What Does Whistle Blowing Have To Do With Ethics?
What Does Whistle Blowing Have To Do With Ethics?
What Does Whistle Blowing Have To Do With Ethics?
Whistle blowing means calling attention to wrongdoing that is occurring within an organization. The
Government Accountability Project lists four ways to blow the whistle:
Of course, whistle blowing goes on in the private sector, where some of the most famous figures include
former Enron Vice President Sherron Watkins and tobacco executive Jeffrey Wigand. But because
government, by its very nature, is supposed to be open and transparent, full disclosure of unethical or illegal
behavior in the public sphere is particularly important. Not all of the problems in the public sphere are,
however, generated within the government organization; outside vendors, contractors, and individuals can
participate in and even breed government corruption.
Create a policy about reporting illegal or unethical practices, which should include:
Clear communications about the process of voicing concerns, such as a specific chain of
command, or the identification of a specific person to handle complaints
Get endorsement of the policy from top officialsmayor, manager, councilmembers, boardsand
publicize the organizations commitment to the process. Elected and administrative leadership must
encourage ethical behavior and hold everyone within the organization to the highest standards,
including the disclosure of activities that would have a negative impact on the publics business.
Investigate and follow up promptly on all allegations of misconduct. Report on these investigations
to the council or board.