York, NE 68467 Association Portfolio with calculator,
Association delivered to office.
2/13/2008 William Stetter 126 Lakeshore Drive, Valentine, NE Constituent Pen and lapel pin, Proclamation
69201 Signing Ceremony.

2/14/2008 Larry Schutt ABATE of Nebraska, Inc., State Corporation 2 T-Shirts with ABATE logo,
'1i~. Coordinator, P.O. Box 30332, delivered-to.Governor's office.
Lincoln. NE 68503-3032
2/14/2008 Phyllis Fogerty College of Education and Human College Services Metal bell, attendance at event.
Services, 233 Mabel Lee Hall, P.O.
Box 880234, Lincoln, NE 68588-
2/14/2008 Heartland Homeschoolers Association % Suzanne Gage, 1705 Janssen Association Gift card from Valentino's
Drive, Lincoln, NE 68506-1847 ($50), Red Bucket with candy
and Dr. Pepper, attendance at
2/15/2008 Marcel Watch Corporation 200 Meadowlands Pkwy, Secaucus, Manufacturer American Flag lapel pin,
N.J. 07094-2302 received bv mail.
2115/2008 Kevin Q'Hanlon Associated Press, 909 N. 96th Street, Media Ball cap, delivered to Governor.
#104 Omaha. NE 68114
2/16/2008 Adrian Smith for Congress 3321 Avenue I, Ste. 6, Scottsbluff, Political Complimentary ticket to D
NE 69361 Cocktail reception in support of
Congressman Adrian Smith
Soonsor $1 000),
2/19/2008 Dawn Newman, CoveyLink Suite 100, 175 W. Canyon Crest Rd., Publishing company Book - The Speed of Trust by
Alpine, UT 84004 Stephen M.R. Covey,
attendance at luncheon meeting.

2/19/2008 Lancaster County Republican Party % nanas Jones, Baylor Law Firm, Political Complimentary tickts to Annual
1248 0 Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln1Reagan Dinner ($25).

2/20/2008 Gustavo A. Rodriguez 10241 NW 33rd Street, Sunrise, Publisher Book - The Bureaucratic Brain
Florida 33351 by Gustavo A. Rodriguez,
promotional by mail.
2/20/2008 Nebraska Broadcasters Association 12020 Shamrock Plaza, #200, Association Radio Light, delivered to office.
Omaha NE 68154
2/2112008 Tony Fulton for Legislature Committee 5935 So. 53rd Street, Lincoln, NE Political Complimentary ticket to
68516 fundraiser ($35),
2/25/2008 Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce 605 N. Broad, P.O. Box 182, Chamber of Commerce Keychain and 2008
Fremont, NE 68026-0182 Membership Directory, received
bv mail.
2/25/2008 NAIF A-Nebraska 1633 Normandy Ct., Suite A, Insurance & Financial Mint Chocolates (2 boxes),
Lincoln, NE 68512 Advisors delivered to office.
2/26/2008 Nebraska Republican Party 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary tickets to
Nebraska's Republican State
Senators event ($90 ticket).
o 2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Orcumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
2/28/2008 Wahoo Elementary School 2056 N. Hackberry, Wahoo, NE School Book - Green Eggs and Ham
68025 Cookbook by Dr. Seuss,
attendance at event.
3/112008 Nebraskaland Foundation 6208 Deerwood Drive, Lincoln, NE Foundation Complimentary ticket to 2007 A
68516 Statehood Dav Dinner ($100)
3/3/2008 Custer County Republicans P.O. Box 88, Broken Bow, NE Political Complimentary ticket to Mike
68822 Johanns' Fundraiser ($25).
3/3/2008 "For American's Future" 443 Fitch Street, Healdsburg, CA Publishing company Book - the Book that
95448 Transforms Nations by Loren
Cunningham, promotional by
3/4/2008 William B. Walstad Professor of Economics, University University Book - Entrepreneurship in
of Nebraska - Lincoln, 340 College Nebraska by Eric C. Thompson
of Business Administration, P.O. and William B. Walstad, as a
Box 880489, Lincoln, NE 68588- thank-you for a quote.
0489 -',--..::".
3/6/2008 Holy Name Catholic Elementary School 3014 N. 45th Street, Omaha, NE School Pen, notepad and cup,
68104-4523 attendance at event.
3/6/2008 Lt. Col. Joseph W. Johnson, Jr., USAF 2800 Woods Boulevard, No. 908, Retired constituent Book - Nanny State by David
Retired Lincoln, NE 68502-5844 Harsanyi, promotional by mail.

3/6/2008 Young Professionals % Kirsten Case-Penrod, Greater Organization Framed plaque, attendance at
Omaha Chamber, 13206 Grover event.
Street Omaha NE 68144
31712008 Hartington Nebraska Economic Hartington, Nebraska 68739 Cup with Easter candy,
Economic Development
Develooment Grouo Group attendance at meetinz,
3/10/2008 Keytocity.com 513 Giles A venue, Bridgeport, AL Manufacturer Sample of cuff links and a coin,
35740 lpromotional bv mail.
3/10/2008 David Boren University of Oklahoma Press, 2800 Press -University Book - A Letter to America by
Venture Drive, Norman, OK 73069- David Boren, promotional by
8216 mail.
3110/2008 South Sioux Chamber of Commerce 3900 Dakota Avenue, Suite 11, South Chamber of Commerce Quilt/wall hanging, attendance
Sioux City. NE 68776-3696 at event.
3/12/2008 Marry E. Torell Poultry & Egg Division, Dept. of State agency Egg spatula, received by
Agriculture, A I 03 Animal Sciences, interoffice mail.
UNL, P.O. Box 830908, Lincoln, NE
3/12/2008 Bob Mancusco Mid-America Expositions, Inc., 7015 Ag-related Plaque/award - 2008 Ag
Spring Street, Omaha, NE 68106- Award, attendance at event.
3/1312008 Dean Leosing Nebraska Auctioneers Assn., 1335 H Association Portfolio; Proclamation Signing
Street, Ste 100, Lincoln, NE 68508 Ceremony.

3/13/2008 Matt Richardson 87441 480th Avenue, Atkinson, NE Constituent Cup with candy, Proclamation
68713 Signing Ceremonv.
3113/2008 Sandra Potter 5343 Francis Street, Lincoln, NE Constituent Coin, Proclamation Signing
68504 Ceremonv.
3113/2008 Cecelia Olivarez Huerta Mexican American Commission, State agency Book mark, attendance at
P.O. Box 94965, Lincoln, NE 68509 Proclamation Signing
3113/2008 Sharon O'Neal National Student Loan Program, P.O. Student Loan Program Bag of candy and packet of
Box 82507, Lincoln, NE 68501 information, Proclamation
Signing Ceremonv.
3/17/2008 Madeleine Austin, Vice President World Business Academy, 700 Publishing company Book - Freedom from Mid-East
Richards Street, Ste 2401, Nonolulu, Oil by Jerry B. Brown, etc.,
HI 96813 [promotional bv mail.
o 2008 Governor Gift List
Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupadon/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value
Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
3117/2008 Kelly Klosure P.O. Box 1058, Fremont, NE 68026 Manufacturing Coaster, received by mail.
3/18/2008 J.B. Milliken, President University of Nebraska - Lincoln, University Stadium blanket, attendance at
Central Administration, 3835 event.
Holdreze Street. Lincoln NE 68583
3118/2008 John Hilgert, Director, Department of Veterans Affairs, State Agency Two six- packs of Dr. Pepper,
Nebraska State Office Building, delivered to office.
Lincoln NE 68508
3/19/2008 NE Association of Transportation . 56726 Hwy 98, Winside, NE 68790 Association Popcorn packet and small First
Providers Aid Kit, delivered to office.

3/20/2008 Jiim Lightbody, Chair, 2008 Nebraska 2536 Worthington Avenue, Lincoln, Organization DVD of 2008 Leadership
Leadership Prayer Breakfast NE68502 Breakfast, attendance at event.

3/20/2008 Rex Fisher 1314 Douglas Street, 13th Floor, ConstituentlFriend Complimentary tickets to 2008
Omaha, NE 68102 NC,AA Division games @
!Owest ($59/ticket)
3125/2008 Ryan Wiersdorf, Director O.C. Tanner, 13304 West Center Organization Book - The Carrot Principle by
Road, Ste 122, Omaha, NE 68144 Adrian Gostick and Chester
Elton, received by mail.

3/28/2008 Joy Omelanuk Chadron Chamber of Commerce, 706 Chamber of Commerce Large flower pot with 2
W. 3rd Street, Chadron, NE 69337 ornaments, cofee cup, honey, 2
iars of jelly, one wine, & soap,
attendance at event.
3/29/2008 Omaha Press Club % Scott & Trudy Darling, 309 S. Press Club Complimentary ticket to 3-29-8
53rd, Omaha, NE 68132 Omaha Press Club Show
3/31/2008 Deborah Wince-Smith, President Compete Council on Council Book - Innovation Nation,
Competitiveness, 1500 K Street NW received by mail.
Suite 850, Washington, DC 20005

4/1/2008 Tae Sik Lee, Ambassador of the Republic 2450 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, International Set of spoons, attendance at
of Korea Washin2ton D.C 20008 event.
4/1/2008 R. Cambra 13149 Starwood Ln., Dewitt, MI Out-of-state constituent Prayer rock & DVD on Equal
48820 Rizhts received bv mail.
4/1/2008 Senator Arnie Stuthman State Capitol, Room 1120, Lincoln, Senator Pipe - approx. 3 ft. long from
NE68509 Rising City Fire Dept
Dedication of July 4, 2007,
delivered to Governor's office.
4/1/2008 C. David Parsons The Quest for Right, 5829 Wembley Publishing company Book - The Quest for Right,
Drive, Douglasville, GA 30135-1888 Volume One, received by mail.

4/1/2008 Nebraska Sports Council, % Danielle P.O.-Box 29366, Lincoln, NE 68529- Council Two T-shirts, 2 water bottles &
Kleber 0366 2 headbands, received by mail.

4/1/2008 Mike Gloor for Legislature 3115 Brentwood Circle, Grand Political Complimentary ticket to Mike
Island, NE 68801-7217 Gloor for Legislature Fundraiser
4/2/2008 Rex German, Nebraska Plastics P.O. Box 45, 700 West Highway 30, Constituent Book - Battle ofthe Bridges by
Cozad, NE 69130 Rex German and Russ
Czaplewski, attendance at
auction dinner.
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
4/4/2008 Tracey Nolte Norfolk Chamber of Commerce, 405 Chamber of Commerce Decorative watering can filled
West Madison Avenue, Norfolk, NE with candy, 2 sleeves of golg
68701 balls, small highlighting pens
and a ballpoint pen, attendance
at event.
4/8/2008 Tree City USA, % Chip Murrow Nebraska Forest Service, Community Forester service T-shirt, attendance at event.
Forester Assistant, University of
Nebraska, 103 Plant Industry Bldg.,
Lincoln NE 68588
4/8/2008 Steve and Jenni Homan 3610 6th Avenue, Kearney, NE Constituents Orchid plant, attendance at
68845-2841 auction dinner.
4/1112008 Stephen Fritz, Midland Lutheran College 900 No. Clarkson Street, Fremont, College Water bottle, pens, cup and
NE 68025-4254 writing note pad, attendance at
4/1112008 Attorney General Jon Bruning Room 2115 State Capitol, Lincoln, State agency Paul Fell Cartoon, framed,
--- NE68509 delivered to Governor's office.
"~i-- .~ •

4/14/2008 Governors from Afghanistan, % Mayor's 555 So. 10th Street, Lincoln, NE Committee Arabic robe, attendance at
Committee for International Friendship of 68508 & Asadullah Hamdam, event.
Lincoln Governor ofOruzgan Province, No.1
Governor House, Oruzgan Province

4/15/2008 Harold W. Lanzner 2515 S.W. Brookwood Lane, Palm Out-of-state constituent Book - Got Cha by Harold W.
City, FL 34990 Lanzners, promotional by mail.

4/15/2008 James V. Griesen, President, Lincoln Rotary Club, P.O. Box Rotary Bookmark & a book was
83843, Lincoln, NE 68501-3843 donated to a Lincoln school in
Governor's honor, attendance at
4/1712008 Ruthann Russo, PhD, JO, MPH DJTher Publishing, Inc., One Out-of-state constituent Book - 7 Steps to Your Best
Bethlehem Plaza, Suite 1010, Possible Healthcare by Ruthann
Bethlehem, PA 18018 Russo, promotional by mail.

4/18/2008 Hank Pierson 132 Azalea Way, Eureka, CA 95503 Out-of-state constituent Book - Real Change in
American, promotional by mail.

4119/2008 Walt Radcliffe Radcliffe & Associates, 100 The AttorneylFriend Round of golf @ Country Club
Mayfair, 625 So. 14th, Lincoln, NE of Lincoln.
4/2112008 KFOR, Marty Riemenschneider 3800 Cornhusker Hwy, Lincoln, NE Radio station T-shirt, attendance at
68504 Governor's Call-In Show.
4/23/2008 McCoy for Legislature 3922 S. 190th Street, Omaha, NE Political Complimentary ticket to Beau
68130 McCoy for Legislature
Fundraiser ($50).
4/24/2008 Johanns for U.S. Seriate 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary tickets to Mike
Johanns Fundraiser ($50).

4/26/2008 Dr. Jeff & Mrs. Tomjack 6029 Culwells Road, Lincoln, NE Constituents Complimentary ticket to Bolt A
68516 2008 event on 4-26-8
4/28/2008 Westside Community Schools, % Katie clo Planitomaha, inc., 10832 Old School Complimentary ticket to A
Dischler Mill Road, Suite 8, Omaha, NE Celebration of the Lifetime
68154 Performance of Dr. Ken Bird
4/29/2008 Elkhorn Ridge Wind FarrnINE Public P.O. Box 499, Bloomfield, NE 68601 Energy company Shovel, attendance at event.
Power District 0499
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor OccupationlNature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
SI1I2008 Dr. Jim Tenopir, Executive Director, SOOCharleston, Lincoln, NE 68S01- School association Sport passess to Soccer State
Nebraska School Activities Association 5448 Championship, Baseball State
Championship & Track State
Championship, received by
SI1I2008 Bryan Slone 1717 No. I 28th Street, Omaha, NE Friend Round of golf@ Omaha
68154-3891 Country Club.
5/2/2008 The Daily Record 3323 Leavenworth Street, Omaha, Media Letter opener, attendance at
NE 6810S event.
S/2/2008 Admiral Bob Bell 8912 Douglas Court, Omaha, NE Friend Round of golf@ Omaha
68114 Country Club.
5/3/2008 Drew Schendt Shirts, Signs, Mugs & More, 530 S. Advertising business Cup, attendance at event.
10th Avenue, Broken Bow, NE
515/2008 Jim Partington Nebraska Restaurant Association, Association Plaque award, attendance at
610 So. 70th Street, #101, Lincoln, event.
51712008 Pamela Allen 315 So. 9th Street, Suite 10, Lincoln, Constituent Lapel pin, Proclamation Signing
NE 68508 Ceremonv.
SI7I2008 Fredrick Thole S225 Dayton Street, Omaha, NE Constituent Polo shirt, Proclamation
68117 Signing Ceremony.
51712008 Julie Van Meter, Department of 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, State agency Keychain and binder with
Agriculture NE68509 information, Proclamation
Signing Ceremonv.
51712008 Keith Heithoff 52147843 Avenue, Elgin, NE 68636 Constituent Coin, Proclamation Signing
51712008 Edward Walker 308 North Hillcrest Street, Arnold, Constituent Hat, Proclamation Signing
NE69120 Ceremony.
51712008 Chris Carter 8226 No. 47th Street, Omaha, NE Constituent Lapel pin, Proclamation Signing
68152 Ceremonv.
51712008 Loree Rix-Crouse, Communty Action of 1120 K Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Community action Lapel pin, Proclamation Signing
NE Inc. program Ceremony,
51712008 RachelJe RiedmilJer 2662 Pawnee Place, Columbus, NE Constituent Pencils, paper and bookmarks,
68601 Proclamation Signing
51712008 Red Dawgs Wheelchair Basketball Team, % American Radio Relay League, Athletic team Cup and T-shirt, attendance at
% Matt Anderson Ashland NE68003-lS31 event.
5/8/2008 Rex Fisher 1314 Douglas Street, 13th Floor, Friend Round of golf @ Happy Hollow
Omaha NE 68102 Country Club.
519/2008 Lee Terry for Congress P.O. Box 540098, Omaha, NE 68154 Political Complimentary ticket to B
Cocktail Party honoring
Congressman Lee Terry ($250)

S/16/2008 Mary Asimus Box 80171, Lincoln, NE 68501 Constituent Book - State of Emergency by
Patrick J. Buchanan,
promotional by mail.
5/1712008 Bill Mueller Ruth, Mueller, Robak, 530 So. 13th Friend! Attorney Round of golf at Country Club
Street. Lincoln, NE 68508 of Lincoln.
5/19/2008 MickJensen Great Plains Communications, 1600 Communications Round of golf@ annual NTA A
Great Plains Centre, Blair,-NE 68008 company golf outing - Iron Horse Golf
Club ($100)
S/20/2008 Jim Grewe, Midwest International Trade P.O. Box 642123, Omaha, NE 68164 Association Globe paperweight, attendance
Association at event.
5/20/2008 James Cook Oxford University Press, 198 Publishing company Book - Imprisoning
Madison Avenue, New York, NY. Communities by Todd R. Clear,
10016-4314 lpromotional bv mail.
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor OccupationlNature of CircumstanceslOccasion (or Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
5/2112008 Narrow Road Productions 20929 Ventura Blvd., #47-267, Publishing company DVD - The World is Just a
Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Circle - by Robert Valente,
Ipromotional bv mail.
5/23/2008 Pat Dorwart 2310 lith Avenue, Sidney, NE Constituent Book - Boom Town USA by
69162 Jack Schultz, promotional by
5/23/2008 Jim Wintz 201 W. Franklin Street, Hartington, Constituent Plaque and decorative plate,
NE 68739-5158 attendance at event.
5/23/2008 Randy Haskell % First National Bank, 2623 13th Constituent DVD, calculator & coozy,
Street Columbus, NE 68601 attendance at event.
5/23/2008 Name unknown No address given Constitutent 3 DVDs - Washington - You're
Fired, American - Freedom to
Fascism & End Game,
lnromotional bv mail.
5/27/2008 Caring Institute 228 Seventh Street, SE, Washington, Institute Book - It's Not About the
.. .- D.C. 20003 '~'~:- -- Coffee by Howard Behar,
[promotional bv mail.
5/2912008 NET Television and NET Radio 1800 No. 33rd, Lincoln, NE 68503 Television/radio station Complimentary ticket to May A
29,2008 Premiere of Beef State
5/29/2008 Ted Turner, Turner Foundation 133 Luckie Street, NW, Atlanta, GA Publishing company Book - Plan B3.0 by Lester R.
30303 Brown, promotional bv mail.
5/29/2008 Vera Sun Albion 2615 260th Street, Albion, NE 68620 Ethanol company Plaque-scissors, attendance at
5/30/2008 Stephen E. Fritz, Interim President Midland Lutheran College, Fremont, College Cyrstal paperweight, attendance
NE68025 at event.
5/3112008 Allmand Brothers, Inc. 1502 W. 4th Avenue, Holdrege, NE Corporation Cup, cap, pen, paperweight,
68949 notepad & Michelle Lytle black
& white print, attendance at
6/2/2008 N-Lighten Program 4903 N. 57th Street, Lincoln, NE Wellness program Award & plaque, attendance at
68507 event.
6/3/2008 Mayor Tom Henderson 57983 861st Road, Wakefield, NE Mayor Bat, hat and ball, attendance at
68784-6011 event.
6/3/2008 Dean and Laura Bell 330942 County Road H Constituents Book - Will America Survive
Minatare, NE 69356 by E. G. White, promotional by
.., mail.
6/6/2008 Millard Public Schools Foundation 14755 Grover Street, Omaha, NE Foundation Round of golf@ the Millard A
68144 Public Schools Foundation Golf
Classic ($125)
6/6/2008 Dale W. Van Stratten ACI Worldwide, 330 S, 108th Constituent Box of golf balls (12), received
A venue, Omaha, NE 68154 by mail as thank you for an
auction dinner.
6/6/2008 Cornhusker Country Music Club, Inc., % P.O. Box 42, Louisville, NE 68037 Corporation Passes to Cornbusker Country
Blanche Hopp Music Club events,
Proclamation Signing
6/9/2008 The Doubleday Publishing Group 1745 Broadway, New York, NY Publishing company Book - The Necessary
10019 Revolution by Peter Senge,
promotional bv mail.
6/10/2008 Admiral Bob Bell 8912 Douglas Court, Omaha, NE Friend Round ofgolf@Omaha
68114 Country Club.
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
6/10/2008 Peter Will Founder - Little Amadeus International DVD & informational materials
Foundation, Lilienstrasse 15, 20095 - Little Amadeus, The
Hamburg, Gennany Adventures of Young Wolfgang
Amadeus Mazart, promotional
bv mail,
6/1112008 Dale W. Jieb, Director General Taipei Economic and Cultural Office International Glass dragon figurine, meeting
in Kansas City, Penntower Office with the Governor.
Center, 3100 Broadway, Suite 800,
Kansas City. MO 64111
6112/2008 lona College 715 No. Avenue, New rochelle, NY College DVD - Infrastructure - A
10801-1890 Pathway to Prosperity,
loromotional bv mail.
6/16/2008 Robert Carter 20 Pendleton Road, Granby, Out-of-state constituent Book - Psychiatry - The
Connecticut 06035 Ultimate Betrayal, promotional
bv mail,
6/1.7/2008 Rex Fisher, Qwest. 1314 Douglas Street, 13th Floor, ··:::c·,9orporationoo

Ticket to the College World

Omaha, NE 68102 Series ($50)(Governor paid
6117/2008 Brian Majeska Grand Island, NE 68802 (specific Constituent Framed sandhills print, auction A
address not given) dinner at the Residence.

6/18/2008 Cox Classic 4445 S. 140th Street, Omaha, NE Media Complimentary tickets (10) to A
68137 the 13th Annual Cox Classic
$10 ner ticket).
6/19/2008 Dept. of Aeronautics Municipal Airport, 2400 West State agency T-shirt, attendance at event.
Adams Street, Lincoln, NE 68524-
6/2112008 Elkhorn Chamber of Commerce 20601 Glenn Street, Elkhorn, NE Chamber of Commerce Baseball cap, attendance at
68022 event.
6/21/2008 Kent Sunderland Ash Grove Cement Company, 11011 Cement company Golf shirt, attendance at event.
Cody, Overland Park, KS 66210

6/21/2008 Kim Hawkins Hawkins Construction Company, Construction company Golfballs, attendance at event.
2516. Deer Park Blvd., Omaha, NE
6/24/2008 Douglas County Republican Party 2819 So. 125th Avenue, #362, Political Complimentary ticket to 2008
Omaha, NE 68144 Douglas County Republican
Party Governor's Gala ($60),
6/25/2008 Paul Epstein 9743 Fieldcrest Drive, Omaha, NE ConstituentlFriend Round of golf@ Ironwood.
6/26/2008 Nancy Kradky Address not available Constituent Book - Accountability for
Results attendance at event.
6/27/2008 Omaha Chamber of Commerce 1301 Harney Street, Omaha, NE Chamber of Commerce Round of Golf ($125) A
6/27/2008 Omaha Chamber of Commerce 1301 Harney Street, Omaha, NE Chamber of Commerce Golfbag cooler, attendance at
68102 laolf outing,
6/30/2008 Western Governor's Association Western Governors' Association, Government Binoculars, cookbook, bottle of A
1600 Broadway, Suite 1700, Denver, wine, wooden frame, attendance
CO 80202 at WGA Annual Conference,
° Jackson Hole, WY

7/4/2008 Dan and Cheryl Grenier 518 Seward Street, Seward, NE Constituents Flag Painting - author Jack B
68434 Dawson, attendance at event
7/4/2008 Burroughs Family (no other information P.O. Box 472, Cobbs Creek, VA Out-of-state constituent Package of Nuts, attendance at
available) 23035 event.
c) 2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor OccupationJNarure of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
71712008 Oxford University Press 2001 Evans Rd., Cary, NC 27513 Publishing company Book - The Changing Portrayal
of Adolescents in the Media
since 1950, promotional by
7/8/2008 Rex German, Nebraska Plastics P.O.-Box 45,700 West Highway 30, Plastics company T-shirt, attendance at event.
Cozad NE 69\30
7/8/2008 Gothenburg Chamber Development Project 1021 Lake Avenue, Gothenburg, NE Chamber of Commerce Goodie Tin with coffee,
69138 mustard, hat, cookies, shirt, tin
bucket, attendance at event

7/8/2008 Yehuda Berg, Co-Director, The Kabbalah 1062 Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, Out-of-state constituent Set of books - The Zohar,
Centre CA 90035 Ipromotional by mail.
7/9/2008 Carl Marks 9005 Witts truck Road, Roca, NE Constituent National Purple Heart
68430 Magazine, Proclamation
Signing Ceremony.
JI9/2008 Emily Wemhoff -- 17188 385th Street, Creston, NE Constituent Wristbands, Proclamation - -
68631 Signing Ceremonv.
. 7/10/2008 Don Wesely 5300 Leighton Ave., Lincoln, NE Constituent - Past Key to the City of Lincoln,
68504 Mayor of Lincoln attendance at event.
7114/2008 Hiro Sukeyasu, Representative Tibetan Education Support International DVD - TibetTibet, received by
Foundation, 3-27-6 Taishido mail.
Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0004 Japan

7114/2008 Dr. Linda Burrs P.O. Box 733, Miamisburg, OH Publishing company Book - The Fruits of Inclusion
45343-0733 by Dr. Linda J. Burrs,
promotional by mail.
7115/2008 Ruth Wassinger, RW Fitness, LLC l2i3 Cambridge Court, Plattsmouth, Constituent Book - Fit after 50, received by
NE68048 mail.
7115/2008 Dept. of Agriculture, % Christin Kamm State Office Building, Lincoln, NE State Agency Barbed-wire in the shape of
68508 Nebraska, attendance at event.

7/16/2008 McCain Victory 2008 310 First Street, SE, Washington, DC Political Complimentary Tickets to July D
20003 16,2008 Reception in honor of
John McCain ($2,300 per
7/17/2008 Wayne Industries, % Gary Boehle, 1129 Douglas Street, Wayne, NE Business associate Dr. Pepper (6-pack), Snickers
President 68787 Candy, coozie, Tvshirt, yo-yo,
attendance at event.
7/17/2008 Wayne Industries, % Gary Boehle, 1129 Douglas Street, Wayne, NE Business associate Round of Golf ($ 100). A
President 68787
7/2112008 Youth Advisory Council, % Rose Hughes Nebraska Children and Families Foundation T-Shirt, attendance at event.
Foundation, 215 Centennial Mall
South, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68508

7/22/2008 Bill and Joyce Ashley 299 N. 115th, Omaha, NE 68154 Constituents Nebraska National
Championship mug set,
attendance at event.
7/22/2008 Tam Allan 5405 A Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 FriendlBusiness Round of golf @ Hillcrest.
7/24/2008 Demaris Johnson Nebraska County Attorneys Association Golf tees, golf balls & 5 one-
Association, 1233 Lincoln Mall, day Grounds Passes to Cox
Suite 203 Lincoln NE 68508 Classic attendance at event.
7/25/2008 David L. Cohen, Executive Vice President Comcast Corporation, One Comcast Corporation Book - Philadelphia Heights,
Center, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2838 promotional by mail.
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor OccupationlNature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
7/28/2008 Roy and Mikaela Smith 9719 Pinehurst Circle, Omaha, NE Constituents/Friends Bottle of Wine, attendance at
68124-1926 event.
7/28/2008 Governor's Youth Advisory Council, % Nebraska Children and Families Advisory Council Shirt, received as a thank you
Rose Hughes Foundation, 215 Centennial Mall for meeting with the youth
South, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68508 council.

7/29/2008 George G. Beattie, President, Nebraska 233 So. 13th Street, Suite 700, Association Round of Golf ($75).
Bankers Association Lincoln, NE 68508
7/30/200S Nationwide Tour 4445 S. 140th Street, Omaha, NE Sports Nike shoes, Nike balls, Nike B
68137 winbreaker & bag, attendance at
7/3012008 Nationwide Tour 4445 S. 140th Street, Omaha, NE Sports Round of Golf (estimated B
68137 between $200/$500).
8/512008 Albert David Benabou Abey World Press, 4770 Biscayne Media Mail Book - Keeping our Children
-_ ..
" ~ Blvd., Ste 1430, Miami, FL 33-U7 Safe-and Healthy, promotional
8/5/2008 Church of Scientology International 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1200, Church DVD - Scientology an
Los Angeles, CA 90028-6329 Overview by L. Ron Hubbard,
promotional bv mail.
SI7I200S Doris Cheung, Director Hong Kong Economic and Trade International Paperweight & DVD - Hong
Office, 130 Montgomery St., San Kong Reins, received
Francisco, CA 94104 promotional by mail in honor of
the Olvrnoics.
8/1112008 Jeffrey Shaw The Cactus Hut, 7249 E. I st Avenue, Out-of-state constituent Cactus plant, received by mail.
Scottsdale AZ 85251
8111/2008 Dennis A. Christiansen, President and Green Plant Farms, 4 One Green Farm-related business Two caps, attendance at event.
CEO Planet South Sioux City. NE 68776
8/12/2008 Western Society of Week Science, % Oregon State University, Columbia University Book - Weeds of the West,
Daniel A. Ball Basin Agric. Research Ctr., P.O. Box promotional by mail.
370 Pendleton OR 97801
8/13/2008 Garden Square Assisted Lving of Crete 1405 Hickory Avenue, Crete, NE Assisted Living Cup, Proclamation Signing
68333 Ceremony.
8/13/200S Donor unknown Address not available Constituent 2 DVDs - NET - The Beef
State attendance at event.
8114/2008 Metro Omaha Builders 11421 Davenport, Omaha, NE 68154 Builders Association Round of golf @ Iron Horse
Golf Club ~ Ashland.
8/15/2008 Lincoln Public Schools 59010 Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 School Administration Two complimentary passes for
Office Lincoln Public Schools athletic
events for school year 200S-09,
received by mail.

S/15/200S E. Susan Gourley Superintendent of Lincoln Public Schools, 5901 0 School Complimentary tickets (2) to
Schools Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln Public Schools athletic
events for 200S-09 school year.

8/19/2008 McCoy for Legislature 3922 S. 190th Street, Omaha, NE Political Complimentary ticket -Beau
68130 McCoy Candidate for
Legislature Fundraiser.
8/20/2008 Johanns for U.S. Senate 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket to Mike
Johanns' Fundraiser on 8-20-8
8/22/2008 Clare for Regent 6712 Hickory Crest Circle, Lincoln, Political Complimentary ticket to Tim
NE 68516 Clare Fundraiser ($25),
8/25/2008 Nebraska Republican Party 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket to NE
GOP Lincoln Round-Up ($5).
() (~)
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor OccupationlNature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
8/25/2008 Guatemalian Officals % Stan Garbacz, Department of State agency Book on Guatemala, table
Agriculture, State Office Building, scarves and placemates,
Lincoln NE 68508 attendance at meeting.
8/25/2008 Nebraska Telecommunications 801 Lincoln Square, 121 South 13th Political Complimentary ticket ($150) to
Association Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation NTA Summer
8/26/2008 Utter For Legislature Committee - Robert 11 Village Drive, Hastings, NE Political Complimentary ticket to Dennis
T. Hunter, Treasurer 68901 Utter for Legislature Fundraiser
$50) on 8-26-8.
8/27/2008 Citizens to Elect Scott Price Committee 13702 S. 28th Circle, Bellevue, NE Political Complimentary ticket to Scott
68123 Price for Legislature Fundraiser.

8/27/2008 University of Nebraska - Lincoln, % Marc 103 South Stadium, Lincoln, NE University Athletic Husker Shirt, delivered to
Boehm 68588-0120 Department office.
8128/2008 Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche P.O. Box 50966, Pasadena, c::A Out-of-state constituent Holy Book & scarf, visit to the
91115 Governor's office.
8/28/2008 Nebraska Republican Party 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket ($50) to
John & Cindy Dinkel reception.

8/2912008 Rex Fisher 1314 Douglas Street, 13th Floor, Business associate Ticket - AVCA Volleyball
Omaha, NE 68102 Showcase - Nebraska/Stanford,
8/29/2008 Ken Rahjes KRVN, 1007 Plum Creek Pkwy, Radio station Small notebook w/writing pad,
Lexington. NE 68850 attendance at event.
8/29/2008 No Donor name available Not available. Constituent T-shirt - w/GI 2010 State Fair
1020 attendance at event.

9/812008 Governor Ueda Governor of Saitama Prefecture, % International Glass vase, attendance at
Dept. of Economic Development, Midwest US Japan Conference.
State Office Bldg., Lincoln, NE
9/9/2008 1 Lt. Christopher R. Averett 320th Ordnance Battalion, 3700 Military Military coin, attendance at
West 0 Street, Lincoln, NE 68528- event.
9/9/2008 Trevor R. Martin, VP, Government Affairs Heartland Institute, 19 South LaSalle, Publishing company Book - Energy Kepers, Energy
Suite 903, Chicago, IL 60603 Killers by Roy lnnis & DVD -
Unstoppable Solar Cycles,
received bv mail.
9/9/2008 Kurt Geschwender for Legislature 12345 N. 36th Street, Omaha, NE Political Complimentary ticket ($50) to
68112 Kurt Geschwender Reception.
9/1112008 Silvio Leimig, Executive Coordinator of KMIO - Rod. PE-60- Eng. International Business card holder,
New Business Massangana Ipojuca - PE - Brasil - attendance at event.
CEP: 55-590-972
9/1112008 Donor unknown Address not available International Beaded dragon & box,
attendance at Reverse Trade
9111/2008 Nebraska Dept. of Corrections, % Bob Folsom & W. Prospector, #1, P.O. State agency Water bottle, pen, shirt &
Houston Box 94661, Lincoln, NE68509-4661 cookbook, attendance at event.

911112008 Mary Rittenhouse University of Nebraska @ Kearney, ·University T-shirt, Proclamation Signing
905 W. 25, Kearney, NE 68845 Ceremony.

9/1112008 McCollister for PSC 8010 Hickory Street, Omaha, NE Political Complimentary ticket ($50) to
68124 John S. McCollister fundraiser.
Cy ()
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
9/12/2008 Jeff Barnes 7734 Curtiss Avenue, Omaha, NE Constituent! Author Book - Forts of the Northern
68134 Plains by Jeff Barnes, received
by mail.
9/12/2008 Dave Masek SandhilIs Insulation, 269 West Bovee Constituent Key chain and information on
Street. Halsey. NE 69142 company. received bv mail.
9/13/2008 Marta Campelo, Consultant Sebrae, Av. Mons. Tabosa, 777- International Place mats, orange napkins &
Praia de Iracerna 60.165-01 I napkin holders, attendance at
Diplomats event.
9/13/2008 Tomoyuki Matsushita The Shizuoka Chamber of International Paperweight, attendance at
Commerce, 20-8, Kurogane-cho, Aoi Diplomats event.
ku, Shizuoka-city Shizuoka 420-
0851 Japan
9/13/2008 LeKang, Ph.D., Professor Institute of Zoology, The Chinese International Rolled scroll in a wooden box
Academy of Sciences, 25 with holder & magnifying glass,
Beisihuanxilu, Zhongguancun, attendance at Diplomats event.
. . Haidian Distr., Beijing 100080, . --- . 0 •.•

.... _ ... "._-".-


.. -_.- ------- ..

9113/2008 Donor unknown Address not available International Chop sticks & pen, tablerunner,
Stamp Volumes for Treasure,
framed picture, one jersy from
Brazil & DVD on Brazil and
Japanese plaque, attendance at
Diplomats event.

9/15/2008 Clark Kinnison 218 North Sunset Street, Pierce, NE Constituent B1ueGrassFire CD, received by
68767 mail with letter.
9/15/2008 Nebraskan's for Peace, % Mark Vavrina 941 0 Street, #1026, Lincoln, NE Organization DVD - The Battle for
68508 Whiteclay, hand delivered to
9/15/2008 Dean Bell 330966 County Rd. H, Minatare, NE Constituent Book - Will America Survive
69356-4504 by E. G. White, promotional by
9/16/2008 Jorge Palhas Rua do LagarNovo N 23, 6060-430 Out-of-state constituent Book - The Rosicrucian Cosmo-
Rosmaninhal, Portugal Conception by Max Heindel,
loromotional bv mail.
9/19/2008 Midland Lutheran College 900 N. Clarkson, Fremont, NE 68025 College VIP Pass for general admission
bleacher seating at all regular
season home athletic events
2008/09 year & Booster Club
membership (ree. by mail).

9/22/2008 UNMC, Dean of Pharmacy University of Nebaska Medical University Label pin, given to Jen Hein for
Center, Emile at 42nd Street, Omaha, the Governor.
9/22/2008 Robert Riggle Tax Gap rvs, LLC, 1512 Grand Out-of-state constituent Book -Income Verification
Avenue, Connersville, Indiana 47331 System by Robert Riggle,
2229 promotional bv mail.
9/22/2008 Derek Dean 1828 Morris Street, Sarasota, FL Out-of-state constituent Book - Linving High on Life by
34239 Derek Dean, promotional by
... mail.
9/23/2008 Secretary of State John Gale State Capitol, Room 2300, Lincoln, Secretary of State's Gift bag with card holder,
NE68509 Office mints, DVD, luggage label,
popcorn, candy, etc., attendance
at event.
o 2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of CircumstanceslOccasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
9/25/2008 Reverend Elden Francis Curtiss, 100 No. 62nd Street, Omaha, NE Church Complimenary ticket ($125) to A
Archbishop of Omaha 68132-2795 21st Annual Archbishop's
Dinner for Education.
9/25/2008 C & A Industries, % Craig Wolfe 13609 California Street, Suite 500, Corporation Blue Polo shirt, attendance at
Omaha NE 68154 event.
9/27/2008 Southeast High School volleyball student, Southeast High School, 2930 S. 37th Student T-shirt with SE logo, attendance
name unknown Lincoln, NE 68506 at game day tailgate.

9/30/2008 Johanns for u.s. Senate 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket to
Rundraising Reception($25 per
101112008 ATN Associated Television News 1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite Media 10 Books - The Audacity of A
1000, Washington, DC 20036 Deceit by Brad O'Leary,
loromotional by mail.
10/3/2008 Nebraska Corn Board 301 Centennial Mall South, Fourth State Agency Bag with logo, notepad, DC -
- - - Floor, Lincoln,NE 68509-5107 --_. -- Bio Fuels Dispelling the Myths,
received bv mail.
10/6/2008 Nancy Moser 11225 W. 187 Street, Spring Hill, KS Out-of-state constituent Book - John 3:16, received
66083 loromotional by mail.
101712008 Valley County Health System Hospital 27th & M Streets, Ord, NE 68862 Hospital Engraved plaque w/small shovel
inside, attendance at event.

10/8/2008 Great Plains Safety & Health 2685 West Hwy 40, Kearney, NE Wellness program Shirt with Safety & Worksite
Organization, % Mick Anderson 68845 Wellness logo, attendance at
10/9/2008 James A. Frewe, Reinke Manufacturing 5325 Reinke Road, Deshler, NE Manufacturing Reinke binder notebook, pen,
Company, Inc. 68340 company tablet & company information,
attendance at event.

10/10/2008 Johanns for u.S. Senate 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Complimentary ticket ($50) to
Mike's Western BBQ & Dance
on 10-10-8.
10/10/2008 Department of Veterans Affairs, % John State Office Building, Lincoln, NE State agency Shovel, attendance at
Hilzert 68508 IIZT0undbreakinIZ event.
1011112008 Ak-Sar-Ben Coronation Ball 302 S. 36th, Suite 800, Omaha, NE Organization Complimentary ticket to Ak-Sar B
68131 Ben Ball ($200)
10114/2008 Aran Alton Ardaiz, Truth of God Ministry Box 62107, Manoa Station, Island of Out-of-state constituent Book - Hawaii - The Fake State,
Oahu Ko Hawaii Pae Aina ipromotional by mail.
10/14/2008 Nebraska School Activities Association, % 500 Charleston, Lincoln, NE 68501- Association Fall state championship event
Dr. Jim Tenopir 5448 passes - softball, cross country,
volleyball & football, received
by mail.
10115/2008 Metropolitan Utilities District Platte West 1723 Harney Street, Omaha, NE Utilities company Bag with water cup, presented
Water Treatment Plant 68102-1960 to Lt. Gov. for the Governor,
attendance at event.

10/17/2008 National Governors Association, % Hall of the States, 444 North Capitol Association Plaque and two books - A
Raymond Scheppach Street, Suite 267, Washington, D.C. Legacy of Leadership by
20001-1512 Clayton McClure Brooks and
- -- - Legacy of Innovation by Ethan
G. Sribnick, received by mail.

10/18/2008 Steamfitters and Plumbers Local Union 13505 B Street, Omaha, NE 68144 Association Shirt, attendance at event.
464 - Mechanical Contractors Association
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
10/1812008 Kim and Jill Wolfe 3019 Eagle Lane, Columbus, NE Constituents Jacket, attendance at event.
10118/2008 Bill Hord 1011 Daybreak Circle, Lincoln, NE Constituent Red ballcap, attendance at
68505-3181 event.
10/20/2008 Adreinne C. Sparks, Associate Director of 1745 Broadway, New York, New Publishing company Book - Traitor to His Class by
Marketing, Doubleday York 10019 H.W. Brands, promotional by
10/20/2008 Mitch and Lori Pirnie 416 So. I 59th Street, Omaha, NE Constituents Orrefors Crystal Bowl,
68118-2138 attendance at Auction Dinner at
the Residence.
10/22/2008 First National Bank of Omaha, % Cris 1620 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE Bank Charter flight to West Point, D
Stone 68197 N.Y. - Governor was keynote
speaker @ 23rd Annual Nat'l
Conf on Ethics in America-U.
S. Military Academy@ West
..... - .... Point NY.- $3 607.88 .
10/22/2008 U.S. Military Academy, % Ret. Lt. West Point, N.Y. Military Academy Four leadership books & U.S.
Colonel Fritz Lash Army shirt - attendance at
10/25/2008 Joslyn Art Museum 2200 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE Museum Complimentary ticket to Fiesta A
68102 Rivera ($ I 50).
10/25/2008 Mayor David Velasco Chedrau Xalapa, Mexico International Book - Diego Rivera Mural
Paintings, attendance at event.

10/2712008 William J. Babcock, Author Walsworth Publishing Company, 803 Author Book - America's 20/20 Vision:
South Missouri Avenue, Marceline, The Plan and one dollar bill,
M064658 promotional by mail.

10/27/2008 Omaha Burke High School 12200 Burke Street, Omaha, NE High School T-shirt and plaque, attendance
68154 at event.
10/28/2008 William F. Chappelear P.O. Box 369, Arlington, NE 68002- Constituent Pens (5), received by mail.
10/30/2008 Jose Valerio from Brazil, % Gary Heusel, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE International Small clay pot, attendance at
President of NE Chapter of Partners of meeting.
10/3112008 Greater Omaha Economic Development 1301 Harney Street, Omaha, NE Partnership Yahoo plaque, received by mail.
Partnershin 68102 .. '""-"'"a~';",

111112008 Mike Homa, President and COO Mutual of Omaha Bank, 3333 Financiallnstitution Dozen golf balls and hat,
Farnam Street Omaha NE68131 attendance at event.
11/4/2008 Dr. Jialin Zhen, Asoc. Dean for Graduate University of Nebraska Medical International Framed gold plate and procelain
Studies - Int'l Affairs Center, Omaha, NE plaque, attendance at meeting.

11/5/2008 The Samaritan Counseling Center 10708 Corby Circle, Omaha, NE Non-profit counseling Complimentary ticket to A
68164 center Samaritan of the Year Dinner
on 11-10-8 ($150).
11/10/2008 Ralston High School 8969 Park Drive, Ralston, NE High School Cup and plaque, attendance at
11112/2008 William F. Chappelear P.O. Box 369, Arlington, NE 68002- Constituent Several pens and key chain,
0369 received bv mail.
11112/2008 Republican Governors Association, % 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW, Association Travel Bag and three signed
Nick Ayers Suite 250, Washington, D.C. 20006 books - American - The Last
Best Hope, Volume I & II by
Wm. Bennett and American
Soldier by Gen. Tommy Franks,
attendance at event.
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasiou for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
1111912008 Gene Roncka, % Willow Point Gallery 1431 Silver Street, Ashland, NE Artist Commemorative holiday
68003 ornament meetinz in office.
1112012008 Capitol Commission, % Bob Ripley State Capitol, Lincoln, NE State Agency Christmas ornament, attendance
at meeting.
1lI211Z008 Butler County Economic Development 457 D Street, David City, NE 68632 Development Office Gift basket with crackers,
Office cheese, candle, jelly, popcorn &
wine attendance at event.
1112112008 Bergan Knights, % Coach Paulson 545 E. 4th Street, Fremont, NE School Signed basketball & picture,
68025 attendance at event.
1112412008 Robert Carter, Director, Northern 20 Pendleton Road, Granby, Out-of-state constituent 3 DVDs - on psychotropic
Connecticut Chapter, Citizens Commission Connecticut 06035 drugging and an informational
on Human Rights booklet, promotional by mail.

11126/2008 Septemberfest Inc. 3000 Farnam Street, Suite 5 East, Corporation DVD - 2008 Septemberfest,
Omaha NE 68131 promotional by mail.
12/112008 Lee B. Keldsen - 4 ~~kman Circle, Malcom,·NE . Constituent. _ DVD - The. Silencing of God,
68402 promotional bv mail.
12/1/2008 Carol Ingley, Media Mogul Press 1845 Summit Place, NW, Suite 612, Media Book - Digital or Dark: How
Washington, D.C. You and Your Analog TV Can
Survive the Digital Switch,
loromotional bv mail.
12/2/2008 Bahr Vermeer Haecker Architects 1425 Jones Street, Omaha, NE 68102 Architect Firm Book - BVH Architects - Forty
Years, promotional by mail.

12/4/2008 Aetna Foundation 151 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, Foundation Book - Breaking Barriers,
cr 06156-3213 loromotional bv mail.
12/4/2008 Eric Johnson 1730 No. 63rd Street, Lincoln, NE Constituent Glass earth globe paperweight,
68505-1265 delivered to office.

121412008 Omaha Steaks, %Eve and Fred Simon 11030 0 Street, Omaha, NE Meat company 8 - 6 oz. filets, delivered to
Governor's Residence.
12/4/2008 Bioiberica, % Mark Briggs 1660 R Street, Geneva, NE 68361 Pharmaceutical Boar's leg, delivered to
company Governor's Residence.
12/4/2008 Admiral Bob Bell 8912 Douglas Court, Omaha, NE Constituent Fresh wreath, delivered to
68114 Governor's Residence.
12/4/2008 Tascet 222 W. Washington Ave., Suite 800, Identity networking 2 rubix cubes, promotional by
Madison WI 53703 -comoanv mail-
12/5/2008 STRATCOM Consultation Committee Offutt Air Force Base, Bellevue, NE Military Coffee mug, attendance at
12/512008 The Honourable Michael Wilson, Embassy of Canada, 501 International Raven Glass Studio plate,
Ambassador of Canada to the U.S. Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, attendance at meeting.
Washington DC 20001-21 14
121512008 Nebraska Ethanol Producers, % Loran Schmit Industries, Inc., 3766 Ethanol company 2 boxes Christmas cookies,
Schmit Washington Street, Lincoln, NE delivered to office.
12/8/2008 Netherlands Consulate General 303 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2600, International Book/calendar - Holland
Chicago, lllinois 60601 Agenda 2009 by Bike,
loromotional bv mail.
12/8/2008 Mariano Fernandez, Ambassador of Chile Embajada de Chile, 1732 International Book - Visions From Finis
Massachussetts Avenue, N. W., Terrae, Chilean Voices in the
Washington D.C. 20036 U.S .. promotional bv mail.
12/8/2008 The Honorable Bob Riley, Governor of State Capitol, Montgomery, AL Governor Christmas ornament, received
Alabama 36130 by mail.
12110/2008 MidArnerican Energy Holdings Company, I I II S. 103rd Street, Omaha, NE Constituent Box of See's candy, received by
% David Sokol 68124 mail with holiday greeting.
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
12/10/2008 Senator Tim Gay & stiff State Capitol, Room 1522, Lincoln, Senator Box of cheeses & 2 rolls
NE68509 summer sauage, delivered to
office with holidav zreetinz.
12110/2008 Tehal Singh, Modem Industries 52, Industrial Estate, Jalandhar Road, International Jacket, small replica tractor and
Hoshiarpur (Pb.), India informational materials,
attendance at event.
12/11/2008 Nebraska Supreme Court State Capitol, Lincoln, NE 68509 Court Container of Baker's
Chocolates, delivered to office.

1211112008 Nebraska Cattlemen, % Michael Kelsey 10lD Lincoln Mall, #101, Lincoln, Association Two square NE Cattlemen
NE68508 coasters attendance at event.
12/1112008 AFLAC Worldwide Headquarters, 1932 Insurance & Financial AFLAC stuffed animal - duck
Wynton Rd., Columbus, Georgia Advisors & bag of pecans, received by
31999 mail.
12/14/2008 Greg and Faye Osborne 1144 Manchester Drive, Lincoln, NE Constituents Bottle of Wine, delivered to
_._-- 68528 - .. .. Residence .
12/15/2008 Johanns for U.S. Senate 2819 S. 125th Avenue, Suite 362, Political Christmas ornament, received
Omaha, NE 68144 by mail.
12/1712008 M.A.D.D. 145 No. 46th Street, Lincoln, NE Association Cup filled with candy, delivered
68508 to office.
12118/2008 GROW Nebraska, % Janell Anderson P.O. Box 7, Holbrook, NE 68948 Nebraska products Peanut brittle, salsa, hand
Ehrke company lotion, sm. fruit cake, pickled
ioenoers and coffee soda.
12/18/2008 John Donald Rigazio 170 Swans Road, Bamighton, NH Out-of-state constituent Book - National Politics Is
03825 Everybody's Business by john
D. Rigazio, promotional by
12/18/2008 Patrick Gottsch 6904 Lafayette Avenye, Omaha, NE Constituent Lapel pin, pen and key chain,
68132-1057 attenance at event.
12/19/2008 Nebraska Republican Party 1610 N Steet, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket to
Holiday Reception honoring
Mark Ouandahl ($50).
12/19/2008 Governor Martin O'Malley Maryland State House, Annapolis, Governor Christmas ornament, received
Maryland 21401 by mail.
12/19/2008 Bailey Lauerman 12480 Street, #900, Lincoln, NE Advertising business Door hangars, received by mail.
12/19/2008 Pfizer, % Jim McClurg 601 W. Comhusker Hwy, Lincoln, ., Pharmeceutical Picture frame, pen, notepad,
NE company tape measure, koozie cup,
paperweight & keychain,
attendance at event.
12/20/2008 Sampson Construction Company 6402 Judson Street, Lincoln, NE Construction company Poinsettia plant, delivered to
68507 Residence.
12/22/2008 Dr. Rolando A. Flores, Department Head University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE University Department Box of cheeses (4 squares),
& Director, The Food Processing Center delivered to office.

12/22/2008 Paul and Deb Eurek Address not available Constituents Bottle of wine, delivered to
12/22/2008 NET, % Ron Hull 1800 No. 33r<l,Lincoln, NE 68503 Media Mail DVD - promotional, received by
12/23/2008 Paul and Linda Younes 6 21st Avenue-Plaza; Kearney, NE Constituent Harry and David Basket,
68845-4245 received by mail.
12/24/2008 Simon Wiesenthal Center, % Rabbi International Hdqtrs, 1399 South Jewish human rights Energy Alternative Menorah A
Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean Roxbury Drive, Los Angeles, CA organization with candles, received by mail.
12/24/2008 John and Cindy Dinkel 2206 Koenigstein Avenue, Norfolk, Constituents Set of glasses (4), delivered to
NE 68701-3515 Residence.
2008 Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupatioo/Nature of CircumstanceslOccasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
12/28/2008 Governor Bobby Jindal State of Louisana, 100I Capitol Governor Christmas ornament, received
Access Road, Batron Rouge, LA by mail.
12/29/2008 Dean Hiegert, MC Industries 3601 West 29th Street, Topeka, KS Constituent Husker Jacket, received by mail
66614 at Residence.

"-::;.-:_'" .
Governor P.O. Box.948,.48.~Ljncoln, Nebraska 68509-4848
Phone: (402) 4 71~22M~.da.(,~.heineman@nebraska.gov
.' l -. ~ rl f)t~v'l, [~,JEf3r~~i:\ ~l\
15 Pr-l2: 14

July 14, 2009

Frank J. Daley, Jr., Executive Director

Accountability and Disclosure Commission
State Capitol, 11th Floor
Lincoln, NE 68509 ---:;;;;,-;----

Dear Frank:

Please file the enclosed 2008 Amended Governor Gift List as an Amendment to my Statement of
Financial Interests for the calendar year January I through December 31, 2008 which was filed with
your office on March 2, 2009. Thank you.


Dave Heineman

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

Printed with soy ink on recycled paper
o 2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
11112008 Edmund F. Bruening, President, Hillcrest 8901 0 Street, Lincoln, NE 68520 Club Honorary Membership & D
Countrv Club Monthly Dues.
113/2008 Highway 14 Association, % Gretchen Fullerton, Nebraska Association T-shirt, presented to Lt. Gov.
Treadway for the Governor, attendance at
118/2008 Currency Means Business, % Meredith 1745 Broadway, New York, NY Publishing company Book - Make the Impossible
McGinnis 10019 Possible, promotional by mail.
118/2008 Rosann Kevil Wilderness Ridge, 1800 Wilderness Director of Sales Small notebook pad and holder,
Woods Place, Lincoln, NE 68512 gift for Governor given to Peg
King at a meeting.

119/2008 Henry Hu, President 24305, E. I 13th St., Broken Arrow, International Olympic Pin, presented to Jen
OK 74014-7744 Hein for the Governor at an in-
office meeting.
119/2008 David Livingston Douglas Theatre Company, 201 N. Theater Complimentary Pass, received
.. '-~". 13th Street Lincoln NE 68501 bvmail.
1110/2008 Nebraska & Western Iowa Oldtimers 5638 S. 22nd Street, Omaha, NE Association Complimentary yearly
Baseball Assn, Inc., % Joe Riha 68107 membership - OIdtimers
Baseball Assn Inc. ($ 12/vr. )
111012008 WorkWell, Inc., % Lisa Hennings 3140 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 Corooration T-shirt, attendance at event.
1111/2008 Dave and Chrystal Minarik 8030 S. 33rd Street, Lincoln, NE Constituents Mona Vie fruit juice, delivered
68516 to office.
1/14/2008 Nebraska School Nutrition Association P.O. Box 22148, Lincoln, NE 68542 Association School breakfast, delivered to
111812008 Joba Chamberlain 1936 Griffith Street, Lincoln, NE Constituent Sportagz Keychain &
68503 Chamberlain lapel pin,
attendance at event
1118/2008 Douglas County Republican Party 11263 Wright Circle, Omaha, NE Political Complimentary ticket to The A
68144 Elephant Remembers event
1119/2008 Pres. J.B. Milliken 2221 Sheridan Blvd., Lincoln, NE President ofUNL Ticket to NU v Baylor Men's
68502-4039 Basketball Game on 1119/8,
attendance at game.
112012008 State Patrol Executive Patrol Troopers State Patrol, 1600 Hwy 2, Lincoln, State employees Inscribed wooden desk pen set,
NE68502 Christmas gift to the Governor.

1120/2008 Bob and Brenda Wiese 84948 556th Avenue, Pierce, NE . --"'Constituents Flower arrangement, attendance
68767 at event.
1120/2008 Sesostris Shrine, % Gary Hahn 1050 Saltillo Road, Roca, NE 68430 Organization Lapel pens, Proclamation
Signing Ceremony.
1120/2008 Nebaska Library Commission, % Mary Jo 1200 N Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, State agency Book - The Conquerors by
Ryan NE68508 Michael Beschloss,
Proclamation Signing
1122/2008 Jessica Doolittle, IDCN P.O. Box 85362, Lincoln, NE 68501 Coalition Water bottle with instant drinks
and breakfast bars, delivered to
office with letter.
1122/2008 Nebraska Right to Life P.O. Box 80410, Lincoln, NE 68501- Organization Rose in a vase, delivered to
0410 office.
1122/2008 Department of Education, % Greg Stahr 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, State agency Stress ball & pen, Proclamation
NE68509 Signing Ceremony.

1122/2008 Kerry Winterer, State Board of Education % Republican Party, 1610 N Street, Political Complimentary ticket to Kerry
Member Lincoln NE 68508 Winterer Fundraiser ($25),
1124/2008 Native American Fatherhood and Families 123 N. Centennial Way, Suite ISO, Association T-Shirt, attendance at meeting
Association % Albert Pooley Mesa, Arizona 85201 in office.
o 2008 Amen ded Governor GiiftL
Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value
Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
1/25/2008 Nebraska School Activities Association, % 500 Charleston, Lincoln, NE 68501- Passes to winter state
Dr. Jim Tenopir 5448 championship events -
wrestling, girls basketball &
boys basketball, received by
1128/2008 Bellevue Chamber of Commerce 1102 Galvin Road So., Bellevue, NE Chamber of Commerce Dozen - cupcakes, delivered to
68005 office.
1130/2008 Omaha Jaycees, % Carly Wendt P.O. Box 24003, Omaha, NE 68124 Organization Two bottles of wine, attendance
at event.
1130/2008 Nebraska Association of School Boards, % 1311 Stockwell Street, Lincoln, NE Association "Leading Nebraska by
John Bonaiuto 68502 Example" Plaque, stuff animal
and box of dozen Cookie
Company Cookies, attendance
at event.
1130/2008 Nebraska Physical Therapy Association P.O. Box 540427, Omaha, NE 68154 Association Pedometer, received by mail.
< 0427
- . . .-
2/112008 O'Neill Chamber of Commerce 125 So. 4th Street, O'Neill, NE Chamber of Commerce Green sun glasseslbattery
68763 operated to "flash", attendance
at event.
2/1/2008 Covington Elementary School 2116 A Street, South Sioux City, NE School Bound booklet with Governor's
68776 photo, attendance at event.

2/112008 Transformation Project, Prison Ministry 5209 Montview Boulevard, Denver, Ministry Maximum Saints, Make No
CO 80207 Little Plans by Yong Hui V.
McDonald & DVD,
loromotional bv mail.
2/1/2008 Northwest Territorial Mint Springfield Office, 6551 Loisdale Custom Coin Sales Three coins with brochure,
Ct., Ste 525, Springfield, VA 22150 [promctional bv mail.
2/112008 Covington Elementary School 2116 A Street, South Sioux City, NE School T-shirt, framed plaque and
68776 framed Covington School song,
attendance at event.
2/112008 South Sioux Chamber of Commerce 3900 Dakota Avenue, Suite II, Soutl Chamber of Commerce White Boxer Shorts, attendance
Sioux City, NE 68776-3696 at meeting.
2/3/2008 L.M. Wood, Republic Design Company 3601 N. 22nd Street, Lincoln, NE Design company Two T-shirts, delivered to
68512 office.
2/4/2008 La Teinda & the Harris Family Address not available International Jamon (boar's leg), received by
~"-. mail at the Governor's
2/4/2008 Two Cedars Students, % Nick Juliano, \3603 Flanagan Blvd., Boys Town, Association Coaster and small bag of
Nebraska Association of Homes & NE68010 snacks, delivered to office.
Services for Children
2/4/2008 Bellevue Chamber of Commerce 1102 Galvin Road So., Bellevue, NE Chamber of Commerce Sculpture, attendance at event.
2/4/2008 Xenel International 2637 Townsgate Road, suite 300, Publishing company Book - Out of Energy Labyrinth
Westlake Village, CA 9\361 by David Howell and Carole
Nakhle, promotional by mail.

2/5/2008 Creighton University, % Jim Cavanaugh 1905 Harney Street, Suite 710, University Ticket to Creighton v. Northern
Omaha, NE 68102 Iowa basketball game,
- -. attendance at event.
2/5/2008 Suzanne Wise, Executive Director Nebraska Arts Council, 1004 Farnam Council Framed artwork and hat,
Street, Plaza Level, Omaha, NE attendance at event.
2/5/2008 Creighton University, % Jim Cavanaugh 1905 Harney Street, Suite 710, University Creighton hat and T'-shirt,
Omaha, NE 68102 attendance at event.
() (_-~/l
, 2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor OccupationlNature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
2/6/2008 Scottsbluff Chamber of Commerce 1517 Broadway, Scottsbluff, NE Chamber of Commerce Key Chain, Paper Cube and
69361-3184 Pen, attendance at event.
21712008 Madison Elementary School, % Dave 405 E. 8th Street, Madison, NE School Black T-Shirt, attendance at
Melick 68748 event.
2/7/2008 Madison High School, % Dave Melick 700 S. Kent, Madison, NE 68748 School Red Sweatshirt, attendance at
2/10/2008 Bryan Slone 1717 No. 128th Street, Omaha, NE Business associate Ticket to Creighton Men's
68154-3891 basketball game, attendance at
2/12/2008 NE State Volunteer Firefighers P.O. Box 101, York, NE 68467 Association Portfolio with calculator,
Association delivered to office.
2/13/2008 William Stetter 126 Lakeshore Drive, Valentine, NE Constituent Pen and lapel pin, Proclamation
69201 Signing Ceremony.

2/14/2008 Larry Schutt ABATE of Nebraska, Inc., State Corporation 2 T-Shirts with ABATE logo,
Coordinator, P.O. Box 30332, delivered to Governor's office.
Lincoln NE 68503-3032
2/14/2008 Phyllis Fogerty College of Education and Human College Services Metal bell, attendance at event.
Services, 233 Mabel Lee Hall, P.O.
Box 880234, Lincoln, NE 68588-
2/14/2008 Heartland Homeschoolers Association % Suzanne Gage, 1705 Janssen Association Gift card from Valentino's
Drive, Lincoln, NE 68506-1847 ($50), Red Bucket with candy
and Dr. Pepper, attendance at
2115/2008 Marcel Watch Corporation 200 Meadowlands Pkwy, Secaucus, Manufacturer American Flag lapel pin,
N.J. 07094-2302 received by mail.
2/15/2008 Kevin O'Hanlon Associated Press, 909 N. 96th Street, Media Ball cap, delivered to Governor.
#104, Omaha, NE 68114
2/16/2008 Adrian Smith for Congress 3321 Avenue I, Ste. 6, Scottsbluff, Political Complimentary ticket to D
NE 69361 Cocktail reception in support of
Congressman Adrian Smith
IfSnonsor $1 000).
2/19/2008 Dawn Newman, CoveyLink Suite 100, 175 W. Canyon Crest Rd., Publishing company Book - The Speed of Trust by
Alpine, UT 84004 Stephen M.R. Covey,
attendance at luncheon meeting.

2/19/2008 Lancaster County Republican Party % Dallas Jones, Baylor Law Firm, Political Complimentary tickts to Annual
12480 Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 LincolnlReagan Dinner ($25).

2/20/2008 Gustavo A. Rodriguez 10241 NW 33rd Street, Sunrise, Publisher Book - The Bureaucratic Brain
Florida 33351 by Gustavo A. Rodriguez,
nromotional bv mail.
2/20/2008 Nebraska Broadcasters Association 12020 Shamrock Plaza, #200, Association Radio Light, delivered to office.
Omaha, NE 68154
2/2112008 Tony Fulton for Legislature Committee 5935 So. 53rd Street, Lincoln, NE Political Complimentary ticket to
68516 fundraiser ($35).
2/25/2008 Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce 605 N. Broad, P.O. Box 182, Chamber of Commerce Keychain and 2008
Fremont, NE 68026-0182 Membership Directory, received
. ... by mail.
2/25/2008 NAIF A-Nebraska 1633 Normandy Ct., Suite A, Insurance & Financial Mint Chocolates (2 boxes),
Lincoln, NE 68512 Advisors delivered to office.
2/26/2008 Nebraska Republican Party 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary tickets to
Nebraska's Republican State
Senators event ($90 ticket).
2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
2/28/2008 Wahoo Elementary School 2056 N. Hackberry, Wahoo, NE School Book - Green Eggs and Ham
68025 Cookbook by Dr. Seuss,
attendance at event.
3/1/2008 Nebraskaland Foundation 6208 Deerwood Drive, Lincoln, NE Foundation Complimentary ticket to 2007 A
68516 Statehood Dav Dinner ($100)
3/3/2008 Custer County Republicans P.O. Box 88, Broken Bow, NE Political Complimentary ticket to Mike
68822 Johanns' Fundraiser ($25).
3/3/2008 "For American's Future" 443 Fitch Street, Healdsburg, CA Publishing company Book - the Book that
95448 Transforms Nations by Loren
Cunningham, promotional by
3/4/2008 William B. Walstad Professor of Economics, University University Book - Entrepreneurship in
of Nebraska - Lincoln, 340 College Nebraska by Eric C. Thompson
of Business Administration, P.O. and William B. Walstad, as a
Box 880489, Lincoln, NE 68588- thank-you for a quote.
., 0489 -
3/6/2008 Holy Name Catholic Elementary School 3014 N. 45th Street, Omaha, NE School Pen, notepad and cup,
68104-4523 attendance at event.
3/6/2008 Lt. Col. Joseph W. Johnson, Jr., USAF 2800 Woods Boulevard, No. 908, Retired constituent Book - Nanny State by David
Retired Lincoln, NE 68502-5844 Harsanyi, promotional by mail.

3/6/2008 Young Professionals % Kirsten Case-Penrod, Greater Organization Framed plaque, attendance at
Omaha Chamber, 13206 Grover event.
Street Omaha NE 68144
31712008 Hartington Nebraska Economic Hartington, Nebraska 68739 Economic Development Cup with Easter candy,
Develooment Group Groun attendance at meeting.
3/10/2008 Keytocity.com 513 Giles Avenue, Bridgeport, AL Manufacturer Sample of cuff links arid a coin,
35740 loromotional bv mail.
3/10/2008 David Boren University of Oklahoma Press, 2800 Press -University Book - A Letter to America by
Venture Drive, Norman, OK 73069- David Boren, promotional by
8216 mail.
3/10/2008 South Sioux Chamber of Commerce 3900 Dakota Avenue, Suite 11, South Chamber of Commerce Quilt/wall hanging, attendance
Sioux City, NE 68776-3696 at event.
3/12/2008 Many E. Torell Poultry & Egg Division, Dept. of State agency Egg spatula, received by
Agriculture, AI03 Animal Sciences, interoffice mail.
UNL, P.O. Box 830908, Lincoln, NE
68583-0908 ' ..
3/12/2008 Bob Mancusco Mid-America Expositions, Inc., 7015 Ag-related Plaque/award - 2008 Ag
Spring Street, Omaha, NE 68106- Award, attendance at event.
3/13/2008 Dean Loosing Nebraska Auctioneers Assn., 1335 H Association Portfolio; Proclamation Signing
Street, Ste 100, Lincoln, NE 68508 Ceremony.

3/13/2008 Matt Richardson 87441 480th Avenue, Atkinson, NE Constituent Cup with candy, Proclamation
68713 Signing Ceremonv.
3/13/2008 Sandra Potter 5343 Francis Street, Lincoln, NE Constituent Coin, Proclamation Signing
68504 Ceremonv.
3/13/2008 Cecelia Olivarez Huerta Mexican American Commission, State agency Book mark, attendance at
P.O. Box 94965, Lincoln, NE 68509 Proclamation Signing
- . Ceremonv.
3/13/2008 Sharon O'Neal National Student Loan Program, P.O. Student Loan Program Bag of candy and packet of
Box 82507, Lincoln, NE 68501 information, Proclamation
Signing Ceremonv.
3/17/2008 Madeleine Austin, Vice President World Business Academy, 700 Publishing company Book - Freedom from Mid-East
Richards Street, Ste 240 I, Nonolulu, Oil by Jerry B. Brown, etc.,
HI 96813 lnromotional bv mail.
() ( ~'.
2008 Amended Governor Gift List '

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
3/17/2008 Kelly Klosure P.O. Box 1058, Fremont, NE 68026 Manufacturing Coaster, received by mail.
3/18/2008 J.B. Milliken, President University of Nebraska - Lincoln, University Stadium blanket, attendance at
Central Administration, 3835 event.
Holdrege Street Lincoln NE 68583
3/18/2008 John Hilgert, Director, Department of Veterans Affairs, State Agency Two six- packs of Dr. Pepper,
Nebraska State Office Building, delivered to office.
Lincoln NE 68508
3/19/2008 NE Association of Transportation 56726 Hwy 98, Winside, NE 68790 Association Popcorn packet and small First
Providers Aid Kit, delivered to office.

3/20/2008 Jiim Lightbody, Chair, 2008 Nebraska 2536 Worthington Avenue, Lincoln, Organization DVD of2008 Leadership
Leadership Prayer Breakfast NE68502 Breakfast, attendance at event.

3/20/2008 Rex Fisher 1314 Douglas Street, 13th Floor, ConstituentlFriend Complimentary tickets to 2008
-;.i/-. .• Omaha, NE 68102 NCAA Division games @ ....•• ,
Owest ($59/ticket)
3/25/2008 Ryan Wiersdorf, Director O.C. Tanner, 13304 West Center Organization Book - The Carrot Principle by
Road, Ste 122, Omaha, NE 68144 Adrian Gostick and Chester
Elton, received by mail.

3/28/2008 Joy Omelanuk Chadron Chamber of Commerce, 706 Chamber of Commerce Large flower pot with 2
W. 3rd Street, Chadron, NE 69337 ornaments, cofee cup, honey, 2
iars of jelly, one wine, & soap,
attendance at event.
3/29/2008 Omaha Press Club % Scott & Trudy Darling, 309 S. Press Club Complimentary ticket to 3-29-8 A
53rd, Omaha, NE 68132 Omaha Press Club Show
3/3112008 Deborah Wince-Smith, President Compete Council on Council Book - Innovation Nation,
Competitiveness, 1500 K Street NW received by mail.
Suite 850, Washington, DC 20005

4/112008 Tae Sik Lee, Ambassador of the Republic 2450 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, International Set of spoons, attendance at
of Korea Washington, D.C 20008 event.
4/112008 R. Cambra 13149 Starwood Ln., Dewitt, MI Out-of-state constituent Prayer rock & DVD on Equal
48820 Rights received by mail.
4/112008 Senator Arnie Stutbman State Capitol, Room 1120, Lincoln, Senator Pipe - approx. 3 ft. long from
NE 68509 Rising City Fire Dept
Dedication of July 4,2007,
delivered to Governor's office.
41112008 C. David Parsons The Quest for Right, 5829 Wembley Publishing company Book - The Quest for Right,
Drive, Douglasville, GA 30135-1888 Volume One, received by mail.

411/2008 Nebraska Sports Council, % Danielle P.O. Box 29366, Lincoln, NE 68529- Council Two T-shirts, 2 waterbottles &
Kleber 0366 2 headbands, received by mail.

41112008 Mike Gloor for Legislature 3115 Brentwood Circle, Grand Political Complimentary ticket to Mike
Island, NE 68801-7217 Gloor for Legislature Fundraiser
4/2/2008 Rex German, Nebraska Plastics - P.O. Box 45, 700 West Highway 30, Constituent· . Book - Battle of the Bridges by
Cozad, NE 69130 Rex German and Russ
Czaplewski, attendance at
auction dinner.
() ()
2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of CircumstanceslOccasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
4/4/2008 Tracey Nolte Norfolk Chamber of Commerce, 405 Chamber of Commerce Decorative watering can filled
West Madison Avenue, Norfolk, NE with candy, 2 sleeves of golg
68701 balls, small highlighting pens
and a ballpoint pen, attendance
at event.
4/8/2008 Tree City USA, % Chip Murrow Nebraska Forest Service, Community Forester service T-shirt, attendance at event.
Forester Assistant, University of
Nebraska, 103 Plant Industry Bldg.,
Lincoln NE 68588
4/8/2008 Steve and Jenni Homan 3610 6th Avenue, Kearney, NE Constituents Orchid plant, attendance at
68845-2841 auction dinner.
4/1112008 Stephen Fritz, Midland Lutheran College 900 No. Clarkson Street, Fremont, College Water bottle, pens, cup and
NE 68025-4254 writing note pad, attendance at
4/1112008 Attorney General Jon Bruning Room 2115 State Capitol, Lincoln, State agency Paul Fell Cartoon, framed,
-- -<:::.,- NE68509 delivered to Governor's office. - ..
4/14/2008 Governors from Afghanistan, % Mayor's 555 So. 10th Street, Lincoln, NE Committee Arabic robe, attendance at
Committee for International Friendship of 68508 & Asadullah Hamdam, event.
Lincoln Governor of Oruzgan Province, No. I
Governor House, Oruzgan Province

4/15/2008 Harold W. Lanzner 2515 S.W. Brookwood Lane, Palm Out-of-state constituent Book - Got Cha by Harold W.
City, FL 34990 Lanzners, promotional by mail.

4/15/2008 James V. Griesen, President, Lincoln Rotary Club, P.O. Box Rotary Bookmark & a book was
83843, Lincoln, NE 68501-3843 donated to a Lincoln school in
Governor's honor, attendance at
4/17/2008 Ruthann Russo, PhD, ro, MPH OJ lber Publishing, Inc., One Out-of-state constituent Book - 7 Steps to Your Best
Bethlehem Plaza, Suite 1010, Possible Healthcare by Ruthann
Bethlehem, PA 18018 Russo, promotional by mail.

411812008 Hank Pierson 132 Azalea Way, Eureka, CA 95503 Out-of-state constituent Book - Real Change in
American, promotional by mail.

4119/2008 Walt Radcliffe Radcliffe & Associates, 100 The AttorneylFriend Round of golf@ Country Club
Mayfair, 625 So. 14th, Lincoln, NE of Lincoln.
4/2112008 KFOR, Marty Riemenschneider 3800 Cornhusker Hwy, Lincoln, NE Radio station T-shirt, attendance at
68504 Governor's Call-In Show.
4/23/2008 McCoy for Legislature 3922 s. 190th Street, Omaha, NE Political Complimentary ticket to Beau
68130 McCoy for Legislature
Fundraiser ($50),
4/24/2008 Johanns for U.S. Senate 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary tickets to Mike
Johanns Fundraiser ($50).

4/26/2008 Dr. Jeff & Mrs. Tomjack 6029 Culwells Road, Lincoln, NE Constituents Complimentary ticket to Bolt A
68516 2008 event on 4-26-8
4/28/2008 Westside Community Schools, % Katie clo Planitomaha, inc., 10832 Old -School Complimentary ticket to A
Dischler Mill Road, Suite 8, Omaha, NE Celebration ofthe Lifetime
68154 Performance of Dr. Ken Bird
4/29/2008 Elkhorn Ridge Wind FarmINE Public P.O. Box 499, Bloomfield, NE 68601 Energy company Shovel, attendance at event.
Power District 0499
2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of CircumstanceslOccasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
5/1/2008 Dr. Jim Tenopir, Executive Director, SOOCharleston, Lincoln, NE 68S01- School association Sport passess to Soccer State
Nebraska School Activities Association 5448 Championship, Baseball State
Championship & Track State
Championship, received by
511/2008 Bryan Slone 1717 No. 128th Street, Omaha, NE Friend Round of golf @ Omaha
68154-3891 Country Club.
S/2/2008 The Daily Record 3323 Leavenworth Street, Omaha, Media Letter opener, attendance at
NE 68105 event.
S/2/2008 Admiral Bob Bell 8912 Douglas Court, Omaha, NE Friend Round of golf @ Omaha
68114 Country Club.
S/312008 Drew Schendt Shirts, Signs, Mugs & More, S30 S. Advertising business Cup, attendance at event.
10th Avenue, Broken Bow, NE
5/S/2008 Jim Partington Nebraska Restaurant Association, Association Plaque award, attendance at
-'i.." ~.~ 610 So. 70th Street, #101, Lincoln, event.
- -~':~

SI7I2008 Pamela Allen 315 So. 9th Street, Suite 10, Lincoln, Constituent Lapel pin, Proclamation Signing
NE68508 Ceremony.
51712008 Fredrick Thole 5225 Dayton Street, Omaha, NE Constituent Polo shirt, Proclamation
681 I7 Sizninz Ceremonv.
SI7I2008 Julie Van Meter, Department of 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, State agency Keychain and binder with
Agriculture NE 68509 information, Proclamation
Signing Ceremonv.
SI7I2008 Keith Heithoff 52147843 Avenue, Elgin, NE 68636 Constituent Coin, Proclamation Signing
5/7/2008 Edward Walker 308 North Hillcrest Street, Arnold, Constituent Hat, Proclamation Signing
NE 69120 Ceremonv.
5/7/2008 Chris Carter 8226 No. 47th Street, Omaha, NE Constituent Lapel pin, Proclamation Signing
681S2 Ceremony.
5i712008 Loree Rix-Crouse, Communty Action of 1120 K Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Community action Lapel pin, Proclamation Signing
NE Inc. program Ceremony.
SI7I2008 Rachelle Riedmiller 2662 Pawnee Place, Columbus, NE Constituent Pencils, paper and bookmarks,
68601 Proclamation Signing
51712008 Red Dawgs Wheelchair Basketball Team, % American Radio Relay League, Athletic team Cup and T-shirt, attendance at
% Matt Anderson Ashland 'NE68003-1S31 event.
5/8/2008 Rex Fisher 1314 Douglas Street, 13th Floor, Friend Round of golf@ Happy Hollow
Omaha, NE 68102 Country Club.
5/9/2008 Lee Terry for Congress P.O. Box 540098, Omaha, NE 68154 Political Complimentary ticket to B
Cocktail Party honoring
Congressman Lee Terry ($250)

S/16/2008 Mary Asimus Box 80171, Lincoln, NE 68501 Constituent Book - State of Emergency by
Patrick J. Buchanan,
lnromcticnal bv mail.
5117/2008 Bill Mueller Ruth, Mueller, Robak, 530 So. 13th Friend! Attorney Round of golf at Country Club
Street, Lincoln NE 68508 of Lincoln.
5/19/2008 MickJensen Great Plains Communications, 1600 Communications Round of golf@ annual NT A A
Great Plains Centre, Blair, NE 68008 "'company golf outing - Iron Horse Golf
Club ($100)
5/20/2008 Jim Grewe, Midwest International Trade P.O. Box 642123, Omaha, NE 68164 Association Globe paperweight, attendance
Association, at event.
5/20/2008 James Cook Oxford University Press, 198 Publishing company Book - Imprisoning
Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. Communities by Todd R. Clear,
10016-4314 lpromotional bv mail.
(j f\
1 }
2008 Amen dde Governor GIift Li
LIst \;.

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor OccupationlNature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
5/2112008 Narrow Road Productions 20929 Ventura Blvd., #47-267, Publishing company DVD - The World is Just a
Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Circle - by Robert Valente,
Inromotional bv mail.
5/23/2008 Pat Dorwart 2310 II th Avenue, Sidney, NE Constituent Book - Boom Town USA by
69162 Jack Schultz, promotional by
5/23/2008 Jim Wintz 201 W. Franklin Street, Hartington, Constituent Plaque and decorative plate,
NE 68739-5158 attendance at event.
5/23/2008 Randy Haskell % First National Bank, 2623 13th Constituent DVD, calculator & coozy,
Street. Columbus NE 68601 attendance at event.
5/23/2008 Name unknown No address given Constitutent 3 DVDs - Washington - You're
Fired, American - Freedom to
Fascism & End Game,
nromotional bv mail.
5/27/2008 Caring Institute 228 Seventh Street, SE, Washington, Institute Book - It's Not About the
- .
D.C. 20003 Coffee by Howard Behar,..-it_...~.
sc .:-
promotional by mail.
5/29/2008 NET Television and NET Radio 1800 No. 33rd, Lincoln, NE 68503 Television/radio station Complimentary ticket to May A
29, 2008 Premiere of Beef State
5/29/2008 Ted Turner, Turner Foundation 133 Luckie Street, NW, Atlanta, GA Publishing company Book - Plan B3.0 by Lester R.
30303 Brown, promotional bv mail.
5/2912008 Vera Sun Albion 2615 260th Street, Albion, NE 68620 Ethanol company Plaque-scissors, attendance at
5/30/2008 Stephen E. Fritz, Interim President Midland Lutheran College, Fremont, College Cyrstal paperweight, attendance
NE68025 at event.
5/3112008 Allmand Brothers, Inc. 1502 W. 4th Avenue, Holdrege, NE Corporation Cup, cap, pen, paperweight,
68949 notepad & Michelle Lytle black
& white print, attendance at
6/2/2008 N-Lighten Program 4903 N. 57th Street, Lincoln, NE Wellness program Award & plaque, attendance at
68507 event.
6/3/2008 Mayor Tom Henderson 57983 86lst Road, Wakefield, NE Mayor Bat, hat and ball, attendance at
68784-6011 event.
6/3/2008 Dean and Laura Bell 330942 County Road H Constituents Book - Will America Survive
Minatare, NE 69356 by E. G. White, promotional by
-,,- mail.
6/6/2008 Millard Public Schools Foundation 14755 Grover Street, Omaha, NE Foundation Round of golf@ the Millard A
68144 Public Schools Foundation Golf
Classic ($125)
6/6/2008 Dale W. Van Stratten ACI Worldwide, 330 S, 108th Constituent Box of golf balls (12), received
Avenue, Omaha, NE 68154 by mail as thank you for an
auction dinner.
6/6/2008 Comhusker Country Music Club, Inc., % P.O. Box 42, Louisville, NE 68037 Corporation Passes to Cornhusker Country
Blanche Hopp Music Club events,
Proclamation Signing
6/9/2008 The Doubleday Publishing Group 1745 Broadway, New York, NY Publishing company Book - The Necessary
10019 Revolution by Peter Senge,
.-. - - promotional bv mail.
6/10/2008 Admiral Bob Bell 8912 Douglas Court, Omaha, NE Friend Round of golf@ Omaha
68114 Country Club.
.(" )
, \.
2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor OccupationlNature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
6/10/2008 Peter Will Founder - Little Amadeus International DVD & informational materials
Foundation, Lilienstrasse 15, 20095 - Little Amadeus, The
Hamburg, Germany Adventures of Young Wolfgang
Amadeus Mazart, promotional
611112008 Dale W. Jieh, Director General Taipei Economic and Cultural Office International Glass dragon figurine, meeting
in Kansas City, Penntower Office with the Governor.
Center, 3100 Broadway, Suite 800,
Kansas City. MO 64111
6/12/2008 lona College 715 No. Avenue, New rochelle, NY College DVD - Infrastructure -A
10801-1890 Pathway to Prosperity,
promotional bv mail.
6/16/2008 Robert Carter 20 Pendleton Road, Granby, Out-of-state constituent Book - Psychiatry - The
Connecticut 06035 Ultimate Betrayal, promotional
611712008 Rex Fisher, Qwest. - 1314 Douglas Street, 13th Floor, Corporation Ticket to the College.World
Omaha, NE 68102 Series ($50)(Governor paid
6/17/2008 Brian Majeska Grand Island, NE 68802 (specific Constituent Framed sandhills print, auction A
address not given) dinner at the Residence.

6118/2008 Cox Classic 4445 S. 140th Street, Omaha, NE Media Complimentary tickets (10) to A
68137 the 13th Annual Cox Classic
$10 per ticket).
6/19/2008 Dept. of Aeronautics Municipal Airport, 2400 West State agency T-shirt, attendance at event.
Adams Street, Lincoln, NE 68524-
6/2112008 Elkhorn Chamber of Commerce 20601 Glenn Street, Elkhorn, NE Chamber of Commerce Baseball cap, attendance at
68022 event.
6/2112008 Kent Sunderland Ash Grove Cement Company, 11011 Cement company Golf shirt, attendance at event.
Cody, Overland Park, KS 66210

6/21/2008 Kim Hawkins Hawkins Construction Company, Construction company Golf balls, attendance at event.
2516 Deer Park Blvd., Omaha, NE
6/24/2008 Douglas County Republican Party 2819 So. 125th Avenue, #362, Political Complimentary ticket to 2008
Omaha, NE 68144 Douglas County Republican
Party Governor's Gala ($60),
6/25/2008 Paul Epstein 9743 Fieldcrest Drive, Omaha, NE Constituent/Friend Round of golf@ Ironwood.
6/26/2008 Nancy Kradky Address not available Constituent Book - Accountability for
Results attendance at event.
6/27/2008 Omaha Chamber of Commerce 1301 Harney Street, Omaha, NE Chamber of Commerce Round of Golf ($125) A
6/27/2008 Omaha Chamber of Commerce 1301 Harney Street, Omaha, NE Chamber of Commerce Golfbag cooler, attendance at
68102 golf outing.
6/30/2008 Western Governor's Association Western Governors' Association, Government Binoculars, cookbook, bottle of A
1600 Broadway, Suite 1700, Denver, wine, wooden frame, attendance
CO 80202 at WGA Annual Conference,
-- Jackson Hole, WY

7/412008 Dan and Cheryl Grenier 518 Seward Street, Seward, NE Constituents Flag Painting - author Jack B
68434 Dawson, attendance at event
7/4/2008 Burroughs Family (no other information P.O. Box 472, Cobbs Creek, VA Out-of-state constituent Package of Nuts, attendance at
available) 23035 event.
() '- .
2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of CircumstanceslOccasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
71712008 Oxford University Press 2001 Evans Rd., Cary, NC 27513 -Publishing company Book - The Changing Portrayal
of Adolescents in the Media
since 1950, promotional by
7/8/2008 Rex German, Nebraska Plastics P.O. Box 45, 700 West Highway 30, Plastics company T-shirt, attendance at event.
Cozad NE 69130
7/8/2008 Gothenburg Chamber Development Project 1021 Lake Avenue, Gothenburg, NE Chamber of Commerce Goodie Tin with coffee,
69138 mustard, hat, cookies, shirt, tin
bucket, attendance at event

7/8/2008 Yehuda Berg, Co-Director, The Kabbalah 1062 Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, Out-of-state constituent Set of books - The Zohar,
Centre CA 90035 [promotional bv mail.
7/9/2008 Carl Marks 9005 Wittstruck Road, Roca, NE Constituent National Purple Heart
68430 Magazine, Proclamation
Signing Ceremonv.
7f!)f2008 Emily Wemhoff 17188 385th Street, Creston, NE Constituent Wristbands, Proclamation
68631 Signing Ceremony.
7/10/2008 Don Wesely 5300 Leighton Ave., Lincoln, NE Constituent - Past Key to the City of Lincoln,
68504 Mayor of Lincoln attendance at event.
7/14/2008 Hiro Sukeyasu, Representative Tibetan Education Support International DVD - TibetTibet, received by
Foundation, 3-27-6 Taishido mail.
Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0004 Japan

7114/2008 Dr. Linda Burrs P.O. Box 733, Miamisburg, OH Publishing company Book - The Fruits of Inclusion
45343-0733 by Dr. Linda J. Burrs,
lnromotional bv mail.
7/15/2008 Ruth Wassinger, RW Fitness, LLC 1213 Cambridge Court, Plattsmouth, Constituent Book - Fit after 50, received by
NE68048 mail.
7/15/2008 Dept. of Agriculture, % Christin Kamm State Office Building, Lincoln, NE State Agency Barbed-wire in the shape of
68508 Nebraska, attendance at event.

7116/2008 McCain Victory 2008 310 First Street, SE, Washington, DC Political Complimentary Tickets to July D
20003 16,2008 Reception in honor of
John McCain ($2,300 per
7/1712008 Wayne Industries, % Gary Boehle, 1129 Douglas Street, Wayne, NE Business associate Dr. Pepper (6-pack), Snickers
President " 68787 Candy, coozie, T-shirt, yo-yo,
attendance at event.
7/17/2008 Wayne Industries, % Gary Boehle, 1129 Douglas Street, Wayne, NE Business associate Round ofGolf($IOO). A
President 68787
7/2112008 Youth Advisory Council, % Rose Hughes Nebraska Children and Families Foundation T-Shirt, attendance at event.
Foundation, 215 Centennial Mall
South, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68508

7/22/2008 Bill and Joyce Ashley 299 N. I 15th, Omaha, NE 68154 Constituents Nebraska National
Championship mug set,
attendance at event.
7/22/2008 Tam Allan 5405 A Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 FriendlBusiness Round of golf@ Hillcrest.
Associate .-0

712412008 Demaris Johnson Nebraska County Attorneys Association Golf tees, golf balls & 5 one-
Association, 1233 Lincoln Mall, day Grounds Passes to Cox
Suite 203 Lincoln NE 68508 Classic attendance at event.
7/25/2008 David L. Cohen, Executive Vice President Comcast Corporation, One Comcast Corporation Book - Philadelphia Heights,
Center, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2838 promotional by mail.
2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of CircumstanceslOccasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
7/28/2008 Roy and Mikaela Smith 9719 Pinehurst Circle, Omaha, NE ConstituentslFriends Bottle of Wine, attendance at
68124-1926 event.
7/28/2008 Governor's Youth Advisory Council, % Nebraska Children and Families Advisory Council Shirt, received as a thank you
Rose Hughes Foundation, 215 Centennial Mall for meeting with the youth
South, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68508 council.

7/29/2008 George G. Beattie, President, Nebraska 233 So. 13th Street, Suite 700, Association Round of Golf ($75).
Bankers Association Lincoln, NE 68508
7/30/2008 Nationwide Tour 4445 S. 140th Street, Omaha, NE Sports Nike shoes, Nike balls, Nike B
68137 winbreaker & bag, attendance at
7/30/2008 Nationwide Tour 4445 S. 140th Street, Omaha, NE Sports Round of Golf (estimated B
68137 between $200/$500),
8/5/2008 Albert David Benabou Abey World Press, 4770 Biscayne Media Mail Book - Keeping our Children
'; ;;-:-
Blvd., Ste 1430,Miami, FL 33137 Safe and.H:althy, promotional
by mail.
8/5/2008 Church of Scientology International 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1200, Church DVD - Scientology an
Los Angeles, CA 90028-6329 Overview by L. Ron Hubbard,
nrornctional bv mail.
81712008 Doris Cheung, Director Hong Kong Economic and Trade International Paperweight & DVD - Hong
Office, 130 Montgomery St., San Kong Reins, received
Francisco, CA 94104 promotional by mail in honor of
the Olympics.
8/1112008 Jeffrey Shaw I The Cactus Hut, 7249 E. 1st Avenue, Out-of-state constituent Cactus plant, received by mail.
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
8/1112008 Dennis A. Christiansen, President and Green Plant Farms, 4 One Green Farm-related business Two caps, attendance at event.
CEO Planet South Sioux City, NE 68776
8/12/2008 Western Society of Week Science, % Oregon State University, Columbia University Book - Weeds of the West,
Daniel A. Ball Basin Agric. Research Ctr., P.O. Box promotional by mail.
370 Pendleton OR 97801
8/13/2008 Garden Square Assisted Lving of Crete 1405 Hickory Avenue, Crete, NE Assisted Living Cup, Proclamation Signing
68333 Ceremony.
8/13/2008 Donor unknown Address not available Constituent 2 DVDs - NET - The Beef
State attendance at event.
8/14/2008 Metro Omaha Builders 11421 Davenport, Omaha, NE 68154 Builders Association Round of golf@ Iron Horse
Golf Club (ii! Ashland.
8115/2008 Lincoln Public Schools 5901 0 Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 School Administration Two complimentary passes for
Office Lincoln Public Schools athletic
events for school year 2008-09,
received by mail.

8/15/2008 E. Susan Gourley Superintendent of Lincoln Public Schools, 5901 0 School Complimentary tickets (2) to
Schools Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln Public Schools athletic
events for 2008-09 school year.

8/19/2008 McCoy for Legislature 3922 S. 190th Street, Omaha, NE Political Complimentary ticket -Beau
68130 McCoy Candidate for
Lezislature Fundraiser.
8/20/2008 Johanns-for U.S. Senate 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket to Mike
Johanns' Fundraiser on 8-20-8
8/22/2008 Clare for Regent 6712 Hickory Crest Circle, Lincoln, Political Complimentary ticket to Tim
NE 68516 Clare Fundraiser ($25).
8/25/2008 Nebraska Republican Party 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket to NE
GOP Lincoln Round-Up ($5).
2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
8/25/2008 Guatemalian Officals % Stan Garbacz, Department of State agency Book on Guatemala, table
Agriculture, State Office Building, scarves and placemates,
Lincoln NE 68508 attendance at meetinz.
8/25/2008 Nebraska Telecommunications 801 Lincoln Square, 121 South 13th Political Complimentary ticket ($150) to A
Association Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation NTA Slimmer
8/26/2008 Utter For Legislature Committee - Robert II Village Drive, Hastings, NE Political Complimentary ticket to Dennis
T. Hunter, Treasurer 68901 Utter for Legislature Fundraiser
$50) on 8-26-8.
8/27/2008 Citizens to Elect Scott Price Committee 13702 S. 28th Circle, Bellevue, NE Political Complimentary ticket to Scott
68123 Price for Legislature Fundraiser.

8/27/2008 University of Nebraska - Lincoln, % Marc 103 South Stadium, Lincoln, NE University Athletic Husker Shirt, delivered to
Boehm 68588-0120 Department office.
8/2812008 Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche P.O. Box 50966, Pasadena, CA Out-of-state constituent Holy.Book & scarf, visit to the
91115 Gove;;';or's office.
8/28/2008 Nebraska Republican Party 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket ($50) to
John & Cindy Dinkel reception.

8/29/2008 Rex Fisher 1314 Douglas Street, 13th Floor, Business associate Ticket - AVCA Volleyball
Omaha, NE 68102 Showcase - Nebraska/Stanford,
8129/2008 Ken Rahjes KRVN, 1007 Plum Creek Pkwy, Radio station Small notebook w/writing pad,
Lexington, NE 68850 attendance at event.
8/29/2008 No Donor name available Not available. Constituent T-shirt - w/GI 2010 State Fair
logo, attendance at event.
9/8/2008 Governor Ueda Governor of Saitama Prefecture, % International Glass vase, attendance at
Dept. of Economic Development, Midwest US Japan Conference.
State Office Bldg., Lincoln, NE
9/9/2008 I Lt. Christopher R. Averett 320th Ordnance Battalion, 3700 Military Military coin, attendance at
West 0 Street, Lincoln, NE 68528- event.
9/9/2008 Trevor R. Martin, VP, Government Affairs Heartland Institute, 19 South LaSalle, Publishing company Book - Energy Kepers, Energy
Suite 903, Chicago, IL 60603 Killers by Roy Innis & DVD -
Unstoppable Solar Cycles,
received bv mail.
9/9/2008 Kurt Geschwender for Legislature 12345 N. 36th Street, Omaha, NE Political Complimentary ticket ($50) to
68112 Kurt Geschwender Recention.
9/1112008 Silvio Leimig, Executive Coordinator of KMIO - Rod. PE-60- Eng. International Business card holder,
New Business Massangana Ipojuca - PE - Brasil - attendance at event.
CEP: 55-590-972
911112008 Donor unknown Address not available International Beaded dragon & box,
attendance at Reverse Trade
911112008 Nebraska Dept. of Corrections, % Bob Folsom & W. Prospector, #1, P.O. State agency Water bottle, pen, shirt &
Houston Box 94661, Lincoln, NE68509-4661 cookbook, attendance at event.

9/1112008~ Mary Rittenhouse University of Nebraska @ Kearney, University . T-shirt, Proclamation Signing
905 W. 25, Kearney, NE 68845 Ceremony.

9/1112008 McCollister for PSC 8010 Hickory Street, Omaha, NE Political Complimentary ticket ($50) to
68124 John S. McCollister fundraiser.
2ooBAmendedGovernor Gift List
Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value
Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
9/12/2008 Jeff Bames 7734 Curtiss Avenue, Omaha, NE Constituent! Author Book - Forts of the Northern
68134 Plains by Jeff Bames, received
9112/2008 Dave Masek Sandhills Insulation, 269 West Bovee Constituent Key chain and information on
Street, Halsey, NE 69142 company, received bv mail.
9113/2008 Marta Campelo, Consultant Sebrae, Av. Mons. Tabosa, 777 - International Place mats, orange napkins &
Praia de lracerna 60.165-011 napkin holders, attendance at
Diplomats event.
9/13/2008 Tomoyuki Matsushita The Shizuoka Chamber of International Paperweight, attendance at
Commerce, 20-8, Kurogane-cho, Aoi Diplomats event.
ku, Shizuoka-city Shizuoka 420-
0851 Japan
9113/2008 LeKang, Ph.D., Professor Institute of Zoology, The Chinese International Rolled scroll in a wooden box
Academy of Sciences, 25 with holder & magnifying glass,
Beisihuanxilu, Zhongguancun, attendance at Diplomats event.
-- Haidian Distr., Beijing 100080,_ .. _. '~"
9113/2008 Donor unknown Address not available International Chop sticks & pen, tablerunner,
Stamp Volumes for Treasure,
framed picture, one jersy from
Brazil & DVD on Brazil and
Japanese plaque, attendance at
Diplomats event.

9/15/2008 Clark Kinnison 218 North Sunset Street, Pierce, NE Constituent BlueGrassFire CD, received by
68767 mail with letter.
9/15/2008 Nebraskan's for Peace, % Mark Vavrina 941 0 Street, #1026, Lincoln, NE Organization DVD - The Battle for
68508 Whiteclay, hand delivered to
9115/2008 Dean Bell 330966 County Rd. H, Minatare, NE Constituent Book - Will America Survive
69356-4504 by E. G. White, promotional by
9116/2008 Jorge Palhas Rua do Lagar Novo N 23,6060-430 Out-of-state constituent Book - The Rosicrucian Cosmo-
Rosmaninhal,Portugal Conception by Max Heindel,
[promotional by mail.
9/19/2008 Midland Lutheran College 900 N. Clarkson, Fremont, NE 68025 College VIP Pass for general admission
bleacher seating at all regular
season home athletic events
2008/09 year & Booster Club
membership (rec. by mail).

9/22/2008 UNMC, Dean of Pharmacy University of Nebaska Medical University Label pin, given to Jen Hein for
Center, Emile at 42nd Street, Omaha, the Governor.
9/22/2008 Robert Riggle Tax Gap IVS, LLC, 1512 Grand Out-of-state constituent Book - Income Verification
Avenue, Connersville, Indiana 47331 System by Robert Riggle,
2229 ioromotional bv mail.
9/22/2008 Derek Dean 1828 Morris Street, Sarasota, FL Out-of-state constituent Book - Linving High on Life by
34239 Derek Dean, promotional by
- . mail.
9/23/2008 Secretary of State John Gale State Capitol, Room 2300, Lincoln, Secretary of State's Gift bag with card holder,
NE68509 Office mints, DVD, luggage label,
popcorn, candy, etc., attendance
at event.
2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor OccupationiNature of CircumstanceslOccasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
9125/2008 Reverend Elden Francis Curtiss, 100 No. 62nd Street, Omaha, NE Church Complimenary ticket ($125) to A
Archbishop of Omaha 68132-2795 21st Annual Archbishop's
Dinner for Education.
9125/2008 C & A Industries, % Craig Wolfe 13609 California Street, Suite 500, Corporation Blue Polo shirt, attendance at
Omaha NE 68154 event.
9/27/2008 Southeast High School volleyball student, Southeast High School, 2930 S. 37th Student T-shirt with SE logo, attendance
name unknown Lincoln, NE 68506 at game day tailgate.

9/30/2008 Johanns for U.S. Senate 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket to
Rundraising Reception($25 per
10/1/2008 ATN Associated Television News 1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite Media 10 Books - The Audacity of A
1000, Washington, DC 20036 Deceit by Brad O'Leary,
lpromotional bv mail.
10/3/2008 Nebraska Corn Board 301 Centennial Mall South, Fourth State Agency Bag with logo, notepad, DC -
. - .. . Floor, Lincoln,NE 68509-5107 -.~~ . Bio Fuels Dispelling the Myths,
received by mail.
10/6/2008 Nancy Moser I 11225 W. 187 Street, Spring Hill, KS Out-of-state constituent Book - John 3:16, received
66083 Ipromotional by mail.
10/7/2008 Valley County Health System Hospital 27th & M Streets, Ord, NE 68862 Hospital Engraved plaque wlsmall shovel
inside, attendance at event.

10/8/2008 Great Plains Safety & Health 2685 West Hwy 40, Kearney, NE Wellness program Shirt with Safety & Worksite
Organization, % Mick Anderson 68845 Wellness logo, attendance at
10/9/2008 James A. Frewe, Reinke Manufacturing 5325 Reinke Road, Deshler, NE Manufacturing Reinke binder notebook, pen,
Company, Inc. 68340 company tablet & company information,
attendance at event.

10/10/2008 Johanns for U.S. Senate 1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket ($50) to
Mike's Western BBQ & Dance
on 10-10-8.
10110/2008 Department of Veterans Affairs, % John State Office Building, Lincoln, NE State agency Shovel, attendance at
Hilzert 68508 [groundbreaking event.
101l1l2008 Ak-Sar-Ben Coronation Ball 302 S. 36th, Suite 800, Omaha, NE Organization Complimentary ticket to Ak-Sar B
68131 Ben Ball ($200)
IOil 412008 Aran Alton Ardaiz, Truth of God Ministry Box 62107, Manoa Station, Island of Out-of-state constituent Book - Hawaii - The Fake State,
Oahu Ko Hawaii Pae Aina promotional bv mail.
10114/2008 Nebraska School Activities Association, % 500 Charleston, Lincoln, NE 68501- Association Fall state championship event
Dr. Jim Tenopir 5448 passes - softball, cross country,
volleyball & football, received
bv maiL
10115/2008 Metropolitan Utilities District Platte West 1723 Harney Street, Omaha, NE Utilities company Bag with water cup, presented
Water Treatment Plant 68102-1960 to Lt. Gov. for the Governor,
attendance at event.

10117/2008 National Governors Association, % HaIl of the States, 444 North Capitol Association Plaque and two books - A
Raymond Scheppach Street, Suite 267, Washington, D.C. Legacy of Leadership by
20001-1512 Clayton McClure Brooks and
.. - Legacy .of Innovation by Ethan
G. Sribnick, received by mail.

lOll 8/2008 Steamfitters and Plumbers Local Union 13505 B Street, Omaha, NE 68144 Association Shirt, attendance at event.
464 - Mechanical Contractors Association
() 2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
10/18/2008 Kim and Jill Wolfe 3019 Eagle Lane, Columbus, NE Constituents Jacket, attendance at event.
10/18/2008 Bill Hord 1011 Daybreak Circle, Lincoln, NE Constituent Red ball cap, attendance at
68505-3181 event.
10/20/2008 Adreinne C. Sparks, Associate Director of 1745 Broadway, New York, New Publishing company Book - Traitor to His Class by
Marketing, Doubleday York 10019 H.W. Brands, promotional by
10/20/2008 Mitch and Lori Pirnie 416 So. 159th Street, Omaha, NE Constituents Orrefors Crystal Bowl,
68118-2138 attendance at Auction Dinner at
the Residence.
10/22/2008 First National Bank of Omaha, % Cris 1620 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE Bank Charter flight to West Point, D
Stone 68197 N.Y. - Governor was keynote
speaker@ 23rd Annual Nat'l
Conf on Ethics in America-U.
S. Military Academy@ West
----, - Point NY. - $3 607.88.
10/22/2008 National Conference on Ethics in America U.S. Military Academy @ West Military Academy Hotel charges for two-day B
Point, N.Y. lodging @ Thayer Hotel, 674
Thayer Road, West Point, New
York ($418.08) during the 23rd
Annual Nat'l Conference on
Ethics in America (Governor
was keynote speaker), US
Military Academy, West Point,
10/22/2008 U.S. Military Academy, % Ret. Lt. West Point, N.Y. Military Academy Four leadership books & U.S.
Colonel Fritz Lash Army shirt - attendance at
10/2512008 Joslyn Art Museum 2200 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE Museum Complimentary ticket to Fiesta A
68102 Rivera ($150).
10/2512008 Mayor David Velasco Chedrau Xalapa, Mexico International Book - Diego Rivera Mural
Paintings, attendance at event.

10/27/2008 Williarn J. Babcock, Author Walsworth Publishing Company, 803 Author Book - America's 20120 Vision:
South Missouri Avenue, Marceline, The Plan and one dollar bill,
MO 64658 promotional by mail.

10/27/2008 Omaha Burke High School 12200 Burke Street, Omaha, NE High School T-shirt and plaque, attendance
68154 at event.
10/28/2008 William F. Chappelear P.O. Box 369, Arlington, NE 68002- Constituent Pens (5), received by mail.
10/30/2008 Jose Valerio from Brazil, % Gary Heusel, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE International Small clay pot, attendance at
President of NE Chapter of Partners of meeting.
10/31/2008 Greater Omaha Economic Development 1301 Harney Street, Omaha, NE Partnership Yahoo plaque, received by mail.
Partnership 68102
111112008 Mike Homa, President and COO Mutual of Omaha Bank, 3333 Financial Institution Dozen golf balls and hat,
Farnam Street Omaha NE 68131 attendance at event.
1114/2008 Dr. Jialin Zhen, Asoc, Dean for Graduate University of Nebraska Medical International Framed gold plate and procelain
Studies - Int'l Affairs .- Center, Omaha, NE plaque, attendance at meeting.

IlI512008 The Samaritan Counseling Center 10708 Corby Circle, Omaha, NE Non-profit counseling Complimentary ticket to A
68164 center Samaritan of the Year Dinner
on 11-10-8 ($150),
11110/2008 Ralston High School 8969 Park Drive, Ralston, NE High School Cup and plaque, attendance at
2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor OccupationlNature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
1111212008 William F. Chappelear P.O. Box 369, Arlington, NE 68002- Constituent Several pens and key chain,
0369 received by mail.
11112/2008 Republican Governors Association, % 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Association Travel Bag and three signed
Nick Ayers Suite 250, Washington, D.C. 20006 books - American - The Last
Best Hope, Volume I & II by
Wm. Bennett and American
Soldier by Gen. Tommy Franks,
attendance at event.
11119/2008 Gene Roncka, % Willow Point Gallery 1431 Silver Street, Ashland, NE Artist Commemorative holiday
68003 ornament meeting in office.
1112012008 Capitol Commission, % Bob Ripley State Capitol, Lincoln, NE State Agency Christmas ornament, attendance
at meeting.
1112112008 Butler County Economic Development 457 D Street, David City, NE 68632 Development Office Gift basket with crackers,
Office cheese, candle, jelly, popcorn &
wine attendance at event.
11121/2008 Bergan Knights, % Coach Paulson 545 E. 4th Street, Fremont, NE __"__School Signedbasketball & picture,
68025 attendance at event.
11124/2008 Robert Carter, Director, Northern 20 Pendleton Road, Granby, Out-of-state constituent 3 DVDs - on psychotropic
Connecticut Chapter, Citizens Commission Connecticut 06035 drugging and an informational
on Human Rights booklet, promotional by mail.

11126/2008 Septemberfest Inc. 3000 Farnam Street, Suite 5 East, Corporation DVD - 2008 Septemberfest,
Omaha, NE 68131 lpromotional by mail.
12/1/2008 Lee B. Keldsen 4 Beckman Circle, Malcom, NE Constituent DVD - The Silencing of God,
68402 [promotional by mail.
12/1/2008 Carol Ingley, Media Mogul Press 1845 Summit Place, NW, Suite 612, Media Book - Digital or Dark: How
Washington, D.C. You and Your Analog TV Can
Survive the Digital Switch,
loromotional bv mail.
12/2/2008 Bahr Vermeer Haecker Architects 1425 Jones Street, Omaha, NE 68102 Architect Finn Book - BVH Architects - Forty
Years, promotional by mail.

12/4/2008 Aetna Foundation 151 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, Foundation Book - Breaking Barriers,
CT06156-3213 lpromotional by mail.
12/4/2008 Eric Johnson 1730 No. 63rd Street, Lincoln, NE Constituent Glass earth globe paperweight,
68505-1265 delivered to office.
12/412008 Omaha Steaks, %Eve and Fred Simon 110300 Street, Omaha, NE Meat company 8 - 6 oz. filets, delivered to
Governor's Residence.
12/4/2008 Bioiberica, % Mark Briggs 1660 R Street, Geneva, NE 68361 Pharmaceutical Boar's leg, delivered to
company Governor's Residence.
12/4/2008 Admiral Bob Bell 8912 Douglas Court, Omaha, NE Constituent Fresh wreath, delivered to
68114 Governor's Residence.
12/4/2008 Tascet 222 W. Washington Ave., Suite 800, Identity networking 2 rubix cubes, promotional by
Madison, WI 53703 company mail.
12/5/2008 STRATCOM Consultation Committee Offutt Air Force Base, Bellevue, NE Military Coffee mug, attendance at
12/5/2008 The Honourable Michael Wilson, Embassy of Canada, SO 1 International Raven Glass Studio plate,
Ambassador of Canada to the U.S. Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, attendance at meeting.
- " Washinston DC 20001-2114- -
12/5/2008 Schmit Industries, Inc., 3766 Ethanol company 2 boxes Christmas cookies,
Washington Street, Lincoln, NE delivered to office.
12/8/2008 Netherlands Consulate General 303 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2600, International Book/calendar - Holland
Chicago, Illinois 60601 Agenda 2009 by Bike,
lnromotional bv mail.
2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
12/8/2008 Mariano Fernandez, Ambassador of Chile Embajada de Chile, 1732 International Book - Visions From Finis
Massachussetts Avenue, N.W., Terrae, Chilean Voices in the
Washinzton D.C. 20036 U.S., promotional bv mail.
12/8/2008 The Honorable Bob Riley, Governor of State Capitol, Montgomery, AL Governor Christmas ornament, received
Alabama 36130 by mail.
12/10/2008 MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, 1111 S. 103rd Street, Omaha, NE Constituent Box of See's candy, received by
% David Sokol 68124 mail with holiday greeting.
12110/2008 Senator Tim Gay & staff State Capitol, Room 1522, Lincoln, Senator Box of cheeses & 2 rolls
NE68509 summer sauage, delivered to
office with holidav zreetinz.
12/10/2008 Tehal Singh, Modem Industries 52, Industrial Estate, Jalandhar Road, International Jacket, small replica tractor and
Hoshiarpur (Pb.), India informational materials,
attendance at event.
12/11/2008 Nebraska Supreme Court State Capitol, Lincoln, NE 68509 Court Container of Baker's
Chocolates, delivered to office.
-- --
1211112008 Nebraska Cattlemen, % Michael Kelsey 10tO Lincoln Mall, #101, Lincoln, Association Two square NE Cattlemen
NE68508 coasters, attendance at event.
12111/2008 AFLAC Worldwide Headquarters, 1932 Insurance & Financial AFLAC stuffed animal - duck
Wynton Rd., Columbus, Georgia Advisors & bag of pecans, received by
31999 mail.
12114/2008 Greg and Faye Osborne 1144 Manchester Drive, Lincoln, NE Constituents Bottle of Wine, delivered to
68528 Residence.
12115/2008 Johanns for U.S. Senate 2819 S. 125thAvenue, Suite 362, Political Christmas ornament, received
Omaha, NE 68144 by mail.
12/17/2008 M.A.D.D. 145 No. 46th Street, Lincoln, NE Association Cup filled with candy, delivered
68508 to office.
12118/2008 GROW Nebraska, % Janell Anderson P.O. Box 7, Holbrook, NE 68948 Nebraska products Peanut brittle, salsa, hand
Ehrke company lotion, sm. fruit cake, pickled
lpeppers and coffee soda.
12118/2008 John Donald Rigazio 170 Swans Road, Barnighton, NH Out-of-state constituent Book - National Politics Is
03825 Everybody's Business by john
D. Rigazio, promotional by
12/18/2008 Patrick Gottsch 6904 Lafayette Avenye, Omaha, NE Constituent Lapel pin, pen and key chain,
68132~1057 attenance at event.
12/19/2008 Nebraska Republican Party 1610 N Steet, Lincoln, NE 68508 Political Complimentary ticket to -
Holiday Reception honoring
Mark Quandahl ($50),
12/19/2008 Governor Martin O'Malley Maryland State House, Annapolis, Governor Christmas ornament, received
Marvland 21401 bvrnail.
12/19/2008 Bailey Lauerman 12480 Street, #900, Lincoln, NE Advertising business Door hangars, received by mail.
12/19/2008 Pfizer, % Jim McClurg 601 W. Comhusker Hwy, Lincoln, Pharmeceutical Picture frame, pen, notepad,
NE company tape measure, koozie cup,
nanerweizht & kevchain.
attendance at event.
12/20/2008 Sampson Construction Company 6402 Judson Street, Lincoln, NE Construction company Poinsettia plant, delivered to
68507 Residence.
12/22/2008 Dr. Rolando A. Flores, Department Head University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE University Department Box of cheeses (4 squares),
& Director, The Food Processing Center delivered to office.

12/22/2008 Paul and Deb Eurek Address not available Constituents Bottle of wine, delivered to
12/22/2008 NET, % Ron Hull 1800 No. 33rd, Lincoln, NE 68503 Media Mail DVD - promotional, received by
o 2008 Amended Governor Gift List

Date of Name of Donor Address of Donor Occupation/Nature of Circumstances/Occasion for Value

Gift Business of Donor Which Gift was Given Category
12/23/2008 Paul and Linda Younes 6 21 st Avenue Plaza, Kearney, NE Constituent Harry and David Basket,
68845-4245 received by mail.
12/24/2008 Simon Wiesenthal Center, % Rabbi International Hdqtrs, 1399 South Jewish human rights Energy Alternative Menorah A
Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean Roxbury Drive, Los Angeles, CA organization with candles, received by mail.
12/24/2008 John and Cindy Dinkel 2206 Koenigstein Avenue, Norfolk, Constituents Set of glasses (4), delivered to
NE68701-3515 Residence.
12/28/2008 Governor Bobby Jindal State of Louisana, 1001 Capitol Governor Christmas ornament, received
Access Road, Batron Rouge, LA by mail.
12/29/2008 Dean Hiegert, MC Industries 3601 West 29th Street, Topeka, KS Constituent Husker Jacket, received by mail
66614 at Residence.

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